Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brain step""
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Investigação do sistema auditivo na displasia frontonasal isolada e sindrômica / Auditory system investigation in isolated and syndromic frontonasal dysplasiaMelissa Zattoni Antoneli 05 November 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: Realizar uma investigação do sistema auditivo em indivíduos com displasia frontonasal quanto à acuidade e quanto à condução do estímulo sonoro até o nível do tronco encefálico, correlacionando com as características clínicas. Modelo: Análise prospectiva descrevendo os achados da avaliação audiológica em indivíduos com sinais clínicos de displasia frontonasal. Local de Execução: Setor de Genética, HRAC-USP. Participantes: 21 pacientes, na faixa etária de 7 a 42 anos, sendo 14 do sexo feminino e 7 do sexo masculino. Variáveis: Limiares audiométricos em decibels nas frequências de 0,25 a 8 kHz nas duas orelhas, tipo de curva timpanométrica nas duas orelhas, latências absolutas das ondas I, III e V; latências interpicos I-V, III-V e I-III e diferença interaural da onda V do PEATE, em milissegundos, para cada orelha. Resultados: Limiares audiométricos normais em 15 (70%) indivíduos e alterados em 5 (25%), a maior parte dos casos compatíveis com perda auditiva condutiva. Na timpanometria, 30 orelhas (72%) apresentaram curva tipo A, 5 (12%) tipo C, 4 (9%) tipo Ar e 3 (7%) tipo B. Os valores médios em milissegundos das latências absolutas e interpicos nas orelhas direita e esquerda respectivamente foram os seguintes. Onda I: 1,92 e 1,91; onda III: 3,97 e 3,97; onda V: 5,88 e 5,88; interpicos I-V: 3,96 e 3,97; interpicos III-V: 1,91 e 1,92; interpicos I-III: 2,05 e 2,03 e diferença interaural da onda V: 0,04. Conclusões: Os indivíduos com DFN estudados não apresentaram alterações na via auditiva desde sua porção periférica até o tronco encefálico. As alterações condutivas encontradas são provavelmente relacionadas às patologias de orelha média decorrentes da fissura de palato, presente nesses casos. Sugerimos a avaliação de níveis mais altos dentro do sistema auditivo. / Objective: To evaluate the auditory system in patients with frontonasal dysplasia (FND) considering hearing sensitivity and sound stimulus conduction from cochlea to brainstem. Model: A prospective analysis describing audiological evaluation results in patients with clinical signs of FND. Setting: Genetics Department, HRAC-USP. Participants: 21 patients, aged from 7 to 42 years, 14 females and 7 males. Variables: Audiometric thresholds, in decibels, obtained by testing frequencies from 0,25 to 8 kHz, both ears; type of tympanometric curve in both ears; waves I, III and V absolute latencies; interpeak intervals I-V, III-V and I-III and wave V interear difference of ABR, in milisseconds, considering both right and left ears. Results: Hearing thresholds were normal in 15 (70%) patients and abnormal in 5 (25%), most with conductive hearing loss. Tympanometric curve was type A in 30 (72%) ears, type C in 5 (12%), type Ar in 4 (9%) and type B in 3 (7%). Mean values, in milisseconds, of absolute latencies and interpeaks recorded from right and left ears, respectivelly, were: wave I= 1,92 and 1,91; wave III= 3,97 and 3,97; wave V= 5,88 and 5,88; interpeak I-V= 3,96 and 3,97; interpeak III-V= 1,91 and 1,92; interpeak I-III= 2,05 and 2,03 and wave V interear difference= 0,04. Conclusions: Patients with FND showed no abnormalities in the auditory system from cochlea to brainstem in our study. Mild conductive hearing loss found in some of them is probably related to cleft palate, occurring in these cases. We suggest further evaluation of hearing pathways in higher levels.
