Spelling suggestions: "subject:"borrowing"" "subject:"borrowed""
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Mezinářeční srovnání lexikálních přejímek v romštině / Interdialectal Comparison of Lexical Borrowings in RomaniLvová, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
INTERDIALECTAL COMPARISON OF LEXICAL BORROWINGS IN ROMANI III. SYNOPSIS This thesis deals with lexical borrowability in Romani dialects from the area of Central Europe. The comparison includes fifty local varieties spoken in Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. Fourty-eight of theese local varieties belong to the Central dialects group of Romani language, two of them belong to the North-Vlax dialects group. Data source was a transcript database of elicited questionnaries taken under the Language Atlas of Central Romani project. Using the Leipzig-Jakarta List of Basic Vocabulary for each variety, amount of borrowings, its semantic field and category, as well as donor language were observed in this comparison. The result of this work is new order of Leipzig-Jakarta List of Basic Vocabulary meanings, adopted to the Romani dialects spoken in Central Europe. IV. KEY-WORDS CATALOGUE Central European Romani, Romani dialects, lexical borrowings, lexical borrowability, Leipzig-Jakarta List of Basic Vocabulary, Language Atlas of Central Romani
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Os efeitos do alinhamento partidário sobre empréstimos do BNDES para os municípios brasileiros / The effects of political alignment on loans for Brazilian municipalities from BNDESConiaric, Paulo Mendes 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se municípios que possuem algum tipo de alinhamento político com o executivo federal possuem maiores chances de receber empréstimos do Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), e se esses são de maiores valores financeiros no caso da existência de tal alinhamento. Foi utilizado um painel de dados com os municípios brasileiros entre os anos de 2003 e 2010. Em ambas as análises, foram utilizados os métodos de dados empilhados, dos efeitos fixos e dos efeitos aleatórios. Os resultados indicam que o alinhamento exerce pouca influência sobre os empréstimos do BNDES. / This paper aims to investigate whether municipalities with any type of political alignment with the Federal Executive are more likely to take out loans from BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) and whether the amounts are larger in such cases. A data panel on Brazilian municipalities between 2003 and 2010 was used. In both analyses performed, we used the pooled, fixed effects, and random effects estimation models. The results show that the political alignment exerts little influence on loans from BNDES to Brazilian municipalities.
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Recommandations et implantation : le cas des termes des sciences et techniques spatiales / Recommendations and Implantation : the Case of Terms in the Domain of Space Sciences and TechnologyRenwick, Adam 01 June 2018 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse décrit l’aménagement terminologique en France et démontre que cet aménagement fait la suite d’une longue série d’interventions par l’État en matière linguistique. Tirant profit des études s’intéressant aux résultats d’autres entreprises d’aménagement terminologique dans domaines et langues différents, une variété de facteurs supposés exercer une influence sur l’implantation des termes spécialisés est identifiée. Les méthodologies développées dans les études précédentes sont mises au point pour permettre des appréciations plus nuancées et fiables de l’implantation terminologique. La première partie de cette thèse se conclut par l’énonciation de notre hypothèse principale, de nos hypothèses spécifiques et de la justification du choix du domaine spécialisé auquel appartiennent les termes étudiés. Dans sa deuxième partie, cette thèse décrit les corpus terminologique et documentaire constitués ainsi que la méthodologie par laquelle ils sont exploités et les données obtenues, gérées et analysées.La troisième partie de cette thèse décrit l’influence de nombreux facteurs sur l’implantation des termes recommandés des sciences et techniques spatiales. Après avoir comparé les tendances générales dans les données avec celles des autres études, l’influence des facteurs terminologiques, socioterminologiques et procéduraux est étudiée à tour de rôle. Plusieurs facteurs de chaque type sont impliqués dans l’implantation réussie de certains termes recommandés. Il est également démontré que certains facteurs favorisent l’implantation contrairement aux constats d’autres études. Aucun des facteurs examinés n’est, à lui seul, capable de garantir l’implantation d’un terme recommandé, l’implantation dépendant de nombreux facteurs, leurs interactions et les compromis qu’ils engendrent. / This thesis examines the effects of the concerted language policy that was developed and implemented by successive French governments in the second half of the 20th century. As a response to the perceived threat of the pre-eminence of the English language in so many different areas of modern life, the French state has, for nearly half a century, sought to secure the place of the French language in the present and the future by developing a series of