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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cellular and humoral immune responses in birds fed different levels of Arginine and vitamin E

Abdukalykova, Saule January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Impacto de tratamentos de cama aviária reutilizada na viabilidade e infectividade de micro-organismos / Impact of treatments for recycled broiler litter on viability and infectivity of microorganisms

Rech, Daiane Voss 21 February 2017 (has links)
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - EMBRAPA / Reusing litter is a common practice in broiler farming. However, it requires the adoption of efficient procedures for inactivating and controlling residual microorganisms during downtime between flocks to ensure sanitary control over the next flock and the quality of the broiler meat. The broiler production adopts a series of stringent precautionary measures to avoid sanitary emergencies and should be able to employ appropriate control measures. In addition, international consumer markets require proof of the efficiency of treatment methods for broiler litter reuse. The efficiency of broiler litter treatments on pathogens is variable and multifactorial and can be influenced by the treatment method and/or microorganisms evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different strategies of treatment of broiler litter on Newcastle disease virus (NDV), Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and Salmonella Heidelberg. Total enterobacteria counts were carried out as an indicator of microbiological quality of litter. First, the experimental contamination of the broiler litter by viruses was standardized, comparing the seeder birds inoculated versus the direct spray of the virus in the broiler litter. To evaluate the treatments, reused broiler litter was contaminated with the three microorganisms and submitted to the treatments (T): T1- shallow fermentation; T2- quicklime; T3- shallow fermentation followed by quicklime; and, T4- untreated. The broiler litter was submitted to bacteriological and physico-chemical analyzes during treatment. Sentinel chicks were housed on the broiler litter treated and further monitored by clinical evaluation, as well as microbiological, serological and molecular tests. The results demonstrated that seeder birds were efficient to stablish viral contamination in broiler litter. T1 was superior in reducing total enterobacteria in the broiler litter. The evaluation of sentinel chicks also indicated that T1 and T3 inactivated IBDV in the broiler litter. T2 was not able to reduce the microorganisms evaluated, and its association with T1 (T3) did not enhance the treatment action. NDV did not survive in broiler litter, regardless of the treatment applied. S. Heidelberg survived in broiler litter after all treatments evaluated and was also detected in the sentinel chicks. The antimicrobial activity of T1 and T3 was associated to ammonia levels present in the broiler litter. The results reveal that shallow fermentation is efficient to control residual IBDV and total enterobacteria in recycled broiler litter. However, other strategies should be considered in the presence of S. Heidelberg. / A reutilização da cama aviária é uma prática comum na avicultura de corte. Porém, o reuso da cama requer a adoção de procedimentos eficientes na inativação e controle de micro-organismos indesejáveis no intervalo entre os lotes, para preservar a saúde avícola e a qualidade do alimento produzido. A preocupação com as questões sanitárias na avicultura engloba a saúde dos frangos e do consumidor. A produção está sujeita às emergências sanitárias e deve estar preparada para empregar medidas adequadas de contenção e controle. Além disso, os mercados consumidores internacionais demandam comprovação da eficiência dos métodos de tratamento para o reuso da cama entre lotes de frangos. A eficiência dos tratamentos de cama sobre os patógenos é variável e multifatorial e pode ser influenciada pelo método de tratamento e/ou pelos micro-organismos avaliados. Deste modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes estratégias de tratamento da cama aviária sobre vírus da Doença de Newcastle (VDNC), vírus da Doença Infecciosa da Bursa (VDIB) e Salmonella Heidelberg. Enterobactérias totais foram analisadas como indicador da qualidade microbiológica da cama aviária. Inicialmente, a contaminação experimental pelos vírus aviários foi padronizada, comparando-se a excreção por aves inoculadas (seeder birds) versus a aspersão direta dos vírus na cama. Para avaliação dos tratamentos, cama aviária reutilizada foi contaminada com os três micro-organismos e submetida aos tratamentos (T): T1- fermentação plana; T2- cal virgem; T3- fermentação plana seguida de adição de cal virgem; T4- não tratado. A cama aviária foi submetida às análises bacteriológicas e físico-químicas durante o tratamento. Aves sentinelas foram alojadas sobre a cama tratada, sendo monitoradas por meio de avaliação clínica e análises microbiológicas, sorológicas e moleculares. Os resultados demonstraram que as seeder birds foram eficientes em estabelecer a contaminação viral da cama. O T1 foi superior na redução de enterobactérias totais na cama aviária. A avaliação das aves sentinelas indicou que ambos T1 e T3 inativaram VDIB na cama aviária. O T2 não foi eficiente sobre os micro-organismos avaliados e sua associação ao T1 (T3) não potencializou a ação do tratamento. O VDNC não sobreviveu na cama, independente do tratamento aplicado. S. Heidelberg permaneceu viável na cama de todos os tratamentos, sendo também detectada nas aves sentinelas. A atividade antimicrobiana dos T1 e T3 foi relacionada aos maiores teores de amônia presentes na cama aviária. Os resultados indicam que a fermentação plana é eficiente para o controle do VDIB e enterobactérias totais residuais na cama aviária reutilizada. Todavia, na presença de S. Heidelberg outras alternativas devem ser consideradas no controle deste agente de importância na saúde animal e pública.

