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INVESTIGATIONS OF CuInTe2 / CdS & CdTe / CdS HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLSGutta, Venkatesh 01 January 2011 (has links)
Thin film solar cells of Copper Indium Telluride and Cadmium Sulfide junctions were fabricated on plain ITO glass slides and also on those coated with intrinsic Tin Oxide. CdS was deposited through chemical bath deposition and CIT by electrodeposition. Both compounds were subjected to annealing at temperatures between 350°C and 500°C which produced more uniform film thicknesses and larger grain sizes. The CIT/ CdS junction was characterized after performing XRD and spectral absorption of individual compounds.
Studies were also made on CdS / CdTe solar cells with respect to effect of annealing temperatures on open circuit voltages. NP acid etch, the most important process to make the surface of CdTe tellurium rich, was also studied in terms of open circuit voltages. Thermally evaporated CdS of four different thicknesses was deposited on Tin Oxide coated ITO and inferences were drawn as to what thickness of CdS yields better results.
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Synthesis and optical properties of CdSe core and core/shell nanocrystalsvan Embden, Joel Leonard January 2008 (has links)
The synthesis of nanocrystals is unique compared to the formation of larger micron-sizesspecies as the final crystal sizes are not much larger than the primary nuclei. As a consequencethe final outcome of a nanocrystal synthesis i.e mean crystal size, concentrationand standard deviation is almost solely determined by the end of the nucleation phase. Directingthe growth of crystals beginning from aggregates of only tens of atoms into maturemonodisperse nanocrystals requires that the governing kinetics are strictly controlled at everymoment of the reaction. To effect this task various different ligands need to be employed,each performing a particular function during both nucleation and growth. (For complete abstract open document)
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The use of carbon nanotubes co-polymerized with calixarenes for the removal of cadmium and organic contaminants from waterMakayonke, Nozuko Thelma 02 May 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / The contamination of water by toxic compounds is one of the most serious environmental problems today. These toxic compounds mostly originate from industrial effluents, agriculture runoff, natural sources (e.g. heavy metals in water from rocks and soil erosion) and human waste. The contamination, which is both “organic” and “inorganic” has an impact on the environment and human health. The demand for water and the pressure to re-use this valuable resource has increased the need for improved techniques and materials to remove pollutants from water. The Nanomaterials Science research group at the University of Johannesburg has focused on developing synthetic polymers that can be employed in water treatment and pollutant monitoring. Recently, cyclodextrins (CD) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been included in polymers for this application. For example, CD-co-hexamethylene-/toluene-diisocyanate polyurethanes and CNT-modified equivalents have been developed and have been successfully applied in removing organic contaminants from water to very low levels.1 Calixarenes are synthetic analogues of cyclodextrins that can be exploited via chemical modification to express a range of properties. In the present study, calixarenes, thiacalixarenes and carbon nanotube-based polymeric materials incorporating these molecules have been synthesised, characterised and tested for removing both organic pollutants (such as p-nitrophenol) and inorganic pollutants (Cd2+, Pb2+) from water. Lead(II) and Cadmium(II) are a threat in South Africa because of their toxicity, and while p-nitrophenol is much less of a problem it represents a useful model organic pollutant. The absorption capacity of the polymers towards heavy metals and organic contaminants was tested by mixing the polymer with synthetic water containing known concentration of the contaminants at about 10 mg/L. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and ultraviolet-visible spectrometry (UV-vis) were used to determine the levels of heavy metals and organic contaminants, respectively. The target pollutants (Cd2+, 1 see KL Salipira MTech dissertation, University of Johannesburg 2008 Pb2+ and p-nitrophenol) were all successfully removed from water by the various polymers, however the degree of removal and loading capacities of the polymers differed. This information gives some insight into what functional components are needed for making successful adsorbents. It was observed, for example, that ptert- butylcalix[8]arene/hexamethylene diisocyanate (C8A/HMDI) had a higher adsorption capacity towards p-nitrophenol and Pb2+ than towards Cd2+, and also a higher capacity than the corresponding calix[4]arene polymers with smaller calixarene cavities.
