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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Studies of Grain Boundary Structure and Deformation Response in Metallic Nanostructures

Smith, Laura Anne Patrick 06 May 2014 (has links)
The research reported in this dissertation focuses on the response of grain boundaries in polycrystalline metallic nanostructures to applied strain using molecular dynamics simulations and empirical interatomic force laws. The specific goals of the work include establishing how local grain boundary structure affects deformation behavior through the quantitative estimation of various plasticity mechanisms, such as dislocation emission and grain boundary sliding. The effects of strain rate and temperature on the plastic deformation process were also investigated. To achieve this, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on both thin-film and quasi-2D virtual samples constructed using a Voronoi tessellation technique. The samples were subjected to virtual mechanical testing using uniaxial strain at strain rates ranging from 105s-1 to 109s-1. Seven different interatomic embedded atom method potentials were used in this work. The model potentials describe different metals with fcc or bcc crystal structures. The model was validated against experimental results from studying the tensile deformation of irradiated austenitic stainless steels performed by collaborators at the University of Michigan. The results from the model validation include a novel technique for detecting strain localization through adherence of gold nanoparticles to the surface of an experimental sample prior to deformation. Similar trends with respect to intergranular crack initiation were observed between the model and the experiments. Simulations of deformation in the virtual samples revealed for the first time that equilibrium grain boundary structures can be non-planar for model potentials representing fcc materials with low stacking fault energy. Non-planar grain boundary features promote dislocation as deformation mechanisms, and hinder grain boundary sliding. This dissertation also reports the effects of temperature and strain rate on deformation behavior and correlates specific deformation mechanisms that originate from grain boundaries with controlling material properties, deformation temperature and strain rate. / Ph. D.

New Dilemma Zone Mitigation Strategies

ZaheriSarabi, Donia 22 March 2016 (has links)
Drivers' mistakes in making immediate decision facing yellow signal interval to stop or go through the intersection is one of main factors contributing to intersection's safety. Incorrect decision might lead to a red light running and a right-angle Collison when passing through the intersection or a rear-end collision when failing to stop safely.Improperly timed traffic signal intervals result in the inability of the drivers to make the right decision and can place them in the dilemma zone. Advance warning systems (AWS) have been used to provide information about the downstream traffic signal change prior to approaching the intersection. On the other hand, advance warning systems increase drivers approach speed according to the literature. However, effect of AWS on dilemma zone has not been studied before. The goal of this thesis is to minimize the number of vehicles caught in dilemma zone by determining more precise boundaries for dilemma zone and to reduce the number of red light violations by predicting the red light runners before arriving to the intersection. Here, dilemma zone boundaries at the presence of AWS has been reexamined with the aid of a large dataset (more than 1870 hours of data for two different intersections). Upper dilemma zone boundaries found to be higher for the intersections with AWS. This is due to vehicles' increasing the speed at the flashing yellow sings to escape the dilemma zone.Moreover, an algorithm for predicting red light runners and distinguishing them from right turners is presented. / Master of Science

Chefskap i relation till digitala aggressioner : Hur hanterar chefer i offentliga organisationer digitala aggressioner? / Management in relation to digital aggressions : How do managers in public organizations deal with digital aggressions?

