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Teor de isoflavonas e capacidade antioxidante de bebidas à base de soja / Isoflavone contents and antioxidant capacity of soy beveragesKátia Rau de Almeida Callou 21 May 2009 (has links)
A soja é a principal fonte de isoflavonas, tendo sido associada a efeitos benéficos à saúde humana, incluindo a redução do risco de câncer, de doenças cardiovasculares, osteoporose e melhora dos sintomas da menopausa. A população brasileira não consome soja tão habitualmente quanto os países asiáticos e, nesse contexto, as bebidas de soja poderiam ser uma forma de incluir essas substâncias bioativas na dieta ocidental. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliem o teor de isoflavonas desses produtos são escassos na literatura, o que justifica o presente trabalho. Amostras de doze marcas comercialmente disponíveis de bebidas de soja (n = 65), incluindo os produtos elaborados com isolado protéico de soja ou extrato de soja e acrescidos de sucos de fruta e/ou ingredientes aromatizantes, foram analisadas quanto ao teor e perfil de isoflavonas, utilizando-se a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A capacidade antioxidante foi mensurada pelo método de sequestro de radicais livres do DPPH e o teor de fenólicos totais pelo método do Folin-Ciocalteau. Os valores da concentração total de isoflavonas e o teor de fenólicos totais mostraram uma grande variação entre as diversas marcas de bebidas de soja, variando de 0,7 a 4,9 mg isoflavonas/200 mL e de 6 a 146 mg equivalentes de catequina/200 mL para as bebidas contendo sucos de fruta. Bebidas de soja de sabor original ou chocolate apresentaram variação do teor de isoflavona de 4 a 13 mg/200 mL e fenólicos totais variando de 38 a 155 mg equivalentes de catequina/200 mL. O teor protéico variou de 0,8 a 6 g/200 mL e mostrou-se positivamente correlacionado ao teor de isoflavonas das amostras. As formas predominantes de isoflavonas, nos produtos analisados, foram os β- glicosídeos. Os resultados mostraram que o teor e perfil de isoflavonas, assim como os valores de fenólicos totais das bebidas de soja dependem das condições de processamento e que a atividade antioxidante variou significantemente entre os produtos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o consumo de uma porção de 300 mL de bebida de soja sabor natural poderia resultar em uma ingestão de 20 mg de isoflavonas, o equivalente a ingestão diária Koreana, indicando que as bebidas de soja poderiam representar fontes importantes de isoflavonas para a nossa dieta. Além disso, o teor de isoflavonas solúveis das bebidas de soja diminui com o decorrer do armazenamento associado à redução da solubilidade da proteína de soja. O perfil de isoflavonas e a capacidade antioxidante das bebidas também são alterados. / Soybean is the most important source of isoflavones, which have been associated with beneficial effects in humans, including prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and relief of menopausal symptoms. Soybean consumption in Brazil is not as significant as in Asian countries and in this context, soy beverages could be a way to include these bioactive substances in ocidental diet. However, studies about isoflavone content in these products are scarce, which accounts for the present work. Samples of 12 different brands of commercially available soy milk drinks (n = 65), including products made from isolated soy protein and soymilk mixed with fruit juices and/or containing flavoring ingredients were analysed for their isoflavone content and profile using highperformance liquid chromatography. The antioxidant activity was measured using 2.2- diphenil-1-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) free radical method and the total phenolics was determined by Folin-Ciocalteau method. There was a large variation in total isoflavone concentration and total phenolics content among the different brands of soy milks ranging from 0.7 to 4.9 mg isoflavones/200 mL and 6 to 146 mg equivalents of catechin/200 mL of soymilk mixed with fruit juice. For natural or chocolate soy beverages, the isoflavone content varied from 4 to13 mg/200 mL and the total phenolics ranged from 38 to155 mg equivalent of catequina/200 mL. Levels of protein ranged from 0.8 to 6.0 g/200 mL, these values were associated positively with isoflavone content from samples. The β-glycosides were the predominant form of the isoflavones in the products analyzed. The results showed that total isoflavone, phenolic contents and isoflavone profile of soy beverages depends on processing conditions. Also the antioxidant activity varied significantly among products. The results obtained show that the consumption of 300 mL of soy beverage natural flavor would result in an intake of around 20 mg isoflavone, very similar to the Korean daily intake, indicating that soy beverages could represent important sources of isoflavones in our diet. Furthermore, the soluble isoflavone content of soy beverage decreases with the storage time associated with a reduction of the solubility of soy protein. The profile of isoflavones and antioxidant capacity of beverages are also altered.