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Laboratory and field studies of cadmium effects on Hyalella azteca in effluent dominated systems.Stanley, Jacob K. 08 1900 (has links)
Laboratory single-species toxicity tests are used to assess the effects of contaminants on aquatic biota. Questions remain as to how accurately these controlled toxicity tests predict sitespecific bioavailability and effects of metals. Concurrent 42-day Hyalella azteca exposures were performed with cadmium and final treated municipal effluent in the laboratory and at the University of North Texas Stream Research Facility. Further laboratory testing in reconstituted hard water was also conducted. Endpoints evaluated include survival, growth, reproduction, and Cd body burden. My results demonstrate that laboratory toxicity tests may overestimate toxicity responses to cadmium when compared to effluent dominated stream exposures. Discrepancies between endpoints in the three tests likely resulted from increased food sources and decreased cadmium bioavailability in stream mesocosms
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La réponse au stress chez les bactéries : réponse au stress métallique chez Pseudomonas putida et au stress rencontré en cours d’infection de plante chez le phytopathogène Dickeya dadantii / Stress response in bacteria : metal stress response in Pseudomonas putida and stress response of Dickeya dadantii during plant infectionRoyet, Kévin 24 October 2018 (has links)
Les bactéries environnementales font face à de très nombreux stress dans leur milieu devie. Ces dernières doivent s’acclimater rapidement pour faire face à des variations detempérature, des changements d’osmolarité, des changements de pH ou encore descarences nutritives afin de survivre et de prospérer dans leur environnement naturel. Cetravail de thèse s’inscrit dans l’étude de la réponse aux stress chez les bactériesenvironnementales en prenant l’exemple du stress engendré par les métaux chez labactérie modèle Pseudomonas putida et du stress rencontré en cours d’infection deplante chez le phytopathogène Dickeya dadantii. La présence d’un excès d’ionsmétalliques ainsi que les défenses d’une plante sur un phytopathogène entrainent toutdeux un stress oxydatif et peut provoquer une altération membranaire ainsi queprotéique. Ces stress, à première vue éloignés, pourraient ainsi induire des mécanismesde réponses similaires chez les bactéries. La plupart des études de résistance aux stresschez les bactéries portent sur l’étude de gènes sur ou sous exprimés et peuvent alorsmanquer des gènes importants pour la réponse à un stress donné dont l’expressionreste inchangée. Afin d’identifier de nouveaux facteurs de résistance aux stressmétalliques chez P. putida ainsi que de nouveaux facteurs de résistance/virulence chezle phytopathogène D. dadantii, un crible Tn-seq (Transposon-Sequencing) a été réalisé àl’aide de banques de mutants très denses. Les deux cribles ont permis de mettre enévidence le rôle majeur de régulateurs de transcription ainsi que l’importance desmécanismes d’efflux dans la réponse à un stress. Les deux cribles ont aussi mis enévidence l’importance des voies de biosynthèses en acides aminées et acides nucléiques.Enfin, de nombreux gènes à fonction inconnue participent à la survie des deux bactériesen condition de stress. Les résultats obtenus pourraient permettre de développer denouveaux antimicrobiens chez D. dadantii. Les mécanismes de résistance aux métaux etaux antibiotiques peuvent être similaires. Nos travaux améliorent la compréhension desmécanismes de résistance aux métaux et pourraient ainsi permettre de trouver denouvelles molécules à activité antimicrobienne / Environmental bacteria have to deal with a number of stresses in their livingenvironment. The bacteria have to adapt quickly to changes in temperature, osmolarity,pH changes or nutrient deficiencies in order to survive and thrive in their naturalenvironment. This thesis work is related to the study of stress response inenvironmental bacteria by taking the example of stress caused by metals in thebacterium Pseudomonas putida model and stress encountered during plant infection inthe phytopathogen Dickeya dadantii. The presence of an excess of metal ions as well asthe defences of a plant on a phytopathogen both cause oxidative stress and can causemembrane and protein alteration. These stresses, at first sight distant, could thus inducesimilar response mechanisms in bacteria. Most stress resistance studies in bacteriafocus on the study of over- or under-expressed genes and may then lack genesimportant for the response to a given stress whose expression remains unchanged. Inorder to identify new metal stress resistance genes in P. putida and newresistance/virulence factors in D. dadantii phytopathogen, a Tn-seq (Transposon-Sequencing) screen was performed using very dense mutant banks. Both screenshighlighted the major role of transcription regulators as well as the importance of effluxmechanisms in the response to stress. Both screens also highlighted the importance ofamino acid and nucleic acid biosynthesis pathways. Finally, many genes with unknownfunction participate in the survival of both bacteria in stress conditions. The resultsobtained could lead to the development of new antimicrobials in D. dadantii. Themechanisms of resistance to metals and antibiotics may be similar. Our work isimproving our understanding of metal resistance mechanisms and could lead to newmolecules with antimicrobial activity
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Optical And Structural Investigations Of Defects In CdZnTe(Zn ~ 4%) CrystalsKulkarni, Gururaj Anand 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The CdTe family members (in particular CdZnTe) remain the substrate of choice for epitaxial growth of HgCdTe for use in high performance infrared (IR) detectors and focal plane arrays. This is the case despite advances in the use of alternate substrate technologies such as buffered GaAs and GaAs on Si; these technologies, to date, have not reproducibly demonstrated device performance comparable to the arrays made in HgCdTe grown on CdZnTe and CdTe. The quality of CdTe family materials has improved significantly over the past several years and so the quality and reproducibility of IR detectors has improved along with them. It is clear, however, that CdTe family substrates still have a significant impact on the performance of HgCdTe devices and that further research is required to reduce the effects of substrate on these devices.
Unlike silicon or gallium arsenide, it is very difficult to grow the large area single crystals of CdZnTe due to thermodynamic limitations. It has the lowest thermal conductivity among all semiconductors that makes it difficult to obtain planar solid-liquid interface, which is desirable for the growth of large area single crystals of CdZnTe. Due to its high ionicity and weak bonding, defects are easily incorporated during the growth. Also, it is well established that both the structural defects and impurity content of Hg1-xCdxTe epitaxial layers are strongly influenced by the quality of the substrates used in the epitaxial growth process. A substrate of poor structural quality will result in a poor substrate/layer interface from which defects will propagate into the epilayer.
