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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and explicit integration of a thermo-mechanical model for saturated clays / Développement et intégration explicite d'un modèle thermo-mécanique des argiles saturées

Hong, Peng-Yun 27 March 2013 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée à la modélisation du comportement thermo-mécanique des argiles raides saturées et au développement d'un algorithme d'intégration efficace de contrainte correspondant. Le comportement mécanique de l'argile de Boom naturelle dans des conditions isothermes a été caractérisé. Le modèle Cam Clay modifié (MCC) a été ensuite appliquée pour simuler le comportement de l'argile de Boom naturel. Il a été constaté que le MCC donne des prédictions de mauvaise qualité pour le comportement de l'argile de Boom naturel. Ainsi, un modèle Cam Clay (ACC-2) adapté a été développé en introduisant une nouvelle surface de charge et un nouveau potentiel plastique ainsi que d'un mécanisme plastique de Deux surfaces. Ce modèle permet la description satisfaisante des caractéristiques principales du comportement mécanique de l'argile de Boom naturelle. De plus, les équations de ce modèle peuvent être formulées mathématiquement comme dans un modèle élasto-plastique classique. L'algorithme d'intégration de contrainte classique peut donc être appliqué. Les effets thermiques ont été examinés par l'évaluation de la pertinence de trois lois thermomécaniques avancées (Cui et al, 2000; Abuel-Naga et al, 2007; Laloui et François, 2008; 2009). Il apparaît que tous les trois modèles peuvent décrire les caractéristiques principales du comportement thermo-mécanique des argiles saturées. Cependant, chaque modèle a ses limites ou des points peu clairs du point de vue théorique. L'algorithme d'intégration de contrainte du modèle thermo-mécanique de Cui et al. (2000) au point de contrainte a également été développé spécifiquement en utilisant une méthode adaptive du pas de temps. Le temps de calcul nécessaire pour obtenir une précision donnée est ainsi largement réduit pour des chemins de chargements thermiques et mécaniques. Un modèle thermo-mécanique à Deux surfaces (modèle TEAM) a été développé en se basant sur le mécanisme plastique de Deux surfaces. Le modèle proposé a étendu le modèle de Cui et al. (2000) à une formulation de Deux surfaces considérant le couplage entre les déformations plastiques des chemins de chargements thermiques et mécaniques. La simulation des essais drainés montre que ce modèle peut décrire les caractéristiques principales thermo-mécaniques de l'argile de Boom naturelle le long de différents chemins de chargements. Le modèle TEAM a finalement été étendu à des conditions non drainées. Après la clarification du concept des contraintes effectives et la définition d'une condition de déformation volumique, le processus d'échauffement non drainé est analysé. La validité des équations thermo-hydro-mécaniques de ce modèle a été examinée en se basant sur des résultats d'essais typiques / This study is devoted to the thermo-mechanical constitutive modeling for saturated stiff clays and the development of a corresponding efficient stress integration algorithm. The mechanical behavior of natural Boom Clay in isothermal conditions was first characterized. The Modified Cam Clay model (MCC) was then applied to simulate the natural Boom Clay behavior. It has been found that the MCC gives poor-quality predictions of the natural Boom Clay behavior. Thereby, an adapted Cam Clay model (ACC-2) was developed by introducing a new yield surface and a new plastic potential as well as a Two-surface plastic mechanism. This model allows satisfactory prediction of the main features of the mechanical behavior of natural Boom Clay. Moreover, the constitutive equations of this model can be formulated mathematically as in a classic elasto-plastic model. Thus, the classic stress integration algorithm can be applied. The thermal effects were considered by assessing the performance of some advanced thermo-mechanical models (Cui et al., 2000; Abuel-Naga et al., 2007; Laloui and François, 2008; 2009). It appears that all the three models can capture the main features of the thermo-mechanical behavior of saturated clays. However, each constitutive model has its own limitations or unclear points from the theoretical point of view. The stress integration algorithm of the thermo-mechanical model proposed by Cui et al. (2000) at the stress point level was also developed using a specifically designed adaptive time-stepping scheme. The computation time required to achieve a given accuracy is largely reduced with the adaptive sub-stepping considered for both mechanical and thermal loadings. A Two-surface thermo-mechanical model (TEAM model) was developed based on the Two-surface plastic mechanism. The proposed model extends the model of Cui et al. (2000) to a Two-surface formulation, considering the plastic strain coupling between the thermal and the mechanical loading paths. The simulation of drained tests shows that this model can capture the main thermo-mechanical features of natural Boom Clay along different loading paths. The TEAM model was finally extended to undrained conditions. After setting up an appropriate effective stress principle and defining a volumetric strain condition, the undrained heating process was analyzed. The validity of the thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive equations was examined based on the data from typical tests