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Optimizacija tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje funkcionalnog fermentisanog mlečnog napitka / Optimisation of functional fermented dairy beverage technologyIličić Mirela 26 May 2010 (has links)
<p>U okviru doktorske disertacije ispitana je mogućnost proizvodnje<br />fermentisanog mlečnog napitka uz primenu različitih vrsta i koncentracija<br />nekonvencionalnog startera čajne gljive: a) nativnog inokuluma-I<br />(10% i 15%) b) koncentrovanog mikrofiltracijom - MFI (10% i 15%) i c)<br />koncentrovanog uparavanjem - UPI (1,5%, 3,0%, 10% i 15%). Varijante<br />fermentisanog mlečnog napitka dobijene su korišćenjem mleka sa 0,9%<br />i 2,2% mlečne masti. Za poboljšanje fizičko-hemijskih i teksturalnih<br />karakteristika proizvoda u mleko pre inokulacije dodato je 0,02% enzima<br />transglutaminaze (aktiviran na 40°C, a posle 2 sata je inaktiviran na<br />80°C, 1 minut). Fermentacija mleka (pri temperaturi 42°C) uz korišćenje<br />inokuluma čajne gljive praćena je do postizanja pH vrednosti 4,5.<br />Nakon proizvodnje analizirana je nutritivna vrednost fermentisanih<br />mlečnih napitaka: sadržaj masti, proteina, laktoze, galaktoze, glukoze,<br />fruktoze, mlečne i sirćetne kiseline, etanola, vitamina (B1, B2, B6 i<br />C), minerala (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn) i masnih kiselina. Sadržaj<br />odabranih komponenata u napicima praćen je tokom 10 dana skladištenja.<br />Fizičko-hemijske osobine (kiselost, sinerezis i sposobnost vezivanja<br />vode), teksturalne karakteristike (čvrstoća, konzistencija, kohezivnost i<br />indeks viskoziteta) i viskozitet uzoraka praćeni su nakon proizvodnje i<br />posle 10 dana skladištenja. Ukupan broj bakterija sirćetne kiseline (BSK)<br />i kvasaca u fermentisanim napicima analiziran je nakon proizvodnje i<br />tokom skladištenja. Varijante fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka senzorno<br />su ocenjene nakon proizvodnje.<br />Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja utvrđeno je da fermentacija mleka<br />uz primenu nekonvencionalnog startera čajne gljive predstavlja složen<br />biohemijski proces pri čemu fermentacija traje od 9 do 12 sati i prosečno<br />je dva puta duža od fermentacije mleka u proizvodnji probiotskog i<br />tradicionalnog jogurta. Sadržaj laktoze tokom fermentacije mleka manji<br />je prosečno za 19,6% u odnosu na sadržaj laktoze u mleku. Uzorci<br />proizvedeni sa nativnim inokulumom uz primenu transglutaminaze i<br />koncentrata proteina surutke imaju za 15% niži sadržaj laktoze, a uzorak<br />15% I za 2% niži sadržaj u odnosu na uzorak 10% I. Uzorci proizvedeni<br />sa 10% MFI i 15% MFI imaju za 11%, odnosno 21% niži sadržaj laktoze<br />nakon proizvodnje u poređenju sa odgovarajućim uzorcima proizvedenim<br />uz primenu nativnog inokuluma. Sniženje sadržaja laktoze je<br />praćeno povećanjem sadržaja galaktoze i L-mlečne kiseline u svim uzorcima.<br />D-mlečna kiselina, sirćetna kiselina i etanol zastupljeni su u veoma<br />malim koncentracijama.<br />Imajući u vidu značaj vitamina C u ishrani i količinu detektovanu<br />u fermentisanom mlečnom napitku, konzumiranjem 500 g napitka<br />dobijenog primenom čajne gljive mogu da se zadovolje dnevne potrebe<br />za vitaminom C.<br />Tokom proizvodnje fermentisanih napitaka sadržaj vitamina B1<br />poraste za 5,09%, vitamina B2 za 2,65% i B6 za 2,03% u odnosu na<br />mleko. U fermentisanom mlečnom napitku iz mleka sa 2,2% masti<br />sadržaj vitamina B6 je povećan 24,76% u odnosu na sadržaj u polaznom<br />mleku. Fermentisani mlečni napici proizvedeni primenom čajne<br />gljive iz mleka sa 0,9% i 2,2% masti sa dodatkom 10% inokuluma<br />čajne gljive sadrže najviše vitamina B2 koji iznosi 108 (μg/100g), odnosno<br />136 (μg/100g). Mikrobiološki sastav napitaka se razlikuje u zavisnosti<br />od vrste i sastava korišćenog inokuluma. Najveći broj BSK<br />(4,5 · 104ćelija/mL) i kvasaca (9 · 104 ćelija/mL) je u uzorku 10% MFI,<br />dok je manji u napitku 10% I (BSK: kvasci= 4,05 · 104: 4,5 · 104).