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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UTICAJ SADRŽAJA PROTEINA U SPERMALNOJ PLAZMI NERASTA NA PARAMETRE RAZREĐENE SPERME I FERTILITET VEŠTAČKI OSEMENjENIH KRMAČA / Effect of protein content in the boar seminalplasma on the diluted semen parameters andfertility of artificially inseminated so

Apić Jelena 26 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Ve&scaron;tačko osemenjavanje (VO) je najznačajnija reproduktivna biotehnologija u<br />intenzivnoj proizvodnji svinja. Efikasan izbor visoko fertilnih genetski superiornih<br />nerastova i visok fertilitet ve&scaron;tački osemenjenih krmača, ima veliki ekonomski uticaj na<br />efikasnost praktične primene ove biotehnologije. Međutim, prethodna istraživanja<br />pokazuju da procena klasičnih parametara fertiliteta ejakulata (koncentracija, ukupan<br />broj, pokretljivost i morfologija spermatozoida) nisu dovoljni pokazatelji fertiliteta i<br />reproduktivne performanse nerastova. Sa druge strane, pokazalo se da je fertilitet<br />ve&scaron;tački osemenjenih krmača, često, niži od onog kod prirodno osemenjenih krmača.<br />Kao osnovni razlog nižeg fertiliteta kod VO krmača, navodi se osemenjavanje sa<br />prekomerno razređenim dozama i/ili dozama dugotrajno čuvanim (3 do 5 dana).<br />Rezultati prethodnih istraživanja ukazuju da komponente semene plazme imaju ključni<br />uticaj na fertilizacioni potencijal spermatozoida in vivo i in vitro, kao i na fiziolo&scaron;ke<br />procese važne za uspe&scaron;nu oplodnju i razvoj embriona u uterusu.<br />Zbog toga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se: (a) odredi sadržaj proteina u<br />spermalnoj plazma nerastova koji se koriste za VO na nekoliko komercijalnih farmi<br />svinja u Srbiji, (b) oceni uticaj sadržaja proteina u spermalnoj plazmi na pokretljivost i<br />morfologija spermatozoida u nativnoj i razređenoj spermi, nakon 3 dana čuvanja u<br />razređenom stanju i (c) ispita uticaj intrauterine infuzije spermalne plazme, pre<br />aplikacije klasične VO doze, na fertilitet krmača.<br />Sadržaj proteina u spermalnoj plazmi se kretao između 1% i 6,5%, &scaron;to je<br />ustanovljeno kod 212 uzoraka, dobijenih iz ejakulata 106 nerastova, koji se koriste za<br />VO na 6 farmi u AP Vojvodini. Nizak nivo proteina (1-3.5%, prosečno 2,4%) je<br />ustanovljen kod 69%, a visok nivo proteina (3.6-6.5%, prosečno 4,2%) kod 31%<br />ispitivanih nerastova. Nije ustanovljen značajan (P&gt;0,05) uticaj rase ili starosti nerasta,<br />kao ni godi&scaron;nje sezone, na sadržaj proteina u spermalnoj plazmi. Citomorfolo&scaron;ka<br />svojstva spermatozoida su testirana sistemom CASA i protočnom citometrijom. U<br />nativnoj spermi testiranih nerastova, prosečno je bilo 71% živih, 13% spermatozoida sa<br />o&scaron;tećenim akrozomom i 32% spermatozoida sa morfolo&scaron;kim anomalijama. Volumen<br />ejakulata, koncentracija, ukupan broj i pokretljivost spermatozoida bili su značajno<br />(P&lt;0,01) veći kod nerastova sa visokim, u poređenju sa niskim sadržajem proteina u<br />spermalnoj plazmi. Progresivna pokretljivost - PP (64%) i broj živih spermatozoida - ŽS<br />(66%) bio je značajno veći, dok su broj spermatozoida sa o&scaron;tećenom ćelijskom<br />membranom - OM (19%), akrozomom - OA (29%) i hromozomima - OH (13%) bili<br />značajno (p&lt;0,01) niži u uzorcima sperme sa visokim sadržajem proteina, koji su bili<br />čuvani 72h u razređenju 1:4, od ovih vrednosti kod uzoraka sa niskim sadržajem<br />proteina (PP = 48%, ŽS = 44%, OM = 27% OA = 45% i OH = 22%). Zamena autologne<br />spermalne plazme iz ejakulata sa niskim sadržajem proteina od jednog nerasta, sa<br />homologom spermalnom plazmom iz ejakulata drugog nerasta sa visokim sadržajem<br />proteina, značajno (p&lt;0,01) povećava progresivnu pokretljivost spermatozoida, sa 52%<br />na 65%, kod uzoraka čuvanih 72h u razređenju 1:4. Intrauterina infuzija 30 ml semene<br />plazme, pre aplikacije klasične VO doze, značajno (p&lt;0,05) povećava vrednost<br />pra&scaron;enja (94%) i prosečan broj živo rođene prasadi po leglu (12.3) (p&lt;0,01), u<br />poređenju sa kontrolom grupom krmača (83% i 10.5 prasadi).<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti: (1) postoje značajne razlike u<br />sadržaju proteina u spermalnoj plazmi između pojedinih nerastova, (2) uzorci sperme sa<br />visokim sadržajem proteina, imaju veće vrednosti fertilizacionog potencijala<br />spermatozoida, od uzoraka sa niskim sadržajem proteina u spermalnoj plazmi, posle 72h<br />čuvanja u razređenju 1:4 i (3) infuzija spermalne plazme, pre aplikacije klasične VO<br />iv<br />doze, značajno povećava fertilitet tako tretiranih krmača, u poređenju sa kontrolnim<br />krmača. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da određivanje sadržaja proteina u spermalnoj plazmi,<br />može biti korisno sredstvo za predviđanje stepena fertiliteta nerasta, pre njegove<br />upotrebe za VO, kao i da se spermalna plazma može koristi za povećanje fertiliteta<br />ve&scaron;tački osemenjenih krmača. Dobijenim rezultatima su, u potpunosti, potvrđene radne<br />hipoteze i ostvareni postavljeni ciljevi istraživanja.</p>

