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Inom vilka områden behövs framtida biogassatsningar? : Future support to biogas production in SwedenGillgren, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Energimyndigheten har från Regeringen blivit tilldelad 100 miljoner kronor att fördela som investeringsstöd för att främja en effektiv och utökad produktion, distribution samt användning av förnybara gaser såsom biogas. Myndigheten har samtidigt fått i uppdrag att utveckla en sektorsövergripande biogasstrategi och föreslå åtgärder som på kort och lång sikt kan bidra till ökad användning av biogas. Denna strategi ska också tjäna som ett underlag för fördelning av olika former av stöd inom sektorn.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa information som kan bidra som underlag vid upprättandet av den sektorsövergripande biogasstrategin. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med underlag för Energimyndighetens bedömning av var ett investeringsstöd kan ge störst effekt för den fortsatta utvecklingen inom biogasområdet. Detta stöd avser den senaste, ovan nämnda, utlysning som Energimyndigheten gjort inom området. Examensrapporten innehåller bland annat en sammanställning av gjorda insatser inom forskningsområdet biogas de senaste åren, finansierat av framför allt Energimyndigheten, men även en inblick i vilka biogassatsningar som är gjorda av andra nationella aktörer. Ett antal personer från bland annat branschorganisationer har intervjuats för att ta del av deras syn på den framtida biogasmarknaden, vilka satsningar som bör göras och vilka hinder som har störst inverkan. Organisationerna är valda utifrån kriteriet att de ska representera olika delar av biogasbranschen och att olika synvinklar därigenom ska framkomma. Rapporten innehåller slutsatser som dragits av tidigare biogassatsningar hos Energimyndigheten och identifiering av biogasområden där det föreligger stort behov av framtida satsningar för utökad produktion, distribution och användning. </p><p>Ett område som i detta examensarbete har identifierats ha stort behov av framtida biogassatsningar är bland annat framtagande av alternativa rötningssubstrat, eftersom mängden tillgängligt substrat nuläget inte är tillräcklig. Detta utgör idag en begränsning för biogasproduktionen. Det bör även satsas mer på förbehandling av substrat innan rötning, vilket ökar gasproduktionen och förbättrar substratutnyttjandet i större utsträckning. Mer satsningar behövs också kring hur biogasprocessens slutprodukt, rötresten, kan bli en mer attraktiv produkt så att återcirkulering av växtnäring kan ske i större grad genom rötrestspridning på åkermark. Detta är av stor vikt eftersom en ökad volym rötningssubstrat ger upphov till större mängd rötrester som ska hanteras. Andra områden som är i behov av framtida stöd är utveckling av befintliga anläggningar för att öka och effektivisera produktionen. För att optimera processerna bör framför allt mer medel satsas på kunskapsuppbyggnad och spridning av den vetenskap som finns tillgänglig. Att länka samman universitet, högskolor och naturbruksgymnasium med anläggningar i drift kan vara det mest effektiva sättet att nå ut med relevant information och kunskap. Ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv bör mer medel läggas på att öka gödselrötning då detta minskar metanläckage.</p> / <p>Swedish Energy Agency has been allocated SEK 100 million from the government to distribute as investment grant to promote efficient and expanded production, distribution and use of renewable gases such as biogas. The Agency has also been given the task to develop a multidisciplinary strategy for biogas and propose measures which can contribute to increased use of biogas in the short and long term. This strategy will also serve as a basis for the allocation of various forms of support in the biogas sector. </p><p>The purpose of this study is to compile information which can be used as input for the establishment of the multidisciplinary strategy for biogas. Another purpose is to provide information to support the Swedish Energy Agency in the assessment of which areas an investment grant will have the greatest impact for the future development of biogas. This grant refers to the latest call of Swedish Energy Agency in the sector. This report includes a summary of what areas grants have been given for research of biogas in recent years, mainly financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, but also an insight into efforts made by other national operators. A number of people from professional biogas organizations have been interviewed to share their views on the future biogas market. Which efforts should be made and the main obstacles to be overcome are other questions discussed. The report contains conclusions from the experience of previous support from the Swedish Energy Agency as well as identification of areas in which there is great need for future efforts in order to expand the production, distribution and use of biogas.</p><p>Some areas which have been identified in this thesis for need of future efforts in the biogas sector is for example the development of alternative substrates for anaerobic digestion, because the amount of available substrate is at present not sufficient. This is currently a limitation for the biogas production. There is also a need to further develop the pre-treatment of the substrate before digestion, in order to increase the gas production and improve substrate utilization to a greater extent. More focus are also needed on how the end product from the biogas process, the digestion residues, can become a more attractive product to the recycling of plant nutrients by use as a bio fertilizer on farmland. This is of great importance because larger volume of digestion will result in greater volume of digestion residues to be managed. Other areas in need of future investments are the development of existing facilities to increase and optimize the production. In order to optimize the production processes, more resources should be devoted to capacity building and dissemination of the available knowledge. Linking universities and colleges together with operating biogas plants could be the most effective way to reach out with relevant information and knowledge. From a socioeconomic perspective more resources should be spent on increasing the volume of manure digestion then it is today, which also will result in reduced methane leaks.</p>
