Spelling suggestions: "subject:"best hedging"" "subject:"beta hedging""
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Were they or weren't they? A study of possible sedentariness using faunal indicators at a coastal Thom's Creek site (38ch1693)Alford, Lauren Lowrey 06 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Site 38CH1693 is a coastal site located in Charleston County, South Carolina. Thom’s Creek ceramics place the site in the Late Archaic/Early Woodland Period and radiocarbon dating corroborates this, placing the features present between 3650 and 3950 BP. Faunal analysis was undertaken to assess seasonality in order to understand the occupations that occurred at the site. Faunal seasonality, botanical seasonality, and sedentariness indicators are used to determine the sedentariness of the site. The presence of certain marine fish species is one of the most important seasonality indicators used. It is determined from the available evidence that at least one short-duration, year-round occupation is represented by the materials recovered at 38CH1693. Site 38CH1693 does not fit into the current Late Archaic settlement pattern models for the coast, calling for a reevaluation of these settlement pattern models and the sedentary sites within them.
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Quantitative evolutionary analysis of the life cycle of social amoebaeDubravcic, Darja 15 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Social amoebae are eukaryotic organisms that inhabit soil of almost every climate zone. They are remarkable for their switch from unicellularity to multicellularity as an adaptation to starvation. When starved, millions of single cells aggregate and form a multicellular fruiting body, which contains reproductive spore cells and dead stalk cells, which help in spore dispersion. This costly behavior made social amoebae a model system for addressing major questions of the evolution of cooperation and multicellularity. In this study we look at three different aspects of social amoebae behavior; aggregation, non-aggregation and competition, and ask how they contribute to our understanding of cooperation in social amoebae and microbial systems in general.We explored the known but neglected observation that, upon starvation, not all cells aggregate and engage in multicellular development. We describe phenotypically and genetically non-aggregating cell proportion in D. discoideum species. Both aggregating and non-aggregating strategy are costly or beneficial depending on duration of starvation. With our computational model we propose that partitioning the population into unicellular and multicellular states is adaptive in fluctuating environments with unpredicted duration of starvation periods. Social amoebae may therefore lie at the intersection of cooperation and bet-hedging. In the second part, we provide a new framework for addressing the contrasting observations of high genetic diversity in natural populations of social amoebae and experimentally suggested low diversity-high relatedness required for cooperation. We propose that complex life cycle of social amoebae provides multiple competition points that can possibly play an important role in maintaining diversity and cooperation. We explore this experimentally and computationally by looking at competition over the whole life cycle between 6 natural isolates of D. discoideum. Our simulation model indicates that competition at different stages of the life cycle can lead to exclusion of "social winners". Though we failed to explain strain coexistence. Although preliminary, our results emphasize the importance of integrating species ecology in cooperative studies.Finally, we focus on a new aggregation dynamics in P. pallidum species observed in our lab. Aggregation is a population level process during which population gets divided into numerous subpopulations/aggregates that face selection independently. Such population partitioning can have strong evolutionary consequences on cooperation that have not yet been explored experimentally. We describe the population dynamics qualitatively and propose several quantitative measurements of population partitioning into aggregates. Our preliminary results suggest that there is a preference for aggregates of certain size, but there is no spatial organization of aggregates.