commissions charged with recommending French technical terms to supplant borrowed or native forms considered to be inadequate, or name new inventions and concepts. The first part of this thesis describes the terminological planning undertaken in France and demonstrates that it is the product of a long series of interventions by the French state in matters of language. This thesis seeks to evaluate the real-world efficacy of terminological planning carried out in France, by identify the factors that facilitate or hinder the implantation of recommended terms. Drawing on similar studies on the real-world results of terminological planning activities in various specialised domains and involving different languages, a variety of different factors supposed to influence the implantation of specialised terms is identified. Methodologies developed in the literature are enhanced to provide a more nuanced and reliable appreciation of the implantation of recommended terms. The first part of this thesis concludes with the enunciation of the general and specific hypotheses and the justification of the choice of the specialised domain to which the studied terms belong. The second part of this thesis then describes the terminological and documentary corpora compiled and details the methodology by which the corpora are exploited, and the results gathered, managed and analysed.This thesis then describes the influence of different factors on the implantation of the recommended terms of space sciences and technologies. After comparing the global trends observed in the data with those observed in other studies, the influences of terminological, socioterminological and procedural factor are studied in turn. Several factors of each type are found to be involved in the successful implantation of some recommended terms, and certain factors studied are found to favour to the implantation of recommended terms, previous studies having found or supposed the opposite. No single factor examined is found to be sufficient to guarantee, alone, the successful implantation of a recommended term, implantation depending on numerous factors, their interplay and their trade-offs.
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Indirect Influence of English on Kiswahili: The Case of Multiword Duplicates between Kiswahili and EnglishOchieng, Dunlop 22 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Some proverbs, idioms, nominal compounds, and slogans duplicate in form and meaning between several languages. An example of these between German and English is Liebe auf den ersten Blick and “love at first sight” (Flippo, 2009), whereas, an example between Kiswahili and English is uchaguzi ulio huru na haki and “free and fair election.” Duplication of these strings of words between languages that are as different in descent and typology as Kiswahili and English is irregular. On this ground, Kiswahili academies and a number of experts of Kiswahili assumed – prior to the present study – that the Kiswahili versions of the expressions are the derivatives from their English congruent counterparts. The assumption nonetheless lacked empirical evidence and also discounted other potential causes of the phenomenon, i.e. analogical extension, nativism and cognitive metaphoricalization (Makkai, 1972; Land, 1974; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980b; Ruhlen, 1987; Lakoff, 1987; Gleitman and Newport, 1995). Out of this background, we assumed an academic obligation of empirically investigating what causes this formal and semantic duplication of strings of words (multiword expressions) between English and Kiswahili to a degree beyond chance expectations.
In this endeavour, we employed checklist to 24, interview to 43, online questionnaire to 102, translation test to 47 and translationality test to 8 respondents. Online questionnaire respondents were from 21 regions of Tanzania, whereas, those of the rest of the tools were from Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi, Dodoma and Kigoma. Complementarily, we analysed the Chemnitz Corpus of Swahili (CCS), the Helsinki Swahili Corpus (HSC), and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) for clues on the sources and trends of expressions exhibiting this characteristic between Kiswahili and English. Furthermore, we reviewed the Bible, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, books, articles, expressions lists, wikis, and phrase books in pursuit of etymologies, and histories of concepts underlying the focus expressions.
Our analysis shows that most of the Kiswahili versions of the focus expressions are the function of loan translation and rendition from English. We found that economic, political and technological changes, mostly induced by liberalization policy of the 1990s in Tanzania, created lexical gaps in Kiswahili that needed to be filled. We discovered that Kiswahili, among other means, fill such gaps through loan translation and loan rendition of English phrases. Prototypical examples of notions whose English labels Kiswahili has translated word for word are such as “human rights”, “free and fair election”, “the World Cup” and “multiparty democracy”. We can conclude that Kiswahili finds it easier and economical to translate the existing English labels for imported notions rather than innovating original labels for the concepts.
