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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilizing self-similar stochastic processes to model rare events in finance

Wesselhöfft, Niels 24 February 2021 (has links)
In der Statistik und der Mathematik ist die Normalverteilung der am meisten verbreitete, stochastische Term für die Mehrheit der statistischen Modelle. Wir zeigen, dass der entsprechende stochastische Prozess, die Brownsche Bewegung, drei entscheidende empirische Beobachtungen nicht abbildet: schwere Ränder, Langzeitabhängigkeiten und Skalierungsgesetze. Ein selbstähnlicher Prozess, der in der Lage ist Langzeitabhängigkeiten zu modellieren, ist die Gebrochene Brownsche Bewegung, welche durch die Faltung der Inkremente im Limit nicht normalverteilt sein muss. Die Inkremente der Gebrochenen Brownschen Bewegung können durch einen Parameter H, dem Hurst Exponenten, Langzeitabhängigkeiten darstellt werden. Für die Gebrochene Brownsche Bewegung müssten die Skalierungs-(Hurst-) Exponenten über die Momente verschiedener Ordnung konstant sein. Empirisch beobachten wir variierende Hölder-Exponenten, die multifraktales Verhalten implizieren. Wir erklären dieses multifraktale Verhalten durch die Änderung des alpha-stabilen Indizes der alpha-stabilen Verteilung, indem wir Filter für Saisonalitäten und Langzeitabhängigkeiten über verschiedene Zeitfrequenzen anwenden, startend bei 1-minütigen Hochfrequenzdaten. Durch die Anwendung eines Filters für die Langzeitabhängigkeit zeigen wir, dass die Residuen des stochastischen Prozesses geringer Zeitfrequenz (wöchentlich) durch die alpha-stabile Bewegung beschrieben werden können. Dies erlaubt es uns, den empirischen, hochfrequenten Datensatz auf die niederfrequente Zeitfrequenz zu skalieren. Die generierten wöchentlichen Daten aus der Frequenz-Reskalierungs-Methode (FRM) haben schwerere Ränder als der ursprüngliche, wöchentliche Prozess. Wir zeigen, dass eine Teilmenge des Datensatzes genügt, um aus Risikosicht bessere Vorhersagen für den gesamten Datensatz zu erzielen. Im Besonderen wäre die Frequenz-Reskalierungs-Methode (FRM) in der Lage gewesen, die seltenen Events der Finanzkrise 2008 zu modellieren. / Coming from a sphere in statistics and mathematics in which the Normal distribution is the dominating underlying stochastic term for the majority of the models, we indicate that the relevant diffusion, the Brownian Motion, is not accounting for three crucial empirical observations for financial data: Heavy tails, long memory and scaling laws. A self-similar process, which is able to account for long-memory behavior is the Fractional Brownian Motion, which has a possible non-Gaussian limit under convolution of the increments. The increments of the Fractional Brownian Motion can exhibit long memory through a parameter H, the Hurst exponent. For the Fractional Brownian Motion this scaling (Hurst) exponent would be constant over different orders of moments, being unifractal. But empirically, we observe varying Hölder exponents, the continuum of Hurst exponents, which implies multifractal behavior. We explain the multifractal behavior through the changing alpha-stable indices from the alpha-stable distributions over sampling frequencies by applying filters for seasonality and time dependence (long memory) over different sampling frequencies, starting at high-frequencies up to one minute. By utilizing a filter for long memory we show, that the low-sampling frequency process, not containing the time dependence component, can be governed by the alpha-stable motion. Under the alpha-stable motion we propose a semiparametric method coined Frequency Rescaling Methodology (FRM), which allows to rescale the filtered high-frequency data set to the lower sampling frequency. The data sets for e.g. weekly data which we obtain by rescaling high-frequency data with the Frequency Rescaling Method (FRM) are more heavy tailed than we observe empirically. We show that using a subset of the whole data set suffices for the FRM to obtain a better forecast in terms of risk for the whole data set. Specifically, the FRM would have been able to account for tail events of the financial crisis 2008.


