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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inclusion scolaire des élèves en situation de handicap en France et au Cameroun : analyse de la politique nationale et points de vue des enseignants / Inclusive education for pupils with disabilities in France and Cameroon : an analysis of national policy and teachers viewpoint

Ngo Melha, Ernestine Antoinette 13 October 2017 (has links)
Le discours des experts et des organisations internationales, de même que les initiatives des politiques et mouvements en faveur de l’émancipation et la place des personnes handicapées sont orientés vers la construction d’une école pour tous (Ainscow, 1991 ; Sen, 1992 ; UNESCO, 1990 ; UNESCO, 1994 ; UNESCO, 2000 ; ONU, 2000 ; ONU, 2006). Les politiques éducatives intègrent plus ou moins clairement la prise en compte des besoins éducatifs des enfants en situation de handicap. L’inclusion scolaire implique des modifications et des bouleversements tant dans les pratiques enseignantes que sur le plan de l’organisation scolaire dans son ensemble. Dès lors, il importe de s’intéresser aux perceptions des enseignants envers la politique nationale favorisant l’inclusion à l’école ordinaire des élèves handicapés en France et au Cameroun et de s’interroger sur les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer ou de déterminer, l’efficacité et la pérennité de cette politique qui peut être considérée comme leur étant imposée. Le modèle d’évaluation multidimensionnelle de la qualité des dispositifs scolaires empruntés à Tremblay (2012) et le modèle du comportement planifié d’Ajzen (1991), sont utilisés dans le cadre de cette recherche pour répondre aux deux objectifs principaux qui y sont visés. Un questionnaire à deux volets avec des propositions de réponses a été adressé à des enseignants du primaire. Notre recherche porte sur une population de 133 enseignants dont 65 camerounais et 68 français. Les dimensions étudiées pour le premier volet du questionnaire sont les suivantes : La pertinence des objectifs, les caractéristiques de la population du dispositif, l’adéquation des ressources, la fiabilité des actions, l’efficacité du dispositif et la flexibilité du dispositif. Les croyances normatives, les perceptions des difficultés et les croyances comportementales sont étudiées à travers le deuxième volet. L’analyse de la variance simple (ANOVA) est utilisée pour comparer les moyennes entre les pays et les corrélations étudiées pour évaluer les composantes principales du modèle d’Ajzen. Nos résultats montrent que malgré une grande adhésion à la politique visant l’inclusion des élèves en situation de handicap par les enseignants interrogés dans les deux pays, celle-ci ne semblerait pas être efficace. Pour les enseignants, ceci serait expliqué pour le cas de la France par les objectifs qui ne seraient pas atteints et au Cameroun par les ressources qui seraient insuffisantes. Des points de divergence observés portent sur certains aspects des dimensions étudiées telles que la taille de la classe, l’approche pédagogique, les ressources et les caractéristiques individuelles des élèves. En ce qui concerne notre modèle dérivé de la théorie d'Ajzen, l'analyse des corrélations montre des liaisons linéaires entre trois composantes : les difficultés perçues par les enseignants, leurs croyances normatives et leurs croyances comportementales. Les difficultés perçues se montrent négativement corrélées avec autant les croyances normatives (-.33) que les croyances comportementales (-.65). Il s'avère ainsi, conformément au modèle théorique élaboré, que l'intensité des difficultés ressenties engendre des croyances négatives chez les enseignants. Les croyances normatives (dans les principaux référents de l'Education nationale) sont positivement liées aux croyances comportementales (.50), qu'elles semblent favoriser. Il importe d'indiquer que les trois composantes ne détermineraient pas l'attitude des enseignants envers l'inclusion, puisque les corrélations ne sont pas significatives. Nos résultats suggèrent, au regard des corrélations faibles observées entre l’attitude des enseignants et les autres composantes du modèle, à rechercher d’autres facteurs exogènes au modèle que nous avions étudié, qui expliqueraient l’attitude des enseignants envers la politique de l’inclusion. / The discourse of experts and international organizations, as well as the initiatives of policies and movements in favor of emancipation and the place of people with disabilities, are oriented towards the construction of a school for all (Ainscow, 1991; Sen, 1992; UNESCO, 1990; UNESCO, 1994; UNESCO, 2000; UN, 2000; UN, 2006)). Educational policies integrate, more or less clearly, the educational needs of children with disabilities. Inclusive education implies changes and upheavals in both the teaching practices and the school organization as a whole. It is therefore important to take an interest in teachers' perceptions of the national policy favoring the inclusion of disabled pupils in mainstream schools in France and Cameroon and to consider the factors likely to influence or determine effectiveness and sustainability of this policy which can be considered as being imposed on them. The model of multidimensional evaluation of the quality of the educational devices borrowed from Tremblay (2012) and the model of planned behavior of Ajzen (1991) are used in this research to meet the two main objectives. A two-part questionnaire with proposals for answers was sent to primary school teachers. Our research concerns a population of 133 teachers including 65 Cameroonians and 68 French. The dimensions studied for the first part of the questionnaire are as follows: The relevance of the objectives, the characteristics of the population of the scheme, the adequacy of resources, the reliability of actions, the effectiveness and the flexibility of the system. Normative beliefs, perceptions of difficulties and behavioral beliefs are studied through the second component. Analysis of the simple variance (ANOVA) is used to compare the averages between countries and the correlations studied to evaluate the main components of the Ajzen model. Our results show that despite a strong adherence to the policy for the inclusion of students with disabilities by teachers interviewed in both countries, it would not seem to be effective. This would be explained in the case of France by the objectives which would not be achieved and in Cameroon by the resources which would be insufficient. Points of divergence are observed on certain aspects of the dimensions studied, such as the size of the class, the pedagogical approach, the resources and the individual characteristics of the students. As for our model derived from the Ajzen theory, correlation analysis shows linear links between three components: the perceived difficulties of teachers, their normative beliefs and behavioral beliefs. The perceived difficulties are negatively correlated with both normative beliefs (-.33) and behavioral beliefs (-.65). Thus, according to the theoretical model developed, the intensity of the difficulties experienced creates negative beliefs among teachers. Normative beliefs (in the main references of the National Education) are positively related to behavioral beliefs (.50), which they seem to favor. It is important to note that the three components do not determine teachers' attitude towards inclusion, since the correlations are not significant. Our analysis suggests, considering the weak correlations between the attitude of the teachers and the other components of the model, to look for other factors exogenous to the model we studied, which would explain the attitude of teachers towards the policy of inclusion.

