Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bioactive class""
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Healing of cranial critical sized defects with grafts, stem cells, growth factors and bio-materialsLappalainen, O.-P. (Olli-Pekka) 01 November 2016 (has links)
Bone is a highly vascularized tissue which enables a close interaction between blood vessels and osteoid complexes, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Iatrogenic bone loss, caused by a surgical intervention or trauma, disrupts circulation in the bone and leads to hypoxia and even necrosis of the adjacent bone. The mechanisms of the bone tissue healing process by regeneration are highly specific.
The most common and predictable way to manage a large-sized skull bone defect has traditionally been using the patient’s own bone tissue graft. The problem with the method is damage and pain of the donor site caused by the operation and healing problems. In paediatric patients, there is a limited availability of adequate autologous bone grafts. For this reason, efforts have been made to develop substitute materials in order to avoid the need for large bone grafts. Autologous stem cells have proven to be promising targets for the development of bone substitutes for cranio-maxillofacial bone defects.
The main objective of this study was to examine, by using an experimental animal model, differences in the healing of critical-sized calvarial bone defects, similar to cranioplasty, induced with different types of autogenous bone grafts and with adipose tissue- or bone marrow-derived stem cells grown in two commonly used biomaterials, tricalcium phosphate and bioglass. We also investigated the effect of tissue adhesive, fibrin glue, on the healing process of bone defects. The effect of the stimulating growth factor proteins BMP-2, BMP-7 and VEGF on tissue transplants and ossification was also studied.
The results of this study support the previously reported findings of accelerated bone graft resorption associated with autologous bone graft use. In particular, the use of fibrin tissue glue in combination with autologous particulated bone grafts reduced the formation of new bone in calvarial lesions.
During the initial healing of calvarial bone defects, tricalcium phosphate granules proved to be more effective than solid bioactive glass scaffolds. Furthermore, in combination with adipose-derived stem cells, tricalcium phosphate showed better bone regeneration than the same cells in combination with a bioactive glass scaffold. Combining bone marrow-derived stem cells with biomaterial did not increase bone formation in calvarial critical-sized defects. In this study, there was no evidence of the positive effect of growth factors on cranial bone healing. / Tiivistelmä
Luu on runsaasti verisuonitettua kudosta, ja se mahdollistaa tiiviin vuorovaikutuksen verisuonten ja luun rakenteen perusyksikön, osteonin, sekä toiminnallisten solujen osteoblastien ja osteoklastien välillä. Kirurgisen toimenpiteen tai trauman aiheuttama luun vaurio häiritsee luun verenkiertoa ja johtaa hapenpuutteeseen ja jopa nekroosiin vaurioituneessa luun osassa. Luukudoksen paranemisen ja uudistumisen mekanismit ovat pitkälle erilaistuneita ja ne tunnetaan erittäin hyvin.
Yleisin ja ennusteeltaan luotettavin tapa korjata laajoja kallon luukudoksen puutoksia on perinteisesti ollut potilaan oman luukudossiirteen käyttö. Menetelmän ongelmana on siirteen luovutuskohdan vaurio ja kipu sekä paranemiseen liittyvät ongelmat. Erityisesti lapsipotilailla on haasteena riittävän siirreluumäärän rajoitettu saatavuus. Tästä syystä on pyritty kehittämään korvaavia materiaaleja, jotta vältettäisiin suuriin luusiirteisiin liittyviä ongelmia. Autologiset kantasolut ovat osoittautuneet lupaaviksi kehitettäessä luuta korvaavia hoitomuotoja kallon luupuutosten hoitoon.
Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia kokeellisen eläinmallin avulla laajojen, kallokirurgiassa aiheutuvia luupuutoksia vastaavien vaurioalueiden paranemista. Tutkimuksessa testattiin erityyppisiä autogeenisiä luusiirteitä ja rasvakudos- tai luuydinperäisiä kantasoluja, joita kasvatettiin kahden biomateriaalin, trikalsiumfosfaatin ja bioaktiivisen lasin pinnoilla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös fibriinikudosliiman vaikutusta omakudosluusiirteen paranemiseen. Kudoskasvutekijäproteiinien BMP-2, BMP-7 ja VEGF stimuloivaa vaikutusta kudossiirteiden toimintaan ja luutumiseen selvitettiin myös.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat aiemmin raportoituja havaintoja autologisen luusiirrännäisen käyttöön liittyvästä nopeasta resorptiosta. Erityisesti fibriinikudosliiman käytön yhdessä autologisten pienipartikkelisten luusiirteiden kanssa havaittiin heikentävän uuden luun muodostumista kallon luupuutoksissa.
Kallon luupuutosten alkuvaiheen paranemisessa rakeinen trikalsiumfosfaatti osoittautui tehokkaammaksi kuin kiinteä säikeinen bioaktiivinen lasi. Samoin rasvakudosperäisten kantasolujen yhdistäminen trikalsiumfosfaattiin lisäsi merkittävästi luun muodostumista verrattuna samaan yhdistelmään bioaktiivisen lasin kanssa. Luuydinperäisiä kantasoluja yhdistettäessä vastaavaa ei voitu tässä tutkimuksessa todeta. Tutkimuksessa kasvutekijöiden käytöllä ei havaittu olevan positiivista vaikutusta kallonluiden paranemiseen.