Analysis of performance management and investment funds multimarket in Brazil / AnÃlise de performance e gestÃo de fundos de investimento multimercados no Brasil

Thiago Alves Nogueira 23 January 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / This work analyzes the performance graph and quantitative metrics under different gain, volatility, skewness, kurtosis and dynamic performance of portfolios composed of 85 investment funds Hedge in Brazil, vis-Ã-vis the major market benchmarks and traditional options investments. In this context, this empirical study is aligned with Matos e Artur (2011) strategies to address dynamic composition during the period 2005 to 2010, annual basis, containing the 10 winners and 10 funds Loosers. In scenarios characterized by economic boom or recovery of financial markets, the adoption of active strategies in funds winners in performance, equal stakes, provides increases in average earnings, risk reduction associated with diversification and thus increase performance in relation the benchmarks. This evidence is robust to the use of different performance metrics for the selection of funds. The strategy proposed activity is such that the investor bets each year in the 10 funds with better performance (winners) in Calmar, in Sharpe, Treynor and Sortino in. Analyses were also the same strategy, but buying the 10 funds with the worst performance (Loosers). According to the results, the annual ranking of Hedge Funds is very robust to changes in the performance metric used. The portfolios consist of the winners have funds throughout the period accumulated higher real earnings, the real gain around 25% higher than that obtained by the Savings and about 16% of funds portfolios Loosers. During the pre-crisis real earnings ranged between winners and Loosers during the period between the different portfolios, while in times of crisis real earnings of the Fund winners were around 35% higher than those obtained by the Funds Loosers. Noteworthy is the high performance, in absolute terms, with funds of winners portfolios compared to the savings, as well as the superiority in relation to portfolios with funds Loosers, a robust evidence consequence of technical expertise winners of funds and high risk exposure funds Loosers. / Este trabalho analisa o desempenho sob as mais diversas mÃtricas de ganho, volatilidade e performance de portfÃlios dinÃmicos compostos por 85 fundos de investimento Multimercado no Brasil, vis-Ã-vis os principais benchmarks de mercado e opÃÃes tradicionais de investimentos. Neste contexto, este estudo empÃrico està alinhado a Matos e Artur (2011), ao abordar estratÃgias de composiÃÃo dinÃmica, durante o perÃodo de 2005 a 2010, com frequÃncia anual, contendo os 10 fundos winners e os 10 fundos Loosers. Em cenÃrios econÃmicos caracterizados por boom ou mesmo recuperaÃÃo dos mercados financeiros, a adoÃÃo de estratÃgias ativa em fundos winners em performance proporciona aumentos de ganhos mÃdios, reduÃÃo de risco associada à diversificaÃÃo e, consequentemente, melhor desempenho em relaÃÃo a benchmarks. Esta evidÃncia à robusta ao uso de diferentes mÃtricas de performance para seleÃÃo dos fundos. A estratÃgia ativa proposta, à tal que, o investidor aposta a cada ano nos 10 fundos com melhor performance (winners) em Calmar, em Sharpe, em Sortino e em Treynor. Analisa-se, tambÃm, a mesma estratÃgia, porÃm comprando os 10 fundos com pior performance (Loosers). Segundo os resultados, o ranking anual dos fundos Multimercados à robusto à mudanÃa na mÃtrica de performance usada. Os portfÃlios compostos pelos fundos winners possuem durante todo o perÃodo ganhos reais acumulados superiores, com o ganho real em torno de 25% superior ao obtido pela PoupanÃa e cerca de 16% das carteiras compostas pelos fundos Loosers. Durante o PerÃodo prÃ-crise os ganhos reais entre winners e Loosers oscilaram durante todo o perÃodo entre as diferentes carteiras, enquanto que no perÃodo de crise os ganhos reais dos Fundos winners ficaram em torno de 35% superiores aos obtidos pelos Fundos Loosers. Destaca-se o alto desempenho, em termos absolutos, dos portfÃlios com fundos winners quando comparados com a poupanÃa, assim como a superioridade com relaÃÃo aos portfÃlios com fundos Loosers, uma evidÃncia robusta consequÃncia da expertise tÃcnica dos fundos winners e da elevada exposiÃÃo ao risco dos fundos Loosers.