Comparação molecular de isolados patogênicos do vírus da doença infecciosa bursal do estado de Minas Gerais e construção de uma biblioteca subtrativa / Molecular comparison of pathogenic isolates of the infectious bursal disease virus in Minas Gerais State and construction of a subtractive library

Dias, Camila Cristina Almeida 24 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:47:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 427044 bytes, checksum: 5c1651c701a5ae2b53e04e42782f989e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Infectious bursal disease (IBD) has been the major preoccupation for the poultry industry, especially in the past decade with the emergency of high virulent strains. Mutations in the gene that code the VP2 viral protein of pathogenic strains and the amiss use of attenuate vaccines by few passages have been responsible for the springing of new outbreaks. The purpose of this work was to analyze phylogenetically two different isolates of IBDV in Minas Gerais State by the comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the gene that code VP2 viral capside protein. In order to study the pathogen-host interaction, a subtractive library was constructed from VERO cells infected by IBDV (8 hours post-infection) aiming the identification of differential gene expression during this interaction. For the phylogenic analysis of the isolates, fragments of 251 bp amplified by RT-PCR were cloned and sequenced. The comparison of the sequences revealed that these isolates have 98-100% identity with classical vaccinal IBDV strains indicating that these outbreaks might have been caused by the vaccinal virus. To construct the subtractive library, two cDNA populations were hibridizated: one derived by IBDV infected VERO cells and other by non infected VERO cells. The hibridizated products were amplified for the posterior cloning and evaluation of the differential express products. Understanding of the replication characteristics of the IBDV associated to the study of the virus infection effects in the gene expression of the host cell, shown in this work, will allow the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the pathogen-host interaction contributing, therefore, for the development of methods more effectives in the control and prevention of the IBDV. / A doença infecciosa bursal (IBD) tem sido, há muitos anos, uma grande preocupação para a indústria avícola, especialmente na década passada devido a emergência de cepas virais hipervirulentas. Mutações no gene responsável pela codificação da proteína viral VP2 de linhagens patogênicas e a má utilização de vacinas atenuadas por poucas passagens têm sido responsáveis pelo aparecimento de novos surtos. A proposta deste trabalho foi analisar filogeneticamente dois diferentes isolados de IBDV de Minas Gerais por meio da comparação da seqüência nucleotídica do gene que codifica a proteína do capsídeo viral VP2. Em razão da necessidade de se estudar melhor a interação patógeno-hospedeiro, objetivou-se ainda a construção de uma biblioteca subtrativa a partir de células VERO infectadas pelo IBDV, 8 horas após a infecção, com a finalidade de identificar genes diferencialmente expressos durante essa interação vírus-célula hospedeira. Para a análise filogenética dos isolados, fragmentos de 251 pb amplificados por RT-PCR foram clonados e seqüenciados. A comparação das seqüências revelou que os isolados possuem identidade de 98-100% com linhagens clássicas vacinais de IBDV, indicando que os surtos analisados podem ter sido causados pelo vírus vacinal. Para a construção da biblioteca subtrativa, duas populações de cDNA foram hibridizadas: uma derivada de células VERO infectadas por IBDV e a outra de células VERO não infectadas. Os produtos hibridizados foram amplificados para posterior clonagem e avaliação dos produtos diferencialmente expressos. O conhecimento das características replicativas do IBDV associado ao estudo das conseqüências da infecção pelo vírus na expressão gênica da célula hospedeira, iniciado neste trabalho, permitirá a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na interação patógeno-hospedeiro, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento de métodos mais eficazes no controle e prevenção da IBD.