<br />Dodatkom transglutaminaze u minimalnoj koncentraciji od<br />0,02% postižu se znatno bolje fizičko-hemijske i reološke karakteristike<br />fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka dobijenih iz mleka sa 0,9% masti.<br />Generalno posmatrano, korišćenjem 10% nativnog inokuluma za<br />proizvodnju napitaka iz mleka sa 0,9% i 2,2% masti dobijaju se proizvodi<br />optimalnih hemijskih, mikrobioloških i senzornih karakteristika.<br />Funkcionalni fermentisani mlečni napici proizvedeni uz primenu različitih<br />vrsta i koncentracija čajne gljive su proizvodi visoke nutritivne<br />vrednosti namenjeni različitim kategorijama potrošača.</p> / <p> The possibility of fermented milk beverages manufacture<br /> by applying non-convenctional starter culture - tea fungus<br /> inoculum: a) natural inoculum (10% and 15%); b) concentrated<br /> by microfiltration (10% i 15%); c) concentrated by evaporation<br /> (1.5% and 3.0%) have been investigated. All fermented milk samples<br /> were produced from milk of 0.9% and 2.2 % fat content.<br /> Improvement of rheological properties of low fat fermented milk<br /> products by addition of enzyme transglutaminase (TG) was<br /> achieved. Transglutaminase (Activa MP, Ajinomoto Co. Inc.,<br /> Hamburg, Germany) was activated in milk at 40°C for 2 hours,<br /> then it was inactivated by high temperature (80°C for 1 minute)<br /> prior to fermentation. After cooling to optimal temperature<br /> (42°C), chosen starter culture was added in milk. In all cases<br /> fermentation stopped when the pH=4.5 was reached.<br /> Nutritive characteristics of samples: content of proteins,<br /> lactose, galactose, glucose, fructose, lactic and acetic acid, ethanol,<br /> vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and C), minerals (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Pb,<br /> Cd, Cu, Zn) and total fatty acids content were analysed after<br /> production. Selected components were determined after 10 days<br /> of storage. Physico-chemical characteristics (acidity, syneresis,<br /> water-holding capacity), textural characteristics (firmness,<br /> consistency, cohessivnes, and index of viscosity) and viscosity<br /> were measured at 5°C after production and during 10 days of<br /> storage.<br /> On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded<br /> that milk fermentation lasted from 9 to 12 hours and is two times<br /> longer compared to fermentation during probiotic and traditional<br /> yoghurt production. Lactose content decreased during fermentation<br /> for 19.6% compared to milk. Higher transformation of lactose<br /> was determined in samples produced by using microfiltration<br /> inoculum. Decreasing of lactose content affected the increased<br /> galactose and L-lactic acid content. Content of D-lactic acid,<br /> acetic acid and ethanol were detected in low concentrations. High<br /> concentration of ascorbic acid in beverage contributed that 500 g<br /> fermented milk beverage could fullfill recommended daily intake<br /> for vitamin C. Sample produced from milk of 2.2% fat content<br /> using 10% natural inoculum contained the highest concentration<br /> of vitamin B2 – 136 (μg/100g).<br /> The highest total cell count of acetic acid bacteria was<br /> 4.5 · 104 cfu/ml and yeasts 9 · 104 cfu/ml in samples produced by<br /> using 10% microfiltrated inoculum. Sample produced from milk<br /> of 0.9% fat content by applying 10% natural inoculum had also<br /> high number of acetic acid bacteria and yeasts in ratio 4.05 · 104 :<br /> 4.5 · 104.<br /> The sample having tea fungus concentrated inoculum<br /> and transglutaminase had the best textural characteristics. Fermented<br /> dairy beverages produced by 0.02% TG application had<br /> much better textural characteristics than those without TG.<br /> Generaly, fermented dairy drinks produced from milk of<br /> 0.9 and 2.2% fat content with addition of natural inoculum in<br /> concentration of 10% showed optimal sensory, nutritive and rheological<br /> characteristics.<br /> Therefore, fermented dairy drinks produced with tea<br /> fungus inoculum could be classified as high valuable functional<br /> food intended for all consumer categories.</p>
