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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Town and gown bikeways planning : an analysis of bicycle planning within the greater University of Texas-Austin community and the City of Austin as compared to similar college communities

Huntoon, Lee Anne 04 December 2013 (has links)
This paper will focus on the “town and gown” relationships between cities and universities and their combined planning efforts for bikeway networks. An examination of the bicycle plans, use of bicycle boulevards and bike lanes, etc. will be applied to towns known for their university populations such as Berkeley, California with the University of California and Palo Alto, California with Stanford University and how the City of Austin and the University of Texas-Austin compares in utilizing the same principles in their bicycle facilities planning efforts. / text

Enhancing the Thermal Comfort of Utilitarian Bicyclists: An Energy Budget Approach Integrating the Principles of Microclimatic Design with Bicycle Pathway Design in Ottawa, Canada

Klein, Elisabeth Faith 03 January 2013 (has links)
Thermal comfort receives little priority in the planning and design of bicycle pathways. Design tools are required to illustrate the importance of the relationship between climate and bicycling activity to improve the bicycling experience and extend the bicycling season in a cold climate. Microclimatic and bicycle pathway design principles were integrated with a COMFA model to simulate the thermal comfort of users bicycling on a proposed pathway in Ottawa, Canada. Modelling results predicted bicyclists could be thermally comfortable travelling at a steady-state speed of 16.0-19.2 km/h, but preferred to be cooler when travelling at higher speeds and warmer in colder months when standing at rest. Design implications recognized the compatibility of microclimatic and bicycle pathway design principles and demonstrated how a bioclimatic approach to designing bicycle infrastructure can encourage user thermal comfort, mitigate weather discomforts, accentuate seasonal climate conditions, and address a more inclusive combination of bicycle user design criteria.

The East Asian miracle revisited : the Taiwan-South Korea comparison based on a case study of the bicycle industry

Hsieh, Michelle Fei-yu. January 2005 (has links)
Through an in-depth case study of the bicycle industry, this dissertation examines the claims of the developmental state thesis insofar as they pertain to the facilitating of industrial transformation in Taiwan and Korea. The bicycle industry has been chosen because it has the capacity to generate forward and backward linkages to the domestic societies, a capacity that development theorists consider to be an indicator of successful industrial development. I examine the developmental state thesis by investigating how firms compete internationally in the context of state-led export development as well as the conditions that permit upgrading, that is, those that make possible the transition to higher value-added economic activities. / This dissertation makes two principal claims: First, what is understood as the East Asian model in the current state-centric literature is really only the Korean model. I contend, however, that there are, in fact, two competing paths/models of East Asian development. Moreover, I argue that existing social structures deserve attention. I argue that the differences in social structures create different relational dynamics between the state and society despite the often-emphasized "state-autonomy" factor, and that they have given rise to the different industrial structures in the two countries studied. Second, the existing state-centric literature implicitly or explicitly infers that the Korean model, in which state and large corporations work closely together, is the key for future growth for late comers. Contrary to this view, I illustrate how upgrading is possible among small- and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan under a relatively egalitarian system and a particular type of state-society relationship. The state, in this context, provides infrastructural support, which, I argue, is important for preserving horizontal cooperation among firms. This cooperation among firms encourages information and technology diffusion that flows through the economy and leads to the improvement of the social and economic well being of the whole society. On the other hand, the Korean case suggests that the power imbalance and over-dominance of an industrial structure by a few firms leads to a more predatory, vertical and dependent relationship between the large assemblers and smaller parts firms. The Korean policy of picking winners encourages the expansion of large business groups and a mass production system, which, in turn, prevent inter-firm cooperation. The system of the state-large corporation nexus has been effective in catching up in targeted sectors, but I contend that the upgrading does not cascade to other sectors. Moreover, the system has thwarted the development of entrepreneurship in the sector of small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Bicycle accidents: An analysis of the causes of single bicycle accidents in Stockholm

