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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expertises et addictions : trajectoires de déprise à l'épreuve des groupes d'entraide et des centres de soin en addictologie (CSAPA) / Expertises ans addictions : the exit-trajectories throughout self-help groups and specialized treatment centers (CSAPA)

Pedersen, Line K. 24 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se focalise sur des trajectoires des personnes en prise avec des produitspsycho-actifs inscrites dans une démarche d'arrêt ou de diminution des consommations d'alcool ou desdrogues illicites. À partir d'une posture ethnographique, à la fois compréhensive et critique, nousavons exploré la construction de la « sortie » des addictions au regard des contraintes morales, socialeset institutionnelles. En suivant ces trajectoires de déprise, nous avons pu questionner le passage desaddicts dans les Centres de Soin, d’Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie (CSAPA), etles groupes d’entraide (Vie Libre et Narcotiques Anonymes). Ces deux entités se posent commeexperts de la question addictologique. Les premiers par leur spécialisation professionnelle et lesseconds par leur expérience intime de l'addiction. Simultanément, l'addict est, dans les deuxdispositifs, considérée comme l'experte d'elle-même, en ce sens qu'elle doit se connaître, et que c'estpar ce savoir biographique qu'elle peut en sortir. Le travail biographique que les « addicts » déploientpermet une mise à distance de l'expérience de l'emprise. Il s'agit de constituer un jugement moral surses comportements passés sous l'effet des produits. Le processus de déprise peut être considéré commeun processus de subjectivation permettant aux individus de « recoller les morceaux » de leur vie etredevenir soi. C'est seulement au moment de la mise en récit devant les pairs ou les professionnels quel'on peut parler d'une rupture biographique. En ce sens les entités médiatisent les récits des addicts,parce qu'elles participent à déterminer les manières de se dire. La narration est ainsi une conditiond'entrée dans la Cité. Il ne faut donc pas occulter l'aspect contraignant de ce processus, en ce sens quel'obligation de se raconter participe aussi à construire un sujet moral capable de s'auto-contrôler. / This research focuses on the trajectories of persons in touch with psycho-active productsand falling within a process to either stop or reduce their consumption of alcohol or drugs. Byadopting an ethnographic approach, which is both comprehensive and critical, we've been exploringthe construction of an “exit” of addictions regarding the moral, social and institutional constraints.When following these trajectories, we've questioned the passage through the Centres de Soin,d'Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie (CSAPA) and self-help groups (Vie Libre andNarcotics Anonymous). These two treatment plans position themselves as experts regardingaddictions. Simultaneously the addict is considered, in both treatment models, as an expert of him orherself, in this way that he or she should know him/herself and it is by the means of this biographicalknowledge that he or she can get free of addiction. The biographical work carried out by the addictsallow them to put a distance to their experience of addiction. It's a question of a moral judgment ofone's own actions in the past when he or she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The exitprocesscan then be considered as a subjectification process allowing the subjects to “put the pieces oftheir lives back together” and “become oneself” again. It's only by narrativizing one's experience infront of peers or the staff in the centers that we can observe a biographical disruption. The treatmentplans outline the life-stories of the addicts, because they participate in the definition of how people can“tell themselves. Narrativizing oneself is then a condition to enter the “Cité”. Though it's important notto mask the constraining dimension of this process, in this way that the obligation to narrativizeoneself participate in the construction of a moral subject capable of controlling him/herself.

Den ofrivilligt frivillige företagaren : Starta eget-bidragsföretagande och en förändrad livssituation / The Involuntary Voluntary Entrepreneur : Subsidised Enterprise and Changes in Life Situation

Johansson, Christer January 2009 (has links)
Avhandlingens syfte är att beskriva och analysera arbetets betydelse i starta eget–bidragsföretagares liv. Material har samlats in dels genom en omfattande enkätstudie som omfattar hela populationen nuvarande och tidigare företagare från 1995 i Östergötlands län, dels genom en serie livsberättelseorienterade intervjuer med ett urval aktiva respektive före detta företagare med fokus på deras inställning till arbete. Resultaten visar bland annat att etableringsmotiven ofta utgår främst från strukturer och omständigheter utanför individen och att dennes handlande när det gäller att starta eget i mycket bygger på ett oreflekterat förhållningssätt. Analyserna lyfter också fram de identitetsskapande aspekterna av arbete och visar att den del av identiteten som är knuten till arbete i många fall mycket starkt påverkar eller omformar övriga identitetsaspekter. SeB-företagarna kan betraktas som ”nödvändighetsentreprenörer” då de skapar nya arbetstillfällen åt sig själva. Bland nuvarande företagare anser drygt hälften att deras liv tagit en positiv riktning. De mest negativa återfinns i gruppen tidigare SeB-företagare, av vilka drygt en tredjedel anser att deras liv tagit en negativ riktning. Bland fördelarna med företagande framhålls av de studerade personerna framför allt möjligheten till en upplevd egenkontroll i arbetet. Nackdelar som betonas är ekonomisk oro, kompetensbrist och brist på sociala relationer. / The thesis aims to describe and analyze the importance of work for those who start up in business through the active labour market programme – the start-up grant entrepreneur. The material was collected partly through an extensive questionnaire study covering the entire population of current and former entrepreneurs in subsidized enterprises from 1995 in Östergötland, Sweden, and partly by a series of life story-oriented interviews about attitudes to work with a sample of active or former entrepreneurs. The results show, inter alia, that the establishment motives are often essentially based on the structure and circumstances beyond the individual and that his/her actions in terms of starting their own business are largely based on a non reflective approach. The analysis also highlights the identity-building aspects of work and shows that in many cases the part of one’s identity that is associated with work significantly affects other identity issues. Start-up entrepreneurs can be regarded as ”necessity entrepreneurs” when they create new jobs for themselves. Among the current workers, just over half believe that their lives have taken a positive direction. The most negative is the group of former start-up entrepreneurs, in which just over one third indicate that their lives have taken a negative direction. The benefits of entrepreneurship highlighted by the studied subjects include the possibility of a perceived self-monitoring at work. Disadvantages indicated by the same people include economic concerns, skills shortages and lack of social relationships.

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