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Biomechanické aspekty techniky jízdy na rychlostní kanoi v kontextu asymetrického zatížení posturálního systému / Biomechanical aspect of speed canoe technicŠtryncl, Radim January 2021 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Biomechanical aspects of speed canoeing techniques in the context of asymmetric loading of the postural system Aim of the thesis: The main aim of the work was, based on theoretical knowledge and own empirical research, to analyze the biomechanical aspects of the technique of riding a C1 speed canoe in the context of asymmetric loading of the postural system . . Solution method: Based on the knowledge of functional anatomy and with the use of analyzes of the real riding of the top athletes (N = 12), the kinesiological aspects of riding the C1 speed canoe were investigated in the preliminary research. Biomechanical aspects of paddling were further investigated using 3D kinematic analysis (N = 9). Influence of long-term training efforts on differences in muscle cross-sections mm. iliopsoas a mm. quadratus lumborum on both sides of the body was examined by magnetic resonance imaging (N = 5). The muscle sections were performed in the transverse plane at the level of L 3, L 4. The studies were conceived as pilot due to their time, organizational and financial demands. Results: Riding a C1 speed canoe is a locomotively complex movement pattern during which the postural system is exposed to two types of asymmetric loads. Both are related to the geometry of motion. First of all, it is a...
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Vztah mezi vybranými specifickými a obecnými ukazateli silových schopností závodníků ve vodním slalomu v kategorii C1 / Relationship between selected specific and general indicators of strenght in white water slalom competitors in C1 men categoryŘíha, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Title: Relationship between selected specific and general indicators of strength in water slalom competitors in category C1 Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out the relationship between the maximum strength tests at the gym and the explosive force test when paddling on flat water. Another aim of the thesis was to compare the measurement with results in selection races to Czech national team 2018. Methods: The test battery for general force tests included the bench press test, the attachment on the bench, the one arm attachment on the bench and the one arm pull up on the bar. To test the explosive force on a flat water we used a three-axis piezoelectric load cell 9137. Dewesoft Sirirus and Dewesoft, Dewetron, were used to diagnose the course of force. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the measurements. The degree of dependence was determined by the correlation coefficient value. Results: A strong dependence rate (r = ≥ 0.7) was demonstrated in the water test and the one arm attachment on the bench. There was no evidence of a strong degree of dependence on bench - press exercises (r = 0,63), the attachment on the bench (r = 0,58)and the one arm pull up on the bar (r = 0,04). The paddlers who achieved the best results in specific and general strength...
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Komparativní analýza vybraných svalů při lokomoci pletencem ramenním / Comparative analysis of chosen muscles in locomotion through shoulder girdleČapková Ebelová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
TitleVVVVVVV VVVVV Objectives:VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV Methods: VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VV Results VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV V Key words Comparative analysis of chosen muscles in locomotion through shoulder girdle The aim of this study is to describe and to compare the canoe forward stroke with selected exercises performer during indoor training The research was conducted in an intentionally chosen sample of ten probands with high level of performance in whitewater slalom. We watched activity of ten selected muscles during canoe forward stroke, on simulator, diagonal pull, stretch of arms with elastic resistance, dumbbell pulls and pull ups by surface electromyography. Study evaluates intraindividual and subsequently interindividual the size of the muscle activation considering reference movement, forward stroke on flat water. The results proved similarities of the forward stroke and on simulator in terms of average muscle activation. M. latissimus dorsi shows higher activation during canoe forward stroke, on simulator, stretch of arms with elastic resistance, dumbbell pulls compared with other tested exercices. locomotion through the shoulder girdle, shot, canoeing, paddling, electromyography, muscular activity
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Komparativní analýza vybraných svalů při lokomoci pletencem ramenním / Comparative analysis of chosen muscles in locomotion through shoulder girdleČapková Ebelová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