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Cobalt and Nickel Bioavailability for Biogas FormationGustavsson, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
Supplementation of trace metals such as Co and Ni may improve anaerobic digestion of organic material for biogas formation. Which trace metals that are needed and the quantity to apply are, at least partly, related to metal speciation and bioavailability. According to the common perception, metals have to be dissolved to be available for microbial uptake. However, the impact of trace metal speciation on bioavailability is still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Fe-, Co- and Ni-addition on the biogas process performance of stillage-fed lab-scale biogas tank reactors. Metal speciation was determined by sequential extraction (SE), extraction of acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and continuously extracted metals (AVS-Me). Sulfur forms, which may be associated to metal speciation, were studied with S XANES (sulfur X-ray absorption near edge structure). The effect of different Co- and Ni-concentrations on process microflora composition was examined with quantitative PCR (qPCR) and 454-pyrosequencing. The results showed that Co- and Ni-supplementation stimulated and stabilized the biogas process performance by increasing methane production and substrate utilization and by establishing low concentrations of volatile fatty acids. 10-20% of the total Co-amount was found in the dissolved phase, which shows that Co was relatively available for microbial uptake. Nickel was entirely associated to organic matter/sulfides and AVS, and was therefore considered to be non-bioavailable. Nevertheless, Ni-supplementation had stimulatory effects on the biogas process performance. This implies that Ni was available for microbial uptake despite its extensive association to sulfides and that other mechanisms than solubility govern the availability of this trace metal. The microbial analyzes revealed that it was primarily the methane producers which were affected by the concentration of Co and Ni. At stimulatory Co- and Ni-concentrations, the archaeal methanogenic community was dominated by aceticlastic Methanosarcinales. At lower Co- or Ni-levels, when biogas process performance was poor, an increase in hydrogenotrophic Methanomicrobiales was observed. This indicates a shift in the methanogenic flora, from being dominated by acetate utilizers to increased importance of hydrogen utilizers, and that the former was more dependent on Co and Ni. / Tillsats av spårmetaller kan förbättra rötning av organiskt material till biogas. Typ och mängd av respektive spårmetall som behöver tillsättas för att uppnå stimulerande effekter, varierar mellan processer. Detta är delvis kopplat till specieringen och biotillgängligheten av metallerna. Endast fria metalljoner och vissa metallkomplex antas vara tillgängliga för mikrobiellt upptag. Det är dock i många fall oklart hur metallernas speciering påverkar biotillgängligheten. Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att undersöka effekten av tillsats av Fe, Co och Ni för biogasproduktion från drank, en restprodukt i produktion av bioetanol från spannmål, samt att undersöka hur dessa metallers speciering påverkar deras biotillgänglighet. Effekten av tillsatserna av Fe, Co och Ni undersöktes på biogasreaktorer i lab-skala. Metallernas speciering bestämdes genom sekventiell extraktion (SE), extraktion av AVS (acid volatile sulfide) och kontinuerligt extraherade metaller (AVS-Me). Svavelformer med betydelse för metallspeciering studerades med S XANES (sulfur X-ray absorption near edge structure). Effekten av olika Co- och Ni-koncentrationer på processens mikroflora undersöktes molekylärbiologiskt med kvantitativ PCR (qPCR) och 454-pyrosekvensering. Resultaten visade att Co och Ni stimulerade och stabiliserade biogasprocessen genom ökad metanproduktion, ökad utrötningsgrad samt låga halter av flyktiga fettsyror i det studerade systemet. 10-20% av totala mängden Co återfanns i löst fas, vilket visar att Co var relativt lättillgängligt för mikroorganismerna. Nickel var däremot enbart bundet till organiskt material/sulfider och AVS och kunde alltså betraktas som otillgängligt. Trots detta hade även tillsatsen av Ni stimulerande effekter på biogasprocessen. Det innebär att mikroorganismerna har förmåga att komma åt Ni bundet i svårlösliga sulfidföreningar och att andra mekanismer än löslighet reglerar tillgängligheten av denna spårmetall. De molekylärbiologiska analyserna visade att framför allt de metanbildande mikroorganismerna påverkades av halten av Co och Ni. De halter, som gav välfungerande processer, dominerades helt av acetiklastiska Methanosarcinales. Vid lägre halter av Co eller Ni, då processerna gick sämre, tillkom vätgasutnyttjande metanogener. Det tyder på ett skift i bildningen av metan från att ha dominerats av acetatklyvning till att vätgasutnyttjarna fått större betydelse och att de förra är mer beroende av Co och Ni.