Hashimi, Sayed Masih, Nilsson, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att bidra med den teoretiska förståelsen av hur chefer inom offentliga organisationer hanterar digitala aggressioner. Studien använder en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en abduktiv ansats, där 10 chefer från olika offentliga organisationer har intervjuats för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning, vilket även utgör studiens empiriska material. Intervjupersonerna är verksamma inom olika branscher, inklusive skola, socialtjänst, vård och omsorg samt polis. I denna undersökning har vi strävat efter att undersöka vilka strategier cheferna använder för att hantera och eventuellt förebygga de digitala aggressioner de möter. Resultaten från studien visar att cheferna använder både proaktiva och reaktiva strategier vid hanteringen av digitala aggressioner. De proaktiva strategierna innefattar närvaro, relationsbyggande och tydliga gränser. Att vara en närvarande chef innebär antingen fysisk eller psykisk närvaro. Relationsbyggande innebär att cheferna arbetar med att skapa positiva arbets- och professionella relationer med sina medarbetare samt externa parter. Vidare innebär tydliga gränser att sätta och upprätthålla klara gränser mellan privatliv och arbetsliv. En reaktiv strategi som framhölls var det sociala stödet. Detta innebär att cheferna söker stöd från kollegor på samma hierarkiska nivå för att hantera digitala aggressioner och främja välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theoretical understanding of how managers in public organizations handle digital aggressions. The study employs a qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach, where 10 managers from various public organizations have been interviewed to address the study's aim and research question, which also constitute the study's empirical material. The interviewees are active in various sectors including education, social services, healthcare, and police. In this study, our aim has been to explore the strategies managers use to manage and potentially prevent the digital aggressions they encounter. The results of the study indicate that managers employ both proactive and reactive strategies in dealing with digital aggressions. Proactive strategies include presence, relationship-building, and setting clear boundaries. Being a present manager involves either physical or psychological presence. Relationship-building entails managers fostering positive work and professional relationships with their employees as well as external contacts. Furthermore, setting clear boundaries involves establishing and maintaining distinct boundaries between personal and professional life. One reactive strategy highlighted was social support. This involves managers seeking support from colleagues at the same hierarchical level to manage digital aggressions and promote well-being in the workplace.

Lines Across the Land: A Biography of the Linear Earthwork Landscapes of the Later Prehistoric Yorkshire Wolds

Fioccoprile, Emily January 2015 (has links)
During the first millennium BC, the people of the chalk landscapes of the Yorkshire Wolds began carving up their world with monumental linear earthworks. This project explores the meanings of the later prehistoric boundary systems of the Yorkshire Wolds. It writes a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the north-central Wolds, using geographic information systems (GIS), original fieldwork and theories of agency and memory. Tracing the construction, use and modification of particular linear earthworks, it examines how these monuments would have related to other features in the landscape, and how they could have exercised agency within networks of interconnected people, animals, objects and other places. Finally, the project attempts to situate these boundary systems within the larger context of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age society in order to understand how the later prehistoric people of East Yorkshire would have experienced their world. Taking a biographical approach to landscape and allowing linear earthworks to become the protagonists of this narrative, the project charts the life histories of the earthworks at Wetwang-Garton Slack and Huggate Dykes and investigates the collective authorship of the wider landscape. To understand the rural, monumental landscapes of the Wolds, we must consider the agency of not only people, but also of animals and of monuments themselves. By focussing on the relationships which bound together linear earthworks and other agents, we can begin to understand the ways in which monumentalised landscapes both reflected and generated the cosmologies of prehistoric communities. / The Appendices A to E are not included online.

Foregrounding/Resolving boundaries between "self and other" in selected contemporary South African novels / Renate Lenz

Lenz, Renate January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the original white colonisers‟ or settlers‟ position and experience in Africa and South Africa during the transitional period between 1998 and 2011, as represented by English white male protagonists who feature in The Lostness of Alice (1998) by John Conyngham, The Good Doctor (2003) by Damon Galgut, and Lost Ground (2011) by Michiel Heyns. The analysis of the selected novels illustrates that the legacy of colonisation and apartheid still influences the settler descendants‟ perception of self and the other. The analysis focuses specifically on the males‟ experience of space and place in the construction of identity, and the awareness that the expansion of space and place through the transgression of physical and psychological boundaries contributes towards a more balanced personality. After the dissolution of apartheid, contemporary white South African men, as exemplified by the three protagonists, have become aware of their minority status and tend to dissociate themselves from the country as home. As borderline figures, they contend with feelings of marginalisation and isolation. Increasingly conscious of their contradictory non-African identity, the protagonists undertake journeys during which they acquire insight into themselves as well as an altered perception of the other. Although the former settlers‟ experience of alienation and ambivalence about colonisation and apartheid has been depicted in various novels, the significance of this experience relating to white South African male identity has not yet been fully explored in a comparative study of Conyngham‟s, Galgut‟s and Heyns‟s works with reference to the authors‟ place within a postcolonial paradigm, their implementation of the detective narrative frame and the role of intertextuality and irony that can be seen to define the novels and suggest other interpretative possibilities. The novels are critically analysed in terms of the concepts of space and place, the presence, transgression and transcendence of boundaries, and the influence of these paradigms on the characters‟ sense of self and their relationship with others and society at large. The novels‟ narrative frame and strategies in relation to the myths of Africa are also investigated. The thesis argues that the apprehension articulated by representatives of European settlers regarding the consequences of colonisation and apartheid has become more prominent during the post-liberation dispensation. The acceptance of responsibility for the past and for others, as well as intense self-appraisal, should enable the three protagonists to achieve a more expansive sense of self and a meaningful existence. / PhD (English), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Foregrounding/Resolving boundaries between "self and other" in selected contemporary South African novels / Renate Lenz

