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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prävalenz, medikamentöse Behandlung und Einstellung des Diabetes mellitus in der Hausarztpraxis

Pittrow, David, Stalla, Günther Karl, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, März, Winfried, Pieper, Lars, Klotsche, Jens, Glaesmer, Heide, Ruf, Günther, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Lehnert, Hendrik, Böhler, Steffen, Koch, Uwe, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2006 (has links)
Hintergrund und Ziel: Der hausärztliche Bereich ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Betreuung von Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Die Autoren untersuchten a) die Prävalenz von Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2, b) die Art und Häufigkeit von nichtmedikamentösen und medikamentösen Behandlungen und deren Zusammenhang mit dem Vorliegen von diabetestypischen Komplikationen sowie c) die Qualität der Stoffwechseleinstellung anhand des HbA1c. Methodik: Auf der Grundlage einer bundesweiten Zufallsstichprobe von 3 188 Arztpraxen („response rate“ [RR] 50,6%) wurden 55 518 Patienten (RR 93,5%) im September 2003 in einer prospektiven Querschnittsstudie standardisiert mit Fragebögen, Arztgespräch und Labormessungen untersucht. Neben Diabetes mellitus wurden 28 weitere Erkrankungen explizit erfasst, darunter auch die typischen makrovaskulären (koronare Herzkrankheit, zerebrovaskuläre Erkrankungen, periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit) und mikrovaskulären Komplikationen (Neuropathie, Nephropathie, Retinopathie, diabetischer Fuß). Ergebnisse: Es wurde eine Prävalenz des Diabetes mellitus von 0,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 14,7% (Typ 2) dokumentiert. 49,5% (Typ 1) bzw. 50,2% (Typ 2) der Patienten hatten bereits mikro- oder makrovaskuläre Folge- bzw. Begleiterkrankungen. 6,8% der Patienten erhielten keine Therapie, 13,5% wurden nur mit Diät/Bewegung behandelt, und 75,3% erhielten orale Antidiabetika und/oder Insulin, davon 26,6% eine Kombinationstherapie mit verschiedenen Antidiabetika. Die Behandlungsintensität war im Vergleich zu Diabetikern ohne Komplikationen bei Patienten mit mikrovaskulären Kom- plikationen deutlich höher (Odds-Ratio [OR] 3,02) als bei denen mit makrovaskulären Komplikationen (OR 0,98). Ein HbA1c-Wert ≥ 7,0% fand sich bei 39,6% der Patienten. Schlussfolgerung: Im Vergleich zu früheren Untersuchungen im hausärztlichen Bereich hat die Rate der medikamentös behandelten Diabetiker zugenommen. Eine Kombinationstherapie wird häufiger eingesetzt. Die Qualität der Einstellung scheint sich ebenfalls verbessert zu haben. / Background and Purpose: The primary care sector is of key importance for the management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The authors investigated (a) the prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, (b) the type and frequency of non-drug and drug treatment and its association with the presence of diabetic complications, and (c) the quality of metabolic control by HbA1c. Method: Using a nationwide probability sample of 3,188 general practices (response rate [RR] 50.6%), a total of 55,518 (RR 93.5%) patients were assessed in a prospective cross-sectional study by their physicians in September 2003 in a standardized manner using questionnaires, physician interview, and laboratory assessments. In addition to diabetes mellitus, 28 diseases were explicitly screened for, among them typical macrovascular (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease) and microvascular disease (neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, diabetic foot) complications. Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 0.5% (type 1) and 14.7% (type 2), respectively. 49.5% (type 1) and 50.2% (type 2) of patients had micro- or macrovascular complications. 6.8% did not receive any treatment, 13.5% received non-drug treatment, and 75.3% received oral antidiabetic drugs and/or insulin (26.6% a combination of two or more). Compared to diabetics without any complications, treatment intensity was significantly higher in patients with microvascular complications (odds ratio [OR] 3.02), but not in those with macrovascular complications only (OR 0.98). An HbA1c value ≥ 7.0% was recorded in 39.6% of patients. Conclusion: Compared to previous studies in this setting, the proportion of diabetics with drug treatment has increased. More patients receive antidiabetic drug combinations. Quality of blood sugar control appears to have improved as well.

Kardiovaskuläre Risikoabschätzung in der Hausarztpraxis (DETECT): Wie gut stimmt die Hausarzteinschätzung mit den etablierten Risikoscores überein?

