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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Knabe in Blau: Investigações sobre o filme perdido de F. W. Murnau / Der Knabe in Blau: Investigations about the lost film of F. W. Murnau

Blaud, Clêmie Ferreira 27 February 2019 (has links)
Apresentam-se aqui duas vias de investigações sobre Der Knabe in Blau, filme perdido de F. W. Murnau, produzido em 1919. A primeira via examina o texto O homem visível, escrito pelo filósofo Béla Balázs em 1924, procurando as intersecções entre o seu pensamento e os filmes de Murnau, quando estes referem-se às relações com as demais artes; a segundase serve de fragmentos de imagens e intertítulos sobreviventes, propondo hipóteses para a reconstrução imaginária da narrativa. O esforço aqui empreendido na coleta de passagens do texto de Balázs visa contribuir com os estudos sobre a presença de outras artes nos filmes deste período, enquanto a experiência de comentar a obra perdida de Murnau instrui a averiguar as artes como elementos diegéticos na narrativa fílmica. / We hereby present two investigative pathways on Der Knabe in Blau, F.W. Murnau\'s lost film, produced in 1919. The first pathway examines the text Visible Man, written by the philosopher Béla Balázs in 1924, looking for the intersections between his thinking and the films of Murnau, while they make references to the relationships with other forms of art; the second relies on the surviving images fragments and intertitles, proposing hypotheses for the imaginary reconstruction of the narrative. The effort here undertaken to collect passages from the Balázs text aims to contribute with the studying of the presence of other forms of art in films from this period, while the experience of commenting on the lost work of Murnau serves to ascertain the arts as diegetic elements in the film narrative.

Board Gender Diversity and Firm Financial Performance : A Study of 100 Companies Listed on Nasdaq Stockholm / Jämställdhet i bolagsstyrelser och företags finansiella resultat : En studie av 100 företag noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm

Wallgren, Frida-Maria, Andersson, Philip January 2018 (has links)
Background:           This thesis was written in context of the debate concerning gender equality and female representation on company boards. Gender quota legislation have been implemented by various countries on a national level, and a similar regulation was proposed by the European Commission. Legislation regarding board gender diversity have given rise to the discussion on the actual effects of female director’s on board effectiveness and firm financial performance.   Purpose:                  The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between gender diversity on boards and firm financial results. A sample of 100 Swedish companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm for the time period 2013-2016 is analysed.    Method:                    The study had a quantitative approach and used a panel data methodology. The data analysis was conducted using Ordinary Least Square Regression. Board gender diversity was measured by four variables including the diversity measurements Blau and Shannon indices, and Tobin’s Q was deployed as the market-based measurement of financial performance.   Conclusion: The results of the data analysis indicate that the presence of one or more women has a positive effect on financial performance, which contradicts previous findings. Also, it is found that higher gender diversity on boards influenced firm performance positively, which conformed to the majority of the previous findings.

Adressierung elektrochemischer Sensoren in einer passiven Matrix

Lutter, Burghard 26 June 2008 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein durch eine passive Matrix angesteuertes Sensorarray vorgestellt. Das Sensorarray besteht aus zwei parallel zueinander angeordneten Leiterplatten mit jeweils vier Leiterbahnen, die als Arbeits- und Gegenelektroden verwendet werden. Die Leiterbahnen kreuzen sich in einem Winkel von 90°, wobei an jedem Kreuzungspunkt ein Sensorelement gebildet wird. Ein selektives Auslesen der Sensorelemente wird durch eine mechanische oder auf Kapillarkräften basierenden Unterteilung des Elektrolyten sowie eine spezielle elektrotechnische Auslesemethode erreicht. Durch die Verwendung einer aus Preußisch Blau bestehenden kombinierten Gegen- und Referenzelektrode können in dem Zwei Elektrodensystem Bedingungen, die denen eines Drei Elektrodensystems sehr nahe kommen, realisiert werden.Mit diesem einfach aufzubauenden Sensorarray konnte die Lücke zwischen den, in der Größe limitierten Sensoren mit Einzeladressierung und den wesentlich aufwändigeren, aber eine hohe Packungsdichte aufweisenden CMOS Sensoren geschlossen werden. Die Funktionalität dieses Sensorarrays wurde anhand von zwei unterschiedlichen Anwendungsbeispielen aus dem Bereich der Kombinatorischen Chemie unter Beweis gestellt.