Le sanglier - Chasses, maîtrise des populations et politiques publiques - Approche comparative depuis les confins du Périgord-Noir, du Quercy et du Haut-Agenais / Wild boar - Hunting, population control and public policies - Comparative approach from the neighboring Périgord-Noir, Quercy and Haut-Agenais regions

Gigounoux, Alain 26 June 2017 (has links)
Durant la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, la chasse a changé. D'une libre cueillette aléatoire du gibier, elle a été peu à peu dirigée vers des concepts de récolte modérément intrusive et vers la gestion de la faune sauvage. Caractérisant la chasse française, particulièrement lorsqu'elle est pratiquée traditionnellement, aux chiens courants, le jeu-duel avec le gibier a persisté, parfois avec difficulté. Longtemps peu abondant, le sanglier, comme tout le grand gibier de plaine, a observé une forte croissance démographique au cours des trente dernières années. Il engendre désormais de plus en plus de nuisances aux activités humaines. Alors que seuls les chasseurs régulent les sangliers, tout en assurant le financement de l'Administration de la chasse et l'indemnisation des dégâts à l'agriculture, leurs effectifs connaissent un déclin prononcé et continu. Les pouvoirs publics sont confrontés à un impératif de maîtrise des populations de sangliers. Afin d'optimiser l'efficacité des actions de chasse, les doctrines longuement enseignées et imposées au chasseur sont progressivement remises en cause au profit du rétablissement de techniques si longtemps bannies. Mus par une passion extraordinaire, les chasseurs, grâce à leur loisir, contribuent à l'intérêt public. Néanmoins, ils acceptent avec difficulté les objectifs qui leur sont fixés mais aussi et au-delà, la seconde révolution conceptuelle qui leur est imposée. Cultures cynégétiques, représentations symboliques, rapport au gibier, au sauvage et à la nature sous-tendent comme ils président à l'acte de chasse. Au risque d'hypothéquer les chances de réussite des nouvelles politiques publiques, il apparaît que ces dimensions fondatrices et essentielles doivent être prises en compte dans la promotion des mesures comme dans l'action normative conduites par cette Administration tripartite "sui generis" qui caractérise la chasse française, impliquant l'État, un établissement public dédié et les fédérations des chasseurs. / In the second half of the 20th century, hunting has changed. From a free random sampling of game, it has been orientated towards concepts of mildly intrusive wildlife harvest and management. Characterizing French hunting, in particular when practiced traditionally, with hounds, is that the dueling-play with the wild game has persisted, though with some difficulty. Having been scarce for a long period, wild boar, just as other lowland ungulates, experienced a strong demographic increase over the last three decades. The species nowadays causes harm to human activities which can be rather serious. And while only the hunters regulate wild boar population, contributing at the same time to the financing of the Hunting Administration and of the compensation of agricultural damages, their own numbers are in a clear and ongoing decline. Public authorities are confronted with the necessity to control wild boar populations. In order to optimize the efficacy of hunting activities, the rules submitted and imposed to the hunter are progressively put into question to the benefit of the return of techniques which had been barred much earlier. Moved by an extraordinary passion, hunters, through the practice of their leisure activity, make a