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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surface run-off behaviour of bitumen emulsions used for the construction of seals

Kashaya, Asiimwe Annie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Factors influencing surface run-off of bitumen emulsions were studied in order to understand binders for use in the construction of surfacing seals. Run-off of the binder from the road surface causes an inconsistent film thickness leading to ravelling (Johannes, Hanz & Bahia n.d.) and bleeding at the upstream and downstream regions, respectively. There is currently no accepted specification for surface run-off viscosity. Practice mainly relies on empirical tests and experience. As the establishment of such a specification encompasses performance of the binder in various environments or field conditions, this study was undertaken to determine performance of the selected binder. Viscosity was kept constant by spraying the emulsion at a constant temperature and also holding the pavement temperature constant. In order to study the run-off behaviour of the binder, run-off tests were conducted at various gradients, texture depths and spray rates. Surfacing seals of various texture depths were constructed in the laboratory. Using a spray bar, the emulsion was sprayed at various spray rates. The sample surfaces were tilted to various gradients. Results portrayed the effects of the three factors (spray rate, gradient and texture depth) on the amount of runoff. An increase in the magnitude of the factors resulted in a variation in the runoff (increase or decrease). One notable finding was that the runoff from the 9.5 mm seal was less than that from the 13.2 mm seal. The other significant finding was that spray rate had the largest effect on runoff, followed by texture depth, and gradient. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sekere eienskappe wat oppervlakdreinering van bitumen emulsies op paaie beinvloed, is bestudeer om sodoende binders wat gebruik word in die konstruksie van die seëls beter te verstaan. Afloop van die binder vanaf die padoppervlak kan lei tot die vorming van ‘n laag met ongelyke dikte wat moontlike rafeling (Johannes, Hanz & Bahia nd) en bloeing vanuit die onderkant van die pad tot gevolg kan hê. Daar is tans geen aanvaarde spesifikasies wat hierdie verskynsels inperk nie. Konstruksie praktyk berus hoofsaaklik op empiriese toetse en ondervinding. Hierdie studie is dus onderneem om prestasie van die geselekteerde binder vas te stel. Viskositeit was konstant gehou deur die aangewende emulsie en padtemperatuur konstant te hou. Ten einde die afloopgedrag van die binder te bestudeer, is toetse uitgevoer op verskeie hellings, tekstuurdieptes en aanwendingskoerse. Seëls van die verskillende tekstuurdieptes is gebou in die laboratorium, en emulsies op hierdie oppervlaktes aangewend. Die toetsoppervlakte is gekantel om die vereiste helling te kry. Resultate vir die drie faktore wys die invloed op afloop. ‘n Toename in die grootte van die faktore het gelei tot 'n variasie in die afloop (toename of afname). Een noemenswaardige bevinding was dat die afloop van die seël van 9,5 mm minder was as dié van die seël van 13,2 mm. Belangrike bevindinge sluit ook in dat die spuitkoers die grootste invloed het op afloop, gevolg deur die tekstuur diepte en die gradiënt.

Evaluation of reclaimed asphalt pavement materials from ultra-thin bonded bituminous surface

