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Seved: Problembild, åtgärder och samverkanAndersson, Birk January 2012 (has links)
Abstrakt: Studien har genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer undersökt nyckelaktörers beskrivningar av problembilder och åtgärder i dagens Seved samt skillnader mellan beskrivningarna. Intervjudeltagarnas svar d v s resultat av uppsatsens metod har analyserats utifrån social desorganisation-teorin samt broken windows-teorin. Studiens resultat visar: att det finns stöd för flertalet av de beskrivna problembilderna/åtgärderna i dagens Seved att kopplas till social desorganisations-teorin samt dess utveckling i form av kollektiv styrka-teorin. En del av broken windows-teorins problembild kan kopplas samman till nyckelaktörers beskrivningar medan åtgärderna till största del inte överensstämmer med broken windows. Mellan nyckelaktörer finns skillnader vilka kan förklaras genom att fler nyckelaktörer i större grad grundar sina problembilder utifrån social desorganisation och färre i broken windows-teorin. Mellan vissa nyckelaktörer finns motstridiga skillnaderna vilka kan resultera i att vissa verksamheters åtgärder motverkar andra verksamheters åtgärder.
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Broken Promises: The Inconvenient Truth of Apartheid in Florida's Public SchoolsMoss, Sidney 01 January 2008 (has links)
This manuscript contains discussion and analysis of the growing number of public schools in the state of Florida that are increasingly more segregated than at the height of the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Further discussion and analysis on the influence that standardized testing, like the FCAT, has on the resegregation of public schools and the economic conditions of our Florida schools are also included. Interviews, field observations, and research data are provided and illustrate the burden that high stakes testing has on Florida's K-12 public schools, its teachers, principals, and the students who attend those schools. For the purposes of this study, I have explored the realms of Florida's deteriorating public education system through direct field study and observation in public schools across the state of Florida, as well as collecting published available data regarding funding, race, ethnicity, gender, and standardized test scores. I have visited schools in Miami-Dade County, Orange County, Seminole County, as well as Broward County, Florida, in order to better analyze the gap between the "have's" and the "have not's," across Florida's public schools. This research project has permitted my investigation to further dissect the linkage between school funding, standardized testing, school environments, and cultural conditions and roles played by economics, race, demographics, family income, social environment, and standardized testing.
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Protection and Cybersecurity of Inverter-Based ResourcesAlexander, Brady Steven 14 May 2024 (has links)
Traditionally, power system protection describes detecting, clearing, and locating faults in the power system. Traditional methods for detecting and locating faults may not be sufficient for inverter-based resources (IBR) as the fault response of an IBR differs from the response of a synchronous generator. As the composition of the power grid continues to evolve to integrate more IBRs that employ communication-based control algorithms; the power system is also exposed to cyberattacks. Undetected cyberattacks can disrupt normal system operation causing local outages. Therefore, power system protection must evolve with the changes in the grid to not only detect, locate, and clear faults with IBR generation but also detect and mitigate cyberattacks on IBR controllers. This thesis proposes methods for protecting an IBR-based transmission system from: (i) GPS spoofing cyberattacks on a power sharing controller; (ii) open-circuit faults. The GPS spoofing detection algorithm is a decision tree that enables either the proposed state observer--based mitigation technique or the proposed long short-term memory (LSTM)-based mitigation algorithm. The proposed logic for detecting open-circuit faults addresses each subcategory of open-circuit faults: breaker malfunctions, broken conductors, and series arc faults. PSCAD/EMTDC simulations are performed to test the effectiveness of the proposed methods. / Master of Science / The desire to reduce carbon emissions from electric power generation is resulting in the simultaneous retirement of fossil-fuel-burning electric power generation and increase in the number of renewable energy resources. These renewable energy resources, or inverter-based resources, respond differently to disturbances than traditional generators, and; therefore, require the development of new strategies to improve the disturbance response of an inverter-based resource. Disturbances in the power system can be divided into two types: (i) normal disturbances; (ii) abnormal disturbances. The response of an IBR to normal disturbances is improved with reliable control, further improved with communication, which ensures the stable operation of the power system. The abnormal conditions can also be split into two categories: (i) cyberattacks; (ii) faults. A cyberattack is when an adversary gains access a system with the goal of causing harm. In IBRs, cyberattacks can degrade power quality and lead to local outages. Faults are events that cause a change in the normal current flow in the power system. Undetected faults can cause local outages, lead to forest fires, and personnel injury; therefore, must be detected, located, can cleared in a timely manner. This work explores methods for detecting and mitigating cyberattacks and detecting faults in the presence of inverter-based resources.