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Comportement "in vitro" et "in vivo" de verres composites poreux : assimilation osseuse, explorations physiologiques et physico-chimiques / Behavior "in vitro" and "in vivo" of porous composite glasses : bone assimilation, physiological and physicochemical explorationsBoulila, Salha 30 May 2016 (has links)
L'application des biomatériaux est de plus en plus élargie. Le progrès médical suggère l'utilisation des biomatériaux (verres bioactifs, apatites,..) en tant qu'implants selon le besoin de l'organisme. L'objectif de notre travail est de mettre en évidence l'influence biologique des molécules organiques (bisphosphonates, biopolymères et antibiotiques) incorporés dans des matrices de verres bioactifs. De même, notre étude vise à optimiser les meilleures techniques de synthèse et d'association des verres bioactifs à ces molécules. La détoxification des rats mâles de souche « Wistar » exposés au chlorure de nickel par une apatite synthétique a aussi fait l'objet de ce travail. Suite à une perte osseuse provoquée, nous avons démontré que l'utilisation des antibiotiques associés à des verres bioactifs en tant qu'implants osseux, chez des rattes ovariectomisées, permet d'éliminer certains effets indésirables par voie systémique. Ceci a été mis en évidence par l'évaluation des paramètres biochimiques et histologiques du foie et du rein. Aucune variation significative en comparaison avec ceux du témoin négatif n'a été révélée. L'étude in vitro a montré d'une part que l'introduction du Chitosan et surtout de l'antibiotique dans la matrice vitreuse font augmenter l'activité antibactérienne in vitro. Cette étude in vitro a montré d'autre part que la Ciprofloxacine induit un effet néfaste sur les cellules ostéoblastiques et endothéliales. Cet effet est local lorsqu'il s'agit des expérimentations in vivo. Ceci est mis en évidence lors des évaluations du statut oxydant. Les marqueurs du remodelage osseux, l'histologie de l'os et les paramètres physico-chimiques montrent l'effet retardateur de cet antibiotique sur la dissolution de l'implant et par conséquent sur son ossification. La synthèse par le procédé de sol-gel provoque une bioactivité plus importante que celle obtenue par fusion. La bioactivité des verres bioactifs étudiés diffère selon la molécule introduite. Celle-ci est réduite dans le cas de l'association du Clodronate et de Ciprofloxacine in vitro et in vivo. Alors que, le Polyvinyl Alcohol et surtout le Chitosan font modifier la cinétique de cette bioactivité in vivo. Concernant l'hydroxyapatite, nous avons essayé d'explorer son effet détoxifiant chez des rats reçevant le chlorure de nickel. Nos résultats ont montré que le nickel induit un stress oxydant au niveau du foie, du rein, de la rate et du culot érythrocytaire. Des troubles physiologiques ont été observés chez les rats exposés au nickel. Cependant, l'implantation de l'hydroxyapatite protège les rats intoxiqués par le nickel contre ses effets toxiques en diminuant l'état du stress. Le biomatériau utilisé s'avère efficace pour corriger l'équilibre ferrique et phosphocalcique, protéger les fonctions rénale et hépatique, abaisser le taux du nickel osseux et corriger l'anémie. / The application of biomaterials is increasingly widened. Medical progress suggest the use of biomaterials (bioactive glasses, apatites,..) as implants according to the need of the body. The aim of our work is to highlight the biological influence of organic molecules (bisphosphonates, biopolymers and antibiotics) incorporated into matrix of bioactive glasses. Similarly, our study aims to optimize the best synthesis and combination technique of bioactive glasses to these molecules. The detoxification of male rats strain "Wistar" exposed to nickel chloride by a synthetic apatite also has been the object of this work. Following the bone loss induced, we have demonstrated that the use of antibiotics associated with bioactive glass as bone implants, in ovariectomised rats, eliminates some adverse effects systemic. This has been highlighted by the evaluation of biochemical and histological parameters of liver and kidney. Any significant changes in comparison with those of the negative control was revealed. The in vitro study showed in the one hand that the introduction of Chitosan and especially of the antibiotic in the glass matrix can increase antibacterial activity. This in vitro study showed in the other hand that the Ciprofloxacin induces a negative effect on osteoblastic and endothelial cells. This effect is local when it has been an in vivo experiments. This is highlighted by the oxidative status evaluation. Markers of bone turnover, bone histology and physicochemical parameters show the retarding effect of this antibiotic on the dissolution of the implant and consequently on its bone formation. Synthesis by sol-gel method causes a more important bioactivity than melting. The bioactivity of elaborated bioactives glasses will differ depending on the molecule introduced. It is reduced in the case of combination of Clodronate and Ciprofloxacin in vitro and in vivo. While, Polyvinyl Alcohol and especially Chitosan modify the kinetic of the bioactivity in vivo. Concerning the hydroxyapatite, we tried to explore its detoxifying effect in rats receiving nickel chloride. Our results showed that nickel induces an oxidative stress in the liver, kidney, spleen and red cell pellet. Physiological disorders were observed in rats exposed to nickel. However, implantation of hydroxyapatite protects rats intoxicated by nickel against its toxic effects by decreasing the stress status. The used biomaterial is effective to correct ferric phosphate balance, protect kidney and liver function, reduce level of bone nickel and correct anemia.
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Artificial Extracellular Matrices Containing Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles Promote Osteogenic Differentiation in Human Mesenchymal Stem CellsKroschwald, Lysann M., Allerdt, Felix, Bernhardt, Anne, Rother, Sandra, Zheng, Kai, Maqsood, Iram, Halfter, Norbert, Heinemann, Christiane, Möller, Stephanie, Schnabelrauch, Matthias, Hacker, Michael C., Rammelt, Stefan, Boccaccini, Aldo R., Hintze, Vera 24 January 2024 (has links)
The present study analyzes the capacity of collagen (coll)/sulfated glycosaminoglycan
(sGAG)-based surface coatings containing bioactive glass nanoparticles (BGN) in promoting the
osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stroma cells (hMSC). Physicochemical characteristics
of these coatings and their effects on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hMSC
were investigated. BGN were stably incorporated into the artificial extracellular matrices (aECM).
Oscillatory rheology showed predominantly elastic, gel-like properties of the coatings. The complex
viscosity increased depending on the GAG component and was further elevated by adding BGN.
BGN-containing aECM showed a release of silicon ions as well as an uptake of calcium ions. hMSC
were able to proliferate on coll and coll/sGAG coatings, while cellular growth was delayed on aECM
containing BGN. However, a stimulating effect of BGN on ALP activity and calcium deposition
was shown. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of sGAG and BGN was found for some donors. Our
findings demonstrated the promising potential of aECM and BGN combinations in promoting bone
regeneration. Still, future work is required to further optimize the BGN/aECM combination for
increasing its combined osteogenic effect.
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Elaboration et caractérisation d’un hybride organominéral à base de polycaprolactone et de bioverre sous forme de mousse macroporeuse pour la régénération osseuse / Development and characterisation of an organomineral hybrid comprised of polycaprolactone and bioactive glass in the form of a macroporous scaffold for bone regenerationBossard, Cédric 10 December 2018 (has links)