Праћење имунолошких и патолошких ефеката атенуираних вакцина у имунопрофилакси бројлерских пилића против инфективне болести бурзе / Praćenje imunoloških i patoloških efekata atenuiranih vakcina u imunoprofilaksi brojlerskih pilića protiv infektivne bolesti burze / Investigation of immunological andpathological effects of attenuatedvaccines in immunoprophylaxis broilerchickens against infectious bursal disease

Spalević Ljiljana 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Инфективна болест бурзе (Гамборо болест) је контагиозна вирусна болест младих пилића. Узрочник је РНК вирус који припада фамилији Birnaviridae. Испољава тропизам према Фабрицијусовој бурзи доводећи до оштећења лимфоцита и атрофије. Болест се контролише вакцинацијом родитељских јединки и пријемчивих пилића. Употреба атенуираних вакцина може довести до смањења неких технолошких параметара. Циљ овог рада је био да се докаже које од примењених атенуираних вакцина, интермедијарних Гумбокал, Гумбокал D78 и интермедијарне-плус Гумбокал 228Е, индукује најбољи развитак имнунолошког одговора и доводе до најмањих оштећења у ткиву Фабрицијусове бурзе и слезене. Пратили смо да ли делују имуносупресивно на вакцину против Њукастл болести и да ли утичу на смањење телесне масе бројлерских пилића. Основне огледне групе су вакцинисане четрнаестог дана старости против Гамборо болести, а затим су од основних огледних група оформљене подгрупе које су вакцинисане против Њукастл болести у различитим временским периодима: О1-1, О2-2, О3-1 после седам дана, О1-2, О2-2, О3-2 после четрнаест дана, О1-3, О2-3, О3-3 после двадесетједан дан од вакцинације против Гамборo болести .Од првог до четрдесетдругог дана експеримента сваких седам дана је вађена крв пилићима, мерена њихова телесна маса и узорковане бурзе и слезене. Крвни серуми су испитивани на висину титра антитела ЕЛИСА тестом за Гамборо болест, а методом инхибиције хемагутинације за Њукастл болест. Највишу висину титра на Гамборо болест је показала огледна група О1, затим група О2 и најнижи О3. У огледним подгрупама О3-1, О3-2 и О3-3 се испољио имуносупресивни ефекат на имунолошки одговор према Њукастл болести. Фабрицијусовим бурзама је одређивана релативна маса и бурзални индекс да би се установило да ли је дошло до атрофије након примене вакцина. Најнижи бурзални индекс је установљен у огледној групи О3, затим у О2 и у О1. Таквим редоследом су устновљене и патохистолошке промене у бурзи. Добијени резултати указују да употреба интермедијане-плус вакцине индукује најбољи имунолошки одговор, али и најнижу релативну масу и вредност бурзалног индекса, као и нижу телесну масу у односу на инермедијарне вакцине. Примењене вакцине нису утицале на релативну масу слезене и нису довеле до појаве патохистолошких промена у њој.</p> / <p>Infektivna bolest burze (Gamboro bolest) je kontagiozna virusna bolest mladih pilića. Uzročnik je RNK virus koji pripada familiji Birnaviridae. Ispoljava tropizam prema Fabricijusovoj burzi dovodeći do oštećenja limfocita i atrofije. Bolest se kontroliše vakcinacijom roditeljskih jedinki i prijemčivih pilića. Upotreba atenuiranih vakcina može dovesti do smanjenja nekih tehnoloških parametara. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se dokaže koje od primenjenih atenuiranih vakcina, intermedijarnih Gumbokal, Gumbokal D78 i intermedijarne-plus Gumbokal 228E, indukuje najbolji razvitak imnunološkog odgovora i dovode do najmanjih oštećenja u tkivu Fabricijusove burze i slezene. Pratili smo da li deluju imunosupresivno na vakcinu protiv NJukastl bolesti i da li utiču na smanjenje telesne mase brojlerskih pilića. Osnovne ogledne grupe su vakcinisane četrnaestog dana starosti protiv Gamboro bolesti, a zatim su od osnovnih oglednih grupa oformljene podgrupe koje su vakcinisane protiv NJukastl bolesti u različitim vremenskim periodima: O1-1, O2-2, O3-1 posle sedam