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Análise quantitativa dos principais acessos cirúrgicos ao tronco encefálico com ênfase nas áreas de segurança / Quantitative analysis of the main surgical approaches to the brainstem emphasizing the safe entry zonesDaniel Dutra Cavalcanti 11 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tronco encefálico é uma pequena estrutura com elevada concentração de núcleos e tratos. Historicamente, houve grande debate sobre indicações cirúrgicas às lesões no tronco encefálico. A despeito do desenvolvimento da microcirurgia, cirurgia da base do crânio e da neuronavegação, poucos grupos têm experiência no manejo daquelas lesões. Quando lesões no tronco encefálico não afloram à superfície pial, torna-se crucial o conhecimento de áreas de segurança de acesso ao tronco, as quais representam estreitos corredores em que há paucidade de estruturas eloquentes e ausência de vasos perfurantes. OBJETIVO: Quantificar a área de trabalho gerada pelos acessos cirúrgicos mais comumente utilizados ao tronco encefálico, além de definir as exposições angulares geradas pelos mesmos acessos às áreas de segurança por meio de dissecções cadavéricas. Adicionalmente, detalhamos a anatomia cirúrgica de treze acessos ao tronco encefálico, com fotografias passo a passo e descrições detalhadas para auxiliar na melhor difusão destas técnicas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada dissecção anatômica de 10 cadáveres humanos para demonstração de 13 acessos cirúrgicos ao tronco encefálico e da anatomia das seguintes zonas de segurança: mesencefálica anterior, sulco mesencefálico lateral, intercolicular, peritrigeminal, supra-trigeminal, pontina lateral, supra-colicular, infra-colicular, sulco mediano do quarto ventrículo, sulco posteromediano e olivar. Os acessos estudados foram: orbitozigomático, subtemporal, subtemporal transtentorial, subtemporal transtentorial com petrosectomia anterior, suboccipital telovelar, supracerebelar infratentorial mediano, paramediano e lateral, retrossigmoideo, extremo lateral, petrosectomia anterior, retrolabiríntico, e combinado. A dissecção foi realizada entre Janeiro a Julho de 2010, no Laboratório de Base de Crânio do Barrow Neurological Institute, localizado em Phoenix, Arizona, EUA. Os espécimes fixados em formalina e com artérias e veias perfundidas com silicone colorido foram dissecados em suporte de Mayfield em mesa cirúrgica, com todo instrumental cirúrgico simulando um ambiente operatório. Após cada acesso, neuronavegador era utilizado para coletar coordenadas tridimensionais de pontos pré-definidos nas craniotomias e no campo operatório, os quais após análise em software específico, se traduziam em valores das seguintes variáveis: área de exposição, exposição angular e extensão de exposição. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados quando havia interseção de área ou zona de segurança. RESULTADOS: A área de exposição média do orbitozigomático no tronco foi de 164,7 ± 43,6 mm2. A exposição angular horizontal à zona mesencefálica anterior foi 37,9 ± 7,3o. A área média produzida pelo retrossigmoide foi 538,6 ± 161,0 mm2. As exposições angulares horizontal e vertical médias geradas por esse corredor para a zona pontina lateral foram 31,1 ± 6,7o e 49,3 ± 9,4o, respectivamente. A área média produzida pelo far-lateral foi 856,8 ± 139,7 mm2. As exposições angulares horizontal e vertical médias deste acesso para a zona olivar foram 40,8 ± 10,2o e 54,8 ± 6,8o. CONCLUSÃO: O acesso orbitozigomático oferece mínima área de exposição do tronco, mas melhor trajetória em relação à zona mesencefálica anterior que o subtemporal. O supracerebelar infratentorial extremo lateral oferece melhor trajetória e ângulos ao sulco mesencefálico lateral que o subtemporal. Não há diferença significativa entre as áreas de exposição e exposições angulares ao tronco entre o retrossigmoide e retrolabiríntico, mas este último oferece trajetória mais direta / INTRODUCTION: The brainstem is a small structure disposing of high concentration of nuclei and tract. Historically, there was enormous discussion on surgical indications to brainstem lesions. In spite of the evolution of microsurgery, skull base surgery, and neuronavigation, few groups bear experience managing this pathology. Whenever lesions do not surface on pia or ependyma, it is key using the safe entry zones, managing the brainstem, which represent tiny corridors where eloquent structures and perforators are sparse. OBJECTIVE: To quantify the working area provided by the main surgical approaches to brainstem, as well as angles of attack provided by the same approaches to the safe zones through cadaveric dissections. It was possible at the same time to detail the microanatomy of thirteen approaches, with stepwise images and descriptions, in order to aid spreading this knowledge in Portuguese. METHODS: Ten human cadavers were dissected in order to visually demonstrate 13 surgical approaches to brainstem and these safe zones: anterior mesencephalic, lateral mesencephalic sulcus, intercolicular, peritrigeminal, supratrigeminal, lateral pontine, supracollicular, infracollicular, median sulcus of the fourth ventricle, posteromedian sulcus and olivary. The following approaches were analyzed: orbitozigomatic, subtemporal, subtemporal transtentorial, subtemporal transtentorial with anterior petrosectomy, median suboccipital telovelar, median, paramedian and lateral supracerebellar infratentorial, retrossigmoid, far-lateral, anterior petrosectomy, retrolabyrinthine, and combined. Dissections were carried out from January to July 2010, at the Skull Base Laboratory in the Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. The specimens were lightly fixed in formalin while arteries and veins were perfused with color silicone. They were dissected on a Mayfield head-holder, using a complete set of surgical instruments simulating an operative environment. Neuronavigation was utilized after every approach to collect tridimensional coordinates of predefined points on the craniotomy edges and within the surgical field. Using