Even so, our analysis revealed that a few of the Kiswahili duplicate multiword expressions might be a function of nativism, cognitive metaphoricalization and analogy phenomena. We, for instance, observed that formulation of figurative meanings follow more or less similar pattern across human languages – the secondary meanings deriving from source domains. As long as the source domains are common in many human\'s environment, we found it plausible for certain multiword expressions to spontaneously duplicate between several human languages.
Academically, our study has demonstrated how multiword expressions, which duplicate between several languages, can be studied using primary data, corpora, documentary review and observation. In particular, the study has designed a framework for studying sources of the expressions and even terminologies for describing the phenomenon. What\'s more, the study has collected a number of expressions that duplicate between Kiswahili and English languages, which other researchers can use in similar studies.
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Les emprunts lexicaux dans le Coran entre l’approche linguistique et l’approche idéologique / Lexical borrowings in the Quran in linguistic approach and ideological approachJmil, Fethi 11 February 2011 (has links)
La question des emprunts lexicaux dans le Coran est l’une des premières questions linguistiques posées au commencement de la pensée linguistique arabe. Pourtant, cette question n’a pas connu le même développement qu’ont connu les autres questions linguistiques. C’est qu’elle était toujours un objet de désaccord entre les savants et les chercheurs ; certains ont nié la présence d’emprunts lexicaux dans le Coran, d’autres l’ont admise. Dans les études anciennes et contemporaines, nous avons pu distinguer deux approches: la première est d’ordre linguistique. Elle considère le Coran comme un texte langagier. En effet, les linguistes ont étudié les emprunts coraniques dans leurs caractères phonologiques, morphologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques. Alors que la seconde est plutôt idéologique. Elle prend une position non objective, en niant complètement la présence d’emprunts lexicaux dans le Coran, ou en glorifiant une langue mère par des motivations nationalistes, religieuses, sociales et culturelles. Après avoir étudié le développement, l’interférence et l’interaction entre ces approches, nous avons proposé notre position sociolinguistique pour élaborer des critères d’identification de nature linguistique, référentielle et culturelle. Ces critères nous ont aidé à dégager deux corpus : le premier contient les emprunts coraniques et leurs langues sources, le deuxième comprend les unités lexicales que nous considérons comme des unités arabes. Ce travail nous a permis de mettre en lumière les motivations idéologiques qui peuvent influencer l’étude linguistique. De même il est un outil pour prendre conscience de la nécessité d’une révision critique des approches qui ont traité les emprunts lexicaux en général et les emprunts coraniques en particulier. / The issue of “lexical borrowings in The Quran” is one of the first issues that had emerged since the beginning of the Arabic linguistic thought. Unfortunately, this issue was fruitless compared to other linguistic researches, because it has always been a subject of a great polemic among ancient and modern Arabic and non Arabic scholars. Some denied the fact that The Quran contains lexical borrowings, others admitted it. Many scholars were pushed by ideological motivations such as religious, nationalist, social, cultural motivations, especially those who denied the phenomenon.In this work, we tried first to evoke main linguistic and extra- linguistic problems concerning lexical borrowing in general, and the study of this phenomenon in the Quran especially. Then, we studied the two main approaches: (1) ideological approach which denies the existence of lexical borrowings in the Quran, or which admits it and tries meanwhile to glorify some languages and dishonour some others, (linguistic approach and its phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic analyses. After studying different approaches and their development, interference and interaction, we have elaborated a socio-linguistic perspective associated with some linguistic, referential and cultural criteria which allowed us to distinguish between two types of quranic words: words that we consider as real lexical borrowings, and genuine Arabic words. This study does not only shed the light on some ideological motivations which have affected linguistic research, but it also provides a crucial critical review of borrowing studies.
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Os efeitos do alinhamento partidário sobre empréstimos do BNDES para os municípios brasileiros / The effects of political alignment on loans for Brazilian municipalities from BNDESPaulo Mendes Coniaric 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se municípios que possuem algum tipo de alinhamento político com o executivo federal possuem maiores chances de receber empréstimos do Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), e se esses são de maiores valores financeiros no caso da existência de tal alinhamento. Foi utilizado um painel de dados com os municípios brasileiros entre os anos de 2003 e 2010. Em ambas as análises, foram utilizados os métodos de dados empilhados, dos efeitos fixos e dos efeitos aleatórios. Os resultados indicam que o alinhamento exerce pouca influência sobre os empréstimos do BNDES. / This paper aims to investigate whether municipalities with any type of political alignment with the Federal Executive are more likely to take out loans from BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) and whether the amounts are larger in such cases. A data panel on Brazilian municipalities between 2003 and 2010 was used. In both analyses performed, we used the pooled, fixed effects, and random effects estimation models. The results show that the political alignment exerts little influence on loans from BNDES to Brazilian municipalities.