dana, O1-2, O2-2, O3-2 posle četrnaest dana, O1-3, O2-3, O3-3 posle dvadesetjedan dan od vakcinacije protiv Gamboro bolesti .Od prvog do četrdesetdrugog dana eksperimenta svakih sedam dana je vađena krv pilićima, merena njihova telesna masa i uzorkovane burze i slezene. Krvni serumi su ispitivani na visinu titra antitela ELISA testom za Gamboro bolest, a metodom inhibicije hemagutinacije za NJukastl bolest. Najvišu visinu titra na Gamboro bolest je pokazala ogledna grupa O1, zatim grupa O2 i najniži O3. U oglednim podgrupama O3-1, O3-2 i O3-3 se ispoljio imunosupresivni efekat na imunološki odgovor prema NJukastl bolesti. Fabricijusovim burzama je određivana relativna masa i burzalni indeks da bi se ustanovilo da li je došlo do atrofije nakon primene vakcina. Najniži burzalni indeks je ustanovljen u oglednoj grupi O3, zatim u O2 i u O1. Takvim redosledom su ustnovljene i patohistološke promene u burzi. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da upotreba intermedijane-plus vakcine indukuje najbolji imunološki odgovor, ali i najnižu relativnu masu i vrednost burzalnog indeksa, kao i nižu telesnu masu u odnosu na inermedijarne vakcine. Primenjene vakcine nisu uticale na relativnu masu slezene i nisu dovele do pojave patohistoloških promena u njoj.</p> / <p>Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease) is a contagious viral disease of young chickens. The causative agent is an RNA virus that belongs to the family Birnaviridae. It exhibits tropism toward bursa of Fabricius causing damage to cells and atrophy. The disease is controlled by vaccination of susceptible broiler breeders and chickens. The use of attenuated vaccines may lead to the reduction of certain production parameters. The aim of this study was to prove which of the applied attenuated vaccines, intermediate Gumbokal, Gumbokal D78 and intermediate-plus Gumbokal 228E, induces the best immunological response and leads to fewest damages to burza of Fabricijus tissue and spleen. We tracked whether it influences on immunosuppressive vaccine against Newcastle disease and if it leads to reduce of body mass of broiler chickens. Basic experimental groups were vaccinated on the fourteenth day of age against Gamboro diseases, and sub-groups were formed of the basic experimental groups which have been vaccinated against Newcastle disease in different time periods: O1-1, O2-2, O3-1 after seven days, O1-2 , O2-2, O3-2 after fourteen days, O1-3, O2-3, O3-3 after twenty-one days of vaccination against Gumboro disease. From the first to the fourty second day of the experiment, blood was extracted form the chicks every seven days, their body weight was measured and burza and spleen were sampled. Blood serum were assayed for the amount of the antibody titer by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test (ELISA) for Gumboro disease, and with Hemagglutination-inhibition test (HI) for Newcastle disease. The biggest titer for Gamboro disease were showed by experimental group O1, then O2 and group O3 the lowest. In the experimental subgroups O3-1, O3-2 and O3-3 immunosuppressive effect was exhibited on the immune response to Newcastle disease. Relative weight and bursal index were determined for burza of Fabricius to determine whether there was atrophy after administration of the vaccine. The lowest bursal index was established in the experimental group O3, followed by O2 and O1. Such sequence was establilshed also for histopathological changes in the burza. The obtained results indicate that the use of the intermediate-plus vaccine induces the best immune response, but also the lowest relative value of the mass and burzal index, as well as a lower body weight compared to the inermediate vaccine. Applied vaccines did not affect the relative weight of the spleen and have not led to the appearance of histopathological changes in it.</p>