L’accroissement de l’espérance de vie s’accompagne d’une détérioration de l’état de santé général des seniors et d’une recrudescence des maladies chroniques. Parmi les manifestations de la sénescence, l’atteinte de l’appareil locomoteur est particulièrement invalidante et accélère considérablement l’entrée en dépendance. C’est également le cas chez les plus jeunes lors d’atteintes traumatiques ou pathologiques. Ainsi, au niveau mondial 2,2 millions de greffes osseuses sont pratiquées chaque année, mais le taux de complications post-opératoires demeure élevé et est estimé à 15 % des interventions. Ces faits dessinent les contours d’un enjeu sociétal majeur ; les matériaux d’origine animale posent des problèmes d’histocompatibilité, de pathogénicité et donc de rejet. C’est pourquoi les efforts de recherche ciblent prioritairement le développement de biomatériaux synthétiques aptes à promouvoir la régénération osseuse. Actuellement les principaux substituts osseux sur le marché sont les « céramiques » bioactives (phosphates de calcium, verres bioactifs) qui présentent comme caractéristiques d’être biocompatibles, de se lier spontanément aux tissus osseux, de promouvoir l’adhésion des cellules osseuses et enfin d’être biorésorbables. Cependant, malgré cet ensemble de caractéristiques très satisfaisantes, la fragilité de ces matériaux en limite les applications. Pour pallier ce défaut, une solution ingénieuse est de s’inspirer de la structure particulière du tissu osseux. Celle-ci mêle intimement une phase inorganique, le minéral osseux constitué de cristaux d’apatite (phosphate de calcium résorbable), à une phase organique qui est majoritairement du collagène. De manière remarquable, une telle structure associe la rigidité de la partie inorganique à la ténacité des fibres de collagène. Pour obtenir des implants aux propriétés mécaniques proches du tissu osseux, la stratégie consiste donc à combiner céramiques bioactives et matière organique. À cette fin, l’équipe Biomatériaux du Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont (LPC) a récemment mis au point un procédé innovant qui permet la synthèse de matrices tridimensionnelles d’hybrides organique-inorganique à base de verre bioactif et de polymère biocompatible aux caractéristiques variées. Dans la continuité des travaux, il était alors question d’exploiter ce procédé afin de développer un substitut osseux hybride aux propriétés optimisées. Il s’agissait tout d’abord de sélectionner le polymère le plus adéquat pour la régénération osseuse, qui s’est avéré être le polycaprolactone, puis d’optimiser la synthèse (notamment la source de calcium), la structure macroporeuse et la proportion organique-inorganique. Le matériau hybride résultant a ensuite été dopé en éléments thérapeutiques à faible dose (< 5 % de la masse totale) avec des ions strontium ou des nutriments tels que la fisétine et l’hydroxytyrosol qui possèdent un effet ostéogénique. Les mousses hybrides ainsi développées ont finalement été caractérisées in vitro afin de déterminer leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et biologiques, et in vivo afin d’évaluer leur performance. Après 3 mois d’implantation dans un défaut critique de la calvaria de souris, les résultats démontrent le potentiel de ce substitut osseux: comparé au matériau commercial de référence (os bovin traité) qui conduit à une reconstruction osseuse de 16% (± 5%), l’hybride permet une reconstruction allant de 32% (± 3%) lorsqu’il n’est pas dopé, jusqu’à 55% (± 7%) voire 58% (± 7%) lorsqu’il est dopé respectivement en fisétine ou en strontium. Ces travaux de thèse laissent entrevoir des perspectives prometteuses telles que l’association des dopants et l’impression 3D des mousses hybrides polycaprolactone-verre bioactif. / The increase in life expectancy results in the decline of seniors’ health conditions and the resurgence of chronic diseases. Among the expressions of senescence, disorders of the musculoskeletal system are particularly disabling and considerably accelerate the state of dependency. This is also the case for young people who suffer from traumatic injuries or pathologic conditions. Thus, about 2.2 million bone grafts are performed worldwide every year. Yet, the level of postoperative complications remains high and is estimated at 15% of surgical operations. These facts outline a major societal concern: animal-based materials present a risk of histocompatibility issues and pathogenicity that may lead to implant failure. This is the reason why research efforts focus on the development of synthetic biomaterials capable of promoting bone regeneration. Currently, commercialised bone substitutes are mainly made of bioactive “ceramics” (calcium phosphates, bioactive glass) that are known to be biocompatible, to spontaneously bond to bone tissues, to promote bone cell adhesion and finally to be bioresorbable. However, despite these remarkable properties, the brittleness of these materials limits their applications. An ingenious solution to this brittleness can be learned from the particular structure of bone tissue. Bone tissue intimately blends an inorganic phase, the bone mineral, which is made of apatite crystals (resorbable calcium phosphates), with an organic phase that is mainly collagen. Such a structure associates the stiffness of the inorganic part with the toughness of collagen fibres. Therefore, in order to obtain implants with mechanical properties similar to that of bone, the strategy consists in combining bioactive ceramics with organic matter. To this end, the Biomatériaux team from the Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont (LPC) recently developed an innovative process that allows the synthesis of tridimensional organic-inorganic hybrids comprised of bioactive glass and biocompatible polymer. The objective of the thesis was to exploit this process in order to develop a hybrid bone substitute with optimal properties. First of all, polycaprolactone was selected as the polymer, especially because of its adequate degradation rate for long-term applications such as bone regeneration. Then, the synthesis process was improved (in particular, the calcium source was changed), the macroporous structure was optimised and the organic-inorganic ratio was chosen. Afterwards, elements that are known to induce an osteogenic effect were incorporated in the hybrid at low doses (< 5% of total weight): an inorganic doping was performed using strontium ions and an organic doping was performed using nutrients such as fisetin or hydroxytyrosol. The resultant hybrid scaffolds were eventually characterised in vitro in order to determine their physicochemical and biological properties and in vivo in order to evaluate their performance. After 3 months of implantation in a mouse calvarial critical defect, results demonstrate the potential of this bone substitute: compared to the reference commercial material (treated bovine bone) that leads to a bone reconstruction of 16% (± 5%), the hybrid allows a reconstruction going from 32% (± 3%) when it is not doped, to 55% (± 7%) and even 58% (± 7%) when it is doped respectively with fisetin or strontium. This thesis paves the way to promising perspectives like the association of doping agents and the 3D printing of polycaprolactone-bioactive glass hybrid scaffolds.