Lenart, William R 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Zhang, Zhipeng 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Portfolio Optimization under Value at Risk, Average Value at Risk and Limited Expected Loss Constraints

Gambrah, Priscilla S.N January 2014 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we investigate portfolio optimization under Value at Risk, Average Value at Risk and Limited expected loss constraints in a framework, where stocks follow a geometric Brownian motion. We solve the problem of minimizing Value at Risk and Average Value at Risk, and the problem of finding maximal expected wealth with Value at Risk, Average Value at Risk, Limited expected loss and Variance constraints. Furthermore, in a model where the stocks follow an exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, we examine portfolio selection under Value at Risk and Average Value at Risk constraints. In both geometric Brownian motion (GBM) and exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O.U) models, the risk-reward criterion is employed and the optimal strategy is found. Secondly, the Value at Risk, Average Value at Risk and Variance is minimized subject to an expected return constraint. By running numerical experiments we illustrate the effect of Value at Risk, Average Value at Risk, Limited expected loss and Variance on the optimal portfolios. Furthermore, in the exponential O.U model we study the effect of mean-reversion on the optimal strategies. Lastly we compare the leverage in a portfolio where the stocks follow a GBM model to that of a portfolio where the stocks follow the exponential O.U model.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Optimal Pair-Trading Decision Rules for a Class of Non-Linear Boundary Crossings by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes

Tamakloe, Emmanuel Edem Kwaku 12 1900 (has links)
The most useful feature used in finance of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) stochastic process is its mean-reverting property: the OU process tends to drift towards its long- term mean (its equilibrium state) over time. This important feature makes the OU process arguably the most popular statistical model for developing best pair-trading strategies. However, optimal strategies depend crucially on the first passage time (FPT) of the OU process to a suitably chosen boundary and its probability density is not analytically available in general. Even for crossing a simple constant boundary, the FPT of the OU process would lead to crossing a square root boundary by a Brownian motion process whose FPT density involves the complicated parabolic cylinder function. To overcome the limitations of the existing methods, we propose a novel class of non-linear boundaries for obtaining optimal decision thresholds. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the maximizer of our decision rules. We also derive simple formulas for some FPT moments without analytical expressions of its density functions. We conduct some Monte Carlo simulations and analyze several pairs of stocks including Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Target and Walmart, Chevron and Exxon Mobil. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing procedures.

Hot Brownian Motion

Rings, Daniel 18 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The theory of Brownian motion is a cornerstone of modern physics. In this thesis, we introduce a nonequilibrium extension to this theory, namely an effective Markovian theory of the Brownian motion of a heated nanoparticle. This phenomenon belongs to the class of nonequilibrium steady states (NESS) and is characterized by spatially inhomogeneous temperature and viscosity fields extending in the solvent surrounding the nanoparticle. The first chapter provides a pedagogic introduction to the subject and a concise summary of our main results and summarizes their implications for future developments and innovative applications. The derivation of our main results is based on the theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics, which we introduce and extend to NESS conditions, in the second chapter. We derive the effective temperature and the effective friction coefficient for the generalized Langevin equation describing the Brownian motion of a heated nanoparticle. As major results, we find that these parameters obey a generalized Stokes–Einstein relation, and that, to first order in the temperature increment of the particle, the effective temperature is given in terms of a set of universal numbers. In chapters three and four, these basic results are made explicit for various realizations of hot Brownian motion. We show in detail, that different degrees of freedom are governed by distinct effective parameters, and we calculate these for the rotational and translational motion of heated nanobeads and nanorods. Whenever possible, analytic results are provided, and numerically accurate approximation methods are devised otherwise. To test and validate all our theoretical predictions, we present large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of a Lennard-Jones system, in chapter five. These implement a state-of-the-art GPU-powered parallel algorithm, contributed by D. Chakraborty. Further support for our theory comes from recent experimental observations of gold nanobeads and nanorods made in the the groups of F. Cichos and M. Orrit. We introduce the theoretical concept of PhoCS, an innovative technique which puts the selective heating of nanoscopic tracer particles to good use. We conclude in chapter six with some preliminary results about the self-phoretic motion of so-called Janus particles. These two-faced hybrids with a hotter and a cooler side perform a persistent random walk with the persistence only limited by their hot rotational Brownian motion. Such particles could act as versatile laser-controlled nanotransporters or nanomachines, to mention just the most obvious future nanotechnological applications of hot Brownian motion.

