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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hope and Hopelessness in Environmental Discourse - Planetary Boundaries contra Ecological Modernisation

Schneider, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Med sin grund i klimatutmaningen och en utbredd klimatångest, försöker den här uppsatsen förstå hoppfullhet i miljödiskursen genom en socialkonstruktivistisk lins. En diskursanalys har genomförts av tre videokällor med talare som på olika sätt agerar som röster för miljörörelsen. Materialet som har analyserats i det här arbetet är ett TED-talk, ett tal från Climate Innovation Summit 2016 och ett avsnitt av det svenska tv-programmet Idévärlden. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur en medvetenhet av begreppet Planetens hållbara gränser påverkar hoppfullhet och hopplöshet inom miljödiskursen. Resultatet visade att de flesta talarna tog del av en hoppfull diskurs med en viss tilltro till ekologisk modernisering och att en medvetenhet om Planetens hållbara gränser kan påverka hoppfullhet och hopplöshet på olika sätt. Studien är viktig för att en förståelse för miljödiskursen är ett steg mot att öka miljömedvetet beteende och minska klimatångest i en tid då vi behöver agera mot klimatförändringarna. Studien ger en genomgång av tidigare forskning samt en översiktlig historisk presentation av miljödiskursen och avslutar sedan med reflektion av det egna arbetet och förslag för fortsatta studier. / In light of the climate challenge and widespread climate anxiety, this thesis seeks to understand hope in the environmental discourse through a lense of social constructivism. A discourse analysis has been conducted of three video sources, with speakers who in different ways are voices for the environmental movement. The material investigated in this study is a TED talk, a speech from Climate Innovation Summit 2016 and an episode from the swedish tv-show Idévärlden (eng. The Idea World). The purpose of the study has been to investigate how an awareness of the concept of Planetary Boundaries affects hope and hopelessness within the environmental discourse. It was found that most speakers are part of a hopeful discourse with a belief in ecological modernisation and that an awareness of the concept of planetary boundaries can affect hopefulness or hopelessness in different ways. This is of importance because understanding the environmental discourse is a step towards pro-environmental behaviour and decreasing climate anxiety in a time when we need to take action against climate change. The thesis gives a review of previous research in the field as well as a brief historical presentation of the environmental discourse.

Analyse mathématique de l'équation de Kuznetsov : problème de Cauchy, questions d'approximations et problèmes aux bords fractals. / Mathematical analysis of the Kuznetsov equation : Cauchy problem, approximation questions and problems with fractals boundaries.

Dekkers, Adrien 22 March 2019 (has links)
Dans le contexte de l’acoustique on a systématisé la dérivation de modèles nonlinéaires(l’équation de Kuznetsov, l’équation KZK et la NPE). On a estimé le temps pourlequel des solutions régulières de ces modèles restent proches des solutions des systèmes deNavier-Stokes/Euler compressibles isentropiques (en précisant leur plus faible régularité) etétabli les résultats analogues entre les solutions des équations de KZK, NPE et Westerveltpar rapport à la solution de l’équation de Kuznetsov. Pour ce faire, on a étudié l’équationde Kuznetsov en commençant par le problème de Cauchy dans les cas visqueux (stabilité,unicité et existence globale des solutions régulières) et non-visqueux (caractère bien poséavec les estimations optimales du temps d’existence maximale des solutions régulières) etégalement dans un demi espace avec des conditions au limites périodiques en temps oudans un espace périodique dans une direction. On a aussi obtenu l’existence et l’unicité dessolutions faibles pour l’équation des ondes fortement amortie et l’équation deWestervelt surla plus large classe de domaines aux bords irréguliers, ainsi que la convergence asymptotiquedes solutions de l’équation de Westervelt avec conditions de Robin sur les bords préfractalsapproximant un bord fractal de type mixture de Koch. / In the framework of acoustic we systematize the derivation of nonlinear models(the Kuznetsov equation, the KZK equation and the NPE). We estimate the time for whichthe regular solutions of these models stay close of the solutions of the compressible isentropicNavier-Stokes/Euler systems (pointing out their weakest regularity) and establish similarresults between the solutions of the KZK, NPE and Westervelt equations with respectto the solutions of the Kuznetsov equation. To do so, we study the Kuznetsov equationbeginning by the Cauchy problem in the viscous case (stability, gobal well posedness ofregular solutions) and inviscid case (well posedness with optimal estimations of the maximalexistence time for regular solutions) and also in the half space with time periodic boundaryconditions or in a periodic in one direction space. We also obtain the existence and unicityof weak solutions for the strongly damped wave equation and the Westervelt equation in thelargest class of domains with irregular boundaries, along with the asymptotic convergenceof the solutions of the Westervelt equation with Robin boundary conditions on prefractalboundaries approximating a Koch mixture as fractal boundary.