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Osteogênese in vitro sobre vitrocerâmica 100% cristalina e altamente bioativa (Biosilicato®): efeitos do condicionamento de superfície e dos produtos de dissolução iônica / In vitro osteogenesis on a highly bioactive glass ceramic (Biosilicate®): effects of surface conditioning and of its ionic dissolution productsRaucci, Larissa Moreira Spinola de Castro 29 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do condicionamento de superfície de uma vitrocerâmica 100% cristalina e altamente bioativa (Biosilicato®) e de seus produtos de dissolução iônica sobre diferentes parâmetros do desenvolvimento do fenótipo osteogênico in vitro. Previamente ao plaqueamento de células osteogênicas de calvárias de ratos, discos de Biosilicato® foram condicionados, por 3 dias, em meio de cultura suplementado, com ou sem soro fetal bovino a 10%. Células osteogênicas expostas aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato® foram também cultivadas sobre lamínulas de vidro bioinerte. Discos de Biosilicato e lamínulas de vidro foram utilizados como controles. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento de superfície de Biosilicato® aumenta expressivamente a concentração de silício e cálcio no meio de cultura. Em 1, 3 e 7 dias, foram determinados os maiores valores de viabilidade celular em superfícies de Biosilicato® condicionado, enquanto que entre os grupos de lamínulas de vidro, observou-se menor viabilidade em culturas expostas aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato®. Em 3 dias, células sobre todas as superfícies de Biosilicato® apresentavam-se menos espraiadas quando comparadas àquelas sobre lamínulas de vidro; neste período, a topografia das superfícies dos grupos de Biosilicato® caracterizava-se por rede de cavidades na submicro e nanoescala, enquanto que a lamínula apresentava superfície plana. Alterações no padrão de marcação das proteínas citoesqueléticas actina, vimentina, tubulina e vinculina, da subunidade de integrina α5 e da fibronectina eram observadas apenas em células crescidas sobre as superfícies de Biosilicato®. Ao final da fase proliferativa (7 dias), foram observados maiores níveis relativos de expressão de RNA mensageiro para Runx2, sialoproteína óssea (BSP) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP) em culturas crescidas sobre superfícies condicionadas de Biosilicato®; a exposição aos produtos de dissolução iônica aumentou a expressão de Runx2 e ALP nos grupos de lamínula de vidro. Em 14 dias, culturas sobre Biosilicato® condicionado em meio de cultura com soro exibiam áreas mais extensas de mineralização. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o condicionamento de superfícies de Biosilicato® previamente ao plaqueamento celular favorece aspectos da interação célula-substrato, promovendo maior viabilidade celular e aumentando e/ou acelerando o desenvolvimento do fenótipo osteogênico in vitro. A exposição aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato® inibe a progressão de culturas osteogênicas sobre lamínulas de vidro bioinerte, apesar de aumentar a expressão de marcadores osteoblásticos. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of surface conditioning of a highly bioactive, fully crystalline glass-ceramic in the Na2O-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system (Biosilicate®) and of its ionic dissolution products on key parameters of the development of the osteogenic phenotype in vitro. Rat calvaria-derived osteogenic cells were plated on Biosilicate® discs that were pre-conditioned either with supplemented culture medium or serum-free medium for 3 days. In addition, osteogenic cells grown on bioinert glass coverslips were exposed to the ionic dissolution products of the Biosilicate®. The results showed that the supplemented culture medium used for the Biosilicate® surface conditioning exhibited a high concentration silicium and calcium. At 1, 3, and 7 days, cell viability was significantly higher for the conditioned Biosilicate® sufaces, whereas reduced cell viability was observed for cultures grown on glass coverslips and exposed to the ionic dissolution products of Biosilicate®. At day 3, cells grown on Biosilicate® groups were less spread compared with those on glass coverslips. At the same time point, whereas the surface topography of glass coverslips was smooth, Biosilicate® discs exhibited a network of submicron and nanoscale pits. Changes in the labeling pattern of the cytoskeleton proteins actin, vimentin, tubulin and vinculin, and of α5 integrin and fibronectin were only observed for cells grown on Biosilicate® surfaces. At the end of the proliferative phase (day 7), expression levels of Runx2, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and bone sialoprotein (BSP) mRNAs were significantly higher for cultures grown on conditioned Biosilicate® surfaces; the exposure of cells to the ionic dissolution products increased Runx2 and ALP mRNA levels. At day 14, significantly more extensive areas of matrix mineralization were detected for cultures grown on Biosilicate® discs that were pre-conditioned with supplemented culture medium. The results showed that the conditioning of Biosilicate® surfaces with culture medium prior to cell plating supports key aspects of cell-substrate interactions, increasing and/or accelerating expression of the osteoblastic cell phenotype. Furthermore, the exposure of cells to the ionic dissolution products of Biosilicate® inhibits the progression of osteogenic cell cultures on bioinert glass coverslips, despite its positive effect on expression of osteoblastic markers.
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Desenvolvimento de um compósito zircônia/vidro bioativo e estudo de filmes finos de sílica micro padronizada contendo nanohidroxiapatita aplicados sobre a zircônia / Develompment of a zirconia composite/bioativo glass and study of micropatterned silica thin films containing nanohydroxiapatite applied to zirconiaMiranda, Ranulfo Benedito de Paula 11 May 2018 (has links)
Capítulo 1. A investigação teve como objetivo desenvolver filmes finos de sílica micropadronizada (FFSM) contendo micro-agregados de nanohidroxiapatita (nanoHA) que não ficassem totalmente cobertos pela sílica e assim pudessem interagir diretamente com as células vizinhas e o objetivo específico foi avaliar o efeito da presença de dois filmes (FFSM com ou sem a adição de nanohidroxiapatita) na resistência característica (?0) e no módulo de Weibull (m) de uma Y-TZP. Processamento sol-gel e litografia foram usados para aplicar o FFSM sobre os espécimes de Y-TZP. Três grupos experimentais foram produzidos: Y-TZP, Y-TZP+FFSM e Y-TZP+FFSM+nanoHA borrifada. Todas as superfícies foram caracterizadas por MEV/EDS e testadas em resistência à flexão em quatro pontos (n=30) em água a 37°C. A análise de Weibull foi usada para determinar ?0 e m (método de probabilidade máxima). A Y-TZP foi recoberta com êxito com o FFSM e FFSM+nanoHA. Micrografias indicaram que os micro-agregados de nanoHA não foram totalmente cobertos pela sílica. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos experimentais para ?0 e m. Essa investigação obteve sucesso em produzir filmes finos de sílica micropadronizada contendo micro-agregados de nanoHA que permaneceram expostos ao meio ambiente. Os filmes desenvolvidos não prejudicaram a confiabilidade estrutural da Y-TZP comercial, como confirmado pela estatística de Weibull. Capítulo 2. Objetivos: avaliar o efeito da concentração de vidro bioativo (VB), de zero e 10% em massa e da temperatura de sinterização (1.200°C e 1.300°C) na microestrutura, densidade relativa e resistência à flexão do compósito Y-TZP/VB. Material e métodos: os pós de Y-TZP e Y-TZP/VB foram prensados uniaxialmente e sinterizados a 1.200°C e 1.300°C por 1 hora. A microestrutura foi caracterizada pela análise de difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). A densidade relativa foi calculada por meio dos valores de densidade obtidos pelo princípio de Archimedes. Para a resistência à flexão, espécimes (n=6) foram fraturados no teste de resistência à flexão biaxial usando um dispositivo de pistão sobre 3 esferas em uma máquina universal de ensaios. Resultados: a adição de VB diminuiu o tamanho de grão do compósito, aumentou as porosidades e causou uma diminuição significativa na densidade relativa (Y-TZP/1.300°C=97,7%a; Y-TZP/1.200°C=91,1%b; Y-TZP/VB/1.300°C 79,7%c e Y-TZP/VB/1.200°C 77,4%d) e diminuiu também significativamente a resistência à flexão (em MPa, Y-TZP/1.300°C=628,3a; Y-TZP/1.200°C=560,8b; Y-TZP/VB=1.300°C=189,1c e Y-TZP/VB/1.200°C=153,0c). As fases cristalinas de zircônia cúbica estabilizada por