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Modelo de aplicación de herramientas 5s, mantenimiento autónomo, distribución de planta y automatización para aumentar la capacidad productiva en una PYME del sector bebidas / Proposal to reduce production times in the filling process through the application of 5S tools, autonomous maintenance, plant distribution and automation in a water bottling SMERamírez Flores, Johan Giuliano, Torres Jacome, Rebeca Abigail 26 January 2021 (has links)
Los altos tiempos productivos de los procesos ha llevado a que los costos de producción dentro de una empresa se incrementen. Debido a ello, muchos autores propusieron el uso de distintas herramientas que puedan solucionar este problema. Este trabajo de investigación propone el uso de las herramientas de mantenimiento autónomo, 5´s, distribución de planta y la automatización para mejorar el proceso de llenado de una empresa de agua embotellada. El objetivo de esta investigación es reducir los tiempos del proceso de llenado mediante la reducción de los tiempos improductivos y el ordenamiento del puesto del trabajador. Se han aplicado varios métodos para encontrar y seleccionar las mejores herramientas que puedan solucionar las causas que ocasionan este problema. De esta manera, se logró diseñar una solución que abarque todas las causas que ocasionan este problema. Al finalizar la implementación en el programa Arena, se pudo aumentar el OEE en un 54.21%, reducir el índice de productos entregados fuera de tiempo en un 37.54% y aumentar la eficiencia de la máquina en un 19.16%. / The high productive times of the processes have led to the production costs within a company to increase. Due to this, many authors proposed the use of different tools that can solve this problem. This research work proposes the use of autonomous maintenance tools, 5's, plant distribution and automation to improve the filling process of a bottled water company. The objective of this research is to reduce the times of the filling process by reducing unproductive times and organizing the worker's position. Various methods have been applied to find and select the best tools that can fix the root causes of this problem. In this way, it was possible to design a solution that covers all the causes that cause this problem. Upon completion of the implementation in the Arena program, it was possible to increase OEE by 54.21%, reduce the rate of products delivered out of time by 37.54% and increase the efficiency of the machine by 19.16%. / Trabajo de investigación
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Specification and estimation of the price responsiveness of alcohol demand: a policy analytic perspectiveDevaraj, Srikant 13 January 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Accurate estimation of alcohol price elasticity is important for policy analysis – e.g.., determining optimal taxes and projecting revenues generated from proposed tax changes. Several approaches to specifying and estimating the price elasticity of demand for alcohol can be found in the literature. There are two keys to policy-relevant specification and estimation of alcohol price elasticity. First, the underlying demand model should take account of alcohol consumption decisions at the extensive margin – i.e., individuals' decisions to drink or not – because the price of alcohol may impact the drinking initiation decision and one's decision to drink is likely to be structurally different from how much they drink if they decide to do so (the intensive margin). Secondly, the modeling of alcohol demand elasticity should yield both theoretical and empirical results that are causally interpretable.
The elasticity estimates obtained from the existing two-part model takes into account the extensive margin, but are not causally interpretable. The elasticity estimates obtained using aggregate-level models, however, are causally interpretable, but do not explicitly take into account the extensive margin. There currently exists no specification and estimation method for alcohol price elasticity that both accommodates the extensive margin and is causally interpretable. I explore additional sources of bias in the extant approaches to elasticity specification and estimation: 1) the use of logged (vs. nominal) alcohol prices; and 2) implementation of unnecessarily restrictive assumptions underlying the conventional two-part model. I propose a new approach to elasticity specification and estimation that covers the two key requirements for policy relevance and remedies all such biases. I find evidence of substantial divergence between the new and extant methods using both simulated and the real data. Such differences are profound when placed in the context of alcohol tax revenue generation.