Reducing the tension between work and life roles: testing a work life conflict intervention

Laughman, Courtney Ann 11 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Work-life conflict has been repeatedly demonstrated to have a negative impact on individuals and organizations alike. Although the negative impact of work-life conflict has been recognized in the Industrial Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavioral literature, very few researchers have developed interventions to reduce it. Moreover, the interventions currently in existence tend not to be practical, grounded in relevant theory, or experimentally tested. Thus, the present study sought to create and test an intervention based upon concepts from border theory and conservation of resources theory. Specifically, using these theories, the intervention sought to provide segmentation techniques as a resource for participants to reduce work-life conflict. The intervention was tested on a group of university employees. Results were unsupportive of predicted hypotheses, the intervention was not found to significantly impact segmentation, work-life conflict, work outcomes, or personal outcomes. Future directions, theoretical and practical contributions, and limitations are discussed. Despite insignificant findings, the present study offers practical and theoretical guidance for organizations and researchers interested in developing interventions to reduce work-life conflict.

Lessons from Transformational Teacher Leaders within a Learning Organization

Penczarski, Jennifer Marie 14 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Boundaries in a Software Service Organization : Identification and Explanation of Boundaries During Product Development in a Large Enterprise Context

Sandberg, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: The development of complex products requires specialized departments to handle the demands and to be competitive in the market. To handle the knowledge integration between the specialized departments, the boundaries need to be identified. Compared to previous research, this case study takes focus on the phases of one specific product development process in a software development organization. Therefore: The purpose of this paper is to explore why boundaries exist in a software service development organization during a product development process and why they appear. To fulfill the purpose of the study, the first research question focuses on where and when the boundaries appear in the organization’s product development process. Moreover, if these boundaries appear vertically or horizontally in the organization’s hierarchy structure. The second research question then needs to elaborate on why these appear. Therefore, the research questions for the study are: RQ1: Where are the vertical and horizontal boundaries appearing in a software development organization during product development? RQ2: Why did the identified boundaries appear in the organization? Method: To answer the research questions, a single case study with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect primary qualitative data from individuals involved in the product development process. A 10-step structured literature review was used to collect secondary data. The interviews were analyzed by a thematic analysis and later combined with the secondary data through theoretical analysis. The theoretical analysis was the basis to fulfill the research questions and the purpose. Findings: The conclusion of the study shows that each of the phases in the product development process had boundaries that affect knowledge integration. Boundaries could be syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic, thus creating different kinds of consequences for the organization. Furthermore, the boundaries were either domain- specific, task-oriented, spatial, or temporal and could be vertical in the different levels of hierarchy, horizontal between departments and teams, or both. The reason behind the appearance of these boundaries was traced to multiple different possible explanations, like lack of artifacts, lack of trust, extensive use of tacit knowledge, and lack of integration. Implications: The study has a theoretical implication by giving a practical approach to how to identify boundaries during a product development process in a software service organization. Furthermore, by identifying these boundaries and why they appear, the study has a practical implication for the case organization by contributing with understanding for their product development and future work with boundary crossing in their processes. Limitations: The study is limited by being a single case study, thus having somewhat low generalizability for other organizations. Hence, it is recommended that future research repeats a similar study in other contexts.

Kan miljömärkningar bidra till ett jordbruk inomplanetära gränser med en grundläggandelevnadsstandard?

Drotz, Elvira January 2021 (has links)
The production of food has increased over time due to modern agriculture methods. However, thisincrease has partly occurred at the expense of environmental and human health. There are severalenvironmental labels for food products, both at national and international levels, that try to create amore environmentally and socially sustainable agriculture by going beyond current legislation. Thisinvestigation is based on an analysis of rules connected to coffee, cacao and coconut oil for theenvironmental labels: EU Organic, Fairtrade, KRAV, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ. The purpose is toinvestigate if these environmental labels have rules that can contribute to an agricultural system withinthe planetary boundaries and also fulfill social conditions for a basic standard of living. The analysisof rules has been done based on the planetary boundaries and social conditions from the doughnuteconomics model. The five environmental labels have rules that can contribute to a more sustainableagriculture in different ways, but none of them cover all the planetary boundaries and socialconditions. Nor can they assure that none of the planetary boundaries won’t be exceeded since no oneknows exactly where the thresholds are. The environmental labels can be combined since they, tosome extent, have rules for different areas. Today, several combinations of environmental labels existon coffee, cocoa and coconut oil. The combination that occurs most often based on a sample in Coopsonline store is: EU Organic, Fairtrade and KRAV. This is not the combination that covers the greatestnumber of planetary boundaries and social conditions based on the result of this study, but it coversthe most problematic environmental and social aspects connected to production of coffee, cocoa andcoconut oil. / Produktionen av mat har ökat till följd av det moderna jordbrukets metoder, men denna ökning har iflera fall skett på bekostnad av miljö och mänsklig hälsa. Både nationellt och internationellt finns ettflertal miljömärkningar för livsmedel som driver på utvecklingen av ett mer miljömässigt och socialthållbart jordbruk genom att gå längre än nuvarande lagstiftning. Denna undersökning baseras på engenomgång av miljömärkningarna: EU ekologiskt, Fairtrade, KRAV, Rainforest Alliance och UTZregler kopplat till kaffe, kakao och kokosolja. Syftet är att undersöka om miljömärkningar har reglersom kan bidra till ett jordbruk som håller sig inom de planetära gränserna samtidigt som socialavillkor för en grundläggande levnadsstandard uppfylls. Regelgenomgången har gjorts utifrån deplanetära gränserna och sociala villkoren i donutekonomin. De fem miljömärkningarna har regler sompå olika sätt kan bidra till ett mer hållbart jordbruk men ingen av dem har regler som beaktar allaplanetära gränser och sociala villkor. Miljömärkningarna kan inte heller säkerställa att de planetäragränserna inte kommer att överskridas då ingen vet exakt var gränserna går. Eftersommiljömärkningarna delvis har regler för olika områden kan de med fördel kombineras. Olikakombinationer av miljömärkningar förekommer på kaffe, kakao och kokosolja idag, den kombinationsom förekommer mest utifrån ett stickprov i Coops e-handel är: EU ekologiskt, Fairtrade och KRAV.Denna kombination täcker inte in flest planetära gränser och sociala villkor utifrån resultatet i dennaundersökning men kombinationen har regler som berör de mest problematiska miljömässiga ochsociala aspekterna kopplat till odling av kaffe, kakao och kokosolja. / <p>2021-06-04</p>