cálcio e silicato de sódio zircônio foram formadas após a adição de VB. Conclusão: a adição de vidro bioativo na Y-TZP aumentou a porosidade e resultou na formação de zircônia cúbica estabilizada com cálcio e silicato de sódio zircônio. A adição de vidro também resultou na diminuição do tamanho de grão, densidade e resistência à flexão. Os espécimes sinterizados a 1.300°C mostraram valores de densidade superior e grãos maiores quando comparados ao grupo sinterizado a 1.200°C. / Chapter 1. This investigation aimed at developing micropatterned silica thin films (MSTF) containing nanoHA micro-aggregates that were not completely covered by silica so that they could directly interact with the surrounding cells and the specific objectives was to evaluate the effect of the presence of two films (MSTF with or without nanoHA addition) on the characteristic strength (?0) and Weibull modulus (m) of a Y-TZP. Sol-gel process and soft-lithography were used to apply the MSTF onto the Y-TZP specimens. Three experimental groups were produced: Y-TZP, Y-TZP+MSTF and Y-TZP+MSTF+sprayed nanoHA. All surfaces were characterized by SEM/EDS and tested for four-point flexural strength (n=30) in water at 37°C. Weibull analysis was used to determine m and ?0 (maximum likelihood method). Y-TZP was successfully coated with MSFT and MSFT+nanoHA. SEM micrographs indicated that the micro-aggregates of nanoHA were not entirely covered by the silica. There was no statistically significant difference among the experimental groups for ?0 and m. This investigation was successful in producing a micropatterned silica thin film containing nanoHA micro-aggregates that remained exposed to the environment. The developed films did not jeopardize the structural reliability of a commercial Y-TZP, as confirmed by the Weibull statistics. Chapter 2. Objectives: to evaluate the effect the bioactive glass (BG) concentration (0 and 10wt%) and the sintering temperature (1.200°C and 1.300°C) on the microstructure, relative density and flexural strength of the composite Y-TZP/BG. Methods: The Y-TZP and Y-TZP/BG powders were uniaxially pressed and sintered at 1.200°C or 1.300°C for 1 h. The microstructure was characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Relative density was calculated from density values obtained using the Archimedes\' principle. For the flexural strength, specimens (n=6) were fractured in a biaxial flexural setup using a piston-on-3-balls fixture in a universal testing machine. Results: BG addition decreased the grain size of the composite, increased porosity and caused a significant decrease in the relative density (Y-TZP/1.300°C=97.7%a; Y-TZP/1.200°C=91.1%b; Y-TZP/BG/1.300°C 79.7%c and Y-TZP/BG/1.200°C 77.4%d) and flexural strength (in MPa, Y-TZP/1.300°C=628.3a; Y-TZP/1.200°C=560.8b; Y-TZP/BG=1.300°C=189.1c and Y-TZP/BG/1.200°C=153.0c). The crystalline phases of calcium stabilized cubic zirconia and sodium zirconium silicate were formed after the addition of BG. Conclusion: Addition of bioactive glass to Y-TZP increased porosity and resulted in the formation of calcium stabilized cubic zirconia and sodium zirconium silicate. Also, glass addition resulted in decrease in grain size, density and flexural strength. Composite specimens sintered at 1.300°C showed the highest density values and larger grains compared to those sintered at 1.200°C
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Expressão dos fenótipos fibroblástico e osteoblástico em culturas tridimensionais na presença de partículas de vidro bioativo / Osteoblastic and fibroblastic phenotypes expression on three dimensional cell cultures in the presence of bioactive glass particlesAlves, Luciana Bastos 05 October 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão dos fenótipos fibroblástico e osteoblástico em culturas tridimensionais na presença ou não de partículas de vidro bioativo. Fibroblastos derivados do ligamento periodontal humano (hPDLF) e células osteogênicas da calvária de rato recém-nascidos foram plaqueadas em superfícies bidimensionais - lamínulas de plástico ThermanoxTM (controle); superfícies colágenas bidimensionais - ThermanoxTM revestidas por colágeno I sem partículas de vidro bioativo (2D) e com partículas de vidro bioativo (2D+VB); e em gel colágeno tridimensional sem vidro bioativo (3D) e com partículas (3D+VB). Foram avaliados: Viabilidade celular (MTT) nos tempos 3, 7 e 10 dias; Atividade de fosfatase alcalina (ALP) normalizada pelo conteúdo de proteína total em 7 e 14 dias; Immunolocalização de proteínas da matriz não-colágena (ALP e OPN em células hPDLF aos 7 e 14 dias e OPN e BSP em células osteogênicas aos 7 dias) por imunofluorescência indireta; Expressão quantitativa (PCR em tempo real) dos genes Periostina (PRT), Calcium-Binding Protein (S100A4) e Fibromodulina (FBM), marcadores do fenótipo fibroblástico, em células hPDLF e Fosfatase Alcalina (ALP), Osteopontina (OPN), Sialoproteína Óssea (BSP), Osteocalcina (OC), Colágeno I (COL I) e Runx2, marcadores osteoblásticos, em ambos os tipos celulares; e Mineralização (coloração por vermelho de Alizarina). Os resultados obtidos nas culturas de hPDLF mostraram que aos 3 dias a viabilidade celular em 2D+VB foi maior que no controle (p<0,05) e nenhuma diferença significante entre os grupos foi observada aos 7 e 10 dias. O conteúdo de proteína total aos 7 e 14 dias foi maior nas culturas 3D e 3D+VB, sendo aos 7 dias significantemente diferente de 2D+VB (p<0,05) e controle (p<0,05) e aos 14 dias observou-se diferença significativa entre 3D e 2D. A atividade de ALP aos 7 dias foi maior nos grupos 2D e 2D+VB comparados com 3D (p<0,05) e 3D+VB (p<0,05); e em 3D+VB menor que no controle (p<0,05). Entretanto, aos 14 dias 3D e 3D+VB apresentaram maior atividade de ALP que o controle (p<0,05). Imunomarcações para OPN e ALP foram observadas nas células em 3D em ambos os períodos avaliados, e em 2D, 2D+VB, e controle apenas aos 14 dias. A expressão de RNAm para PRT aos 7 dias apresentou um perfil upregulated em 3D e 3D+VB comparados ao controle (p<0,05); para FBM a expressão gênica foi maior em 3D e 2D que em 3D+VB (p<0,05), e menor em 3D+VB comparado ao controle (p<0,05). As células em 2D exibiram maiores níveis de expressão de RNAm para S100A4 que as cultivadas em 2D+VB (p<0,05) e controle (p<0,05). Os níveis de RNAm para COL I e ALP em 2D+VB e 3D, para RUNX2 e OPN em 3D e 2D, e para OC em 2D apresentaram-se upregulated em relação ao controle (p<0,05). Em 2D o nível de expressão de OC foi maior que em 2D+VB (p<0,05). Aos 14 dias houve uma diminuição da expressão de todos os genes analisados em relação às análises de 7 dias. Células em 3D+VB expressaram menores níveis de PRT que em 2D+VB (p<0,05). A expressão de RNAm para FBM foi maior em 2D e 2D+VB e para S100A4 maior em 2D comparado com 3D (p<0,05), nos quais os níveis de S100A4 ficaram downregulated com relação ao controle. COL I e ALP apresentaram-se downregulated em 3D (p<0,05) e 3D+VB (p<0,05) em relação ao controle. Entre 2D+VB e 3D+VB também foi observada diferença significativa para ALP. A expressão de RUNX2 foi maior em 3D que em 3D+VB (p<0,05) e de OC maior no controle. Nos grupos com VB foi observada maior formação de matriz calcificada aos 10 e 14 dias. Aos 10 dias não foram observadas áreas coradas por Alizarina através da microscopia, mas a quantidade de mineralização em 2D+VB e 3D+VB foi significativamente maior que no controle (p<0,05), 2D (p<0,05) e 3D (p<0,05). Aos 14 dias marcações mais extensas foram observadas nas culturas com VB, porém os nódulos mineralizados apresentavam-se independentes das partículas. 