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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la RNase P nucléaire de Candida glabrata et amélioration des outils d’édition de son génome / Characterization of the nuclear RNase P of Candida glabrata and improvement of genome editing tools

Dahman, Yacine 19 September 2018 (has links)
Candida glabrata est une levure pathogène opportuniste, apparaissant aujourd’hui comme la deuxième cause de candidémie en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Cette levure présente de nombreuses particularités génomiques telles que la présence de nouveaux domaines structuraux au sein d’ARN non-codants ubiquitaires. Le premier aspect de cette thèse a consisté en l’étude de la sous-unité ARN atypique de la Ribonucléase P nucléaire de C. glabrata. Cet ARN contient trois grand domaines additionnels octroyant au transcrit une taille trois fois plus élevée que la moyenne des sous-unités ARN des RNase P eucaryotiques. Les expériences réalisées ont permis une meilleure compréhension du rôle de ces domaines additionnels et ont démontré la présence inédite de la protéine Rcl1 au sein du complexe de la RNase P. Dans un second temps ce travail de thèse a aussi contribué à l’amélioration des outils d’édition du génome de C. glabrata existants. De nouvelles cassettes intégratives de faible taille et positivement sélectionnables ont été mises au point. Ces éléments présentent toutes les caractéristiques permettant leur utilisation dans la modification du génome de souches sauvages et d’isolats cliniques de C. glabrata. / Candida glabrata is an opportunistic pathogenic yeast, and is today the second causative agent of candidemia in Europe and North America. This yeast has many genomic peculiarities such as the presence of new structural domains within ubiquitous non-coding RNAs. The first aspect of this thesis was the study of the atypical RNA subunit of the nuclear Ribonuclease P of C. glabrata. This RNA contains three large additional domains giving the transcript an overall size more than three times larger than the average eukaryotic RNase P RNA subunits. The experiments performed led to a better understanding of the role of these additional domains and demonstrated for the first time the presence of the Rcl1 protein within the RNase P complex. Secondly, this thesis work also contributed to the improvement of existing genome editing tools in C. glabrata. New small and positively selectable integrative cassettes have been developed. These elements exhibited all the required characteristics for their use in wild-type strains and clinical isolates of C. glabrata.

Efeito de limpadores quimicos sobre biofilmes de Candida formados sobre a superficie de materiais para base de proteses removiveis / Effect of denture cleansers on Candida species biofilms formed on the surface of differents materiais used in dentures base