Optimización Medioambiental de la Síntesis de Pigmentos Cerámicos: Aplicación de Métodos Sol-Gel

Llusar Vicent, Mario 17 September 1998 (has links)
Aquesta tesi presenta un estudi d'optimització mediambiental de tres pigments ceràmics d'ús convencional en la coloració d'esmalts ceràmics, i que combinats tots tres podrien conformar una "paleta ecològica" de pigments ceràmics:i) un pigment de caire estructural, com és el verd victoria (classificació DCMA 4-07-3), basat en el granat Uvarovita, Ca3Cr2Si3O12, en el qual l'element cromòfor (el crom) forma part de la pròpia estructura cristal.lina del pigment, donant-li la seua col.loració verda característica.ii) una disolució sòlida, com és el cas del pigment blau de vanadi-circó, (Zr,V)SiO4 (classificació DCMA 14-42-2), en el qual el vanadi forma una disol.lució sòlida en la xarxa del circó (ZrSiO4), incorporant-se en les posicions tetraèdriques i/o octaèdriques, actuant de forma simultània com a cromòfor i com a agent "auto-minieralitzador".iii) un pigment de caire encapsulat o "heteromòrfic", com és el pigment rosa coral de ferro-circó, (Zr,Fe)SiO4 (classificació DCMA 14-44-5), en el qual les partícules d'hematita (Fe2O3) queden ocluïdes o encapsulades pels grans de circó neo-formats, otorgant-li la seua coloratció roja característica.En cadascun dels 3 sistemes pigmentants s'ha fet una caracterització cristal.loquímica exhaustiva mijançant diverses tècniques d'estat sòlid (difracció de raigs X, anàlisi tèrmic, espectroscòpia infraroja i UV-VIs, microscopia electrònica) i un estudi d'optimització amb l'objecte de minimitzar les emisions de gasos a l'atmòsfera (pèrdues de calcinació o merma del pigment) i dels lixiviats de caire tòxic o contaminant produïts en el llavat dels colors calcinats. Tot això amb la premisa d'obtenir un rendiment colorimètric comercialment acceptable.Les tres variables bàsiques de l'estudi han sigut:i) el tractament tèrmic; ii) l'utilització de diferents sistemes mineralitzadors (agents de fundència) usuals en la síntesi industrial dels pigments; i iii) aplicació de mètodes de síntesi no convencional (sol-gel) en les composicions optimitzades prèviament per la ruta tradicional ceràmica.Per a cada pigment s'ha fet en primer lloc una optimització de la síntesi per la ruta ceràmica, i després s'ha analitzat l'efecte de la utilització de les metodologies sol-gel sobre la síntesi i cristal.lització del pigment, el seu rendiment colorimètric, així com sobre els paràmetres mediambientals objecte de minimització (emisions a l'atmòsfera i lixiviats tòxics). Finalment es mostra com per mescla d'aquests tres colors (prèviament optimitzats) es pot obtenir una "paleta ecològica" de colors ceràmics.

On the threshold of an ironic dialogue with history : the postmodern/neo-Baroque mode in the Spanish novel

Ramón García, Emilio Luis, 1970- 03 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Vacancy modification of Prussian-blue nano-thin films for high energy-density microsupercapacitors with ultralow RC time constant