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Öl- och Vinturism på Gotland : En kvalitativ studie om marknadsföringen av ölbryggerier och vingårdar i sociala medier på GotlandBendixen Söderqvist, Ellen, Andersson, Linda, Lasu, Liv January 2022 (has links)
In this study beer breweries and vineyards have been studied. The purpose of the study is to illuminate how beer breweries and vineyards on Gotland market themselves on social media and how they address the Swedish law “Alkohollag (2010:1622): 7 kap. Marknadsföring av alkoholdrycker och alkoholdrycksliknande preparat”. In this study a content analysis was made on four Gotlandic businesses, two vineyards and two breweries. In the content analysis 184 posts, from the different businesses, on both Instagram and Facebook were analyzed based on a coding schedule with eight different subjects. Five semi structured interviews with the Gotlandic businesses were also made. The result showed that all breweries and vineyards are marketing themselves differently and are variously active on social media. It is also shown that there is a difference between the big businesses and the smaller ones on how they address the Swedish law. The bigger businesses have more resources on the marketing side than the smaller ones which may be a result of how they address the law. / I denna studie har ölbryggerier och vingård på Gotland studerats. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur ölbryggerier och vingårdar på Gotland marknadsför sig på sociala medier och hur de förhåller sig till “Alkohollag (2010:1622): 7 kap. Marknadsföring av alkoholdrycker och alkoholdrycksliknande preparat”. I studien genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där fyra gotländska företag analyserades, två vingårdar och två ölbryggerier. I innehållsanalysen analyserades 184 inlägg på företagens Instagram och Facebook. Inläggen analyserades utifrån ett kodningsschema med åtta olika teman, även fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med de gotländska företagen genomfördes. Resultat visade att alla bryggerier och vingårdar marknadsför sig på olika sätt och är olika aktiva på sociala medier. Det finns en skillnad mellan de stora företagen och de mindre på hur de förhåller sig till alkohollagen 7 kap då de större företagen har fler resurser att marknadsföra sig med än de andra företagen.
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<strong>Effects of reducing added sugar in sugar-sweetened sodas on sweet taste perception </strong>Vinicius Mendanha Valicente (15360424) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>The prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes has increased worldwide over the last decades. Sugar-sweetened beverages are especially problematic in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Although the proportion of Americans consuming SSB regularly has been steadily declining, added sugar intake still remains above recommendations by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and World Health Organization. However, alternatives to SSB exist on the market. For many years, the primary alternatives to SSB were low-calorie sweetened beverages, with sweetness replacers such as aspartame or sucralose. In recent years, options that are less sweet or unsweetened (instead of alternatively sweetened) have become increasingly available. These less-sweet beverages are available in similar packaging and at similar cost as SSB. Thus, these less-sweet beverages may be ideal options to reduce added sugar in the diet. However, few studies have tested switching consumers from SSB to less-sweet beverages (rather than low-calorie sweetened beverages or plain water), and thus the acceptability and implications of this dietary change are minimally documented. In this work, we tested less sweet soda-like beverages and unsweetened sparkling waters for potential to replace SSB. First, we showed that small reductions in sweetness in cola-flavored sodas are noticeable to individuals, meaning that any switch from SSB to less-sweet options will likely need to be overt to the consumer. Next, we conducted a 12-week intervention with adolescents, which showed that replacing SSBs with unsweetened sparkling waters leads to increased liking of less-sweet sodas and shifts in the ideal level of sweetness towards lower sugar concentrations. Building on these results, our final study shows that even just 2 weeks is enough time to induce these changes in acceptance of less sweetness in sodas, if a consumer prefers the higher concentrations of sugar at the beginning of the intervention (a “sweet liker”). Future studies are needed to evaluate how replacing SSB with less sweet options, leading to shifts in sweetness preference, might influence overall diet and risks for diet-related chronic diseases.</p>
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Impacto de la percepción multisensorial en la satisfacción. Propuesta de innovación aplicable a la industria de bebidas.Corona Cabrera, Alba Violeta 10 October 2024 (has links)
[ES] Disciplinas como la mercadotecnia, la psicología y la economía se han enfocado durante décadas en el estudio de la percepción del consumidor. Hoy se sabe que la percepción es el resultado de factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que no dependen únicamente del producto o servicio que protagoniza la experiencia de compra, sino que también influyen variables relacionadas con el propio consumidor y con el contexto que lo rodea. En lo que respecta a las bebidas, la atención juega un papel fundamental en el pronóstico hedónico, en la percepción y en su consecuente satisfacción, que es la propulsora de la lealtad de marca.