Facteurs de risque associés à la prévalence d'aérosacculite à l'abattoir chez le poulet de chair

Ankouche, Rachid January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Análise molecular parcial dos genes VP1 e VP2 do vírus da doença infecciosa da bursa isolados no Brasil / Analysis on partial sequence of VP1 and VP2 genes of the Brazilian infectious bursal disease virus isolated in Brazil

Fernandes, Maria Judite Bittencourt 05 April 2010 (has links)
Orientadores: Clarice Weis Arns, Isabela Cristina Simoni / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T00:22:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernandes_MariaJuditeBittencourt_D.pdf: 1711625 bytes, checksum: d2876be51222b1ba7526b13ab7a72795 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A doença infecciosa da bursa (IBD), denominada também doença de Gumboro, é uma doença aguda, imunossupressora, altamente contagiosa de aves jovens e de grande importância econômica para a avicultura. O vírus da doença infecciosa da bursa (IBDV), sorotipo 1, pode ser classificado de acordo com sua antigenicidade e patogenicidade em amostras clássicas virulentas (cv), atenuadas, variantes antigênicas ou muito virulentas (vv). Estas diferenças antigênicas são encontradas na região hipervariável do gene VP2, que é responsável pela indução de anticorpos neutralizantes e também dos possíveis marcadores de virulência que ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O gene VP1 parece também apresentar um papel na virulência do vírus. Primeiramente, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi a identificação e caracterização molecular de 66 amostras brasileiras de IBDV através da RT-PCR de um fragmento do gene VP2 seguida pela digestão por enzimas de restrição (RE) e posterior confirmação pelo sequenciamento. A análise da RT-PCR/RE classificou 25 isolados como cepas vv e 16 como cepas cv além da classificação de 6 grupo moleculares. O sequenciamento também confirmou esta classificação com a presnça dos aminoácidos (aa) típicos das amostras vv (222A, 242I, 256I e 294I). Em 3 destes amostras vv também se observou mutações únicas que mostram pequenas, mas contínuas alterações dos vvIBDV circulantes nas granjas brasileiras. A arvore filogenética confirmou a origem comum das nossas amostras vv com os isolados de outros países assim como a origem monofilética destas amostras. Posteriormente foi feito a RT-PCR de um fragmento representativo do gene VP1 das amostras positivas para IBDV e a análise das sequências e filogenética. Quatorze amostras vv e três cv tiveram êxito nas sequências analisadas. Treze amostras vv apresentaram as substituições de aa comuns para as amostras vv (145T, 146D, 147N e 242E), exceto um que apresentou a sequência das amostras cv e na filogenia agrupou-se com estas amostras. A árvore a partir da VP1 pressupõe um rearranjo genético deste gene. Esta amostra com perfil do segmento A de amostra vv e do segmento B de cv seria o primeiro relato no Brasil de um rearranjo genético natural. Estes rearranjos de segmentos que também foram observados em amostras de outros países ou que podem ser produzidos em