Essays on Economic Development in Commodity-Dependent Economies / Essais sur le développement économique des économies dépendantes aux matières premières

Henry, Alexandre 06 September 2019 (has links)
La dépendance aux ressources naturelles entraîne de nombreux défis pour les décideurs publics. Fort de ce constat, se pose avec acuité la question suivante: dans quelle mesure les gouvernements des pays d’Afrique sub-Saharienne sont à même d’employer leurs leviers de politiques fiscales et monétaires afin de limiter les effets négatifs de la dépendance aux ressources naturelles et d’entraîner un cercle économique vertueux? Le second chapitre de la thèse distingue les mécanismes de court terme et de long terme de la dépendance aux ressources naturelles en utilisant une approche en deux temps: d’abord les variables explicatives sont cointégrées pour établir les relations de long terme puis un modèle à correction d’erreur est estimé pour capter les relations de court terme de retour à l’équilibre.Sur le long terme, l’effet négatif de la dépendance est confirmé. Cependant, les pays dotés d’institutions de mauvaise qualité sont plus vulnérables car non seulement ils subissent l’impact de long terme mais la dépendance aux ressources affecte négativement le processus de retour à l’équilibre sur le court terme. Enfin, les résultats montrent que dans le cadre d’institutions de qualité supérieure, la dépendance aux ressources naturelles peut avoir un impact positif sur la reprise économique. Dans un troisième chapitre, un modèle pvar compare les intéractions macro-économiques dans la zone monétaire franc CFA, ancré à l’euro, par rapport aux pays comparables hors zone franc CFA. En prenant en compte la forte présence de matières premières dans leurs exportations, les résultats montrent que la zone franc CFA ne subit pas de perte de compétitivité de par son appartenance à une zone monétaire. En revanche, les investissements directs de l’étranger n’entraînent pas des effets positifs sur la croissance de la même ampleur que ceux observés hors de la zone franc CFA. Le quatrième chapitre contribue à la littérature associée à la gestion optimale des ressources fiscales, notamment dans le cadre d’un boom des matières premières. Les résultats montrent que dans le cadre d’un accès réduit aux marchés de capitaux, les périodes de boom de matières premières sont des opportunités capitales pour stimuler la croissance via l’investissement public, alors que les contraintes fiscales sont temporairement relâchées. Toutefois, l’efficacité de ces accroissements d’investissement est conditionnelle à un niveau d’endettement public soutenable. / This thesis belongs to the literature on natural resource dependence and brings a new perspective by focusing on the sub-Saharan African region. This dependence introduces numerous challenges for policy makers both in terms of fiscal and monetary policy. The main research question explored in this thesis is the following : to which extent sub- Saharan African governments can rely on fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate the adverse impacts of commodity dependence and trigger positive spillover and achieve sustainable growth? The second chapter of the thesis unfolds short-term versus long-term mechanisms of the resource curse by using a two-step analysis: an error-correction model is performed after co-integrating the explana- tory variables. Main findings highlight the crucial role of institutions. On the long run, the negative impact of the dependence is confirmed independently of the institution quality. However, countries with weak institutions are more vulnerable to the curse because the re- source dependence not only negatively impacts long-term growth but also adversely impacts the recovery process. Finally, in a strong in- stitutional environment, results points to a potential positive impact of natural resources during recovery process. In the third chapter, a panel vector auto-regressive model compares macro-economic interactions in the pegged CFA monetary union versus a comparable sample. Considering their export structure dominated by raw commodities, results suggests that the CFA zone members do not suffer from a loss of competitiveness from belonging to the monetary union. However, foreign direct investments fail to generate the same spillover effect in the CFA zone compared to non-CFA countries. The forth chapter provides insights on the optimal management of fiscal resources, especially during a windfall period. Growth elasticities of different government choices regarding revenue allocation is performed. Results show that in a con- text of limited access to capital, resource windfall are considered as a crucial opportunity to scale up investment. In fact, below a level of public capital stock (estimated around 750 USD per capita), public investment during a boom has a four-fold higher impact on growth than above the threshold. This scaling up is conditional on low levels of public debt: countries featuring unsustainable public debt levels should prioritize the restoration of stronger foreign reserves

