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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychologie investora na trhu FOREX / Psychology of an investor on the Forex market

Polnický, Martin January 2013 (has links)
In the introduction, this dissertation about "Psychology of an investor on the Forex market" introduces to the reader the prerequisites for trading on the foreign exchange market. On a theoretical level, it deals mostly with fundamental, technical as well as psychological analysis of prediction of development of exchange rates on the Foreign Exchange Market. Theoretical part also includes an outline of basic criteria for choosing a Forex broker and introduction of a trading platform. Practical part of the dissertation focuses on comparing and choosing a broker, plus the process for opening a real trading account; creating a trading plan and strategy, which will be used to apply different tools and indicators of technical analysis of inter-day trading of EUR/USD pair. In the conclusion, trading system created by myself is evaluated and psychological phenomenon affecting investors' decision-making during real Forex trading. This dissertation deals only with Spot Forex market, because trading through FX brokers is done on the Spot market.

Výhody a nedostatky právní úpravy realitní praxe / Advantages and Disadvantages of Legal Regulations of Reality Estate Practice

Rajmicová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The goal of my thesis is to assess the Real estate market in terms of law. I chose this topic because I take an interest in it both as a graduate of The Faculty Of Law and as a student of The Real Estate Engineering. There is no such thing as legal regulations of the reality matters in an integrated lex so far; the regulations are divided into several laws and ordinances. In the routine practise there often occur cases that are not governed by law at all. My task is not only to explain some problems and situations that may arise in this area and consider main advantages of the up to now legislation within the Czech Republic, but also to point out the main deficiencies and suggest a possibility of legislative changes. In the first chapter I explain several basic concepts that often appear in my thesis. The second chapter concerns the realities and the Real estate markets, where I put forward the legal regulations and also furnish information on the realities abroad and in Space. In the third chapter I deal with Real estate agencies, their importance, origin, structure, sorts and also other organisations that are connected to Real estate agencies. In the fourth chapter I describe the Real estate business, meaning juristic services of a Real estate agency and selling and leasing a real property. I also present contracts related to the Real estate business and the tax matters concerned while dealing with realties. In the fifth chapter I explain the work of a Real estate broker, his certification, professional education and at the end I explain what an ethical codex is. The sixth chapter sums up the whole thesis and evaluates individual parts.

Message brokers in a microservice architecture / Meddelandemäklare i en mikrotjänstarkitektur

Antonio, Christian, Fredriksson, Björn January 2021 (has links)
The microservice architectural pattern refers to a system consisting of independently deployable services that communicate across networks. RabbitMQ is a popular message broker that can be used to make this communication possible. An alternative to this is Amazon Simple Queuing Service (SQS), which is a fully managed queuing service. By performing a literature- and case study, two systems with a microservice architecture are developed. One using RabbitMQ to communicate between the services, and the other using Amazon SQS. The systems are compared, with regards to message latency, ease of use and maintainability. The results show that RabbitMQ provides much lower message latency than Amazon SQS. Amazon SQS is however both easier to maintain and to use than RabbitMQ. / En mikrotjänstarkitektur syftar till ett system bestående av tjänster som kan driftsättas oberoende av varandra och som kommunicerar över nätverk. RabbitMQ är en populär meddelandemäklare som nyttjas för att möjliggöra ovan nämnd kommunikation. Ett alternativ till detta är Amazon Simple Queueing Service (SQS), vilket är en meddelandetjänst som helt och hållet förvaltas av Amazon. Genom att utföra en litteratur- och fallstudie utvecklas två system med en mikrotjänstarkitektur. Det ena nyttjar RabbitMQ för kommunikation mellan tjänster, medan det andra använder Amazon SQS. Båda systemen jämförs därefter med hänsyn till meddelandens fördröjning, användarvänlighet samt enkelhet att underhålla. Resultaten visar att meddelanden skickade genom RabbitMQ har mycket lägre fördröjning än de skickade genom Amazon SQS. Ur perspektiven användarvänlighet och enkelhet att underhålla är Amazon SQS ett mer fördelaktigt akternativ än RabbitMQ.

