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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerus clausus dos direitos reais e autonomia nos contratos de disposição / Numerus Clausus of property rights in rem and autonomy in exchange contracts

Rafael Domingos Faiardo Vanzella 29 May 2009 (has links)
Esta tese analisa um regime jurídico convencionalmente designado numerus clausus dos direitos reais, examinando-o sob três aspectos. O primeiro deles concerne às funções que esse regime desempenha no interior do ordenamento jurídico. Em um sistema de direito patrimonial privado que promove a autonomia contratual e predispõe restrições jurídico-negociais ao poder de dispor, entre as quais se ressaltam os direitos subjetivos reais, o regime de numerus clausus se apresenta como uma previsão legal dos tipos de contratos que restringem o poder de dispor e, assim, modificam o poder de adquirir do sujeito passivo universal. Conquanto sofram essa modificação em sua esfera jurídica, esses sujeitos de direito não tomam parte na celebração daqueles contratos. De maneira que as funções do numerus clausus dirigem-se, fundamentalmente, ao concerto de um fenômeno de heteronomia privada: por meio de um catálogo, o adquirente pode não apenas conhecer quais são os contratos que, a despeito de sua declaração jurídico-negocial, afetam os seus interesses econômico-sociais, mas também desconsiderar a eficácia, sobre si, dos contratos que, extrapolando aquele catálogo, circunscrevem-se, seguramente, a só quem, dele, foi parte. Em segundo lugar, sustenta-se uma qualidade negativa e outra positiva no numerus clausus. Negativamente, esse regime jurídico se identifica por uma grave limitação na autonomia contratual, especialmente na autonomia dos contratos de disposição. Nesse sentido, e porque o poder de dispor não é uma posição jurídica exclusiva da titularidade de direitos subjetivos reais, assim como as conseqüências de suas restrições não despontam apenas no direito das coisas, não apenas a disposição contratual de direitos subjetivos reais, mas também a disposição contratual de créditos, de participações societárias e de propriedade imaterial submete-se, igualmente, a um numerus clausus. Essa circunstância remete a uma duplicidade de regimes de autonomia contratual no direito dos contratos: enquanto não há um tipo de contrato em gênero (tipicidade vinculativa) e predominam as regras cogentes (tipicidade fixa) para os contratos de disposição, os contratos obrigacionais obedecem a uma tipicidade aberta. Positivamente, por seu turno, o numerus clausus legitima uma poderosa técnica jurídica de oponibilidade de interesses econômico-sociais: o contrato de disposição. Selecionando um dos poucos tipos de contratos de disposição predispostos pela lei, os contratantes afetam, por meio da regra da prioridade e da imunidade contra disposição, a eficácia de contratos de cuja formação não tomam parte, sejam contratos subseqüentes, obrigacionais ou de disposição, sejam contratos precedentes, meramente obrigacionais. Sem dúvida, o ordenamento jurídico apresenta outras técnicas jurídicas de oponibilidade de interesses econômico-sociais aos terceiros-adquirentes, geralmente ligadas a procedimentos de publicidade, tais como a boa-fé. Muito embora elas manifestem efeitos semelhantes, por vezes contradizendo o regime de numerus clausus, não se verifica uma derrogação desse último, identificada, por vezes, como uma realização dos direitos obrigacionais. No fundo, em se tratando de fatos jurídicos inconfundíveis, as metódicas de argumentação e aplicação do direito, pressupostas em cada um deles, são, outrossim, diferentes. Essas diferenças correspondem, por fim, ao terceiro e último daqueles três aspectos sob os quais se analisa o numerus clausus. Efetua-se, para tanto, o estudo de dois casos representativos, colhidos da jurisprudência brasileira, a qual aplica ora esse último regime, ora a boa-fé, sem que isso signifique nenhuma contradição, uma vez que a excepcionalidade dessa última confirma o caráter do numerus clausus como a regulação motriz do tráfico jurídico, orientada à segurança da aquisição e à estabilidade de determinadas relações de intercâmbio dos bens econômicos. / My dissertation focuses on a legal regime generally referred to as \"numerus clausus of property rights\". It does so by examining three main aspects of the theme. First of all it analyses the function of that legal regime, which is the source of its perceived legitimacy nowadays. This function consists in tendering for buyers a welldefined catalogue describing all the possible agreements concerning the goods they intend to buy and that are going to be considered as burdens. In a Private Law system, which fosters the private autonomy and prearranges burdens, the numerus clausus works as a menu of those contracts likely to create burdens. All the other contracts not listed in that menu even if they make reference to certain goods will not be treated as burdens. Thus, the buyer may know that his own interests over these goods will not be affected. Second the dissertation identifies a positive and a negative quality in this function. A possible negative aspect is that the numerus clausus is a heavy limitation to private autonomy, mainly to exchange contracts. In this sense, not only the exchanges involving property interests (rights in rem) but also those affecting credits and other kinds of rights (rights in personam) are submitted to the same legal regime which leads to Private Law generally recognizing two kinds of private autonomy regimes in Contract. While inexchange contracts the autonomy is limited, in executory contracts the autonomy is sensitively wider. A possible positive aspect is that the numerus clausus establishes a very powerful tool for opposing interests to third parties: the exchange contract. By selecting one of the few exchange contracts available in that menu, parties may oppose their interests in future transactions they will not take part in. Exchange contracts are obviously not the only system available for opposing interests in Private Law. The so called good faith system, connected with publicity devices, works also in that way, but using a very different legal strategy. Although the legal doctrine is used to identify the application of the good faith system with a \"realization\" of personal rights, that seems problematic. As a matter of fact, as different legal conceptions, exchange contracts submitted to a numerus clausus regime and good faith system require different techniques and arguments. These different procedures are discussed in the third section of my dissertation. In this section I discuss major cases in Brazilian Law which apply sometimes the numerus clausus systems and sometimes the good faith system. I argue that there is no contradiction between the both fashions of judicial decision, unless one simply uses the incoherent notion of \"realization\".