Prostorové uspořádání fotoreceptorů v sítnici ryb z extrémních prostředí / Distribution of photoreceptor types in retina of fishes from extreme environments

Remišová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Cichlid visual system is highly adaptive to the environment. Fish visual abilities are deter- mined by composition of opsin-based photosensitive pigments located in photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) as well as their distribution. In this thesis, four species of Lake Barombi Mbo cichlids were targeted: Stomatepia mariae, Konia eisentrauti, Konia dikume and Myaka myaka. Shallow-water cichlids K. eisentrauti and S. mariae express these types of cone opsin genes: LWS, RH2A (RH2Aβ more than RH2Aα), SWS2A and SWS2B. Contra- rily, both seasonally deep-water M. myaka and deep-water K. dikume lack expression of SWS2B and LWS in their retinae, but they express SWS2A and RH2Aα more than RH2Aβ, which corresponds to modified light conditions in deep water - a dimmer habitat lacking marginal parts of the spectrum (i.e., ultraviolet and red wavelengths). The photoreceptor distribution of selected species was investigated by means of fluorescent in situ hybridi- zation (FISH) in order to understand the performance and evolution of their visual per- ception with emphasis on the effect of depth. Distinctively, cichlid cones are arranged in a retinal mosaic consisting of short-wavelength sensitive single cones, each surrounded by four long-wavelength sensitive double cones. In this thesis, the same arrangement is...

Unfettering the Political Mandate: Reflections on Political Prohibition, The World Bank’s Role in the Protection of Human Rights and the Chad – Cameroon Pipeline.