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Desarrollo de un sistema de identificación reprogramable de paletas en una línea de producción orientado a la educación de costos del proceso de trazabilidad mediante un dispositivo IoT en una embotelladora de la ciudad de Lima / Development of a reprogrammable identification system for pallets in a production line aimed at reducing the costs of the traceability process using an IoT device in a bottling plant in the city of LimaGarcilazo Zuloeta, Kevin Cesar, Lamarque Zela, Jorge Luis 13 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo propone el desarrollo de un sistema de identificación de trazabilidad de paletas dentro de un almacén de una compañía embotelladora de bebidas en la ciudad de Lima. El uso de dispositivos IOT forma parte de la solución planteada para establecer parámetros de medición los cuales son el eje fundamental para determinar la distancia entre los equipos de etiquetado e identificación. Los parámetros serán usados en redes de área personal (WPAN) para establecer umbrales que pueden variar por la tecnología a emplear de Wifi en la banda de 2.4Ghz por el indicador de fuerza de la señal recibida (RSSI). El problema actual que presenta la compañía es un consumo de materiales no reutilizables dedicados a la identificación de paletas. El método de etiquetado actual produce un consumo anual de 1440 Kg de papel por cada línea de producción de las 11 que dispone la planta. El proceso de trazabilidad propuesto sigue los fundamentos del sistema de localización en tiempo real (RTLS) para sistemas de posicionamiento en interiores (IPS) el cual identificará los puntos clave para establecer la correcta comunicación entre los dispositivos de etiquetado e identificación. El dispositivo de etiquetado almacenara un código numérico que representa la etiqueta del proceso actual cuyos valores contienen información codificada del producto empaquetado sobre las paletas. Durante el proceso planteado los dispositivos de etiquetado harán uso de los dispositivos de identificación para determinar y enviar un conjunto de valores al sistema de monitoreo central para ser registrados, analizados y visualizados. En términos generales la solución propuesta tiene como objetivo reducir en más de un 80% el tiempo de identificación y más de un 60% el coste de mantenimiento del sistema de identificación de paletas. / The current job proposes the development of a pallet identification and traceability system within a warehouse of a beverage bottling company in the city of Lima. The use of IoT devices is part of the solution proposed to establish measurement parameters which are the fundamental axis to determine the distance between the labeling and identification equipment. The parameters will be used in personal area networks (WPAN) to establish thresholds that may vary by the technology to be used from Wi-Fi in the 2.4Ghz band by the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). The current problem of the company presents a consumption of non-reusable materials dedicated to the identification of pallets. The current labeling method produces an annual consumption of 1440 kg of paper for each production line of the 11 that the plant has. The proposed traceability process follows the fundamentals of the real-time location system (RTLS) for indoor positioning systems (IPS) which will identify the key points to establish the correct communication between the labeling and identification devices. The labeling device will store a numerical code that represents the current process label whose values contain encoded information of the packaged product on the pallets. During the proposed process, the labeling devices will make use of the identification devices to determine and send a set of values to the central monitoring system to be recorded, analyzed and visualized. In general terms, the proposed solution aims to reduce by 80% the palette identification time and by 60% the cost of maintenance of the identification system. / Tesis
