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A Study of the Origins and Early Development of the Major Seventh ChordHanslowe, Nannette Reese 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to trace the development of the major seventh chord from the earliest recorded music through the German School of composition up to the time of Johann Sebastian Bach. The term "major seventh chord" is used to denote the four-tone chord comprised of a major triad plus a tone which is a major seventh above the root. In major keys this chord may be built on the tonic and subdominant degrees of the scale without alterations, and in the "natural" minor on the mediant and the submediant. The full, or structural, name "major-major seventh chord"--used in the present thesis only when it is necessary to distinguish it from other seventh chords with major sevenths-- arises from the fact that the triad (1, 3, 5) is major and the interval between the root and the seventh is major.
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Paul Hindmith's Sonata for Clarinet and Piano: A Lecture RecitalYi, Chang-Su 01 January 1977 (has links)
Paul Hindemith was one of the most distinguished composers of the twentieth century. This thesis will begin with biographical information, highlighting important events in his life. Then, in an effort to understand his compositional style and his philosophy of Gebrauchsmusik, his mastery of classical form, the Sonata for Clarinet and Piano is chosen for a detailed stylistic analysis. Treated in the analysis chapter are form, melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamic, and the technically problematic areas involved such as fingering and ensemble with piano. Hindemith's musical style is conservative in form and tonality. Tonality and melodic motives constitute the dominant force throughout the entire sonata. In the analysis of harmony in this study, Hindemith's own analytical method, which he established on acoustical phenomenon, will be employed as is necessary
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Modulgenerator för generering av Brent Kung-adderare / Modulegenerator for Brent Kung-adder generation.Dahlqvist, Michael, Röst, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
<p>För att snabba upp addering av tal, vilket är en vital del inom signalbehandling finns olika algoritmer. En sådan algoritm är Brent Kungs vilken har en tidsfördröjning proportionell mot log2(N). </p><p>I rapporten jämförs några olika varianter av adderare med avseende på grinddjup, vilket är proportionelltmot propageringstiden. En modulgenerator för Brent Kung-adderare implementeras med Skill-kod i Cadence. Modulgeneratorn kan genera adderare av obegränsad ordlängd och är även teknologi oberoende. Brent Kung-adderarens fysiska begränsningar studeras och förslag ges på lämpliga förbättringar.</p> / <p>To speed up the addition of numbers, which is a vital part of signal processing there are different types of algorithms. One of those algorithms is the Brent Kung-adder, which has a time delay proportional to log2(N). </p><p>In the report comparison of different adders has been done, taking into account grind-depth which is proportional to the propagation time. A module generator for the Brent Kung adder is implemented with skill-code in the program Cadence. The module generator can generate adders of infinite word length and is independent of the technology used. The physical limitations of Brent Kung adders are being studied and proposals for improvements are given in the report.</p>
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Modulgenerator för generering av Brent Kung-adderare / Modulegenerator for Brent Kung-adder generation.Dahlqvist, Michael, Röst, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
För att snabba upp addering av tal, vilket är en vital del inom signalbehandling finns olika algoritmer. En sådan algoritm är Brent Kungs vilken har en tidsfördröjning proportionell mot log2(N). I rapporten jämförs några olika varianter av adderare med avseende på grinddjup, vilket är proportionelltmot propageringstiden. En modulgenerator för Brent Kung-adderare implementeras med Skill-kod i Cadence. Modulgeneratorn kan genera adderare av obegränsad ordlängd och är även teknologi oberoende. Brent Kung-adderarens fysiska begränsningar studeras och förslag ges på lämpliga förbättringar. / To speed up the addition of numbers, which is a vital part of signal processing there are different types of algorithms. One of those algorithms is the Brent Kung-adder, which has a time delay proportional to log2(N). In the report comparison of different adders has been done, taking into account grind-depth which is proportional to the propagation time. A module generator for the Brent Kung adder is implemented with skill-code in the program Cadence. The module generator can generate adders of infinite word length and is independent of the technology used. The physical limitations of Brent Kung adders are being studied and proposals for improvements are given in the report.