contribution to the public interest. However, they do not eagerly accept the objectives which are set for them, nor the second conceptual revolution which is imposed on them. Representations, symbolism, the relationship with game, wildlife and nature are equally underlying in the hunters’ culture and way of thinking, and at the same time they do guide his actions and choices. With the risk to jeopardize the chances of success of the new public policies, it appears that these founding and essential dimensions of the hunting act need to be taken into consideration when promoting measures such as in the normative actions undertaken by the three-party Administration “sui generis” characterizing hunting in France, involving the State, a specific public establishment and the hunters’ federations.

Alternativ till obedövad kastrering av smågrisar : - Ur ett ekonomiskt och djurhälsomässigt perspektiv

Hansen, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>This degree project aims to evaluate alternative methods to the unanaesthetized castration of piglets. Castration of piglets is performed to prevent the development of boar taint. Boar taint can cause great financial losses for the pig manufacturer. Unanaesthetized castration of piglets is not regarded to be satisfactory from an animal welfare perspective and the procedure will for that reason be outlawed in the near future.</p><p>Several alternative methods are used in countries all over the world with promising result. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if this methods could be applied in Swedish pig production.</p><p>A literature study has been combined with interviews; field studies, questionnaires and a small study on male pig production.</p><p>To be applicable to and applied in Swedish pig production the alternative method must be financially accepted by the manufacturers but also accepted from an animal welfare perspective.</p><p>Castration is the only way to guarantee a meat free of boar taint. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the best result is achieved by a combination of anesthesia in combination with analgesia. This is the most inexpensive alternative which also causes the piglet the least amount of distress.</p> / <p>Examensarbetet har genomförts med syftet att undersöka och utvärdera alternativa metoder till dagens obedövade kastrering av smågrisar. Kastrering utförs för att motverka att hangrisarna utvecklar så kallad galtlukt som kan medföra stora ekonomiska förluster för grisproducenten. Dagens kirurgiska kastrering kommer att förbjudas inom den närmaste framtiden eftersom ingreppet inte anses djurhälsomässigt acceptabelt.</p><p>Flera av metoderna tillämpas idag på besättningar runt om i världen på ett välfungerande vis och syftet var att undersöka om dessa alternativ skulle fungera i den svenska grisproduktionen.</p><p>Arbetet har utförts med hjälp av en litteraturstudie som kompletterats med intervjuer, studiebesök, frågeformulär, enkätundersökning och ett mindre genomfört försök med hangrisuppfödning.</p><p>För att anses som lämplig måste den alternativa metoden vara acceptabel både ur ett ekonomiskt och djurhälsomässigt perspektiv. Detta för att kunna tillämpas i den svenska grisproduktionen.</p><p>Det enda sätt som garanterar att galtlukt inte förekommer i köttet är kastrering. Därför är slutsatsen av utvärderingen är att metoderna lokalbedövning i kombination med smärtlindring i samband med kastrering är det bästa alternativet. Detta eftersom det är ett av de billigaste alternativen som dessutom ger bäst bedövning och smärtlindring för grisen.</p>