Lenz, Renate January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the original white colonisers‟ or settlers‟ position and experience in Africa and South Africa during the transitional period between 1998 and 2011, as represented by English white male protagonists who feature in The Lostness of Alice (1998) by John Conyngham, The Good Doctor (2003) by Damon Galgut, and Lost Ground (2011) by Michiel Heyns. The analysis of the selected novels illustrates that the legacy of colonisation and apartheid still influences the settler descendants‟ perception of self and the other. The analysis focuses specifically on the males‟ experience of space and place in the construction of identity, and the awareness that the expansion of space and place through the transgression of physical and psychological boundaries contributes towards a more balanced personality. After the dissolution of apartheid, contemporary white South African men, as exemplified by the three protagonists, have become aware of their minority status and tend to dissociate themselves from the country as home. As borderline figures, they contend with feelings of marginalisation and isolation. Increasingly conscious of their contradictory non-African identity, the protagonists undertake journeys during which they acquire insight into themselves as well as an altered perception of the other. Although the former settlers‟ experience of alienation and ambivalence about colonisation and apartheid has been depicted in various novels, the significance of this experience relating to white South African male identity has not yet been fully explored in a comparative study of Conyngham‟s, Galgut‟s and Heyns‟s works with reference to the authors‟ place within a postcolonial paradigm, their implementation of the detective narrative frame and the role of intertextuality and irony that can be seen to define the novels and suggest other interpretative possibilities. The novels are critically analysed in terms of the concepts of space and place, the presence, transgression and transcendence of boundaries, and the influence of these paradigms on the characters‟ sense of self and their relationship with others and society at large. The novels‟ narrative frame and strategies in relation to the myths of Africa are also investigated. The thesis argues that the apprehension articulated by representatives of European settlers regarding the consequences of colonisation and apartheid has become more prominent during the post-liberation dispensation. The acceptance of responsibility for the past and for others, as well as intense self-appraisal, should enable the three protagonists to achieve a more expansive sense of self and a meaningful existence. / PhD (English), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The handling of aggression in therapy from a Gestalt perspective

Richardson, Nicola 30 November 2007 (has links)
This qualitative study aimed to explore how to handle aggression in therapy from a Gestalt perspective. In order to reach the aim of this study a conceptual framework was done exploring terms central to this project including aggression and Gestalt Play therapy. Unstructured, telephonic interviews were then conducted with seven Gestalt Play therapists working with children in the Western Cape exploring ways to handle and treat aggression in therapy. The data collected during these interviews were then analyzed and several themes were identified and explored by conducting a literature control. Guidelines were then formulated and written on how to handle aggression in therapy from a Gestalt perspective as part of the concluding chapter of this research report. / Social Work / M. Diac (Play Therapy)

Die Komplementariteit tussen intimiteit en afstand in die terapeutiese verhouding

Eybers, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die komplementariteit tussen afstand en intimiteit in die terapeutiese verhouding word ge"illustreer en bespreek aan die hand van 'n enkeie gevallestudie. Die klem is op rekursiewe en selfverwysende prosesse wat tussen die terapeut en kiient plaasvind, sodat die vvyse waarop intiemer en meer afstandelike interaksies ge-kokreer is, uitgelig word. Die terapeutiese proses word binne die raamwerk van die ekosistemiese en sosiale konstruksionistiese epistomologie bespreek. Navorsing word uitgevoer volgens die naturalistiese navorsingsparadigma en raakpunte tussen die navorsingsparadigma en epistomologie wat bespreek is, word aan die hand van die gevaliestudie ge"illustreer. In die studie word daar ook verwys na verwante kwessies, soos aanraking en grense in die terapeutiese verhouding, terapie as 'n a-sosiale konteks, terapie as 'n paradoksale situasie en die neutraliteit van die terapeut, wat aansluit by die tema van hierdie studie. Hierdie temas word geintegreer tydens die bespreking van die gevallestudie. / An individual case study is used in this study, to discuss the complementarity between distance and intimacy in the therapeutic relationship. The focus is on recursive and selfreflective processes between the therapist and the client in order to explain the way in which intimate and distant interactions were coconstructed. The therapeutic process was discussed in the context of ecosystemic and social constructionist epistemologies. Research was done according to the principles of the naturalistic research paradigm and overlaps between this research paradigm and epistemologies that were discussed are brought forward through the discussion of the case study. There are also references in this study to related issues, such as touching and boundaries in the therapeutic relationship, therapy as an a-social and paradoxical context, and the neutrality of the therapist, which connect with the theme of this study. These themes are integrated in the discussion of the case study. / Psychology / M.A. (Kliniese Sielkunde)