Fernandes, Frederico Silva de Freitas 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Altair Antoninha Del Bel Cury, Tatiana Pereira Cenci / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T11:15:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernandes_FredericoSilvadeFreitas_M.pdf: 733963 bytes, checksum: a861bd550ab439f138ef016317f27638 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Biofilme de Candida spp formado na superfície de próteses removíveis é considerado o principal fator etiológico da candidose, a qual é a infecção oral fúngica mais prevalente em humanos. Em pacientes com comprometimento motor, o uso de limpadores químicos é indicado para o controle desse biofilme, entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre o efeito desses agentes sobre o biofilme de Candidas não-albicans. Adicionalmente, a literatura é escassa de estudos avaliando a formação de biofilme de Candida sobre novos materiais para base de próteses. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito de limpadores químicos sobre o biofilme mono e multi-espécie de Candida formado sobre a superfície de materiais para confecção de próteses removíveis. Foram confeccionados espécimes de resina de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) e resina poliamida, os quais, após a padronização da rugosidade de superfície (0,34 ± 0,02 µm), foram submetidos à avaliação da energia livre de superfície (ELS) ou à formação de biofilme. Biofilme de Candida albicans e/ou Candida glabrata foi formado por 72 h, sendo os espécimes, previamente, submetidos à formação da película adquirida. Após o período de formação do biofilme, os espécimes foram submetidos aos tratamentos, segundo o tempo recomendado por cada fabricante: limpador químico enzimático (3 min); limpador químico sem enzimas (5 min); e hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 0,5% (10 min). A água destilada e deionizada foi utilizada como controle. Após os tratamentos, os espécimes foram sonicados (7W por 30s) em solução salina, para remoção das células aderidas. Essa solução foi serialmente diluída em solução salina e semeada em CHROMagar® Candida. O número de células viáveis de Candida foi expresso em unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC)/mm2. Os dados da ELS e ângulo de contato foram submetidos a ANOVA um fator, enquanto que os dados de células viáveis de Candida foram submetidos a ANOVA três fatores, seguido do teste de Tukey-Kramer. Todos os biofilmes avaliados apresentaram maior crescimento na resina de poliamida (p<0,0001), entretanto, essa resina apresentou um menor valor de ELS quando comparada à resina de PMMA. Os limpadores químicos, contendo ou não enzimas, reduziram significantemente os níveis de Candida, sem haver diferença estatística entre eles (p=0,9999). Entretanto, o NaOCl a 0,5% foi mais eficaz, na medida em que resultou na ausência de células viáveis. Em todas as situações avaliadas, a C. glabrata apresentou maiores valores de células viáveis do que a C. albicans (p=0,0002). Nas condições desse estudo, conclui-se que a resina de poliamida possibilitou uma maior proliferação de Candida; e os limpadores químicos comerciais foram eficazes na redução dos níveis de Candida spp, mas apenas a solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 0,5% resultou na ausência de células viáveis na superfícies dos materiais testados / Resumo: Os limpadores químicos de prótese têm sido bastante indicados para o controle do biofilme formado sobre próteses removíveis de pacientes com comprometimento motor. Apesar de estudos prévios terem mostrado que uma única imersão nesses agentes é capaz de reduzir os níveis de Candida albicans do biofilme formado sobre próteses removíveis, pouco se sabe sobre o efeito do uso diário desses limpadores sobre o biofilme residual de Candida. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do uso diário de um limpador químico enzimático sobre o biofilme de C. albicans formado sobre a superfície de materiais para confecção de próteses removíveis; bem como a atividade enzimática das células de Candida desse biofilme após exposições diárias a esse limpador de prótese. Foram confeccionados espécimes de resina de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) e resina de poliamida, nos quais foi realizada, inicialmente, a padronização da rugosidade de superfície (0,34 ± 0,02 ?m). Após a formação da película adquirida, os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 12 grupos (n=9) para formação do biofilme de C. albicans por 72 horas. Após esse período, os espécimes foram tratados por 1, 4 ou 7 dias, sendo realizado um tratamento por dia, com um limpador químico enzimático (Polident 3 Minutes) ou com água destilada (controle negativo). Após os respectivos períodos de tratamento, os microrganismos remanescentes foram removidos da superfície dos espécimes por meio de ondas ultra-sônicas (7W por 30s). Em seguida, as unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) foram calculadas e a atividade enzimática das células remanescentes foi avaliada. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA um fator ou dois fatores, seguido do teste de Tukey-Kramer. O biofilme de Candida albicans formado sobre a resina de poliamida apresentou maiores níveis de Candida e uma maior atividade fosfolipásica que o biofilme formado sobre a resina de PMMA (p<0,001). O limpador químico enzimático reduziu significantemente os níveis de Candida albicans em todos os períodos avaliados (p<0,001), entretanto os níveis desse microrganismo aumentaram com o tempo, sendo observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os períodos avaliados (p<0,001). As exposições diárias a esse limpador químico aumentaram a virulência das células de Candida, no que diz respeito à atividade fosfolipásica. Nas condições desse estudo, conclui-se que o uso diário do limpador químico enzimático não foi capaz de impedir a proliferação de Candida albicans no biofilme residual, apesar de ter interferido no crescimento desse biofilme. / Abstract: Candida denture biofilm is considered the the primary aetiological agent for the development of oral candidosis, which is the most common fungal oral infection in humans. Although, for patients with limited motor capacity, chemical cleansing with immersion in denture cleansers has been shown to be effective in controlling Candida biofilm accumulation, limited data is available on the effect of those cleansing agents on other Candida species biofilms. Additionally, few studies have examined the development of Candida biofims on novel denture materials. This study evaluated the efficacy of denture cleansers on C. albicans and C. glabrata single and dual-species biofilms formed on novel denture base materials. Specimens of polymethylmetacrylate resin (PMMA) and polyamide resin were prepared and had their surface roughness standardized (0.34 ± 0.02 µm). Part of the specimens had their surface free energy measured and the other specimens were submitted to the biofilm assays. C. albicans and/or C. glabrata biofilm was formed for 72 hours on saliva-coated specimens. On the 3rd day, specimens were treated with an enzymatic cleanser, denture cleanser or 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution by soaking for, 3, 5 and 10 min, respectively. Water was used as negative control. After treatment, adhered cells were detached from the acrylic resin surface by ultrassonic waves at 7 watts for 30 seconds in phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS). This solution was serially diluted in PBS and plated on CHROMagar® Candida. Candida viable cell were expressed in colony forming units per surface area (CFU/mm2). Data of surface free energy and contact angle were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, and data of Candida species were analyzed by three way-ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer test. All tested biofilms displayed significantly higher growth on polyamide thermoplastic resin (p<0.0001), which presented the lowest SFE. Denture cleansers significantly decreased Candida spp levels, with no statistical difference between them (p=0.9999); however, 0.5% NaOCl solution was more effective, since, after treatment, no viable cell was observed. Candida glabrata revealed significantly higher CFU counts when compared to Candida albicans under all experimental conditions (p=0.0002). Our study has shown that polyamide resins may present a convenient substratum for microbial colonization. Although denture cleansers reduced Candida levels, sodium hypochlorite should be preferred as it was efficient to eliminate Candida cells from the tested materials / Abstract: Chemical cleansing with immersion in denture cleansers has been indicated for denture biofilm control in patients with limited motor capacity. Although previous studies have shown that a single immersion in those agents is able to substantially reduce Candida albicans biofilm levels, the effect of the routine use of denture cleansers on the Candida residual biofilm is poorly understood. This study evaluated the efficacy of daily use of an enzymatic denture cleanser on C. albicans biofilm formed on denture base materials; and the enzymatic activities of Candida biofilm cells after daily exposure to this cleanser agent. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and polyamide resins specimens were prepared (n=54), and their surface roughness was standardized (0.34 ±0.02 ?m). Saliva-coated specimens were randomly divided by lottery into 12 groups (n=9) for biofilm assay. C. albicans biofilm was formed for 72 hours, and then specimens were treated for 1, 4 or 7 days, once a day, with an enzymatic cleanser (Polident 3 Minutes), or distilled water (negative control). Remaining adherent microorganisms were removed from the treated specimens by ultrasonic waves at 7 watts for 30 seconds, and then colony-forming units (CFU) were calculated and remaining cells enzymatic activities were determined. Data were analyzed by 1-way or 2-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramer test. C. albicans biofilm formed on polyamide resin showed significantly higher Candida levels and phospholipase activity (p<0.001) than biofilm formed on PMMA resin. The enzymatic cleanser significantly reduced C. albicans levels in all evaluated periods (p<0.001); however, the number of this microorganism increased with time, showing statistical difference among the treatment periods (p<0.001). The daily exposure to the denture cleanser increased Candida cells virulence, with regard to phospholipase activity. Our study has shown that the enzymatic cleanser daily use did not prevent C. albicans proliferation in residual biofilm; however, this agent reduced this fungus rate of growth. / Mestrado / Protese Dental / Mestre em Clínica Odontológica

