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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att outsourca eller inte outsourca, det är frågan : En analys av Försvarsmaktens bevaknings- och säkerhetsverksamhet.

Andersson, Max January 2016 (has links)
In the 1990s the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) adopted the concept of outsourcing for the provision of certain services. With an increasing amount of services being outsourced to civilian companies, there is little research regarding which types of services are being outsourced by SAF, and how it´s motivated. One service being partially outsourced is the guarding of military bases throughout Sweden. With an on-going debate by researchers on the concept of military outsourcing in expeditionary forces, this study takes a domestic view of outsourcing. This thesis seeks to investigate the concept of military outsourcing, applied to the case of base guards in Sweden. The analysis proves that several reasons or justifications for outsourcing base guarding are presented by those responsible for security in Swedish military units. The analysis also concludes that guard services is viewed different between headquarter level and regimental level. Although considered not a core activity, due to high interdependence with core activities and the requirement for firm-specific competence regimental representatives show more reluctance towards outsourcing guard services.

När världen växer och den traditionella utrikesjournalistiken krymper : om USA-bevakning med fokus på Los Angeles

Bergfeldt, Matilda, Albinsson, Mathilde January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Debattens sakfrågor glöms bort när tidningarna utser vinnare och förlorare : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet under fem decennier gestaltat TV-sända partiledardebatter

Arborelius, Gustaf, Ekman, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Den här studiens syfte var att undersöka hur den sista TV-sända partiledardebatten innan valdagen gestaltades i Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet. Vi har undersökt om politiken gestaltades som spel eller sakfråga, hur gestaltningen förändrats över tid och vilka faktorer som avgjort vilken gestaltningsform som dominerat. En slutdebatt per decennium från 70-talet och framåt har genomgått en kvalitativ textanalys. Åren är 1976, 1982, 1991, 2002 och 2010.    Den kvalitativa textanalysen kompletterades med dels en kvantitativ studie som redovisar hur många gånger olika karaktäristiska drag från spelgestaltning förekommer i tidningarna, och dels en tillbakablick på de olika valrörelserna för att sätta analysen i en historisk kontext.    Studiens slutsats var att vilken gestaltning som dominerar i tidningarna beror på flera olika saker. En jämnare valrörelse skapar mer artiklar om vinnare och förlorare och ger mer spelgestaltning. Om slutdebatten är lugn och saklig kommer tidningarnas bevakning också vara det. Gestaltningen av politiken som spel har inte ökat med tiden. För Aftonbladet har den varierat kraftigt från år till år och för Svenska Dagbladet har den snarare minskat.

Något gammalt, något nytt, något lånat… : Viral marknadsföring ur ett dynamiskt perspektiv

Mihic, Antonija, Cacan, Sijana January 2011 (has links)
Viral marknadsföring har på senare tid blivit allt mer uppmärksammat då många har insett fördelar med att kommunicera sitt varumärke via sociala medier. Idag kan ett budskap spridas oerhört snabbt via olika kommunikationskanaler och därmed skapa en "snackis", vilket naturligtvis är ett önskvärt läge för företagen. Det innebär dock inte att denna spridning är lätt att uppnå. För att ett innehåll ska bli viralt måste det helt enkelt förtjänas. Termen "viral marknadsföring" och därmed dess användning kan upplevas som tvetydig då några anser att det är möjligt att i förväg utforma en viral kampanj medan andra menar att det aldrig i förväg går att veta om någonting kommer att bli viralt eller ej. Idag flyter även vår fysiska yta samman med den digitala vilket skapar en dynamisk miljö som företag är verksamma inom och som vidare leder till att det krävs ett nytt förhållningssätt för att kunna möta denna dynamik. Vi har i undersökningen valt att med hjälp av sense, seize och transform ur ramverket Dynamic Capabilities skapa en ökad förståelse och bidra med ett nytt förhållningssätt till denna dynamik inom den virala marknadsföringen.

Har det offentliga rummets utformning en påverkan på samhällets trygghet? : En studie som undersöker vilka planeringsideal som appliceras i dagens stadsplanering för att skapa ett tryggt samhälle. / Does the design of the public space have an impact on the safety of society? : A study that examines which planning ideals are applied in today's urban planning to create a safe society.