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Identification and characterisation of novel zebrafish brain development mutants obtained by large-scale forward mutagenesis screening / Mutagenese von Zebrafischen und Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von neuen Mutanten mit Defekten in der frühen GehirnentwicklungKlisa, Christiane 14 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Developmental biology adresses how cells are organised into functional structures and eventually into a whole organism. It is crucial to understand the molecular basis for processes in development, by studying the expression and function of relevant genes and their relationship to each other. A gene function can be studied be creating loss-of-function situations, in which the change in developmental processes is examined in the absense of a functional gene product, or in gain-of-function studies, where a gene product is either intrinsically overproduced or ectopically upregulated. One approach for a loss-of-function situation is the creation of specific mutants in single genes, and the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has proven to be an excellent model organism for this purpose. In this thesis, I report on two forward genetic screens performed to find new mutants affecting brain development, in particular mutants defective in development and function of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), an organiser region that patterns the adjacent brain regions of the midbrain and the hindbrain. In the first screen, I could identify 10 specific mutants based on morphology and the analysis of the expression patterns of lim1 and fgf8, genes functioning as early neuronal markers and as a patterning gene, respectively. Three of these mutants lacked an MHB, and by complementation studies, I identified these mutants as being defective in the spg locus. The second screen produced 35 new mutants by screening morphologically and with antibodies against acetylated Tubulin, which marks all axonal scaffolds, and anti-Opsin, which is a marker for photoreceptors in the pineal gland. According to their phenotype, I distributed the mutant lines into 4 phenotypic subgroups, of which the brain morphology group with 18 mutant lines was studied most intensively. In the last part of my thesis, I characterise one of these brain morphology mutants, broken heart. This mutant is defective in axonal outgrowth and locomotion, and shows a striking reduction of serotonergic neurons in the epiphysis and in the raphe nuclei in the hindbrain, structures involved in serotonin and melatonin production. Studies in other model organisms suggested a role of factors from the floor plate and the MHB in induction of the serotonergic neurons in the hindbrain, and using broken heart, I show that Fgf molecules such as Fgf4 and Fgf8 can restore partially the loss of serotonergic neurons in the mutant. I conclude that forward genetic screens are an invaluable tool to generate a pool of mutations in specific genes, which can be used to dissect complex processes in development such as brain development.