Hot Brownian Motion

Rings, Daniel 19 December 2012 (has links)
The theory of Brownian motion is a cornerstone of modern physics. In this thesis, we introduce a nonequilibrium extension to this theory, namely an effective Markovian theory of the Brownian motion of a heated nanoparticle. This phenomenon belongs to the class of nonequilibrium steady states (NESS) and is characterized by spatially inhomogeneous temperature and viscosity fields extending in the solvent surrounding the nanoparticle. The first chapter provides a pedagogic introduction to the subject and a concise summary of our main results and summarizes their implications for future developments and innovative applications. The derivation of our main results is based on the theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics, which we introduce and extend to NESS conditions, in the second chapter. We derive the effective temperature and the effective friction coefficient for the generalized Langevin equation describing the Brownian motion of a heated nanoparticle. As major results, we find that these parameters obey a generalized Stokes–Einstein relation, and that, to first order in the temperature increment of the particle, the effective temperature is given in terms of a set of universal numbers. In chapters three and four, these basic results are made explicit for various realizations of hot Brownian motion. We show in detail, that different degrees of freedom are governed by distinct effective parameters, and we calculate these for the rotational and translational motion of heated nanobeads and nanorods. Whenever possible, analytic results are provided, and numerically accurate approximation methods are devised otherwise. To test and validate all our theoretical predictions, we present large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of a Lennard-Jones system, in chapter five. These implement a state-of-the-art GPU-powered parallel algorithm, contributed by D. Chakraborty. Further support for our theory comes from recent experimental observations of gold nanobeads and nanorods made in the the groups of F. Cichos and M. Orrit. We introduce the theoretical concept of PhoCS, an innovative technique which puts the selective heating of nanoscopic tracer particles to good use. We conclude in chapter six with some preliminary results about the self-phoretic motion of so-called Janus particles. These two-faced hybrids with a hotter and a cooler side perform a persistent random walk with the persistence only limited by their hot rotational Brownian motion. Such particles could act as versatile laser-controlled nanotransporters or nanomachines, to mention just the most obvious future nanotechnological applications of hot Brownian motion.:1 Introduction and Overview 2 Theory of Hot Brownian Motion 3 Various Realizations of Hot Brownian Motion 4 Toy Model and Numerical Methods 5 From Experiments and Simulations to Applications 6 Conclusion and Outlook

能源與貴金屬連結及利率連結之結構型商品評價與分析─以中國銀行結構性存款為例 / The Pricing and Analysis of Commodities-Linked and Interest Rate-Linked Structured Products: The Case Study of Structured Deposits Launched by Bank of China

蔡昌甫, Tsai,Chang Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在過去二到三年之中,能源、金屬、軟性商品等原物料價格漲勢強勁,成為市場上最炙手可熱的商品。然而,原物料價格漲升為全球帶來了通膨隱憂,世界各國紛紛採用各種貨幣政策和財政政策試圖緩解通膨壓力。其中,利率政策即是相當重要的一環。在這樣的背景之下,是否對於能源、貴金屬和利率衍生性商品的設計和定價上產生影響,值得進一步檢視。因此,本論文選擇以中國大陸的原油與黃金連結複合式選擇權,以及利率(HIBOR)連結可贖回每日區間計息等兩種結構性存款作為研究個案,以財務工程的理論模型為中國銀行的金融創新產品作評價與分析。 在原油與黃金連結複合式選擇權部分,分別假設金價和油價服從幾何布朗運動(Geometric Brownian Motion)推導出封閉解,以及Schwartz的一因子均數回歸模型,採蒙地卡羅模擬法模擬標的資產之價格路徑並以之估算商品理論價值和發行機構利潤,之後則就避險參數和商品預期收益率作分析。在利率連結可贖回每日區間計息結構性存款部分,由於具有發行機構可提前贖回的特性,本論文採用LIBOR市場模型(BGM Model)為評價基礎,先利用市場報價資訊計算期初遠期利率及進行參數校準,再以蒙地卡羅模擬法模擬遠期利率路徑,最後以Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅法(LSM)計算商品理論價值和發行機構利潤。 除估算商品理論價值以檢視中國銀行的商品定價合理性之外,本文也針對中國大陸的外匯和利率政策對金融機構在商品設計方面的影響作分析,最後則分別就財務工程與金融創新以及總體政策與金融市場兩方面提出結論與建議,以供各界參酌。 / The prices of physical commodities have risen a lot and led to pressure of inflation for several years. Many countries over the world have tried hard to tackle inflation threat with monetary and fiscal policies. Under this circumstance, the design and pricing of structured products should be affected. Therefore, the oil and gold-linked and interest rate-linked structured deposits launched by Bank of China are selected to be the case study in this thesis. Prices of the underlying assets are assumed to follow Geometric Brownian Motion, and the close-form solution of the oil and gold-linked structured deposit embedded with compound options is derived. Moreover, Schwartz’s One-Factor Mean Reversion Model is adopted to derive the fair value by simulation. In addition to the fair value and issuer’s profit, the expected rate of return, hedge parameters (Greeks) and model difference are presented in this thesis. As for the interest rate-linked Callable Daily Range Accrual Deposit, the thesis presents the steps of pricing by simulation. LIBOR Market Model (BGM Model) is adopted to derive the fair value of Callable Range Deposit with Least Squares Monte Carlo approach. Besides, the design and pricing of structured products are actually influenced by those policies in relation to interest rates and currencies adopted by government of Mainland China. The influence is discussed in the thesis as well. Eventually, the conclusions and suggestions are made with respect to macroeconomic policy and financial market as well as financial innovation.