Replicating the retailers' trading imbalance anomaly : A quantitative study about excess return opportunities on Swedish Small Cap listed firms

Kroon, Erik, Karlsson, Tom January 2021 (has links)
Previous research conducted on the US markets has found that retailers' trading imbalances can contribute to excess return opportunities, especially on Small Cap stocks. Therefore, we argue that this can be seen as an anomaly. However, anomalies that are found historically may not tell the whole truth. This is because these anomalies have been established on respective studies' specific markets and time periods. Researchers that have investigated the issue argue that it is essential to further challenge anomalies by replicating them in other settings to see if the evidence still holds. Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine if the retailers' trading imbalance anomaly can be replicated on Swedish Small Cap listed firms. We have examined this by using cross-sectional regressions in the spirit of Fama and MacBeth. This thesis concludes that the retailers’ trading imbalances cannot be replicated when applied to the chosen setting. We argue that the reasons for this are that retailers’ trading imbalances are not persistent, are not compensated when providing liquidity into the markets, and that it does not contain useful information about future stock returns. In addition, we also argue that inherent differences in the US markets compared to the Swedish Small Cap listed firms are affecting our possibility to successfully replicate the anomaly.

Återkallade registreringar - toppen av ett isberg? : En studie om faktorer som kan påverka riskbenägenhet / Revoked registrations - the tip of an iceberg? : A studie on factors that can affect risk preference