Estudio de la Capacitación in vitro de espermatozoides epididimarios y eyaculados en la especie porcina

Sansegundo González, Manuel 21 July 2008 (has links)
La capacitación espermática puede ser mimetizada in vitro eliminando el plasma seminal por distintos sistemas de lavado. Entre los tratamientos espermáticos empleados habitualmente en los laboratorios para capacitar a los espermatozoides se encuentran los lavados que se realizan con medios enriquecidos con albúmina o a través de gradientes de Percoll. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar los cambios que acontecen en los espermatozoides (procedentes de epidídimo y eyaculados) sometidos a tres sistemas de capacitación in vitro evaluados mediante una batería de técnicas que determinan distintos estadios de la capacitación espermática.De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que tanto la procedencia de los espermatozoides (epidídimo o eyaculado) como el tratamiento de capacitación al que se les somete afecta en gran medida a los resultados de la penetración in vitro y por lo tanto, la capacitación se produce de manera diferente entre estos grupos. / Sperm capacitation may be defined as a set of molecular modifications that occurs in the spermatozoa, after maturation in the epididymis, which enables them to fertilize the oocyte. In vitro, this process can be imitated in vitro by separation of the seminal plasma by different systems of washing. Between the sperm treatments routinely used in the laboratories, semen samples are washed of albumin or centrifugations through a Percoll. The aim of this work was examine and characterize the changes that happen in the sperms (from epididymis and ejaculated) submitted to three systems of in vitro capacitation, evaluated by means of a battery of tests to determine different levels of the sperm capacitation. Sperm capacitation was dependent on sperm treatment, whetherepididymal or ejaculated and to whichever parameter measured.Nevertheless, all these parameters, in spite of the fact that they have beendescribed as tools to evaluate the sperm capacitation, really are not capable of discriminating or indicating the level of capacitation.

Análisis, función y aplicaciones biotecnológicas de las proteínas del plasma seminal de porcino PSP-I y PSP-II

García Hernández, Eva María 04 December 2007 (has links)
La aplicación de procesos biotecnológicos como la separación de espermatozoides X e Y mediante citometría de flujo, pueden generar la eliminación de determinados componentes del plasma seminal necesarios para conservar su funcionalidad. En este sentido, se ha observado que la adición de plasma seminal al medio espermático, protege a los espermatozoides cuando estos son sometidos a separación espermática mediante citometría de flujo. Sin embargo, diversos estudios demuestran que rel efecto beneficioso que ejerce el plasma seminal sobre los espermatozoides reside en determinadas proteínas. En el caso de la especie porcina, hay estudios previos que determinan que el efecto protector que ejerce el plasma seminal sobre los espermatozoides, se debe a una proteína denominada heterodímero PSP-I/PSP-II. El efecto beneficioso de dicha proteína sobre la funcionalidad espermática en espermatozoides de verraco altamente diluidos parece estar conservada, en su subunidad PSP-II y, concretamente, en la fracción peptídica de ésta. Estudiar, además, su localización a lo largo del tracto genital del verraco así como en las distintas fracciones del eyaculado, puede ser importante para llegar a conocer si la presencia de este heterodímero en el medio de recogida espermático de espermatozoides X e Y, es beneficioso tanto en la funcionalidad como en la capacidad fecundante de estos espermatozoides. / Biotechnological procedures of semen, such as sexing using flow cytometry/cell sorting procedures, causes high dilutions during sperm manipulation, linked with the wash away or high dilution of seminal plasma components. Thus, to develop strategies to extend the viability of treated spermatozoa are necessary. It is well known that add seminal plasma (SP) to the sperm media contributes to preserving the integrity and the fertilizing potential of sperm. Nevertheless, the beneficial effects of seminal plasma seem to be restricted to specific proteins of the SP. In porcine, previous studies have related this protective effect of the seminal plasma on the sperm cells to a protein called PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer. The beneficial effect of this protein on the functionality of highly diluted boar spermatozoa is largely preserved in its PSP-II subunit and does not appear to require its glycan moiety. Moreover, study its localization along male reproductive tract and in different portions of the ejaculate could be important to know if the presence of PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer in the collection medium for sex sorted spermatozoa is beneficial on the in vitro function and in vivo fertilizing ability.