Kirunda, Robert. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman"><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">As a case study, the paper analyzes the Bank&rsquo / s role in the Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Oil Pipeline project (the project) in which the Bank has been involved since the year 2000. The paper presents the lessons, challenges and implications from this protection of human rights.</p> </font></font></p>

The Contribution of Higher Education to Regional SocioeconomicDevelopment : The University of Buea,Cameroon, as a Growth Pole

Neba Samuel Fongwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research investigates how higher education institutions contribute to regional development, using the University of Buea in the Fako region as a case study. Policy documents reviewed and interviews with major stakeholders in the region, present a significant 'delink' or disjuncture between university policy and regional development efforts. This, from the policy perspective, has been strongly attributed to the national rather than to the regional mandate around which the university was established. However, data from the economic and social indicators investigated, reveal that the University of Buea by its very presence has been a significant agent in the development of the municipality.</p>

The intelligibility of native and non-native English speech: A comparative analysis of Cameroon English and American and British English

Atechi, Samuel Ngwa 30 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this work is to measure the degree of intelligibility of native and non-native English speech as well as analyse the major sources of intelligibility failure when speakers of these varieties of English interact. British and American English (henceforth BrE and AmE) and Cameroon English (hereafter CamE) are used as a case study with focus on segmental and supra segmental features. The study was motivated by a number of concerns, several of which are more prominent: First, it was motivated by the trepidation scholars like Gimson (1965, 1980); Prator (1968); etc. nursed that the unprecedented spread of English across the globe and the emergence of non-native varieties would cause English to disintegrate into mutually unintelligible languages, in the way Romance languages devolved from their Latin ancestor. The second motivation was that previous researchers (Bansal 1969, Tiffen 1974) on intelligibility have often concentrated their efforts on the traditional approach, which sees intelligibility from a one-sided perspective. To them, the non-native varieties of English are deficient and not different varieties from the native varieties. They were seen as substandard, incorrect, and unintelligible and thus needed remediation at all costs. The native varieties were seen as prestigious, correct, intelligible and the sole norm that must be emulated by non-native English speakers. In this way any interaction between a native speaker and a non-native speaker should be characterised by the non-native speaker making all the efforts to be understood as well as to understand the native English-speaking partner. This explains in large part why these researchers concentrated on measuring the intelligibility of non-native speech to native speakers and never vice versa. It was as if it was treasonable to measure the intelligibility of native speech to non-native speakers. Even if some researchers managed to do this, the comments that followed such data still showed that the aim was not to test the intelligibility of native speakers but to find out how efficient the non-native speakers were in understanding the native speaker. Another aim could also be to reinforce the teaching of the native norm, which was seen as “correct” against non-native features, which were seen as “incorrect”, to measuring intelligibility. While accepting that these studies reflected the conventional wisdom of the time, this study aims to move the debate forward by looking at intelligibility from a two-sided perspective. It sees communication between speakers of different varieties as a game of give and take, where both participants “tune in” to make the process successful rather than one participant being obliged to make all the efforts because s/he speaks a new English variety. That explains why we are testing not only the intelligibility of non-native speakers to native speakers but also native speakers to non-native speakers. / Gegenstand der vorgelegten Promotionsarbeit ist die Untersuchung der gegenseitigen Verständlichkeit von muttersprachlichem und nicht-muttersprachlichem Englisch. Im besonderen werden die Hauptquellen und Ursachen des Scheiterns von Verständlichkeit in einer empirischen Studie bestimmt, klassifiziert und analysiert. Die Untersuchung wird exemplarisch anhand des Kamerunischen Englisch einerseits und des Britischen und Amerikanischen Englisch anderseits vorgenommen. Motiviert ist diese Arbeit vor allem durch folgende Punkte. Erstens bedarf es der Auseinandersetzung mit den durch eine Reihe von Autoren geäußerten Befürchtungen (z.B. Gimson 1965, 1980 und Prator 1968), daß die Herausbildung und Entwicklung neuer Varianten des Englischen letztlich zu einer Auflösung des Englischen in gegenseitig nicht mehr verständliche Sprachen führt, ein Prozeß, wie er sich historisch bei der Entstehung der romanischen Sprachen aus dem Lateinischen vollzog. Derartige Befürchtungen werden genährt durch die bisher ohnegleichen fortschreitende Verbreitung des Englischen über den gesamten Globus. Hier ergibt sich die dringende Notwendigkeit vergleichender Studien zur gegenseitigen Verständlichkeit zwischen den bestehenden Varianten. Zweitens folgen die meisten zu diesem Thema vorliegenden Untersuchungen im wesentlichen einer traditionellen, überkommenen Grundperspektive: die nicht-muttersprachlichen Varianten des Englischen werden als „abweichend“ bzw. sogar „defizitär“ aus Sicht der muttersprachlichen betrachtet, nicht aber als eigenständige Sprachformen (z.B. Bansal 1969; Tiffen 1974). Dies führt nach Auffassung des Autors zu einer einseitigen Betrachtung und Bewertung. Im besonderen wird in der sprachlichen Interaktion bei einem solchen Zugang die Last zu verstehen und für den Kommunikationspartner verständlich zu sein einseitig dem nicht-muttersprachlichen Sprecher übertragen. Auf diesem Hintergrund untersuchen die vorliegenden Studien anderer Autoren primär die Verständlichkeit nicht-muttersprachlicher Sprachformen für den muttersprachlichen Sprecher, nicht jedoch die umgekehrte Konstellation. Wenn die umgekehrte Perspektive überhaupt berücksichtigt wird, so zeigen die Kommentare, daß nicht die Verständlichkeit muttersprachlicher Sprecher für den Nichtmuttersprachler eigentliches Ziel und Gegenstand der Untersuchung war, sondern vielmehr die Frage, wie effizient sich Nichtmuttersprachler beim Verstehen muttersprachlicher Äußerungen zeigten. Des weiteren stehen diese Studien oft im Kontext des Bestrebens, im institutionalisierten Spracherwerb die muttersprachlichen Normen gegen die nicht-muttersprachlichen Merkmale durchzusetzen, die als „nicht korrekt“ angesehen werden. Diese Positionen, der zugrundeliegende Zugang und die einseitige Ausrichtung bedürfen einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung.

