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Vinkeln - Stadsdelshus i Tensta SpångaRadakovits, Minna January 2020 (has links)
I gestaltningen av min byggnad ville jag jobba med det rigida ortogonala systemet som organiserar område från stadsplaneringsskala ner till de enskilda bostadsenheterna.Att avvika från det på ett subtilt sätt skulle kunna skapa en effekt med enkla medel som känns mer än den syns och markera byggnadens funktion utan att göra den uppseendeväckande på andra sätt. Därför har jag valt att jobba utifrån ett snedställt rutnät som skapar rombiska rumsligheter, det ger en spännande effekt där det från vissa vinklar utifrån ser ut som att de är vanliga ortogonala väggar, men inne i byggnaden skapas mer spännande rumsligheter. Förutom detta har byggnadens stomsystem byggts på att det finns många knäckar och hörn, vilket bär byggnaden utan att skapa alltför långa spännvidder. Jag har valt att jobba med bärande tegel, delvis för att det ger en känsla av massivitet som bidrar till att få byggnaden att kännas både viktig och beständig, och delvis för att det både bryter mot de material som finns i området och ändå går ton i ton med den tegelröda färg som återfinns på många platser i Tensta. Det blir dessutom ett lekfullt samspel mellan det statiska teglet och den mindre konservativa formen på byggnaden. / A city hall exploring the geometry of parallellograms, the use of terraces and a central roof light system with a void throughout the building. The geometry chosen for the building, which is what has been a driving factor for the project’s progress throughout, is mainly meant to break from the rigid, often cube-like, structures in the surrounding area, but in a subtle way, so as to make a slight “offset” from the surrounding buildings. This is combined with brick, which matches the colour scheme of the nearby infrastructure, but has a more permanent and classic look. The buildings central transportation system is a stairwell that wraps around a gallery-void throughout the building. This not only brings light down to the depths of the bottom floor, but also guides the user throughout the space and creates a new spatial design. A café attached to one of the many terraces brings more people, even those with no official business in the building, into it and lets people sit and relax in the sun with a cup of coffee. On the bottom floor, an exhibition hall by the secondary entrances mirrors the art hall in the building on the opposite side of the square. The square sports an “avenue” of market stalls, where local residents can sell their artwork, and feel included in the art scene of the area.
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Will Local Retail Survive When eTail Comes to Town? : 10 Planning Actions in Response to Increased Impact of E-Commerce on Brick-and-Mortar Retail / Kommer närhandel att överleva när e-handel kommer till stan? : 10 planeringsåtgärder för att hantera de ökade effekterna av e-handel på traditionell butikshandelJóhannsson, Sigurjón January 2020 (has links)
Efter att e-handelsandelen av detaljhandeln har ökat har en förväntad och grundläggande förändring inom detaljhandeln ägt rum. Den framtida rollen för traditionell butikshandel i den byggda miljön är oklar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur och i vilken utsträckning detaljhandelssektorn har och kommer att förändras när förutsättningar och strategier för detaljhandeln ändras. I uppsatsen undersöks också på vilket sätt stadsplanering kan användas i syfte att möta utvecklingstrender och säkra butikshandelns fortsatta verksamhet. Efter genomförandet av en teoretisk studie, granskning av två detaljhandelskärnar i Reykjavík och genomförande och analys av semistrukturerade intervjuer presenteras tio planeringsåtgärder i ett strategiskt förslag. De viktigaste resultaten visar på att butikshandeln och e-handeln har börjat knytas samman på flera sätt. I stället för att se på e-handeln som ett problem som stör status quo, bör den betraktas som en utmaning som, om korrekt hanterad, kan förvandlas till en möjlighet. Att säkerställa fortsatt stadsförnyelse, reglera balansen mellan olika typer av verksamheter samt att uppmuntra till kreativ användning av stadens lokaler och platser är bland resultaten i det strategiska förslaget. Även i en tid av sociala medier, artificiell intelligens och det till synes oändliga flödet av information, kvarstår behovet av social kontakt – kanske viktigare nu än någonsin. / A foreseen fundamental change in retail following increased e-commerce share of retail sales has begun. The future role of traditional brick-and-mortar retail in the built environment is unclear. The aim of this thesis is to study how and to what extent the retail sector has and will change, in times of transforming retail practices, and by which means urban planning can be used for responding to the trend in order to ensure and sustain continued operations of brick-and-mortar retail. After carrying out a theoretical study, examining two retail cores in Reykjavík and conducting and analysing semi-structured interviews, ten planning actions are presented in a strategic proposal. The main findings suggest that brick-and-mortar retail and e-commerce have begun to merge in several ways. Rather than looking at e-commerce as a problem disturbing the status quo, it should be seen as a challenge that can be turned into an opportunity if handled appropriately. Ensuring ongoing urban regeneration, regulating moderate balance between operations and encouraging creative placemaking are among results listed in the strategic proposal. Even in the age of social media, artificial intelligence and the seemingly endless flow of information, the need of social contact remains – perhaps more important now than ever.