a specific software, these coordinates translate themselves into the following variables: areas of exposure, angles of attack and lengths of exposure. The variables were compared among them when 2 or more approaches addressed overlapped areas. RESULTS: The mean area of exposure provided by the orbitozygomatic on the brainstem was 164,7 ± 43,6 mm2. The horizontal angle of attack to the anterior mesencephalic zone was 37,9 ± 7,3o. Mean area delivered by the retrosigmoid was 538,6 ± 161,0 mm2. Mean horizontal and vertical angles of attack produced by this corridor aiming the lateral pontine zone were 31,1 ± 6,7o e 49,3 ± 9,4o, respectively. The farlateral approach produced a mean area of exposure of 856,8 ± 139,7 mm2. Mean horizontal and vertical angles of attack offered by this avenue aiming the olivary zone were 40,8 ± 10,2o e 54,8 ± 6,8o. CONCLUSION: The orbitozygomatic approach provides a minimum area of exposure, but a better trajectory concerning the anterior mesencephalic zone comparing to the subtemporal. The extreme lateral supracerebellar infratentorial yields better trajectory and wider angles to the lateral mesencephalic sulcus than the subtemporal. There is no significant difference regarding areas of exposure and angles of attack to the brainstem between the retrosigmoid and retrolabyrithine, but the latter produces a more direct trajectory
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Maladies à prions : vers le développement d'une thérapie génique et cellulaire / Prions diseases : towards the development of gene and cell therapy.Le Souder, Cosette 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les encéphalopathies spongiformes transmissibles sont des maladies neurodégénératives caractérisées par une vacuolisation intense et une perte neuronale associées à l’accumulation d’une protéine prion pathologique : la PrPSc. A cause de la longue période d’incubation silencieuse de ces maladies, les individus souffrant d’une maladie à prions peuvent exposer des patients qui recevraient leur sang ou un de leurs organes à un risque de contamination iatrogène. De plus, lorsque le diagnostic survient, les dommages cérébraux sont souvent massifs, et l’issue toujours fatale. A ce jour, aucun traitement n’est disponible, et l’ensemble des stratégies testées a échoué.L’alternative développée par le laboratoire est celle de la thérapie cellulaire couplée à la thérapie génique, en utilisant des cellules souches embryonnaires (ES) délivrant des molécules anti-prions. Concernant le choix des molécules anti-prions, nous avons choisi les mutants PrP-DN. Notre hypothèse repose sur des études montrant qu’une lysine au codon 219 de la PrP chez l’Homme ou une arginine au codon 171 de la PrP ovine, protègent du développement d’une ESST. L’étude de ces mutants, en cellules infectées ou dans des souris transgéniques, a permis de montrer que les PrP mutées n’étaient pas converties en PrPSc et qu’elles exerçaient un effet protecteur dit « dominant négatif » sur la conversion de la PrPC sauvage en PrPSc.Un des projets du laboratoire avait donc pour objectif d’utiliser les cellules souches exprimant les mutants PrP-DN pour développer une stratégie de thérapie génique et cellulaire des maladies à prions : l’hypothèse étant que les cellules greffées pourraient non seulement réparer le tissu lésé mais que ce dernier serait également protégé de l’infection par les prions.Une première approche de thérapie génique et cellulaire avait été initiée au laboratoire et montrait des résultats plutôt encourageants. En effet, la greffe de cellules souches neurales murines exprimant des PrP-DN et produites à partir de cellules souches embryonnaires murines, conduisait, pour une partie des souris, à un allongement du temps d’incubation de la maladie, ainsi qu’à une diminution de l’astrogliose et de la vacuolisation.Dans ce contexte, le premier objectif de ma thèse a été de valider l’approche thérapeutique en montrant que les cellules greffées délivraient des mutants PrP-DN capables d’inhiber la réplication du prion. Nous avons opté pour un modèle de culture organotypique infectée par des prions murins. En plus de répondre aux exigences éthiques de la directive 2010/63/UE, ce modèle offre l’avantage de pouvoir réaliser plus d’essais, des cinétiques d’accumulation de PrPSc et de visualiser le devenir des cellules greffées. Enfin, opter pour cette stratégie permettait de transposer dans un modèle humanisé des travaux précédemment réalisés et ayant montré des résultats encourageants. Pour cela, il a été nécessaire de mettre en place un modèle prion ex vivo de culture organotypique de tranches de cerveau, dans lequel il était possible de réaliser des greffes et permettant d’évaluer l’effet inhibiteur des mutant-PrP-DN sur la réplication du prion. Par ailleurs, notre groupe fait partie, avec d’autres groupes travaillant avec des cellules souches mésenchymateuses, de l’équipe « Biologie des cellules souches et médecine régénératrice », il nous est apparu pertinent d’évaluer l’effet des MSC sur la pathologie prions dans des modèles prions en culture organotypique et en particulier d’évaluer l’impact de greffes de MSC concomitantes aux greffes de NSC-PrP-DN. En effet, ces cellules sont décrites comme pouvant induire un microenvironnement neuroprotecteur en limitant la prolifération des cellules de la microglie et des astrocytes, et peuvent favoriser la différenciation des NSC. Enfin notre dernier objectif visait à transposer les outils murins vers des outils « humains » en produisant des NSC humaines issues d’ES et exprimant une PrP humaine portant les mutations DN. / Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by a strong vacuolization, a neuronal lost and deposits of prion pathologic protein: PrPSc. This PrPSc accumulation is the result of the conformational conversion of the host encoded endogenous PrPC protein. Although the incidence of these diseases in humans remains low (about one to two cases per million inhabitants per year), these diseases remain a public health problem. Indeed, because of their long and silent incubation period, patients