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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza tématu vznik a vývoj lidského druhu v učebnicích a pracovních sešitech pro ZŠ / Analysis of the topic Human Origin and Evolution in the Textbooks and the Workbooks for Elementary School

Hoffmannová, Valérie January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the learning tasks related to the topic of the origin and development of the human species in textbooks and workbooks for the second grade of primary school. Textbooks and workbooks of biology and history were selected for analysis. The learning tasks were categorized into individual categories of Tollinger taxonomy and Bloom's original taxonomy. The results of this classification were used to compare older and newer editions of selected textbooks and workbooks. I also found out the difficulty of tasks in each publications. This analysis revealed that teaching tasks from lower taxonomic categories (for both taxonomies), which do not high demands of cognitive operations, are more represented. Furthermore, this work deals how extent the topic in individual publications. Further analyzes revealed that teaching tasks of the origin and development of human species are more represented in the textbooks and workbooks of history. The results of this work could help teachers to find way in the offer of available textbooks and workbooks and help select a suitable publication to teach the topic of the origin and development of the human species. Key words: analysis, biology, Bloom's taxonomy, history, human evolution, Tollinger's taxonomy, textbooks, workbook

”Ibland är det halva klassen som inte fattar, men det vågar de inte säga” : Anonyma digitala enkäter som ett stöd i filosofiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan / Sometimes Half the Class Doesn’t Get It, But They Dare Not Say : Anonymous Digital Surveys as a Benefit within Upper Secondary School Philosophy Education

Dean, Andrea January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka eventuella vinster med att använda anonyma digitala enkäter i filosofiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan. Utgångspunkten är vissa elever kan vara mindre benägna att delta muntligt under filosofilektioner jämfört med lektioner i andra ämnen, vilket delvis kan kopplas till att eleverna upplever att de riskerar att utsättas för epistemisk orättvisa i form av vittnesorättvisa. Undersökningen har genomförts i samband med en lektionsserie i epistemologi som genomfördes på en VFU-skola. Tre olika datainsamlingsmetoder har använts: semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med syfte att undersöka vilka hinder elever upplever i filosofiundervisningen och huruvida anonyma digitala enkäter kan hjälpa dem att övervinna dessa, två kvantitativa flervalstest med syfte att testa elevernas epistemologikunskaper före och efter lektionsseriens genomförande samt en deltagande klassrumsobservation med fokus på metodens hjälp i den formativa bedömningen. Resultatet visar att anonyma digitala enkäter har god potential att fungera som ett stöd i filosofiundervisningen i förhållande till de olika utmaningar som diskuteras i arbetet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate potential benefits of using anonymous digital surveys in Swedish upper secondary school philosophy education. The study assumes that some students may be less inclined to participate orally during philosophy lessons compared to lessons in other subjects, which can partially be linked to students perceiving a risk of being subjected to epistemic injustice in the form of testimonial injustice. The study was conducted in conjunction with a series of lessons on epistemology, which were taught at a placement school. Three different data collection methods were used: semi-structured group interviews aimed at exploring the obstacles students experience in philosophy education and whether anonymous digital surveys can help them overcome these obstacles, two quantitative multiple-choice tests aimed at assessing students' knowledge of epistemology before and after the lesson series, and a participatory classroom observation focusing on the method's benefits for formative assessment. The results indicate that anonymous digital surveys have good potential as a benefit within philosophy education in relation to the various challenges discussed in the study.

Describing the Relationship Between Cooperative Learning Techniques Used and Student Cognitive Processing Capability During College Class Sessions

Jagger, Carla Beth 03 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Designbaserad forskning: Utveckling av en pedagogisk lektionsplanering för programmeringsundervisning : Med analys av Blooms taxonomi som bedömningsverktyg / Design-Based Research: Development of a Pedagogical Lesson Planning for Programming Education