It is known that our focal plane arrays (FPAs) are backside illuminated, with the device connected to underlying silicon multiplexer, using a matrix of indium bumps. Thus the substrate should have high IR transmission to pass the radiation on to the detector for collection. High IR transmission requires chemically and electrically homogeneous crystals free from extraneous second phase particles. This objective is one of the most difficult thermodynamic and technological problems in the growth of CdTe and related alloys. The bulk CdZnTe crystals grown from melt suffer from the inherent disadvantage of accommodating tellurium precipitates because of high growth temperature and phase diagram limitations. These tellurium (Te) precipitates condense as cadmium vacancies and Te interstitials during the cooling process, which contribute to intrinsic point defects. Although extensive efforts have been made in the area of purification of the CdZnTe crystals by using 6N pure starting materials, still the high temperature melt growth leads to impurity pickup during the crystal growth process. This deviation in the stoichiometry, especially due to free carriers, impurities and second phase tellurium precipitates, play the major role in reducing the infrared transmission through the CdZnTe substrate material. Also they affect the device performance when used for detector applications. In this context a thorough investigation of the non-stoichiometry of the CdZnTe material is mandatory to improve the material quality. It is my endeavor in this respect to present in this thesis “optical and structural investigations of defects in CdZnTe (Zn~4%) crystals”.
The present thesis has been organized into six chapters. Chapter 1: It presents an up to date comprehensive review of the defects in CdTe binary and CdZnTe ternary compound semiconductors. It includes an introduction to the ternary II-VI cadmium zinc telluride with potential device applications. Issues related to CdTe based substrates for infrared (IR) applications have been discussed. Growth as well as several material aspects like crystal structure, band structure, mechanical, thermal, optical and dielectric properties have been discussed in details. The chapter ends with the motivation and scope for the present thesis.
Chapter 2 : Te precipitates were identified and characterized in CdZnTe (Zn ~ 4%) crystals using various physical characterization techniques and the results are presented in Chapter 2. X-ray diffraction rocking curve measurements were carried out on a series of samples to assess the overall crystalline quality of the as grown CdZnTe crystals, in conjunction with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy measurements to identify the presence of Te precipitates. Further, the CdZnTe samples having Te precipitates were systematically characterized using micro-Raman imaging technique. CdZnTe wafers grown in three and six zone furnaces using quartz and/or pyrolytic boron nitride (PBN) crucibles have been subjected to micro-Raman imaging to quantify and understand the nature of Te precipitates. It is well known that for the normal phase of Te precipitates, the Raman modes appear centered around 121 (A1), 141(E) /TO (CdTe) cm -1and a weak mode around 92 (E) cm -1 in CdZnTe indicating the presence of trigonal lattice of Te. Using the micro-Raman maps and taking the spatial distribution of the area ratio of 121 to 141 cm-1 Raman modes, the size and distribution of Te precipitates were estimated. A substantial reduction in Te precipitate size and an improvement in the IR transmission in the 2.2 – 5 µm IR window was observed in the CdZnTe crystals subjected to post growth annealing under Cd+Zn vapors at 650 oC for 6 hrs. Also it is shown that the samples grown in pyrolytic boron nitride (PBN) crucibles have shown an overall improvement in the crystalline quality and reduction in the Te precipitate size as compared to the samples grown in quartz crucibles. The possible reasons for these observations have been discussed in chapter 2. The presence of Te precipitates under high pressure phase was detected by the blueshift of the Raman bands that appear at 121 (A1) cm-1for a normal Te phase, indicating that these micro-Raman maps are basically the distribution of Te precipitates in different phases. NIR microscopy imaging has been carried out to further substantiate the presence of Te precipitates under high pressure phase and that of larger Te precipitates. The significance of micro-Raman imaging lies in quantifying and demonstrating the high pressure phase of Te precipitates in CdZnTe crystals in a non-destructive way. Also it is shown that the presence of Te precipitates lead to loss of useful signal in the 2.2 – 6 µm wavelength regions and hence are “deleterious” for substrate applications of CdZnTe crystals required for the growth and fabrication of HgCdTe detectors.