with prion disease may expose people through blood transfusion or organ transplantation with a risk of iatrogenic contamination. In addition, when the diagnosis occurs, brain damage is often massive, and the outcome is always fatal and rapidly occurs. Until now, there is no treatment that could be proposed to patients.The alternative developed by our laboratory for several years, is a strategy of cell therapy coupled with gene therapy. The general objective is to use pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC) and graft them as a “medicine” not only to orchestrate a functional recovery of the damaged zones and protect the grafted cells from prion propagation but also to deliver anti-prion molecules.For the anti-prion molecules, we have chosen dominant negative PrP mutants (PrP-DN). Our choice is based on studies showing that a lysine at codon 219 of the human PrP or an arginine at codon 171 of the ovine PrP protect against the development of a TSE. Study of these mutants in infected cells or in transgenic mice showed that the mutated PrPC were not converted into PrPSc. Moreover, they exibit a so-called "dominant negative" protective effect on the conformational conversion of their wild-type PrPC counterparts. A first approach of gene and cell therapy was initiated in the laboratory and has shown encouraging results. Indeed, the graft of murine neural stem cells (NSC) derived from murine embryonic stem cells and expressing anti-prion molecules, has allowed, for some of the mice, to an increase the incubation time of the diseaseas well as to a decrease of astrogliosis and vacuolization.In this context, the first objective of my thesis was to validate the therapeutic approach by showing that the grafted cells were able to inhibit prion replication trough the dominant negative effect of the PrP-DN. To address this point, we have chosen to use an organotypic culture model infected with murine prions (22L strain). In addition to fill the ethical requirements under the European Directive 2010/63 and the 3Rs, organotypic culture models offer the advantage to perform and repeat experiments, kinetic tests, and PrPres analysis. This model also allows to visualize the fate of the grafted cells. Finally, by choosing this strategy, it will be possible to transpose into a humanized model the work previously performed on mouse organotypic cultures.To achieve this task, it was necessary to establish an ex vivo prion model of organotypic culture brain slices, in which it was possible to perform grafts and to evaluate the inhibitory effect of PrP-DN mutants on the prion replication.In addition, as our group is included in the team "Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine" (led by Pr Jorgensen) in which several stem cells are studied (liver stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)) and because MSC have been shown to provide protective effects when grafted in the brain of mice with neurological diseases, it was therefore relevant to evaluate the effect of MSC on prion pathology in our prion models and in particular to evaluate the impact of concomitant MSC grafts on NSC-PrP-DN.In a last step, our goal was to transpose the mouse tools (NSC from ES and expressing the PrP-DN mutants) to "human" tools by producing human NSCs derived from human ESC and expressing human PrP-DN, and to characterized the resulted cells.
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Elemental Analysis of Brainstem in Victims of Sudden Infant Death SyndromeOquendo, Javier 12 1900 (has links)
A brainstem-related abnormality in respiratory control appears to be one of the most compelling mechanisms for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The elements calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy in the brainstem of 30 infants who died from SIDS and 10 infants who died from other causes (control). No differences were found between SIDS and control for any element except for more calcium in the SIDS group. A multivariate analysis of the data failed to group the majority of SIDS and control subjects in different clusters. Further research is required to determine the biological significance of the higher calcium found in the SIDS group.,
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Origins of Cardiac Vagal Preganglionic Fibers: A Retrograde Transport StudyStuesse, Sherry L. 18 March 1982 (has links)
The origin of cardiac preganglionic neurons in the rat was investigated using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). A single injection of HRP was made into the right myocardium in either a sinoatrial or mid-ventricular location. Labeled cells were found in the mid- and lower medulla primarily in and around the nucleus ambiguus (NA) 600-1800 μm above the obex. The dorsal motor nucleus of X (DMN) was sparsely labeled and a few cells were found in an intermediate zone near the level of the obex. Labeling was bilateral with slightly heavier labeling found ipsilateral to the injection site than contralateral to it. Following a unilateral vagotomy, labeled cells were only found ipsilateral to the intact vagus. Atrial and midventricular injections yielded similar results. Occasionally only 1- cells in the NA were labeled per section. Inspection of serial sections revealed that in these sparsely labeled rats, the HRP was often in the same location within the NA forming a column of cells within the nucleus. The columns sometimes extended at least 240 μm in the rostral-caudal direction. The columnar organization was most apparent in rats with few labeled cells presumably because it was obscured in nuclei that were heavily labeled. In a second group of rats, the right vagus was cut at the cervical level and dipped in HRP to determine the extent of the NA and DMN in rats. In these animals, heavier labeling was found in the DMN than in the NA. Cells in the DMN were filled from the upper spinal cord to its most rostral extent 1200 μm above the obex. Thus, although the DMN and NA send projections in the vagus nerve, those axons terminating in the myocardium primarily originate in the NA.