Klimapolitische Maßnahmen als öffentliche Güter / Operationalisierung im zentralafrikanischen Kontext am Beispiel Kameruns - / Climate Policy Measures as Public Goods / Their Operationalization in the Central African Context using the example of Cameroon

Bell, Jean Marcial 29 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Unfettering the Political Mandate: Reflections on Political Prohibition, The World Bank’s Role in the Protection of Human Rights and the Chad – Cameroon Pipeline.

Kirunda, Robert. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman"><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">As a case study, the paper analyzes the Bank&rsquo / s role in the Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Oil Pipeline project (the project) in which the Bank has been involved since the year 2000. The paper presents the lessons, challenges and implications from this protection of human rights.</p> </font></font></p>

The Contribution of Higher Education to Regional SocioeconomicDevelopment : The University of Buea,Cameroon, as a Growth Pole

Neba Samuel Fongwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research investigates how higher education institutions contribute to regional development, using the University of Buea in the Fako region as a case study. Policy documents reviewed and interviews with major stakeholders in the region, present a significant 'delink' or disjuncture between university policy and regional development efforts. This, from the policy perspective, has been strongly attributed to the national rather than to the regional mandate around which the university was established. However, data from the economic and social indicators investigated, reveal that the University of Buea by its very presence has been a significant agent in the development of the municipality.</p>

Scolarité et séropositivité des femmes au Cameroun : analyse d’un apparent paradoxe