Title Objectives: Methods: Results Key words Comparative analysis of chosen muscles in locomotion through shoulder girdle The aim of this study is to describe and to compare selected exercises performer during indoor training toward the canoe forward stroke. The research was conducted in an intentionally chosen sample of ten probands with high level of performance in whitewater slalom. We watched activity of ten selected muscles during canoe forward stroke, on simulator, diagonal pull, stretch of arms with elastic resistance, dumbbell pulls and pull ups by surface electromyography. Study evaluates intraindividual and subsequently interindividual the size of the muscle activation considering reference movement, forward stroke on flat water. The results proved similarities of the forward stroke and on simulator in terms of average muscle activation. M. latissimus dorsi shows higher activation during canoe forward stroke, on simulator, stretch of arms with elastic resistance, dumbbell pulls compared with other tested exercices. locomotion through the shoulder girdle, shot, canoeing, paddling, electromyography, muscular activity
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Vliv DNS na sílu záběru u rychlostních kajakářů / Influence of DNS to kayak power StrokeDavídek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the possibility to influence the maximum power of kayaking stroke by the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization approach. The most common injuries sustained during kayaking are affecting shoulders. The aim of this thesis was kinesiological analysis of kayaking movement. It shows patterns of shoulder muscles activity during the paddling cycle. Finally the thesis describes the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization approach. Methods: Subjects were 20 flat water kayakers (mean age 21,85 +/- 2,37), which were randomized divided into two groups. Training of experimental group contained exercise according Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization approach. Specific exercise was chosen with DASH questionnaire. The same questionnaire was used at the end of the six weeks study to see the changes in the problems of the upper limb activity. The effect of the therapy was compared by maximum power of kayaking stroke, which was measured by paddling ergometer. Both groups were tested four times in 6 weeks. We followed also the actual effect of the therapy of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization by measuring maximum power before therapy and immediately after exercise. Results: Maximum power of the stroke increased of 6,3% (p = 0,032) in experimental group. We found the positive effect of the actual...
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Porovnání výsledků zátěžových testů na kajakářském ergometru s dosahovaným výkonem v rychlostní kanoistice / Comparison of performance tests results determined during kayak spiroergometry with achieved kayak paddling performanceŠtěrba, Jan January 2013 (has links)
- 6 - Abstract Title: Comparison of performance tests results determined during kayak spiroergometry with achieved kayak paddling performance. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine relationships between functional parameters values found during kayak spiroergometry and sport performance at 1000 meters distance, and how are these relationships going to change based on training period. Methods: To determine statistical dependence between sport performance at 1000 meters distance and choosen factors of sport performance, the correlation research was used - as a variable-dependent value the final result of sport performance at 1000 meters distance was used, as a variable-independent amounts functional parameters values found during kayak spiroergometry were used. To discover the statistical dependence methods of Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used. Results: General level of kayak-athletes from testing file indicated by functional parameters values and demonstrated by kayak spiroergometry performance depends on kayak- athlete's level of sport performance at 1000 meters distance in prepared-training period only, when importance for general condition is emphasized. We did not discover the same phenomenon based on pre-racing period testing results. Sport performance at...
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Zum Einfluss der Lateralität in zyklischen Sportarten bei Nachwuchsathleten / The effect of laterality on young elite cyclic-sports athletesKrüger, Tom January 2005 (has links)
Die Ausprägung der Lateralität der Körperextremitäten steht in engem Zusammenhang mit der Hemisphärenspezialisierung des menschlichen Gehirns. Die Lateralität und die Dominanz einer Hemisphäre mit ihren Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit ist ein bislang unvollständig untersuchtes Phänomen im Sport.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll daher die Bedeutung der Seitigkeitsausprägung im Rahmen sportlicher Bewegungsabläufe geprüft werden. Sowohl bei Messungen im "Freiwasser", als auch in der "Kanu–Gegenstromanlage" im Bereich des Kanurennsportes werden seit einigen Jahren sich in Qualität und Quantität unterscheidende Kraft–Zeit–Funktionen der linken und rechten Körperseite beobachtet, die zwar dokumentiert, aber bislang ungeprüft in ihrer Bedeutung als leistungsbeeinflussend angenommen werden.<br><br>