Alternativ till obedövad kastrering av smågrisar : - Ur ett ekonomiskt och djurhälsomässigt perspektiv

Hansen, Emma January 2010 (has links)
This degree project aims to evaluate alternative methods to the unanaesthetized castration of piglets. Castration of piglets is performed to prevent the development of boar taint. Boar taint can cause great financial losses for the pig manufacturer. Unanaesthetized castration of piglets is not regarded to be satisfactory from an animal welfare perspective and the procedure will for that reason be outlawed in the near future. Several alternative methods are used in countries all over the world with promising result. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if this methods could be applied in Swedish pig production. A literature study has been combined with interviews; field studies, questionnaires and a small study on male pig production. To be applicable to and applied in Swedish pig production the alternative method must be financially accepted by the manufacturers but also accepted from an animal welfare perspective. Castration is the only way to guarantee a meat free of boar taint. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the best result is achieved by a combination of anesthesia in combination with analgesia. This is the most inexpensive alternative which also causes the piglet the least amount of distress. / Examensarbetet har genomförts med syftet att undersöka och utvärdera alternativa metoder till dagens obedövade kastrering av smågrisar. Kastrering utförs för att motverka att hangrisarna utvecklar så kallad galtlukt som kan medföra stora ekonomiska förluster för grisproducenten. Dagens kirurgiska kastrering kommer att förbjudas inom den närmaste framtiden eftersom ingreppet inte anses djurhälsomässigt acceptabelt. Flera av metoderna tillämpas idag på besättningar runt om i världen på ett välfungerande vis och syftet var att undersöka om dessa alternativ skulle fungera i den svenska grisproduktionen. Arbetet har utförts med hjälp av en litteraturstudie som kompletterats med intervjuer, studiebesök, frågeformulär, enkätundersökning och ett mindre genomfört försök med hangrisuppfödning. För att anses som lämplig måste den alternativa metoden vara acceptabel både ur ett ekonomiskt och djurhälsomässigt perspektiv. Detta för att kunna tillämpas i den svenska grisproduktionen. Det enda sätt som garanterar att galtlukt inte förekommer i köttet är kastrering. Därför är slutsatsen av utvärderingen är att metoderna lokalbedövning i kombination med smärtlindring i samband med kastrering är det bästa alternativet. Detta eftersom det är ett av de billigaste alternativen som dessutom ger bäst bedövning och smärtlindring för grisen.

Įvairių gyvūnų mėsos mitybinės vertės ir kokybės palyginimas / Comparison of meat quality and nutrition value of various animals

Valaitienė, Vilma 17 April 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the concept of food quality has received a lot of attention from food producers and retailers as well as from public authorities and health educators. There are a lot of discusses a practical approach to defining the term ‘quality’. But although there have been many attempts to clarify and define the concept, there still no general agreement on the term (Grebitus et al, 2006). For European food industry, quality is a key factor because the high quality of a product is the basis for success in this highly competitive market. However, it is difficult to decide which sort of meat has the best nutrition value or technological properties (Kortz, 2003). Work object. To research and compare various animal meat quality and nutrition value. During investigation were taken 6 different sorts of animal and poultry meat samples: Lithuanian white pigs, Lithuanian black head sheep, Lithuanian black-white bulls, wild pork, Big-6 turkey broilers and Hybro G cross chicken broilers. For the samples was taken 500-550g from long back muscle (musculus longissimus dorsi). For poultry and turkey samples was taken breast meat. Pork, sheep, bulls, chicken and turkey broilers were raised and slaughtered in the same groups, had the same feeding and slaughtering conditions, wild pork was hunted in Lithuanian forests. Measuring different animals meat quality and nutrition features, samples were taken chilled 24 hours after slaughtering. Meat quality indexes were measured at ‘Meat... [to full text]

The formation of androstenone conjugates from testes tissue of the mature boar.