Musty, Haritha Yadav January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Mustaque Hossain / The ultra-thin bonded bituminous surface (UBBS), popularly known as Novachip, is a thin hot-mix asphalt layer with high-quality, gap-graded aggregates bonded to the existing surface with a polymer-modified emulsion membrane. This thin surfacing improves ride quality, reduces road-tire noise, minimizes back spray, and increases visibility under wet conditions. The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has been using UBBS since 2002. Performance of this thin surface treatment strategy has been good in Kansas and elsewhere. However, some of these projects are now being rehabilitated. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials from existing UBBS layers can be used in chip seal and Superpave mixtures. UBBS millings were studied with two different polymer-modified emulsions to assess their performance as precoated aggregates in chip seal. The ASTM D7000-04 sweep test was used to assess chip retention of UBBS millings. Three different mix designs were developed for both 12.5-mm and 9.5-mm nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS)Superpave mixtures using a PG 70-22 asphalt binder and three different percentages (0%, 10%, and 20%) of reclaimed UBBS materials. The designed Superpave mixes were then tested for performance in terms of rutting and stripping using the Hamburg wheel tracking device (HWTD)and moisture sensitivity by modified Lottman tests. Sweep test results showed that UBBS millings did not improve chip retention. Superpave mix design data indicated volumetric properties of Superpave mixes with UBBS millings met all requirements specified by KDOT. HWTD and modified Lottman test results indicated all designed mixes performed better with the addition of UBBS millings as RAP materials. Field performance of UBBS projects was also evaluated. It was found that pavements treated with UBBS showed high variability in service life with majority serving six years. Before and after (BAA) studies showed that UBBS reduces pavement roughness, transverse and fatigue cracking one year after the treatment. However, no consistent improvement in rutting condition was found.

Effects of Surface Treatments on National Bridge Inventory Condition Ratings for Concrete Bridge Decks in Utah

De Leon, John Taani 01 April 2018 (has links)
Although the application of surface treatments on bridge decks is expected to positively impact bridge deck condition, the effectiveness of specific surface treatments on extending bridge deck life has not yet been quantified on Utah bridge decks. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to develop and analyze deterioration curves for bare concrete bridge decks and decks with specific treatments commonly used in Utah. The scope of this study was determined by the types and extent of electronically available data, including selected static inventory information; maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction histories; and National Bridge Inventory (NBI) condition ratings for the bridge decks. Bridge deck selection criteria and analysis procedures were developed to enable evaluation of the effects of surface treatments on bridge decks in Utah. Characteristics of a typical bridge were defined, and a list of typical bridges was produced to minimize potentially confounding effects of atypical bridge characteristics in comparisons of deterioration curves for monolithic concrete decks, decks with a bituminous overlay, decks with an epoxy overlay, and decks with a latex-modified concrete overlay. Climatic differences were taken into account by grouping bridges not only by overlay type, but also by Utah Department of Transportation region, which was used in this research as a general surrogate for latitude. Individual bridge deck deterioration curves were then combined to generate average deterioration curves aligned by deck construction time and average deterioration curves aligned by deck treatment time. To at least partially account for the potentially different effects of different treatment times, the bridge groups involving overlays were divided into two treatment time categories, early and late, for analysis. The average deterioration curves aligned by deck construction time suggest that certain treatments applied at certain times can achieve average NBI ratings greater than those for monolithic concrete during selected years of bridge deck life. The average deterioration curves aligned by deck treatment time suggest that certain treatments applied at certain times can achieve improvements in NBI ratings that correspond to apparent increases in bridge deck service life. Primarily because the NBI rating system is based mainly on visual inspection, the full benefits of early applications of surface treatments are not apparent in the results of this research. Supplemental perspectives may be gained about the performance of specific surface treatments by evaluating bridge deck deterioration in terms of delamination, half-cell potential, and chloride concentration, for example, which are direct measures of the deterioration process typically experienced by concrete bridge decks in Utah.

Foamed Eva-bitumen Blends And Composites

Cankaya, Burhan Fuat 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The thermal conductivities of foamed polymer based materials are much lower thermal conductivity values than unfoamed polymeric materials. Especially, thermal conductivity values of foamed polymers with closed-cell structure decreases to 0.03 W/m.K. The reinforcement of foamed polymeric materials by mixing with bitumen lowers the raw material cost. The main objective of this study is to make a new thermal insulation material with low thermal conductance. In this study, the effects of concentration of calcium carbonate as inorganic filler and the effects of cross-linking on the properties foamed and unfoamed ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer based bituminous blends and composites were investigated. Applications such as thermal, mechanical characteristics of foamed and unfoamed EVA based bituminous composites were investigated. Foamed EVA based bituminous composites were prepared by using Brabender Plastic Coder, PLV 151. Mixing was made at 120 &ordm / C at 60 rpm for 15 minutes. The prepared blends were molded by a technique called Hand Lay-up Self-expanding Batch Molding (HLUSEBM) which was firstly applied by our group. The molding temperature was 170 &ordm / C at which chemical blowing agent and cross-linking agent decomposes. According to test results, at moderate chemical blowing agent and EVA content, the best closed-cell structure with high porosity and low thermal conductivity values were obtained. The compressive properties of foamed polymer based bituminous composites (FPBBCs) increase with increasing CBA and EVA content. With increasing calcium carbonate and EVA concentration, the porosity of FPBBCs increases but thermal conductivity of them decreases. On the other hand, with increasing filler content but with decreasing EVA concentration elastic modulus of FPBBCs increases but elastic recovery decreases.

