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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of Energy Metabolism in the Thermogenic Gene Program

Nam, Minwoo 11 January 2017 (has links)
In murine and human brown adipose tissue (BAT), mitochondria are powerful generators of heat. Emerging evidence has suggested that the actions of mitochondria extend beyond this conventional biochemical role. In mouse BAT and cultured brown adipocytes, impaired mitochondrial respiratory capacity is accompanied by attenuated expression of Ucp1, a key thermogenic gene, implying a mitochondrial retrograde signaling. However, few have investigated this association in the context of mitochondria-nucleus communication. Using mice with adipose-specific ablation of LRPPRC, a regulator of respiratory capacity, we show that respiration-dependent retrograde signaling from mitochondria to nucleus contributes to transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming of BAT. Impaired respiratory capacity triggers down-regulation of thermogenic and oxidative genes, promoting a storage phenotype in BAT. This retrograde regulation functions by interfering with promoter-specific recruitment of PPARg. In addition, cytosolic calcium may mediate the retrograde signal from mitochondria to nucleus. These data are consistent with a model whereby BAT connects its respiratory capacity to thermogenic gene expression, which in turn contributes to determining its metabolic commitment. Additionally, we find that augmented respiratory capacity activates the thermogenic gene program in inguinal (subcutaneous) white adipose tissue (IWAT) from adipose-specific LRPPRC transgenic mice. When fed a high-fat diet at thermoneutrality, these mice exhibit metabolic improvements as shown by reduced fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, there is increased recruitment of brown-like adipocytes in IWAT and thus energy expenditure is significantly increased, providing a potential explanation for protection from obesity. These data suggest that augmented respiratory capacity promotes ‘browning’ of IWAT, which has beneficial effects on obesity and diabetes.

Bevarandestrategi för att säkerställa fortlevnaden av världens mest hotade kungsfiskare

Johansson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Guamkungsfiskare (Todiramphus cinnamominus), endemisk för Guam och utdöd i vilt tillstånd, till följd av den invasiva orm-arten brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) (BTS), är en av världens mest hotade fågelarter. Guamkungsfiskaren räddades genom att 29 individer placerades i fångenskap för bevarandeavel innan arten dog ut på Guam 1986. Syftet med det här arbetet är att sammanfatta kunskapsläget om hur guamkungsfiskaren framgångsrikt kan åter-/bevarandeintroduceras i vilt tillstånd, och ämnar att besvara frågan om vilka typer av bevarandeåtgärder som behövs för att arten ska bli livskraftig.  De största hoten mot artens överlevnad är inavel och den dåliga reproduktiva framgången i fångenskap. Dagens cirka 140 individer härstammar genetiskt från 17 individer och på individnivå påverkar inavelsdepressionen livslängd och reproduktionsframgång negativt. För att kunna möjliggöra en bevarandeintroduktion och/eller återintroduktion av arten och säkerställa dess överlevnad i fångenskap behöver reproduktionsförmågan ökas. De estimerade kostnaderna för bevarandeåtgärder som tänkt säkerställa att arten blir livskraftig igen på Guam - vilket är det slutgiltiga målet - landar på 146 miljoner amerikanska dollar. Aktuell plan, som inväntar tillstånd och finansiering, är att istället bevarandeintroducera guamkungsfiskaren på Palmyraatollen 2022/2023. Ex-situ behövs åtgärder som efterliknar kungsfiskarens naturliga habitat och mikroklimat, handmatning av ungfåglar, direkt förflyttning av ungar vid ålder då de lämnat boet och för att i bättre utsträckning låta guamkungsfiskarna forma par själva. Därtill behöver arten beteendetränas i att upptäcka hot som kan vara fatala i naturen. För en återintroduktion på Guam behöver in-situ-åtgärder riktas mot att: avlägsna den införda ormen (BTS) permanent, restaurera ekosystemet genom återplantering och återförvildning med mikronesiska starar (Aplonis opaca); och reducera konkurrens från svart drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus). För en bevarandeintroduktion på Palmyraatollen behöver råttor avlägsnas. Allmänna in-situ-åtgärder för en bevarandeintroduktion är att: reducera predation; säkerställa skyddade och lämpliga habitat med tillräcklig föda och boplatser; samt minska eventuell konkurrens.  För att ta hänsyn till stokastiska händelser och för att klassificera arten som livskraftig behöver återintroduktionen och/eller bevarandeintroduktionen leda fram till en etablering av två populationer om minst 1000 individer vardera. Flera andra öar, förutom Palmyraatollen, har visat sig lämpliga för en bevarandeintroduktion. Åter-/bevarandeintroduktioner är fyllda av osäkerhet och därför behöver beslut om: plats; tid på året; ålder på individer; metod; antal utsläpp; och antalet individer för varje utsläpp, tas genom en strukturerad beslutsfattande- modell som är långsiktig och beprövat framgångsrik, och testas på en närbesläktad kungsfiskare-art, halsbandskungsfiskare (Todiramphus chloris). Efter en åter-/bevarande- introduktion behöver arten övervakas både ekologiskt och genetiskt för att reflektera över framtidsscenarion som i förtid synliggör åtgärder som kan behöva appliceras. Den närmaste tiden är avgörande för guamkungsfiskarens överlevnad, och det är betydelsefullt att följa dess utveckling, för att få fördjupad insikt i bevarande- och återintroduktionsbiologi av arter som är utdöda i vilt tillstånd.

Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova trešnje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh. i Ruhl / Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant capacity of sweet cherry fruits infected with Monilinia laxa Aderh. and Ruhl. Language

Borković Boško 25 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Mrka trulež, čiji je prouzrokovač Monilinia laxa, spada u najče&scaron;če i najznačajnije bolesti ploda ko&scaron;tičavih voćaka, naročito tre&scaron;nje. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrde razlike u reakciji&nbsp; devet sorti plodova tre&scaron;nje (različitih pomolo&scaron;kih osobina) prema mrkoj truleži, uzorkovanih sa oglednog dobra Departmana za voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad na Rimskim &Scaron;ančevima (koordinate: 45&deg;20&acute;N, 19&deg;51&acute;E). S obzirom da se u prirodnim uslovima plod tre&scaron;nje može zaraziti od strane vi&scaron;e patogena, biohemijski parametri su analizirani i na ve&scaron;tački inokulisanim plodovima. Ispitivane sorte su pokazale značajne razlike u pojavi oboljenja na plodu, kako u uslovima ve&scaron;tačke inokulacije, tako i u prirodnoj infekciji. U oba slučaja kod sorti su zabeležene različite ocene intenziteta zaraze, zavisno od sortimenta. Biohemijskom analizom plodova zabeležene su značajne razlike u sadržaju rastvorljivih proteina (SP), aktivnosti supereksid dismutaze (SOD), aktivnosti gvajakol peroksidaze (GPx), aktivnost pirogalol peroksidaze (PPx), lipidnoj peroksidaciji (LP). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u sadržaju &scaron;ećera, organskih kiselinih i sekundarnih metabolita (fenoli, tanini, proantocijanidini, flavonoidi, antocijanini). Takođe rezultati su pokazali razlike u antioksidantnoj aktivnost (DPPH, FRAP, ABTS i TRC testovi). Na sadržaj sekundarnih biomolekula kao i na antioksidantnu&nbsp; aktivnost&nbsp; uticali su sorta, intenzitet zaraze ploda, kao i interakcija između ova dva faktora. Većina ispitivanih sorti je pokazala visok sadržaj polifenolnih komponenti, dok je u uslovima infekcije,<br />Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova tre&scaron;nje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh i Ruhl,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; B. Borković<br /><br /><br />sadržaj ovih parametara bio značajno niži. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata, sadržaj sekundarnih metabolita se može koristiti kao jedan od parametara u oceni otpornosti sorti tre&scaron;nje prema mrkoj truleži. Datum</p>

Media Meets Science: The Experience of a Media Teacher and Science Teacher as They Implement Media Literacy in a Science Classroom

Brown, Matthew Jay 13 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative action research study looked at my collaboration with a science teacher as we combined a Television Production class with an Advanced Placement Environmental Science class. This cross-curricular case study explored the implementation of the principles of media literacy, defined by the National Association for Media Literacy Education, into the science classroom where media literacy has traditionally been a non-factor. The impact of media and technology on everyone's daily lives is making it necessary for us to become media literate. The use of media literacy tools and strategies in a combined media production class and an AP science class created opportunities to explore cross-curricular understandings of media literacy education that would not have existed otherwise.

Amy Brown Lyman and Social Service Work in the Relief Society

Hall, David Roy 01 January 1992 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the life and accomplishments of Amy Brown Lyman, particularly as they relate to charity activities and social service work of the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It considers her early life, her call to the General Board in 1909, her contributions to the creation of the Relief Society Social Services Department in 1919, her association with national and international leaders of reform, and her efforts in sponsoring and supporting social welfare legislation in Utah. Also examined are her work with the Social Services Department during the Great Depression, her mission to Europe from 1936-38 with her husband, her years as General Relief Society President, 1940-45, and her release and retirement from Relief Society leadership with attention given to her last years and legacy.Lyman was one of the most significant figures in twentieth-century Mormonism and this account sheds light on the effect of her activities on her Church and the larger community.