Molloy, Evi Jane Kay 04 1900 (has links)
Vécue comme l’une des plus grandes crises qu’a connue notre génération, la propagation du virus du SIDA est une urgence mondiale sans précédent, notamment en Afrique sub-saharienne où vivent la grande majorité des individus séropositifs. Dans un contexte où aucun vaccin n’existe encore et où les traitements sont onéreux et peu accessibles, les campagnes d’information sur le virus et l’acquisition de connaissances sur les méthodes de prévention, notamment à travers les programmes scolaires, sont cruciaux. La scolarisation est souvent vue comme la solution pour enrayer la propagation du virus et plusieurs études effectuées en Afrique sub-saharienne ont effectivement montré que les individus scolarisés étaient souvent les mieux renseignés sur le VIH/SIDA et son mode de propagation. Au Cameroun, pourtant, la partie de la population qui est la plus touchée par la séropositivité est aussi la plus instruite. C’est sur cet apparent paradoxe que se penche la présente étude. Cette recherche explore les différents facteurs qui sous tendent la relation positive entre le niveau d’instruction et la séropositivité au Cameroun en analysant les données de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDS) de 2004. Les résultats des analyses bivariées montrent que plus le niveau d’instruction des hommes et des femmes camerounais augmente, mieux ces derniers sont informés sur le VIH et ses modes de transmission. Malgré cet avantage au niveau des connaissances, l’analyse confirme un lien positif entre le niveau d’instruction et la séropositivé fort et statistiquement significatif parmi les femmes camerounaises, mais non significatif chez les hommes. Les résultats des analyses logistiques hiérarchiques suggèrent que c’est une combinaison de facteurs qui explique pourquoi les femmes les plus scolarisées sont aussi les plus touchées par le VIH/SIDA. Le fait qu’elles aient un profil sociodémographique différent (qu’elles soient plus jeunes et plus riches notamment), et qu’elles soient plus urbaines que leurs consœurs moins scolarisées, mais surtout qu’elles aient un temps d’exposition au risque hors union plus long et un nombre de partenaires plus élevés exposent davantage les femmes les plus scolarisées au virus. / Considered the biggest crisis known to our generation, the propagation of the AIDS virus is an unprecedented worldwide emergency, notably in sub-Saharan Africa where the majority of HIV-positive individuals live. In a context where no vaccine exists and where treatments are expensive and difficult to access, information campaigns about the virus and the acquisition of knowledge on prevention, notably through school programs, are essential. Schooling is often seen as the solution to eradicate the propagation of the virus, and studies held in sub-Saharan Africa have actually shown that highest educated individuals are more informed about HIV/AIDS and about its transmission. However, in Cameroon, the most affected part of the population is also the most educated one. This study investigates this apparent paradox. Using the 2004 data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), this research explores the multiple factors explaining the positive relation between the education level and seropositivity in Cameroon. Result from the bivariate analysis show that the level of knowledge about HIV and its transmission increases with the education level of men and women. In spite of this knowledge advantage, the analysis show a strong, positive and statistically significant link between the education level and seropositivity of women, but this link is not significant with men. The results of the hierarchical logistical analysis suggest that a combination of factor explains why the most educated women are more affected by HIV/AIDS. The fact that those women have a different sociodemographic profile (they are younger and wealthier), and that they live in more urban areas than their less educated counterparts, and especially the fact that they have a longer exposition time to HIV before engaging in a union, as well as an a higher number of sexual partners, increases their exposure to the virus.

The Actor-Interface Case of Development Intervention in the Conservation of Mount Cameroon National Park, Buea, Cameroon

Tafon, Voma Ralph January 2013 (has links)
Critics of Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDPs) have argued that participatory approachesand trade-offs are key to effective development interventions for rural populations living adjacent to protected areas. Based on an actor-interface framework, this thesis explores among other things, the discontinuities and/or linkages between those formalized narratives surrounding the creation andmanagement of Mount Cameroon National Park (MCNP), and their actual implementation, where there are multiple actors with divergent rationalities and interests. Specifically, this thesis examines the experiences and perceptions of the Park’s rural populations vis-à-vis the participatory-driven socio-economic development of their rurality. Interview results show that while the socio-economic potentials of the Park’s conservation to the rural poor have been touted, the fragmented and ad hoc nature of these benefits seriously undermine their poverty-alleviating capacity for marginalized communities. Furthermore, this thesis shows that while participatory approaches may constitute a major technique for involving rural populations in decision-making processes that affect their lives, the benefits fall largely to influential local elites, and that community participation is sometimes sought only for less important decision-making activities. This thesis concludes that in order for ICDPs to contribute effectively to eliminating poverty traps for marginalized communities, development interventions must not only be the result of rural people’s expressed priorities, but development practitioners must also have the necessary training to understand poverty traps and development problems as nested issues that must be addressed in a comprehensive and holistic manner. The paper also suggests that ICDPs must develop rural people’s capacity in conservation activities such that they can benefit from ecotourism and other conservation-related employment, in meaningful ways.

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