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Feasibility of Wearable Sensors to Determine Gait ParametersSimoes, Mario Alves 01 January 2011 (has links)
A wearable system that can be used in different settings to collect gait parameters on subjects with a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) would allow clinicians to collect needed data of subjects outside of the laboratory setting. Mild traumatic brain injuries stem from a number of causes such as illnesses, strokes, accidents or battlefield traumas. These injuries can cause issues with everyday tasks, such as gait, and are linked with vestibular dysfunction [1]. Different wearable sensor systems were analyzed prior to starting this study along with relevant gait parameters associated with mild traumatic brain injury. To monitor gait parameters relevant to mild traumatic brain injury (cadence, torso rate of rotation, head rate of rotation and stride length) a wearable sensor system was selected (APDM Opal Movement Monitor [13]) and compared against the gold standard optical tracking system (Vicon) [2]. A group of ten, 20-27 year old, healthy subjects were used to validate the APDM Movement Monitor system using the Pearson's R correlation value [35]. Subjects were asked to wear the APDM movement monitors in conjunction with the reflective markers of the Vicon system while performing three sessions of gait trials: a normal gait speed, a fast gait speed and a slow gait speed. Using the Pearson's R correlation values, cadence, torso rate of rotation, and head rate of rotation were found to be highly correlated between both systems. The Pearson's R correlations for cadence, torso rate of rotation, head rate of rotation and stride length were 0.967, 0.907, 0.942, and 0.861, respectively. These correlation values suggest the gait parameters relevant to mild traumatic brain injury are highly correlated between both the APDM Movement Monitor system and the Vicon system, and APDM's wearable sensor system was lightweight, portable and less costly than the Vicon system.
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Anatomical, biomechanical and physiological loading during human endurance performance at selected limb cadences via triathlonLanders, Grant Justin January 2002 (has links)
Triathlon has had a rapid evolution from its origins 25 years ago in the United States to becoming a full summer Olympic sport in Sydney 2000. It is a sport that combines the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running linked together with two transitions. It is this combination of events that gives triathlon its uniqueness in the area of exercise science. As a very young sport, the body of knowledge is somewhat limited, but is steadily growing. The following document aims to shed some new light on a range of aspects within the sport of triathlon and highlight triathlon as a sport in its own right with very specific demands when compared with each of the three individual sub-disciplines
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Μετατροπείς ψηφιακού σήματος σε αναλογικό / Digital to analog convertersΦωτόπουλος, Αρχιμήδης 13 September 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία μελετάται η δομή και τα χαρακτηριστικά, ενός καινοτόμου Μετατροπέα Ψηφιακού Σήματος σε Αναλογικό (Digital to Analog Converter - DAC) που αναπτύχθηκε στο Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτρονικών Εφαρμογών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Η δομή του συγκεκριμένου DAC βασίζεται στην τοπολογία του γνωστού R-2R Ladder και παρ’ όλο που υλοποιείται με αντιστάσεις μικρής σχετικά ακρίβειας, επιτυγχάνει τελικά πολύ υψηλές επιδόσεις σε γραμμικότητα, κατανάλωση αλλά και επιφάνεια υλοποίησης.
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας Διπλωματικής Εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκε το ‘κατά κοινή ομολογία’ καλύτερο λογισμικό σχεδίασης και εξομοίωσης ολοκληρωμένων ηλεκτρονικών κυκλωμάτων, το Cadence. Με τη βοήθεια αυτού του Cadence εξομοιώσαμε την νέα τοπολογία DAC και ελέγξαμε την δυνατότητα προσέγγισης της υψηλής γραμμικότητας που παρουσιάζεται στις ερευνητικές εργασίες που βασιστήκαμε. Επιπλέον, έγινε και μία υλοποίηση σε φυσικό επίπεδο με τη χρήση του λογισμικού Cadence, δηλαδή σχεδιάστηκε η τοπολογία του κυκλώματος στο πυρίτιο για τη δημιουργία ολοκληρωμένου συστήματος (system on chip). / This Diploma Thesis studies on an innovative Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) structure developed in the Applied Electronics Laboratory of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras. This new DAC structure is based on the well-known R-2R Ladder, and is capable to achieve very high linearity on high resolution DAC without requiring resistances of high accuracy, while preserving at the same time the good characteristics of the conventional R-2R ladder in terms of speed, power consumption and implementation area.