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Development of a method to create subject specific cochlear models for electric hearingMalherbe, Tiaan Krynauw 26 October 2011 (has links)
Cochlear implants are electronic devices intended for restoring hearing to the profoundly deaf. Unfortunately the degree of restored hearing varies greatly between subjects. To investigate some of the mechanisms that determine this variability, mathematical models of the auditory system are used. The level of detail that these models incorporate varies greatly. The present study describes the development of a method to create high detail, subject specific cochlea models. μ-CT scans and photomicrographs were used to obtain the morphology and histology of a specific guinea pig cochlea. A 3D model was constructed from this data and the finite element method was used to determine the potential distribution inside the cochlea. The potential distribution was calculated for different stimulus protocols applied to different modelled electrodes. A neuron model was then used to obtain neural excitation profiles. The modelled excitation profiles were compared to data from literature and it was found that this model is valid and can be used as a tool in electric hearing research. The model output was also compared to brainstem response data from the specific subject to assess the degree to which this model can predict brain stem data from a specific subject. Possible improvements to the model were also discussed. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico com estímulo de fala em crianças com distúrbio fonológico / Speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses in children with phonological disordersGoncalves, Isabela Crivellaro 28 August 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) é um exame objetivo, que avalia a integridade da via auditiva no tronco encefálico e complementa os procedimentos audiológicos de rotina no diagnóstico de alterações auditivas. Atualmente, pesquisas têm sido desenvolvidas a fim de caracterizar os potenciais evocados auditivos obtidos com estímulos de fala, que são espectralmente e temporalmente mais complexos que o estímulo clique. OBJETIVO: caracterizar os achados dos PEATE com estímulo clique e de fala em crianças com diagnóstico de distúrbio fonológico. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 36 crianças com limiares auditivos dentro da normalidade, na faixa etária de sete a 11 anos, por meio do PEATE com os estímulos clique e de fala, 18 com distúrbio fonológico (grupo estudo) e 18 em desenvolvimento típico (grupo controle). Na análise dos dados quantitativos, realizada por meio do teste T de Student, foram obtidos valores de média, mediana, desvio padrão, valor mínimo e máximo, e p-valor, quando da comparação entre os grupos. Na análise dos dados qualitativos, realizada por meio do Teste Exato de Fisher, comparou-se a ocorrência de resultados normais e alterados entre os grupos. Foram analisadas as relações entre os resultados do PEATE com estímulo de fala e o índice PCC-R (Percentage of consonants corrects Revised) no grupo estudo por meio da correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: No PEATE com estímulo clique, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos para as latências absolutas das ondas I, III e V em ambas as orelhas, com latências maiores no grupo estudo, embora, na análise dos dados qualitativos, não tenham sido observadas diferenças entre os grupos com relação à ocorrência de resultados normais e alterados. No PEATE com estímulo de fala, verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos para os valores de latência das ondas V e A. Na análise dos dados qualitativos, quando comparada a ocorrência de resultados normais e alterados entre os grupos, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante para as latências das ondas V e A. Não foram observadas correlações significantes entre os resultados do PEATE com estímulo de fala e o índice PCC-R no grupo de crianças com distúrbio fonológico. Conclusão: Crianças com distúrbio fonológico apresentam alterações no Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico com estímulo de fala, evidenciadas pelo atraso na condução do impulso elétrico quando comparadas a crianças em desenvolvimento típico, sugerindo a existência de comprometimentos na via auditiva nesta região / INTRODUCTION: The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is an objective measure that evaluates the integrity of the brainstem auditory pathway and that supplements the routine audiological procedures in the diagnosis of hearing impairment. Nowadays, studies have been developed in order to characterize the auditory evoked potentials obtained through speech stimuli that are spectrally and temporally more complex than the click stimuli. AIM: To characterize the click- and the speech-evoked ABR in children with a diagnosis of phonological disorder. METHODS: Auditory Brainstem Responses to both a click and speech stimulus (syllable /da/) were recorded in 36 children with normal bilateral hearing, with ages ranging from seven to 11 years old - 18 children with typical development (Control Group - CG) and 18 children clinically diagnosed with a phonological disorder (Study Group - SG). The quantitative data analysis was performed through the unpaired T Student test. Values of mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum, and p-value were obtained for the between group comparison. The qualitative data analysis was performed through the Fisher\'s Exact Test. The occurrence of normal and abnormal results was compared between groups. The relationship between the results of speech-evoked ABR and the PCC-R index (Percentage of consonants corrects Revised) of the SG was established by Pearson\'s correlation. RESULTS: In the click-evoked ABR, a statistically significant difference was observed on the between groups analysis for latency values of waves I, III and V in both ears, with higher latency values for the study group. However, no