Desnoyer, Jillian Eve 01 December 2011 (has links)
The accumulation of androstenone in the fat of mature boars results in boar taint; the conjugation of androstenone would decrease this important meat quality problem by decreasing the accumulation and increasing the excretion of androstenone. Leydig cells and testis microsomes from mature boars were incubated with radiolabeled pregnenolone, and the free and conjugated metabolites were examined by HPLC. Sulfated androstenone with a mass of 367 m/z was directly identified by MS, with a novel tentative structure of 3-keto-4- sulfoxy-androstenone. Addition of enolase to the microsomal incubations increased the formation of 3-keto-4-sulfoxy-androstenone. Overexpression of SULT2A1 in HEK cells resulted in the sulfoconjugation of dehydroepiandrosterone, but not androstenone, suggesting that SULT2A1 may not be involved in sulfoconjugation of androstenone. This thesis describes the novel direct characterization of androstenone sulfate and the importance of enolase in its formation. The relevance to boar taint metabolism is discussed.

Comparison of different commercial ELISAs for detection of antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serum

Sattler, Tatjana, Wodak, Eveline, Revilla-Fernández, Sandra, Schmoll, Friedrich 12 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: In recent years, several new ELISAs for the detection of antibodies against the porcine reproductive and respiratory disease virus (PRRSV) in pig serum have been developed. To interpret the results, specificity and sensitivity data as well as agreement to a reference ELISA must be available. In this study, three commercial ELISAs (INgezim PRRS 2.0 - ELISA II, Priocheck® PRRSV Ab porcine – ELISA III and CIVTEST suis PRRS E/S PLUS - ELISA IV, detecting PRRSV type 1 antibodies) were compared to a standard ELISA (IDEXX PRRS X3 Ab Test - ELISA I). The serum of three pigs vaccinated with an attenuated PRRSV live vaccine (genotype 2) was tested prior to and several times after the vaccination. Furthermore, serum samples of 245 pigs of PRRSV positive herds, 309 pigs of monitored PRRSV negative herds, 256 fatteners of assumed PRRSV negative herds with unknown herd history and 92 wild boars were tested with all four ELISAs. Results: ELISAs II and III were able to detect seroconversion of vaccinated pigs with a similar reliability. According to kappa coefficient, the results showed an almost perfect agreement between ELISA I as reference and ELISA II and III (kappa > 0.8), and substantial agreement between ELISA I and ELISA IV (kappa = 0.71). Sensitivity of ELISA II, III and IV was 96.0%, 100% and 91.5%, respectively. The specificity of the ELISAs determined in samples of monitored PRRSV negative herds was 99.0%, 95.1% and 96.4%, respectively. In assumed negative farms that were not continually monitored, more positive samples were found with ELISA II to IV. The reference ELISA I had a specificity of 100% in this study. Conclusions: All tested ELISAs were able to detect a PRRSV positive herd. The specificity and sensitivity of the tested commercial ELISAs, however, differed. ELISA II had the highest specificity an ELISA III had the highest sensitivity in comparison to the reference ELISA. ELISA IV had a lower sensitivity and specificity than the other ELISAs.