Durante la etapa de atención, los sentidos constituyen los canales que transmiten la información de los factores intrínsecos de las bebidas: sabor, aroma, color, textura y sonido, se integran para comunicar una percepción holística del producto. Sin embargo, elementos como el diseño de la botella, el tipo de vaso en que se consume la bebida, la temperatura a la que se sirve y la ambientación del centro de consumo, igualmente forman parte de la evaluación que de esa bebida se realice y del aprendizaje positivo o negativo derivado.
Las contribuciones que hasta ahora han realizado los investigadores sobre el impacto de los factores extrínsecos e intrínsecos de los productos y servicios, por lo general han analizado las variables de manera independiente. Sin embargo, existen pocos modelos que demuestren cómo dichas variables se agrupan en factores y cómo dichos factores interactúan entre sí para construir la satisfacción del consumidor de bebidas alcohólicas.
Esta tesis pretende cerrar esa brecha del conocimiento e indagar cuáles son los constructos relacionados con el consumo de bebidas y, más específicamente, cómo la innovación percibida, los atributos intrínsecos y los atributos extrínsecos afectan la satisfacción y la lealtad del consumidor de cerveza, vino y bebidas espirituosas.
El estudio experimental incluido en esta tesis fue realizado en México y explora la percepción multisensorial de las bebidas considerando la experiencia que los participantes han tenido con la bebida alcohólica que consumen con mayor frecuencia. De este modo, es posible detectar cuáles son los atributos que poseen las bebidas que ya han generado lealtad en los consumidores. Los resultados se han analizado con métodos estadísticos descriptivos y multivariados, a fin de examinar el efecto simultáneo de las variables incluidas en el modelo propuesto.
La investigación desarrollada confirma la complejidad de la percepción multisensorial de una bebida alcohólica, así como su influencia en la lealtad. Por lo tanto, la contribución más relevante del presente trabajo es la aportación de un modelo de satisfacción aplicable al sector de bebidas alcohólicas en México, mismo que se encuentra fundamentado en una minuciosa revisión del estado del arte y que será de gran utilidad para promover la innovación de todos los actores involucrados en la cadena de valor de la industria del vino, la cerveza y las bebidas espirituosas. / [CA] Disciplines com el màrqueting, la psicologia i l'economia, s'han enfocat durant dècades en l'estudi de la percepció del consumidor. Avui se sap que la percepció és el resultat de factors intrínsecs i extrínsecs que no depenen únicament del producte o servei que protagonitza l'experiència de compra, sinó que també influeixen variables relacionades amb el mateix consumidor i amb el context que l'envolta. Pel que fa a les begudes, l'atenció juga un paper fonamental en l'expectativa, en la percepció i en la seua conseqüent satisfacció, que és la propulsora de la lleialtat de marca.
Durant l'etapa d'atenció, els sentits constitueixen els canals que transmeten la informació dels factors intrínsecs de les begudes: sabor, aroma, color, textura i so, s'integren per a comunicar una percepció holística del producte. No obstant això, elements com el disseny de l'ampolla, el tipus de got en què es consumeix la beguda, la temperatura a la qual se serveix i l'ambientació del centre de consum, igualment formen part de l'avaluació que d'aquesta beguda es realitze i de l'aprenentatge positiu o negatiu derivat.
Les contribucions que fins ara han fet els investigadors sobre l'impacte dels factors extrínsecs i intrínsecs dels productes i serveis, en general han analitzat les variables de manera independent. No obstant això, existeixen pocs models que demostren com aquestes variables s'agrupen en factors i com aquests factors interactuen entre si per a construir la satisfacció del consumidor de begudes alcohòliques.
Aquesta tesi pretén tancar aquesta bretxa del coneixement i indagar en quins són els constructes relacionats amb el consum de begudes, i més específicament, com la innovació percebuda, els atributs intrínsecs i els atributs extrínsecs, afecten la satisfacció i la lleialtat del consumidor de cervesa, vi i begudes espirituoses.