The state of the art EDA tool, Cadence was employed in the framework of this Diploma Thesis in order to simulate the behavior of the DAC and to certify its enhanced characteristics regarding the linearity. Additionally, the same EDA tool was employed for designing the DAC topology on a silicon chip.
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Transmission au delà de la cadence de Nyquist sur canal radiomobile / Faster-Than-Nyquist Transmission on mobile radio channelMarquet, Alexandre 21 December 2017 (has links)
Avec la multiplication des terminaux mobiles et le foisonnement des objets dits « connectés », on assiste à la montée d'un besoin de moyens de communication à tout endroit et en toute situation, accompagné d'un encombrement spectral toujours plus important. Dans ce contexte, si la capacité d'adaptation au canal des modulations multiporteuses permet de bien s'accommoder du besoin de communication en tout endroit, les techniques actuelles, en particulier l'OFDM, souffrent d'une mauvaise localisation fréquentielle et d'un mauvais facteur de crête, ce qui limite leur utilisation dans un contexte embarqué et/ou en présence de fortes contraintes spectrales. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les modulations multiporteuses au-delà de la cadence de Nyquist. En augmentant la densité de signalisation, ces dernières permettent d'augmenter l'efficacité spectrale. Cela est cependant contrebalancé par l'apparition d'auto-interférence, ce qui rend la réception plus délicate.Sur canal à bruit additif blanc gaussien, on montre comment choisir des impulsions de mise en forme maximisant le rapport signal à interférence plus bruit. On montre que ces dernières permettent d'obtenir une turbo-égalisation linéaire de l'auto-interférence minimisant l'erreur quadratique moyenne. Nos travaux mettent en évidence que ces mêmes impulsions permettent également de réduire le facteur de crête à mesure que la densité augmente. Enfin, sur canal sélectif en fréquence, on vérifie que l'approximation du canal par un coefficient par sous-porteuse est toujours possible. Ces résultats montrent que ce nouveau type de modulation permet d'augmenter l'efficacité spectrale tout en conservant la capacité d'adaptation au canal intrinsèque aux modulations multiporteuses. / With an increasing number of mobile terminals coupled with a large spreading of so-called "smart devices", we can see a growing demand for effective communication means in any place and in any situation.This goes with a more and more overcrowded spectrum.In this context, multicarrier modulations are good candidates to allow effective communication in any place.However current techniques, OFDM in particular, suffer from a bad time--frequency localization and peak-to-average power ratio, limiting their relevancy in an embedded context, or in scenarios with severe spectral constraints.In this thesis, we study faster-than-Nyquist multicarrier modulations.This kind of modulation allow for an increase in spectral efficiency by means of an increase in signaling density.This, in compensation, comes at the price of unavoidable self-interference, which makes demodulation harder.On an additive white Gaussian noise channel, we show how to carefully chose pulse-shapes that maximize signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio.We show that these particular pulse-shapes yields a linear turbo-equalization of self-interference minimizing the mean squared error.Next, our work highlights the capability of these optimal pulse-shapes to reduce peak-to-average power ratio as density rises.Lastly, on frequency selective channels, we confirm that low complexity equalization using one tap by subcarrier is still possible.These results show how this new modulation technique helps increasing spectral efficiency while keeping what made multicarrier modulations popular: good adaptation to transmission channels.