Jiamin Qiu (17660928) 19 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Adipose tissue is characterized by the dominant presence of adipocytes, specialized cells adept at lipid metabolism. These adipocytes act as critical nodes, coordinating the complex processes of energy storage and mobilization according to the body's metabolic requirements. Within the adipocyte population of mammals, there are three main subtypes: white, beige, and brown adipocytes. White adipocytes are primarily dedicated to the sequestration of energy in the form of triglycerides. Conversely, beige and brown adipocytes are distinguished by their capacity for thermogenesis, the process of dissipating nutritional energy as heat. The contemporary challenge of chronic overnutrition has precipitated a global surge in obesity and cardiometabolic diseases. Addressing this issue necessitates the maintenance of white adipocyte homeostasis and the enhancement of the quantity and function of thermogenic adipocytes, which are imperative for mitigating the global obesity epidemics.</p><p dir="ltr">Mitochondrion, a multifunctional organelle, is integral to a broad spectrum of cellular processes, including anabolic and catabolic metabolism, bioenergetics, and signal transduction, all of which are essential for maintaining cellular functions and homeostasis. The efficacy of mitochondrial operations is intrinsically linked to their membrane dynamics. In this study, transmission electron microscopy and mass spectrometry were employed to investigate the proteins implicated in the cold-induced mitochondrial membrane remodeling in brown adipocytes. Through this approach, a poorly characterized protein, Family with Sequence Similarity 210 Member A (FAM210A), was identified as a mitochondrial inner membrane protein that is induced by cold stimulation. Subsequent loss-of-function experiments were conducted to elucidate the role of FAM210A in adipocytes. Mice with adipose-specific deletion of <i>Fam210a</i> (<i>Fam210a</i><sup><em>AKO</em></sup>) exhibited compromised mitochondrial cristae structure and a reduced thermogenic capacity in brown adipose tissue (BAT), resulting in an increased susceptibility to lethal hypothermia during acute cold challenge. Moreover, in mice with inducible ablation of <i>Fam210a</i> in adipocytes (<i>Fam210</i><sup><em>iAKO</em></sup>), mitochondrial alterations in BAT were negligible at thermoneutral conditions; however, they exhibited defective cold-induced mitochondrial cristae remodeling, culminating in a progressive loss of cristae and diminished mitochondrial density. Mechanistically, it was determined that FAM210A interacts with mitochondrial protease YME1L and modulates its activity toward OMA1 and OPA1 cleavage, thus compromising cold-induced mitochondrial remodeling in BAT.</p><p dir="ltr">Additionally, this research delved into the role of FAM210A in adipocytes in response to dietary stress by feeding mice with high-fat diet (HFD). The study found a consistent correlation between FAM210A expression and OPA1 cleavage in adipocytes under HFD challenge. Mice lacking FAM210A in all adipocytes and subjected to HFD exhibited lipoatrophy in white adipose tissue (WAT) and a downregulation of genes associated with adipogenesis and lipid metabolism. In contrast, mice with a brown adipocyte-specific ablation of <i>Fam210a </i>(<i>Fam210a</i><sup><em>UKO</em></sup>) displayed no significant change in WAT mass but had enlarged livers. Crucially, both <i>Fam210a</i><sup><em>AKO</em></sup> and <i>Fam210a</i><sup><em>UKO</em></sup> mice presented increased WAT inflammation, deteriorated glucose tolerance, and exacerbated insulin resistance. These findings underscore the pivotal role of FAM210A in brown adipose tissue (BAT) in the preservation of WAT homeostasis and the regulation of systemic glucose clearance in diet-induced obesity.</p><p dir="ltr">In summary, these studies characterize the mitochondrial dynamics in brown adipocytes in response to cold stress, identify a new cold-induced mitochondrial protein, FAM210A, and uncover its functions in adipocytes under cold and dietary stresses. These findings highlight the importance of mitochondrial remodeling in the adaptive response of adipocytes to evolving metabolic demands. This work establishes FAM210A as a key regulator of mitochondrial cristae remodeling, shedding light on the mechanisms that govern mitochondrial plasticity in adipocytes.</p>

A Combination of Contraries: Violence, Fragmentation, and Metamorphosis in the Modernist Celtic Aesthetic