L'estudi experimental inclòs en aquesta tesi va ser fet a Mèxic i explora la percepció multisensorial de les begudes considerant l'experiència que els participants han tingut amb la beguda alcohòlica que consumeixen amb major freqüència. D'aquesta manera, és possible detectar quins són els atributs que posseeixen les begudes que ja han generat lleialtat en els consumidors. Els resultats s'han analitzat amb mètodes estadístics descriptius i multivariants, a fi d'examinar l'efecte simultani de les variables incloses en el model proposat.
La recerca desenvolupada confirma la complexitat de la percepció multisensorial d'una beguda alcohòlica, així com la seua influència en la lleialtat. Per tant, la contribució més rellevant del present treball és l'aportació d'un model de satisfacció aplicable al sector de begudes alcohòliques a Mèxic, mateix que es troba fonamentat en una minuciosa revisió de l'estat de l'art i que sens dubte serà de gran utilitat per a promoure la innovació de tots els actors involucrats en la cadena de valor de la indústria del vi, la cervesa i les begudes espirituoses. / [EN] For decades, disciplines such as marketing, psychology and economics have focused on the study of consumer perception. It is now known that perception is the result of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that depend not only on the product or service that is the protagonist of the shopping experience, but also on variables related to the consumer and the surrounding context. For beverages, attention plays a key role in hedonic forecasting, perception and subsequent satisfaction, which is the driver of brand loyalty.
During the attention stage, the senses are the channels that convey information about the intrinsic factors of beverages: taste, aroma, colour, texture and sound are integrated to convey a holistic perception of the product. However, elements such as the design of the bottle, the type of glass in which the drink is consumed, the temperature at which it is served, and the ambience of the consumption centre are also part of the evaluation of the drink and the positive or negative learning derived from it.
Previous contributions by researchers on the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic factors of products and services have generally analysed the variables independently. However, there are few models that show how these variables are grouped into factors and how these factors interact to construct consumer satisfaction with beverage alcohol.
This thesis aims to fill this knowledge gap by investigating which constructs are related to beverage consumption and, more specifically, how perceived innovativeness, intrinsic attributes and extrinsic attributes affect consumer satisfaction and loyalty for beer, wine and spirits.
The experimental study included in this thesis was conducted in Mexico and explores the multisensory perception of beverages, taking into account the experiences that participants have had with the alcoholic beverage they consume most frequently. In this way, it is possible to identify the attributes of beverages that have already generated consumer loyalty. The results were analysed using descriptive and multivariate statistical methods in order to examine the simultaneous effect of the variables included in the proposed model.
The developed research confirms the complexity of the multisensory perception of an alcoholic beverage and its influence on loyalty. Therefore, the most important contribution of the present work is the contribution of a satisfaction model applicable to the alcoholic beverage sector in Mexico, based on a thorough review of the state of the art, which will undoubtedly be of great use in promoting innovation among all actors involved in the value chain of the wine, beer and spirits industry. / Corona Cabrera, AV. (2024). Impacto de la percepción multisensorial en la satisfacción. Propuesta de innovación aplicable a la industria de bebidas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/209810
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The Importance of Authenticity of Atmospheric Theming to Revisit Intention of Food and Beverage Venues in Theme ParksO'Dell, Billy Ray 05 1900 (has links)
Atmospheric theming is the use of the sensory experience in connection to a theme. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of atmospherics with theming and their effects on customer behavior in food and beverage operations of a theme park. The official research questions developed for this study include: Does the impact of the authenticity of atmospheric theming influence an effect on revisit intention? Does the type of theme (land's theme or venue's theme) influence the effect of visitor revisit intention? These questions guided the current research in previously non-evaluated fields of study. This study used the Mehrabian–Russel (M-R) model to create a new research model. In the current study, atmospheric theming was the stimuli, emotional value was the emotional response, and visitor revisit intentions was the behavioral intention. Restaurant image was added to the model to obtain a cognitive reason.The results from the multiple regression indicated that all hypotheses were accepted. Restaurant image had a positive influence on both authenticity variables, and both authenticity variables had a positive influence on emotional value. Finally, emotional value was found to have a positive influence on revisit intention. These results indicated that atmospheric theming influenced revisit intention through emotional value. Furthermore, the results indicated that when it comes to the different types of themes within a venue, as indicated in the second research question, the venue's theme has a stronger influence on the emotional value than the land's theme.