Deformation and flow driven by osmotic processes in porous materials

Mokni, Nadia 22 February 2011 (has links)
En el caso del almacenamiento de los residuos radioactivos los flujos osmóticos pueden ser relevantes y requieren un análisis en detalle. El residuo nuclear bituminizado (BW) será almacenado mediante contenedores en cavidades excavadas en la Boom Clay, que es una arcilla marina que presenta propiedades favorables para limitar y retrasar la migración de los contaminantes radioactivos. La interacción entre los dos materiales es un proceso acoplado químico-hidro-mecánico y depende de la respuesta hidromecánica de la Boom Clay y del BW. En condiciones de almacenamiento, el contacto del BW, que contienen cantidades importantes de NaNO3, con el agua subterránea induce la hidratación por gradientes osmóticos y el consiguiente hinchamiento, además de la difusión de la sal disuelta hacia la Boom Clay. Se pueden distinguir dos tipos de afecciones: la perturbación geomecánica causada por el hinchamiento del BW y el aumento de presión en el BW y cambio de las distribución de tensiones en la roca, y la perturbación físico química por la migración de grandes cantidades de sales. El objetivo de esta tesis es: (i) Mejorar la comprensión de los procesos que controlan la absorción de agua y el consecuente hinchamiento del BW que contengan sales (NaNO3), y (ii) Investigar los posibles efectos de la concentración de fluidos de los poros sobre el hinchamiento, la compresibilidad y comportamiento de corte de la Boom Clay. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado una formulación para el análisis de la deformación inducida por la disolución de sales en medio poroso con contacto con agua. Las ecuaciones planteadas incluyen los flujos acoplados de agua y soluto. Se presenta también un trabajo teórico que ayuda a la comprensión del comportamiento mecánico del BW. Se considera este material como una mezcla de bitumen y cristales de NaNO3. Se ha desarrollado un modelo elasto-viscoplástico que describe el comportamiento de fluencia del BW considerando el comportamiento de fluencia de sus constituyentes. El modelo constitutivo elasto-viscoplástico ha sido implementado en el programa CODE_BRIGHT. Los resultados se han comparado con observaciones experimentales. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento a largo plazo del BW en contacto con agua al simular ensayos de hinchamiento por absorción de agua bajo condiciones confinadas. El análisis numérico ha demostrado ser capaz de proporcionar una representación satisfactoria de los principales patrones observados en su comportamiento. En lo que respecta al segundo objetivo de la tesis, se ha propuesto una formulación para el análisis de las deformaciones inducidas por procesos osmóticos en un medio poroso de doble estructura. Esta formulación distingue dentro del material un nivel micro-estructural y otro macro-estructural con cambios químicos que tienen un efecto significativo en la micro-estructura. Se han obtenido las ecuaciones básicas que describen los flujos acoplados de agua y solutos y el transporte de sus componentes a través de los macroporos así como las ecuaciones de balance de masa para agua y soluto en los macroporos y microporos. La formulación propuesta ha sido aplicada particularmente para analizar cualitativamente el efecto de la succión osmótica sobre el hinchamiento de los suelos arcillosos. Se han analizado los efectos a corto y largo plazo. Se ha investigado también la influencia del aumento de la concentración del fluido en los poros sobre las propiedades geotécnicas y el comportamiento de la Boom Clay no saturada. Se ha llevado a cabo un programa sistemático de investigación experimental, con control de succión osmótica y matricial, con el fin de investigar el efecto del incremento de la concentración del fluido de poros sobre la resistencia de corte y el cambio volumétrico bajo condiciones edométricas. Se ha observado, que bajo condiciones parcialmente saturadas, un cambio en la salinidad provoca una disminución en la compresibilidad y en la resistencia de corte del material. / For deep storage of high-level nuclear waste osmotic flows can be significant and so require a careful analysis. In Belgium, The bituminized nuclear waste (BW) named Eurobitum contained in metallic drums will be placed inside a tunnel or a shaft excavated in the Boom Clay, which is 100 m thick marine clay presenting favourable properties to limit and delay the migration of the leached radionuclides over extended periods of time. In Geological disposal conditions, contact of the bituminized radioactive waste which contains high amounts of highly soluble salt (NaNO3) with groundwater will result in water uptake and swelling of the waste and in subsequent diffusion of the dissolved salt through the host clay formation. Basically, two types of disturbance can be distinguished: A geo-mechanical perturbation, caused by the swelling of the waste and the increase of the pressure in and around the waste and a physico-chemical perturbation by the release of large amounts of NaNO3 and other soluble salts. In this context the aim of this thesis is: (i) to improve the understanding of the processes controlling the water uptake and the subsequent swelling of bituminized waste containing soluble salts (NaNO3), and (ii) to investigate of the possible effects of the increase of pore fluid concentration on swelling, compressibility and shear behaviour of Boom Clay. A formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformation induced by dissolution of salts in porous media in contact with water. The equations include the effect of coupled transport phenomena and the formulation has been included as an extension in the coupled THM program CODE_BRIGHT. A theoretical and experimental work aiming at understanding the mechanical behaviour of the Bituminized Waste has been presented.This material is considered for this purpose as a mixture of bitumen and crystals of NaNO3. An elasto-viscoplastic model has been developed that describes the creep behaviour of BW considering the constituents' creep behaviour. The elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model has been implemented into CODE_BRIGHT. The modelling results have been compared with the experimental data. The impact of osmotic forces on the swelling of the material has been investigated by simulating water uptake swelling tests under confined conditions and comparing the predictions with experimental results. The numerical analysis has proven to be able to furnish a satisfactory representation of the main observed patterns of the behaviour. In regard to the second objective of this thesis, a formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformations induced by osmotic processes in double structure porous media. The formulation is based on the distinction within the material of a microstructural and a macrostructural levels with chemical changes having a significant effect on the microstructure. A macroscopic description of the system is provided. Then the basic equations describing coupled flows of water and solutes and the transport of its components through macropores and mass balance equations for water and solute in macro and micro pores have been obtained. The proposed formulation has been particularly applied to analyze qualitatively the effect of osmotic suction on swelling of clayey soils. Transient and long term effects have been analyzed. The influence of pore fluid concentration on the geotechnical properties and behavior of Boom Clay under partially saturated conditions has been investigated. A systematic experimental research program involving osmotic suction and matric suction controlled experiments has been carried to investigate the effect of the increase of pore fluid concentration on shear strength and on the volume change behaviour under odometer stress state conditions. It has been observed that under partially saturated conditions a change in salinity causes a decrease in compressibility and shear strength.