Recycling of construction waste for roads rehabilitation

Mhlongo, S'phamandla Mlungisi. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Civil Engineering.. / Investigates the feasibility of recycling construction waste for re-use as raw material in rehabilitation of roads in Bethal (Govan Mbeki Municipality). Specific Objectives: (a) To identify the causes of roads failure within the study area.(b) To assess feasibility of reuse of construction waste and propose method of road rehabilitation.(c) To recycle unsuitable material through characterisation of the construction waste. (d) To compare the cost implications when recycled construction waste is used with that of normal roads' rehabilitation.

Approche couplée expérimentation - modélisation multi-échelle pour la détermination du comportement mécanique des graves routières traitées aux liants : Application à la valorisation des Mâchefers d'Incinération de Déchêts Non Dangereux / Experiment-based modelling for determination of the mechanical behavior of non-hazardous waste incineration bottom ashes treated by binders : Application to Non-Hazardous Waste incineration bottom ash

Sow, Libasse 06 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce travail, il est question d'étudier la faisabilité d'une valorisation en techniques routières de granulats de Mâchefers d'Incinération des Dèchets Non Dangereux (MIDND). Cette étude se base en premier lieu sur une analyse expérimentale ayant permis d'obtenir leurs propriétés élastiques. Ces propriétés servent de données d'entrée à une modélisation multi-échelle hiérarchique développée pour étudier le comportement mécanique de graves base de MIDND traitées aux liants (ciment et bitume). La campagne expérimentale originale sur des particules de mâchefers a permis de les cartographier au Microscope Electronique à Balayage (MEB Pour ces particules, des modules d'élasticité moyens réduits variant de 15 à 68 GPa ont été trouvés par le biais de tests d'indentation en appliquant méthode de «Olivier and Pharr ». Les analyses chimiques ponctuelles qualitatives (EDS) effectuées ont permis d'obtenir la composition chimique des granulats de mâchefers. Partant d'une granulométrie de particules de MIDND 0/25 qui a fait l'objet d'une étude expérimentale [BEC 07], nous avons mis en place des modèles numériques 3D de grave routière traitée aux liants dans des Volumes Elémentaires Représentatifs (VER). Ces modèles sont basés sur une stratégie de modélisation dite « multi-échelles » hiérarchique. Deux types de liant sont étudiés : le ciment CEM 1 42,5 R et le bitume de [NGU 08). Pour les deux types de liant, les agrégats traités ont été décomposés en deux VER : sub-mesoscopique (0/6) et mesoscopique (6/25). Une application à valorisation des MIDND en techniques routières est faite dans les deux cas. Avec un traitement à 3% de ciment, une campagne de simulations numériques "Laboratoire virtuel" a été menée. A l'échelle sub-mesoscopique, des simulations multiaxiales menées sur le VER, ont conduit à l'obtention des paramètres permettant d'alimenter un modèle d'endommagement plastique utilisé à l'échelle mesoscopique pour différents degrés d'hydratation. A l'échelle mesoscopique, les caractéristiques mécaniques de la grave routière traitée au ciment, habituellement déterminées par le biais d'expérimentations, ont été retrouvées. La modélisation développée a ensuite été validée e comparant nos résultats numériques et quelques résultats expérimentaux de [BEC 07]. Avec un traitement à 5% de