Analysis of the effects of phase noise and frequency offset in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems

Erdogan, Ahmet Yasin 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is being successfully used in numerous applications. It was chosen for IEEE 802.11a wireless local area network (WLAN) standard, and it is being considered for the fourthgeneration mobile communication systems. Along with its many attractive features, OFDM has some principal drawbacks. Sensitivity to frequency errors is the most dominant of these drawbacks. In this thesis, the frequency offset and phase noise effects on OFDM based communication systems are investigated under a variety of channel conditions covering both indoor and outdoor environments. The simulation performance results of the OFDM system for these channels are presented. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy

Weak nonergodicity in anomalous diffusion processes

Albers, Tony 02 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Anomale Diffusion ist ein weitverbreiteter Transportmechanismus, welcher für gewöhnlich mit ensemble-basierten Methoden experimentell untersucht wird. Motiviert durch den Fortschritt in der Einzelteilchenverfolgung, wo typischerweise Zeitmittelwerte bestimmt werden, entsteht die Frage nach der Ergodizität. Stimmen ensemble-gemittelte Größen und zeitgemittelte Größen überein, und wenn nicht, wie unterscheiden sie sich? In dieser Arbeit studieren wir verschiedene stochastische Modelle für anomale Diffusion bezüglich ihres ergodischen oder nicht-ergodischen Verhaltens hinsichtlich der mittleren quadratischen Verschiebung. Wir beginnen unsere Untersuchung mit integrierter Brownscher Bewegung, welche von großer Bedeutung für alle Systeme mit Impulsdiffusion ist. Für diesen Prozess stellen wir die ensemble-gemittelte quadratische Verschiebung und die zeitgemittelte quadratische Verschiebung gegenüber und charakterisieren insbesondere die Zufälligkeit letzterer. Im zweiten Teil bilden wir integrierte Brownsche Bewegung auf andere Modelle ab, um einen tieferen Einblick in den Ursprung des nicht-ergodischen Verhaltens zu bekommen. Dabei werden wir auf einen verallgemeinerten Lévy-Lauf geführt. Dieser offenbart interessante Phänomene, welche in der Literatur noch nicht beobachtet worden sind. Schließlich führen wir eine neue Größe für die Analyse anomaler Diffusionsprozesse ein, die Verteilung der verallgemeinerten Diffusivitäten, welche über die mittlere quadratische Verschiebung hinausgeht, und analysieren mit dieser ein oft verwendetes Modell der anomalen Diffusion, den subdiffusiven zeitkontinuierlichen Zufallslauf. / Anomalous diffusion is a widespread transport mechanism, which is usually experimentally investigated by ensemble-based methods. Motivated by the progress in single-particle tracking, where time averages are typically determined, the question of ergodicity arises. Do ensemble-averaged quantities and time-averaged quantities coincide, and if not, in what way do they differ? In this thesis, we study different stochastic models for anomalous diffusion with respect to their ergodic or nonergodic behavior concerning the mean-squared displacement. We start our study with integrated Brownian motion, which is of high importance for all systems showing momentum diffusion. For this process, we contrast the ensemble-averaged squared displacement with the time-averaged squared displacement and, in particular, characterize the randomness of the latter. In the second part, we map integrated Brownian motion to other models in order to get a deeper insight into the origin of the nonergodic behavior. In doing so, we are led to a generalized Lévy walk. The latter reveals interesting phenomena, which have never been observed in the literature before. Finally, we introduce a new tool for analyzing anomalous diffusion processes, the distribution of generalized diffusivities, which goes beyond the mean-squared displacement, and we analyze with this tool an often used model of anomalous diffusion, the subdiffusive continuous time random walk.

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