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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrhy proměn baťovské architektury čtvrti Letná ve Zlíně / The Designs for Transformation of Bata's Architecture in Letná District, Zlín

Kaliská, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The increase of standard of living in Bata´s semi-detached house in the district Letná in Zlín.

Repurposing Huddinge Town Hall - Rethinking the function and reusing the concrete frame structure of a 1960s office building

Kåreceus, Elin January 2022 (has links)
During the autumn of last year, Huddinge municipality made the decision to build a new town hall and leave their current premises in a couple of years. The current town hall consists of three parts and together they add historical annual rings and high architectural quality to this area, which has been an administrative center in Huddinge since the 13th century. However, as of today the future of these buildings is uncertain and the office building may now face the risk of demolition. This diploma project is therefore investigating how the office building can be repurposed to prolong its life and prevent 7500 tons of load-bearing concrete to go to waste. The new program is housing and 40 new apartments have been created. The existing courtyards have been opened up and the removed concrete, bricks, and windows are reused to add a new floor. In the new proposal, 84% of the load-bearing structure is original, 9% is reused and 7% is new. There is a large variety of apartments, ranging from 28 m2 to 129 m2 to enable diversity

Skarpbadet : Public Bath in Skarpnäck

Karat, Lana January 2018 (has links)
Public Bath House / Badhus

Brukens Hus / Brukens Hus

Lundkvist, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
The project is a visitors’ centre for the Walloon milltowns in northern Uppland, Sweden.

Detection And Evaluation Of Exisiting Pavement System With Brick Base

Desai, Karishma 01 January 2004 (has links)
At the turn of the century, the City of Orlando initiated the "Neighborhood Horizon Program." This program involved local citizens to help improve their community resources by engaging in a process of planning where the problems associated with the communities were identified. Many residents favored to bring back the brick roads that were overlaid with asphalt concrete to provided better transportation in the mid 1900s. With majority of the neighborhood streets already bricked, removing asphalt ensured safety, served as a technique for slowing traffic, and added to the historical integrity. Since there were no official documentations available that stated the definite existence of bricks beneath the asphalt surface course, it would have been rather impossible to core hundreds of locations to ensure the whereabouts of these anomalies. Thus, without time delays and excessive coring costs, a nondestructive instrumentation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was employed in the detection of bricks. This geophysical survey system distinguishes materials based on their different electrical properties that depend upon temperature, density, moisture content and impurities by providing a continuous profile of the subsurface conditions. The Ground Penetrating Radar operates on the principle of the electromagnetic wave (EMW) theory. The main objectives of this study was to investigate the existing pavement by using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in detecting the brick base and to analyze the performance of pavement system for fatigue and rutting. The results of this study will assist the City of Orlando in removing asphalt layer, rebuilding of brick roads, and facilitate in better zoning and planning of the city. The construction of controlled test area provided with a good sense of brick detection, which helped in precise locations bricks for sections of Summerlin Avenue, Church Street and Cherokee Drive. The project demonstrated a good sense of detecting the subsurface anomalies, such as bricks. The validation of the profile readings was near to a 100%.

Byggdehuset / Byggdehuset

Daggfeldt, Harry January 2021 (has links)
Folkets hus med snickeri för allmänheten i ett litet kustsamhälle.  Projektet tar avstamp i en idé om att stimulera små samhällen runt Mälaren att växa fram från vattnet i stället för från landsvägen. Bilen ersätts av eldrivna båtar för pendling och frakt. Ett ökat fokus på landsbygder skapar möjligheter för lokala producenter att fortsätta sina verksamheter och erbjuda närodlade varor för de boende. Tanken om ett folkets hus med ett gemensamt snickeri handlar om att bygga själv efter egna förutsättningar och att ta vara på material. För vissa används platsen som en bas för ett renoveringsprojekt eller för att bygga sitt nya hem. För andra kan det vara en viktig social plats och fungera som en fritidsgård för närområdet.  Byggnaden står, delvis i vatten, på en grund av platsgjuten betong och har en solid tegelmur kompletterad med pelare och balkar i KL-trä. Byggnadens omformbarhet öppnar för framtida möjliga användningsområden för andra syften som till exempel idrottshall, skola eller kulturcenter. / Community center with public woodshop in a coastal village. The project is based on an idea to stimulate small communities around Lake Mälaren to grow from the seaside rather than from the road. The car is here being replaced by electric boats for commuting and shipping. An increased focus on rural areas creates opportunities for local producers to continue offer locally grown goods to the residents. The idea behind a community center with a public woodshop is to make use of material available and build things yourself according to your own prerequisites. The woodshop could be used as a base for renovation projects or to build elements of a new home. Equally important is the social function where the place can function as a leisure center for the local area. The building is situated partly in water. On a foundation of cast-in-place concrete stands a solid brick wall supplemented by columns and beams of cross-laminated timber. The open floor plan and the transformability of the building makes possible other future uses of the community center such as a sports hall, a school or a cultural center.