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Structure, syntaxe et stemmatologie de la cadence polyphonique dans le rondeau français entre 1250 et 1450Margot, Sylvain 23 August 2018 (has links)
Le rondeau est une forme musicale médiévale, basée sur le poème de même nom, caractérisée par une reprise cadentielle interne nommée apertum et une reprise cadentielle finale appelée clausum. Il a été populaire dans le nord de la France, dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons, dans le nord de l’Italie, à Chypre et en Avignon, du milieu du XIIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVe siècle. Certains aspects du rondeau restent mal compris, en partie à cause de l’inadéquation frappante entre les traités théoriques et la pratique compositionnelle de l’époque. Pour répondre aux problèmes posés par l’évolution des cadences polyphoniques du rondeau entre le XIIIe et le XVIe siècle, nous avons établi dans un premier temps une nouvelle nomenclature plus proche de la pensée médiévale que celles habituellement proposées par les musicologues. Nous avons ensuite mis en place une théorie de la syntaxe décrivant les liens entre sonorité initiale, apertum et clausum. Puis nous avons créé un modèle quantitatif permettant d’analyser les liens entre la sémantique du texte poétique et les paramètres cadentiels. À l’aide d’outils informatiques, nous avons déterminé les caractéristiques de deux importants espaces géo-culturels. Le premier, centré sur le nord de la France, se traduit par un goût de l’imitation, des cadences imparfaites, et des syntaxes divergentes. Le second, irradiant depuis le nord de l’Italie, penche vers une utilisation quasi-systématique de cadences en sixte-octave, des syntaxes dirigées, du mode de ré, et de poèmes à teneur négative. En plus d’identifier le rôle important de transition joué par Avignon entre ces espaces, nous avons aussi pu associer un large corpus de rondeaux d’origine inconnue aux pratiques observées dans le nord de la France.
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Avaliação da fadiga no ciclismo por meio da análise dos momentos articulares resultantes / Fatigue evaluation by means of the analisys of resultant joint momentsBini, Rodrigo Rico January 2008 (has links)
O processo de instalação da fadiga implica na mudança do padrão coordenativo durante a pedalada. Desta forma a análise da contribuição de cada articulação do membro inferior para o somatório absoluto dos momentos articulares se faz necessária para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos relacionados aos efeitos do processo de instalação da fadiga sobre o padrão coordenativo no ciclismo. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a contribuição das articulações do quadril, joelho e tornozelo para o somatório absoluto dos momentos articulares resultantes, assim como a força resultante e a cinemática destas articulações, ao longo do tempo, nos modelos experimentais de carga constante e de carga incremental até a exaustão. Foram avaliados onze ciclistas de estrada da categoria elite, que participam de competições regionais (Texas) e nacionais (Estados Unidos) do sexo masculino (idade 31 ± 7 anos; consumo máximo de oxigênio 62,84 ± 4,86 ml.kg-1.min-1; potência máxima 407 ± 37 W). Onze ciclistas foram avaliados no primeiro dia de avaliação, este constituindo um teste de ciclismo máximo com incrementos de carga a cada dois minutos (75, 90 e 100% da PO máxima estimada, respectivamente). No segundo dia de avaliação, dez ciclistas foram avaliados em um protocolo de ciclismo com carga entre 90 e 100% da PO máxima, definida no primeiro dia. Em ambos os testes foram mensurados o consumo de oxigênio (VO2), a força aplicada no pedal direito e a cinemática do membro inferior direito dos ciclistas. Se utilizou um modelo bidimensional dos segmentos da coxa, perna e pé, a fim de calcular as forças e momentos resultantes nas articulações do quadril, joelho e tornozelo, por meio da técnica da dinâmica inversa. Foram analisados o somatório absoluto dos momentos articulares resultantes (SMA), o percentual de contribuição de cada articulação para o SMA, a força resultante e a cinemática das articulações do quadril, joelho e tornozelo nos três estágios do teste incremental (75, 90 e 100% da PO máxima) e em quatro instantes do teste de carga constante (10, 40, 70 e 90% do tempo total do teste). No primeiro dia de avaliação (estudo 1) foi observada redução significativa da cadência de pedalada no estágio com carga a 100% da POMáx, comparado aos estágios 75% e 90% da POMáx. Observou-se ainda aumento significativo da contribuição do joelho para o SMA, no estágio a 100% da POMáx, comparado aos estágios 75% e 90% da POMáx, devido ao aumento significativo do momento resultante na articulação do joelho, no estágio a 100% da POMáx, em relação aos estágios com carga a 75 e 90% da POMáx. A força resultante nas três articulações analisadas apresentou aumento significativo ao longo do teste de carga incremental. Para as variáveis cinemáticas, foi observada redução significativa no valor médio do ângulo do tornozelo, assim como aumento significativo na sua amplitude de movimento no estágio 100% da POMáx. Para a articulação do