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Influence de la variabilité climatique, de l’abondance de proies, de la densité-dépendance et de l'hétérogénéité individuelle chez des prédateurs supérieurs longévifs : de l’individu à la population / Influences of climatic variability, prey abundance, density-dependence, and individual heterogeneity in long-lived top predators : from individual to populationPacoureau, Nathan 26 October 2018 (has links)
Une question fondamentale en écologie des populations est l’identification des facteurs influençant la dynamique d’une population. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer quelles sont les réponses démographiques et populationnelles de prédateurs marins supérieurs face aux fluctuations d’abondance de leurs proies, aux variations climatiques, à la densité-dépendance tout en tenant compte de l’hétérogénéité inter et intra-individuelle (âge, expérience, sexe, qualité ou stratégie). Pour ce faire, nous nous baserons sur l’analyse de suivis à long-terme individuels et populationnels d’oiseaux marins longévifs et prédateurs apicaux phylogénétiquement très proches dans deux biomes contrastés : le labbe de McCormick Catharacta maccormicki sur l’archipel de Pointe Géologie en Antarctique et le labbe subantarctique Catharacta lonnbergi sur l’archipel des Kerguelen en milieu subantarctique. Nous tirerons parti d’estimations d’abondances de leurs proies respectives : le manchot Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae et le manchot empereur Aptenodytes forsteri en Antarctique, et le pétrel bleu Halobaena caerulea et le prion de Belcher Pachyptila belcheri à Kerguelen. Ces jeux de données offrent une opportunité unique de pouvoir déterminer et quantifier simultanément les différentes sources de variabilité dans les changements de taille de populations naturelles occupant l’un des niveaux trophiques les plus élevés des réseaux alimentaires antarctiques et subantarctiques. Nous avons mis en évidence de la variation dans plusieurs traits vitaux des deux populations influencées par les performances des individus et de l’hétérogénéité individuelle latente. Nous discutons des mécanismes par lesquels la variabilité climatique, l’abondance de proie et la densité de population peuvent affecter différentiellement les différentes classes d’âges de chaque trait vital, et les conséquences potentielles de futurs changements environnementaux. / A fundamental endeavor in population ecology is to identify the drivers of population dynamics. The main objective of this thesis is to determine what are the demographic and population responses of superior marine predators to the fluctuations of their prey abundance, to climatic variations, to density-dependence while taking into account inter and intra individual heterogeneity (age, experience, sex, quality or strategy). To do this, we analysed long-term individual and population-based monitoring of long-lived seabirds and phylogenetically close apical predators in two contrasting biomes: the south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki at Pointe Géologie archipelago, Antarctica, and the brown skua Catharacta lonnbergi on the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Archipelago. We will use direct abundance of their respective prey: Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae and emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri in Antarctica, and the blue petrel Halobaena caerulea and the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri prion in Kerguelen islands. These datasets provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously disentangle and quantify the different sources of variability driving variation in natural populations occupying one of the highest trophic levels of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic food webs. We found variation in several vital traits of both populations influenced by individual performance and latent individual heterogeneity. We discuss the mechanisms by which climatic variability, prey abundance, and population density can differentially affect the different age classes of each age class, and the potential consequences of future environmental changes.
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Adventivní odnožování krátkověkých rostlin v přírodních populacích / Adventitious sprouting of short-lived plants in natural populationsMALÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Disturbance is one of most important selective factor causing removal of plant biomass. Man-made habitats are characterized by strong and unpredictable disturbances, providing bare soil surface colonized by plants with short life cycle. Populations of the short-lived plants are, however, vulnerable to the strong disturbance removing all stem parts with reserve axillary meristems in the case it occurs before plant flowering and fruiting. Nevertheless, 2 % of annual and 14 % of biennial plants are able to overcome meristem limitation by adventititous sprouting from hypocotyle or/and roots. This thesis is composed of four original studies describing the occurrence of adventitious sprouting in natural populations of 22 monocarpic weeds of Central Europe and one species in Indonesia. The studied phenomenon was analyzed in relation to various environmental factors and plant traits in the field and in experimental conditions.
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Seed Polymorphism and Domestication in the Lost Crop <i>Chenopodium berlandieri</i>Williams, Daniel R. 14 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Adaption an Nestprädation bei der Mönchsgrasmücke / Adaptations to nest predation in the blackcapSchaefer, Thomas 25 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Variation de l'épigénome, du phénotype et des stratégies écologiques pour la persistance d'un vertébré asexuéLeung, Christelle 11 1900 (has links)
La capacité à répondre aux changements environnementaux est cruciale pour l’établissement et la persistance des populations dans un système hétérogène. Les processus sous-jacents à cette capacité peuvent prendre différentes formes. La grande diversité génétique (et phénotypique) découlant de la reproduction sexuée est un des processus permettant à une population de répondre aux différentes conditions environnementales par la survie d’au moins quelques individus. D’autre part, les processus épigénétiques, en permettant la modification du patron d’expression des gènes, contribuent également à la variation phénotypique. Ces variations peuvent survenir accidentellement (épimutations) ou en réponse à un stimulus environnemental (plasticité). Les processus épigénétiques représenteraient ainsi une alternative à la variation génétique pouvant expliquer le succès écologique des organismes génétiquement identiques. Toutefois, les génotypes ne répondent pas tous de la même façon aux conditions environnementales ; certains génotypes sont considérés comme généralistes et peuvent s’acclimater à une vaste gamme de conditions environnementales alors que d’autres sont plutôt spécialistes et restreints à un type d’environnement donné.