Im Zeitraum von Oktober 1997 bis Oktober 2000 wurden 275 Kajakfahrer und Canadierfahrer im Alter zwischen 11 und 20 Jahren zweimal jährlich (März und Oktober) mit einem umfangreichen trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlichen sowie biomechanischen Instrumentarium untersucht. Die Athleten gehören zum Nachwuchs- und Anschlusskader des LKV Brandenburg. Schwerpunkt der Fragestellung ist der Zusammenhang von auftretenden Kraftdifferenzen zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremität und sportartspezifischen Leistungen unter Laborbedingungen und Feldbedingungen. Es wurden objektive Daten zu ausgewählten Kraftfähigkeiten der oberen Arm–Beuge–Schlinge an einem Kraftdiagnosegerät, Kraftverläufe am Messpaddel während Leistungsüberprüfungen im "Kanu–Gegenstromkanal" und im "Freiwasser" über 250 m und 2.000 m im Jahresverlauf erhoben.<br><br>
Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Trend der im Altersverlauf ansteigenden Differenz der Mittelwertunterschiede in der Maximalkraft zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm. Bei bestehenden Maximalkraftdifferenzen zwischen linker und rechter oberer Extremität in der Längsschnittgruppe liegen die Leistungen mit dem rechten Arm deutlich über den Kraftleistungen des linken Arms und sind nicht zufällig. Mit steigendem Maximalkraftniveau nimmt überraschenderweise auch die Differenz der Maximalkraft zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremität trotz bilateralen Trainings zu. Die Ergebnisse der EMG–Analyse bestätigen, dass die Maximalkraft leistungsbestimmend für die Bootsleistungen ist. In den EMG–Signalverläufen werden die unterschiedlichen Belastungen der Labor– und Feldbedingungen mit individuellen Charakteristika nachgezeichnet. Deutlich unterscheiden sich die Kraftverläufe im "Freiwasser" gegenüber den Kraftverläufen in der "Kanu–Gegenstromanlage".<br><br>
Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine erste empirische Arbeit zur Auswirkung von Seitigkeitsunterschieden in zyklischen Sportarten auf der Expertiseebene. In der Untersuchung wurden methodische Verfahren eingesetzt, die dem derzeitigen Forschungsstand in der Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft entsprechen. Neben varianzanalytischen Verfahren der Auswertung zur Darstellung von Mittelwertunterschieden und Zusammenhänge prüfenden Verfahren wurden ebenso explorative EMG–Analysen angewandt. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Längsschnitt belegen bei ausschließlich rechtshändigen Probanden, dass die Schlussfolgerung von bevorzugter Extremität auf ein höheres Kraftniveau nicht eineindeutig ist. Zwischen den oberen Extremitäten bei Kanurennsportlern bestehen nicht nur zufällige Kraftunterschiede, trotz des bilateralen Trainings. Kontrovers diskutiert wird die Beziehung von bevorzugter Extremität und der Höhe der Kraftentfaltung. Im Alltagsverständnis wird häufig angenommen, dass ein höheres Maximalkraftniveau in der Extremität vorliegen muss, die auch die bevorzugte (z.B. Schreibhand) ist (WIRTH & LIPHARDT, 1999). Diese Eindeutigkeit konnte in der durchgeführten Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden. Wie die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung deutlich zeigen, nimmt mit der höheren Maximalkraft aber auch die Differenz der Kraftleistungen zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm bei bilateral ausgerichtetem Training zu. FISCHER (1988; 1992) wies nach, dass sich ein Training auf der subdominanten Seite in einem kontralateralen Leistungstransfer auf der dominanten Seite positiv auswirkte. Erkenntnisse von KUHN (1986) und HOLLMANN & HETTINGER (2000) unterstützen nachhaltig die Ergebnisse. Die EMG–Ergebnisse zeigen die individuelle Reaktion auf die Belastungsanforderungen. Die elektromyographischen Daten beziehen sich auf den neuromuskulären Komplex. Somit sprechen hohe Amplitudenwerte einerseits für eine hohe Innervation der beteiligten motorischen Einheiten an der Bewegungsausführung und andererseits für einsetzende Ermüdungserscheinungen im Muskel. In Bezug auf die Ermüdung der oberen Extremitätenmuskeln der rechten und linken Seite beschreiben WILLIAMS, SHARMA & BILODEAU (2002) keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der dominanten und nichtdominanten Handseite. / The development of body extremity laterality is closely linked to hemisphere specialization of the human brain. Laterality, the dominance of one hemisphere, and the effect of these two phenomena on sports performance capacity have yet to be described in detail. The question arises as to whether performance differences between paired extremities and the attendant extent of this difference might determine performance levels. In flat water canoeing, measurements in flat water as well as in the canoe counter current system reveal force time functions of the left and right body side that differ in quality and quantity. These differences have been documented for a number of years. However, so far their influence on performance has been presumed to exist and no attempt has been made to explain them.<br><br>
During the period from October 1997 to October 2000, 275 kayakers and canoeists between the ages of 11 and 20 were examined twice annually (March and October) using extensive training scientific, kinetic and biomechanical equipment. The athletes were members of a state-wide canoeing club.<br><br>
