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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Early Rearing Experience on Adult Reproductive Behavior in Captive Giant Pandas and Spectacled Bears

Sun, Pei 10 December 2004 (has links)
The present study examined the relationship between early rearing experience and reproductive competence in captive adult giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus). Life history information of 52 giant pandas and 34 spectacled bears were obtained from the International Studbook and by interviewing staff at institutions housing the subjects. The early rearing experience variables included duration of mother rearing, social access within 1-yr period following maternal separation, and birth origin. Correlation, Chi-square, and logistic regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Contrary to findings from studies with other animals, the results generally suggest that early rearing experience is not related to adult reproductive success in giant pandas and spectacled bears. Alternative explanation and limitation of the study were discussed; suggestions were made for future study.

Klinisch-neurologische Untersuchungen zur Effektivität der Bolzenschussbetäubung bei Jungbullen und deren Potenzial zur Entwicklung eines automatischen Überwachungssystems / Assessment of the efficiency of captive-bolt stunning in young bulls and the potential to develop an automatic monitoring system

Schwarz, Judith 16 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Schlachtrinder werden in Deutschland gegenwärtig fast ausnahmslos mittels Bolzenschuss betäubt. Gründe dafür sind neben der guten Handhabbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Geräte die hohe Betäubungssicherheit bei richtig gewähltem Ansatz des Gerätes am Kopf des Tieres. Dessen ungeachtet kommt es, durch menschliche als auch technische Fehler bedingt, immer wieder vor, dass Rinder nach dem ersten Schuss nicht oder nur unzureichend betäubt sind. Laut einschlägiger Literatur sind teilweise bis zu 32 % der Rinder von einer suboptimalen Betäubung betroffen, sowie bis zu 7 % von einer völlig fehlenden Betäubungswirkung nach dem ersten Schuss. Aus Sicht des Tier- als auch des Arbeitsschutzes ist es notwendig alle Tiere genauestens auf Anzeichen zu beobachten, die auf eine mangelhafte Betäubung oder auf ein Wiedererlangen der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsfähigkeit hindeuten und diese Tiere gegebenenfalls nachzubetäuben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu prüfen, ob eine Automatisierung der Betäubungsüberwachung mithilfe eines Wiegesystems möglich ist. Hierzu wurden Wiegezellen unter einer Betäubungsfalle installiert, um den Verlauf des Niederstürzens der Tiere nach erfolgter Betäubung aufzuzeichnen. Durch das zunächst ruckartige Anziehen der Gliedmaßen und das darauf folgende Zusammenbrechen der Tiere entsteht ein charakteristischer Gewichtskurvenverlauf, welcher mit der Betäubungsqualität korreliert wurde. Hierfür wurden umfangreiche Daten zur Betäubungseffektivität an 10.154 Jungbullen an einem kommerziellen Schlachtbetrieb erhoben und im Zusammenhang mit den aufgezeichneten Wiegeprotokollen ausgewertet. Herangezogen wurden zur Beurteilung des Betäubungserfolges sowohl bewährte Parameter (u. a. sofortiges Niederstürzen, negativer Corneal- bzw. Palpebralreflex und Verlust der regelmäßigen Atmung) als auch weniger übliche oder umstrittene Befunde, deren Aussagekraft geprüft werden sollte (u. a. Pupillenform, Zungen-, Ohr- und Schwanztonus, Restatemzüge und Reaktion auf Entblutestich). Anhand der insgesamt 21 erhobenen Befundparameter wurden die Tiere zum Zwecke der Auswertung in ein Schema eingeteilt. Demnach war die Betäubungswirkung nach dem ersten Schuss bei 0,3 % der Jungbullen fehlend, bei 1,8 % mangelhaft, bei 4,1 % fraglich und bei 7,4 % tadellos. 82,2 % der Tiere waren ausreichend betäubt, zeigten jedoch mindestens einen der zu prüfenden Befunde. Nachbetäubt wurden insgesamt 4,6 % der Rinder. Die zu prüfenden Parameter „keine runde, dilatierte Pupille“, „Pupille schlitzförmig“, „Ohrtonus“ und „deutliche Reaktion auf Entblutestich“ traten signifikant häufiger bei Tieren mit unzureichender Betäubungstiefe auf, während bei „Zungentonus“, „Schwanztonus“, „Restatemzügen“ und „deutlicher Erregung vor dem Schuss“ keine Korrelation erkennbar war. Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch, dass v. a. die Parameter „Schwanztonus“ und „aktives Hochziehen“ von verschiedenen Personen sehr subjektiv wahrgenommen wurden. Besondere Beachtung wurde dem Parameter „wiederkehrende regelmäßige Atmung“ geschenkt, da er erst zu einem relativ späten Zeitpunkt nach der Bolzenschussbetäubung auftritt. Eine solche wiederkehrende Atmung ca. 60 s nach der Betäubung trat bei 19 % der als unzureichend betäubt eingestuften Jungbullen sowie bei insgesamt 1,2 % aller untersuchten Tiere auf. 38 % dieser Tiere wies vorher bereits eine Bulbusrotation auf, sowie 22 % Nystagmus, während lediglich 4 % bzw. 2 % der Tiere ohne wiederkehrende Atmung diese Befunde zeigten. Zwischen der Länge des „stun-to-stick-Intervalls“ und dem Befund „wiederkehrende regelmäßige Atmung“ wurde kein verlässlicher Zusammenhang hergestellt. Nach den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung sind die Parameter „Zungentonus“, „Schwanztonus“, „Restatemzüge“, „deutliche Erregung vor dem Schuss“ und „aktives Hochziehen“ folglich wenig oder gar nicht aussagekräftig in Bezug auf die Betäubungsqualität. Im Gegensatz dazu sollte bei Bulbusrotation, Nystagmus und erhaltenem Ohrtonus eine sehr gewissenhafte weitere Beobachtung des Tieres bzw. eine „Sicherheits-Nachbetäubung“ erfolgen, um einem Wiederkehren der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsfähigkeit des Rindes zuvorzukommen. Darüber hinaus scheint eine präzise Betäubung und sorgfältige Beobachtung der Tiere bis zum Ende der „Schwall-Entblutung“ zudem zielführender im Hinblick auf den Tierschutz als eine rigide Einhaltung des vorgeschriebenen „stun-to-stick-Intervalls“ von 60 s. Anhand der aufgezeichneten Wiegeprotokolle konnten 94 % der Tiere mit fehlender Betäubungswirkung bei einer Spezifität von 98 % korrekt als solche erkannt werden. Für Tiere mit mangelhafter Betäubungswirkung betrug die Sensitivität lediglich 49 %, bei einer Spezifität von 78 %. Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das entwickelte Wiegesystem folglich zur Echtzeit-Analyse der Betäubungstiefe in dieser Form wenig geeignet, da Rinder mit gering ausgeprägten Anzeichen unzureichender Betäubungstiefe nicht mit ausreichend hoher Sensitivität und Spezifität erkannt werden konnten. Echte Fehlbetäubungen allerdings (kein Niederstürzen der Tiere beim ersten Betäubungsversuch) sind mithilfe des erläuterten Wiegesystems überwiegend gut identifizierbar. Eine kontinuierliche statistische Erfassung dieser Fehlbetäubungsrate, wie sie mit Beschluss 672/12 vom Bundesrat gefordert wird, wäre durch das entwickelte System daher möglich. / In Germany, slaughter cattle are stunned by captive bolt with almost no exceptions. Reasons for this are the good practicability and reliability of the (stunning) device, as well as the high stunning safety when a correct positioning of the device on the animal’s head is ensured. Due to human or technical faults it can still happen that cattle are not at all or not sufficiently stunned after the first shot. According to relevant literature, in some cases up to 32 % of the cattle are affected by suboptimal stunning, and up to 7 % by complete stunning failure at the first shot. Both from an animal welfare and working safety point of view, it is necessary to thoroughly monitor all animals for signs of insufficient stunning or recovery of consciousness and, if necessary, to re-stun them. The aim of this study was to determine if the monitoring of stunned cattle could be automated with the help of a weighing system. For this purpose, a weight scale was installed under the stunning box to plot the animals’ collapsing after the stun. The jerky lifting of the limbs and the following collapse create a characteristic weight curve, which was correlated to the stunning efficiency. For this purpose extensive data referring to the stunning efficiency were collected in 10,154 young bulls on a commercial slaughtering plant and interpreted in context with the recorded weight protocols. For the assessment of stunning efficiency, both established (e.g. immediate collapse, negative corneal- and palpebralreflex, cessation of rhythmic breathing) as well as less proved parameters (e.g. form of pupils, muscle tone of tongue, ears and tail, post stun exhalation, reaction to sticking), were used and the significance of the latter was investigated. On the basis of the 21 assessed parameters the animals were classified in a scheme for further analysis. According to this scheme, the stunning effect of the first shot was totally absent in 0.3 % of the young bulls, incomplete in 1.8 %, doubtful in 4.1 % and perfect in 7.4 %. 82.2 % of the animals were adequately stunned, but showed at least one of the parameters to be checked. In total 4.6 % of the cattle were re-stunned. The parameters “pupils not round and dilatated”, “pupils slit-like”, “ear muscle tone” and “clear reaction to sticking” appeared significantly more often in animals with imperfect concussion, while muscle tone of tongue and tail, post stun exhalation, and clear excitement before stunning could not be correlated with the stunning efficiency. The results showed also that the parameters “muscle tone of tail” and “lifting on the bleeding rail” in particular, were judged very subjectively between different persons. Special attention was paid to the parameter “regular breathing regained” as it occurs at a quite late stage after captive bolt stunning. Such recurring breathing about 60 s after stunning appeared in 19 % of young bulls classified as imperfectly stunned as well as in 1.2 % of all examined animals. Before regaining regular breathing, 38 % of these animals showed a rotation of the eye and 22 % showed nystagmus whereas only 4 % and 2 % respectively of the animals without recurring breathing showed these results. No reliable correlation was found between the length of the stun-to-stick intervals and the parameter “regular breathing regained”. According to the findings of this study the parameters “muscle tone of tongue and tail”, “post stun exhalation”, “clear excitement before stunning” and “lifting on the bleeding rail” are either not, or only slightly, conclusive as to the stunning efficiency. In contrast to that, there should be a very careful observation of the animals showing “rotation of the eye”, “nystagmus” or “ear muscle tone”, or a safety re-stun to prevent the cattle from regaining consciousness and sensibility. Furthermore a careful observation of the animals until the end of bleeding seems to be more important in terms of animal welfare than the rigid fulfilling of the prescribed stun-to-stick-interval of 60 s. With the help of the weight protocols, 94 % of the animals with absent stunning effect could be correctly identified, with a specificity of 98 %. For animals with incomplete stunning effect the sensitivity was only 49 %, with a specificity of 78 %. According to the results of this study, the developed system is not suitable in this form as a real-time-surveillance system to decide whether there should be a re-stun or not, as cattle with less distinctive signs of imperfect stunning efficiency could not be recognized with sufficiently high sensitivity and specificity. However, complete stunning failures (no collapse after first stun) are predominantly well detectable with the explained scale system. A continuous statistical recording of stunning failures, as demanded by the Bundesrat in the resolution (Beschluss) 672/12, would therefore be possible with the developed system.