Chapter 3: The effects of annealing and hydrogenation on the low temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of CdZnTe (Zn ~ 4%) crystals are reported in this chapter. It is shown that annealing at 600 oC for 12 hrs under Cd vapors has resulted in the disappearance of both C-A and DAP recombination features (attributed to singly ionized cadmium vacancy acceptors) observed in the 1.5 – 1.6 eV band edge region in the low temperature PL spectra of CdZnTe, confirming the origination of these bands from Cd vacancy defects. The presence of copper impurity has been identified by the appearance of the 1.616 (AoX) eV energy peak attributed to exciton bound to the neutral copper acceptor and the 1.469 eV band attributed to copper acceptor in the donor acceptor pair (DAP) recombinations. It is shown that, only annealing under Cd+Zn vapors at 650 oC for 6 hrs has resulted in the passivation of the 1.469 eV band and the mechanism has been explained invoking the Hume-Rothery rule. Passivation of the 1.469 eV band is significant, since CdZnTe substrate copper contamination was found to degrade HgCdTe epitaxial layer and hence the performance of HgCdTe infrared (IR) detectors. Also it shown that vacuum annealing has resulted in the introduction of a new defect band around 0.85 eV in the low temperature PL spectra of CdZnTe possibly due to the loss of Cd and/or Zn. Further, the effects of hydrogenation in passivating the defect bands observed in the low temperature PL spectra of the control CdZnTe crystals are discussed. Using micro-Raman imaging technique, it is shown that hydrogenation has resulted in the reduction in size and restoration of normal phase for Te precipitates, which otherwise were present under high pressure phase in CdZnTe crystals. It is shown that the net effect of hydrogenation is to improve the quality of CdZnTe crystals at low temperature (50 oC) as compared to the high Cd+Zn annealing temperature (650 oC) whose effect is only to reduce the size of Te precipitates. To further substantiate this an analysis of the temperature dependent resonance micro-Raman spectra recorded with 633 and 488 nm lasers has been made and it is shown that appearance of the multiple orders (up to 4 orders) of the CdTe like LO phonon modes and emergence of the ZnTe like LO phonon mode are clear indications of the improved quality of the hydrogenated CdZnTe crystals.
Chapter 4: Manifestation of Fe2+and Fe3+charge states of Fe in undoped CdZnTe (Zn ~ 4 %) crystals grown in quartz crucibles by asymmetrical Bridgemann method and their respective optical and magnetic behaviors have been discussed in this chapter.
Fe2+being optically active shows absorption around 2295 cm-1in the low temperature
(T = 3 K) FTIR spectra, while Fe3+being magnetically active exhibits coexistence of para and ferromagnetic phases, as identified by low temperature electron spin resonance and supported independently by low temperature SQUID and AC susceptibility measurements. In the paramagnetic phase (TC ~ 4.8 K) the inverse of ac susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law. In the ferromagnetic phase (TC ~ 4.8 K) the thermal evolution of magnetization follows the well known Bloch’s T3/2 law. This is further supported by the appearance of hysteresis in the SQUID measurements at 2K below TC. Small coercive field of 10 Oe as estimated in the hysteresis suggests that the magnetic anisotropy is very small in these systems.
Chapter 5: In this chapter, details of the indigenously developed laser beam induced current (LBIC) instrumentation have been presented. These include instrumental arrangement of the micro-mechanical system for raster scanning of defects in semicoductors and fabrication details of continuous flow liquid helium cryostat for low temperature LBIC measurements. Preliminary LBIC data recorded using this system have been shown to demonstrate the operability of the system.
Chapter 6: This chapter includes a brief write-up summarizing the results and draws the attention for the possible future work.
Appendix A: Here C++ programs for LBIC measurements are presented.
Appendix B: Here the CAD diagrams for the full cross sectional view of the liquid helium cryostat consisting of “assembly liquid helium cryostat” and “part liquid helium cryostat” are attached.
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Aqueous Rechargeable Batteries with High Electrochemical PerformanceLiu, Yu 28 July 2017 (has links)
Mit der Entwicklung der Weltwirtschaft steigt der Energieverbrauch weiterhin stark an. Darüber hinaus reduzieren sich die nicht erneuerbaren Energiequellen, wie Öl, Erdgas und Kohle und die Umweltverschmutzung wird größer. Daher soll die Energienutzung in eine neue, erneuerbare und umweltfreundliche Richtung gehen. Die Arbeit hat zum Ziel innovative, wässrige Akkumulatoren zu entwickeln.
Im Allgemeinen können wässrige Akkumulatoren gemäß der Elektrolyte in drei verschiedenen Kategorien eingeteilt werden. Es gibt feste, organische und wässrige Elektrolyte einschließlich saurer, alkalischer und neutraler. In Bezug auf metallbasierte negative Elektroden können sie auch als Lithiumbatterie, Natriumbatterie sowie Magnesiumbatterie etc. bezeichnet werden. Daher werden im ersten Kapitel einige typische Akkumulatoren, wie die Lithiumionenbatterien, Daniell-Element, Weston-Zelle, Nickel-Cadmium-Batterie und Bleibatterie vorgestellt.
Im Vergleich zu organischen Elektrolyten wurden wässrige Akkumulatoren aufgrund ihrer billigen, leichten und sicheren Bauweise in den letzten Jahren umfassend untersucht. Zusätzlich dazu ist die ionische Leitfähigkeit von wässrigen Elektrolyten um zwei Größenordnungen höher als die von organischen Elektrolyten. Dies garantiert eine hohe Entladungsrate für wässrige wiederaufladbare Batterien. Somit bieten wiederaufladbare Batterien potentielle Anwendungen in der Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung.