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Analysis of Brick Veneer on Concrete Masonry Wall Subjected to In-plane LoadsMarziale, Stephen 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Seasonal Migration and Circular Turmoil: A Geographic Narrative of Brick Factory Migrant Workers in the Kathmandu Valley, NepalShrestha, Rupak Prasad 05 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Blooming Factory : restorative habitats and cultivation of resourcesLundgren, Nike Erin Cassandra January 2022 (has links)
The Blooming Factory is a proposal to restore and care for the abandoned Nitrolack-factory and the surrounding industrial site of Lövholmen in Stockholm. The aim is to protect the character of the building and the site while transforming the program into spaces that support the city long-term as a neighboorhod of care that align with the cycles of nature and its use of natural resources. The project developed from the overall principle of Care and Bengt Warnes ‘Naturhus’ typology where the green house function as a structural framework for working with natural cycles in the built environment. Through cultivating the flow of resources such as energy, water, and food we also create pleasurable habitats for ourselves (and other creatures.) In the Blooming Factory, the existing building and the green house extension support each other as well as the neighbourhood. By extending the western brick façade with a greenhouse, the façade character is protected, and the material re-used both as structural support, isolation, and heat storage. The cultivation and harvesting of produce in the greenhouse support the existing building as well as the neighbourhood with food, energy, financial revenue, and knowledge.
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Calculating the dead load distribution in a cavity wallLindell, Oscar, Olsson, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Genom historien har flera olika tegelkonstruktioner använts. På 50-talet utvecklades skalmuren som idag dominerar tegelmarknaden. En studie har utförts i ett försök att förbättra hur skalmurar ska dimensioneras. Kommersiella beräkningsmodeller som används i dagsläget resulterar i överdimensionerade skalmurar där dyra konsoler möjligtvis används i onödan. Skalmurar utsätts i princip endast för sin egentyngd och är därför huvudlasten vid dimensionering. Syftet med rapporten är att utveckla en mer korrekt metod för uträkning av egenviktens fördelning i skalmurar för att minska belastningen i murverkets svaga områden. Detta kan i sin tur göra det möjligt att konsoler inte behöver användas för att förstärka de svaga delarna. Arbetet utforskar möjligheten att använda finita elementmetoden för att beräkna egentyngdens fördelning och utförs med programmet FEM-design. De nuvarande kommersiella beräkningsmodellerna använder sig inte av finita elementmetoden och skillnaderna mellan dessa två olika utgångslägen är okända. Rapportens huvudmål är att jämföra den nya metoden som tillämpar finita element metods beräkningar gentemot den gamla metodens beräkningar. Detta utförs genom att studera ett fiktivt exempel av en skalmur som med den gamla metoden hade behövt konsoler. Resultatet visade att den nya metoden kan förbättra egentyngdens fördelning i skalmuren och konsoler kan därför undvikas i detta fall. / Throughout Sweden’s history several distinct types of masonry constructions have been used. In the late 1950s the most common masonry construction that dominates today’s market was developed. A study has been conducted in an attempt to better understand how masonry constructions are to be designed. Commercial calculation methods applied for sizing cavity walls today results in oversized constructions that are reinforced with expensive consoles. The consoles are placed in the cavity wall for supporting the masonry were it would otherwise break. A new calculation method could prove these consoles to be an unnecessary expense. A cavity wall is by principal only exposed by its own dead-load and is therefor the main load when sizing the wall. The purpose of this study is to develop a more accurate method of calculating the spread of the deadload in the cavity walls masonry. This could prove that the weaker points in the wall is not in need of reinforcement by consoles. This study will investigate the possibility to use the finite element method for the calculation of the deadloads spread inside a cavity wall. Commercial calculation methods that are used today does not use the finite element method and the differences in these two initial states are unknown.