A influência da imagem do país de origem de empresas brasileiras de alta intensidade tecnológica sobre consumidores organizacionais internacionais nas suas decisões de compra / The influence of country-of-origin\'s image of Brazilian high-tech companies over purchasing decision of B2B consumers abroad.

Marcus Vinicius Costa de Melo e Silva 06 August 2014 (has links)
Empresas brasileiras que desejam conquistar novos mercados exportando precisam estar atentas aos diversos atributos analisados por compradores corporativos internacionais, alavancando sua competitividade em um cenário de disputa acirrada. Um desses atributos é a imagem do país de procedência dos produtos. Apesar de esse tema já ser abordado há quase cinco décadas na literatura mundial, os estudos a respeito da influência da imagem do país nas transações entre empresas (ditas business-to-business, B2B, ou organizacionais) são ainda em pequena quantidade, no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a influência que a imagem do Brasil pode exercer sobre consumidores organizacionais de outros países, especificamente no segmento de alta intensidade tecnológica - o setor que mais investe em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no Brasil. Esta pesquisa, empregando o método exploratório de estudos multicasos com três empresas, envolveu seus próprios executivos e compradores internacionais, e traz contribuição à literatura acadêmica, que dispõe de poucas fontes sobre negócios B2B associados com o efeito país-de-origem. A pesquisa foi qualitativa e exploratória, e entrevistas em profundidade foram realizadas em duas etapas, com profissionais de empresas brasileiras que exportam e, em seguida, com consultores, agentes de vendas e compradores de outros países. Algumas entrevistas foram pessoais, e outras, via telefone ou internet. Das cinco proposições do estudo, duas foram confirmadas, uma confirmada parcialmente e duas não foram confirmadas. Encontrou-se que a imagem do país traz impacto à decisão de compra, mas com ressalvas, como o fato de a situação ser ou não de recompra, e dependendo de qual país está comprando. O Brasil foi bem visto especificamente no segmento de aviação civil comercial, a ponto de a Embraer trazer, a quem atua neste segmento, uma imagem positiva do Brasil como desenvolvedor de tecnologias aeronáuticas. O país foi visto negativamente no segmento de automação, nas situações de recompra em que houve experiências negativas com empresas brasileiras vendendo na Europa; positivamente em automação pelo mercado colombiano e de forma neutra por compradores que participam de processos complexos no segmento de energia nuclear - desde que, nesse caso, os requisitos técnicos sejam cumpridos. Para alguns entrevistados do segmento de automação, o Brasil precisa divulgar mais suas tecnologias por meio de incentivos das iniciativas pública e privada, e as empresas brasileiras devem participar de grupos de usuários de suas tecnologias, além de desenvolver parceiros no exterior. Caracterizaram-se como limitações da pesquisa o número de casos e segmentos de alta intensidade tecnológica estudados, assim como questões técnicas relacionadas à má compreensão de trechos das entrevistas pelo telefone ou devido à conexão de internet, quando estes meios foram utilizados. / Brazilian companies which intend to reach new markets abroad need to be conscious to the several cues analyzed by their international buyers, concerning their products. By taking this care, it is possible to leverage their competitiveness in a fierce market scene. One of these cues is the country of origin of the products. Although this theme had been addressed for almost five decades in the world literature, the research related to the country\'s image influence over the transactions between organizations (business-to-business or B2B transactions) is still narrow - in Brazil and in the whole world. This qualitative research targets the influence of Brazil\'s image over international buyers, specifically in the high-technology industries. It uses the exploratory multi-case technique with three Brazilian companies and in-depth interviews with their executives, external consultants and international customers. Some of the interviews were in person, others by internet or telephone. Five propositions are presented, two of which confirmed, other two not confirmed and one of them confirmed partially. The results show that Brazil\'s image brings impact over the purchasing decision of organizational buyers from abroad, but with reservations. It depends on the purchasing situation, if it is a new process or a repurchase. Depending on the country where the interviews were conducted, different opinions appeared, like negative or neutral ones in countries from Europe, and positives in Colombia. Whether bad experiences in the past happened with European buyers, re-purchasing situations bring a negative image to Brazil. It was founded that in case of more complex situations - like the purchase of nuclear power plants items - technical issues were strongly more important than country\'s image, reducing COO effect or almost making it disappear. In addition, Brazil has a positive image in the aviation industry, and Embraer raises the country\'s evaluation as an aeronautical developer to the eyes of organizational buyers from abroad. For some of the interviewees from the automation industry, Brazil needs to disclose its technologies via public or private agencies, and its companies need to be present at technical groups of study and discussion of other countries. The number of cases and industries studied were limitations to this research, and technical issues like the comprehension of some parts of the interviews made via internet or telephone.