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Modelo operativo para mejorar la eficiencia de una PYME embotelladora de agua basado en SMED y Mantenimiento Autónomo / Operating model to improve the efficiency of a water bottling company based on SMED and Autonomous MaintenanceVasquez Cordova, Eli Joel, Amoretti Guillen, Renzo Fernando 26 February 2021 (has links)
El consumo de aguas envasadas ha experimentado un gran aumento desde el 2013. La industria del agua embotellada, actualmente, está presente en la mayoría de las principales ciudades del país, es un producto de consumo masivo e indispensable para las actividades diarias de la población. De tal manera, en el Perú las plantas de tratamiento de agua en el sector de Pyme presentan una baja eficiencia operacional en sus líneas de producción. Este problema genera incumplimientos en las entregas de los pedidos, lo cual representa pérdidas económicas que bordea alrededor de un 15% de sus ventas anuales, esto se debe a que se incurre en tiempos improductivos y la falta de mantenimiento necesarios. Por lo tanto, este estudio desarrolló un modelo que permitirá aumentar la eficiencia en planta mediante la aplicación de la herramienta SMED y mantenimiento autónomo que reducirá tiempos de set up y averías respectivamente. El modelo propuesto tiene como objetivo reducir los tiempos de set up hasta en un 36%, mientras que para el tiempo de paradas por averías hasta un 60%, alcanzando así un porcentaje superior al 80% de eficiencia en planta (OEE). / The consumption of bottled water has experienced a great increase since 2013. The bottled water industry, currently, is present in most of the main cities of the country, it is a product of massive consumption and indispensable for the daily activities of the population. Thus, in Peru, water treatment plants in the SME sector have low operational efficiency in their production lines. This problem generates defaults in the deliveries of the orders, which represents economic losses that border around 15% of their annual sales, this is due to the fact that they incur in downtime and the lack of necessary maintenance. Therefore, this study developed a model that will increase plant efficiency through the application of the SMED tool and autonomous maintenance that will reduce set-up times and breakdowns, respectively. The proposed model aims to reduce set up times by up to 36%, while for breakdown time by up to 60%, thus reaching a percentage greater than 80% in-plant efficiency (OEE). / Trabajo de investigación
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The Landscape of Food and Beverage Advertising to Children and Adolescents on Canadian TelevisionPinto, Adena 05 November 2020 (has links)
Background: Canadian youth obesity, and comorbidities, have paralleled trends in consuming nutrient-poor foods marketed by the food industry. In Canada, food marketing is largely self-regulated by the food industry under the Canadian Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CAI).
Methods: Public television programming records benchmarked the volume of food advertising targeted to preschoolers, children, adolescents, and adults on Canadian television. Food advertising rates and frequencies were compared by age group, television station, month, food category, and company, using regression modelling, chi-square tests and principal component analysis.