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The Albanian Linguistic Journey from Ancient Illyricum to EU : Lexical BorrowingsKulla, Ariola January 2010 (has links)
Where does a language come from? Every language has its own history and during the course of that history, it might change, evolve or even die. Why do languages borrow from each other? Borrowing seems to be true for every language that has contact with another, even for major cultural languages such as Greek. Every case though is unique in itself. From which languages can a language borrow? Speakers of a certain language borrow from the people that they come in contact with, face-to-face or otherwise. How do languages incorporate those borrowings? Lexical borrowings are responsible for as much as ninety percent of the Albanian vocabulary and due to globalization, this percentage is about to grow even more. With a great history of three thousand years behind it and being neighbor to the two great civilizations of the then known world, Ancient Greece and Rome, Albanian has borrowed more words than any other European language.Lexical borrowings are tightly connected to the history and culture of this nation. Depending on the presence of which foreign power ruled in the Albanian territories at which time, these borrowings have had as a primary source either Greek (Ancient, Middle or New), Latin or Turkish with a few minor interferences from Gothic and Slavic languages.Every language has its own reasons for borrowing from another language. There are two main reasons: prestige and need. Albanian is not an exception. Albanian has borrowed from Greek and Latin both on the basis of need and on the basis of prestige. The primary objective for this master thesis is the identification of the vast numbers of lexical borrowings in the Albanian language, which languages they primarily come from, why the Albanian language has borrowed so many words during the course of its history and how those borrowings are incorporated in the Albanian language.
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Jazykové rysy moderní hindské povídky v diaspoře / Language features of the modern Hindi short story in diasporaKhadimetova, Nilufar January 2016 (has links)
Charles University, the Faculty of Philosophy Department of South and Central Asia Diploma Thesis Student: Nilufar Khadimetová Language features of the modern Hindi short-story in diaspora Annotation The objective of the thesis is a description of the language of modern Hindī short- stories by Indian authors who live and write in diaspora. Analysis and description are made on a limited sample of short-stories that have been written since the beginning of the 21st century. Philological analysis includes both the lexical borrowings and the way of word formation and phraseology. It focuses on onomasiological phenomena such as "loan translation" or calc and creation of hybrid words as well as syntagmas. No less attention is devoted to syntax which we can assume that may be affected by English or another language in which the authors write. In conclusion we set out the main features of the English language influences on literary Hindī as reflected in selected stories, and indicate further possibilities for research in this area. Key words: Hindī, diaspora, modern hindī short story, language contact, code switching or mixing, language impacts, lexical borrowings, onomasiology, phraseology, verbo-nominal expressions, verb syntagmas etc.
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Indirect Influence of English on Kiswahili: The Case of Multiword Duplicates between Kiswahili and EnglishOchieng, Dunlop 04 February 2015 (has links)
Some proverbs, idioms, nominal compounds, and slogans duplicate in form and meaning between several languages. An example of these between German and English is Liebe auf den ersten Blick and “love at first sight” (Flippo, 2009), whereas, an example between Kiswahili and English is uchaguzi ulio huru na haki and “free and fair election.” Duplication of these strings of words between languages that are as different in descent and typology as Kiswahili and English is irregular. On this ground, Kiswahili academies and a number of experts of Kiswahili assumed – prior to the present study – that the Kiswahili versions of the expressions are the derivatives from their English congruent counterparts. The assumption nonetheless lacked empirical evidence and also discounted other potential causes of the phenomenon, i.e. analogical extension, nativism and cognitive metaphoricalization (Makkai, 1972; Land, 1974; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980b; Ruhlen, 1987; Lakoff, 1987; Gleitman and Newport, 1995). Out of this background, we assumed an academic obligation of empirically investigating what causes this formal and semantic duplication of strings of words (multiword expressions) between English and Kiswahili to a degree beyond chance expectations.