Güngör, Nur, Nordgren, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Vår studie syftar till att ge en bredare förståelse över hur stor betydelse utformningen av det offentliga rummet har i förhållande till invånarnas trygghet. Vi avser att belysa stadsplanerarnas perspektiv i planeringen av omgestaltningar av två befintliga områden i Malmö. Studien går med andra ord ut på att analysera hur stadsplanerare i Malmö planerar två olika områden för att de ska gå från otrygga till trygga. Vi talar även om definitionen av begreppet trygghet samt hur stor betydelse medborgarnas trygghet har för att bostadsområden ska bli attraktiva. I studien undersöker vi detta fenomen med hjälp av dokumentanalyser av planprogram. Vi har analyserat ett planprogram över Kroksbäck och Holma samt ett planprogram över Amiralsgatan och station Persborg. Valet av dessa områdena föll på att det är områden som redan upplevs som otrygga och utsatta områden. Av den anledningen lämpar det sig att analysera områdenas planerade omgestaltning via planprogrammen. För att ge en bredare uppfattning av trygghetsaspekten och hur platsen ser ut och upplevs idag valde vi även att göra platsanalyser av vardera plats. Platsanalysera avser att ge en mer personlig uppfattning av hur vi författare upplever platsen utifrån trygghetsperspektivet. I analyserna läggs det största fokuset på hur den fysiska miljön är utformad och hur det påverkar upplevelsen av trygghet och otrygghet. I vår slutsats beräknar vi att kunna ge ett mer konkret svar på hur utformningen av den fysiska miljön kan påverka tryggheten med hjälp och vägledning av tidigare forskning av författare som bland annat Jane Jacobs (2005). / The aim of our study is to provide a broader understanding of how important the design of the public space is in relation to the safety of the inhabitants. We intend to shed light on the city planners perspective in the planning of redevelopments of two existing districts in Malmö. In other words, the paper examines how city planners in Malmö plan two different areas so that they go from unsafe to safe. We also discuss the definition of the concept of safety and how important the safety of citizens is for residential areas to become attractive. In the study, we investigate this phenomenon by analyzing planning programs over each district. We analyzed a planprogram over Kroksbäck and Holma as well as a planprogram over Amiralsgatan and station Persborg. The choice of these areas was due to the fact that they are two areas that today are perceived as unsafe and vulnerable areas. For this reason, it is appropriate to analyze how the sites are planned to reshape according to the plan programs. To give a broader view of the safety aspect and how the place looks and is experienced today, we also chose to make site analyzes of each place. The site analyzes are intended to give a more personal idea of how the authors experience the site based on the safety aspect. The object of study is used to discuss how design can affect the safety in public spaces. In conclusion, we expect to be able to give a more concrete answer to how the design of the physical environment can affect security with the help and guidance through previous research by authors such as Jane Jacobs (2005).

Har det offentliga rummets utformning en påverkan på samhällets trygghet? : En studie som undersöker vilka planeringsideal som appliceras i dagens stadsplanering för att skapa ett tryggt samhälle / Does the design of the public space have an impacton the safety of society? : A study that examines which planning ideals are applied in today's urbanplanning to create a safe society.

nordgren, elsa, Güngör, nur January 2022 (has links)
The aim of our study is to provide a broader understanding of how important the design of the public space is in relation to the safety of the inhabitants. We intend to shed light on the city planners perspective in the planning of redevelopments of two existing districts in Malmö. In other words, the paper examines how city planners in Malmö plan two different areas so that they go from unsafe to safe. We also discuss the definition of the concept of safety and how important the safety of citizens is for residential areas to become attractive. In the study, we investigate this phenomenon by analyzing planning programs over each district. We analyzed a planprogram over Kroksbäck and Holma as well as a planprogram over Amiralsgatan and station Persborg. The choice of these areas was due to the fact that they are two areas that today are perceived as unsafe and vulnerable areas. For this reason, it is appropriate to analyze how the sites are planned to reshape according to the plan programs. To give a broader view of the safety aspect and how the place looks and is experienced today, we also chose to make site analyzes of each place. The site analyzes are intended to give a more personal idea of how the authors experience the site based on the safety aspect. The object of study is used to discuss how design can affect the safety in public spaces. In conclusion, we expect to be able to give a more concrete answer to how the design of the physical environment can affect security with the help and guidance through previous research by authors such as Jane Jacobs (2005).