Estudo etiológico e patológico de pneumonias em javalis criados de forma confinada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Etiological and pathological study of pneumonia in captive wild-boars in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

Biondo, Natalha January 2012 (has links)
As doenças respiratórias são muito comuns na produção intensiva de suínos, já em javalis são escassas informações sobre prevalência, etiologia e apresentação clínico-patológica destas enfermidades. No entanto, a presença de patógenos respiratórios comuns entre javalis selvagens e confinados e suínos domésticos já foi relatada. Este trabalho descreve as principais lesões macroscópicas e histológicas de pneumonias de javalis e os agentes comumente envolvidos. Foram examinados pulmões de javalis, ao abate, provenientes de criatórios comerciais e a principal lesão macroscópica foi consolidação crânio-ventral dos lobos craniais e médios e lesões crônicas cursando com hiperplasia linfóide na histologia. O principal agente bacteriano detectado foi o Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (58,6%). Outros patógenos bacterianos detectados foram Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (48,8%), Haemophilus parasuis (49,6%), Mycoplasma hyorhinis (41,3%), Pasteurella multocida (9,1%) e Streptococcus suis (9,1%). Na segunda parte do trabalho, a pesquisa de patógenos virais foi direcionada para o Vírus da influenza suína (VIS) com objetivo de estudar o envolvimento em pneumonias de javalis de criatórios e a relação com agentes bacterianos encontrados. O vírus pandêmico A/H1N1/2009 foi detectado em 18,3% (11/60) e sua identidade foi confirmada por sequenciamento. A carga viral para H1N1 clássico variou de 4,58 a 6275 cópias/μL e para o H1N1 pandêmico, de 4,65 a 3863 cópias/μL. Nenhuma amostra apresentou título viral após a inoculação em ovos embrionados. As lesões histológicas principais foram broncopneumonia crônica difusa e pneumonia intersticial mononuclear leve, além de hiperplasia linfóide. As amostras positivas por RT-PCR para o VIS para o pH1N1 foram testadas por IHQ, sendo todas negativas para influenza A, mas todas eram positivas para M. hyopneumoniae. Quando testadas por bacteriologia, 18,2% das amostras foram positivas para P. multocida. O estudo mostrou que as pneumonias em javalis de criatório apresentaram lesões e patógenos associados similares aos encontrados em suínos domésticos ao abate. Este é o primeiro relato da infecção pelo vírus pH1N1 em javalis no Brasil. / Respiratory diseases are very common in swine intensive production, although in wild-boars the knowledge of the prevalence, etiology and clinic-pathological presentation of these diseases are very limited. However, the presence of common respiratory pathogens among wild-boar, captive wild-boar and domestic pigs has been reported. This paper describes the main macroscopic and histologic pneumonic lesions of captive wild-boars and pathogens commonly involved. Captive wild-boar lungs at slaughter were examined and the main macroscopic lesion observed was cranio-ventral consolidation of cranial and middle lobes and chronic lesions associated with lymphoid hyperplasia by histology. The main bacterial pathogen detected was Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (58.6%). Other bacterial pathogens detected were Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (48.8%), Haemophilus parasuis (49.6%), Mycoplasma hyorhinis (41.3%), Pasteurella multocida (9.1%) and Streptococcus suis (9.1%). In the second part of this work, the survey of viral pathogens was directed to swine influenza virus (SIV) in order to study the involvement in captive wild-boar pneumonias and the relation with bacterial pathogens. The A/H1N1/2009 pandemic virus was detected in 18.3% (11/60) and its identity was confirmed by sequencing. The classical H1N1 viral load ranged from 4.58 to 6275 copies/uL and the pandemic H1N1, from 4.65 to 3863 copies/uL. No samples had viral titers after inoculation in embryonated eggs. The main histological lesions were chronic diffuse bronchopneumonia and interstitial mononuclear pneumonia as well as mild lymphoid hyperplasia. Samples positive to pH1N1 were assayed by IHC for SIV, all with negative results, and to M. hyopneumoniae, all were positive. When assayed by bacteriology, 18.2% of samples were positive to P. multocida. This study showed that pneumonia in captive wild-boar had similar lesions and associated pathogens were similar to those found in domestic pigs at slaughter. This is the first report of pH1N1 virus infection in captive wild-boars in Brazil.

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