LEONARDO FREITAS RIBEIRO 27 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] O propósito deste trabalho é demonstrar como opera o mercado de animação nacional, dentro disso que se denomina o Boom da animação brasileira, incluído aos ditames do capitalismo flexível e da indústria criativa. Para tal, nos distanciamos da noção de gênio criador, em proveito de uma visão da animação como um universo onde os saberes e procedimentos são coletivos. Inicialmente nos aprofundamos na definição disso que é animação, relacionado-a à hibridação dos meios de produção e as consequências da evolução das técnicas digitais em relação ao conhecimento e prática dos animadores. Em seguida, utilizamos farto material empírico, através de entrevistas com animadores das mais diversas posições dentro do Campo da Animação brasileira. Priorizando a voz do animador mediano, que luta anonimamente no mercado de trabalho. Acreditamos que assim, conseguimos retratar como opera a animação nacional, além do que é mostrado ou dito pelos agentes privilegiados do Campo da Animação. Revelando: i) a precarização do trabalho como prática comum entre os estúdios de animação no Brasil; ii) uma produção nacional voltada a atender às necessidades dos canais exibidores, seguindo suas convenções estilísticas, o que denominamos estilo internacional; iii) a fragilidade das empresas brasileiras produtoras de animação, dependentes de incentivos governamentais e com graves problemas financeiros e administrativos. Assim, passamos à limpo os mitos que regem a profissão de animador, mostrando como e com quais ferramentas trabalham os animadores brasileiros, como são recrutados, treinados e como são remunerados. Também discutimos os resultados práticos realizados por este arranjo produtivo (Boom). / [en] The purpose of this work is to demonstrate how the market of the national animation operates, in which one denominates the Boom of Brazilian animation, including the precepts of flexible capitalism and of the creative industry. To do so, we distance ourselves from the notion of the genius creator, to give preference to a view of animation as a universe where the skills and procedures are collective. Firstly, we will examine the definition of that which is animation, relating it to the hybridization of the means of production and the consequences of the evolution of digital techniques in relation to the knowledge and experience of the animators. Subsequently we utilize a vast amount of empirical material, through the interviews with animators of the more diverse positions within the Field of Brazilian Animation. Prioritizing the voice of the average animator, who struggles anonymously on the work market. We believe that in this way we ll manage to describe how the national animation operates, beyond what is shown and said by the privileged agents of the Field of Animation. Revealing: i) the job instability/insecurity as a common practice between the animation studios in Brazil; ii) a national production aimed at attending the needs of the exhibiting channels, following their stylistic conventions, which we call the international style; iii) the fragility of the Brazilian companies, producers of animation, which depend on governmental incentives and that has serious financial and administrative problems. In this way we put an end to the myths that dominate the profession of animation, showing which tools the Brazilian animators work with, how they are recruited, trained and how they are remunerated. We also discuss the practical results that a realized by this productive arrangement (Boom).