bitume, des tests de relaxation de contraintes ont été effectués aux deux échelles ct ont permis d'obtenir les propriétés thermo-rhéologiques de la grave de mâchefers traités au bitume : les modules de relaxation sont exprimés sous la forme de séries de Prony à une température de référence de 0 °C ; par ailleurs, les constantes de la loi Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) pour décrire le comportement thermo- rhéologiquement simple sont identifiées. Les séries de Prony sont obtenues par l'intermédiaire des modules élastiques normalisés. Les constantes de 1 WLF obtenues sont C 1 = 20 °C-1 ct C2 = 130 °C. La validation des paramètres identifiés a été faite en comparant les réponses du matériau hétérogène de grave-bitume et celles d'un matériau homogène à qui nous avons donné les propriétés identifiées tirées du matériau hétérogène. / In this work, the feasibility of a valorisation in road engineering of non-hazardous waste incineration bottom ash aggregates (NHWI) is investigated. This study is first based on an experimental determination of the elastic properties of the bottom ash particles. These properties serve as input data for hierarchical multi-scale modelling developed to study the mechanical behaviour of aggregates treated with binders (cement and bitumen). The original experimental campaign on the bottom ash particles allowed them to be mapped to the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). For the particles, a mean reduced modulus of elasticity in between 15 and 68 GPa was found by means of indentation tests and applying the "Olivier and Phan method. The chemical analysis of the aggregates was obtained using qualitative point chemical analyzes (OHS). Based on a 0/25 particle size distribution of NHWI, which was the subject of an experimental study [BEC 07] , we have implemented two 30 models < road materials treated with binders in Representative Elementary Volumes (REV). These models are based on a hierarchical multi-scale modelling strategy. Two types of binder are studied: cement CEM I 42.5 R and bitumen of [NGU 08]. For both types of binder, the treated aggregates we divided into two REV, at respectively the sub-mesoscale (0/6 mm) and the mesoscale (6/25 mm). An application to the valorisation of NHWI bottom ashes in road engineering is studied in both cases. With a 3% cement treatment, a numerical simulation campaign "Virtual Laboratory" was conducted. At the sub-mesoscale, the input parameters for the Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model used at the mesoscale are determined. At the mesoscale, the mechanical characteristics of the road materials usually determined through experiments have been found. The developed simulation strategy has been validated by comparing our numerical results and son experimental results of [BEC 07]. With a 5% bitumen treatment, stress relaxation tests carried out at the two scales enable one to obtain the thermo-rheological properties of the Bitumen Bound Gravel. These properties are the Prony series at a reference temperature of 0°C and the Williams-Landei- Ferry (WLF) law constants. Prony series are obtained by means of standardized elastic moduli. The obtained WLF law constants are Cl = 20 °C-1 and C2 = 130 °C. The numeric simulations have been validated by comparing the responses of heterogeneous and corresponding homogeneous materials.

Estudo da permeabilidade de misturas asfalticas de graduação aberta / Study of permeability of bituminous mixture of open course graduation