Comparative aspects of the thermal biology of African and Australian parrots.

Burton, Stephen Leslie. January 2006 (has links)
Deserticolous birds inhabit an environment characterised by high ambient temperatures and low rainfall that has low primary productivity. The combination of these factors may lead to the evolution of adaptations that minimise food and water requirements. One physiological adaptation that has been found in many deserticolous birds is the reduction of basal metabolic rate (BMR). I measured metabolic rate in the laboratory using four species of African lovebirds (Agapornis) , and four species of Australian grass parakeets (one Neopsephotus and three Neophema), all similar in body mass. Tests for differences between groups were carried out using both conventional and phylogenetically independent methods. The BMRs of the lovebird and grass parakeet species were not statistically correlated with habitat type. These results confirm the findings of previous studies on the effect of desert conditions on the BMR of parrots. I also found no significant differences in BMR between the species assemblages from different continents. The lack of significant differences in BMR between deserticolous and nondeserticolous parrots supports the idea that birds are "ex-adapted" to living in desert environments. I suggest that the results may have been affected by phenotypic plasticity in BMR, as recent evidence has shown that the scaling exponent of BMR differs between captive-raised and wild-caught birds. To elucidate the effect of origin (captive-raised vs. wild-caught) on the BMR of birds used in this study a large scale analysis of bird BMR data was undertaken. BMR and body mass data for 242 species of birds were obtained from the literature, this study, and unpublished data from various sources. A phylogeny was constructed using molecular and morphological phylogenies from the literature, and analysed using conventional and phylogenetically independent methods. The conventional analysis found significant differences in the scaling exponents of BMR of captive-raised and wild-caught birds. However the phylogenetically independent method showed non-significant differences between these two groups. Conventional analysis of differences between parrots and all other birds yielded significant differences between these two groups, with parrots having significantly higher BMRs than other birds. Again the phylogenetically independent analysis found non-significant differences between these VII two groups. A test of homogeneity of variance between these two groups found significant differences between the variances ofthe two groups, probably due to disparity in sample size and range of body sizes. The conventional and phylogenetically independent tests for differences between captive-raised and wild-caught parrots yielded non-significant results, suggesting that the parrots are not subject to the phenotypic adjustments postulated for all other birds. The lack of significant differences between captive-raised and wild-caught parrots suggests that the analyses of differing habitat type for African and Australian parrots is indeed valid. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Assessing a Loggerhead shrike captive-release program using reproductive success and telemetry