Mining booms impact on local labor markets in Norrbotten county, Sweden

Andrup, Axel, Sundström, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis has been to analyze whether booms in the iron ore market has any significant effects on local labor markets in certain municipalities in Norrbotten County during the time period 2000-2016. Previous research has established that certain types of booms and busts influenced local labor markets. The analysis was done by using panel data and regression models where the results where compared over non-mining and mining municipalities. The results gave a vague response with both conclusive and inconclusive results over the variables investigated. The main conclusion is that although the mining industry is a big part of local labor markets in Norrbotten County, it is important for firms and policymakers to understand that the mining industry is not the only important factor and that decisions should not be entirely based on the mining industry and its markets. / Målet med denna uppsats var att analysera ifall booms i järnmalmsmarknaden har någon signifikant påverkan på lokala arbetsmarknader i utvalda kommuner i Norrbotten under tidsperioden 2000–2016. Tidigare forskning har fastställt att vissa booms och busts kan influera lokala arbetsmarknader. Analysen har genomförts med paneldata och regressionsmodeller där resultat jämförts mellan gruvkommuner och ickegruvkommuner. Resultaten gav otydliga resultat då vissa var konklusiva medan andra inte var konklusiva. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen som nåtts är att även om gruvindustrin är en viktig del av de lokala arbetsmarknaderna, är det viktigt för företag och beslutsfattare att förstå att gruvindustrin inte är den enda påverkande faktorn och att framtida beslut och satsningar inte enbart ska baseras kring gruvindustrin och dess marknad.

Teorie holandské nemoci a její aplikace na země s vlastní měnovou politikou a členy měnové unie / The Dutch disease theory and its application to countries with independent monetary policy and members of monetary union

Fiala, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to give a comprehensive picture of a phenomenon called The Dutch Disease whose symptoms had been increasing in many countries during the second half of the 20th century, especially in connection with mining. The first part deals with the detailed description of traditional economic theory and its later upgrades. In the second part, the Dutch Disease theory is applied to the member countries of the European Monetary Union and highlights the problems of asymmetric shocks, which may include among others the discovery of mineral resources. The third part then attempts to look at the recent European balance of payments crisis through the eyes of the Dutch Disease theory and to highlight a number of common symptoms.

La re-escritura de la historia en Déjame que te cuente de Juanita Gallardo (1997): entre el producto cultural y el discurso identitario

Rodriguez Tapia, Stella Maris 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Activités et mobilité de loisirs des premiers-nés du baby-boom dans la ville étalée