The Speculation Market and newly built condominium in Stockholm / Spekulationsmark naden av nyproducerade bostadsrätter i Stockholm

Sandell, Erika January 2016 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats har den verkliga bostadsrättsmarknaden studerats ur ett perspektiv inriktat på spekulationsköp av nyproducerade bostadsrätter. Studien omfattar Stockholmsområdet och intervjuer med inblandade aktörer verksamma i områder har legat till grund för undersökningen. Byggbolag, fastighetsmäklare och spekulationsköpare har bistått med information som lett till insyn och fördjupning i spekulationsköpen som pågår av nyproducerade bostadsrätter. Samtliga parter är eniga om att spekulationsköp är vanligt förekommande på dagens bostadsmarknad. Under de senaste två åren har uppemot 30 procent av köpen inom nyproducerade bostadsrätter utgjorts av spekulationsköpare med syfte att göra en ekonomisk vinning. Det stora tidsspannet mellan köp och tillträde, som ofta uppgår till två år, utgör utrymme för bostadens marknadsvärde att stiga rejält i dagens uppåtgående bostadsmarknad. Tre grupper av spekulationsköpare har kunnat urskiljas. Dessa består först och främst av de rutinerade spekulationsköparna med stor koll på bostadsmarknadens prisutveckling. Den andra gruppen består av mer amatörmässiga spekulationsköpare som genom vänner hört hur stora vinster man kan göra. Den tredje gruppen utgörs av fastighetsmäklarna själva som givetvis är väl medvetna om prisutvecklingen, ofta före alla andra, och ser sin chans till snabba pengar. Gemensamt för dessa grupper är att det i hög grad rör sig om yngre män i 30-års åldern med en bra ekonomi. Små bostäder är av högst intresse men även större bostäder till en högre insats är aktuellt för de mer rutinerade köparna. Fastighetsmäklarna spelar en oberoende roll i spekulationsmarknaden, för dem utgör inte spekulationsköpen något problem. För byggherrarna är dock fenomenet problematiskt då det innebär negativa konsekvenser för företaget. Spekulationsköpen resulterar i fler avhopp, utnyttjande av företagens trygghetssystem, missnöjda slutkonsumenter samt en möjlig bidragande faktor till skenande priser och hysteri på bostadsrätter i Stockholm. Byggbolag har vidtagit flertalet åtgärder för att reglera spekulationsköpen. Bland annat förekommer begränsning till max ett pågående köp per kund, krav på lånelöfte, förhöjda kontantinsatser samt svarta interna listor på spekulationsköpare. Fastighetsmäklarna anser att byggbolagen innehar det största ansvaret för reglering av spekulationsköp då det är dem som prissätter bostäderna. Byggbolagen själva anser att ansvaret är fördelat hos flertalet aktörer såsom kommun, lagstiftning, bostadsrättsföreningar samt regleringar hos byggbolagen själva. / In this bachelor thesis the real housing market is studied from a perspective focused on speculative buying of newly built condominiums. The study covers the Stockholm area and interviews with the involved actors operating in this zone have been the basis for the investigation. Construction companies, real estate agents and speculative buyers have provided information that’s aided transparency, and depth of understanding in speculative purchases of newly built condominiums. All parties agree that speculative buying is common in today’s housing market. Over the past two years, up to 30 percent of the purchases of newly constructed condominiums have consisted of speculative buyers out to make a quick profit. The time span between purchase and access, which can be up to two years, allows the property time to react to the current market in Stockholm’s ever-rising housing market. Three groups of speculative buyers have been distinguished; the first group consists primarily of seasoned speculative buyers with a keen eye on price trends and today's housing market. The second group is more amateur, have little experience, but are well informed from friends and acquaintances that large profits can be made. The third group consists of real estate agents, they of course, are well aware of price trends often before anyone else, and see an opportunity for fast profits. Common to all three groups are males in their 30’s, with substantial backing. Smaller condominiums are of greatest interest but also larger ones appear among the more routine buyers. Real estate agents play an independent role in the speculative market, for them the speculative buying is not a problem. For building companies, however, the phenomenon has become problematic because it implies negative consequences for the company. Speculation purchases result in more defections, abuse of security systems, and disgruntled end users - as well as contributing to already soaring house prices in Stockholm. Construction companies have taken several measures to regulate speculative purchases. One of the factors, among others, is the limit of one single on going purchase per customer. Also restricted are increased cash contributions and notably the inclusion of internal black lists used to expose offending buyers. Real estate agents believe that construction companies hold most of the responsibility for the regulation of speculative buying, because they are setting the prices. Construction companies themselves believe that the responsibility is shared by stakeholders such as municipalities, legislation, housing associations – but should also expect internal regulating of their own companies.