Fraser, Sarah Jane. January 2007 (has links)
The eastern race of the Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus ssp. migrans) is a grassland bird federally listed as endangered. There are approximately 30 pairs remaining in the Canadian wild today. Captive breeding and release programs have been developed in Canada to help alleviate the decline. However, little is known about the fate of the released birds and the factors influencing their reproductive success. To help in the understanding of the movement, behaviour and survival of the shrikes post-release, we tested whether radio telemetry was an effective technique to follow these birds. Despite limited behavioural effects in captivity, a tail-mount was not suitable for released Loggerhead shrikes due to unreliable retention times. The second portion of this study addressed the factors influencing reproductive success in captivity, including breeding behaviour and individual characteristics. Distance between individual pairs in their cages, female nesting activity and male origin were the best predictors of success. Recommendations for managers are made.

Bewertung verschiedener Bolzenschussbetäubungsapparate beim Rind hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität und ihres Einflusses auf den Ausblutungsgrad

Dörfler, Katharina 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)

Sex-specific aging: Sex differences in survival and health in a wild primate population

Hämäläinen, Anni 03 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

An examination of salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in three captive african elephants (loxodonta africana) at zoo atlanta

Kelling, Angela Swilley 18 November 2008 (has links)
Salivary cortisol is becoming an effective method with which to quantify cortisol levels, including the ability to track diurnal patterns and acute stress fluctuations. The purpose of this study was to validate salivary cortisol for use in African elephants (Loxodonta Africana), establish baseline cortisol values in three African elephants at Zoo Atlanta and explore the relationship between cortisol and various behaviors and husbandry events. Elephant salivary cortisol was found to be a valid measure based on correlations with serum cortisol and serial dilution results. Salivary cortisol also decreased across the day, but no definitive patterns were revealed. Using baseline values, salivary cortisol was used to examine the effects of enrichment, maintenance and novel training, and a mild stressor. Maintenance training was found to lead to lower cortisol values than novel training. Salivary cortisol after enrichment did not differ from individual overall means. The mild stressor initiated a rise in salivary cortisol. The final focus of this study was to investigate the link between salivary cortisol and stereotypic behavior. Stereotypies are described as repetitive behaviors with little variance and no discernible function or goal. There is not a straightforward relationship between stereotypies and welfare. Analysis of salivary cortisol at various durations into swaying bouts established that swaying appears to decrease cortisol levels. Additionally, behavioral data were collected. Behavioral data confirmed anecdotal reports of circular dominance in these animals. Behavioral data also revealed that although these individuals spend the majority of their time consuming food, one individual in particular devotes a significant amount of her time to swaying, a percentage much higher than that found when Wilson, Bloomsmith, and Maple (2004) examined stereotypic swaying rates in these same animals. Results of this study have direct ramifications for the current management requirements for captive elephants around the world. It helps tap into aspects of psychological well being of captive elephants to elucidate factors influencing welfare and stereotypic behavior. Research of this nature is a critical endeavor if we are to appropriately manage these magnificent animals in captivity.