Factors that Affect the Strategic Choice of Sales Channels : A Study of the Swedish Clothing Retail Industry

BIÖRCK, DANIEL, THOMASSON, TOM January 2014 (has links)
The clothing retail industry has developed globally and is today one of the world’s largest industries. In recent years, Sweden has developed a competitive fashion industry, where the new trend in e-commerce is clear. Since e-commerce is a suitable strategy for rapid growth, it is especially important for managers to understand the impact e-commerce has on their businesses. To be able to have the ability to survive in the long-term industrial competitiveness, firms have to continuously improve their knowledge base about the factors that must be considered when choosing sales channels in the clothing retail industry. In this master thesis we have studied and analysed factors that must be considered when choosing sales channels. A literature review was done, where eleven initial factors that affect the choice of sales channels were identified. Thereafter, to conduct a comprehensive empirical study, we conducted eight case studies with semi-structured interviews with companies in the Swedish clothing retail industry, founded no longer than approximately a decade ago to cover the recent developments in the industry. The empirical study resulted in that six factors from the literature were reinforced and that four new factors were identified. These ten final factors were thereafter analysed from two main perspectives: company focus and consumer focus. Finally, the impact of the final factors on the three different sales channels; online, brick-and-mortar and retailing, was discussed. The ten final factors are: Marketing and Customer Loyalty, High Costs, Customer Behaviour, Outsourcing or Insourcing, Managerial Productivity, Intangibility and Tangibility, Fill a Gap, Customer Experience Control, Spread of Distribution and Type of Assortment. Our contribution to previous research is that this study has a more distinct company focus, and due to the development of e-commerce this study has captured the new characteristics of the industry.

Nya Mölnbo Gård / New Mölnbo Gård

Lejerbäck, Elina January 2021 (has links)
I höstas undersökte min studiegrupp tätorten Mölnbo som ligger 10 minuter med bil söder om Södertälje stad. Vi utvecklade en strategi som byggde på att flertalet omkring liggande tätorter kunde stärka varandra, i hopp om en starkare, mer sammansvetsad landsbygd. Vi föreslog nya friluftsspår som skulle länka samman dessa orter, med sevärdheter på vägen där målet var att lyfta fram det befintliga, istället för att ersätta det med nytt. Vår ambition var att göra friluftslivet lika och tillgängligt för alla, med hänsyn till de globala målen jämställdhet (5) och minskad ojämlikhet (10). I detta projekt har syftet varit att finna en plats som kan rymma Folkets Hus +. Genom höstens analys har jag funnit behovet av en verksamhet som kan attrahera och inkludera en mångfald av människor. Mölnbo har goda möjligheter att erbjuda denna plats med stor tillgång till öppen mark samt bra kommunikationer, tack vare sin pendeltågsstation. Hästsporten är en på många sätt segregerad sport som i dagsläget inte är tillgänglig för alla. För att ett barn eller ungdom ska involveras krävs ofta resursstarka och kunniga föräldrar. För människor med funktionsvariationer är kontakten med hästar och stallmiljö ofta begränsad. Jag vill i detta projekt skapa en holistisk häst- och djurverksamhet där fler kan vara delaktiga. Verksamheten  kommer även eftersträva ekologisk hållbarhet med ett cirkulärt tänk. I designprocessen har stråket fått en central roll utifrån analysen i höstas där gång-, cykel- och vandringsstigen lyftes fram. I detta projekt dominerar gångstråket och ridstigen, vilket gestaltas genom att de tillåts separera och penetrera byggnadskropparna. På platsen samsas människor och djur om utrymmet och min ambition är att sudda ut hierarkierna däremellan. Jag vill genom min design skapa nya typologier för mötet mellan djur och människa. Därför beter sig inte mitt projekt som en klassisk ridanläggning, som en uppmaning att hitta nya och mer tillgängliga sätt för människa och djur att mötas. / My group in the previous course explored the urban area of ​​Mölnbo, which is located 10 minutes by car southof the city of Södertälje. We developed a strategy that was based on making the small rural villages and urban areas nearby Mölnbo strengthen each other, in the hope of a stronger, more cohesive countryside. We proposed new outdoor trails that would link these places together, with sights along the trail where the goal was to highlight the existing, instead of replacing it with new. Our ambition was to make outdoor life equal and accessible to all, taking into account the global goals of gender equality (5) and reducing inequality (10). In this project, the aim has been to find a place that can accommodate Folkets Hus + which was this years theme for the candidate project. Through this autumn's analysis, I have found the need for a place that can attract and include a diversity of people. Mölnbo has good opportunities to offer this place with great access to open land and good communications, thanks to its commuter train station. Equestrian sport is in many ways a segregated sport in Sweden that is currently not available to everyone. In order for a child or young person to be involved resourceful and knowledgeable parents are often required. For people with different disabilities, contact with horses and stable environment is often limited. In this project, I want to create a Folkets Hus + where more people can participate and find ways to holistically associate with horses and other animals.  In the design process, the path has been given a central role based on the analysis in the autumn, where the walking, cycling and hiking path was highlighted. In this project, the walkway and the riding path dominate, which is shaped by allowing them to separate and penetrate the building bodies. At the site, people and animals share the space and my ambition is to erase the hierarchies between them. Through my design, I want to create new typologies for the meeting between animals and humans. Therefore, my project does not behave like a classic equestrian facility, as a call to find new and more accessible ways for humans and animals to meet.