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Anwendung des erweiterten KALMAN-Filters zur Zustandsbeobachtung in BiogasanlagenPolster, Andreas 28 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Bislang existieren keine unter Praxisbedingungen einsetzbaren Messmethoden für eine verzögerungsfreie Bestimmung der für die Prozessführung wichtigen Zustandsgrößen in Biogasanlagen. Die Arbeit „Anwendung des erweiterten KALMAN-Filters zur Zustandsbeobachtung in Biogasanlagen“ hat zum Ziel, den Stand der Technik in der Biogaserzeugung dahingehend weiter zu entwickeln, dass mittels einer softwarebasierten Systemlösung die für eine fundierte Einschätzung des Prozesszustands einer Biogasanlage benötigten Zustandsgrößen sowohl im Fermenter als auch im Zulauf bestimmt werden können. Das praktische Interesse besteht insbesondere darin, dass die Bestimmung unter Verwendung von standardmäßig an Biogasanlagen verfügbaren Messsystemen sowie unter den anlagentechnischen Randbedingungen erfolgen kann.
Grundlage für eine Systemlösung zur Zustandsbeobachtung in Biogasanlagen ist ein mathematisches Modell, das die relevanten Teilprozesse der Methangärung abbildet und stellvertretend für das Realstoffsystem mit mathematischen Methoden der Prozesszustands- und Parameterschätzung untersucht werden kann. Die entsprechend des Stands der Technik verfügbaren Prozessmodelle zur Beschreibung anaerober biologischer Abbauprozesse ermöglichen die Berechnung der Prozesszustandsgrößen der anaeroben Flüssigphase, sofern die Zusammensetzung des zugeführten Substrats bekannt ist. Diese ist jedoch in technischen Anlagen zur Biogaserzeugung in der Regel unbekannt, da die eingesetzten Substrate den nachwachsenden Rohstoffen sowie den biologischen Rest- und Abfallstoffen zuzuordnen sind, die herkunftsbedingt eine wechselnde Zusammensetzung und Verfügbarkeit aufweisen. Praxistaugliche, verzögerungsfreie Messmethoden für die Substratcharakterisierung stehen derzeit ebenfalls nicht zur Verfügung, so dass diese Modelle bislang nur eingeschränkte praktische Anwendbarkeit aufweisen. Zielstellung der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Systemlösung, die es auf der Grundlage der mathematischen Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht, die Prozesseingangsgrößen (Substratmenge und Substratzusammensetzung) und die Prozesszustandsgrößen (anaerobe Milieubedingungen) aus den Prozessmessgrößen (Gasmenge und Gaszusammensetzung) zu berechnen. Dabei sind unter praktischen Bedingungen auftretende Informationsverluste in den Messdaten infolge Biogasentschwefelung, Gaszwischenspeicherung und Leistungssteuerung des BHKW zu berücksichtigen, die zu keiner Beeinträchtigung der Anwendbarkeit führen dürfen.
Mit Messwerten, die im Rahmen von zwei Versuchsreihen am Realstoffsystem bestimmt worden sind, wurde der Prozess der Methangärung für zwei spezielle Anwendungsfälle simuliert und einer Bewertung in Bezug auf die Qualität der Zustandsbeobachtung unterzogen. Die berechneten Verläufe ergaben eine hinreichend genaue Übereinstimmung mit den Verläufen der analytisch bestimmten Prozesszustands- und Prozesseingangsgrößen. Darauf aufbauend können dann Systeme zur Bewertung des Prozesszustands und zur Prozessregelung eingesetzt und zur Optimierung der Prozessführung in Biogasanlagen angewendet werden. / Suitable control of anaerobic digestion for biogas production requires well-founded knowledge about the process states. Standard measurement categories in small and medium scaled biogas plants contain gas analysis (amount and composition) and pH measurement. The actual process and input states of the liquid phase are usually unknown. This work presents a methodology for estimation of the unknown states based on standard measurement equipment. The system solution consists of two parts, a model describing the dynamics of the process and a two-stage identification of process states and model parameters. Within the first stage quadratic differences between simulated and measured values are minimized by the least square method; second stage minimizes the covariance matrix of the estimation error using the extended Kalman filter. Application of the system solution provides an high potential to increase efficiency of biogas production process and utilization of renewable resources.