Exploring the relevance of uncertainty in the life cycle assessment of forest products

Røyne, Frida January 2016 (has links)
The role of forest biomass as a replacement for fossil fuels and products is becoming increasingly prominent as a means to mitigate climate change. To guide a sustainable transition towards a forest-based bio-economy, it is important that advantages and disadvantages of forest products are assessed, to ensure that the products deliver environmental impact reduction. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become heavily relied upon for assessing the environmental impact of bio-based products. However, LCAs of similar product systems can lead to results that differ considerably, and the method is, thus, associated with uncertainties. It is, therefore, necessary to explore the relevance of uncertainties, to build knowledge about enablers and challenges in using LCA for assessing forest products. Three important challenges in the context of uncertainty in LCA are the focus of this thesis: 1) system boundaries, 2) climate impact assessment practice, and 3) allocation. More specifically, the relevance of a) including and excluding life cycle phases, b) potentially important climate aspects, and c) applying different allocation methods, was assessed. Case studies involved a chemical industry cluster, a biorefinery, and single product value chains for a plastic box, a fuel, and a building. In summary, the thesis demonstrates that: A major share of the environmental impact related to the production of an industry cluster can occur outside the cluster gates, so when strategies involving a transition to forest biomass feedstock are developed and evaluated, a life cycle perspective reveals the full environmental impact reduction potential. For bio-based products differing in functional properties from the fossil products they are meant to replace, material deterioration in the use phase can contribute substantially to overall environmental performance. This is acknowledged if all life cycle phases are regarded. As climate aspects commonly not assessed in forest product LCAs could influence results greatly, and even affect the outcome of comparisons between forest and non-forest products, the climate impact of forest products is uncertain. It is, therefore, important that this uncertainty is acknowledged and communicated, and that appropriate methods and guidelines are developed. The choice of allocation method in the LCA of biorefinery products can have a major influence on results, especially for physically non-dominant products and in consequential studies. In these cases, scenario analysis is especially valuable to show the possible range of results. LCA provides useful guidance for forest product development and production as the life cycle approach reveals causes of environmental impact throughout the product value chain. Proper identification, estimation, and management of uncertainties strengthen the provision of reliable decision support. / Att ersätta fossila bränslen och produkter med skogsbiomassa blir ett allt viktigare sätt att försöka minska klimatförändringen. För att säkerställa en hållbar övergång till en skogsbaserad bioekonomi är det viktigt att fördelarna och nackdelarna med skogsprodukter bedöms, för att klargöra att de faktiskt ger minskad miljöpåverkan. Livscykelanalys (LCA) är en flitigt använd metod för att bedöma miljöpåverkan från biobaserade produkter. Dock kan LCA:er på snarlika produktsystem komma fram till resultat som skiljer sig avsevärt. Metoden är således förknippad med osäkerheter. Det är därför nödvändigt att undersöka betydelsen av osäkerheter och därigenom bygga upp kunskap om förutsättningar för och utmaningar i användningen av LCA för bedömning av skogsprodukters miljöprestanda. Avhandlingen fokuserar på tre viktiga utmaningar som alla rör osäkerheter i LCA: 1) systemgränser, 2) praxis vid bedömning av klimatpåverkan, och 3) allokering. Närmare bestämt bedöms betydelsen av a) inkluderandet och exkluderandet av livscykelfaser, b) potentiellt viktiga klimataspekter och c) olika allokeringsmetoder. Fallstudier har gjorts på ett kemiskt industrikluster, ett bioraffinaderi och produktvärdekedjorna för en plastlåda, ett fordonsbränsle samt en byggnad. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen att: En stor del av miljöpåverkan relaterad till ett industriklusters produktion kan uppstå utanför klustrets grindar. När strategier som innebär en övergång till skogsbasserat råmaterial utvecklas och utvärderas är det således viktigt att använda ett livscykelperspektiv, så att den fulla potentialen för minskad miljöpåverkan synliggörs. För biobaserade produkter som skiljer sig i funktionella egenskaper från de fossila produkter de är avsedda att ersätta riskerar materialförsämring i användningsfasen att väsentligt minska den övergripande miljöprestandan. Om detta är fallet framgår tydligt om alla livscykelfaser beaktas. Klimataspekter som vanligtvis inte bedöms i LCA-studier på skogsprodukter kan påverka resultatet kraftigt och även påverka resultatet av jämförelser mellan skogs och icke-skogsprodukter. Således är den faktiska klimatpåverkan av skogsprodukter osäker. Det är därför viktigt att osäkerheten uppmärksammas och kommuniceras samt att lämpliga metoder och riktlinjer för bedömning av klimatpåverkan från skogsprodukter utvecklas. I LCA av bioraffinaderiprodukter kan val av allokeringsmetod ha en stor inverkan på resultaten. Detta gäller särskilt för fysiskt icke-dominanta produkter och i konsekvensanalyser. I dessa fall är scenarioanalys speciellt värdefullt att använda för att visa möjliga skillnader i resultat. LCA ger värdefull vägledning för utveckling och produktion av skogsprodukter, då livscykeltänkandet beaktar orsakerna till miljöpåverkan i produkternas hela värdekedjor. Korrekt identifiering, uppskattning och hantering av osäkerheter stärker tillförlitligheten av beslutsunderlaget.