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Spatio-temporal analyses of the distribution of alcohol outlets in CaliforniaLi, Li January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The objective of this research is to examine the development of the California alcohol outlets over time and the relationship between neighborhood characteristics and densities of the alcohol outlets. Two types of advanced analyses were done after the usual preliminary description of data. Firstly, fixed and random effects linear regression were used for the county panel data across time (1945-2010) with a dummy variable added to capture the change in law regarding limitations on alcohol outlets density. Secondly, a Bayesian spatio-temporal Poisson regression of the census tract panel data was conducted to capture recent availability of population characteristics affecting outlet density. The spatial Conditional Autoregressive model was embedded in the Poisson regression to detect spatial dependency of unexplained variance of alcohol outlet density. The results show that the alcohol outlets density reduced under the limitation law over time. However, it was no more effective in reducing the growth of alcohol outlets after the limitation was modified to be more restrictive. Poorer, higher vacancy rate and lower percentage of Black neighborhoods tend to have higher alcohol outlet density (numbers of alcohol outlets to population ratio) for both on-sale general and off-sale general. Other characteristics like percentage of Hispanics, percentage of Asians, percentage of younger population and median income of adjacency neighbors were associated with densities of on-sale general and off sale general alcohol outlets. Some regions like the San Francisco Bay area and the Greater Los Angeles area have more alcohol outlets than the predictions of neighborhood characteristics included in the model.
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Microbiota and mycotoxins in traditional beer of the greater Kimberley area and associated brewing and consumption practicesIkalafeng, Bridget Keromamang January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2008 / The purpose of this study was to evaluate brewing and consumption practices and to screen for micro-organisms and mycotoxins associated with traditional beer produced and consumed in the marginal urban settlements of the city of Kimberley in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The survey study revealed that traditional beer is no longer being brewed for traditional purposes only, as was the case in the past, but rather for commercial gain. Both brewers and consumers, however, appeared to be largely unaware of disease-causing micro-organisms present on the hands or bodies of handlers that can be transferred to the beverage during the handling process, and were seemingly not conversant with regard to the effects of hazardous ingredients sometimes incorporated during the brewing process. Unemployment and a lack of education emerged as pivotal factors related to the production of traditional beer and the ignorance of the associated safety thereof. The survey further indicated that although facilities such as the availability of potable water (taps in yards) and flushing toilets were sometimes in place, other facilities such as basins with hot running water were often not available.
In commercially produced and homebrewed traditional beer the mean counts for total coliforms and Staphylococcus spp. were circa 105 cfu.ml-1 whereas the TVC (Total Viable Counts) and total fungi counts were 106 and 107 cfu.ml-1 respectively. The total coliforms and Staphylococcus spp. counts for homebrewed traditional beer were approximately one log-phase higher than the commercial version. The counts in the homebrewed beer probably originated from contamination during handling, while in the commercial product contamination originated either in the raw ingredients or during postprocessing and consumption. Apart from staphylococci, considerable numbers of total coliforms indicating faecal contamination were noted. A rapid, easy, reliable and accurate technique that could be used to quantify the level of mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol and citrinin) in the beer was developed through validation of the ELISA Ridascreen methodology. Using this method, the deoxynivalenol (DON) level in the beer samples was found to exceed the recommended levels suggested by the European Union, while citrinin levels in the samples varied between 35.6 ppb and 942.2 ppb. In the case of citrinin there were statistically significant differences between spring, summer and winter samples, confirming the seasonal impact on fungal growth and consequent mycotoxin production. An R2-value of 0.409 was noted between DON and citrinin, indicating a weak positive association.