Allerdings verursachen starke Säuren oder Basen, die als Elektrolyte für sekundäre Batterien eingesetzt werden, eine starke Korrosion. Somit wären neutrale wässrige Elektrolyten (oder Elektrolytlösungen) mit einem pH-Wert in der Nähe von sieben, wie zum Beispiel schwach basisch oder sauer, die beste Wahl für wässrige Akkumulatoren. Aktive Elektrodenmaterialien der Batterien, die hochgiftige Schwermetalle wie Blei, Quecksilber und Cadmium enthalten, belasten die Umwelt.
Um die Menge an Schwermetallen und Säure (oder Basen) zu verringern, sowie die spezifische Kapazität von Batterien zu erhöhen, untersucht diese Dissertation vor allem die elektrochemische Leistung der PbSO4/0,5M Li2SO4/LiMn2O4-Zelle, der Cd/0,5M Li2SO4+10mM Cd(Ac)2/LiCoO2-Zelle und von C/Cu/CNT-Gemischen als negative Materialien in 0,5 M K2CO3–Elektrolyt-Halbzellen. Die zugehörigen experimentellen Ergebnisse werden wie folgt zusammengefaßt:
Im Kapitel 3 wurde eine säurefreie Bleibatterie auf Basis des LiMn2O4-Spinells als positive Elektrode, PbSO4 als negativer Elektrode und der wässrigen Lösung von 0,5 M Li2SO4 als Elektrolyt zusammengesetzt. Die spezifische Kapazität auf Basis von LiMn2O4 beträgt 128 mA•h•g-1 und die durchschnittliche Entladungsspannung beträgt 1,3 V. Die berechnete Energiedichte ist 68 W•h•kg-1, bezogen auf die praktischen Kapazitäten der beiden Elektroden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die positive Elektrode der Bleibatterie (PbO2) vollständig durch umweltfreundliches und billiges LiMn2O4 ersetzt werden kann, wodurch 50 % des Bleis eingespart werden können. Außerdem wird Schwefelsäure nicht benötigt.
Kapitel 4 zeigt eine wässrige wiederaufladbare Lithiumionenbatterie, die metallisches Cadmium als negative Elektrode, LiCoO2-Nanopartikel als positive Elektrode und eine wässrige, neutrale Lösung von 0,5 M Li2SO4 und 10 mM Cd(Ac)2 als Elektrolyt enthält. Die durchschnittliche Entladungsspannung beträgt 1,2 V und die spezifische Entladungskapazität beträgt 107 mA•h•g-1 auf Basis von LiCoO2. Die berechnete Energiedichte beträgt 72 W•h•kg-1, bezogen auf die praktischen Kapazitäten der beiden Elektroden. Wie bereits oben beschrieben demonstrieren die Ergebnisse, dass 100 % von Quecksilber und der alkalischen Elektrolyt im Vergleich zur Weston-Zelle bzw. der Ni-Cd-Batterie, eingespart werden können.
Kapitel 5 zeigt einen Verbundwerkstoff von Kupfer, das auf der Oberfläche von CNTs durch eine Redoxreaktion zwischen Kupferacetat und Ethylenglykol, zur Verwendung als negative Elektrode bei hohen Strömen in der Energiespeicherung, hergestellt wurde. Der so hergestellte C/Cu/CNT-Verbundwerkstoff zeigt ein besseres Geschwindigkeitsverhalten und eine höhere Kapazität ebenso wie eine exzellente Zyklusstabilität in wässrigen 0,5 M K2CO3-Lösungen im Vergleich zu einfachem Kupfer. Die Kohlenstoffbeschichtung kann die Auflösung von Kupfercarbonatkomplexen verhindern, die Elektrodenleitfähigkeit erhöhen und die Oberflächenchemie des aktiven Materials verbessern. / With the economic development of the world, energy consumption continues to rise sharply. Moreover, non-renewable energy sources including fossil oil, natural gas and coal are declining gradually and environmental pollution is becoming more severe. Hence, energy usage should go into a new direction of development that is renewable and environmental-friendly. This thesis aims to explore innovative aqueous rechargeable batteries.
Generally, rechargeable batteries could be classified into three categories according to the different electrolytes. There are solid electrolytes, organic electrolytes and aqueous electrolytes including acidic, alkaline and neutral. In terms of metal-based negative electrodes, they also could be named lithium battery, sodium battery as well as magnesium battery etc. Therefore, some typical rechargeable batteries are introduced in Chapter 1, such as lithium ion batteries, Daniell-type cell, Weston cell, Ni-Cd battery and lead-acid battery.
Compared to organic electrolytes, aqueous rechargeable batteries have been investigated broadly in recent years because they are inexpensive, easy to construct and safe. Additionally, the ionic conductivity of aqueous electrolytes is higher than that of organic electrolytes by about two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, it ensures high rate capability for aqueous rechargeable battery. Consequently, aqueous rechargeable batteries present potential applications in energy storage and conversion.