Faris, Yara, Pan, Xinyi January 2023 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har förändrat skolmiljön och skapat både nya utmaningar och möjligheter Det här examensarbetet, genomfört i samarbete med K-ULF projektet, syftar till att utveckla en pedagogisk lektionsplanering med tillhörande lärar- och elevhandledning som kombinerar teori och praktiska övningar. Målet är att stödja lärare i programmeringsundervisningen och främja elevernas lärande i en sociokulturell miljö. Bedömningen av elevernas förståelse genomfördes med hjälp av Blooms taxonomi, som utgår från det kognitivistiska perspektivet. Lärarhandledningen utformades baserat på tidigare forskningsresultat och input från en tekniklärare. Den omfattade tydliga syften och lärandemål enligt ämnesplanen för Teknik i gymnasiet, lektionsupplägg, lektionsinnehåll samt eventuella förberedelser för läraren. Därefter genomgick handledningen tre iterationer baserade på protokoll, deltagande observationer, diskussioner med läraren och insamlade elevsvar. Författarna testade handledningen genom att använda den i sin egen undervisning. Resultatet visade att handledningen fungerade som ett användbart verktyg för lärare som ville introducera programmering i sin undervisning. Den kunde anpassas efter klassens kunskapsnivå och lärarens egna erfarenheter. Undervisningen ägde rum i en sociokulturell klassrumsmiljö där eleverna arbetade både individuellt och i par. De insamlade elevsvaren visade att elevernas förståelse nådde upp till nivå sex enligt Blooms taxonomi när de arbetade i grupp, vilket innebar att de kunde skapa nya program och lösningar. Dock hamnade deras individuella förståelse upp till nivå fem, där de kunde bygga upp kunskap från minnesnivå till förståelse och tillämpning. Användningen av Blooms taxonomi för att bedöma elevernas förståelsenivå i en sociokulturell kontext visade sig vara en framgångsrik metod. De olika perspektiven på lärandet samverkade på ett effektivt sätt. / Digitalization has revolutionized the educational landscape, bringing forth new challenges and opportunities within schools. This master’s thesis, conducted in collaboration with the K-ULF project, aims to develop a pedagogical educational curriculum material that combines theory and practical exercises for teachers and students. The material focuses on programming instruction and fostering student learning within a sociocultural environment. To assess students’ understanding, Bloom’s taxonomy, rooted in the cognitivist perspective, was employed. The teacher guide was designed based on prior research findings and insights from a technology teacher. It encompasses clear objectives, learning goals aligned with the secondary school technology curriculum, lesson plans, lesson content, and necessary teacher preparations. The guide underwent three iterations, incorporating protocols, participant observations, discussions with the teacher and collected student solutions. To evaluate the effectiveness of the teacher guide, the authors utilized it in their own teaching. The results demonstrated that the guide served as a valuable resource for teachers seeking to incorporate programming into their instruction. It could be tailored to accommodate the student’s knowledge level and the teacher’s experience. The teaching took place in a sociocultural environment, where students engaged in both individual and collaborative work. Analysis of student solutions indicated that group work led to a higher level of understanding, reaching level six of Bloom’s taxonomy, enabling students to create new programs and devise solutions. However, individual understanding reached level five, characterized by the ability to evaluate. The use of Bloom’s taxonomy as an assessment tool within a sociocultural context proved successful, effectively integrating diverse perspectives on learning.


Cole M Maynard (6622457) 14 May 2019 (has links)
The desire to produce a learning environment which promotes student motivation, collaboration, and higher order thinking is common within the higher education system of today. Such learning environments also have the ability to address challenges’ Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) students face entering the workforce. Through the vertical and horizontal integration of courses, this research presents how a scaffolded learning environment with a centralized theme of energy can increase motivation and conceptual retention within students. The integration of courses allows students to systematically translate their competency of concepts between energy based courses through experiential learning. The goal of this work is to develop a competency based learning model where students earn a professionally recognizable credential. The credential is earned through demonstrating their mastery of industry desired skills at a level that goes above and beyond the stock curriculum. The result is a more continuous curriculum that enhances multi-disciplinary problem solving while better preparing MET students for the workforce.