Silva, Carlos Eduardo Del Ben da 29 July 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Cassio Eduardo Lima de Paiva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T01:39:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_CarlosEduardoDelBenda_M.pdf: 2624680 bytes, checksum: 91c83d7e53e4678b23d6c80b5cb76bb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A malha rodoviária brasileira tem grande importância para o desenvolvimento do País. Observando-se que esta malha é predominantemente de pavimento flexível, o estudo das propriedades de misturas betuminosas se toma indispensável. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico de asfaltos, novas aplicações estão se mostrando viáveis e tecnicamente interessantes. Em algumas dessas aplicações, espera-se que estas misturas tenham uma permeabilidade adequada para o escoamento das águas precipitadas. Para caracterizar estas propriedades, desenvolveu-se, no Laboratório de Estradas de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Campinas UNICAMP, um estudo da permeabilidade de 4 tipos de misturas betuminosas que pudessem caracterizar o amplo leque de misturas de graduação aberta. A partir dos resultados de permeabilidade obtidos, propõe-se a adoção do ensaio em novos projetos de misturas asfálticas durante a fase de elaboração e viabilização do mesmo, verificando se o tipo de mistura adotada é apropriado ou não com relação à precipitação característica do local e promovendo, acima de tudo, a segurança aos usuários. Propõe-se, ainda, a continuação do estudo para novos tipos de misturas asfálticas porosas, salientando-se que a utilização destas misturas ganha espaço no cenário nacional / Abstract: Brazilian highway network plays a huge importance for country development. Since most of this roads is formed by flexible pavement, a proper characterization of this bituminous mixture is indispensable. Following the development of new asphalt binders the altemative applications are becoming economic feasible. One of these applications is permeable wearing course that helps to drain off rainfall. In order of understand such bituminous mixtures a research was undergone in University of Campinas' Road Laboratory of Civil Engineering - UNICAMP where four different open coarse gradations were characterized, presenting a wide range of cases. As a result of this research new test methods for mixture design are proposed. It will be useful for selecting the right mixture for that place (amount of rain) in order to ensure user safety mainly. The continuation of this research includes other open graded mction coarse design since the adoption of this solution is growing nationwide / Mestrado / Transportes / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

UtilizaÃÃo de Materiais Alternativos para a ConstruÃÃo de Pavimentos Urbanos na RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza / THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF URBAN PAVEMENTS ON FORTALEZA METROPOLITAN REGION