Mannan Molecular Substructures Control Nanoscale Glucan Exposure in Candida

Graus, Matthew S., Wester, Michael J., Lowman, Douglas W., Williams, David L., Kruppa, Michael D., Martinez, Carmen M., Young, Jesse M., Pappas, Harry C., Lidke, Keith A., Neumann, Aaron K. 28 August 2018 (has links)
Cell wall mannans of Candida albicans mask β-(1,3)-glucan from recognition by Dectin-1, contributing to innate immune evasion. Glucan exposures are predominantly single receptor-ligand interaction sites of nanoscale dimensions. Candida species vary in basal glucan exposure and molecular complexity of mannans. We used super-resolution fluorescence imaging and a series of protein mannosylation mutants in C. albicans and C. glabrata to investigate the role of specific N-mannan features in regulating the nanoscale geometry of glucan exposure. Decreasing acid labile mannan abundance and α-(1,6)-mannan backbone length correlated most strongly with increased density and nanoscopic size of glucan exposures in C. albicans and C. glabrata, respectively. Additionally, a C. albicans clinical isolate with high glucan exposure produced similarly perturbed N-mannan structures and elevated glucan exposure geometry. Thus, acid labile mannan structure influences the nanoscale features of glucan exposure, impacting the nature of the pathogenic surface that triggers immunoreceptor engagement, aggregation, and signaling. Graus et al. find that N-mannan structural features regulated by Candida mannosyltransfersases control glucan exposure. Loss of mannan increased the frequency and size of glucan exposures and changed multivalent receptor engagement. Changes to mannan structure in a bloodstream isolate are associated with elevated glucan exposure at the nanoscale.


Duan, DA 23 July 2013 (has links)
The kinesin-14 Kar3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) is a C-terminal motor that forms a heterodimer with the kinesin-accessory protein Vik1. Although Vik1 possesses a typical kinesin motor domain (MD) fold, it lacks a nucleotide-binding site. However, it binds microtubules with affinities that can be regulated Kar3’s nucleotide state. This implies intermolecular communication between its subunits. This thesis aimed to understand this communication by studying the structures and functions of Kar3Vik1 orthologs. First, we biochemically characterized Kar3 from Ashbya gossypii (Ag) and determined the crystal structure of its MD. It was shown that the active site features of the AgKar3MD are similar to that of the ScKar3 R598A mutant, and that the β1 lobe at the edge of the MD was unique in structure and amino acid content. These results may provide a rationale for the unique enzymatic properties of this motor that could be relevant to its interaction with AgVik1 and function in Ashbya gossypii. We also determined the crystal structures of Kar3 and Vik1 orthologs from Candida glabrata (Cg). While the CgKar3MD structure was very similar to that of ScKar3MD, crystals of CgVik1 captured three novel conformations of the Vik1 motor homology domain (MHD). We observed that when the N-terminal neck helix docks against the MHD core in two unique positions, the C-terminus resembling neck mimics of kinesin-14 motors also docks against the neck-core junction. However, when the neck is non-helical and disengaged from the MHD, the C-terminus is undocked and disordered. To assess the functional importance of these N- and C-terminal segments of Vik1 MHD, we created CgKar3Vik1 constructs whose Vik1 subunit contained either a point mutation or complete truncation of the C-terminus (neck mimic), and analyzed their biophysical properties. All mutants showed defective ATPase activity and microtubule-gliding ability. Characterization of the mutations in CgVik1MHD by molecular dynamics simulations showed that residues Ile578 and Asn580 are not only involved in stabilizing interactions between the neck and neck mimic but they also influence and respond to conformational changes of the neck. These observations implicate the N- and C-termini of Vik1 as a key element of Kar3Vik1 function and communication. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biochemistry) -- Queen's University, 2013-07-23 10:31:52.885

Sistemas líquido-cristalinos como potencial estratégia para administração vaginal de ácido p-cumárico no tratamento de candidíase vulvovaginal /