“Allt handlar om yta i den här världen. Att sälja in sig själv.Och att se till att tillhandahålla det köparna fantiserar om” : En litteraturstudie om hur kvinnor som säljer sex motersättning upplever sin situation inom sexhandeln / “It's all about the surface in this world. To sell yourself. And to make sure toprovide what buyers are fantasizing about¨ : A qualitative study of how women who sell sex for compensations experiencetheir situation in the sex trade

Sika, Kelly, Corneliusson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Nákupní chování a postoje zákazníků maloobchodní jednotky / Buying behavior and the attitudes of customers of a retail unit

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis was to analyze the buying behaviour and attitudes of customers and then propose concrete measures for improvement. The first part of the work contains theoretical information. There are characterized basic terms such as consumer and buying behavior, purchase decision process, factors affecting the purchase decisions of consumers, individual types of buyers, marketing research, marketing research process and marketing research techniques. Second part is the practical part and contains information about next companies - FLOP JIH spol. s r.o., FLOSMAN a. s., and also about the retail unit Flop Diskont Mladá Vožice. This part also contains analysis of buing behaviour and attitudes of customers of this chosen unit. The analysis was made through a questionnaire survey.At the end of the work there are suggested any recommendations in several areas in which the retail unit has some potential to improve.

Internet of Things : The Potential Influence of Enterprise Buyers on the Security of IoT