Bruno Tiago Angelo da Silva 14 December 2009 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A escassez de matÃria-prima natural nos grandes centros urbanos incentiva o estudo de materiais alternativos. No que diz respeito à geraÃÃo de resÃduos da construÃÃo e demoliÃÃo (RCD), a problemÃtica ultrapassa as barreiras econÃmicas e a sua disposiÃÃo irregular resulta em transtornos à populaÃÃo das formas mais diversas: proliferaÃÃo de vetores de doenÃas, enchentes, obstruÃÃo de vias, dentre outras. Pesquisas realizadas no exterior e no Brasil mostram a possibilidade de reaproveitamento destes resÃduos na Ãrea de pavimentaÃÃo. No Brasil, jà existem trechos de rodovias executados com a aplicaÃÃo do RCD como agregado. No estado do CearÃ, na Ãrea da RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza (RMF), foco desta pesquisa, dois solos foram estudados: um arenoso e um argiloso. Esses solos foram estabilizados granulometricamente com um RCD puro, de dimensÃes graÃdas, em trÃs taxas distintas (40%, 50% e 60% de agregado reciclado). As anÃlises de laboratÃrio envolveram ensaios de caracterizaÃÃo, ambientais, ensaios mecÃnicos de resistÃncia e anÃlise da imprimaÃÃo betuminosa. No que diz respeito à imprimaÃÃo betuminosa, o estado do Cearà utiliza, predominantemente, o asfalto diluÃdo de cura mÃdia (CM-30) Os asfaltos diluÃdos tÃm sua utilizaÃÃo questionada em diversos paÃses que possuem uma legislaÃÃo ambiental mais rÃgida, devido à utilizaÃÃo do querosene como diluente. Este derivado do petrÃleo libera volÃteis e atinge os lenÃÃis freÃticos, causando danos ambientais. Tendo por base este pressuposto, a pesquisa propÃs a substituiÃÃo do diluente convencional pelo biodiesel de soja, em uma composiÃÃo de um asfalto diluÃdo denominada CAP/BIO. O biodiesel à um biocombustÃvel, produzido a partir de Ãleos vegetais, gordura animal e Ãleos residuais, que possui, entÃo, uma grande versatilidade no que diz respeito à sua produÃÃo. Este trabalho avalia o comportamento da imprimaÃÃo betuminosa em corpos de prova simulando bases granulares constituÃdas de solos estabilizados com RCD a partir da utilizaÃÃo dos dois ligantes supracitados (CM-30 e CAP/BIO) em trÃs taxas distintas (0,8 L/mÂ; 1,0 L/mÂ; 1,2 L/mÂ). Os corpos de prova foram preparados para diferentes misturas de RCD nos teores de umidade de compactaÃÃo. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que tanto a estabilizaÃÃo dos solos da RMF com RCD, como o material testado (CAP/BIO) podem ser alternativas viÃveis a serem aplicadas na Ãrea de pavimentaÃÃo. Os resultados apresentaram valores satisfatÃrios em praticamente todos os cenÃrios, sendo as misturas de solo com adiÃÃo de 50% de RCD as mais indicadas, para ambos os solos, moldadas à energia inter-modificada de compactaÃÃo. / The shortage of natural raw materials in large urban centers encourages the study of alternative materials. With regard to the generation of waste from construction and demolition waste (CDW) the problem goes beyond the economic barriers and their irregular arrangement results in disturbances to the population in many different ways: proliferation of vectors, flooding, obstruction of roads, among others. Several researches we carried out abroad and in Brazil to show the possibility of reuse of waste in the pavement area. In Brazil, there are stretches of road running with the application of the RCD as an aggregate. The state of CearÃ, in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Region (RMF), researchâs focus, have two poor soils, a sandy and a clay, granulometric stabilized with RCD pure, at three different rates (40 %, 50% and 60% of recycled aggregate). The experimental program includes characterization tests, environmental tests and mechanical resistance. Allied to this, there is a perceived need to decrease the environmental impacts of paving works around the world. In the case of bituminous primer, the state of Cearà uses predominantly asphalt diluted medium-cure (CM-30) The diluted asphalt have its use questioned in several countries with rigid environmental legislation due to use of kerosene as diluent. This petroleum-derived compound causes untold environmental damages. Based on this assumption, the research proposes to replace the conventional solvent by biodiesel, resulting in a composition of asphalt diluted called CAP/BIO. It should be noted that biodiesel is a biofuel produced from vegetable oils, animal fats and waste oils, with a great versatility with regard to their production. This study evaluates the behavior of bituminous primer on specimens simulating bases consisting of granular soils and CDW, with the use CM-30 and CAP/BIO at three different rates (0.8 L/mÂ; 1.0 L/mÂ, 1.2 L/mÂ). The experimental results showed that both the stabilization of the soil in RMF with CDW and the material tested (CAP/BIO) can be interesting alternative materials to be used, but only if the peculiarities and eccentricities of each material were respected.

Characterisation of thermomechanical properties of bituminous mixtures used for railway infrastructures / Caractérisation des propriétés thermomécaniques des enrobés bitumineux pour infrastructure ferroviaire