However, strong acid or alkaline, which is used as the electrolyte for secondary batteries, will cause serious corrosion. Thus, neutral aqueous electrolyte (or pH value of electrolyte solution close to 7 such as weak alkaline and acid) would be the best choice for aqueous rechargeable battery. In addition, the electrode active materials of batteries containing highly toxic heavy metals such as Pb, Hg and Cd, pollute the environment.
As a result, in order to reduce the amount of heavy metals and acid (or alkaline) as well as increase the specific capacity of batteries, this dissertation mainly studies the electrochemical performance of PbSO4/0.5M Li2SO4/LiMn2O4 full battery, Cd/0.5M Li2SO4+10 mM Cd(Ac)2/LiCoO2 full battery and C/Cu/CNT composites as negative material in 0.5 M K2CO3 electrolyte as half cell. The related experimental results are as follows:
In Chapter 3, an acid-free lead battery was assembled based on spinel LiMn2O4 as the positive electrode, PbSO4 as the negative electrode, and 0.5 M Li2SO4 aqueous solution as the electrolyte. Its specific capacity based on the LiMn2O4 is 128 mA•h•g-1 and the average discharge voltage is 1.3 V. The calculated energy density is 68 W•h•kg-1 based on the practical capacities of the two electrodes. These results show that the positive electrode of the lead acid battery (PbO2) can be totally replaced by the environmentally friendly and cheap LiMn2O4, which implies that 50 % of Pb can be saved. In addition, H2SO4 is not needed.
Chapter 4 shows an aqueous rechargeable lithium ion battery using metallic Cd as the negative electrode, LiCoO2 nanoparticles as the positive electrode, and an aqueous neutral solution of 0.5 M Li2SO4 and 10 mM Cd(Ac)2 as the electrolyte. Its average discharge voltage is 1.2 V and the specific discharge capacity is 107 mA•h•g-1 based on the LiCoO2 . In addition, the calculated energy density based on the capacities of the electrodes is 72 W•h•kg-1. As described above, the results demonstrate that 100 % of Hg and alkaline electrolyte can be saved compared with the Weston cell and the Ni-Cd battery, respectively.
The work reported in Chapter 5 deals with a composite of copper grown on the surface of CNTs as prepared by a redox reaction between copper acetate and ethylene glycol for use as negative electrode at high currents in energy storage. The as-prepared C/Cu/CNTs composite exhibits better rate behavior and higher capacity as well as excellent cycling stability in aqueous 0.5 M K2CO3 solution compared to the unsupported copper. The carbon coating can effectively prevent the dissolution of copper carbonate complexes, increase the electrode conductivity, improve the surface chemistry of the active material and protect the electrode from direct contact with electrolyte solution.
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Quantification et prévalence de Flavobacterium psychrophilum chez les truites arc-en-ciel d’aquaculture : relation hôte-pathogène et réponse immunitaire / Quantification and prevalence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in farmed rainbow trout; host-pathogen : relationship and immune responseOrieux, Nicolas 23 February 2011 (has links)
Flavobacterium psychrophilum est l’agent pathogène des flavobactérioses d’eau froide touchant essentiellement les salmonidés dont la truite arc-en-ciel Oncorhynchus mykiss d’élevage. Cette bactérie Gram négative a un très fort impact économique en aquaculture car elle peut causer jusqu'à 70 % de mortalité dans les bassins d’élevage. La flavobactériose se décline sous deux formes pathologiques : la maladie de l’eau froide touchant les poissons adultes et le syndrome de l’alevin de truite arc-en-ciel touchant les juvéniles.Au cours de se travail, une méthode de PCR quantitative a été proposée. Elle permet en moins de trois heures de détecter et de quantifier un nombre de copies du gène codant l’ARNr 16S de la bactérie dans les tissus du poisson. Cette méthode a été testée sur différentes suspensions bactériennes (F. psychrophilum, autres flavobactéries, autres pathogènes) afin d’en valider la spécificité. La sensibilité de la méthode de détection a été évaluée à 1 et 2 bactéries par PCR en fonction de la matrice biologique utilisée.Une étude écotoxicologique a été menée et montre d’une part que F. psychrophilum est une bactérie hyper-sensible au cadmium comparée aux autres bactéries Gram négatives. Sa croissance est diminuée d’un facteur 2 en présence d’une contamination au Cd à 0,4 µM. D’autre part, nous avons constaté qu’une contamination de truites juvéniles par 1 µg CdCl2/L (2 mois) et une injection de 5 × 107 flavobactéries par individu (1 mois) ne provoque aucune mortalité. L’expression génique mesurée sur ses poissons démontre que le cadmium peut avoir des effets contradictoires sur le système immunitaire du poisson, pouvant