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The Walls of Dongshuiguan IslandSun, Zhuying 29 October 2019 (has links)
Walls are important elements in architecture design history. Walls have been used as barriers and as structural elements as well. The biggest scale of a wall is a city wall which can protect the whole city area as a fortification--boundary. Another scale is the wall around buildings, which can define a site, a landscape, and separate a building from its surroundings. At a smaller scale, walls divide spaces in buildings. From ancient times to modern times, the wall was developed into various shapes and functions with different kinds of materials. This thesis is a study of walls of different scales and their harmonious whole. I am very interested in the city walls of Nanjing, a famous Chinese old city very close to where I was born. These city walls were built more than 200 years ago. These old walls are combined with new walls to make a space for communication and a new public attraction for the city. People can see the walls, feel the walls and then know much about the walls and architectural space. Wall gallery, visitor center and cafe/gift shop are located in this wall garden that I call "Paradise Island". / Master of Architecture
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Managerial Decisions for Franchisors: A Case StudyWestrin, Alexander, Krasteva, Ivon Krasimir January 2024 (has links)
Background: Franchising is one of the most known and used business models for growing a company. It has been proven over the years and has many advantages and disadvantages. For a company to do it successfully and prove to be a profitable decision, it should be analyzed carefully from different perspectives. Purpose: This paper aims to provide a model and structure of how certain managerial factors affect the decision about a franchise store in the retail industry and its impacts on success. Ideas, concepts, theories, and information from previous research will be applied to a private company to analyze this model. The Research Question is: “To what extent do managerial factors concerning franchising a retail company affect its success?” Method: The effect of these managerial factors on the decision-making of franchisors was investigated through the use of real-life data from a private company. Several interviews with the owners of the company and a survey with current customers of the store were conducted to give insights and needed information for the analysis. Conclusion: This paper provides a model which can be used by a company that wants to franchise. Considering the different factors and following the steps, one can successfully decide if franchising is the right growing strategy for the company.
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Retail atmospherics effect on store performance and personalised shopper behaviour: A cognitive computing approachBehera, R.K., Bala, P.K., Tata, S.V., Rana, Nripendra P. 19 June 2021 (has links)
Yes / Abstract Purpose: The best possible way for brick-and-mortar retailers to maximise engagement with personalised shoppers is capitalising on intelligent insights. The retailer operates differently with diversified items and services, but influencing retail atmospheric on personalised shoppers, the perception remains the same across industries. Retail atmospherics stimuli such as design, smell and others create behavioural modifications. The purpose of this study is to explore the atmospheric effects on brick-and- mortar store performance and personalised shopper’s behaviour using cognitive computing based in-store analytics in the context of emerging market. Design/methodology/approach: The data are collected from 35 shoppers of a brick-and-mortar retailer through questionnaire survey and analysed using quantitative method. Findings: The result of the analysis reveals month-on-month growth in footfall count (46%), conversation rate (21%), units per transaction (27%), average order value (23%), dwell time (11%), purchase intention (29%), emotional experience (40%) and a month-on-month decline in remorse (20%). The retailers need to focus on three control gates of shopper behaviour: entry, browsing and exit. Attention should be paid to the cognitive computing solution to judge the influence of retail atmospherics on store performance and behaviour of personalised shoppers. Retail atmospherics create the right experience for individual shoppers and forceful use of it has an adverse impact. Originality/value: The paper focuses on strategic decisions of retailers, the tactical value of personalised shoppers and empirically identifies the retail atmospherics effect on brick-and-mortar store performance and personalised shopper behaviour.
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Utilization of Recycled Brick Powder as Supplementary Cementitious Materials - A Comprehensive ReviewSalli Bideci, Ö., Bideci, A., Ashour, Ashraf 26 July 2024 (has links)
Yes / Over the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted to explore alternative supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in order to address the environmental concerns associated with the cement industry. Bricks, which are frequently preferred in the construction sector, generate a lot of waste during the production and demolition of existing buildings, requiring environmentally sustainable recycling practices. Therefore, many studies have been carried out in recent years on the use of brick waste as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in cement mortar and concrete production. This critical review evaluates the impact of waste brick powder (WBP) on the mechanical and durability properties of mortar and concrete when used as a partial replacement for cement. It was observed that the properties of WBP-blended cement mortar or concrete depend on several factors, including WBP particle size, replacement ratio, pozzolanic activity, and mineralogical structure. The findings indicate that WBP with a particle size range of 100 µm to 25 µm, with a maximum cement replacement level of 10–20%, exhibits a positive impact on the compressive strength of both mortars and concretes. However, it is crucial to emphasize that a minimum curing duration of 28 days is imperative to facilitate the development of a pozzolanic reaction. This temporal requirement plays a vital role in realizing the optimal benefits of utilizing waste brick powder as a supplementary cementitious material in mortars and concretes.
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