The main focus of the study was the correlation between (a) force differences arising between the left and right upper extremity and (b) athletic performance under laboratory conditions and field conditions. The following data was gathered: selected strength capacities of the upper arm flexor at a static strength measurement system (Wick & Krüger, 1998), force curves at the measuring paddle during exercise tests using the canoe counter current system and canoeing times in flat water over 250 m and 2,000 m during the course of the year.<br><br>
The results of the static maximum force test showed that the difference in maximum force between the left and right arm increases with age. In the cross-sectional group, maximum force differences were observed between the left and right upper extremity; in terms of strength performance the right arm was clearly superior to the left arm. Despite bilateral training, contrary to what might be expected, the difference in maximum force between the left and right upper extremity increases with rising maximum force level. The proportional relationship remains unaffected by this. The evaluation of force parameters from the longitudinal and cross-sectional standpoint does not provide any clear indication of performance dominance of a specific extremity. The differences of the force parameters between the left and right upper extremity as measured in the canoe counter current system and in flat water are not stable. An analysis of EMG results confirmed that the maximum force has a decisive effect on canoeing performance. Force curves in flat water differ markedly from force curves in the canoe counter current system.<br><br>
The present investigation is a first empirical paper on the effect of laterality differences on expert athletes in cyclic sports. The methodologies applied during the investigation correspond to the present state of research in the fields of training science and human kinetics. Variance-analytical methods of evaluation for the representation of average value differences, procedures that search connections and explorative EMG analyses were used. Results from the longitudinal section indicate that with exclusively right-handed subjects the preferred extremity cannot biuniquely be shown to have a higher force level. This result is confirmed by the cross-sectional findings. Despite bilateral training, force differences are observed between the upper extremities of canoeists. However, there is ongoing controversy about the relationship between preferred extremity and the extent of force development. The preferred extremity (e.g. the writing hand) is commonly believed to possess the higher maximum force level (Wirth & Liphardt, 1999). Nonetheless, this assumption could not be confirmed during the present investigation. However, the results of this investigation clearly show that as maximum force increases, the difference in strength performance between the left and right arm increases, including when bilateral training is applied. Fischer (1988; 1992) showed that training the subdominant side positively affected the dominant side. This is attributable to contralateral achievement transfer. These results are strongly supported by the findings of Kuhn (1986) and Hollmann & Hettinger (2000). The proportional difference remains stable over time with the athletes studied. This too supports the concept that the preferred extremity benefits from positive transfer effects. The electromyographic data pertains to the neuromuscular complex. Thus high amplitude values suggest on one hand a high innervation of the motor units involved in the performance of the movement and on the other hand the first signs of muscle fatigue. Williams, Sharma & Bilodeau (2002) found no significant differences between fatigue levels in the upper extremity muscles of the dominant and non-dominant extremity.
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A tribal journey : canoes, traditions, and cultural continuityMarshall, Tamara 09 August 2011 (has links)
In addressing the necessity of cultural transmission from one generation to the next, this ethnographic study examines ways that Indigenous canoe journeys enable communication of ancestral teachings and traditions, particularly to Kw‟umut Lelum youth. The objective is to identify how experiences and interactions within Indigenous canoe journeys, specifically Tribal Journeys, can connect youth to traditions, environments, Elders, other individuals, and each other. Drawing on interviews with adults and participant observation, I consider relational themes of self and identity to explore the cultural impact on the young people as they participate in Tribal Journeys 2010 and symbolic ceremonies within it. Through qualitative inquiry and inductive reasoning, this interpretive epistemological approach includes concepts specific to the Indigenous research paradigm and uses a performative narrative to present results. Kw‟umut Lelum Child and Family Services is a society committed to the well-being of Indigenous children residing within nine Coast Salish communities on Vancouver Island. The agency focuses on family, community, and sacredness of culture as guided by the Snuw‟uy‟ulh model, which uses the teachings of the present to unite the past and future. Tribal Journeys is a significant cultural event that upholds the Snuw‟uy‟ulh principles while facilitating the communication of ancestral teachings and traditions.