Representing history through film with reference to the documentary film Captor and Captive : perspectives on a 1978 Border War incident

Jooste, Rina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is supplementing a documentary film entitled Captor and Captive – the story of Danger Ashipala and Johan van der Mescht (2010), referred to as Captor and Captive, with a duration of 52-minutes. The film follows the story of two soldiers caught up in the disorganized machine of war. Johan van der Mescht, a South African Defence Force (SADF) soldier was captured in 1978 by Danger Ashipala, a South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) guerilla fighting for Namibian independence. Van der Mescht was held as a prisoner of war (POW) in Angola before being exchanged for a Russian spy, Aleksei Koslov, at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin in 1982. The main focus of the dissertation is to provide an analysis of representing history through film, with reference to Captor and Captive. It explores the manner in which history can be represented through the medium of film and add value to historical text, as well as historical text adding value to film, and how the two mediums can supplement each other. In this instance, Captor and Captive was produced first and the research conducted was used to inform the dissertation. It briefly discusses the history of documentary film within South Africa; the reality of producing documentary films reflecting on Captor and Captive and the theoretical principles involved in the craft of documentary filmmaking. The dissertation further provides details of the capture of Van der Mescht and his experience as a POW in Angola, against the backdrop of the Border War that waged between 1966 and 1989 in South West Africa (SWA) and Angola. The political landscape and various forces at work within southern Africa during the period of Van der Mescht’s capture are discussed. It also provides detail of the role of Van der Mescht’s captor Ashipala, and the liberation movement SWAPO. With independence in 1990, South West Africa became Namibia and will be referred to as such for the purpose of the dissertation. Mention will be made of other POWs during the Border War, providing a brief comparative analysis of their respective experiences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhandeling is aanvullend tot die dokumentêre rolprent Captor and Captive – the story of Danger Ashipala and Johan van der Mescht (2010). Die rolprent het ‘n 52- minute speeltyd, en daar word daarna verwys as Captor and Captive. Dit handel oor twee soldate wat vasgevang is in die chaos van oorlog. Johan van der Mescht, lid van die Suid Afrikaanse Weermag, is in 1978 gevange geneem deur Danger Ashipala, lid van die Namibiese bevrydingsorganisasie SWAPO. Van der Mescht is as ‘n krygsgevangene in Angola aangehou, en 1982 uitgeruil vir ‘n Russiese spioen, Aleksei Koslov. Die uitruiling het by Checkpoint Charlie in Berlyn plaasgevind. Die verhandeling gee hoofsaaklik ‘n uiteensetting van die manier waarop geskiedenis aangebied word deur die visuele rolprentmedium, met verwysing na Captor and Captive. Die wyse waarop ‘n rolprent waarde kan toevoeg tot historiese teks, en hoe historiese teks op sy beurt weer waarde kan toevoeg tot ‘n rolprent word ondersoek, asook die wyse waarop die twee mediums mekaar kan aanvul. Captor and Captive is vervaardig voor die verhandeling aangepak is, en die navorsing is gebruik ter aanvulling van die verhandeling. Verder word die agtergrond en geskiedenis van dokumentêre rolprente in Suid Afrika kortliks bespreek; die realiteite rondom die vervaardiging van dokumentêre rolprente, met verwysing na Captor and Captive, en teoretiese aspekte betrokke by die vervaardiging daarvan. Die verhandeling verskaf inligting omtrent die gevangeneming van Van der Mescht en sy ondervinding as ‘n krygsgevangene in Angola. Dit word geskets teen die agtergrond van die Grensoorlog (1966 tot 1989) in Suidwes Afrika en Angola. Die politieke omgewing en groeperinge binne Suider Afrika gedurende Van der Mescht se gevangenisskap word bespreek. Verder word inligting oor Ashipala, wat verantwoordelik was vir Van der Mescht se gevangeneming bespreek. Die bevrydingsorganisasie SWAPO, waarvan hy ‘n lid was, word ook bespreek. Suidwes Afrika verander sy naam met onafhanklikheidswording in 1990 na Namibiё, en vir die doel van die verhandeling word daar na Namibiё verwys. Daar word melding gemaak van ander krygsgevangenes gedurende die tydperk van die Grensoorlog, en ‘n vergelyking tussen die ondervindinge van die onderskeie krygsgevangenes word kortliks ondersoek.