La fonction éducative des musées dans la société numérique : analyse comparative de l'offre pédagogique en ligne de huit musées nationaux dans quatre pays (France, Angleterre, Australie, Etats-Unis) / The educational function of museums in Digital Society : a comparative analysis of the educational online offer of eight national museums in four countries (France, United Kingdom, Australia and United States)

Boudjema, Cédric 25 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les sites internet des musées et plus particulièrement les sections pédagogiques de huit institutions nationales de quatre pays différents et s’attache à montrer que les musées sont, en ligne, des acteurs de contenus pédagogiques. L’enjeu est d’étudier les sections pédagogiques de ces sites en privilégiant une analyse de contenu et en mettant en œuvre une démarche comparative entre les quatre pays et les types de sites internet afin de saisir les pratiques - et notamment ce que Jean Davallon a appelé « l’anticipation par le destinateur » de ce que fera le visiteur (le destinateur visant par exemple à retenir l’intention de ce dernier ou à le guider dans le contenu), la typologie des contenus, les stratégies pédagogiques mises en œuvre par les institutions muséales en ligne. L’offre pédagogique en ligne est ici définie comme une activité permanente à distance de critiques, de construction de savoirs, de consultation et de divertissement, à propos des ressources muséales. Cette offre se construit également selon des règles cohérentes de design Web. Nous avons choisi d’étudier la pédagogie en ligne autrement selon une démarche constructiviste qui nous conduit à privilégier certains concepts clés : parcours d’apprentissage individualisés, processus d’apprentissage, stratégies cognitives, stratégies métacognitives, « learning styles », taxonomie. D’un point de vue méthodologique, cette thèse s’appuie sur une démarche qualitative et privilégie l’analyse de contenu à partir d’une grille d’analyse comportant 11 catégories : le corpus se compose de huit sites internet et de deux types de musées nationaux : les musées d’art et les musées de sciences avec une section pédagogique. La thèse se compose en deux tomes. Le tome 2 contient l’analyse complète des sites et le tome 1 comporte trois parties. Dans une première partie, la thèse se concentre sur la vocation éducative des musées en prenant en compte ses spécificités et ses complexités. Cette partie précise le contexte historique de la fonction éducative des musées qui ont très tôt développé une stratégie pédagogique en direction du public. Elle s’attache aussi à montrer la spécificité du musée dans l’éducation informelle en le situant en tant que lieu d’apprentissage de concepts et de développement qui développe deux types de médiation. Le musée favorise la formulation de questions, il oriente la réflexion et suscite des interrogations. Elle montre ensuite le musée en tant que partenaire important et complémentaire de l’école. Enfin, cette partie précise le contexte historique des musées en ligne dans les quatre pays de notre analyse et le développement progressif des politiques culturelles d'aujourd’hui et les actions progressives mises en opération par les musées. Dans un second temps, la thèse porte sur l’analyse thématique des sites internet et de leurs sections pédagogiques et s’attache à montrer les étapes successives de l'analyse de contenu via la grille d’analyse conçue pour cette recherche. Dans un premier, temps, il s’agit donc de présenter l’ergonomie générale des sites pour progressivement arriver au traitement général des sections pédagogiques des sites c’est à dire d’identifier les mécanismes sous jacents des sites internet et de leurs sections pédagogiques et dans un second temps d’identifier les différences entre les types de musées et les pays. Enfin, la troisième partie de la thèse attache de l’importance à la typologie des contenus pédagogiques en ligne et se focalise sur les stratégies mises en œuvre sur les sites ainsi que sur la pédagogie déployée. Les sites internet sont ainsi vus comme des éléments interconnectés, destinés à un public cible et renforçant le rôle social du musée. Les publics scolaires et les enseignants sont publics privilégiées, une place prépondérante à ces publics est soulignée. / This research studies museum internet sites and in particular the pedagogy of eight national institutions in four different countries and suggests that online museums are educational content players.The interest is to investigate the educational content of the internet sites using a content analysis and implementing a comparison between the four countries and the types of internet sites to be able to understand the practices – and especially what Jean Davallon calls « the anticipation by the “sender” » that the visitor will engage in (the sender aiming for example to keep the attention of the latter or to provide guidance in the contents), the typology of content and the teaching strategies put in place by the online museum institutions. The online educational offer is defined here as a permanent activity as a source of building knowledge, consultation, criticism, and entertainment, from the museum resources. This offer is also constructed according to the consistent rules of Web design.We have chosen to study the online pedagogy according to a constructivist approach that drives us to privilege certain key concepts : individual learning ways, learning processes, cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, {learning styles}, taxonomy. From a methodological point of view, this thesis relies on a qualitative approach and privileges a content analysis from an analysis grid with eleven categories : the corpus is composed of eight internet sites and of two types of national museums : the art museums and the science museums with an educational section. The thesis is composed of two tomes. The tome 2 contains the complete analysis of the sites and the tome 1 includes three parts. In the first part, the research discusses the educational role of museums with its specificities and complexities. This part defines the historical context of the educational function of museums that very early on developed an educational strategy for the public. It also shows the specificity of museums in informal education as a place of learning concepts and development that develop two types of mediation. The museum favours the formulation of questions; it orientates reflexion and raises questions. It then shows the museum as an important partner and complementary to school. Finally, this part precises the historical context of online museums of the four countries from our analysis and the progressive development of the cultural policies of the present and the progressive actions put into place by the museums.Secondly, the research focuses on the thematic analysis of the internet sites and on their educational sections and attempts to show the successive steps of the content analysis via the analysis grid constructed for this research. Firstly, it is about showing the ergonomics of the sites to progressively arrive upon the general treatment of the educational sections of the sites, that is to say to identify the mechanisms of underlying internet sites and of their educational sections and secondly to identify the differences between the types of museums and their countries. Finally, the third part of the research attaches importance to the typology of the online educational content and focuses on the strategies put into place in the sites as well as the pedagogy deployed. The internet sites are thus viewed as interconnected elements, intended for a target audience and reinforcing the social role of the museum. The schools and the teaching body are a privileged population; a prominent place for them is underlined.