Alviks strand - unity and refinement through minor interventions

Ejeby, Joel January 2023 (has links)
I have analyzed and improved the area of Alviks strand with a number ofcontributions, with the main goal of reprogramming existing office buildingsinto housing and to create a vibrant urban district. The buildings are allowedto remain, and not demolished and replaced. This saves roughly 16000 tons ofcarbon dioxide.I enhance the postmodern architecture, transform the office plans into apartments,reprogram the streets, develop the conference building and add a newelevator to the tram. Changes and additions that strengthen the existing buildingmass. The relatively new curved buildings are built to stand for 100 yearsand with my transformation, Alviks strand becomes a lively and accessiblepart of the city.

Nickstadalens hus för hantverk och scenkonst / Nickstadalen's House of Crafts and Performing Arts

Carolusson Ahlin, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Nickstadalens hus för hantverk och scenkonst är ett förslag på en ny hybridbyggnad i centrala Nynäshamns västra utkant. I området finns en populär badplats och camping, vilket gör platsen till en viktig samlingspunkt i Nynäshamn under sommarhalvåret. Dalen ramas in av permanent bebyggelse i form av lägenhetshus och villor. Under vinterhalvåret är platsen inte lika välbesökt. Därför kan järnvägsmuseet, som ligger strax norr om campingen, bara kan hålla öppet en gång i månaden under vintern.  Syftet med projektet är att skapa en hybridbyggnad i Nynäshamn där invånarna kan samlas för att utöva eller lära sig om hantverk, samt reparera till exempel möbler och kläder. Det i kombination med en plats för att uppleva eller utöva scenkonst. Byggnadens verkstäder kan både nyttjas av invånarna och av teatern för att bygga kuliss och sy upp kostym. Huset är placerat intill järnvägsmuseet på en yta som idag är outnyttjad. Projektets syfte är också att aktivera området även under vinterhalvåret, samt att skapa en fungerande helhet på tomten tillsammans med järnvägsmuseet. / Nickstadalen’s House of Crafts and Performing Arts is a proposal for a new hybrid building situated in Nickstadalen, an area on the west edge of central Nynäshamn. The site is an important node in Nynäshamn during the summer months because of its popular beach and camping. More permanent housing such as apartment buildings and villas frame the area. During winter the area is not as frequently visited. Therefore, the Railway Museum situated north of the camping grounds, is only open once a month during winter.  The aim of the project is to create a hybrid building in Nynäshamn where the inhabitants can gather and practice or learn about crafts and of how to repair furniture and clothes etc. Moreover, it is a space to practice or experience performing arts. The workshops can be used by the public or by craftsmen to make backdrops, props and costumes for the performances. The building is placed next to the museum, an area which of current state is wasteland. Additionally, the aim is to make Nickstadalen an attractive area all year round and to create an entirety on the plot together with the existing museum.

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