Low competitiveness in Peruvian political parties: The case of PPC / La poca competitividad de los partidos políticos peruanos. El caso del Partido Popular Cristiano (PPC)

Puémape, Félix January 2014 (has links)
Partido Popular Cristiano (PPC) es un partido peruano de derecha fundado en 1966. Sin embargo, nunca ha ganado ninguno de los cargos más importantes del país pese a que, espe- cialmente en la última década, se lo propuso con gran determinación. La literatura sobre la poca competitividad electoral de los partidos políticos peruanos ha señalado que ello se debería a factores históricos, estructurales, institucionales u organizacionales, difícilmente superables. En esa línea, los pocos autores que han arriesgado hipótesis sobre el PPC han resaltado una supuesta ideologización y poca apertura a sectores populares como los factores que lo han hecho poco competitivo. En cambio, en este trabajo se argumenta que en la última década la poca competitividad del PPC ha sido profundizada por la adopción por parte de sus élites partidarias de una estrategia atrapa-todo, la cual implicó que no se posicionara en el debate político programático existente en el Perú de forma clara y permanente y, por tanto, perdiera identidad política, crucial en un contexto con altos niveles de volatilidad, dificultades para la agregación de intereses y en el que no siempre se necesitan de grandes mayorías para ganar elecciones. La falta de una identidad política enraizada en una parte de la ciudadanía le impidió conservar un voto duro y una logística organizacional, factores que en el Perú brindan una mayor capacidad competitiva.

O gerenciamento do planejamento de mercado nas distribuidoras de energia elétrica: do racionamento ao ambiente regulado e livre de contratação de energia / The Management of Market Planning in the Utilities: From the Rationing to the Regulated Environment and Free Costumers.

Ricardo Savoia 27 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo quantificar as relações entre a demanda de energia elétrica e suas principais relações com os indicadores econômicos, socioeconômicos e comportamentais do País, busca a relação do consumo de eletricidade com o PIB - Produto Interno Bruto, seus agregados econômicos e o consumo de eletricidade do Brasil, Região Sudeste e o Estado de São Paulo, com suas principais classes de consumo residencial, comercial e Industrial, no período de 1984 a 2007. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o E-Views como suporte e avanços para obtenção de melhores coeficientes estatísticos e tratamento dos dados. Os resultados encontrados foram condizentes com o esperado. A demanda nacional mostrou-se elástica ao comportamento do Produto Interno Bruto do País, para o período de 2003 2007, sendo constatada uma forte correlação aos indicadores econômicos. A Região Sudeste, denominada a locomotiva do crescimento nacional por sua maior predominância de indústria e comércio na região, mostrou-se elástica ao PIB, mas ligeiramente menor comparada ao comportamento do consumo nacional, reflexo de mudanças e incentivos governamentais para expansão e criação de pólos industriais em regiões pioneiras e em plena expansão demográfica. Com relação à classe residencial do Estado de São Paulo, o consumo mostrou-se inelástico com as taxas de crescimento da renda, isto é, o crescimento do consumo residencial é inferior ao crescimento da renda, mas com fracos resultados estatísticos nas variações apresentadas por este indicador econômico; necessitando porém, de estudos mais avançados incluindo outras variáveis de controle como o preço e outros fatores que são apresentados ao decorrer do trabalho. Para a classe comercial do Estado de São Paulo, encontrou-se a melhor relação com PIB Serviços Brasil e para a demanda industrial, sua aderência ao PIB Industrial Brasileiro. / The objective of this work is to quantify the relations between the demand of electric energy and its main relations with the economic, socio-economic and behavioral indicators of the Country, searching the relation of electricity consumption with the GDP Gross Domestic Product, its economic aggregates and the consumption of electricity of Brazil, Southeast region and the State of São Paulo, with its main classes of residential, commercial and Industrial consumption, in the period between 1984 to 2007. For statistical analysis, the E-Views were used as a support and advances to obtain the best statistical coefficients and data processing. The results obtained were compatible with those expected. The national demand proved to be flexible to the behavior of the Gross Domestic Product of the Country for the period of 2003 - 2008, being evidenced the strong relation to the economic indicators. The Southeast Region called the locomotive of the national growth for its bigger predominance of industry and commerce in the region, proved to be elastic to the GDP, but slightly lower compared with the behavior of the national consumption, reflexion of changes and government incentives for expansion and the creation of industrial areas in pioneer regions with booming population. Regarding to the residential classes of the State of São Paulo, the consumption proved to be inelastic with the growth rates of the income, that is, the growth of the residential consumption is inferior to the growth of the income, but with small statistics relations in the variations presented for this economic indicator, needing however, more advanced studies including other control variables as the price and other things presented in the work. For the commercial class of the State of São Paulo, the relation with the Services GDP Brazil was better and for the industrial demand its adhesion to the Brazilian Industrial GDP.

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