Účinnost badatelsky orientované výuky v tématu Chemický děj na základních školách a gymnáziích / Effectiveness of inquiry-based science education in the topic Chemical process at elementary schools and grammar schools

Sotáková, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The Dissertation work is focused on finding the effectivity of the inquiry-based science education of Chemistry subject at elementary schools and grammar schools concerning the topic of Chemistry process. The theoretical part proves the knowledge of inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in the 21 century, specifies the level of research, learning cycle 5E, its positives and negatives. The practical part is created by the files of methodology, particularly the methodological worksheets for teachers and worksheets for pupils as well, regarding the topic Substance Transformation for the elementary schools and for the grammar schools the topic Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations. In the research part, there are shown the results of paedagogical research aiming at verifying the influence IBSE on to develop the higher mind operations according to Bloom taxonomy, to develop the scientific skills, as well as the survey of pupils' attitudes to this particular educational teaching process. The results obtained from the IBSE implementation and its verification performed by the cognitive tests and further by statistical evaluation, have confirmed the validity of the set hypotheses - the level of pupils' knowledge and skills has been increased, especially at weaker pupils in both degree of schools. By...

Analýza úkolů v čítankách pro 9.ročník ZŠ / Analysis of exercises in reading-books for 9th class of primary school

Procházková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
RESUMÉ The essence of this thesis is to compare selected reading books or workbooks in terms of the accompanying questions and issues. The work is theoretically based on the characteristics of the pubescent reader and also Bloom's taxonomy, classification and results in international tests like PISA etc. The thesis is also examining the readers' literacy. Its definition is changing in time. Literacy is not only focusing on the knowledge, but also plays an important role in integrating into society. It is a complex of several dimensions (relationship to reading, literal understanding, deduction, metacognition, sharing and application). Each of the components is indispensable. Five reading books of the 9th year of elementary school from different publishers (SPN, New School, Fraus, Alter) were analyzed. Two reading books are published by SPN, but each represents a different approach (the older one is based on the school curriculum, newer relates to teaching according to the RVP ZV). It was not a representative analysis of the whole supply of current reading books, but only a selected sample. Analysis of particular reading books is devoted to the general characteristics and context (author, declared associations with RVP ZV, illustrations, general structure of reading book, etc). In addition the reading books...

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