Jodoin-Nicole, Laurence 23 April 2018 (has links)
À cause de son poids démographique, mais aussi des valeurs qui distinguent ses membres, le vieillissement de la génération du baby-boom est susceptible d’avoir un impact majeur sur l’offre et la demande en transport, surtout en ce qui concerne la participation aux activités de loisirs d’individus fortement mobiles et établis sur des territoires conçus en fonction de l’automobile. C’est dans ce contexte que ce mémoire vise à mieux comprendre la participation à certaines activités de loisirs hors domicile (sociales, sportives, culturelles et de magasinage) de la première génération de baby-boomers, celle née entre 1947 à 1956, ainsi que la mobilité quotidienne qui y est associée, afin d’anticiper leurs besoins à un âge avancé pour un vieillissement actif. À l’aide des données de l’enquête Demain Québec, des modèles de régression ont été construits afin d’identifier les facteurs d’influence les plus associés à la diversité d’activités poursuivies par les baby-boomers, à la fréquence de pratique de celles-ci, au mode de transport utilisé et à la distance parcourue pour rejoindre les lieux de destination. Les résultats suggèrent que plusieurs caractéristiques et valeurs personnelles sont significativement associées au niveau d’activités pratiquées, laissant anticiper une demande accrue pour une offre de loisirs diversifiée. La majorité des activités sont pratiquées loin du domicile, voire dispersées sur un territoire qui déborde largement du quartier de résidence, et fréquenté en automobile. Vu le poids démographique et les aspirations dominantes des baby-boomers à vieillir chez eux ou dans leur quartier, les stratégies d’aménagement du territoire devraient prioriser la requalification des lieux et des équipements de loisirs en place dans les secteurs vieillissants, notamment les banlieues d’après-guerre, une localisation stratégique de nouveaux équipements et lieux de loisirs et leur accessibilité via des modes de transport alternatifs.


ANA CRISTINA TOLEDO SOARES 02 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa a obra Todas as famílias felizes (2009), do escritor mexicano Carlos Fuentes (1928-2012), dentro da perspectiva micropolítica dos afetos circulantes. O livro é composto por dezesseis histórias, que narram acontecimentos em diferentes famílias, intercaladas por igual número de coros, todos independentes entre si. Não encontramos personagens repetidos, nem um desfecho onde finalmente tudo se articule e ganhe uma conclusão. Também não existem capítulos, nem partes. As histórias familiares são narradas de forma tradicional - com início, meio e fim - enquanto os coros são textos mais curtos e narrados livremente. O maior deles toma seis páginas e o mais curto, apenas uma linha. A partir de um ponto de vista literário, esta dissertação buscará refletir sobre as relações em jogo no ambiente íntimo e familiar como também no espaço comunitário dos coros. A gramática dos afetos, bem como sua materialização na distribuição dos corpos no espaço social, se tornou oportuna para a reflexão sobre as zonas de contato entre os diferentes corpos: individuais e coletivos. Em particular, aponto a relevância da violência, do medo e do rancor nos processos afetivos presentes na obra, assim como proponho a leitura dos coros como elemento trágico e, ao mesmo tempo, estranho e distante. Sendo Fuentes um escritor marcado pelo boom literário das décadas de 1960 e 1970, reviso as principais características e argumentações críticas acerca do período. Por se tratar de uma obra da fase final e menos prestigiada, observo como a aposta dos autores do boom na recriação de uma comunidade parece não mais possível para Carlos Fuentes. / [en] This research analyzes Happy Families (2009) by the Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes (1928-2012), prioritizing the micropolitical perspective of circulating affections. The book consists of sixteen stories, which narrate events in different families, interspersed with an equal number of choirs, all independent of each other. We find no repeating characters, nor an outcome where everything finally articulates and gains a conclusion. There are no chapters or parts either. Family stories are narrated in a traditional way - beginning, middle and end - while choirs are shorter texts and narrated freely. The largest of them takes six pages and the shortest, just one line. From a literary point of view, this dissertation will seek to reflect on the relationships at stake in the intimate and family environment as well as in the community space of choirs, prioritizing the micropolitical perspective of circulating affections. The grammar of affections, as well as their materialization in the distribution of bodies in the social space, became opportune for reflection on the zones of contact among different bodies: individual and collective. Furthermore, it examines the relevance of violence, fear and resentment in the affective processes found in the book, as well as the role of the choirs as a tragic and, at the same time, as a strange and distant element. Knowing that Fuentes is a writer marked by the literary boom of the 1960s and 1970s, it reviews the main characteristics and critical arguments about the period. Because it is a work of his final and less prestigious phase, I observe how the bet of the authors of the boom in the recreation of a community seems no longer possible for Carlos Fuentes.

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