Nseya, Cecile January 2018 (has links)
Bicycling has many advantages. For example, it emits less noise compared to motor vehicles, it is environmentally friendly, and bicycling, as a means of transport, gives people exercise. To encourage bicycling in Sweden, the Swedish government has promoted policies and proposals on national and local levels. At the same time, several pieces of research on bicycle use in Sweden show that more people are bicycling now than 60 years ago. STRADA’s (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) reports also show that most people who are severely injured in traffic are bicyclists, and that most bicycle accidents occur in urban and metropolitan areas.   Stockholm is a European city with a growing population. At the end of 2013 the population were 897 700    and it is predicted to grow by 25 % by 2030. The municipality of Stockholm is working on investment projects for bicyclists with the aim to increase accessibility and road safety such as special road safety measures at intersections that often aim at improving road conditions for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and better maintenance of bicycle paths, both in summers and winters. Critics and different debate articles about bicyclists` safety and accessibility point out that the investments that Stockholm municipality is making are not enough for meeting the growing population, especially for bicyclists.   The aim of this study is to analyse the causes of bicycle accidents in the city of Stockholm. To help answer the research questions stated below, statistics on bicycle accidents were extracted in Excel from Strada and compiled in Excel using the Excel tool PivotTable and Analysis Tool Pak. The questions investigated in the thesis are as follows: when and where are bicyclists most likely to suffer an accident, why does the accident occur, and what causes are behind bicycle accidents at the chosen place of investigation? Five categorisations on the causes of single bicycle accidents were used and these were: operations and maintenance, road design, bicycle interactions, cyclists’ behaviour and conditions, and interaction with other road users.    In addition to the above, a semi-structural qualitative interview was conducted with bicyclists who bicycle in or along the report's area of investigation. The results of this report show that single bicycle accidents in the investigated area have increased between 2010 and 2016, and that many bicyclists are not satisfied with the bicycle infrastructure in Stockholm.

En utredning angående ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand / An investigation regarding a bicycle highway along the south beach of Vättern

Amaya Segura, Sebastian, Snarberg, Kristofer January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: För att göra det mer attraktivt att använda cykeln som transportmedel har flertalet städer uppgraderat till snabba cykelstråk. Ett snabbt cykelstråk tillåter cyklister att färdas på ett snabbt sätt på grund av utformningens kvaliteter. Flertalet undersökningar pekar på det snabba cykelstråkets inverkan att använda cykeln i större utsträckning. Målet med arbetet är utreda ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand enligt Jönköpings kommuns mål och med hänsyn till cyklisters preferenser. För att uppnå målet utformas ett förslag till hur ett snabbt cykelstråk kan se ut, målet bryts ned i tre frågeställningar:   <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="14" data-aria-posinset="1" data-aria-level="1">Hur kan ett snabbt cykelstråk bidra till att uppfylla Jönköpings kommuns mål att öka cykeltrafiken till och från centrum?  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="14" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">Vad efterfrågar cyklister vid utformningen av ett snabbt cykelstråk?  Hur kan en gynnsam utformning av ett snabbt cykelstråk se ut enligt cyklisters preferenser med hänsyn till Jönköpings kommuns förutsättningar?  Metod: För att besvara det uppsatta målet görs en fallstudie i Jönköpings kommun genom intervju och dokumentanalys. För att lokalisera cyklisters preferenser görs en surveyundersökning med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Genomgående i arbetet görs litteraturstudier för att i resultatdelen utforma ett förslag av ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand.   Resultat: Resultatet av frågeställning 1 visar att Jönköpings kommuns mål om ökad cykeltrafik i stort sett redan är uppnått. Intervjun visar cykelfrågans komplexitet och vikten av att koppla samma stadsdelar för en ökad mängd cykeltrafik.   Frågeställning 2 visar att cyklister föredrar ett sammanhängande vägnät medan fotgängare främst prioriterar säkerheten mot korsande biltrafik vad gäller utformningen av en cykelväg. Kvaliteterna som är prioriterade av cyklister och fotgängare bidrar till en ökad mängd cykeltrafik.   Frågeställning 3 visar utformningsförslag på kritiska punkter längs Vätterns södra strand efter analys av insamlad empiri och teoretiskt ramverk.   Konsekvenser: Slutsatserna kring utredningen visar att ett snabbt cykelstråk bidrar till fler cyklister på en koncentrerad plats, men att det totala antalet cyklister troligtvis inte ökar markant. Färdvägen Jönköping – Huskvarna anses ha störst potential. För att få en mer utförlig uppfattning om det snabba cykelstråkets påverkan rekommenderas att de ekonomiska aspekterna beaktas.  Begränsningar: Placeringen av det snabba cykelstråket som undersöks i arbetet är bestämd längs Vätterns södra strand, mellan Bankeryd och Huskvarna. De ekonomiska faktorerna och tekniska detaljer omfattas inte i undersökningen. / Purpose: In order to make it more attractive to use the bike as a means of transport, several cities have upgraded their bicycle tracks to bicycle highways. A bicycle highway allows cyclists to travel fast due to the qualities of the design. Several studies shows the impact of the bicycle highway considering a higher rate of bicycle usage. The aim of the thesis is to investigate a bicycle highway along the south beach of Vättern and its impact according to the objectives set by the municipality of Jönköping. A design proposal is thereafter being made, according to cyclists´ preferences and the objectives and conditions of the municipality of Jönköping, broken down into three issues:  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="1" data-aria-level="1">How can a bicycle highway contribute to Jönköping municipality’s objective of increasing bicycle traffic to and from the city centre?  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">What do cyclists demand for the design of a bicycle highway?  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">How can a favourable design of a bicycle highway look according to cyclists’ preferences in consideration of the conditions of Jönköping municipality?  Method: In order to answer the aim of the thesis, a case study is being conducted in Jönköping municipality through interview and document analysis. In order to locate cyclists’ preferences, a survey is conducted using a poll. Throughout the process, literature studies are being made in order to formulate a design proposal of a bicycle highway along the south beach of Vättern.  Findings: The result of question 1 shows that Jönköping municipality’s goal of increased bicycle traffic already has been achieved. The interview shows the complexity of the bicycle issue and the importance of connecting districts in order to increase the bicycle traffic.   Question 2 shows that cyclists prefer a cohesive road network, while pedestrians prioritize the safety against road crossing traffic in terms of the design of a cycle path. The qualities that are prioritized by the users contribute to an increased amount of the bicycle traffic.  Question 3 presents design proposals at critical places along the south beach of Vättern, where improvements should be made regarding the required standard for the bicycle highway. The improvements are results of analysis of collected empirical and theoretical framework.   Implications: The conclusion of the investigation shows that a bicycle highway contributes to more cyclists in a concentrated location, but the total amount of cyclists is unlikely to increase significantly. The route Jönköping – Huskvarna is considered to have the biggest potential. In order to get a more detailed view of the impact of the bicycle highway, the economic aspects are recommended as a main area for future studies.  Limitations: The location of the bicycle highway investigated in this report is set to the south beach of Vättern, between Bankeryd and Huskvarna. The economic factors and technical details are not included in the investigation.