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Identification and characterisation of novel zebrafish brain development mutants obtained by large-scale forward mutagenesis screeningKlisa, Christiane 09 January 2004 (has links)
Developmental biology adresses how cells are organised into functional structures and eventually into a whole organism. It is crucial to understand the molecular basis for processes in development, by studying the expression and function of relevant genes and their relationship to each other. A gene function can be studied be creating loss-of-function situations, in which the change in developmental processes is examined in the absense of a functional gene product, or in gain-of-function studies, where a gene product is either intrinsically overproduced or ectopically upregulated. One approach for a loss-of-function situation is the creation of specific mutants in single genes, and the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has proven to be an excellent model organism for this purpose. In this thesis, I report on two forward genetic screens performed to find new mutants affecting brain development, in particular mutants defective in development and function of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), an organiser region that patterns the adjacent brain regions of the midbrain and the hindbrain. In the first screen, I could identify 10 specific mutants based on morphology and the analysis of the expression patterns of lim1 and fgf8, genes functioning as early neuronal markers and as a patterning gene, respectively. Three of these mutants lacked an MHB, and by complementation studies, I identified these mutants as being defective in the spg locus. The second screen produced 35 new mutants by screening morphologically and with antibodies against acetylated Tubulin, which marks all axonal scaffolds, and anti-Opsin, which is a marker for photoreceptors in the pineal gland. According to their phenotype, I distributed the mutant lines into 4 phenotypic subgroups, of which the brain morphology group with 18 mutant lines was studied most intensively. In the last part of my thesis, I characterise one of these brain morphology mutants, broken heart. This mutant is defective in axonal outgrowth and locomotion, and shows a striking reduction of serotonergic neurons in the epiphysis and in the raphe nuclei in the hindbrain, structures involved in serotonin and melatonin production. Studies in other model organisms suggested a role of factors from the floor plate and the MHB in induction of the serotonergic neurons in the hindbrain, and using broken heart, I show that Fgf molecules such as Fgf4 and Fgf8 can restore partially the loss of serotonergic neurons in the mutant. I conclude that forward genetic screens are an invaluable tool to generate a pool of mutations in specific genes, which can be used to dissect complex processes in development such as brain development.
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The CPTED principles in physical planning in Vivalla : An analysis of how safety and security can be improved through the design of urban environments in a particularly vulnerable area in Sweden / CPTED - principerna i den fysiska planeringen i Vivalla : En utredning av hur trygghet och säkerhet kan förbättras genom utformningen av stadsmiljön i ett utsatt område i SverigeSameer, Massara, Brolin, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how physical planning can prevent crime and increase safety in an urban environment, with the theoretical starting point in Crime prevention through environmental design, CPTED, and the Vivalla area. Vivalla is located in Örebro and was chosen because it is a particularly vulnerable area. The district is under reconstruction with a completely renovated quarter, Visgatan. The questions and purpose are fulfilled through a literature study and document study supplemented with an interview and a location observation. The interview was held in place at Örebro Bostäder's office and the interviewees were the company's district manager and a project developer. The theoretical part of the report aims to provide an understanding of how safety, security and crime are connected to the physical urban environment. Also how planners can make use of different theories and apply these in practice to achieve as safe and secure an environment as possible. The results of the study show that the project did not follow any theoretical model in terms of physical design, but that several of the CPTED-principles can still be connected to the reconstruction of Vivalla. The analysis chapter describes how the principles have been implemented and to what extent. The case study leads to the conclusion that the safety on Visgatan has increased after the redevelopment and there are fewer crimes on Visgatan than the rest of Vivalla, which could potentially be due to the measures taken during the redevelopment. / Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur den fysiska planeringen kan förebygga brott och öka tryggheten i en stadsmiljö, med teoretiska utgångspunkten i Crime Prevention through environmental design, CPTED, och området Vivalla. Vivalla ligger i Örebro och valdes på grund av att det är ett särskilt utsatt område. Stadsdelen är under ombyggnation med ett färdigrenoverat kvarter, Visgatan. Frågeställningarna och syftet uppfylls genom en litteraturstudie och dokumentstudie kompletterat med en intervju och ett platsbesök. Intervjun hölls på plats på Örebro Bostäders kontor och de som intervjuades var bolagets distriktschef och en projektutvecklare. Rapportens teoridel syftar till att ge en förståelse kring hur trygghet, säkerhet och brottslighet hänger ihop med den fysiska stadsmiljön. Även hur planerare kan ha användning av olika teorier och tillämpa dessa i praktiken för att uppnå en så trygg och säker miljö som möjligt. Studiens resultat visar att projektet inte följt någon teoretisk modell vad gäller fysisk utformning, men att flera av CPTED-principerna ändå går att koppla till ombyggnationen av Vivalla. Analysavsnittet redogör hur principerna har implementerats och i vilken utsträckning. Fallstudien leder fram till slutsatsen att tryggheten på Visgatan har ökat efter ombyggnationen och det sker färre brott på Visgatan än övriga Vivalla, vilket potentiellt skulle kunna bero på åtgärderna som vidtagits under ombyggnationen.