quadril, foi observado aumento no valor médio do ângulo articular, assim como redução na sua amplitude de movimento no estágio com carga a 100% da POMáx. No segundo dia de avaliação (estudo 2) foi observada redução significativa da cadência de pedalada nos instantes 70 e 90% do tempo total de teste, comparados aos instantes 10 e 40% do tempo total. Esta foi acompanhada por redução da contribuição da articulação do tornozelo para o SMA, no instante 90% do tempo total comparado aos instantes 40 e 70% do tempo total do teste, devido ao aumento significativo do momento resultante na articulação do joelho no instante 90% comparado aos instantes 40 e 70% do tempo total e do quadril no instante 90% comparado aos instantes 10, 40 e 70% do tempo total. Se observou aumento na força resultante nas três articulações analisadas, assim como alterações na cinemática das mesmas ao longo do teste (redução do ângulo médio da articulação do tornozelo, com aumento da amplitude de movimento, aumento significativo do ângulo médio das articulações do joelho e do quadril). Os resultados observados indicaram alterações no padrão coordenativo dos ciclistas devido ao processo de instalação da fadiga, estes ocorrendo de forma distinta nos dois protocolos avaliados. As estratégias de controle das articulações durante a pedalada, parecem não ser características inerentes do gesto motor, sendo estas adaptáveis às demandas aumentadas nas articulações devido às alterações na cadência de pedalada e no processo de instalação da fadiga. / Fatigue process has been proposed to change the coordinative pattern; therefore, the analysis of the contribution of each joint to the average absolute joint moment should improve the understanding of the fatigue effects on the coordinative pattern during cycling. The aim of the present study was to compare the contribution of each joint to the average absolute joint moment, as the resultant force and kinematics of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, in an incremental and in a constant workload cycling test to exhaustion. Eleven male road cyclists competing at regional (Texas) and national (United States) levels (age: 31 ± 7 years; maximal oxygen uptake 62.84 ± 4.86 ml.kg-1.min-1; maximal power output 407 ± 37 W) volunteered to participate in the study. Eleven cyclists were submitted to an incremental maximal cycling test with two minutos of workload increment (75, 90 e 100% of POMax, respectively). On the second day, ten cyclists were evaluated in a constant cycling test, in which the workload was set between 90 and 100% of POMax, as defined on the first evaluation day. During both days the oxygen uptake (VO2), right pedal forces and lower limb kinematics were acquired. A bidimensional model of the thigh, leg and foot segments allowed to calculate the resultant forces and moments at the hip, knee and ankle joints by means of inverse dynamics. The average absolute joint moment (SMA), the contribution of each joint to the SMA, the resultant force and kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle joints were analyzed on three stages of incremental cycling test (75, 90 e 100% of POMax), and on four instants of constant workload cycling test (10, 40, 70 and 90% of total time). On the first evaluation day (study 1), a significant decrease of pedaling cadence was observed at the 100% of POMax stage, compared with 75% and 90% of POMax stages. There was also a significant increase of knee joint contribution to the SMA at 100% of POMax stage, compared with 75% and 90% of POMax stages, due to a significant increase of knee joint absolute moment at 100% of POMax stage, compared with 75% and 90% of POMax stages. The resultant joint force on the three joints have significantly increased, while joint kinematics has changed with the increase of workload (reduced mean ankle angle, with increased ankle range of motion) For hip joint, there was a significant increase of mean angle, with reduced range of motion at 100% of POMax. On the second evaluation day (study 2) a significant reduction of pedaling cadence was observed at the 70% and 90% of total time, compared with 10% and 40% of total time. This result was followed by a significant reduction of the ankle joint contribution to the SMA at the 90% of total time, compared with 40% and 70% of total time, due to a significant increase of knee resultant joint moment on the 90% of total time, compared with 40% and 70% of total time, and for the hip resultant joint moment at the 90% of total time, compared with 10, 40, and 70% of total time. There was also a significant increase of the resultant joint force and a change on kinematics of the three joints throught the test (reduced mean ankle angle, with increased range of motion, and a significant increase of the mean value of knee and hip angles). The results indicated that the coordinative pattern changed with fatigue, with discrete effects in each cycling test. The strategies of joint control during cycling should not be an innate robust motor behavior, but these strategies should be adaptable to higher demands on the joints, as significant changes on pedaling cadence and fatigue.
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