Ramirez Cardona, Diego Alejandro 14 November 2016 (has links)
Le travail de recherche présenté dans ce document a été réalisé dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre l’ENTPE/ niversité de Lyon et la SNCF. L’objectif de l’étude est la caractérisation des propriétés thermomécaniques des enrobés bitumineux à être utilisés dans la construction de voies ferrées. Le comportement viscoélastique linéaire (VEL) et la résistance à la fatigue d’enrobés pour couche de base couramment utilisés en France ont été étudiés. L’influence de l’eau sur ces propriétés a été aussi étudiée du fait que l’exposition à l’eau des couches bitumineuses en structure ferroviaire peut les altérer et réduire la durée de vie de l’ouvrage. La caractérisation du comportement VEL et de la résistance à la fatigue des matériaux a été faite en réalisant des essais mécaniques en traction-compression sur des éprouvettes cylindriques au laboratoire LTDS/ENTPE. Une nouvelle procédure de conditionnement à l’eau et au gel a été proposée sur la base des méthodes d’essai normalisées française et américaine. La susceptibilité à l’eau des matériaux a été obtenue par comparaison des résultats des essais mécaniques entre éprouvettes conditionnées et non conditionnées. Le comportement VEL des matériaux a été simulé avec le modèle 2S2P1D, développée à l’ENTPE. Trois formules pour couche de base ont été testées : une GB3, une GB4 et une formule appelée GB PMB. Cette dernière est la même formule GB3 mais avec un bitume modifié aux polymères SBS. La GB3 sert comme matériau de référence. La GB4 est un matériau de meilleures performances que la GB3. La formule GB4 étudiée correspond à celle mise en place dans la couche sous-ballast de la Ligne à Grande Vitesse (LGV) Bretagne-Pays de Loire. L’intérêt d’étudier la GB PMB est de savoir si l’utilisation de bitumes modifiés aux polymères est pertinente dans un contexte ferroviaire ou pas. 2 La zone test construite dans la LGV Est-Européenne près de la ville de Reims avec une couche sous-ballast en enrobé bitumineux a servi comme cas d’étude pour cette thèse. Les différents avantages de l’utilisation de matériaux bitumineux en structure ferroviaire retrouvées dans la bibliographie ont été confirmés avec le retour sur l’expérience de cette zone test. Les résultats obtenus des travaux expérimentaux montrent que les trois formules étudiées présentent des capacités portantes (rigidité) suffisantes pour leur utilisation comme couche sous-ballast. La méthode de conditionnement à l’eau et au gel utilisée n’a pas altéré le comportement VEL des matériaux. En ce qui concerne les essais de fatigue, les résultats ont montré que l’utilisation d’un bitume modifié aux polymères augmente sensiblement la résistance à la fatigue de la GB3. La GB PMB a aussi montré une plus faible susceptibilité de la résistance à la fatigue à l’eau et au gel que la GB3. Du fait que les niveaux de sollicitation de la base de la couche d’enrobé de la zone test LVG EE sont très faibles, tous les matériaux étudiés présentent des propriétés satisfaisantes de résistance à la fatigue en couche sous-ballast. / The research presented in this document was carried out in collaboration between the National School of Public Works (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat – ENTPE) of the University of Lyon and the French National Railway Company (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer français – SNCF). The objective of this study is the characterisation of the thermomechanical properties of road base-course bituminous mixtures commonly used in France for their use in railway track structures. Linear Viscoelastic (LVE) and fatigue resistance properties have been investigated. The influence of moisture damage including freeze-thaw cycles on the properties of the studied mixtures was also studied. LVE and fatigue resistance properties were obtained by means of sinusoidal tension-compression tests on cylindrical samples at the ENTPE/LTDS laboratory. A protocol for moisture conditioning of bituminous mixtures samples was developed based on the French and American standard test methods for moisture susceptibility and on the literature review on the subject. Moisture damage was assessed using complex modulus and fatigue tests. The LVE behaviour of the materials was described using the 2S2P1D (2 Springs, 2 Parabolic elements and 1 Dashpot) model developed at the ENTPE/LTDS laboratory. Three road base-course mixtures available in the French market were studied: a GB3, a GB4 and a mixture called GB PMB (for Polymer-Modified Bitumen). The GB3 mixture stands as the reference material since it is commonly used for the base-courses of conventional roads in France. The GB4 mixture stands as a better performing material than the GB3. The specific studied GB4 formulation corresponds to that used as sub-ballast of the Brittany-Loire high-speed line (HSL) in western France. The GB PMB stands as an improved version of the GB3 in which the base bitumen is replaced by polymer-modified bitumen. The interest of the study of this third mixture is to assess the relevance of using PMB’s in bituminous mixtures intended for railway platforms. The test zone of the East-European HSL served as case study to identify the loading conditions and the behaviour of a bituminous sub-ballast layer in a French track. The several advantages of using bituminous mixtures as sub-ballast material identified in the literature are confirmed by the feedback from this test zone. The results obtained show that the studied bituminous mixtures present excellent bearing capacities (stiffness) for their use as sub-ballast layers in France. The used moisture conditioning protocol did not alter the LVE behaviour of the materials. The good performance of the materials is then expected to be perennial regarding the effect of moisture on the LVE behaviour. With respect to fatigue resistance, the results show that the use of a PMB provides an important increase of the fatigue life as well as a reduction of the susceptibility to moisture damage. However, given the identified loading levels of the bituminous sub-ballast in a common French track structure, all three mixtures present adequate fatigue resistance properties.