Results: Food advertising rates significantly differed by all independent variables. Fast food companies dominated advertising during adolescent-programming while food and beverage manufacturers dominated advertising during programming to all other age groups. CAI signatories contributed more advertising during children’s programming than non-signatories.
Conclusion: Failings of self-regulation in limiting food advertising to Canadian youth demonstrate the need for statutory restrictions to rectify youth’s obesogenic media environments and their far-reaching health effects.
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Hotel Managers' Motivational Strategies for Enhancing Employee PerformanceBarbosa-McCoy, Vanessa Lizzette 01 January 2016 (has links)
More than 600,000 employees depart the hospitality industry for a variety of reasons such as lack of motivational strategies (MS) of hotel general managers (GMs). The purpose of this multiple case study using census sampling was to explore what MS hotel GMs used to enhance employee performance. The 3 GMs of 3 full-service branded hotels with a guest capacity of 160-699 were randomly selected in South Florida. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews with the hotel GMs, employee performance evaluations, and results of guest and employee satisfaction surveys from the hotel GMs. Data analysis involved methodological triangulation to determine how motivation was captured and measured using interpreted data, verification through the member-checking process, and coding techniques such as mind mapping to identify reoccurring codes and categories. Through thematic analysis, 4 major themes emerged: workplace motivation, job satisfaction, positive performance, and social expectation. Findings from the 4 themes revealed that recognition and guest satisfaction unveiled a positive effect on employee performances and that motivation through community engagement gave employees reasons to perform well. The effectiveness of MS on employee performance was conceptualized by the expectancy theory to determine motivational triggers and the behavior engineering model to determine which MS led to improved performance. Social implications include encouraging hotel GMs to adjust and develop motivational strategies that engage employees to improve the employee-customer relationship and to increase community involvement which may promote positive social change.
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Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, ORNovie, Alexander G. 25 November 2014 (has links)
Portland, OR, is the site of a unique urban food cart phenomenon that provides opportunities for small business ownership and access points for culturally specific food for the city's foreign-born and minority populations. Known as a "foodie haven," Portland also has an active sustainable food movement with engaged citizens and support from city and regional policies aimed at significantly increasing the consumption of local food. To date, there have been no in-depth studies on the sourcing habits of Portland food cart owners and whether or not these street-level actors are involved in the area's local alternative food movements (AFNs). The current understanding of the Portland food cart phenomenon is based on studies that have focused on carts and pods located in the central business district and "inner-ring" areas of the city. Areas beyond these locations (defined as Eastern Portland) are currently home to the majority of the city's growing foreign-born and minority populations. This thesis uses a situational analysis framework to explore the food supply practices of ethnic food cart owners operating in Eastern Portland cart pods. I investigate the feasibility of purchasing locally grown ingredients for use in ethnic cuisines and the degree to which cart owners incorporate the region's prevailing locavore ethics into their everyday culinary practices. Findings from this inquiry suggest that ethnic cart owners in Eastern Portland have a range of habitus, or personal dispositions and embodied knowledge, that is reflected in how they perceive the benefits of and barriers to "buying local" and the extent (if any) that they engage with AFNs in the Portland area. I assert that ethnic food cart owners in Eastern Portland are performing multiple community roles by providing access points for culturally specific cuisines for their particular ethnic groups, while also offering exotic experiences to other residents and tourists alike. I discuss variations within the food cart phenomenon itself by highlighting the differences in design, amenities, types of access, and neighborhood customer bases of cart pods located in Eastern Portland. Finally, I discuss future research directions for understanding the dynamics of food supply chains in small-scale, direct-to-vendor relationships and the implications for local and regional food sustainability policy goals.