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Att förändra en gatas rykte : En fallstudie om Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm / To change the reputation of a street : A case study of Malmskillnadsgatan in StockholmBerggren, Linus, Pettersson Capasso, William January 2023 (has links)
Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm har trots sitt centrala läge mitt i Stockholm där mycket folk är i rörelse runtom, blivit synonymt med kriminella aktiviteter och blivit en gata som folk anser vara dyster och oattraktiv. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur aspekter inom den bebyggda miljön påverkar aktivitet och trygghet i gatumiljöer samt hur de påverkar människors upplevelse av gatumiljön. Fokus kommer att ligga på Malmskillnadsgatan och det upprustningsprojekt som Vasakronan, tillsammans med Stockholms stad, har utfört. För att uppfylla syftet har en fallstudie av Malmskillnadsgatan gjorts i form av dokumentanalys, platsbesök och intervjuer med brukare samt en anställd på Vasakronan. Arbetet har utgått från ett teoretiskt ramverk där kopplingen mellan bebyggd miljö, attraktivitet och aktivitet samt bebyggd miljö och trygghet har analyserats. De teorier som använts är Gehls perspektiv på attraktiva gatumiljöer. Ewing och Handys fem kvaliteter för ett aktivt gatuliv, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Broken window theory samt Routine activity theory. Dokumentanalysen visade att en kombination av brist på utbud av aktivitet, oattraktiv och stängd arkitektur och gatans läge jämfört med omkringliggande gator bidrog till att skapa låg naturlig genomströmning och lågt flöde på gatan. Platsbesöket visade att gatan har förbättrats utifrån flera av de teorier som nämnts i det teoretiska ramverket. De tidigare stängda fasaderna har öppnats upp och införandet av aktivitet i bottenvåning, främst i form av restaurangverksamhet, har bidragit till ett större flöde. Brukarintervjuerna visade att en klar majoritet tyckte att Malmskillnadsgatan blivit mer attraktiv och trygg efter ombyggnationen, dock främst enbart vid fastigheten Hästskon 12. Flera respondenter tycker att övriga delar av gatan fortfarande är oattraktiva och otrygga och bilden av att gatan dör ut på kvällar och helger finns fortfarande kvar. Arkitekturen och införandet av restaurangverksamhet nämndes främst som faktorer som fått gatan att bli mer attraktiv. Flödet av människor som dessa skapat var den främsta orsaken till att flera av respondenterna kände sig trygga. Förslag på ytterligare förbättringar var större variation i aktivitetsutbudet, mer aktiva bottenvåningar på övriga delar av gatan samt bättre belysning. / Malmskillnadsgatan in Stockholm, despite its central location in the heart of Stockholm with a lot of people moving around, has become synonymous with criminal activities and has been perceived as a gloomy and unattractive street. This study aims to investigate how aspects of the built environment affect activity and safety in urban environments, as well as how they influence people's perception of the street environment. The focus will be on Malmskillnadsgatan and the redevelopment project carried out by Vasakronan, in collaboration with the City of Stockholm. To fulfill the purpose, a case study of Malmskillnadsgatan has been conducted through document analysis, site visits, and interviews with users and an employee of Vasakronan. The study is based on a theoretical framework that analyzes the connection between the built environment, attractiveness, and activity and between the built environment and safety. The theories used include Gehl's perspective on attractive street environments, Ewing and Handy's five qualities for vibrant street life, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), the Broken Window theory, and the Routine Activity Theory. The document analysis revealed that a combination of a lack of activity offerings, unattractive and closed architecture, and the street's location compared to surrounding streets contributed to the low natural flow and low activity on the street. The site visit showed that the street has improved according to several of the theories mentioned in the theoretical framework. The previously closed facades have opened up, and the introduction of activities on the ground floor, mainly in the form of restaurants, has contributed to increased flow. User interviews indicated that a clear majority felt that Malmskillnadsgatan had become more attractive and safer after the redevelopment, primarily in the vicinity of Hästskon 12. However, several respondents still found other parts of the street unattractive and unsafe, and the perception that the street dies out in the evenings and on weekends persists. The architecture and the introduction of restaurant activities were primarily mentioned as factors that made the street more attractive. The flow of people they created was the main reason several respondents felt safe. Suggestions for further improvements included greater variety in the range of activities, more active ground floors in other parts of the street, and better lighting.