between group differences were observed in the qualitative data analysis regarding the occurrence of normal and abnormal results. In the speech-evoked ABR, a statistically significant difference was observed on the between groups analysis for the latency values of waves V and A. Similarly, a statistically significant difference between groups was observed on the qualitative data analysis of latencies of waves V and A when comparing the occurrence of normal and abnormal results. No significant correlations between the results of speechevoked ABR and the PCC-R index were observed in the group of children with phonological disorder. Conclusion: Children with phonological disorders present abnormal results in the speech-evoked ABR when compared to typically developing children. This was evidenced by the delay in conducting the electrical impulse through the brainstem, suggesting the existence of auditory pathway disorders in this region
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Potenciais evocados auditivos e esclerose múltipla / Auditory evoked potentials and multiple sclerosisOliveira, Caroline Rondina Salzano de 02 October 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Esclerose Múltipla é uma doença desmielinizante e autoimune, na qual ocorre a destruição da bainha de mielina por autoanticorpos. Esta destruição causa uma diminuição na velocidade de condução do impulso nervoso alterando, assim, as funções cerebral e neural. Para ocorrer o funcionamento adequado do sistema auditivo, tanto na sua porção periférica quanto na central há necessidade que o mesmo esteja íntegro. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de alterações nos potenciais evocados auditivos de curta (PEATE), média (PEAML) e longa (P300) latências em adultos audiologicamente normais com diagnóstico de Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente recorrente ou surto remissivo. MÉTODO: Para o grupo controle foram avaliados 25 indivíduos com histórico de desenvolvimento neurológico normal e sem queixa de zumbido, sendo 19 do gênero feminino e seis do masculino, com idade variando entre 25 e 55 anos (média de 35,16 anos de idade). Para o grupo pesquisa foram avaliados 25 indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente-recorrente ou surto-remissivo, seis do gênero masculino e 19 do feminino, com idades entre 25 e 53 anos (média de 34,88 anos de idade). Todos os indivíduos participantes da pesquisa realizaram audiometria tonal e vocal, medidas de imitância acústica e os potenciais evocados auditivos de curta, média e longa latências. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram ocorrência de alterações nos potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico e de média latência e no potencial cognitivo, em indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla. Com relação ao potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico, verificou-se aumento de latência das ondas III e V e dos interpicos I-III e I-V, sugerindo alteração de tronco encefálico baixo. No que diz respeito ao potencial evocado auditivo de média latência observou-se atraso nas latências das ondas Na e Pa e, para o potencial cognitivo, evidenciou-se aumento da latência do P300. Conclusão: Indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente recorrente apresentam alterações eletrofisiológicas observadas nos resultados dos potenciais evocados auditivos de curta e média latências e no potencial cognitivo, sugerindo comprometimento em diferentes locais do sistema nervoso auditivo central / INTRODUCTION: The Multiple Sclerosis is a demyelinating disease and autoimmune, which is the destruction of the myelin sheath of a selfantibodies. This destruction causes a decrease in impulse driving speed of nervous changing thus the brain and neural functions. To place the proper functioning of the auditory system, both in its peripheral portion as the central need that it is full. PURPOSE: This study aims to determine the occurrency of changes in auditory evoked potentials of short (PEATE), middle (PEAML) and long (P300) latencies in adults audiologically normal diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis remitting type of applicant or remissive outbreak. METHOD: For the control group were evaluated 25 individuals with a history of normal neurological development and without complaint from tinnitus, and 19 females and six males, with ages ranging between 25 and 55 years (average of 35.16 years of age) . To search the group were evaluated 25 individuals with Multiple Sclerosis-remitting type of applicant or flareremissive, six males and 19 females, aged between 25 and 53 years (average of 34.88 years of age). All individuals participating in the search conducted tone audiometry and speech, acoustic immitance measures brainstem auditory evoked potential, middle latency response and cognitive potential RESULTS: The results showed occurrencies of changes in brainstem auditory evoked potential and middle latency and cognitive potential in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Regarding the potential of brain stem auditory evoked, there was an increase in latency wave III and V and interpeaks I-III and IV, suggesting change in brainstem down. Regarding the auditory evoked potential of average latency there was delay in latencies of Na and Pa waves, and the potential for cognitive, showed an increase of latency of P300. Conclusion: Individuals with multiple sclerosis relapsing remitting type of applicant presents electrophysiological changes seen in the results of sound evoked short and middle latency and the potential cognitive suggesting impairment from different parts of the central auditory nervous system
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Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico e análise proteômica em ratos expostos a chumbo e suplementados com ferro / Brainstem auditory-evoked potential and proteomic analysis in rats exposed to lead and supplemented with ironZucki, Fernanda 21 June 2013 (has links)