He, Yafei, Zhang, Panpan, Wang, Faxing, Wang, Luxin, Su, Yuezeng, Zhang, Fan, Zhuang, Xiaodong, Feng, Xinliang 19 April 2021 (has links)
In-plane micro-supercapacitors (MSCs), as promising power candidates for micro-devices, typically exhibit high power densities, large charge/discharge rates, and long cycling lifetimes. The high areal/volumetric capacitances, high energy/power densities, high rate capability, as well as flexibility are the main scientific pursue in recent years. Among diverse electrode materials for MSCs, coordination polymer frameworks are emerging due to the designable porous structure and tunable functionality. However, the unsatisfied electrochemical performance still hinders their practical applications. In this work, we demonstrate the first time an efficient in-situ growth approach to precisely modify the vacancy of Prussian-blue nano-thin films with pyridine by coordination reaction for high energy-density MSCs. Confirmed by the experimental results and density functional theory calculation, the vacancy modification within Prussian-blue network improved the film-forming property, hydrophilicity, and electrochemical activity of the thin films. The resultant MSCs based on pyridine-modified Prussian-blue exhibited an ultrahigh energy density of up to 12.1 mWh cm⁻³ and an ultra-low time constant (t₀) of 0.038 ms, which are the best values among the state-of-the-art in-plane MSCs. This work provides an attractive solution for structural engineering of promising active materials on molecule level toward high-performance micro-energy devices.

Kobaltbergbau und Blaufarbenindustrie im sächsischen Erzgebirge

Förster, Jörg 30 April 2019 (has links)
Das Element Cobalt gewinnt als Technologiemetall und kritischer Rohstoff zunehmend an Bedeutung. Weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraten ist hingegen die Bedeutung des Cobalts für den historischen Erzbergbau im Erzgebirge. Auch die Weiterverarbeitung der Kobalterze in den historischen Blaufarbenwerken ist ein nahezu vergessenes Kapitel der sächsischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Es existiert keine zusammenfassende Literatur, die sich mit allen Facetten des historischen Kobalterzbergbaus im Erzgebirge befasst. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist ein Desiderat, das einen zusammenfassenden und integrativen Überblick über den historischen sächsischen Kobalterzbergbau und der eng damit verknüpften Blaufarbenindustrie schafft. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, in welchen Lagerstättentypen Kobalterze mineralisierten und wie sich deren räumliche Verbreitung im Erzgebirge beschreiben lässt. Durch Auswertung von Akten des Bergarchivs Freiberg und anderen historischen Quellen erfolgt eine qualitative als auch quantitative Beurteilung der historischen erzgebirgischen Kobaltlagerstätten. Unter Anwendung analytischer Methoden (XRD, REM-EDX) und weiterführenden Literaturauswertungen wurde unter Zuhilfenahme von Sammlungsproben des Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie in Dresden (MMGDD) die mineralogische Zusammensetzung des bedeutendsten Kobalterzes, dem Skutterudit, analysiert. Darauf aufbauend werden die Besonderheiten der Kobalterzverarbeitung in den Blaufarbenwerken dargestellt. Standortgeographische Voraussetzungen werden ebenso erläutert, wie regionale und überregionale Handelsbeziehungen. Des Weiteren wird die Bedeutung der Blaufarbenindustrie für das Glasmacher- und Keramikhandwerk aufgezeigt. Angedeutet wird ebenfalls, wie sich der historische Kobalterzbergbau und Wissenschaft und Technik gegenseitig beeinflussten und so die sächsischen Blaufarbenwerke trotz Erfindung des kostengünstigeren Ultramarins um 1828 noch bis zu Beginn des 20. Jhd. marktbeherrschend blieben. Darüber hinaus werden die heutigen global bedeutendsten Kobaltlagerstätten und die Relevanz dieses Technologiemetalls vorgestellt. / Cobalt is becoming increasingly important as a technology metal and critical raw material. Largely forgotten, however, is the important role of cobalt for the historical ore mining and the subsequent industrial processing in the historical cobalt blue industries in the Erzgebirge mountains of Saxony. In the absence of a comprehensive modern literature the aim of this Master thesis is a desideratum that provides an overview of the historic cobalt ore mining and the closely related cobalt blue industries in the Saxon Erzgebirge. It examines the question in which types of mineral deposits cobalt was mineralised and how their spatial distribution can be described. As a result of evaluating documents of the Bergarchiv Freiberg and other historical sources, a qualitative as well as quantitative assessment of the historical cobalt deposits in the Erzgebirge is carried out. The most important cobalt ore, Skutterudite, was analyzed by using analytical methods (XRD, REM-EDX) and further literature reviews. For this purpose, collection samples from the Museum of Mineralogy and Geology in Dresden (MMGDD) were available. In addition, the peculiarities of further industrial processing of cobalt ore in the cobalt blue industries are presented, as well as their specific geographic prerequisites. Furthermore, the importance of the cobalt blue industry for the old crafts of glassmaking and ceramics is shown, just as the mutual influence with science and technology. Last but not least, the todays world's most important cobalt deposits and the relevance of this technology metal are presented.