"För det är ju ändå vi som har makten" : En studie om barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolans dokumentation / "Because we have the power anyway" : A study about children’s influence and participation in preschool documentation

Sundberg, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
I think how easy it is that a society is normalised by surveillance and those in power positions that we today are used to almost always being watched. Furthermore I believe this is also seen in the preschool. The purpose of the study is to investigate recording and documenting in the preschool and in which contexts this limits children’s influence and participation. I will focus on photographing, filming and texts written about the children. I take on the adults’ perspective where I examine the power relations between pedagogues and children. The questions I raise are: In which context is children’s influence and participation limited in documentation? How can the power positions between children and pedagogues be viewed? My theoretical perspective is based on Michel Foucaults thoughts of power and surveillance. I chose a qualitative method for my study. I did interviews with five pedagogues that told me about what they think about children’s influence and participation in preschool documentation, routines and how they work in the setting. The result shows that children’s integrity in preschool documentation is forgotten due to two different matters: lack of time and habits/norms, which effect children’s influence and participation.

Superlokalt i Strömsund : En studie av hyperlokala medier från ett medietekniskt perspektiv / Super locally in Strömsund : A study of hyperlocal media from a technological perspective

Nyberg, Robin, Nordin, Tor January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie är sprungen ur en diskussion gällande ett informationsvakuum på den svenska landsbygden. Hyperlokala medier har uppmärksammats som ett fenomen vilket fyller informationsluckor i närsamhället. Studien undersöker genom sju intervjuer hur hyperlokala mediekanaler används av medieaktörer i landsbygdsområden. Resultaten visar att medieaktörer är osäkra på hur de ska förhålla sig till ett förändrat medieklimat när förutsättningarna för informationsspridning har förändrats. Hyperlokala medier som begrepp är fortfarande okänt för medieaktörerna, men däremot används hyperlokala mediekanaler i en stor utsträckning. Det är framförallt nya medieaktörer som anammat möjligheterna med hyperlokala mediekanaler, men sociala plattformar som Facebook har blivit en effektiv hyperlokal informations- och publiceringskanal för samtliga medieaktörer. / This study originated in a discussion regarding an information vacuum in the Swedish countryside. The phenomenon hyperlocal media has been recognized to fill information gaps in the local community. The study examines through seven interviews how hyperlocal media channels are being used by media companies in rural areas. Results show that the media companies are unsure of how to react to a changing media climate where the conditions for the dissemination of information has changed. Hyperlocal media channels are used but the linguistic definition is still unknown for the media companies. It is above all new media companies who embraced the potential of hyperlocal media channels, although social platforms like Facebook have become an effective hyperlocal information and publishing channel for all media companies.