laboratório (quimeras) mostram que o segmento B pode estar contribuindo para a patogênese deste vírus. A origem destes rearranjos pode ser de troca genética com o uso de vacinas vivas ou se aceita a hipótese de que o segmento VP1 dos vvIBDV se originaram de um rearranjo genético de fonte desconhecida, estes rearranjos com segmento vvVP2 e cvVP1, seriam descendentes dos ancentrais dos vvVP1. Apenas um seqüenciamento completo das duas sequências e estudos in vivo poderão caracterizar o papel da VP1 na virulência desta amostra. Assim, o monitoramento contínuo das amostras de IBDV através da caracterização molecular pela análise das sequências dos genes e a detecção de alterações genéticas que possam influenciar a patogenicidade do vírus são de extrema importância, pois geram informações fundamentais que possibilitam e subsidiam o controle desta doença no Brasil / Abstract: Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes a disease among young chickens of great economic importance to the poultry industry worldwide both for the both mortality as the immunosuppression. Two distinct serotypes, 1 and 2, of IBDV are recognized. Only the serotype 1 is pathogenic for chickens and classified according to the antigenicity and/or pathogenicity in classical virulent (cv) strains, very virulent (vv) strains, antigenic variant strains, and attenuated strains. This classification has been based mainly on the VP2 gene sequence, more specifically on the hypervariable region corresponding to the induction of neutralizing antibodies and the serotype specificity. However, the fundamental molecular basis for pathogenicity is not yet clear. Studies with the VP1 gene have also shown its possible role in this virulence and pathogenicity. Firstly, the aim of the present paper was the molecular characterization of sixty-six Brazilian IBDV isolates from broiler and layers flocks during the period from 1997 to 2005 by RT-PCR followed by restriction enzyme analysis of a fragment from VP2 gene variable region. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the positive isolates were also carried out. Twenty-five of the isolates were identified as very virulent (vv) and sixteen as classic virulent (cv). All of vv isolates had the typical amino acid (aa) residues and clustered in a phylogenetic tree with the vvIBDV strains. Three vv isolates presented four common aa substitutions and differed from other vv strains indicating that the vvIBDVs circulating on Brazilian farms are undergoing slight but continuous exchanges. Furthermore, the Brazilian IBDV isolates characterized by the VP2 sequence in cv and vv strains were analyzed by the sequence and phylogeny of the VP1 gene fragment. Our vv isolates maintained clustered with the other vvIBDVs in phylogenetic tree obtained from the VP1 gene and presented the common aa too. The same occurred with the cv isolates. However, one isolate vv showed both characters, cv and vv into VP1 sequence and clustered with the ours and other cv isolates in the tree. This isolate has similar type of a reassortment / Doutorado / Microbiologia / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