Instrumento para avaliar a qualidade de sistemas cicloviários / Instrument to evaluate the quality of cycling systems

Dias, Vinícius Faria Queiroz [UNESP] 19 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-16T17:13:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-22T14:06:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-22T18:09:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-22T18:12:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-22T19:44:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T11:57:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T12:57:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T13:16:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T13:34:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T17:24:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-23T17:29:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-24T12:05:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-24T12:39:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-24T16:47:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-24T17:31:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-27T11:40:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-27T12:31:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-27T13:03:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-27T18:08:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-28T12:13:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-28T14:22:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-28T14:31:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Submitted by VINICIUS FARIA QUEIROZ DIAS null (vinifqd@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-28T14:37:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vinicius_Final.pdf: 8570616 bytes, checksum: 8582e815a47a88c2faade40427c4b944 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Minervina Teixeira Lopes null (vina_lopes@bauru.unesp.br) on 2017-11-28T15:54:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_vfq_me_bauru.pdf: 7970165 bytes, checksum: 1ad0e38197bbde10868dc27404aa9920 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-28T15:54:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_vfq_me_bauru.pdf: 7970165 bytes, checksum: 1ad0e38197bbde10868dc27404aa9920 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-19 / A bicicleta representa um modo de transporte mais sustentável além de contribuir para a melhoria da mobilidade urbana nas cidades. No entanto, muitos fatores podem influenciar positiva ou negativamente sua utilização, dentre eles destaca-se a qualidade da infraestrutura ofertada. A identificação dos elementos que podem comprometer a qualidade da infraestrutura destinada aos ciclistas permite que os gestores locais possam intervir antecipadamente e, assim, garantir maior segurança e conforto aos usuários. A partir dessa premissa, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo propor um instrumento para avaliar a qualidade de sistemas cicloviários. O instrumento foi aplicado no município de Bauru (SP), em quatro ciclovias e cinco ciclofaixas. A metodologia utilizada consistiu de realização de entrevistas aos usuários, levantamento por meio de auditoria técnica e registro fotográfico, definição do Índice de Qualidade do Sistema Cicloviário – IQSC e aplicação do instrumento. Os resultados evidenciaram que, tanto nas entrevistas quanto na auditoria técnica, aspectos relacionados às características físicas dos sistemas cicloviários foram melhor avaliados. O índice proposto é eficiente, pois permite realizar um diagnóstico de cada ciclovia e ciclofaixa e geral do sistema cicloviário, a partir de dados numéricos e mapas. Esses resultados e a ferramenta proposta podem auxiliar gestores públicos e profissionais da área na avaliação e monitoramento da qualidade da infraestrutura cicloviária, além de subsidiar a formulação de políticas públicas municipais para melhorar esta infraestrutura local, tornando cada percurso mais seguro aos usuários. / The bicycle represents a more sustainable mode of transport and contributes to the improvement of urban mobility in the cities. However, many factors can positively or negatively influence its use, among them the quality of the infrastructure offered. Identifying the elements that can compromise the quality of infrastructure for cyclists allows local managers to intervene in advance to ensure greater safety and comfort for users. Based on this premise, this research aims to propose an instrument to evaluate the quality of the bicycle system. The instrument was applied in the city of Bauru, SP, in four cycle paths and five cycle tracks. The methodology used consists of interviews, survey by means of technical auditing and photographic registration, definition of the quality index of the cycle system (in portuguese Índice de qualidade do sistema cicloviário – IQSC) and its application. The results showed that, on the interviews and the technical audit, aspects related to the physical characteristics of the cycle systems were better analyzed. The proposed index is efficient, since it allows performing an individual and general diagnosis of the bicycle system, based on numerical data and maps. These results and the proposed tool can help public managers and professionals in the area in the evaluation and monitoring the quality of the bicycle infrastructure, as well as subsidize the formulation of municipal public policies to improve the local bicycle infrastructure, making each route safer to users.