Ferreira, Paula Scanavez January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Marlus Chorilli / Resumo: A candidíase vulvovaginal (CVV) é o tipo mais comum de vaginite aguda entre as mulheres, causada por fungos do gênero Candida spp. A Candida albicans é a espécie responsável por 80-90% dos casos, contudo nos últimos anos, houve um aumento no número de casos envolvendo outras espécies, sendo a Candida glabrata, a segunda mais reportada e mais resistente aos tratamentos convencionais. As terapias existentes para CVV apresentam desvantagens devido aos efeitos colaterais dos agentes antifúngicos utilizados e resistência fúngica prevalente. Como alternativa, compostos naturais como o ácido p-cumárico (p-AC) vêm sendo estudados devido à sua potencial atividade antifúngica. Todavia, seu caráter lipofílico dificulta sua solubilidade em água, diminuindo sua eficácia. A incorporação do p-AC em um sistema de liberação de fármacos (SLF), como os cristais líquidos (CLs), pode auxiliar na sua administração tópica, e assim aumentar sua solubilidade, eficácia, reduzir efeitos colaterais sistêmicos e potencializar sua ação na mucosa vaginal. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver sistemas liquido-cristalinos com propriedades mucoadesivas para liberação controlada do ácido p-cumárico no tratamento de candidíase vulvovaginal, via administração tópica. A atividade antifúngica do p-AC foi avaliada a partir dos ensaios de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) , formação de biofilme e ensaio in vivo contra cepas de C. albicans (SC5314), C. glab... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is the most common type of acute vaginitis among women, caused by fungi of the genus Candida spp. Candida albicans is the species responsible for 80-90% of cases, however in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases involving other species, with Candida glabrata being the second most reported and most resistant to conventional treatments. Existing therapies for VVC have disadvantages due to the side effects of the antifungal agents used and the prevailing fungal resistance. As an alternative, natural compounds such as p-cumaric acid (p- CA) have been studied due to their potential antifungal activity. However, its lipophilic character hinders its solubility in water, reducing its effectiveness. The incorporation of p-CA in a drug delivery system (DDS), such as liquid crystals (LCs), can assist in its topical administration, and thus increase its solubility, effectiveness, reduce systemic side effects and enhance its activity on the vaginal mucosa. Thus, this work aimed to develop liquid-crystalline systems with mucoadhesive properties for controlled release of p-cumáric acid in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, via topical administration. The antifungal activity of p-CA was analysed by assays of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC), biofilm formation and in vivo assay against strains of C. albicans (SC5314), C. glabrata (ATCC 2001) and C. krusei (ATCC 6528). For the develop... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Variability of biofilm formation in Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis and its consequences on the infection process

Gómez Molero, Emilia 14 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Studium biologických účinků technického konopí a jeho frakcí / Biological effects of various hemp fractions

Vacková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
Cannabis is the only plant which contains cannabinoids and thanks to these compounds it has enormous potential. This thesis deals with the analysis of technical hemp. Effects of cannabinoids and methods used for cannabis analysis are discussed in the theoretical part. The experimental part includes spectrophotometric characterization of cannabis, it´s antimicrobial effects and thin layer chromatography analysis. Three sorts of Cannabis sativa L. were analyzed, namely Finola, Fedora and Kompolti. Firstly, the content of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity in prepared tinctures were determined. Moreover, antimicrobial test were performed using disk test and turbidity determination. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeast organism were tested. It was found that cannabis tinctures possess good antimicrobial effects. Some of them are comparable with synthetic antibiotics. Finally, thin layer chromatography enabled visualization of cannabinoids in prepared tinctures.