Facteurs de risque associés à la prévalence d'aérosacculite à l'abattoir chez le poulet de chair

Ankouche, Rachid January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Chicken infectious anemia virus vaccination induces immune disorders and viral persistency in infectious bursal disease virus-infected young chicks

Vaziry, Asaad 08 1900 (has links)
La bursite infectieuse aviaire (IBD) est une des causes majeures de pertes économiques pour l’industrie aviaire. La vaccination est le principal outil de contrôle de cette maladie et les oiseaux susceptibles doivent être vaccinés aussitôt que le niveau des anticorps maternels (MA) anti-IBDV est suffisamment bas. L’estimation du moment de vaccination est habituellement déterminée par la formule de Deventer qui utilise le titre initial de MA anti-IBDV et la demi-vie des anticorps pour prédire l’évolution du titre. Dans la présente étude, l’effet du gain de poids sur la vitesse de disparition des MA a été étudié dans le but de l’utiliser pour prédire la détermination du moment de la vaccination. L’analyse des taux d’anticorps neutralisants par ELISA a montré que les poussins avec une forte croissance avaient un taux de disparition plus rapide des MA que ceux à faible croissance. Une formule pour la prédiction du moment de vaccination contre le IBDV, basée sur le gain de poids et le niveau des MA a été développée et vérifiée. La prédiction du moment de vaccination avec cette formule a montré une haute corrélation avec les titres de MA mesurés par ELISA. Le virus de l’anémie infectieuse aviaire (CIAV) est une cause importante d’immunosuppression chez le poulet augmentant la pathogénicité des infections secondaires et en entraînant une réponse humorale suboptimale et une forte mortalité. D’autre part, l’infections sub-clinique du au CIAV provoque une immunosuppression qui facilite la coinfection par d’autre virus tel que le IBDV. Les effets de la coinfection à J1 avec une souche vaccinale de CIAV CAV-VAC® (Intervet) et à J14 avec une souche faiblement virulente de IBDV isolée au Québec, sur l’état de santé des poussins, sur la persistance virale et sur la réponse immunitaire ont été étudiés autant chez des poussins de 1 jour d’âge exempts d’agents pathogènes specifique (SPF) que ceux provenant d’élevages commerciaux. Les résultats ont montré que l’inoculation de la souche vaccinale du CIAV a entraîné une infection sub-clinique, une persistance virale dans la rate et le thymus, une altération de la thymopoièse et une réponse humorale temporaire chez les poussins SPF. Ces effets ont aussi été mis en évidence chez des poussins d’élevage commerciaux malgré des taux élevés de MA. Lors de l’infection avec la souche de IBDV chez des poussins déjà vaccinés contre le CIAV, la persistance du CIAV dans les organes lymphoïdes a été aggravée par une présence de réponses humorales temporaires contre les deux virus et une altération des populations lymphocytaires dans les organes lymphoïdes. Par contre, la présence des MA contre le CIAV a limité temporairement ces effets. Ces travaux ont mis en évidence des désordres immunitaires cellulaires et humoraux et une persistance virale chez des poussins vaccinés contre le CIAV et co-infectés avec le IBDV. / Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is one of the major causes of economic losses in the chicken industry. Vaccination is the main tool against the disease, and the susceptible birds should be vaccinated as soon as the maternal antibody (MA) becomes low enough to allow the vaccine to break through. Estimation of vaccination time is currently performed by Deventer formula which uses initial anti-IBDV titer and antibody half-life to predict the titer. Considering the increased growth rate of chicken in the last decades and the wide variations of MA, we have examined the effects of chick’s weight gain on MA decline and the use of weight in predicting IBD vaccination time. The virus neutralization test and ELISA results demonstrated that fast-growing birds had a faster rate of antibody decline whereas slow-growing birds demonstrated a slower rate. Based on the effect of weight-gain on maternal antibody decline, a new formula for predicting IBD vaccination time was introduced and tested. The predicted IBD vaccination time made by this weight formula showed higher correlation with the measured ELISA titers in the experiment. Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) is another cause of immunosuppression in chicken which is characterized by increased pathogenicity of secondary infectious agents, sub-optimal antibody responses and mortality. CIAV subclinical infections can result in immunosuppression and enhancement of pathogenicity of co-infecting agents such as infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). Effects of pathogenic CIAV and IBDV coinfection on chick’s health and immune responses are investigated in different studies. In this study, newly hatched specific pathogen free (SPF) and commercial chicks were vaccinated with CAV-VAC® (Intervet) vaccine and /or inoculated with a low-virulent Québec isolate of IBDV at 14 days post CIAV vaccination. Inoculation of the CIAV vaccinal strain at hatch resulted in subclinical infection associated with viral persistency in spleen and thymus, alteration of thymopoiesis and transient humoral response in SPF chicks. Subclinical infection, viral persistency and lack of antibody responses were also shown in CIAV inoculated commercial chicks with high MA. Infection of the low-virulent IBDV in the CIAV vaccinated SPF chicks lead to extended viral persistence of CIAV in lymphoid organs, transient immune responses to both CIAV and IBDV, and alteration of lymphocytes subpopulation in the lymphoid organs. In the coinfected commercial chicks, presence the CIAV in the lymphoid organs was controlled by MA in the first 1-2 weeks after hatch. Thereafter, the immune disorders, viral persistence and lack of humoral responses almost similar to the coinfected SPF chicks were recorded.

Chicken infectious anemia virus vaccination induces immune disorders and viral persistency in infectious bursal disease virus-infected young chicks