2D+VB e 3D+VB foram significativamente diferentes do controle (p<0,05) e 2D (p<0,05). As culturas de células osteogênicas mostraram que aos 7 dias as células crescidas sobre os arcabouços 3D+VB e 3D exibiram menores índices de viabilidade. Diferenças significativas foram observadas quando 3D+VB foi comparado aos grupos 2D+VB (p<0,05) e controle (p<0,05); e entre 2D e 3D (p<0,05). Aos 3 e 10 dias não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na viabilidade celular entre os grupos. O conteúdo de proteína total foi maior em 3D+VB que em 2D+VB (p<0,05) e no controle (p<0,05) aos 7 e 14 dias. Diferenças significantes também foram observadas entre 3D e 2D (p<0,05) aos 14 dias. A atividade de ALP aos 7 dias foi maior em 2D+VB e 3D+VB. Diferenças significantes foram encontradas entre 2D e 2D+VB (p<0,05), 3D e 3D+VB (p<0,05) e entre 3D e controle (p<0,05). Entretanto, aos 14 dias, 3D e 3D+VB apresentaram os menores valores de atividade de ALP, sendo a significantemente diferentes de 2D (p<0,05) e 2D+VB (p<0,05). Imunomarcações para OPN e BSP foram observadas aos 7 dias em 2D, 2D+VB, 3D e controle. Aos 7 dias os níveis expressão do RNAm para ALP, COL I e RUNX2 foram maiores em 3D e 3D+VB. Os genes OPN, OC e BSP exibiram níveis de expressão mais altos em 2D+VB. A expressão de COL I foi maior em 3D+VB que em 2D+VB (p<0,05). As células em 2D+VB apresentaram maiores níveis de expressão de OPN e OC que em 2D (p<0,05) e 3D+VB (p<0,05), nos quais a expressão desses genes e de BSP estavam downregulated em relação ao grupo controle. Aos 10 e 14 dias áreas coradas por vermelho de Alizarina foram observadas em todos os grupos, sendo mais extensas nos grupos que continham VB. Aos 10 dias a quantidade de cálcio em 3D+VB foi maior que no controle (p<0,05); e maior em 2D+VB comparado com 2D (p<0,05) e controle (p<0,05). Aos 14 dias 2D+VB e 3D+VB apresentaram uma quantidade de cálcio significativamente maior que no controle (p<0,05) e em 2D (p<0,05). Em conclusão, este estudo demonstrou que os arcabouços tridimensionais colágenos são capazes de suportar a viabilidade, proliferação e diferenciação celular se in vitro de hPDLF e células osteogênicas derivadas de calvária de rato recém-nascidos e de favorecerem a expressão dos fenótipos fibroblástico e osteoblástico em hPDLF. As partículas de VB em ambos os tipos celulares também contribuiram para viabilidade, diferenciação, formação de matriz mineralizada e expressão fenotípica. / The aim of this study was to analyze the fibroblastic and osteoblastic phenotypes expression on three-dimensional cultures in the presence or not of bioactive glass particles. Fibroblasts derived from human periodontal ligament (hPDLF) and osteogenic cells from newborn rat calvaria were cultured on bi-dimensional surfaces - plastic coverslips ThermanoxTM (control), bi-dimensional collagen surfaces - ThermanoxTM coated with collagen I without bioactive glass particles (2D) and with bioactive glass particles (2D+BG), on three-dimensional collagen gel without bioactive glass (3D) and with particles (3D+BG). Were evaluated: Cell viability (MTT) in 3 days, 7 and 10 days; Phosphatase alkaline activity (ALP) normalized by total protein content at 7 and 14 days; Immunolocalization of non-matrix proteins collagen (ALP and OPN in hPDLF at 7 and 14 days, OPN and BSP in osteogenic cells at 7 days) by indirect immunofluorescence; Genes expression (real-time PCR) for Periostin (PRT), Calcium-Binding Protein (S100A4) and Fibromodulin (FBM): fibroblastic markers in hPDLF, and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Osteopontin (OPN), Bone sialoprotein (BSP), Osteocalcin (OC), Collagen I (COL I) and RUNX2: osteoblastic markers in both cell types; and Mineralization (staining with Alizarin red). The results obtained on hPDLF cultures showed that cell viability on 2D+BG was higher than on control at 3 days (p<0.05), and no significant difference between groups was observed at 7 and 10 days. The total protein content at 7 and 14 days was higher on 3D and 3D+BG cultures compared those on 2D+BG (p<0.05) and control (p<0.05) at 7 days. Significant difference was also observed between 3D and 2D at 14 days. The ALP activity at 7 days was higher on 2D and 2D+BG compared with 3D (p<0.05) and 3D+BG (p<0.05), it was also lower on 3D+BG than on control (p<0.05). However, at 14 days 3D and 3D+BG showed higher ALP activity than control (p<0.05). Immunolabeling for OPN and ALP were observed in cells on 3D at both periods and on 2D, 2D+ BG and control only at 14 days. At 7 days, the expression of mRNA for PRT was upregulated on 3D and 3D+BG compared with control (p<0.05), for the FBM it was higher on 3D and 2D than on 3D+BG (p<0,05), but it was lower on 3D+BG than on control (p<0.05). Cells on 2D exhibited higher levels of S100A4 mRNA expression than those grown on 2D+BG (p<0.05) and control (p<0.05). The mRNA levels expression for COL I and ALP on 2D+BG and 3D, and for RUNX2 and OPN on 3D and 2D, and for OC on 2D presented upregulated compared with control (p<0.05). Also, cells on 2D showed the level expression of OC higher than those on and 2D+BG (p<0.05). At 14 days, there was a decrease in all evaluated genes expression compared with 7 days analyses. Cells on 2D+BG expressed higher levels of PRT than on 3D+BG (p<0.05). 2D and 2D+BG showed the highest levels of mRNA expression for FBM. Gene expression of S100A4 on 2D was higher than on 3D (p<0.05) and 3D+BG (p<0.05), in which the levels of S100A4 were downregulated compared to control. COL I and ALP were downregulated on 3D (p<0.05) and on 3D+BG (p<0.05) compared with control. There was also a significant difference between 2D+BG and 3D+BG for mRNA ALP expression. RUNX2 expression was higher on 3D than on 3D+BG (p<0.05), and OC expression was higher on control. Calcified matrix formation was observed on BG cultures at 10 and 14 days. At 10 days, areas stained by Alizarin were no observed by microscopy, but the amount of mineralization on 2D+BG and 3D+BG was significantly higher than on control (p<0.05), 2D (p<0.05) and 3D (p<0.05). At 14 days, more extensive staining was observed on cultures with BG, but the mineralized nodules formation was independent of the particles. Calcium content on 2D+BG and 3D+BG was significantly higher than control (p<0.05) and 2D (p<0.05). Osteogenic cell cultures showed that cells grown on 3D and 3D+BG surfaces exhibited the lowest levels of cell viability. Significant differences were observed when 3D+BG was compared with 2D+BG (p<0.05) and control (p<0.05) and also between 2D and 3D (p<0.05). At 3 and 10 days, there were no significant differences for cell viabililty between the cultures. The total protein content was higher on 3D+BG than on the control (p<0.05) and 2D+BG (p<0.05) at 7 and 14 days. Significant differences were also observed between 3D and 2D (p<0.05) at 14 days. ALP activity at 7 days was higher on 2D+BG and 3D+BG. Significant differences were found between 2D and 2D+BG (p<0.05), 3D and 3D+BG (p<0.05), and between 3D and control (p<0.05). However, at 14 days 3D and 3D+BG had the lowest levels of ALP activity, significantly different from 2D (p<0.05) and 2D+BG (p<0.05). Immunolabeling for OPN and BSP were observed at 7 days on 2D, 2D+BG, 3D and control. At 7 days, the expression levels of mRNA for ALP, COL I and RUNX2 were higher on 3D and 3D+BG. OPN, BSP and OC exhibited higher expression levels on 2D+BG. COL I expression was higher on 3D+BG than on 2D+BG (p<0.05). Cells on 2D+BG showed higher expression levels of OPN and OC than those on 2D (p<0.05) and 3D+BG (p<0.05), in which both of these genes and BSP expression were downregulated compared with control. At 10 and 14 days areas stained with Alizarin red were observed all evaluated groups, especially on BG cultures. At 10 days the amount of calcium on 3D+BG was higher than on control (p<0.05), and it was also higher on 2D+BG compared with 2D (p<0.05) and control (p<0.05). At 14 days, 2D+BG and 3D+BG showed greater calcium amount than control (p<0.05) and 2D (p<0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that in vitro 3D cultures of hPDLF and osteogenic cells from newborn rats calvaria were able of support cell viability, differentiation, and to contribute to expression of fibroblastic and osteoblastic phenotype in hPDLF. The BG particles also favored the viability, differentiation, mineralized matrix formation and phenotypic expression in both cell types.