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A multi-parameter empirical model for mesophilic anaerobic digestionOgbonna, Emmanuel January 2017 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion, which is the process by which bacteria breakdown organic matter to produce biogas (renewable energy source) and digestate (biofertiliser) in the absence of oxygen, proves to be the ideal concept not only for sustainable energy provision but also for effective organic waste management. However, the production amount of biogas to keep up with the global demand is limited by the underperformance in the system implementing the AD process. This underperformance is due to the difficulty in obtaining and maintaining the optimal operating parameters/states for anaerobic bacteria to thrive with regards to attaining a specific critical population number, which results in maximising the biogas production. This problem continues to exist as a result of insufficient knowledge of the interactions between the operating parameters and bacterial community. In addition, the lack of sufficient knowledge of the composition of bacterial groups that varies with changes in the operating parameters such as temperature, substrate and retention time. Without sufficient knowledge of the overall impact of the physico-environmental operating parameters on anaerobic bacterial growth and composition, significant improvement of biogas production may be difficult to attain. In order to mitigate this problem, this study has presented a nonlinear multi-parameter system modelling of mesophilic AD. It utilised raw data sets generated from laboratory experimentation of the influence of four operating parameters, temperature, pH, mixing speed and pressure on biogas and methane production, signifying that this is a multiple input single output (MISO) system. Due to the nonlinear characteristics of the data, the nonlinear black-box modelling technique is applied. The modelling is performed in MATLAB through System Identification approach. Two nonlinear model structures, autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) and Hammerstein-Wiener (NLHW) with different nonlinearity estimators and model orders are chosen by trial and error and utilised to estimate the models. The performance of the models is determined by comparing the simulated outputs of the estimated models and the output in the validation data. The approach is used to validate the estimated models by checking how well the simulated output of the models fits the measured output. The best models for biogas and methane production are chosen by comparing the outputs of the best NARX and NLHW models (each for biogas and methane production), and the validation data, as well as utilising the Akaike information criterion to measure the quality of each model relative to each of the other models. The NLHW models mhw2 and mhws2 are chosen for biogas and methane production, respectively. The identified NLHW models mhw2 and mhws2 represent the behaviour of the production of biogas and methane, respectively, from mesophilic AD. Among all the candidate models studied, the nonlinear models provide a superior reproduction of the experimental data over the whole analysed period. Furthermore, the models constructed in this study cannot be used for scale-up purpose because they are not able to satisfy the rules and criteria for applying dimensional analysis to scale-up.
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Produção de biogás em reator anaeróbio de alta taxa alimentado com a fração líquida de esterco bovino peneirado / Biogas production in anaerobic high-rate reactor fed with the liquid fraction of cattle manureAdriano Gasparini Vidal 19 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de avaliar o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio híbrido de alta taxa (AHHR), contendo biomassa imobilizada em leito ordenado, alimentado com a fração líquida de esterco bovino, na produção de biogás. No estudo, foi utilizado um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente de 12,4 L de volume total (9,2 L de volume útil) com leito ordenado composto por hastes de espuma de poliuretano (PU). O leito ordenado utilizado possuía 32 hastes de espuma de 1,25 cm2 de seção com 50,0 cm de comprimento, posicionadas verticalmente no interior do reator. A alimentação do reator e a recirculação foram realizadas por meio de bombas dosadoras de diafragma. O reator operou na faixa mesofílica de temperatura (de 20 a 40 °C) sem a utilização de mecanismos de controle de temperatura. Foram testadas 7 condições operacionais diferentes, variando o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH), carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) aplicada e a utilização de recirculação interna. Para cada fase operacional, foram avaliadas a remoção de matéria orgânica e a produção de biogás. O sistema apresentou elevada remoção de matéria orgânica operando com TDH de 3 e 1d, respectivamente, com valores médios de remoção de DQO de 79 % e 71 %. O biogás produzido pelo reator apresentou concentração de metano de 57,6 ± 0,5 % e não foi detectada a presença de sulfeto. A maior produção média de metano foi de 1,676 L CH4/d, obtida com COV de 20 kg DQO/m3.d e TDH de 1d, enquanto a maior produção relativa de metano foi de 0,023 L CH4./ g SV.d, obtida com COV de 5 kg DQO/m3.d e TDH de 1d e recirculação. A relação entre alcalinidade intermediária e parcial teve valor médio de 0,32, oscilando na maior parte do tempo entre 0,27 e 0,33, indicando a estabilidade do processo de digestão anaeróbia. Os resultados obtidos indicaram o potencial satisfatório do AHHR para a remoção de matéria orgânica e produção de biogás a partir da fração líquida do esterco bovino nas condições operacionais testadas na pesquisa. / This study aimed at evaluating the biogas production for electricity generation performance of an anaerobic high-rate hybrid reactor (AHHR), containing immobilized biomass in structured-bed, fed with the liquid fraction of cattle manure. In this study, it was used an upflow 12,4 L anaerobic reactor (9,2 L working volume) with structuredbed composed by 32 PU foam stripes (1,25 cm2 cross section and 500 mm length) vertically fixed inside the reactor. The reactor feeding and internal recirculation was made by diaphragm metering pumps. The reactor operated at mesophilic temperature (20 - 40 °C) without temperature control system. Different operating conditions were tested (7 stages), changing hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading rate (OLR) and recirculation use. COD removal and biogas production were evaluated for each operational condition. The system resulted in high COD removal operating with HRT of 3 and 1d, respectively, with average COD removal of 79 % and 71 %. Produced biogas had 57,6 ± 0,5 % of methane and no sulfide. The highest average volumetric methane production was 1,676 L CH4, obtained with OLR of 20 kg COD/m3.d and 1d HRT, and the highest methane yield was 0,023 L CH4/ g VS obtained with OLR of 5 kg COD/m3.d, 1d HRT and recirculation. The intermediate and partial alkalinity relation had an average value of 0,32, varying most of the time between 0,27 and 0,33, indicating the anaerobic digestion process stability. The results indicated the decent COD removal and biogas production using the AHHR fed with the liquid fraction of cattle manure at the operation conditions used in this study.