Björklin, Markus, Cuison Stigen, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att behandla de faktorer som har stor påverkan på fastighetsmäklarens riskbenägenhet gentemot fastighetsmäklarlagen. Eftersom det finns många faktorer som kan påverka en individs riskbenägenhet så har arbetet begränsats till att omfatta: - Lönesättning. - Företagskultur. - Mäklarens upplysningsplikt och lockpriser. - SOU 2018:64 med hänsyn till tillsynen över mäklarföretag samt individerna inom dessa. - Verksam inom mäklarbranschen efter återkallad registrering. Den sistnämnda punkten har tagits med då vi under arbetets gång lade märke till att många mäklare som fått sin registrering återkallad fortfarande var aktiva inom branschen i en annan befattning. Arbetet tar upp mäklares (båda aktiva och de som fått sin registrering återkallad), intresseorganisationerna: FMF (Fastighetsmäklarförbundet) och Mäklarsamfundet samt Fastighetsmäklarinspektionens åsikter i frågan. En kvalitativ metod har använts där data från Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen har samlats in gällande mäklare som fått sin registrering återkallad mellan perioden 2016-2020. Datan har analyserat och dessa, 26, individer har sedan intervjuats (de som valde att ställa upp). Vi har även intervjuat aktiva mäklare, FMF, Mäklarsamfundet samt Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen för att få en mer rättvis bild av verkligheten. Intervjuerna skedde per telefon, med undantag för två intervjuer som skedde per mail. Bakgrunden till att vi valda telefonintervjuer var för att detta skulle underlätta i de fall följdfrågor dök upp och på grund av det rådande läget med Covid-19 så var detta det bästa alternativet. Det finns som sagt många faktorer som kan påverka en mäklares benägenhet att ta risker. Med risk i detta arbete menas att mäklaren utför en medveten handling som bryter mot fastighetsmäklarlagen för egen vinning. Ofta kan det vara på säljaren eller köparens bekostnad. Några faktorer som vi tror har stor påverkan på risk och som vi därför valt att undersöka är lönesättning och företagskulturen. Gällande lönesättningen, som ofta är provisionsbaserad inom mäklarbranschen, så finns det risk att intressekonflikter uppstår för mäklaren. Likaså finns det uppenbara intressekonflikter mellan köparens och säljarens intressen som mäklaren ska tillvarata. Dessa intressekonflikter anser vi ger ökade incitament för mäklaren att ta högre risker i sitt yrkesutövande. Utifrån vårt resultat så finns det indikationer som tyder på att samtliga individer som blev intervjuade delade samma uppfattning som oss. Företagskulturen är en mycket intressant och viktig aspekt för den enskilde mäklarens agerande. Både kollegor och chefer kan, enligt detta arbete och tidigare forskning, påverka den enskilde mäklarens riskbenägenhet. Som chef över ett mäklarkontor innehas ett stort ansvar för att sprida rätt kultur och etiska förhållningsregler gentemot säljare och köpare. Speciellt som nyanställd och nyexaminerad mäklare finns mycket att lära av det praktiska som till viss del inte tas upp under utbildningen. Att ha bra förebilder är en betydande faktor för att själv agera korrekt som mäklare. I lagförslaget för den nya fastighetsmäklarlagen så kommer även Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen kunna utöva tillsyn över chefer och personer i företagsledningen bland mäklarföretagen, förutsatt att detta förslag går igenom. Vi anser att detta lagförslag är ett steg i rätt riktning och att detta skulle kunna bidra till att riskbenägenheten inom branschen minskar. / The purpose of this thesis is to address the factors that have a major impact on brokers risk propensity towards Fastighetsmäklarlagen. Because there are many factors that can affect an individual's risk propensity this thesis has been limited to: - Wage setting. - Corporate culture. - Broker's obligation to provide information and bait prices. - SOU 2018:64 with regard to the supervision of brokerage companies and the individuals within them. - Active within the brokerage industry after revoked registration. The latter point has been taken into account because we noticed during the course of this thesis that many brokers who have had their registration revoked were still active within the industry in a different position. The thesis addresses brokers (both active and those who have had their registration revoked), interest organizations: FMF (Fastighetsmäklarförbundet), Mäklarsamfundet and Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen views on the matter. A qualitative method has been used where data from Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen has been collected and analysed regarding brokers who have had their registration revoked between the period 2016-2020. These individuals, 26, have thereafter been interviewed (those who chose to participate). We have also interviewed active brokers, FMF, Mäklarsamfundet and Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen to get a more accurate picture of reality. The interviews were conducted by telephone, with the exception of two interviews which were conducted by mail, as this was more convenient when we had follow-up questions and because of the prevailing situation with Covid-19, this was the best option. As mentioned, there are many factors that can affect a broker's tendency to take risks. By risk in this thesis we mean that the broker performs a deliberate act that violates Fastighetsmäklarlagen for his or her own gain. This is often done at the seller's or the buyer's expense. Some factors that we believe have a major impact on risk and therefore chose to investigate were wage setting and the corporate culture. With regard to wage setting, which is often commission-based in the brokerage industry, there is a risk that conflicts of interest arise for the broker. Similarly, there are obvious conflicts of interest between the interests of the buyer and the seller that the broker must take into consideration. We believe that these conflicts of interest provide increased incentives for the broker to take higher risks in his/hers professional practice. Based on our results, there are indications that all individuals who were interviewed shared the same view as us. The corporate culture is a very interesting and important aspect for the individual broker's behavior. According to this study and previous research, both colleagues and managers can influence the individual broker's risk propensity. As head of a broker's office, there is a great responsibility for spreading the right culture and ethical rules towards sellers and buyers. Especially as a newly hired and newly graduated broker, there is much to learn from the practical practice that to some extent does not have any room during the education. Having good role models is an important factor in acting correctly as a broker. In the bill for the new Fastighetsmäklarlagen Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen will be able to exercise supervision over managers and people in corporate management among the brokerage firms, provided that this bill will go through. We believe that this bill is a step in the right direction and that this could help to reduce the risk propensity in the industry.