soit exacerber ou diminuer la réponse immunitaire selon l’organe considéré. Un travail comparatif de la prévalence de la flavobactérie dans 7 sites aquacoles d’Aquitaine a démontré que la flavobactérie est omniprésente et que sa pathogénicité est contrôlée par le système immunitaire des poissons en bonne santé apparente. L’expression génique mesurée sur les poissons malades et apparemment sains nous apporte deux informations importantes : 1/ les gènes codant pour la métallothionéine A et l’interleukine 1-β sont de bons bio-marqueurs de la maladie et 2/ la répression des gènes codant pour le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité 2-β, le facteur de croissance transformant β, le cluster de différentiation 8-α et l’immunoglobuline T dans la rate des poissons malades montre un effondrement du système immunitaire acquis nous permettant d’émettre l’hypothèse que ce phénomène déclenche l’apparition de la maladie. Ainsi, F. psychrophilum aurait un comportement de pathogène à virulence latente.Afin d’imaginer de nouvelles mesures prophylactiques et pour mieux comprendre la pathogénicité de la bactérie, une analyse du protéome de la membrane externe couplée à l’annotation du génome séquencé a été effectuée. Il a été identifié entre autres 1/ des protéines d’adhésion et d’invasion des tissus et 2/ des protéines d’acquisition de métabolites de l’hôte. De plus, un nombre important de protéines immunogènes chez la truite potentiellement utilisable dans un cocktail vaccinant a été détecté. Afin de chercher un vecteur pour ce cocktail, des nanoparticules d’acide γ-glutamique et phénylalanine d’environ 100 à 200 nm de diamètre ont été synthétisées. Ces dernières constituent une approche séduisante pour vacciner les poissons avec des antigènes de F. psychrophilum encapsulés puis incorporés dans la nourriture. / Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of cold water flavobacteriosis, a condition affecting mostly salmonid fish, including the farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. This Gram negative bacterium can cause up to 70% mortality in breeding tanks and has a very strong economic impact on the fish farming industry. Flavobacteriosis can take two pathological forms: the cold water disease affecting adult fish and the rainbow trout fry syndrome affecting juveniles.In the present study, a method of quantitative PCR was devised that allowed for the detection and the quantification, within three hours, of the 16S rRNA copy number in fish tissues. This method’s specificity was confirmed through the use of various bacterial suspensions (F.psychrophilum, others flavobacteria and others pathogens) and its detection limit was estimated to be 1 and 2 bacteria in broth and in biological matrices, respectively.An ecotoxicological study was then performed that showed that, on the one hand, F. psychrophilum is cadmium hypersensitive compared to others Gram negative bacteria because its growth rate, compared to a control, is decreased by a factor 2 at a cadmium concentration of 0,4 µM. On the other hand, we observed that subjecting rainbow trout juveniles to a concentration of 1 µg CdCl2/L for2 months prior to an injection of 5 × 107 F. psychrophilum by fish didn’t lead to any mortality. The gene expression which was measured on these fish demonstrated that cadmium can have contradictory effects on the immune system of fish, which could enhance or decrease the immune response depending of the organ. A comparative work of the prevalence of flavobacteria in 7 fish farms within the Aquitaine region (France) demonstrated that the bacterium was endemic and present in asymptomatic fish. Gene expression levels were measured on diseased and asymptomatic fish and demonstrated that the genes metallothionein A and interleukine 1-β were good biomarkers of the disease and that repression of the genes major histocompatibility complex 2-β, transforming growth factor -β, cluster of differentiation α and immunoglobulin T in the spleen of diseased fish was indicative of a collapse of the acquired immune system. We therefore hypothesized that this event marked the beginning of the disease and that F. psychrophilum is mostly an opportunistic pathogen.To prepare the development of new prophylactic techniques and to understand better the bacterium pathogenicity, an analysis of the outer membrane proteome coupled with sequencing of the bacterial genome was also performed. Furthermore, a significant number of immunogenic proteins were identified as good candidates for the preparation of a vaccine. Finally, γ-glutamic acid and phenylalanine nanoparticles of about 100 - 200 nm in diameter were synthesized to serve as potential vector for this vaccine. These nanoparticles should be tested to administrate F. psychrophilum antigens to fish through the digestive route.