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Anwendung des erweiterten KALMAN-Filters zur Zustandsbeobachtung in BiogasanlagenPolster, Andreas 14 July 2009 (has links)
Bislang existieren keine unter Praxisbedingungen einsetzbaren Messmethoden für eine verzögerungsfreie Bestimmung der für die Prozessführung wichtigen Zustandsgrößen in Biogasanlagen. Die Arbeit „Anwendung des erweiterten KALMAN-Filters zur Zustandsbeobachtung in Biogasanlagen“ hat zum Ziel, den Stand der Technik in der Biogaserzeugung dahingehend weiter zu entwickeln, dass mittels einer softwarebasierten Systemlösung die für eine fundierte Einschätzung des Prozesszustands einer Biogasanlage benötigten Zustandsgrößen sowohl im Fermenter als auch im Zulauf bestimmt werden können. Das praktische Interesse besteht insbesondere darin, dass die Bestimmung unter Verwendung von standardmäßig an Biogasanlagen verfügbaren Messsystemen sowie unter den anlagentechnischen Randbedingungen erfolgen kann.
Grundlage für eine Systemlösung zur Zustandsbeobachtung in Biogasanlagen ist ein mathematisches Modell, das die relevanten Teilprozesse der Methangärung abbildet und stellvertretend für das Realstoffsystem mit mathematischen Methoden der Prozesszustands- und Parameterschätzung untersucht werden kann. Die entsprechend des Stands der Technik verfügbaren Prozessmodelle zur Beschreibung anaerober biologischer Abbauprozesse ermöglichen die Berechnung der Prozesszustandsgrößen der anaeroben Flüssigphase, sofern die Zusammensetzung des zugeführten Substrats bekannt ist. Diese ist jedoch in technischen Anlagen zur Biogaserzeugung in der Regel unbekannt, da die eingesetzten Substrate den nachwachsenden Rohstoffen sowie den biologischen Rest- und Abfallstoffen zuzuordnen sind, die herkunftsbedingt eine wechselnde Zusammensetzung und Verfügbarkeit aufweisen. Praxistaugliche, verzögerungsfreie Messmethoden für die Substratcharakterisierung stehen derzeit ebenfalls nicht zur Verfügung, so dass diese Modelle bislang nur eingeschränkte praktische Anwendbarkeit aufweisen. Zielstellung der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Systemlösung, die es auf der Grundlage der mathematischen Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht, die Prozesseingangsgrößen (Substratmenge und Substratzusammensetzung) und die Prozesszustandsgrößen (anaerobe Milieubedingungen) aus den Prozessmessgrößen (Gasmenge und Gaszusammensetzung) zu berechnen. Dabei sind unter praktischen Bedingungen auftretende Informationsverluste in den Messdaten infolge Biogasentschwefelung, Gaszwischenspeicherung und Leistungssteuerung des BHKW zu berücksichtigen, die zu keiner Beeinträchtigung der Anwendbarkeit führen dürfen.
Mit Messwerten, die im Rahmen von zwei Versuchsreihen am Realstoffsystem bestimmt worden sind, wurde der Prozess der Methangärung für zwei spezielle Anwendungsfälle simuliert und einer Bewertung in Bezug auf die Qualität der Zustandsbeobachtung unterzogen. Die berechneten Verläufe ergaben eine hinreichend genaue Übereinstimmung mit den Verläufen der analytisch bestimmten Prozesszustands- und Prozesseingangsgrößen. Darauf aufbauend können dann Systeme zur Bewertung des Prozesszustands und zur Prozessregelung eingesetzt und zur Optimierung der Prozessführung in Biogasanlagen angewendet werden. / Suitable control of anaerobic digestion for biogas production requires well-founded knowledge about the process states. Standard measurement categories in small and medium scaled biogas plants contain gas analysis (amount and composition) and pH measurement. The actual process and input states of the liquid phase are usually unknown. This work presents a methodology for estimation of the unknown states based on standard measurement equipment. The system solution consists of two parts, a model describing the dynamics of the process and a two-stage identification of process states and model parameters. Within the first stage quadratic differences between simulated and measured values are minimized by the least square method; second stage minimizes the covariance matrix of the estimation error using the extended Kalman filter. Application of the system solution provides an high potential to increase efficiency of biogas production process and utilization of renewable resources.