L’objectif général de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence certains des processus responsables de la persistance des organismes asexués en déterminant les relations entre la variation épigénétique, la variation phénotypique et les stratégies écologiques. Pour ce faire, des hybrides asexués Chrosomus eos-neogaeus, un poisson à reproduction clonale, ont servi de modèle biologique. Se reproduisant par gynogenèse, les lignées clonales (génotypes) doivent faire face aux mêmes variations environnementales que les espèces parentales sexuées. De plus, la répartition géographique de chacune des lignées suggère la présence de génotypes généralistes et spécialistes. L’analyse de ces lignées en milieux naturels et en milieux contrôlés a permis de décortiquer l’influence des variations génétique, environnementale et épigénétique sur la variation phénotypique.
Dans un premier temps, les modèles de stratégies généraliste et spécialiste ont été testés de manière empirique : (i) des analyses génétiques ont permis d’inférer les processus historiques expliquant la diversité et la répartition actuelle des lignées clonales ; (ii) l’analyse du patron de
méthylation de différentes lignées a permis de déterminer l’importance relative des sources de variations épigénétiques selon les fluctuations environnementales et de les associer à une stratégie écologique : une importante influence de l’environnement ou une plus grande stochasticité dans l’établissement des marques épigénétiques étant associées à la plasticité phénotypique ou au bet-hedging, respectivement ; et (iii) le rôle de la plasticité phénotypique dans la diversification de niches écologiques a été souligné par la comparaison de la variation de la morphologie trophique en milieux naturels et contrôlés. D’autre part, le second volet de cette thèse a permis d’associer un coût (détection d’une instabilité développementale) à la plasticité phénotypique et d’élaborer une hypothèse sur l’existence d’un handicap démographique nécessaire afin d’expliquer la situation contre-intuitive concernant la coexistence des organismes gynogènes et de leurs hôtes sexués.
La compréhension des différents mécanismes sous-jacents au succès écologique des organismes face aux variations environnementales permet ainsi une meilleure évaluation de leur potentiel évolutif et fournit des outils supplémentaires pour leur protection face à un environnement changeant. / The capacity to cope with environmental changes is crucial to the establishment and persistence of populations. The processes underlying such a capacity can take different forms. The high genetic (and phenotypic) diversity arising from sexual reproduction is one process that allows to cope with different environmental conditions through the survival of at least a few individuals. On the other hand, epigenetic processes, allowing the modification of gene expression, are also responsible for phenotypic variation. Epigenetic changes may occur accidentally (epimutations) or in response to an environmental stimulus (plasticity). Thus, epigenetics would represent an alternative process to genetic variation to explain the ecological success of genetically identical organisms. However, genotypes are not equally capable of coping with environmental changes. Some genotypes are generalists and can acclimatize to a wide range of environmental conditions, whereas other genotypes are specialized and restricted to narrow environmental conditions.
The general objective of this thesis is to highlight the processes responsible for the persistence of asexual organisms by determining the relationship between epigenetic processes, phenotypic variation and ecological strategies. To achieve this, the clonal hybrid fish Chrosomus eos-neogaeus were used as a biological model. By reproducing by gynogenesis, the clonal lineages (genotypes) are distributed among the same environments than the sexual parental species. Moreover, the geographical distribution of the lineages suggests the presence of generalist and specialist genotypes. The analysis of these lineages in natural and controlled conditions allowed to disentangling the influence of genetic, environmental and epigenetic variations on phenotypic variation.
On the one hand, generalist and specialist strategies were empirically tested: (i) genetic analyses were used to infer the historical processes explaining the diversity and the current distribution of the clonal lineages; (ii) the comparison of methylation patterns in different lineages allowed to determine the dynamism of the epigenetic processes according to environmental fluctuations and to associate them with an ecological strategy: an important environmental or stochastic effect on epigenetic variation being associated with phenotypic
plasticity or bet-hedging, respectively; and (iii) the role of phenotypic plasticity in niches diversification was highlighted by comparing individuals’ trophic morphology in natural and controlled conditions. On the other hand, the second part of this thesis has allowed to associate a cost (developmental instability) to phenotypic plasticity and to propose a hypothesis about the existence of a demographic handicap necessary to explain the paradox regarding the coexistence of sexual and asexual sperm-dependent organisms.
Understanding these different mechanisms underlying the ecological success of organisms in face of environmental heterogeneity allows us to better establish their evolutionary potential and provides additional tools to protect them against changing environments.
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