Keywords: Indigenous, canoe, youth, culture, tradition, Coast Salish, narrative, perform
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Die arrestasiebevoegdheid van die private persoon (ingevolge aa 42 en 49 van die Strafproseswet 51 van 1977) met spesiale verwysing na die oewerbewoner en Martinus 1990 (2) SASV 568 (A) en ander verwante sakeFowler, Henriette 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die private persoon het sekere bevoegdhede betreffende die
arrestasie en die gebruik van geweld tydens arrestasie van
lede van die publiek wat misdade pleeg/gepleeg het. Hierdie
bevoegdheid spruit uit sowel die gemenereg as die wettereg.
Kragtens die Suid-Afrikaanse Strafproseswet word hierdie
bevoegdhede gereel deur aa 42 en 49.
Oewerbewoners as eienaars van grand is geregtig op die
onverstoorde gebruik en genot van hulle eiendom.
Daarteenoor is kanovaarders ook daarop geregtig om op
openbare ri vi ere vir wedvaarte te oefen. Di t is egter
belangrik om vas te stel of die portage van kano's op die
oewer insidenteel is tot die reg om op die rivier te vaar.
Ewewig moet bewerkstellig word tussen die botsende belange.
Die Waterwet 54 van 1956 behoort gewysig en vereenvoudig te
word, aangesien Suid-Afrika nie slegs op die RomeinsHollandse
reg kan staatmaak nie - ons waterprobleme staan
direk teenoor die van die Nederlande. / The private person has certain powers regarding the arrest
and the use of force to effect the arrest of members of the
public who have committed/are committing offences. These
powers are derived from either common law or statutory law.
In terms of the South African Criminal Procedure Act these
powers are regulated by ss 42 and 49.
Riparian owners are entitled to the undisturbed use and
enjoyment of their property. On the other hand, canoeists
are also entitled to practise on public rivers. It is
important, however, to ascertain whether portage of canoes
on the river bank is incidental to the right of canoeing on
the river.
A balance should be struck between these conflicting
interests. The Water Act 54 of 1956 should be amended and
simplified, since South Africa cannot rely on Roman Dutch
law alone - our water problems are the complete opposite of
those in the Netherlands. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Straf- en Strafprosesreg)
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Perfil antropométrico y cinemático del palista infantilAlacid Cárceles, Fernando 27 March 2009 (has links)
Las características antropométricas, del material de competición y la evolución de las variables cinemáticas (velocidad, frecuencia, longitud e índice de ciclo) sobre las distancias de 200 y 500 m, se valoraron en un total de 131 piragüistas de 13 y 14 años (hombres kayakistas, mujeres kayakistas y hombres canoistas, agrupados por edad). En la mayoría de las medidas antropométricas, los hombres kayakistas de 14 años fueron superiores al resto de categorías, no encontrándose diferencias entre los grupos de mujeres. La evolución de las variables cinemáticas fue similar en las diferentes categorías y distancias, con una tendencia decreciente de la velocidad y del índice de ciclo a partir de los primeros 50 m, una estabilización de la longitud de ciclo a partir de esta distancia y una disminución progresiva de la frecuencia de ciclo desde el inicio de la prueba. / The anthropometric characteristics, set-up of competition equipment and evolution of the kinematic variables (speed, cycle frequency, cycle length and cycle index) over distances of 200- and 500-m were analysed in 131 paddlers (male kayakers, women kayakers and male canoeists; 13-14 years-old). In most of the anthropometric measurements, 14 year-old male kayakers were higher than other groups; no differences were found between female groups. The evolution of the kinematic variables was similar in the different categories and distances. The speed and cycle index decreased through the test after the first 50 m, while the cycle length was stable. The cycle frequency had a progressive decrease along the distance
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