Investigation on the self-healing capabilties of asphaltic materials using neutron imaging

Markari, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Bitumen acts as a binding agent in asphalt mixtures where it binds the aggregates together. It is known for its potential to heal small cracks and recover its mechanical properties under the right conditions. Though this self-healing property is known, there is currently a lack of knowledge about the mechanisms that drive the process. To optimize the use of this material for pavement design, the healing ability should be better understood and controlled. In this work, it is investigated how neutron imaging can be used to increase the understanding of the mechanisms behind the self-healing in bitumen. As a first step, the sample size requirement set by the measurement technique was determined. In order to detect micro cracks in bitumen by using this technique, the sample must be sufficiently small to allow neutron transmission. On the other hand, too small samples would complicate the structural analysis of the material since less information would be possible to obtain. Bitumen with different dimensions were scanned with neutrons to determine the maximum sample thickness. This work was followed by evaluating the healing capability of fractured bitumen and mastic samples, by using time series neutron tomography. The studied samples had a varying combination of hydrated lime (HL) filler concentration, crack volume, and contact area between the broken pieces. The data acquired from the time series tomography scans was analyzed using a three-dimensional analysis procedure including denoising, segmentation and volume measurements. From the volumetric analysis, it appeared that the initial crack size and crack shape have a large impact on the healing rate. It was found that bitumen, mastic with 20%, and 30% filler content had a similar healing behavior for relatively small crack volumes. When increasing the content of HL in the mastic, the healing rate decreases exponentially, with a drastic decrease after reaching a filler content of about 30%. / Bitumen fungerar som bindemedel i asfaltsblandningar där det binder ihop stenaggregaten. Bitumen är känd för sin förmåga att läka små sprickor och återfå sina mekaniska egenskaper under rätt förutsättningar. Trots att den självläkande egenskapen är välkänd, råder det idag en brist på kunskap om de mekanismer som ligger bakom denna process. För att optimera användandet av bitumen för vägbeläggningar behövs en bättre förståelse kring denna läkande egenskap. I detta projekt undersöks det hur neutronavbildning kan användas för att öka förståelsen kring de mekanismer som ligger bakom den självläkande egenskapen hos bitumen. Som ett första steg bestämdes provstorlekskravet för denna analysteknik. För att möjliggöra detekteringen av små sprickor i bitumen genom att använda denna teknik måste provmaterialet vara tillräckligt tunt för att neutronerna ska kunna transmitteras genom materialet. Allt för små provstorlekar skulle, å andra sidan, försvåra analysen av materialets struktur då informationen man kan erhålla blir mer begränsad. Bitumen med olika provstorlekar skannades med neutroner för att bestämma den maximala provtjockleken. Därefter analyserades den självläkande förmågan hos brutna bitumen- och bitumenmastixprover med tidsserie neutrontomografi. Prover med olika mängder av kalciumhydroxidfiller i bitumenblandningen, olika storlek på sprickvolymen och kontaktytan mellan de brutna provdelarna studerades. Data erhållna från experimenten användes för att göra en 3-dimensionell analys som inkluderade brusreducering av bilder, segmentering och volymmätningar. Från volymanalyserna konstaterades det att den initiala sprickstorleken och sprickformen har en stor inverkan på läkningstakten. Bitumen, mastix med 20%, och 30% filler-additiv uppvisade liknande läkningsegenskaper för relativt små sprickstorlekar. Vid en ökning av mängden filler material i mastixen minskar läkningstakten exponentiellt, med en drastisk minskning när man passerar en filler-koncentration på runt 30%. / <p>QC 210303</p>

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