A falta de consenso na literatura acerca dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo no sistema auditivo é notória, tanto em estudos clínicos quanto experimentais. Em adição, tem sido relatado que o ferro apresenta um efeito protetor na toxicidade cerebral causada pelo chumbo. Assim, estudos clínicos e bioquímicos têm sido realizados no intuito de compreender a relação entre o chumbo e o sistema auditivo, bem como identificar possíveis substâncias protetoras para a toxicidade deste metal. Neste sentido, no presente estudo verificou-se o processo maturacional do nervo auditivo e tronco encefálico, associado à análise proteômica da porção auditiva do tronco encefálico de ratos expostos a acetato de chumbo e suplementados com sulfato ferroso. O experimento foi realizado por seis semanas com 30 ratos (Rattus norvergicus, variedade Wistar) machos, recém-desmamados, divididos em seis grupos de cinco animais cada, sendo um controle, que recebeu água deionizada; dois grupos experimentais que receberam 100 mg/L de Pb(CH3COO)2 na água de beber, sendo administrado simultaneamente para um deles 20 mg/kg de FeSO4 a cada dois dias; dois grupos que receberam a dose de 400 mg/L de Pb (CH3COO)2 na água de beber, onde para um deles foi administrado simultaneamente 20 mg/kg de FeSO4 a cada dois dias e um grupo experimental que recebeu água deionizada e uma solução de 20 mg/kg de FeSO4 a cada dois dias. O processo maturacional do sistema auditivo foi verificado por meio da análise do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) em dois momentos distintos, antes e depois da exposição ao chumbo. Os animais foram então sacrificados, coletado sangue e removido o tronco encefálico. A concentração de chumbo no sangue e tronco encefálico, apresentou um efeito dose-resposta, confirmado pela alta correlação entre a concentração nos dois compartimentos (r2=0,905, p<0,0001), tendo o sulfato ferroso reduzido a concentração de chumbo no sangue e no tecido, embora a diferença só tenha sido significativa para o sangue grupo que recebeu 100 mg/L de Pb(CH3COO)2). Com relação ao PEATE observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa para o interpico I-II (p=0,049) nos grupos experimentais 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 e 400 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 e interpico I-IV, quando comparados os grupos 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 e 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 + FeSO4 (p=0,033). A análise proteômica apontou uma diminuição considerável no número de spots proteicos detectados em todos os grupos experimentais em relação ao controle, bem como uma redução na expressão do padrão proteico. Assim, o presente estudo reforça a hipótese do papel deletério do chumbo nas dosagens de 100 e 400 mg/L de Pb (CH3COO)2 na maturação do nervo auditivo e região do núcleo coclear, com possível efeito protetor do ferro. A análise proteômica do tronco encefálico de ratos demonstrou que o acetato de chumbo altera a expressão proteica desta estrutura, contudo o efeito protetor do sulfato ferroso não foi confirmado nas proteínas identificadas. / There is a lack of consensus in the literature about the toxic effects of lead in the auditory system, both in clinical and experimental studies. In addition to that, it has been reported that iron has a protective effect on brain toxicity caused by lead. Therefore, clinical and biochemical studies have been carried out to understand the relationship between Pb and the auditory function, as well as if the ferreous sulfate as an otoprotectant. In this study the maturational process of the auditory nerve and brainstem and the proteomic profile of the auditory portion of the brainstem of rats exposed to lead and supplemented with iron were evaluated. The experiment was carried out for six weeks with 30 wealing rats (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar), divided into six groups of five animals each: a control group that received deionized water; two experimental groups receiving 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 in drinking water, being given 20 mg/kg FeSO4 simultaneously to one of them every two days; two groups received 400 mg/LPb(CH3COO)2 in drinking water, where to one of them was given 20 mg/kg FeSO4 simultaneously every two days; and an experimental group that received deionized water and a solution of 20 mg/kg FeSO4 every two days. The maturational process of the auditory system was verified by analyzing the Brainstem Auditory-Evoked Potential (BAEP) at two different times, before and after lead exposure. The animals were sacrificed, their blood collected and brainstem removed. The concentration of lead in blood and brain stem showed a dose-response, confirmed by correlation between the concentration in the two compartments (rr2 = 0.905, p <0.0001). Ferreous sulfate reduced the levels of lead in blood and tissue, although the difference was only significant for blood (group receiving 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2). Concerning to BEAP we observed a statistically significant difference for the interpeak I-II (p = 0.049) in the experimental groups 100 and 400 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 and for the interpeak I-IV, when groups 100 and 100 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 + FeSO4 were compared (p = 0.033). The proteomic analysis showed a considerable decrease in the number of protein spots detected in all experimental groups compared to control, as well as a reduction in the expression pattern of the proteins. Thus, the present study reinforces the hypothesis of deleterious role of Pb in dosages of 100 and 400 mg/L Pb(CH3COO)2 in the maturation of the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus region, with a possible protective effect of ferreous sulfate. The proteomic analysis of the brainstem of rats showed that lead acetate alters protein expression of this structure. However, the protective effect of ferreous sulfate was not confirmed for the identified proteins.