Fastighetsmäklarbyråer på sociala medier : Varumärkeskommunikation och digitala strategier för mäklarbranschens nischade aktörer / Real Estate Broker Agencies on Social Media : Brand Communication and Digital Strategies for Niche Agencies

Klasson, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Stockholms mäklarvärld präglas av hård konkurrens, vilket har tvingat mäklarbyråer att fokusera på skapandet av ett starkt och unikt varumärke. Samtidigt diversifieras branschen genom att många mindre, nischade byråer tar sig plats på marknaden. Den här studien undersöker hur några av dessa företag arbetar för att nå ut till allmänhet-en med sina varumärken. Tonvikten ligger på deras digitala strategier och arbete på sociala medier och jämförs till viss del med övriga mäklarbranschens arbete. Fyra te-man genomsyrar uppsatsen: det första temat behandlar skapandet av varumärken och dess betydelse för mäklarbyråer. Därefter diskuteras diskrepansen, och arbetet för att minska den, mellan företags identitet och image. Dessa två teman kopplas sedan ihop med förväntningar på, och fördelar med, digitala strategier för varumärkeskommuni-kation. Slutligen undersöks vilka typer av kommunikationsstrategier som brukas på sociala medier. Slutsatsen som dragits av denna uppsats är att digitala strategier krä-ver resurser, kunskap och energi i uppstarten och att de sedan kontinuerligt bör upp-dateras. Det arbete som läggs ner på att utforma dem lönar sig både för varumärket och för de objekt som publiceras på mäklarbyråers olika konton. / Stockholm's brokerage world is characterized by fierce competition. This has forced brokerages to focus on the creation of a strong and unique brand. At the same time, the industry is becoming more diversified by the fact that many smaller niche agencies are entering the market. This study investigates how some of these agencies work in order to reach the public with their brands. Emphasis is placed on their digital strategies as well as their work on social media and is compared to some extent with the work of other brokers. There are four main themes of the thesis: the first theme attends to the creation of brands and its importance to brokerage agencies. Thereafter the discrepancy between identity and image, and the work to reduce it is discussed. These two themes are thereafter connected to expectations upon, and benefits from, digital strategies for brand communication. Lastly is  companies and brokerage agencies communication strategies on social media analyzed. The main conclusion of this thesis is that digital strategies require resources, knowledge and energy during the initial phase, and should, in addition to this, be continuously updated. The work which is put in to design the digital strategies will pay off for the brand as well as for the home-owners, whose homes are published on the accounts of the different brokerage agencies.

Ledarskapets påverkan på prestation i säljande yrken: En kvalitativ studie inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen

Sigrén, Filip, Theorin, Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om ledarskap i provisionsbaserade yrken och ledarskapets betydelse för fastighetsmäklarens prestation.Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt med en abduktiv ansats och består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med medarbetare verksamma i fastighetsmäklarbranschen.Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visar att ledaren har inflytande på en fastighetsmäklare och dennes prestationer. Det är framför allt nya fastighetsmäklare är i behov av mer stöd och hjälp av sin ledare för att kunna prestera, men resultatet visar även att erfarna fastighetsmäklare önskar tillgänglighet för stöd i vissa situationer som hjälper dem att prestera.Examensarbetets bidrag: Den här studien bidrar till kunskap om ledarskapets påverkan på prestation i säljande yrken, inriktat mot fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Studien visar i flera fall att ledarens ledarskap har inverkan på fastighetsmäklarens prestation, särskilt i början då fastighetsmäklarna var nya inom yrket. Studien visar även att vilket ledarskap fastighetsmäklaren önskar att deras chef ska använda sig av kan förändras över tid.Förslag till framtida forskning: Förslag till framtida studier är att genomföra liknande studier i olika sammanhang för att undersöka hur ledarskap påverkar prestation inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Det vore intressant att intervjua fastighetsmäklare på inom andra geografiska områden, till exempel mindre städer eller enbart fokusera på en storstad. Det vore även intressant att inkludera ett större antal fastighetsmäklare, för att kunna fördjupa sig i både de nyexaminerade fastighetsmäklarnas perspektiv och fastighetsmäklarna med längre erfarenhet.