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Inom vilka områden behövs framtida biogassatsningar? / Future support to biogas production in SwedenGillgren, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Energimyndigheten har från Regeringen blivit tilldelad 100 miljoner kronor att fördela som investeringsstöd för att främja en effektiv och utökad produktion, distribution samt användning av förnybara gaser såsom biogas. Myndigheten har samtidigt fått i uppdrag att utveckla en sektorsövergripande biogasstrategi och föreslå åtgärder som på kort och lång sikt kan bidra till ökad användning av biogas. Denna strategi ska också tjäna som ett underlag för fördelning av olika former av stöd inom sektorn. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa information som kan bidra som underlag vid upprättandet av den sektorsövergripande biogasstrategin. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med underlag för Energimyndighetens bedömning av var ett investeringsstöd kan ge störst effekt för den fortsatta utvecklingen inom biogasområdet. Detta stöd avser den senaste, ovan nämnda, utlysning som Energimyndigheten gjort inom området. Examensrapporten innehåller bland annat en sammanställning av gjorda insatser inom forskningsområdet biogas de senaste åren, finansierat av framför allt Energimyndigheten, men även en inblick i vilka biogassatsningar som är gjorda av andra nationella aktörer. Ett antal personer från bland annat branschorganisationer har intervjuats för att ta del av deras syn på den framtida biogasmarknaden, vilka satsningar som bör göras och vilka hinder som har störst inverkan. Organisationerna är valda utifrån kriteriet att de ska representera olika delar av biogasbranschen och att olika synvinklar därigenom ska framkomma. Rapporten innehåller slutsatser som dragits av tidigare biogassatsningar hos Energimyndigheten och identifiering av biogasområden där det föreligger stort behov av framtida satsningar för utökad produktion, distribution och användning. Ett område som i detta examensarbete har identifierats ha stort behov av framtida biogassatsningar är bland annat framtagande av alternativa rötningssubstrat, eftersom mängden tillgängligt substrat nuläget inte är tillräcklig. Detta utgör idag en begränsning för biogasproduktionen. Det bör även satsas mer på förbehandling av substrat innan rötning, vilket ökar gasproduktionen och förbättrar substratutnyttjandet i större utsträckning. Mer satsningar behövs också kring hur biogasprocessens slutprodukt, rötresten, kan bli en mer attraktiv produkt så att återcirkulering av växtnäring kan ske i större grad genom rötrestspridning på åkermark. Detta är av stor vikt eftersom en ökad volym rötningssubstrat ger upphov till större mängd rötrester som ska hanteras. Andra områden som är i behov av framtida stöd är utveckling av befintliga anläggningar för att öka och effektivisera produktionen. För att optimera processerna bör framför allt mer medel satsas på kunskapsuppbyggnad och spridning av den vetenskap som finns tillgänglig. Att länka samman universitet, högskolor och naturbruksgymnasium med anläggningar i drift kan vara det mest effektiva sättet att nå ut med relevant information och kunskap. Ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv bör mer medel läggas på att öka gödselrötning då detta minskar metanläckage. / Swedish Energy Agency has been allocated SEK 100 million from the government to distribute as investment grant to promote efficient and expanded production, distribution and use of renewable gases such as biogas. The Agency has also been given the task to develop a multidisciplinary strategy for biogas and propose measures which can contribute to increased use of biogas in the short and long term. This strategy will also serve as a basis for the allocation of various forms of support in the biogas sector. The purpose of this study is to compile information which can be used as input for the establishment of the multidisciplinary strategy for biogas. Another purpose is to provide information to support the Swedish Energy Agency in the assessment of which areas an investment grant will have the greatest impact for the future development of biogas. This grant refers to the latest call of Swedish Energy Agency in the sector. This report includes a summary of what areas grants have been given for research of biogas in recent years, mainly financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, but also an insight into efforts made by other national operators. A number of people from professional biogas organizations have been interviewed to share their views on the future biogas market. Which efforts should be made and the main obstacles to be overcome are other questions discussed. The report contains conclusions from the experience of previous support from the Swedish Energy Agency as well as identification of areas in which there is great need for future efforts in order to expand the production, distribution and use of biogas. Some areas which have been identified in this thesis for need of future efforts in the biogas sector is for example the development of alternative substrates for anaerobic digestion, because the amount of available substrate is at present not sufficient. This is currently a limitation for the biogas production. There is also a need to further develop the pre-treatment of the substrate before digestion, in order to increase the gas production and improve substrate utilization to a greater extent. More focus are also needed on how the end product from the biogas process, the digestion residues, can become a more attractive product to the recycling of plant nutrients by use as a bio fertilizer on farmland. This is of great importance because larger volume of digestion will result in greater volume of digestion residues to be managed. Other areas in need of future investments are the development of existing facilities to increase and optimize the production. In order to optimize the production processes, more resources should be devoted to capacity building and dissemination of the available knowledge. Linking universities and colleges together with operating biogas plants could be the most effective way to reach out with relevant information and knowledge. From a socioeconomic perspective more resources should be spent on increasing the volume of manure digestion then it is today, which also will result in reduced methane leaks.