大學生知覺之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能的關係 / The Relationships between The Career Self-efficacy and Family Parental Boundaries Perceived by College Students

林惠瑜, Lin , Hei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項大學生之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能間的關係。採用問卷調查的方式,以全國十三所公、私立學校大一到大四學生為研究對象,共計625名,並以「個人基本資料調查表」、「生涯決策自我效能量表」及「家庭親子界限量表」編製成「大學生生涯決策與家庭關係問卷」為本研究工具。調查所得資料以描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行處理。研究之主要發現如下: 一、不同性別、年級、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的家庭親子界限有所差異。 二、不同年級、科系、修課狀況(是否雙主修或輔系)、打工經驗、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的生涯自我效能有所差異。再者,不同科系的大學生其生涯自我效能會因為打工經驗的不同而有差異。 三、背景變項與家庭親子界限對於大學生之生涯自我效能具有預測效果 (一)就全體大學生而言,「父子(女)自我認同」是大學男生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;「母子(女)自我認同」是大學女生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項。本研究發現,家庭親子界限變項中同性父母對於孩子的認同是大學生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;另外,背景變項中生涯發展定向情形對大學生生涯自我效能最具有預測效果。 (二)不同生涯發展定向的大學生來看,不同背景變項與不同家庭親子界限對其生涯自我效能有不同預測效果。 (三)家庭親子界限對於大學男生之生涯自我效能的預測力大於大學女生。 根據本研究的發現及討論,研究者擬對大學生、父母、學校及輔導人員等相關人員和未來研究者,提出數點建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the career self-efficacy and family parental boundaries perceived by college students. Six hundred and twenty-five college students completed the Career Decision-making Self Efficacy Scale(CDMSE)developed by Hong-Hui Xie and Parental Relation-Self Boundary Scales. Data obtained was analyzed by deviation, percentage, ANOVA, post Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The major findings were summarized as follows: First, college students with different gender, grade, and career decision status or identity development made significant differences on their perceptions of family parental boundaries. Second, there were significant differences in CDMSE among different background variables, including grade, departments, dual-major or minor, part-time job experience, and career decision status or identity development. Third, the self-identity of parents is the best predictor of college students’ career self-efficacy, especially with the same gender as the parent. Fourth, because of the difference of college students’ career decision status or identity development, the prediction of family parental boundaries to the career self-efficacy would be different. Fifth, family parental boundaries had better predictive effect to male students than to female students. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for college students, parents, related educators and counselors in the Universities, and future research.

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