Transaktionsprocess och transaktionskostnader för småfastigheter : en internationell jämförelse

Lindqvist, Sylwia January 2006 (has links)
The study deals with real estate transaction for one-family houses and aims to compare and analyse the transaction processes and costs in six countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Poland, England and USA. The study identifies the main features of the normal transaction in each country and tries to measure the costs of the process. A basic description of the role of the real estate agent/broker is presented, referring among others to legal role of the agent/broker and the requirements for being allowed to work as real estate agent/broker. The conclusions of the study are that transaction processes differ considerably between the countries and that transaction costs vary. Only in Sweden and Norway, can and may a real estate broker carry out the whole transaction while in Poland, England and USA either a notary, an attorney or an otherwise authorized person is also required in the process. In Finland a purchase witness is required to confirm the purchase. It is difficult to arrange the countries in a clear way according to their rules, because even if a group of countries resemble each other in some aspects, they differ in others. There is no clear connection between how large part a real estate broker plays in the process and the broker’s education level. The total transaction costs excluding taxes vary from approx. 3-3.5 % of selling price in Norway and Sweden and up to approx. 8-8.5 % of selling price in USA and Poland. The transaction cost is, for example, lower if the recording system is well arranged, if a real estate broker has a bigger part in the process and the conveyancer, the professional who assists in the legal transfer of property, is impartial. The cost can also, but not always, be lower if only one real estate broker works with one commission and if the real estate broker is impartial, i.e. is enjoined to assist both parts in the process. In the countries where a real estate broker has a higher level of education and plays bigger part in the process, the estate agents remuneration is not higher compared to other studied countries / QC 20101118

A verified and optimized Stream X-Machine testing method, with application to cloud service certification

Simons, A.J.H., Lefticaru, Raluca 15 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / The Stream X-Machine (SXM) testing method provides strong and repeatable guarantees of functional correctness, up to a specification. These qualities make the method attractive for software certification, especially in the domain of brokered cloud services, where arbitrage seeks to substitute functionally equivalent services from alternative providers. However, practical obstacles include: the difficulty in providing a correct specification, the translation of abstract paths into feasible concrete tests, and the large size of generated test suites. We describe a novel SXM verification and testing method, which automatically checks specifications for completeness and determinism, prior to generating complete test suites with full grounding information. Three optimisation steps achieve up to a ten-fold reduction in the size of the test suite, removing infeasible and redundant tests. The method is backed by a set of tools to validate and verify the SXM specification, generate technology-agnostic test suites and ground these in SOAP, REST or rich-client service implementations. The method was initially validated using seven specifications, three cloud platforms and five grounding strategies. / European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 328392, the Broker@Cloud project [11].

Improving the formation of virtual enterprises through a systematic approach for managing key broker activities

Easley, John Yancey 05 May 2007 (has links)
Virtual enterprises are increasingly being used as an organizational strategy for meeting customer needs. Potential benefits of virtual enterprises include increased profits, flexibility, increased customer service, better quality, a quicker time to market, and access to larger markets. However, the brokers that organize these ventures face challenges that arise in five key management activities: select partners, develop communication, develop culture, develop trust, and enhance behavior through motivation. A broker?s ability to overcome the problems in these activities determines the degree to which the benefits are achieved. Examples in the literature point to the possibility that interactive relationships exist between the five management activities. Considering all of these possible associations leads to a complex web of relationships that makes it difficult to determine the overall impact of specific improvements. This research investigates the five management activities and defines the primary relationships between them. The primary relationships are used to develop a conceptual model that brokers can apply as a methodology for systematically developing a virtual enterprise and thereby proactively addressing potential problems. In developing the conceptual model, this research utilizes approaches from other disciplines for addressing similar problems. The application of these approaches results in the use of systems engineering concepts to plan and design a virtual enterprise, the development of a partner selection methodology that incorporates ideas from the supplier performance measurement literature, the development of a pre-partner cultural assessment and post-partner cultural development process that are based on ideas found in the literature on mergers, and the use of project management as a means for coordinating the activities in a virtual enterprise. In addition to the preceding contributions, this research provides a comprehensive view of the characteristics of virtual enterprises. Included in these provisions are a detailed definition process and an extension of the literature to establish a typology of virtual enterprises.

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