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Köpbeteende av energi- och funktionsdryck : Hur attityd och hälsorisker påverkar konsumtionen. / Buying behavior of energy and functional drinks : How attitude and health risks affect consumption.Blomstrand, Hanna, Lejdström, Pernilla Sofia, Johansson, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
Vår uppsats undersöker och behandlar digital marknadsföring, attityd och medvetenheten om de hälsorisker som är förenade med energi- och funktionsdrycksbranschen. Idag är konsumtionen av energi- och funktionsdryck omdiskuterad, i Sverige har flera företag aktivt valt att marknadsföra sina produkter som en funktionsdryck riktad till träning istället för den ”vanliga” energidrycken. Olika marknadsföringsstrategier används aktivt för att skapa relationer med sina konsumenter och kunder, allt vanligare blir det att företag använder sig specifikt av sociala medier. Syftet med vår undersökning är att undersöka om attityd, medvetenhet kring hälsoriskerna och graden av exponering av marknadsföringen leder till ett ökat köpbeteendet av energi- och funktionsdryck. Undersökningen utförs med hjälp av tidigare forskning, en enkätundersökning och observationer. De observationer som genomförts i undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär samt en enkätundersökning av kvantitativ karaktär. Studien utgår från teorin “The Theory of Planned Behaviour” framtagen av Ajzen 1991 som ligger till grund för vår egen analysmodell för att testa våra tre hypoteser. Utifrån vår studie kunde vi dra slutsatsen att H1: “En positiv attityd till energi- och funktionsdryck leder till ett ökat köpbeteende” förkastas medan H2: “Ju mindre medveten konsumenten är om hälsoriskerna förenade med konsumtion av energi- eller funktionsdryck, desto mer ökar köpbeteendet” och H3: “Ju mer digital marknadsföring konsumenten exponeras för, desto mer ökar köpbeteendet” accepteras. Trots att tidigare forskning påvisat att de tre oberoende variablerna har en påverkan på köpbeteendet så visade vår studie att en positiv attityd inte ökar köpbeteendet av energi- och funktionsdryck bland ungdomar och unga vuxna. / Our essay examines digital marketing, attitudes and awareness of the health risks associated with the energy drink- and functional beverage industry. Usage of energy drink and functional beverage is today a controversial topic, several Swedish companies have actively decided to promote their products as functional beverages intended to drink in training context instead of labeling it like a "regular" energy drink. The purpose of our study is to investigate whether attitudes, awareness of the health risks and the degree of exposure to marketing lead to an increased buying behavior of energy drinks and functional beverages. The survey is conducted with the help of previous research, a survey and observations. The observations form the basis for the survey and the study is based on the theory “The Theory of Planned Behavior” developed by Ajzen in 1991. From “The Theory of Planned Behavior” we have designed our own analysis model to test our three hypotheses. Based on our study, we could conclude that H1 is rejected while H2 and H3 are accepted. Although previous research has shown that the three independent variables have an impact on increased buying behavior, our study showed that a positive attitude does not increase the buying behavior of energy drinks and functional beverages among adolescents and young adults. This study is written in Swedish
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Development of a Functional Shelf Stable High Protein Dairy Beverage with Oat-beta-glucanVasquez Orejarena, Eva G. 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of Information Cues on Intentions to Visit a Green Restaurant: The Moderating Role of Social ClassLee, Hanjin 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
As the environmental problems worsen, green restaurants are an essential strategy for survival in the restaurant industry. Even though previous researchers have investigated the intention to visit a green restaurant with norm activation theory, they did not consider the characteristics of prosocial behavior and the green restaurant and the impact of other external factors, such as types of information cues and social class, was overlooked. Considering these points, the primary objectives of this study were to extend existing theory with perceived burdensomeness and social connectedness and to identify the difference in the impact of types of information cues and a moderating role of social cues. Using an experimental design with hypothetical scenarios, respondents were randomly assigned to one of two different scenarios (intrinsic cues vs. extrinsic cues). The results showed that the participants who received intrinsic cues responded lower than the participants who received extrinsic cues in the awareness of consequences, perceived burdensomeness, and social connectedness. Antecedents of personal norm in the extended norm activation theory had a positive impact on personal norm. In the case of the moderating role of social class, there were interaction effects between social class and information in every construct except perceived burdensomeness. Further discussion and implications are provided in the main body of this study.
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