Finally, an awareness programme in the format of a poster with accompanying subscripts was developed to address issues of safety and hygiene of traditional beer in the study area. The poster utilises animatedstyle colour images of selected practices that need to be addressed, accompanied by slogans summarising the particular image in English, Afrikaans and Setswana. It is envisaged that, as part of a comprehensive awareness programme, the poster will contribute greatly to the quality, safety and promotion of traditional beer in the area.
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Indigenous plants in the Limpopo province : potential for their commercial beverage productionRampedi, Isaac Tebogo 12 1900 (has links)
South Africa has over 19 500 different indigenous plant species. Most of these are of ethnobotanical significance and are still used by local rural communities as medicine, food and for making beverages. The relatively little research that has been conducted on indigenous plant species has focused mainly on their medicinal potential. However, in view of the rapidly growing size of the global and local beverage industry and their constant search for new products, beverage-making indigenous plant species may have commercial development potential. To date, no detailed studies have been conducted on these plants, especially in the species-rich Limpopo province. The aim of this study was, therefore to evaluate the potential of indigenous plants for commercial beverage production. In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted in the Limpopo province to identify beverage-making plants and to document beverage preparation methods. Selected beverages were analysed and evaluated for their nutrient and sensory characteristics and a market product acceptability survey was conducted to identify those beverages with the greatest potential for development.
Sixty three different beverage-plant species were identified in three study areas within the Limpopo province. These were used for the preparation of teas, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Plants that received further research attention were selected on the basis of their status as indigenous plants, frequency of use, nature of harvesting methods and availability. Some of the selected beverages were found to be rich in nutrients, especially with respect to vitamin C and mineral content. Furthermore, sensory analyses and market surveys indicated that four species, namely, Doyvalis caffra, Garcinia livingstonei, Grewia flavescens and Englerophytum magalismontanum have potential for further development for the beverage industry while Athrixia phylicoides has commercialisation potential as a herbal tea.
However, further research is required to improve and refine preparation methods and to ensure compliance with quality standards. The availability of sufficient plant material for the industry must also be ensured. This research has indicated that South African indigenous plants have untapped market potential for the beverage industry which, if developed sustainably, could contribute to economic growth of the rural parts of South Africa. / Environmental Sciences / D. Ed. (Environmental Management)
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Indigenous plants in the Limpopo province : potential for their commercial beverage productionRampedi, Isaac Tebogo 12 1900 (has links)
South Africa has over 19 500 different indigenous plant species. Most of these are of ethnobotanical significance and are still used by local rural communities as medicine, food and for making beverages. The relatively little research that has been conducted on indigenous plant species has focused mainly on their medicinal potential. However, in view of the rapidly growing size of the global and local beverage industry and their constant search for new products, beverage-making indigenous plant species may have commercial development potential. To date, no detailed studies have been conducted on these plants, especially in the species-rich Limpopo province. The aim of this study was, therefore to evaluate the potential of indigenous plants for commercial beverage production. In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted in the Limpopo province to identify beverage-making plants and to document beverage preparation methods. Selected beverages were analysed and evaluated for their nutrient and sensory characteristics and a market product acceptability survey was conducted to identify those beverages with the greatest potential for development.
Sixty three different beverage-plant species were identified in three study areas within the Limpopo province. These were used for the preparation of teas, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Plants that received further research attention were selected on the basis of their status as indigenous plants, frequency of use, nature of harvesting methods and availability. Some of the selected beverages were found to be rich in nutrients, especially with respect to vitamin C and mineral content. Furthermore, sensory analyses and market surveys indicated that four species, namely, Doyvalis caffra, Garcinia livingstonei, Grewia flavescens and Englerophytum magalismontanum have potential for further development for the beverage industry while Athrixia phylicoides has commercialisation potential as a herbal tea.
However, further research is required to improve and refine preparation methods and to ensure compliance with quality standards. The availability of sufficient plant material for the industry must also be ensured. This research has indicated that South African indigenous plants have untapped market potential for the beverage industry which, if developed sustainably, could contribute to economic growth of the rural parts of South Africa. / Environmental Sciences / D. Ed. (Environmental Management)
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