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Part I. Previous analyses of samples of women in the 1950's revealed that intentions for further births were affected by the sex of the previous children. More recent analyses found however that the effect of previous childrens' sex on fertility intentions has either diminished or disappeared completely, and some writers on the subject concluded that the decline in family size norms could account for that finding. The research reported herein, using samples of married women interviewed in the 1965 and 1970 National Fertility Studies, shows that at least among women with two children there has been no change over time in the tendency for mothers of similar sex children to be more likely to want an additional child than mothers of opposite sex children. The persistence of that tendency among mothers of two children argues strongly for including the sex of previous children as an independent variable in models of fertility intentions, since the decline in family size norms makes factors which affect the decision to have (or not have) a third child increasingly important. Part II. Since Stouffer's pioneering effort to ascertain the public's intolerance of various nonconformists, numerous researchers have relied on summary measures and scales to investigate intolerance and have stressed the effects of such general processes as aging and education on such measures. Parallel analyses of four of Stouffer's original items that were recently replicated and of four items included in the 1958 and 1971 Detroit Area Studies schedules indicates however that the use of such summary measures or scales is unjustified and that the processes of education and aging alone are inadequate in explaining changes in intolerance over time. While a small proportion of both samples are consistently (and perhaps ideologically) tolerant or intolerant in their responses to both sets of items, most respond situationally to the items and changes in tolerant and intolerant responses over time vary according to the item considered. Differential change by color in the Detroit sample suggests that short term and less predictable period effects must be considered (along with such general processes as aging and education) in explaining the level of intolerance at any given time, and changes in that level over time. Part III. An analysis of juveniles attending six Arizona high schools in the fall of 1975 shows that how homes were disrupted (by death, divorce or separation, or some other reason) has little impact on delinquent behavior and referrals to court, but whether homes were broken had a strong and consistent effect on both. Further, whereas it was the absence of a mother or father which affected the juveniles' delinquent behavior, it was the absence of a mother (but not a father) which affected their being referred to court.
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A Study to Determine the Differences in Scholastic Achievement and Sociometric Standing Between Children from Broken and Unbroken HomesCooke, Eunyce Allen 08 1900 (has links)
The problem presented in this study is to determine if any differences exist in the sociometric standing and the scholastic achievement between children from broken homes and children from unbroken homes. The purpose of the study is to make a comparison of the sociometric standing and scholastic achievement of two selected groups of pupils to determine if differences exist and to what extent they exist.
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Postupy pro detekci změny v některých speciálních regresních modelech / Postupy pro detekci změny v některých speciálních regresních modelechExnarová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Title: Detection of change in some special regression models Author: Bc. Petra Exnarová Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Marie Hušková, DrSc. Abstract: Presented thesis deals with testing of change in three special cases of change-point analysis. First of them is case of continuous change in linear regression (so-called broken-line model), the other two are related to change in parameters of discrete value distributions - simple case of Bernoulli distributed variables is studied first and then the approach is generalized for case of Multi- nomial distribution. Both situations of known and unknown change point are described for all three cases. Beside approximation by using limit theorems, the bootstrap method and permutation test are described for all studied cases as well. The comparison of critical values gained by different approaches for the particular tests and small power analysis is done using simulations. Keywords: change-point analysis, broken-line model, discrete distribution, boot- strap, permutation test 1
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