LaBine, Joseph 14 July 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which the Celtic aesthetic emerges in case studies of four writers from the last century: Brian O'Nolan (under the pseudonyms Flann O'Brien and Myles na gCopaleen), David Jones, George Mackay Brown, and John McGahern. It considers a wide selection of their writing across literary genres, including the novel, the short story, the essay, and poetry, but privileges prose and fiction. This study undertakes a formal analysis of these texts using a conceptual, thematic, and critically biographical approach. The archival methodology informing such an approach brings new scholarship into focus that either aligns these authors for the first time or reevaluates their relationships. O'Nolan, Jones, Brown, and McGahern are united here because they put forward their own theories of the Celtic aesthetic and modernized these differing representational strategies when they applied them in their fictional practices. My analysis of each writer begins with a definition of the "Celtic Aesthetic" then draws out how the Celtic is represented in his literary work, showing what we gain from reading the work within a modernist Celtic aesthetic. O'Nolan proposes a Celtic realism within a modernist understanding of the unity between form and content. He writes within a collaborative framework, retrieving modes of thought and literary effects from medieval Irish sources and scholarly texts. He and his peers were concerned with making an Irish-Celtic contribution to modern literature. David Jones develops a visual aesthetic in an Anglo-Welsh context, arguing that the Celtic enhances the potential for metamorphosis through a combination of contraries. Jones establishes a connection between the First World War and ancient Welsh tradition to symbolically pattern the experience of fighting in the trenches. George Mackay Brown shares this idea about Celtic metamorphosis and war. He claims the Celtic is a decorative aesthetic, one that is bound up with Roman Catholic theology and his understanding of Eucharistic anamnesis. Writing almost exclusively about the Orkney islands, Brown portrays the Celtic as an aspect of the Orkney's archipelagic modernism, informed by his own Scottish Gaelic linguistic heritage but also connected by sea to Wales and Ireland. John McGahern implies his theory about Celtic style in his discussions of Gaelic linguistic inheritance and the effect this produces on his English writing. McGahern also shares Brown's mysticism and O'Nolan's practice of depicting eternity in the West of Ireland. There are thus three converging lines of inquiry that will frame this project: first, how does this minor strain in modernist literature animate this set of literary works? Second, how do those characteristics inform our understanding of what the term "Celtic" means in a twentieth-century context and for contemporary readers? And third, what does this contribute to the current field of modernist studies? The Celtic for these writers is transnational, hybrid, decorative, and the means through which their questions about violence and despoliation could find expression in twentieth-century literature.

Study on the possibility of using microorganisms as biological agents to control fungal pathogens Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing disease of brown spots on the dragon fruit: Research article

Luong, Huu Thanh, Nguyen Kieu, Bang Tam, Vu, Thuy Nga, Ha, Thi Thuy, Tong, Hai Van, Hua, Thi Son, Nguyen, Ngoc Quynh, Nguyen, Thi Hang Nga 24 August 2017 (has links)
Research and application of microbial control of brown spot disease on the dragon fruit caused by fungi Neoscytalidium dimetiatum have important implications towards the safe and sustainable dragon fruit production. In this article, the research team has identified two strains of microorganisms capable of inhibiting fungi Neoscytalidium dimitiatum denoted A3, B7. Classification results determined that A3 belongs to Actinomyces group 3 with similarities of 100% (1500/1500 bp) with 16S rDNA segment of Streptomyces fradiae; B7 with similarities of 100% (1414/1414 bp) with 16S rDNA segment of bacteria Bacillus polyfermenticus and ensure biosafety when released into the environment. / Nghiên cứu ứng dụng vi sinh vật kiểm soát bệnh đốm nâu trên cây thanh long do nấm Neoscytalidium dimetiatum gây ra có ý nghĩa quan trọng hướng tới ngành sản xuất thanh long an toàn và bền vững. Trong bài viết này nhóm nghiên cứu đã xác định được hai chủng vi sinh vật có khả năng ức chế nấm Neoscytalidium dimitiatum cao kí hiệu là A3, B7. Kết quả phân loại xác định chủng A3 thuộc nhóm xạ khuẩn 3 tương đồng 100% (1500/1500 bp) với đoạn 16S rDNA của Streptomyces fradiae; chủng B7 tương đồng 100% (1414/1414 bp) với đoạn 16S của vi khuẩn Bacillus polyfermenticus và đảm bảo an toàn sinh học khi phóng thích ra môi trường.

Consuming Liberation: Playgirl and the Strategic Rhetoric of Sex Magazines for Women 1972-1985

Roberts, Chadwick Lee 14 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Soybean Yield Response in High and Low Input Production Systems

Bluck, Grace M. 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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