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Biomateriais com aplicabilidade na ortopedia: avanços e desafios na área da infectologia / Biomaterials with applicability in orthopedics: advances and challenges in the infectology areaMarques, Daniella Maia 05 July 2018 (has links)
O controle na formação do biofilme em implantes e próteses ortopédicas continua sendo um dos grandes desafios acerca da infeção relacionada aos dispositivos na área da saúde. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar biomateriais com aplicabilidade na ortopedia, visando os avanços e enfrentamentos dos desafios na área da infectologia. Uma revisão integrativa foi realizada a respeito da formação de biofilme em biomateriais de próteses de quadril com a finalidade de contribuir com as medidas de prevenção e controle aos agravos infecciosos. Além disso, a formação in vitro do biofilme em função dos biomateriais (titânio e titânio revestido com biovidro F18), microrganismos (Staphylococcus epidermidis e Candida albicans) e tempos de incubação (2, 4 e 8 horas) foi avaliada por microscopia de fluorescência. A revisão integrativa foi realizada no portal PubMed da National Library of Medicine, bem como nas bases Cochrane, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL e LILACS com a inclusão de estudos primários sobre a temática, publicados online até novembro de 2017, em português, inglês e espanhol. Na fase experimental / laboratorial, biofilmes de S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228) e C. albicans (ATCC 90028) foram formados em corpos de prova de titânio e titânio revestido com biovidro F18 após 2, 4 e 8 horas de incubação a 37?C sob agitação orbital. As áreas das imagens dos corpos de prova, em porcentagem, recobertas com biofilme (células vivas) foram avaliadas por microscopia de fluorescência. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística empregando-se os testes de normalidade Shapiro Wilk, U de Mann-Whitney e t de Student por meio do software IBM SPSS Statistics (versão 25) e nível de significância ?=5%. Na revisão integrativa, os resultados demonstraram que dos 16 estudos primários, 81,25% eram pesquisas experimentais in vitro e que novos biomateriais foram desenvolvidos para prevenir a formação de biofilme. Com relação à fase experimental / laboratorial, houve menor formação de biofilme por S. epidermidis e C. albicans (p<0,001) no titânio revestido com biovidro F18 do que no titânio, após 8 horas de incubação. Entretanto, houve maior formação de biofilme por S. epidermidis e C. albicans após 8 horas do que em 2 horas de incubação, tanto no titânio quanto no titânio revestido com biovidro F18 (p<0,05). Em suma, a revista da literatura mencionou o desenvolvimento de biomateriais novos para prevenir a formação de biofilme. Na fase laboratorial / experimental, o titânio revestido com biovidro F18 apresentou atividade antibiofilme em comparação com o titânio, e os tempos de incubação de 2 para 8 horas aumentaram a formação de biofilme em ambos os biomateriais. Ainda, pesquisas futuras acerca do biovidro F18 fundamentadas nos aspectos físicoquímicos, bioquímicos e microbiológicos são importantes para a elucidação dos mecanismos de ação relacionados ao controle dos biofilmes / The control of biofilm formation on implants and orthopedic prostheses still is one of the major challenges concerning infection related to devices in the health field. The objective of this research was to investigate biomaterials with applicability in orthopedics, aiming for advances and facing challenges in the infectology area. An integrative review was performed regarding biofilm formation on hip prosthesis biomaterials in order to contribute to the preventive and infection control measures. Moreover, the in vitro biofilm formation according to biomaterials (titanium and titanium coated with F18 bioglass), microorganisms (Staphylococcus epidermidis and Candida albicans) and incubation times (2, 4 and 8 hours) was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. The integrative review was performed on PubMed portal from National Library of Medicine as well as on Cochrane, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL and LILACS databases with the inclusion of primary studies about the topic, published online up until November 2017, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In the experimental / laboratory step, S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228) and C. albicans (ATCC 90028) biofilms were formed on proof bodies of titanium and titanium coated with F18 bioglass after 2, 4 and 8 hours of incubation at 37?C under orbital shaking. The image areas of proof bodies, in percentage, coated with biofilm (living cells) were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. The data collected were submitted to statistical analysis using normality tests Shapiro Wilk, U from Mann-Whitney and t from Student through IBM SPSS Statistics (version 25) software and significance level ?=5%. In the integrative review, the results showed that among 16 primary studies, 81.25% were in vitro experimental studies and that new biomaterials were developed to prevent biofilm formation. Regarding experimental / laboratory step, there was less biofilm formation by S. epidermidis and C. albicans (p<0.001) on titanium coated with F18 bioglass than on titanium, after 8 hours of incubation. However, there was more biofilm formation by S. epidermidis and C. albicans after 8 hours than in 2 hours of incubation, both on titanium and on titanium coated with F18 bioglass (p<0.05). In sum, the literature review mentioned the development of new biomaterials to prevent biofilm formation. In laboratory / experimental step, titanium coated with F18 bioglass presented antibiofilm activity in comparison with titanium, and the incubation times of 2 to 8 hours increased biofilm formation on both materials. Besides, future studies about F18 bioglass based on physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological aspects are important for the elucidation of action mechanisms related to biofilms control
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Osteogênese in vitro sobre vitrocerâmica 100% cristalina e altamente bioativa (Biosilicato®): efeitos do condicionamento de superfície e dos produtos de dissolução iônica / In vitro osteogenesis on a highly bioactive glass ceramic (Biosilicate®): effects of surface conditioning and of its ionic dissolution productsLarissa Moreira Spinola de Castro Raucci 29 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do condicionamento de superfície de uma vitrocerâmica 100% cristalina e altamente bioativa (Biosilicato®) e de seus produtos de dissolução iônica sobre diferentes parâmetros do desenvolvimento do fenótipo osteogênico in vitro. Previamente ao plaqueamento de células osteogênicas de calvárias de ratos, discos de Biosilicato® foram condicionados, por 3 dias, em meio de cultura suplementado, com ou sem soro fetal bovino a 10%. Células osteogênicas expostas aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato® foram também cultivadas sobre lamínulas de vidro bioinerte. Discos de Biosilicato e lamínulas de vidro foram utilizados como controles. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento de superfície de Biosilicato® aumenta expressivamente a concentração de silício e cálcio no meio de cultura. Em 1, 3 e 7 dias, foram determinados os maiores valores de viabilidade celular em superfícies de Biosilicato® condicionado, enquanto que entre os grupos de lamínulas de vidro, observou-se menor viabilidade em culturas expostas aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato®. Em 3 dias, células sobre todas as superfícies de Biosilicato® apresentavam-se menos espraiadas quando comparadas àquelas sobre lamínulas de vidro; neste período, a topografia das superfícies dos grupos de Biosilicato® caracterizava-se por rede de cavidades na submicro e nanoescala, enquanto que a lamínula apresentava superfície plana. Alterações no padrão de marcação das proteínas citoesqueléticas actina, vimentina, tubulina e vinculina, da subunidade de integrina α5 e da fibronectina eram observadas apenas em células crescidas sobre as superfícies de Biosilicato®. Ao final da fase proliferativa (7 dias), foram observados maiores níveis relativos de expressão de RNA mensageiro para Runx2, sialoproteína óssea (BSP) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP) em culturas crescidas sobre superfícies condicionadas de Biosilicato®; a exposição aos produtos de dissolução iônica aumentou a expressão de Runx2 e ALP nos grupos de lamínula de vidro. Em 14 dias, culturas sobre Biosilicato® condicionado em meio de cultura com soro exibiam áreas mais extensas de mineralização. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o condicionamento de superfícies de Biosilicato® previamente ao plaqueamento celular favorece aspectos da interação célula-substrato, promovendo maior viabilidade celular e aumentando e/ou acelerando o desenvolvimento do fenótipo osteogênico in vitro. A exposição aos produtos de dissolução iônica do Biosilicato® inibe a progressão de culturas osteogênicas sobre lamínulas de vidro bioinerte, apesar de aumentar a expressão de marcadores osteoblásticos. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of surface conditioning of a highly bioactive, fully crystalline glass-ceramic in the Na2O-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system (Biosilicate®) and of its ionic dissolution products on key parameters of the development of the osteogenic phenotype in vitro. Rat calvaria-derived osteogenic cells were plated on Biosilicate® discs that were pre-conditioned either with supplemented culture medium or serum-free medium for 3 days. In addition, osteogenic cells grown on bioinert glass coverslips were exposed to the ionic dissolution products of the Biosilicate®. The results showed that the supplemented culture medium used for the Biosilicate® surface conditioning exhibited a high concentration silicium and calcium. At 1, 3, and 7 days, cell viability was significantly higher for the conditioned Biosilicate® sufaces, whereas reduced cell viability was observed for cultures grown on glass coverslips and exposed to the ionic dissolution products of Biosilicate®. At day 3, cells grown on Biosilicate® groups were less spread compared with those on glass coverslips. At the same time point, whereas the surface topography of glass coverslips was smooth, Biosilicate® discs exhibited a network of submicron and nanoscale pits. Changes in the labeling pattern of the cytoskeleton proteins actin, vimentin, tubulin and vinculin, and of α5 integrin and fibronectin were only observed for cells grown on Biosilicate® surfaces. At the end of the proliferative phase (day 7), expression levels of Runx2, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and bone sialoprotein (BSP) mRNAs were significantly higher for cultures grown on conditioned Biosilicate® surfaces; the exposure of cells to the ionic dissolution products increased Runx2 and ALP mRNA levels. At day 14, significantly more extensive areas of matrix mineralization were detected for cultures grown on Biosilicate® discs that were pre-conditioned with supplemented culture medium. The results showed that the conditioning of Biosilicate® surfaces with culture medium prior to cell plating supports key aspects of cell-substrate interactions, increasing and/or accelerating expression of the osteoblastic cell phenotype. Furthermore, the exposure of cells to the ionic dissolution products of Biosilicate® inhibits the progression of osteogenic cell cultures on bioinert glass coverslips, despite its positive effect on expression of osteoblastic markers.
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Efeito do jateamento com vidro niobofosfato na resistência de união de um adesivo em dentina afetada por cárie / Effect of blasting with niobophosphate glass on the bond strength of an adhesive in dentin affected by cariesLeal, Adriana Mara Araújo 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-05-10T20:18:37Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão (FAPEMA) / Objectives: To evaluate the effect of airborne-particle abrasion with niobium phosphate bioglass (NbG) microparticles on the bond strength (µTBS) and longevity of an adhesive system to different dentin substrates. Methods and Materials: Caries-free molars were used in this study. The dentin surfaces were evaluated in three groups: (1) Control – Healthy Dentin; (2) Partial removal of carious tissue; (3) complete removal of carious tissue. Half the teeth in each group were submitted to airborne-particle abrasion with NbG microparticles (15s/1cm/5bar). After this, the adhesive Clearfil S3 was applied and composite buildups were constructed incrementally; and specimens were longitudinally sectioned to obtain bonded sticks (1.0 mm2) to be tested in tension (0.5 mm/min) immediately or after 6 months of storage in water. The fracture patterns were evaluated by stereomicroscope (40x) and then by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis (post-hoc Dunn) and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). Results: Healthy dentin showed the highest bond strength (µTBS). Airborne-particle abrasion with NbG increased the µTBS values in the complete caries removal group. The bond strength values in the 24-hr period were higher than those at 6 months. In the majority of the specimens the fracture mode was adhesive/ mixed. Conclusion: The authors concluded that airborne-particle abrasion on dentin with NbG particles increased the µTBS in the group in which carious dentin was completely removed. / Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do jateamento de micropartículas de vidro niobofosfato (NbG) na resistência de união (RU) e na longevidade de um sistema adesivo em diferentes substratos dentinários. Dezoito molares extraídos livres de cárie foram usados. As superfícies de dentina foram avaliadas em três grupos: (1) Controle – Dentina Sadia; (2) Remoção parcial do tecido cariado; (3) Remoção total do tecido cariado. Metade dos dentes de cada grupo sofreu um jateamento com partículas de NbG (15s/1cm/5bar). Em seguida o adesivo Clearfil S3 Bond Plus foi aplicado e uma coroa de resina composta foi construída. Os dentes foram seccionados para obtenção dos espécimes (1,0 mm2) e submetidos ao teste de microtração (0,5 mm/min) imediatamente e após 6 meses de estocagem em água. Os padrões de fratura foram avaliados usando estereomicroscópio (40x) e levados ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (SEM). Os dados foram analisados pelos testes Kruskal-Wallis (pos-hoc Dunn) e Mann-Whitney (α=0.05). Resultados: A dentina sadia apresentou os maiores valores de RU. O jateamento com NbG aumentou os valores de RU no grupo remoção total. Os valores de RU no período de 24h foram superiores ao de 6 meses. A maioria das fraturas dos espécimes foi adesiva/mista. Conclusão: Os autores concluíram que o jateamento à dentina com partículas NbG aumentou a RU no grupo onde a dentina cariada foi totalmente removida.
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