Svenska cykelöverfarter : Olyckor och hastigheter

Kyläkorpi, Joel, Lind, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of bicycle crossings and follow up on previousstudies with new data on speeds, ability to travel unhindered and accident statistics. With theintroduction of the new definition of bicycle crossing from 2014, motor vehicle drivers had to yieldfor cyclists who are traveling on, or are approaching, the bicycle crossing. The area at theintersection should also be speed-proofed to 30 km/h. The introduction meant that new behaviorswere required by both cyclists and motor vehicle drivers at these types of intersections.The report is consists of three parts; a short literature study with an international outlook, adocument analysis of accidents and bicycle crossings in Sweden as well as on site measurementsexecuted at bicycle crossings in Gävle. The literature study briefly presents some of the mostcommon speed-limiting measures to present an overview of the types of measures that can be usedto speed-proof bicycle crossings. It also presents other countries' accident statistics as well as howthey handle the problems of bicycle prioritization at crossings. The document analysis is based onthe STRADA and RDT database in order to, through a GIS software, link accidents to bicycle crossingsand thus be able to analyze how the accidents have developed over time. This analysis is made bothwith a national average and a more thorough study of the municipality of Malmö. In the on sitemeasurements executed in Gävle, the speeds of the motor vehicles on approach to bicycle crossingswere examined and the yielding behavior was studied ocularly. The measurements were carried outin two separate locations with different conditions, one with relatively high traffic flow and a plateaubump as a speed-proofing measure and one with lower flow and bus pad as a speed-proofingmeasure.It turns out that the number of accidents related to bicycle crossings has decreased in Sweden, whilethe degree of injury for these accidents has also decreased. Malmö stands out in the statistics due tothe fact that the number of accidents related to bicycle crossings has increased at the same time asthe degree of injury for the accidents has decreased. The data also shows that accidents at bicyclecrossings adjacent to roundabouts are over-represented. It is therefore proposed that bicyclecrossings adjacent to roundabouts should be avoided. The on site measurements in Gävle showedthat the speeds had decreased sharply at the site with the bus pad and that the yielding behaviorchanged after the introduction of the bicycle crossing. At the second location, with the plateaubump, the speeds have already converged and are approaching their limit values while the yieldingbehavior has improved slightly. Finally, it is concluded that bus pads have better velocity suppressioneffects than the plateau pad and that the consequential effects of a well-designed speed-proofingmeasurement can reduce the degree of injury and increased yielding.

Bicyclists' speeds : An evaluation of how bicycle facilities' geometric factors affect bicyclists' speeds