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Benefícios do implante auditivo de tronco cerebral em adultos e crianças / Benefits of auditory brainstem implant in adults and childrenFernandes, Nayara Freitas 12 April 2018 (has links)
A avaliação do benefício do implante auditivo de tronco cerebral consiste em obter informações sobre o desempenho dos usuários nas atividades cotidianas e também verificar como o sistema auditivo central reage frente à estimulação elétrica, a fim de auxiliar a prática clínica e nortear o processo de reabilitação auditiva nesta população. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os benefícios do implante auditivo de tronco cerebral, a partir dos resultados da satisfação com o dispositivo, qualidade de vida, potencial evocado auditivo cortical e percepção da fala de adultos e crianças. Trata-se de um estudo clínico transversal descritivo prospectivo realizado na Divisão de Clínica Otorrinolaringológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Participaram desta pesquisa 24 usuários de implante auditivo de tronco cerebral, de ambos os sexos, sendo 12 adultos pós-linguais com idade variando de 26 a 60 anos de idade e tempo de uso do dispositivo variando de dez meses a 11 anos e 12 crianças/adolescentes pré-linguais com idade variando de quatro anos e três meses a 15 anos e tempo de uso do dispositivo variando de um ano e seis meses a oito anos e seis meses. Para avaliar todos os aspectos foram utilizados testes de reconhecimento de palavras e sentenças em contexto aberto e fechado, teste de leitura orofacial (modo visual e auditivo + visual), os questionários de qualidade de vida KINDLR (Questionnaire for Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents) para crianças e adolescentes, pais e/ou cuidadores e o questionário WHOQOL-BREF para os participantes adultos, o questionário SADL (Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life), adaptado culturalmente para o português brasileiro e a captação do potencial evocado auditivo cortical foi realizada em campo livre com os estímulos tone burst e complexo de Fala nas intensidades de 70 dB NA e 90 dB NA. Com relação à percepção da fala, os resultados mostraram que todos os adultos foram capazes de reconhecer palavras, quatro adultos conseguiram reconhecer sentenças em contexto fechado e dois adultos reconheceram sentenças em contexto aberto. No que diz respeito às crianças, todas foram capazes de detectar a presença de sinal de sons ambientais e/ou de fala, quatro crianças foram capazes de diferenciar palavras por meio dos traços suprassegmentares, todas as crianças usaram vocalizações indiferenciadas para se comunicar e cinco crianças foram capazes de usar palavras isoladas. Quanto à leitura orofacial, os resultados indicaram que dois sujeitos apresentaram melhora no desempenho, quando realizaram o reconhecimento de sentenças por meio da leitura orofacial somada à audição; quatro usuários permaneceram com o mesmo resultado e seis adultos pioraram o desempenho. No que se refere à qualidade de vida, os resultados indicaram que tanto os adultos quanto os pais das crianças usuárias de implante auditivo de tronco cerebral classificaram a qualidade de vida como boa e apresentaram resultados acima da média para todos os domínios avaliados. Quanto à satisfação com o dispositivo, os resultados indicaram que os adultos estão satisfeitos com os dados das subescalas efeitos positivos, fatores negativos e serviços e custos e encontram-se insatisfeitos em relação ao escore global e à subescala de imagem pessoal e os pais das crianças estão satisfeitos apenas com a subescala de serviços e custos. Com relação ao potencial evocado auditivo cortical, oito adultos e três crianças apresentaram presença de respostas eletrofisiológicas e no registro do P300 apenas dois adultos obtiveram respostas. Pode-se concluir que o implante auditivo de tronco cerebral trouxe benefícios para os usuários com uma ampla variedade de resultados e percepções relacionadas à percepção da fala, ao potencial evocado auditivo cortical, a qualidade de vida e satisfação com o dispositivo / The evaluation of the benefit of the auditory brainstem implant intends to obtain information about the performance of users in daily activities and also to verify how the central auditory system reacts to electrical stimulation in order to assist clinical practice and guide the process of auditory rehabilitation in this population. This study aimed to characterize the benefits of auditory brainstem implant, based on the results of device satisfaction, quality of life, auditory cortical evoked potentials, and speech perception of adults and children. This is a prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional clinical study conducted at the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic Division of the Hospital of Clínicas in the Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Twenty-four post-lingual adults with ages varying from 26 to 60 years of age and time of use of the device ranging from ten months to 11 years and 12 pre-lingual children / adolescents ranging from four years and three months to 15 years and time of use of the device ranging from one year and six months to eight years and six months. In order to evaluate all aspects, it was used the word and sentence recognition tests in open and closed context, lip reading test (visual and auditory + visual mode), KINDLR (Questionnaire for Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents) for children and adolescents, parents and / or caregivers and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire for adult participants, the SADL (Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life) questionnaire, culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and the capture of evoked potential auditory cortical was performed in the free field with the tone burst and Speech stimuli at the intensities of 70 dB NA and 90 dB NA. Regarding speech perception, the results showed that all adults were able to recognize words, four adults were able to recognize sentences in closed set and two adults were able to recognize sentences in open set. All children were able to detect the presence of environmental and / or speech sounds, four children were able to differentiate words through the suprasegmental traits, all children used undifferentiated vocalizations to communicate and five children were able to use isolated words. Regarding lip reading, the results indicated that two subjects showed improvement in performance, when the sentence was recognized through lip reading and hearing; four users remained the same result and six adults had worse performance. Regarding quality of life, the results indicated that both adults and parents of children rated quality of life as good and presented above-average results for all domains evaluated. Regarding satisfaction with the device, the results indicated that adults are satisfied with the data of the subscales positive effects, negative factors and services and costs and are dissatisfied with the overall score and subscale of personal image and parents of children are satisfied only with the subscale of services and costs. Regarding cortical auditory evoked potentials, eight adults and three children presented electrophysiological responses and in the P300 record only two adults obtained responses. It can be concluded that auditory brainstem implantation has brought benefits to users with a wide variety of outcomes and perceptions related to speech perception, auditory cortical evoked potential, quality of life and device satisfaction
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