Aerobic Uptake of Cholesterol by Ergosterol Auxotrophic Strains in Candida glabrata & Random and Site-Directed Mutagenesis of ERG25 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Whybrew, Jennafer Marie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Candida albicans and Candida glabrata are opportunistic human pathogens that are the leading cause of fungal infections, which are increasingly becoming the leading cause of sepsis in immunosuppressed individuals. C. glabrata in particular has become a significant concern due to the increase in clinical isolates that demonstrate resistance to triazole antifungal drugs, the most prevalent treatment for such infections. Triazole drugs target the ERG11 gene product and prevent C-14 demethylation of the first sterol intermediate, lanosterol, preventing the production of the pathways end product ergosterol. Ergosterol is required by yeast for cell membrane fluidity and cell signaling. Furthermore, C. glabrata, and not C. albicans, has been reported to utilize cholesterol as a supplement for growth. Although drug resistance is known to be caused by an increase in expression of drug efflux pumps, we hypothesize a second mechanism: that the overuse of triazole drugs has lead to the increase of resistance by C. glabrata through a 2-step process: 1) the accumulation of ergosterol auxotrophic mutations and 2) mutants able to take up exogenous cholesterol anaerobically in the body acquire a second mutation allowing uptake of cholesterol aerobically. Two groups of sterol auxotrophic C. glabrata clinical isolates have been reported to take up sterol aerobically but do not produce a sterol precursor. Sterol auxotrophs have been created in C. glabrata by disrupting different essential genes (ERG1, ERG7, ERG11, ERG25, and ERG27) in the ergosterol pathway to assess which ergosterol mutants will take up sterols aerobically. Random and site-directed mutagenesis was also completed in ERG25 of Saccharmoyces cerevisiae. The ERG25 gene encodes a sterol C-4 methyloxidase essential for sterol biosynthesis in plants, animals, and yeast. This gene functions in turn with ERG26, a sterol C-3 dehydrogenase, and ERG27, a sterol C-3 keto reductase, to remove two methyl groups at the C-4 position on the sterol A ring. In S. cerevisiae, ERG25 has four putative histidine clusters, which bind non-heme iron and a C-terminal KKXX motif, which is a Golgi to ER retrieval motif. We have conducted site-directed and random mutagenesis in the S. cerevisiae wild-type strain SCY876. Site-Directed mutagenesis focused on the four histidine clusters, the KKXX C-terminal motif and other conserved amino acids among various plant, animal, and fungal species. Random mutagenesis was completed with a procedure known as gap repair and was used in an effort to find novel changes in enzyme function outside of the parameters utilized for site-directed mutagenesis. The four putative histidine clusters are expected to be essential for gene function by acting as non-heme iron binding ligands bringing in the oxygen required for the oxidation-reduction in the C-4 demethylation reaction.


Kortany M. Baker (13775098) 14 September 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Fungal pathogens are an increasing threat to humans, plants, and animals worldwide. Death and disease caused by fungal pathogens results in the loss of over 1.5 million lives, 12 million tons of crops, and even entire species every year. <em>Candida </em>species are the leading cause of invasive fungal species lead by <em>Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida glabrata </em>in second. <em>Candida glabrata </em>intrinsically has a low susceptibility to azole treatment, and multidrug resistant isolates are becoming more common. Additionally, new emerging <em>Candida </em>species have been found, and most clinical isolates are resistant to one or more drugs. There is a critical need to better understand drug resistance and pathogenesis to generate new therapies. </p> <p>Drug resistance can be caused by several different genetic factors, but until recently epigenetic factors have been frequently overlooked. Epigenetic research has revolutionized the treatment and detection of many cancers. And now, early research has shown epigenetic mechanisms play a role in drug resistance and pathogenesis in fungal species. Limited resources exist to combat fungal infections and understanding the epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to drug resistance and pathogenicity will provide new drug targets for future treatment.</p> <p>Previous publications from the Briggs’ lab showed Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation was necessary for proper ergosterol homeostasis and Brefeldin A resistance. One of the three classes of antifungals, azoles, target the ergosterol pathway. The ergosterol connection resulted into this thesis project, investigating the role of Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation in drug resistance and pathogenicity in <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida auris. </em>This research was the first to characterize the Set1 complex in <em>C. glabrata </em>and show it is the sole histone H3K4 methyltransferase in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris. </em>Additionally, it shows loss of <em>SET1 </em>in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris </em>reduces pathogenicity and alters drug efficacy. Interestingly, although the loss of <em>SET1</em> seems to cause a similar pathogenic defect in all three <em>Candida </em>species, the role Set1 plays in drug efficacy including which drug and severity varies amongst species and isolates. Altogether, this research project provides new possible drug targets for fungal treatment and knowledge added to the scientific community on the role of epigenetics in fungal pathogens. </p>

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