Mozayani, John January 2018 (has links)
While IoT safety and security incidents continue to increase in frequency, scope and severity, there remains a gap in how the issue will be addressed. While the debate continues within academia, industry standards bodies, government and industry media, new entrants continue to rapidly enter the market with cheaper more powerful products with little incentive to address information security issues. In a free market economy, the supply and the demand would determine the product and services and the associated prices without intervention. Manufacturers are free to innovate, consumers drive choice and competition brings these opposing forces to an equilibrium of market price. But how does this economic system factor in the risk of an event that neither party may ever consider and, yet, it may impact not only impact those involved, but has the potential to have catastrophic harm to others? The downside, the system does not consider “external factors”, i.e. a compromise to accommodate what consumers need. Economists often urge governments to adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them. Such an intervention, however, often comes with many challenges and consequences. Even with the added urgency of growing risk to human safety, regulatory intervention takes time. Likewise, a self-regulating market would undoubtedly also take a significant amount of time to take the necessary actions to address such an externality, even if incentivized. While it continues to be all too easy to defer the blame and risk on consumer, like the industrial revolution, this industry must overcome its own safety challenges like the auto, transportation or energy industries before it. While, consumers must inevitably take some reasonable measures to protect their interests, clearly the accountability must reside elsewhere. There is a potentially increasingly significant influential subset of consumers in the IoT ecosystem, the Enterprise Buyer, specifically marketing and technology executives, who champion consumer needs within their organization’s broader products and services that incorporate IoT. In this thesis, we aim to investigate the following issue: What are the attitudes and potential role for Enterprise Buyers in influencing negative externalities, i.e. IoT security in the IoT market, specifically from the perspective of marketing and technology executives? We believe that this group is uniquely positioned to understand a consumer first mindset and how to articulate value in otherwise negatively perceived field of information security by examining context, business/technical challenges and opportunities and reveal awareness, attitude and accountability. The results of our survey show the majority of marketing and technology executives who responded believe information security awareness is increasingly an executive accountability and priority and Enterprise Buyers hold a highly influential position in their ability to influence the IoT market and its security development and maturation. / Medan IoT- säkerhetsincidenter fortsätter att öka i frekvens, omfattning och svårighetsgrad, finns det fortfarande ett gap i hur problemet ska hanteras. Samtidigt som debatten fortsätter inom akademin, branschstandardorganen, myndigheter i regeringen och industrin fortsätter nya aktörer att snabbt komma in på marknaden med billigare, kraftfullare produkter med få incitament att ta itu med informationssäkerhetsfrågor. I en öppen marknadsekonomi skulle utbud och efterfrågan avgöra produkt och tjänster och tillhörande priser utan intervention. Tillverkare kan obehindrat driva innovation, konsumenterna driver urval och konkurrens ger dessa motstridiga krafter jämvikt genom marknadspriset. Men hur påverkar detta ekonomiska system risken för en händelse som ingen av parterna någonsin kan överväga och som ändå kan påverka inte bara de inblandade som berörs utan även har potential att få katastrofala skador på andra? Nersidan är att systemet inte beaktar "yttre faktorer", det vill säga gör en kompromiss för att leverera vad konsumenterna behöver. Ekonomer uppmanar ofta regeringar att anta policies som "internaliserar" något externt, så att kostnader och fördelar kommer att påverka främst parter som väljer att ådra sig dem. Ett sådant ingrepp kommer emellertid ofta med många utmaningar och konsekvenser. Trots att förhöjda hot mot människors säkerhet ökar angelägenheten tar uppdatering av regelverken tid. På samma sätt skulle en självreglerande marknad utan tvivel också ta väldigt mycket tid på sig för att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att hantera en sådan extern faktor, även om det fanns incitament för att göra det. Medan det fortsätter att vara alltför lätt att överlåta ansvaret och risken till konsumenten, såsom under den industriella revolutionen, måste denna industri övervinna sina egna säkerhetsutmaningar såsom bil-, transport- eller energibranschen gjort före den. Samtidigt som konsumenter oundvikligen behöver vidta rimliga åtgärder för att skydda sina intressen, måste yttersta ansvaret ligga någon annanstans. Det finns en potentiellt allt större inflytelserik delmängd av konsumenter i IoT-ekosystemet; företagsköpare, specifikt ledare inom marknadsföring och teknologi, som driver konsumentbehov inom sin organisations bredare produkter och tjänster som innehåller IoT. I denna avhandling strävar vi efter att undersöka följande problem: Vad är företagsköparnas attityder och möjliga roll för att påverka negativa externa effekter, det vill säga IoT-säkerhet på IoT-marknaden, särskilt ur marknadsförings- och teknikledarens perspektiv? Vi tror att denna grupp är unik positionerad för att förstå en konsumenternas första tankegång och hur man kan uttrycka värdet i ett annars negativt uppfattat område för informationssäkerhet genom att undersöka kontext, affärs- / tekniska utmaningar och möjligheter och avslöja medvetenhet, attityd och ansvar. Resultaten av vår undersökning visar de flesta marknadsförings- och teknikchefer som svarade tror att informationssäkerhet blir del av ledningens ansvar och prioriteringar och att företagsköpare har en mycket inflytelserik position i deras förmåga att påverka IoT- marknaden och dess säkerhetsutveckling och mognad.

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