Bjärkmar, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Increase of cycling in cities has many positive effects: increased traffic safety, better public health, decreased noise, and air, and climate impact. All these effects contribute to reach the set sustainability goals, both on global and national and local level. The attractiveness of cycling affects whether to choose the bicycle as a transport mode or not. One way to increase the attractiveness of cycling is to improve the mobility of cyclists. The aim of this study was to improve methods that evaluates mobility of cyclists, methods that contributes to understand how bicycle facilities with good mobility are best designed, which thus increases the attractiveness of cycling. In this study a method that combines a visual analysis and a statistical analysis has been developed. The method compare bicycle facilities’ geometric factors with cyclists’ deviations from their desired speeds, which in this study is assumed to be every cyclists’ mean speed of each trip. This method gives a visual picture of how cyclists’ mobility differs between different streets in the city, and the big amount of data allows results with high significance level. An improvement of the method, that would better combine speeds’ exact location with the street segments, could improve the level of description of geometric factors’ effects on cyclists’ speeds. The results from this method, which evaluates cyclists’ mobility on bicycle facilities, shows that there are significant relations between bicycle facilities’ geometric factors and cyclists’ mobility. Down slope seem to have the biggest positive effect, where cyclists allows to drive closer to their desired speed. Whether bicycle facilities are single or double directional also seem to affect cyclists’ speed. However, the reason to the different speeds might be the width combined with the actual use of direction of these bicycle facilities. / Att öka cykeltrafiken i städer har många positiva effekter: ökad trafiksäkerhet, bättre folkhälsa, minskad buller-, luft- och klimatpåverkan. Alla dessa nämna effekter bidrar till att uppnå satta hållbarhetsmål både på global, national och lokal nivå. Attraktiviteten på cyklandet påverkar om man väljer cykeln som transportsätt eller inte. Ett sätt att öka attraktiviteten för cykling är att förbättra framkomligheten för cyklister. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att förbättra metoder som utvärderar framkomligheten för cyklister, metoder som i sin tur bidrar till att förstå hur framkomliga cykelvägar bäst utformas, som i sin tur ökar attraktiviteten för cykling. I detta arbete har det utvecklats en metod som kombinerar en visuell analys med en statistisk analys. Metoden jämför utformningsmässiga faktorer med cyklisters avvikelser från sina önskade hastigheter, vilket i detta arbete antas vara varje enskild cyklists medelhastighet av en cykelrutt. Denna metod ger en visuell bild på hur cyklisters framkomlighet skiljer sig åt på olika gator i staden, och den stora mängden data möjliggör resultat med hög signifikansnivå. En förbättring av metoden, som bättre kombinerar hastigheters exakta läge med cykelbanesegmenten, skulle kunna öka beskrivningsgraden av utformningsmässiga faktorers påverkan på cyklisters hastigheter. Resultaten från denna metod, som utvärderar cyklisters framkomlighet på cykelbanor, visar att det finns signifikanta samband mellan utformningsmässiga faktorer och cyklisters framkomlighet. Störst positiv effekt verkar nedförsbacke ha, där cyklister i stor grad tillåts köra nära sin medelhastighet. Huruvida cykelbanor är enkelriktade eller dubbelriktade verkar också påverka cyklisters hastigheter, dock beror antagligen skillnaderna på bredd kombinerat med hur dessa cykelbanor faktiskt används.

Influence of the cycling campaign CITY CYCLING on cycling behaviour in Germany

Lißner, Sven, Huber, Stefan, von Harten, Maike 04 July 2023 (has links)
The CITY CYCLING (STADTRADELN) campaign has been running since 2008 to motivate German citizens to use the bicycle for daily mobility routines. In the course of the MOVEBIS research project, nationwide GPS data of the CITY CYCLING participants were collected in the years 2018-2020 and were processed for planning purposes. This contribution addresses the question to which extent the participants in the CITY CYCLING campaign represent cyclists in the Federal Republic of Germany and whether the motivation during the campaign leads to a significant change in mobility behaviour. For this purpose, more than 73,000 complete questionnaires of campaign participants from a survey in the year 2020 were evaluated. The age and gender distribution of app users and non-users of the campaign are corresponding to those of cyclists from representative household surveys in Germany (MiD 2017). App users and non app users differ only insignificantly from each other and are, on average, rather older than in the cycling participants of nationwide MiD survey. The results reveal that the smartphone has no significant influence on the cycling behaviour of the users. The survey participants are regular cyclists. Around 88% of the respondents use the bicycle most frequently in everyday life, followed by the private car (national average) and public transport (in large cities). The influence of the campaign on the level of utilisation or the number of kilometres travelled by bike can be described as rather low, overall. Whereas 65% of the participants stated that they cycled to work just as often as outside the campaign period, 19% of the respondents used the bicycle less often for commuting and 16% more often. The results indicate that the CITY CYCLING campaign captures and represents the everyday transport behaviour of participants. During the COVID-19 pandemic, participants used their bicycles significantly more often (73%). The perception of safety is consistently high. The campaign was rated very positively and the majority of users (91%) would participate again or rather recommend the campaign to others (78%).:1. Introduction 2. State of Research 3. Data and Methods 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion

Mixed Multinomial Logit Analysis of Bicyclist Injury-severity in Single Motor Vehicle Crashes Based on Intersection and Non Intersection Locations

Moore, Darren N. 05 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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