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Efficacité du vétiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) pour limiter la dispersion de trois micropolluants dans les sols cotonniers et maraîchers du Burkina Faso : endosulfan, cuivre et cadmium / Effectiveness of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) to limit three micropollutants dispersal in the cotton and market garden soils from Burkina Faso : endosulfan, copper and cadmiumOndo Zue Abaga, Norbert 05 April 2012 (has links)
L'influence du vétiver sur le devenir des polluants métalliques (Cu et Cd) et organique (insecticide : endosulfan) dans le système sol-eau-vétiver a été étudiée dans deux sols représentatifs du Burkina Faso, un sol vertique et un sol ferrugineux. Des études d'adsorption en batch, des essais en vase de végétation en conditions contrôlées et en lysimètres en conditions naturelles ont été réalisées. Les sols plantés au vétiver montrent des coefficients d'adsorption (Kf) de l'endosulfan significativement plus élevés comparés à ceux des sols non plantés. En vases de végétation, le temps de demi-vie estimé de l'endosulfan dans les sols plantés est 1,1 fois moins important comparé aux sols non plantés, en relation avec l'augmentation significative de la microflore dégradant l'endosulfan en présence du vétiver. Par ailleurs, les teneurs en Cu et Cd dans le vétiver sont significativement plus élevées pour le sol ferrugineux que pour le sol vertique 6 mois après traitement. Le coefficient d'absorption biologique (CAB) de Cu et Cd et leurs facteurs de bioconcentration (FBC) et de translocation (FT) supérieurs à 1 dans le vétiver démontrent son efficacité à absorber et à accumuler Cu et Cd. En conditions extérieures, 6 mois après le traitement, les quantités lessivées de Cu sont très faibles pour l'ensemble des colonnes. Pour les sols plantés au vétiver, les quantités lessivées d'endosulfan et de Cd sont plus de deux fois inférieures à celles des sols non plantés, en relation avec leur adsorption plus élevée et la dégradation favorisée de l'endosulfan dans les sols plantés. / The influence of vetiver on the fate of two heavy metals (Cu and Cd) and an insecticide (endosulfan) in the soil-water-vetiver system was studied in two representative soils of Burkina Faso, a vertisol and a lixisol. Batch adsorption coefficient measurements, pot and leaching experiments, under phytotronic and outdoor conditions, respectively, were conducted. For both soils, adsorption coefficient values (Kf) of endosulfan, Cu and Cd were higher on planted soils than on unplanted soils. In the pot experiments, the estimated endosulfan half-life (DT50) in planted soils was 1.1-fold lower compared to unplanted soils, in accordance with the significant increase of the microflora degrading endosulfan in planted soils. Moreover, the Cu and Cd contents in vetiver grass were significantly higher for the lixisol than for the vertisol. The biological absorption coefficient (BAC), the bioconcentration and translocation factors (BCF and TF, respectively) of Cu and Cd were greater than 1 in vetiver, that showed the efficiency of vetiver to absorb and accumulate Cu and Cd. In outdoor conditions, 6 months after treatment, the leached Cu amounts were very low for all columns. In the presence of vetiver, the Cd and endosulfan leached amounts were more than 2-fold lower than those of unplanted soils, related to their higher adsorption and the faster degradation of endosulfan in planted soils.
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Hyperaccumulation du Cadmium par Noccaea caerulescens : cinétique, répartition et prédiction / Cadmium hyperaccumulation by Noccaea caerulescens : kinetics, distribution and predictionLovy, Lucie 29 October 2012 (has links)
La prédiction du transfert de cadmium du sol à la plante passe par l'élaboration d'un modèle décrivant la dynamique du métal dans le végétal. Cette thèse analyse les cinétiques d'accumulation du Cd dans Noccaea caerulescens, à l'échelle de la plante entière, de ses organes et au cours de son cycle de végétation. Elle cherche également à établir un modèle prédictif simple, fondé sur les relations entre concentrations d'exposition et en Cd dans la plante. Lorsque N. caerulescens est exposée à une concentration constante en conditions contrôlées, l'allocation de biomasse et la translocation du Cd aux parties aériennes sont constantes dans le temps. Une relation linéaire étroite existe entre la quantité de Cd prélevé, la biomasse et la concentration d'exposition, représentée par le facteur de bioconcentration (BCF). Le développement de la plante n'a pas d'effet sur l'influx racinaire en Cd, qui reste constant dans le temps et proportionnel à l'exposition. Ces résultats suggèrent que le Cd est alloué aux différents tissus aériens de la plante sans prédilection. A contrario, lors des cultures extérieures en terre, les concentrations en Cd, Ni et Zn diminuent au cours du temps après la vernalisation. Les trois métaux ont des comportements similaires en termes d'accumulation dans les différents tissus. La quantité maximale de Cd dans les organes aériens est observée à 2100°Cj. Lorsque la plante est en fleur, elle ne semble pas présenter d'organe aérien privilégié pour l'hyperaccumulation du Cd, les BCF étant constants dans le temps. L'utilisation du BCF permet une prédiction correcte des concentrations dans les parties aériennes, contrairement au modèle de Barber-Cushman / Prediction of cadmium transfer from soil to plant can be achieved by the development of a model describing metal dynamics in the plant. This thesis analyzes Cd accumulation and distribution kinetics in Noccaea caerulescens, in the whole plant and its organs during a growth cycle. A simple predictive model, based on the relationship between Cd exposure concentration and plant Cd concentration, is also developped. This work is based on long-term experiments in controlled conditions with a constant exposure and on outside soil experiments. When N. caerulescens is exposed to a constant concentration under controlled conditions, biomass allocation and Cd translocation to the shoots are constant over time. A strong linear relationship exists between the amount of Cd taken up, biomass and exposure concentration, represented by the bioconcentration factor (BCF). The plant development has no effect on Cd root influx, which remains constant during time and proportional to Cd exposure concentration. These results suggest that Cd is allocated to the various shoots? tissues without predilection. On the other hand, in the field, Cd, Ni, end Zn concentrations in shoots decrease over time after vernalization. The three metals have similar behaviors in terms of accumulation in the different tissues. The maximum amount of Cd in shoots is observed at 2100°Cdays. When the plant is in flower, no privileged shoots parts appear in Cd hyperaccumulation, the BCF is constant over time. The use of the BCF, measured in controlled conditions, allows a correct prediction of shoots concentrations, unlike the Barber-Cushman model
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