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Charakterisierung minimaler und maximaler Hemmkonzentrationen verschiedener Spurenelemente in Biogasprozessen und Entwicklung eines vereinfachten Bestimmungsverfahrens / Characterization of minimum and maximum inhibitory concentrations of various trace elements in biogas processes and development of a simplified determination methodPasold, Tino 08 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Der Zusammenhang von Biogasproduktion und inner- und zwischenbetrieblicher Wettbewerbsfähigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe in NiedersachsenMeyer, Carl-Christian 26 March 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, ob und inwiefern sich die Biogasproduktion sowohl im Allgemeinen als auch im Speziellen unter den Richtlinien des EEG 2012 auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit anderer landwirtschaftlicher Produktionsverfahren auswirkt.
Dafür werden innerhalb Niedersachsens vier Regionen auf Gemeindeebene identifiziert, die sich durch Produktionsschwerpunkte landwirtschaftlicher Tätigkeiten charakterisieren lassen. Hierunter fallen Milchviehhaltung, Veredlung in der Schweine- und Bullenmast, Ackerbau mit dem Fokus auf Kartoffelanbau und schließlich gemischter Ackerbau. Die Vorgehensweise und das Ergebnis dieser Einteilung sind als völlig neu zu bewerten und münden in jeweiligen Intensivregionen der entsprechenden Betriebsausrichtungen.
Das Instrument der Betriebszweigauswertung wird herangezogen und anhand eines eigenen Modells angepasst. Dies ermöglicht, zwischen dem jeweils regional anzusiedelnden Verfahren und ansässiger Biogasproduktion die ökonomischen Vor- und Nachteile im Wettbewerb festzustellen. In einem zweiten Schritt gibt eine Betriebsleiterbefragung Aufschluss darüber, wie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit seitens der Biogas- und Nichtbiogasbetreiber empfunden wird. Darüber hinaus fängt die Befragung die maximalen Faktorentlohnungen der Betriebsleiter ein. Somit ergänzen sich die objektive und subjektive Messung betrieblicher Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit kommen wie erwartet zu dem Schluss, dass die Biogasproduktion in den von Viehwirtschaft gekennzeichneten Regionen Niedersachsens Wettbewerbsvorteile besitzt. Dieser Vorteil ist in der von Milchviehhaltung geprägten Region aber geringer als bislang angenommen. Während sich die Biogasproduktion mit gemischtem Ackerbau auf gesamtwettbewerblicher Augenhöhe befindet, sehen sich die Landwirte in der von Kartoffelanbau charakterisierten Region gegenüber Biogasbetrieben in einem Wettbewerbsnachteil, der allerdings objektiv nicht nachgewiesen werden kann. / This paper examines the question of whether and to what extent biogas production has an impact on the competitiveness of other agricultural production methods, both in general and in particular under the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) 2012 guidelines.
For this purpose, four regions at municipal level within Lower Saxony are identified which can be characterised by production focuses of agricultural activities. These include dairy farming, pig and bull fattening, arable farming with a focus on potato cultivation and finally mixed arable farming. The procedure and the result of this classification are to be considered as completely new and lead to the respective intensive regions of the respective operational orientations.
The instrument of the branch analyses is used and adapted on an own model. This makes it possible to determine the economic advantages and disadvantages in competition between the respective regionally based process and the local biogas production. In a second step, a survey of farm managers provides information on how the competitiveness of biogas and non-biogas operators is perceived. In addition, the survey captures the maximum factor remuneration of the farm managers. Thus, the objective and subjective measurement of operational competitiveness complement each other.
As expected, the results of the present study conclude that biogas production has competitive advantages in the regions of Lower Saxony characterised by livestock farming. However, this advantage is lower than previously assumed in the region dominated by dairy farming. While biogas production with mixed arable farming is on a level with overall competition, farmers in the region characterised by potato cultivation see themselves at a competitive disadvantage compared to biogas farms, which however cannot be objectively proven.