Advanced Characterization of Defect and Grain Structures in Net-Shape Hot Isostatically Pressed IN-718

Georgin, Benjamin M. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Perspektivierungen und Relationierungen: Fragile Grenzen: das Beispiel Turów

Schuchardt, Katharina 28 April 2023 (has links)
The Turów open pit lignite mine in Poland is currently the subject of intense debates and influences coexistence in the German-Czech-Polish border region. The European Court of Justice has provisionally prohibited further operation following a lawsuit from the Czech Republic, but Poland refuses to implement it. The judgment and the previous disputes have led to great uncertainty in local society. The article examines various processes of border demarcation (boundaries) along national borders. These are thought of simultaneously in the present field and must be related to each other. In addition to political and geographical markers, social and cultural boundaries are drawn in discourses of the mining company and the trade unions. Using ethnographic methods, I approach the complex field of transformation in this region and clarify the underlying interdependencies from the perspective of those who continue to see the future of the region in open pit lignite mining.

Brain Mapping of the Mismatch Negativity and the P300 Response in Speech and Nonspeech Stimulus Processing

Neff, Skylee Simmons 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Previous studies have found that behavioral and P300 responses to speech are influenced by linguistic cues in the stimuli. Research has found conflicting data regarding the influence of phonemic characteristics of stimuli in the mismatch negativity (MMN) response. The current investigation is a replication of the study designed by Tampas et al. (2005), which studied the effects of linguistic cues on the MMN response. This current study was designed to determine whether the MMN response is influenced by phonetic or purely acoustic stimuli, and to expand our knowledge of the scalp distribution of processing responses to within- and across-category speech and nonspeech stimuli. The stimuli used in this study consisted of within-category synthetic speech stimuli and corresponding nonspeech frequency glides. Participants consisted of 21 (11 male and 10 female) adults between the ages of 18 and 30 years. A same/different discrimination task was administered to all participants. Data from behavioral responses and event-related potentials (MMN and P300) were recorded. Results provided additional evidence that the MMN response is influenced by linguistic information. MMN responses elicited by the nonspeech contrasts had more negative peak amplitudes and longer latencies than MMN responses elicited by speech contrasts. Brain maps of t scores for speech vs. nonspeech contrasts showed significant differences in areas of cognitive processing for all contrast pairs over the left hemisphere near the temporal and parietal areas. The present investigation confirms that there are significant differences in the cortical processing of speech sounds vs. nonspeech sounds.

Microstructural Evaluation in Friction Stir Welded High Strength Low Alloy Steels

Abbasi Gharacheh, Majid 04 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding microstructural evolution in Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of steels is essential in order to understand and optimize the process. Ferritic steels undergo an allotropic phase transformation. This makes microstructural evolution study very challenging. An approach based on Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) and phase transformation orientation relationships is introduced to reconstruct pre-transformed grain structure and texture. Reconstructed pre-transformed and post-transformed grain structures and textures were investigated in order to understand microstructural evolution. Texture results show that there is evidence of shear deformation as well as recrystallization in the reconstructed prior austenite. Room temperature ferrite exhibits well-defined shear deformation texture components. Shear deformation texture in the room temperature microstructure implies that FSW imposes deformation during and after the phase transformation. Prior austenite grain boundary analysis shows that variant selection is governed by interfacial energy. Variants that have near ideal BCC/FCC misorientation relative to their neighboring austenite and near zero misorientation relative to neighboring ferrite are selected. Selection of coinciding variants in transformed prior austenite Σ3 boundaries supports the interfacial-energy-controlled variant selection mechanism.

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