In this endeavour, we employed checklist to 24, interview to 43, online questionnaire to 102, translation test to 47 and translationality test to 8 respondents. Online questionnaire respondents were from 21 regions of Tanzania, whereas, those of the rest of the tools were from Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi, Dodoma and Kigoma. Complementarily, we analysed the Chemnitz Corpus of Swahili (CCS), the Helsinki Swahili Corpus (HSC), and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) for clues on the sources and trends of expressions exhibiting this characteristic between Kiswahili and English. Furthermore, we reviewed the Bible, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, books, articles, expressions lists, wikis, and phrase books in pursuit of etymologies, and histories of concepts underlying the focus expressions.
Our analysis shows that most of the Kiswahili versions of the focus expressions are the function of loan translation and rendition from English. We found that economic, political and technological changes, mostly induced by liberalization policy of the 1990s in Tanzania, created lexical gaps in Kiswahili that needed to be filled. We discovered that Kiswahili, among other means, fill such gaps through loan translation and loan rendition of English phrases. Prototypical examples of notions whose English labels Kiswahili has translated word for word are such as “human rights”, “free and fair election”, “the World Cup” and “multiparty democracy”. We can conclude that Kiswahili finds it easier and economical to translate the existing English labels for imported notions rather than innovating original labels for the concepts.
Even so, our analysis revealed that a few of the Kiswahili duplicate multiword expressions might be a function of nativism, cognitive metaphoricalization and analogy phenomena. We, for instance, observed that formulation of figurative meanings follow more or less similar pattern across human languages – the secondary meanings deriving from source domains. As long as the source domains are common in many human\'s environment, we found it plausible for certain multiword expressions to spontaneously duplicate between several human languages.
Academically, our study has demonstrated how multiword expressions, which duplicate between several languages, can be studied using primary data, corpora, documentary review and observation. In particular, the study has designed a framework for studying sources of the expressions and even terminologies for describing the phenomenon. What\'s more, the study has collected a number of expressions that duplicate between Kiswahili and English languages, which other researchers can use in similar studies.
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Англицизмы в немецкоязычном медийном дискурсе : магистерская диссертация / Anglicisms in German-language media discourseУсольцева, А. Д., Usoltseva, A. D. January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis is based on the linguistic approach. The purpose of this research is to classify anglicisms in the German-language media discourse and determine their specificity. The study analyzes the printed editions of the German-language magazine “DER SPIEGEL” for the year 2018. This magazine is common not only in Germany but also in other countries, mainly European. It can shape public opinion on selected issues, and is also one of the leading media sources in Germany. This Master's thesis analyzes the concepts of anglicism and media discourse, the specifics of anglicisms is the reasons for their borrowing, the historical aspects of borrowings that entered the German language, the difficulties in their entry into the language, the attitude of German-speaking society to anglicisms, the typologies of foreign-language borrowings and ways of their assimilation in the German language, the concept of the phenomenon of Denglisch, and the main classification of borrowings. The research focuses on the analysis of anglicisms and foreign language borrowings from the third language in the magazines "DER SPIEGEL" for the year 2018 such as their calculation, spread throughout main areas, their classification, as well as consideration of their functions. / Магистерская диссертация выполнена в рамках лингвистики. Целью данного исследования является типологизация англицизмов в немецкоязычном медийном дискурсе и определение их специфики. В исследовании анализируются печатные издания немецкоязычного журнала «DER SPIEGEL» за 2018 год. Этот журнал распространен не только в Германии, но и в других странах, в основном, европейских. Он может формировать общественное мнение в отношении отдельных вопросов, а также является одним из ведущих средств массовой информации в Германии. В рамках данной магистерской диссертации анализируются понятия англицизм и медийный дискурс, специфика англицизмов - причины их заимствования, исторические аспекты заимствований, вошедших в немецкий язык, сложности при их вхождении в язык, отношение немецкоязычного общества к англицизмам, рассматриваются типологии иноязычных заимствований и способы их ассимиляции в немецком языке, понятие явления Denglisch, выводится основная классификация заимствований. В исследовании акцент сделан на анализе англицизмов и иноязычных заимствований из третьего языка в журналах «DER SPIEGEL» за 2018 год: на их подсчете, распределении по основным областям, их классификации, а также рассмотрении их функций.
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