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Geração de metano em reator UASB: avaliação de parâmetros de monitoramento para controle do processo de tratamento anaeróbio de vinhaça / Methane generation in a UASB reactor: evaluation of monitoring parameters for control of anaerobic treatment process of vinasseLongo, Rodrigo Rodrigues 29 May 2015 (has links)
Com o propósito de explorar o potencial de geração de metano a partir de vinhaça de cana-de-açúcar e propor procedimentos de controle do processo anaeróbio, foi utilizado um reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) em escala piloto, equipado de separador gás-sólido-líquido modificado e sem recirculação de efluente. A unidade foi inoculada com lodo granular e utilizou-se substrato concentrado (DQO de 20 g.L-1) para sua alimentação. O reator foi submetido a cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) de 0,7 a 7 KgDQO.m-3.d-1, durante 300 dias de operação. O procedimento operacional baseou-se no aumento de carga por escalonamento da vazão de alimentação em função da manutenção de variação inferior a 10% para a eficiência do sistema. Para o tamponamento da vinhaça de alimentação, no início da operação utilizou-se 1g NaHCO3.g-1DQOafluente, com redução gradativa até 0,125g NaHCO3.g-1DQOafluente. O monitoramento do desempenho do processo anaeróbio se deu pela avaliação dos parâmetros: eficiência de remoção de DQO, pH, alcalinidade, ácidos voláteis, razão alcalinidade intermediária/alcalinidade parcial, razão Prop:Ac, vazão de metano e porcentagem de metano no biogás. O reator UASB apresentou valor médio de eficiência de remoção de DQO de 92±4,4%, para cargas aplicadas entre 0,7 e 4,8 KgDQO.m-3.d-1. A maior produção média de metano observada durante o período operacional foi 5 m3CH4.m-3 de vinhaça aplicada para cargas orgânicas entre 4,1 e 5,6 KgDQO.m-3.d-1. A produção de biogás apresentou valor médio de metano de 70±7% para 1 a 5,6 Kg DQO.m-3.d-1. A operação do reator com cargas aplicadas acima de 5,6 KgDQO.m-3.d-1 gerou menor produção de biogás, redução na porcentagem de metano e aumento da carga de ácidos voláteis efluente, assim como queda na eficiência de remoção de DQO. Devido ao acréscimo de carga (0-2 para 4-6 KgDQO.m-3.d-1), a variação da concentração para cada tipo de ácido foi: acético (56±70 para 216±121 mg.L-1), propiônico (26±28 para 165±150 mg.L-1) e butírico (4±7 para 60±18 mg.L-1). Notou-se que a relação entre as concentrações de ácido propiônico e ácido acético (razão Prop:Ac) pode ser utilizada como parâmetro de monitoramento da estabilidade do reator. A elevação de COV de 3,9 a 6,4 KgDQO.m-3.d-1acarretou alteração na razão Prop:Ac de 0,8 a 1,75, corroborando descontroles do processo anaeróbio associado à queda de eficiência na geração de metano. / In order to explore the potential of methane generation from sugarcane vinasse and propose procedures for the anaerobic process control, was utilized a pilot scale UASB reactor (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), equipped with modified gas-solid-liquid separator and without recirculation of effluent. The unit was inoculated with granular sludge and concentrated substrate was used (COD 20 g.L-1) for feeding. The reactor was submitted to volumetric organic load (VOL) from 0.7 to 7 KgCOD.m-3.d-1, during 300 days of operation. The reactor operation was based on the increase of load by staggering the feed flow in function of the maintenance of variation lower than 10% for the system efficiency. For buffering the feedings vinasse was used 1g NaHCO3.g-1CODinfluent at the beginning of the operation, with gradual reduction to the value of 0.125 g NaHCO3.g-1CODinfluent. The monitoring of the anaerobic process performance was due to the evaluation of the following parameters: efficiency of COD removal pH, alkalinity, intermediate alkalinity/partial alkalinity ratio; Prop:Ac ratio, methane flow and percentage of methane in the biogas. The UASB reactor demonstrated a COD average removal efficiency of 92±4.4%, to applied loads between 0.7 and 4.8 KgCOD.m-3.d-1. The highest average methane production observed during the operational period was 5 m3CH4.m-3 of vinasse applied for organic loads between 4.1 and 5.6 KgCOD.m-3.d-1. The biogás production demonstrated a methane average of 70±7% for 1 to 5.6 KgCOD.m-3.d-1. The reactor operation with loads up to 5.6 KgCOD.m-3.d-1 caused lower production of biogas, reduction in the percentage of methane and increase for effluent volatile acids load, as well as decrease of COD removal efficiency. Due to the additional load (0-2 to 4-6 KgCOD.m-3.d-1), the change in concentration for each type of acid was: acetic acid (56±70 to 216±121 mg.L-1), propionic acid (26±28 to 165±150 mg.L-1) and butyric acid (4±7 to 60 ± 18 mg.L-1). It was noted that the relationship between the concentrations of propionic acid and acetic acid (ratio Prop:Ac) may be used as a monitoring parameter of the reactor stability. The increase in VOL of 3.9 to 6.4 KgCOD.m-3.d-1 caused change in the Prop:Ac ratio of 0.8 to 1.75, confirming the upsets on the anaerobic process associated with efficiency drop in methane generation.
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