Vaziry, Asaad 08 1900 (has links)
La bursite infectieuse aviaire (IBD) est une des causes majeures de pertes économiques pour l’industrie aviaire. La vaccination est le principal outil de contrôle de cette maladie et les oiseaux susceptibles doivent être vaccinés aussitôt que le niveau des anticorps maternels (MA) anti-IBDV est suffisamment bas. L’estimation du moment de vaccination est habituellement déterminée par la formule de Deventer qui utilise le titre initial de MA anti-IBDV et la demi-vie des anticorps pour prédire l’évolution du titre. Dans la présente étude, l’effet du gain de poids sur la vitesse de disparition des MA a été étudié dans le but de l’utiliser pour prédire la détermination du moment de la vaccination. L’analyse des taux d’anticorps neutralisants par ELISA a montré que les poussins avec une forte croissance avaient un taux de disparition plus rapide des MA que ceux à faible croissance. Une formule pour la prédiction du moment de vaccination contre le IBDV, basée sur le gain de poids et le niveau des MA a été développée et vérifiée. La prédiction du moment de vaccination avec cette formule a montré une haute corrélation avec les titres de MA mesurés par ELISA. Le virus de l’anémie infectieuse aviaire (CIAV) est une cause importante d’immunosuppression chez le poulet augmentant la pathogénicité des infections secondaires et en entraînant une réponse humorale suboptimale et une forte mortalité. D’autre part, l’infections sub-clinique du au CIAV provoque une immunosuppression qui facilite la coinfection par d’autre virus tel que le IBDV. Les effets de la coinfection à J1 avec une souche vaccinale de CIAV CAV-VAC® (Intervet) et à J14 avec une souche faiblement virulente de IBDV isolée au Québec, sur l’état de santé des poussins, sur la persistance virale et sur la réponse immunitaire ont été étudiés autant chez des poussins de 1 jour d’âge exempts d’agents pathogènes specifique (SPF) que ceux provenant d’élevages commerciaux. Les résultats ont montré que l’inoculation de la souche vaccinale du CIAV a entraîné une infection sub-clinique, une persistance virale dans la rate et le thymus, une altération de la thymopoièse et une réponse humorale temporaire chez les poussins SPF. Ces effets ont aussi été mis en évidence chez des poussins d’élevage commerciaux malgré des taux élevés de MA. Lors de l’infection avec la souche de IBDV chez des poussins déjà vaccinés contre le CIAV, la persistance du CIAV dans les organes lymphoïdes a été aggravée par une présence de réponses humorales temporaires contre les deux virus et une altération des populations lymphocytaires dans les organes lymphoïdes. Par contre, la présence des MA contre le CIAV a limité temporairement ces effets. Ces travaux ont mis en évidence des désordres immunitaires cellulaires et humoraux et une persistance virale chez des poussins vaccinés contre le CIAV et co-infectés avec le IBDV. / Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is one of the major causes of economic losses in the chicken industry. Vaccination is the main tool against the disease, and the susceptible birds should be vaccinated as soon as the maternal antibody (MA) becomes low enough to allow the vaccine to break through. Estimation of vaccination time is currently performed by Deventer formula which uses initial anti-IBDV titer and antibody half-life to predict the titer. Considering the increased growth rate of chicken in the last decades and the wide variations of MA, we have examined the effects of chick’s weight gain on MA decline and the use of weight in predicting IBD vaccination time. The virus neutralization test and ELISA results demonstrated that fast-growing birds had a faster rate of antibody decline whereas slow-growing birds demonstrated a slower rate. Based on the effect of weight-gain on maternal antibody decline, a new formula for predicting IBD vaccination time was introduced and tested. The predicted IBD vaccination time made by this weight formula showed higher correlation with the measured ELISA titers in the experiment. Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) is another cause of immunosuppression in chicken which is characterized by increased pathogenicity of secondary infectious agents, sub-optimal antibody responses and mortality. CIAV subclinical infections can result in immunosuppression and enhancement of pathogenicity of co-infecting agents such as infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). Effects of pathogenic CIAV and IBDV coinfection on chick’s health and immune responses are investigated in different studies. In this study, newly hatched specific pathogen free (SPF) and commercial chicks were vaccinated with CAV-VAC® (Intervet) vaccine and /or inoculated with a low-virulent Québec isolate of IBDV at 14 days post CIAV vaccination. Inoculation of the CIAV vaccinal strain at hatch resulted in subclinical infection associated with viral persistency in spleen and thymus, alteration of thymopoiesis and transient humoral response in SPF chicks. Subclinical infection, viral persistency and lack of antibody responses were also shown in CIAV inoculated commercial chicks with high MA. Infection of the low-virulent IBDV in the CIAV vaccinated SPF chicks lead to extended viral persistence of CIAV in lymphoid organs, transient immune responses to both CIAV and IBDV, and alteration of lymphocytes subpopulation in the lymphoid organs. In the coinfected commercial chicks, presence the CIAV in the lymphoid organs was controlled by MA in the first 1-2 weeks after hatch. Thereafter, the immune disorders, viral persistence and lack of humoral responses almost similar to the coinfected SPF chicks were recorded.

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