Dual Dye-Enhanced FIT2 Probes for Sequence-Specific Detection of RNA

Schöllkopf, Sophie 12 May 2023 (has links)
Die Fähigkeit Nukleinsäuren in lebenden Organismen nachzuweisen und zu visualisieren, ist entscheidend für das Verständnis zellulärer Prozesse. Die Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Oliver Seitz hat zu diesem Zweck fluorogene FIT-Hybridisierungssonden entwickelt, die die besondere Eigenschaft der Cyaninfarbstoffe Thiazolorange und Chinolinblau nutzen, stärker zu fluoreszieren, wenn sie in die beengte Umgebung eines Nukleinsäureduplex aus Sonde und spezifischer Zielsequenz eingebracht werden. Obwohl FIT-Sonden eine gute Fluoreszenzverstärkung und Spezifität aufweisen, wäre eine weitere Verbesserung ihrer Helligkeit und des Signal-Hintergrund-Verhältnisses wünschenswert. Um dies zu erreichen, wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz untersucht, bei dem FIT-Sonden mit zwei Fluorophoren desselben Typs ausgestattet werden (FIT2-Strategie). Dies sollte sowohl die Helligkeit der Sonde erhöhen, als auch die Fluoreszenz im Einzelstrang und bei Hybridisierung mit fehlgepaarter RNA durch eine Mischung aus kontaktvermittelter Fluo-reszenzlöschung und strahlungsfreiem Energietransfer verringern. Verschiedene Sonden-längen, Farbstoffabstände und -positionen wurden untersucht und es konnte bestätigt werden, dass FIT2-Sonden eine höhere Extinktionskoeffizienten, größere Fluoreszenzver-stärkung und eine bessere Selektivität aufweisen als einfach markierte Sonden. Außerdem behalten sie ihre Fähigkeit zur Unterscheidung von Match- und Mismatch-Zielen in visko-sem Zelllysat besser bei. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass das FIT2-Konzept durch Hinzufügen eines hybridisie-rungsunempfindlichen Cyanin 7 Farbstoffs zu den Sonden dahingehend erweitert werden kann, dass eine ratiometrische Detektion der hybridisierten Sonde möglich ist und Hellig-keitsunterschiede aufgrund von lokalen Schwankungen der Sondenkonzentration bei der Bildgebung lebender Zellen korrigiert werden können. Mit diesen qFIT2-Sonden konnten Jurkat und CCRF-CEM T-Zellen in einem Mikroskopie-basierten Experiment unterschieden werden. / The ability to detect and visualize nucleic acids in living organisms is crucial for under-standing cellular processes. For this purpose, the research group of Prof. Dr. Oliver Seitz has introduced fluorogenic forced intercalation (FIT) hybridization probes, which exploit the unique property of the cyanine dyes thiazole orange and quinoline blue to exhibit increased fluorescence when placed in the constrained environment of a nucleic acid du-plex formed between probe and specific target sequence. Although FIT probes demon-strate solid fluorescence enhancement and specificity, further improvement of their abso-lute brightness and signal-to-background ratio would be desirable. To achieve this, the present thesis investigated an approach that equips FIT probes with two identical fluorophores (FIT2 strategy). This should on the one hand increase probe brightness, while simultaneously reducing fluorescence in the single strand and when hy-bridized to mismatched RNA, through a combination of contact-mediated quenching and non-radiant energy transfer. Various probe lengths, dye-dye distances and positions were screened, and it could be confirmed that FIT2 probes have higher extinction coefficients, greater fluorescence enhancement and better selectivity than their mono-dye counter-parts. Moreover, they better retain their ability to discriminate match and mismatch tar-gets in viscous cell lysate. Finally, it was demonstrated that the FIT2 concept can be extended by adding a hybridiza-tion-insensitive Cyanine 7 dye to the probes, allowing ratiometric detection of hybridized probe and correction of brightness differences due to local fluctuations in probe concen-tration during live-cell imaging. Using these qFIT2 probes, Jurkat and CCRF-CEM T-cells could be distinguished in a microscopy-based experiment.