Behovsanpassad bevakning / Customer-oriented security services

Bernin, Carl, Christenson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>The market for security is one filled with great opportunities. The security services companies are numerous and diverse, the Swedish market is dominated by two large companies: Securitas Bevakning AB and Falck Security AB. In this study we have focused on the bigger of the two, Securitas. </p><p>This report describes and analysis the security service branch and its surroundings in an involved manner. The target group of the result is mainly people within the security branch. However, by making a wide theoretical description the person unacquainted with the business will be able to understand the concept of this interesting trade. Further, those who are familiar with this field will be enabled to broaden their minds. The aim with this project is to create a foundation upon which Securitas can further continue their work. We have not presented any direct solutions, instead we have displayed concrete problems and presented guidelines for further exploration. </p><p>The purpose of the investigation is to discover how modern technology can improve today’s guard services. Moreover, the aim is to show how a change of attitude needs to be present while developing future security services. This change can also be applied to other security services than the time-sharing guarding. </p><p>The methodology used to meet our goals was a qualitative investigation based on interviews and literary studies. In order to form a robust overview of the study area the objects were carefully selected according to set preferences. These were, among others, which function the object has in society, how long they have been customers with Securitas and what kind of business they run. </p><p>In the discussion and analysis four important areas is to be taken into consideration: The change of the market, the adaptation of the service to the needs of the customer, the adaptation of technology, and the assertion to the customer of the profound effects following these amendments. These four areas represent the foundation for the presented model. </p><p>A solid cooperation between the customer and the supplier of the security service is vital. In contemporary society the customers have become more specialised and thereby the delivering company must aim to meet the increasing demands expected of this specialised service. Therefore the demand on the competence of the guard is getting higher. Another conclusion is also that one should introduce a quality measurement system that together with a statistical basis makes reporting and the analysing of the effects of the guarding easier to the customer. </p><p>Technology is the most important corner stone in an effective alarm system. The time for an emergency call response must be reduced. Further qualities that the customer demands are that the security companies possess good knowledge of the object and its surroundings. The effectiveness in the guarding rounds and the learning time for a new object can be reduced by multimedia teaching aids. </p><p>The customer satisfaction is not likely to be long term if they cannot see the results and high quality that they ask for. This is why it will be very important to measure, calculate and point out what both the guard and the security company can contribute with to please the customer. To enhance the dialogue the guard will be presenting solutions rather than static reports, and an acting counsellor strengthen the feeling of professionalism. Any change from the customers that affects the actual risk picture has to be identified promptly by the security service company.</p>

Behovsanpassad bevakning / Customer-oriented security services

Bernin, Carl, Christenson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The market for security is one filled with great opportunities. The security services companies are numerous and diverse, the Swedish market is dominated by two large companies: Securitas Bevakning AB and Falck Security AB. In this study we have focused on the bigger of the two, Securitas. This report describes and analysis the security service branch and its surroundings in an involved manner. The target group of the result is mainly people within the security branch. However, by making a wide theoretical description the person unacquainted with the business will be able to understand the concept of this interesting trade. Further, those who are familiar with this field will be enabled to broaden their minds. The aim with this project is to create a foundation upon which Securitas can further continue their work. We have not presented any direct solutions, instead we have displayed concrete problems and presented guidelines for further exploration. The purpose of the investigation is to discover how modern technology can improve today’s guard services. Moreover, the aim is to show how a change of attitude needs to be present while developing future security services. This change can also be applied to other security services than the time-sharing guarding. The methodology used to meet our goals was a qualitative investigation based on interviews and literary studies. In order to form a robust overview of the study area the objects were carefully selected according to set preferences. These were, among others, which function the object has in society, how long they have been customers with Securitas and what kind of business they run. In the discussion and analysis four important areas is to be taken into consideration: The change of the market, the adaptation of the service to the needs of the customer, the adaptation of technology, and the assertion to the customer of the profound effects following these amendments. These four areas represent the foundation for the presented model. A solid cooperation between the customer and the supplier of the security service is vital. In contemporary society the customers have become more specialised and thereby the delivering company must aim to meet the increasing demands expected of this specialised service. Therefore the demand on the competence of the guard is getting higher. Another conclusion is also that one should introduce a quality measurement system that together with a statistical basis makes reporting and the analysing of the effects of the guarding easier to the customer. Technology is the most important corner stone in an effective alarm system. The time for an emergency call response must be reduced. Further qualities that the customer demands are that the security companies possess good knowledge of the object and its surroundings. The effectiveness in the guarding rounds and the learning time for a new object can be reduced by multimedia teaching aids. The customer satisfaction is not likely to be long term if they cannot see the results and high quality that they ask for. This is why it will be very important to measure, calculate and point out what both the guard and the security company can contribute with to please the customer. To enhance the dialogue the guard will be presenting solutions rather than static reports, and an acting counsellor strengthen the feeling of professionalism. Any change from the customers that affects the actual risk picture has to be identified promptly by the security service company.

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