Electrically Conductive Low Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and Application

Bocharova, Vera 05 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Miniaturization has become a driving force in different areas of technology including microelectronics, sensoric- and bio-technologies and in fundamental science. Because of the well-known limitations of conventional lithographic methods, newly emerging bottom-up approach, utilizing self-assembly of various nanoobjects including single polymer molecules and carbon nanotubes constitutes a very promising alternative for fabrication of ultimately small devices. Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for nanotechnology and hold much promise to revolutionize fundamental science in a investigation of phenomena, associated with the nanometer–sized objects.It was found in this work that grafted chains of poly(2-vinylpyridine) form a shell covering the carbon nanotubes that makes them dispersible in organic solvents and in acidic water (CNTs-g-P2VP).The positively charged poly(2-vinylpyridine) shell is responsible for the selective deposition of carbon nanotubes onto oppositely charged surfaces. It was established that the deposition CNTs-g-P2VP from aqueous dispersions at low pH is an effective method to prepare ultra-thin films with a tunable density of carbon nanotubes.It was shown that poly(2-vinylpyridine) grafted to carbon nanotubes is a universal support for the immobilization of various nanoclusters at the carbon nanotube's surface. Prussian Blue nanoparticles were selectively attached to the surface of CNTs-g-P2VP.Conducting polymer nanowires are another very promising kind of nanomaterials that could be also suitable for applications in nanodevices and nanosensors. In this work was developed a simple method to control the conformation and orientation of single adsorbed polyelectrolyte molecules by co-deposition with octylamine. A simple chemical route to conductive polypyrrole nanowires by the grafting of polypyrrole from molecules of polystyrensulfonic acid was developed. The dc conductivity of individual polypyrrole nanowires approaches the conductivity of polypyrole in bulk.The conductivity can be described using variable-range hopping model.

Electrically Conductive Low Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and Application

Bocharova, Vera 16 December 2008 (has links)
Miniaturization has become a driving force in different areas of technology including microelectronics, sensoric- and bio-technologies and in fundamental science. Because of the well-known limitations of conventional lithographic methods, newly emerging bottom-up approach, utilizing self-assembly of various nanoobjects including single polymer molecules and carbon nanotubes constitutes a very promising alternative for fabrication of ultimately small devices. Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for nanotechnology and hold much promise to revolutionize fundamental science in a investigation of phenomena, associated with the nanometer–sized objects.It was found in this work that grafted chains of poly(2-vinylpyridine) form a shell covering the carbon nanotubes that makes them dispersible in organic solvents and in acidic water (CNTs-g-P2VP).The positively charged poly(2-vinylpyridine) shell is responsible for the selective deposition of carbon nanotubes onto oppositely charged surfaces. It was established that the deposition CNTs-g-P2VP from aqueous dispersions at low pH is an effective method to prepare ultra-thin films with a tunable density of carbon nanotubes.It was shown that poly(2-vinylpyridine) grafted to carbon nanotubes is a universal support for the immobilization of various nanoclusters at the carbon nanotube's surface. Prussian Blue nanoparticles were selectively attached to the surface of CNTs-g-P2VP.Conducting polymer nanowires are another very promising kind of nanomaterials that could be also suitable for applications in nanodevices and nanosensors. In this work was developed a simple method to control the conformation and orientation of single adsorbed polyelectrolyte molecules by co-deposition with octylamine. A simple chemical route to conductive polypyrrole nanowires by the grafting of polypyrrole from molecules of polystyrensulfonic acid was developed. The dc conductivity of individual polypyrrole nanowires approaches the conductivity of polypyrole in bulk.The conductivity can be described using variable-range hopping model.

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