Silber, Sigmund, Jarre, Frauke, Pittrow, David, Klotsche, Jens, Pieper, Lars, Zeiher, Andreas Michael, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2008 (has links)
Hintergrund: Es ist bislang unklar, inwieweit etablierte Scores zur Abschätzung des kardiovaskulären Risikos (PROCAM-Score, Framingham-Score, ESC-Score Deutschland) untereinander sowie mit der subjektiven Arzteinschätzung übereinstimmen. Methodik: An einer bundesrepräsentativen Stichprobe von 8 957 Hausarztpatienten im Alter von 40–65 Jahren ohne bekannte vorangegangene kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse wurde mittels unterschiedlicher Methoden das Risiko bestimmt, innerhalb der nächsten 10 Jahre einen Herzinfarkt oder Herztod zu erleiden. Ergebnisse: Das mittlere koronare 10-Jahres-Morbiditätsrisiko wurde mit dem PROCAM-Score auf 4,9% und mit dem Framingham-Score auf 10,1% geschätzt, das mittlere kardiovaskuläre 10-Jahres-Mortalitätsrisiko mit dem ESC-Score auf 2,9%. Die behandelnden Ärzte klassifizierten nur 2,7% der Patienten als kardiovaskuläre Hochrisikofälle. Nach Framingham wurden die meisten Patienten in die Hochrisikokategorie eingeordnet (22,6%). Bezüglich der Risikokategorisierung ergab sich eine nur moderate Übereinstimmung zwischen den drei Scores (bei 34% aller Risikofälle). Bei 5,9% der Patienten kamen die drei Scores zu einer komplett unterschiedlichen Risikobewertung. Den nach den verschiedenen Risikoscores in die Hochrisikogruppe kategorisierten Patienten wurde von den behandelnden Ärzten nur in ca. 8% der Fälle ebenfalls ein hohes kardiovaskuläres Risiko zugeordnet, in ca. 48% ein mittleres Risiko und in 41–46% (je nach Score) ein geringes Risiko. Schlussfolgerung: Die Methoden ergeben nur eine relativ geringe Übereinstimmung in der Beurteilung von Risikopatienten. Besonders niedrig fällt die Übereinstimmung bei der Hochrisikogruppe mit der Einschätzung der klinischen Risikoprädiktion durch den behandelnden Hausarzt aus. Die erhebliche Abweichung zur Arztbeurteilung scheint anzudeuten, dass die etablierten Risikoscores in der Praxis derzeit einen nur eingeschränkten praktischen Stellenwert besitzen. Welche der Vorhersagen mit dem tatsächlichen Risiko am besten übereinstimmen, wird derzeit mit den prospektiven DETECT-Studiendaten geprüft.

Unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia in the primary care setting in Germany

Böhler, Steffen, Scharnagl, Hubert, Freisinger, F., Stojakovic, T., Glaesmer, Heide, Klotsche, Jens, Pieper, Lars, Pittrow, David, Kirch, Wilhelm, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Stalla, Günter Karl, Lehnert, Hendrik, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, Koch, Uwe, Ruf, Günther, März, Winfried, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2007 (has links)
Objectives and methods: DETECT is a cross-sectional study of 55,518 unselected consecutive patients in 3188 representative primary care offices in Germany. In a random subset of 7519 patients, an extensive standardized laboratory program was undertaken. The study investigated the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, known risk factors (such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia and their co-morbid manifestation), as well as treatment patterns. The present analysis of the DETECT laboratory dataset focused on the prevalence and treatment of dyslipidemia in primary medical care in Germany. Coronary artery disease (CAD), risk categories and LDL-C target achievement rates were determined in the subset of 6815 patients according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) ATP III Guidelines. Results: Of all patients, 54.3% had dyslipidemia. Only 54.4% of the NCEP-classified dyslipidemic patients were diagnosed as ‘dyslipidemic’ by their physicians. Only 27% of all dyslipidemic patients (and 40.7% of the recognized dyslipidemic patients) were treated with lipid-lowering medications, and 11.1% of all dyslipidemic patients (41.4% of the patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs) achieved their LDL-C treatment goals. In conclusion, 80.3% of patients in the sample with dyslipidemia went undiagnosed, un-treated or under-treated.

Relations entre les fonctions cognitives, les paramètres d’effort et les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire chez des sujets obèses comparés à des sujets sains

Handfield, Nicolas 09 1900 (has links)
Les relations entre les fonctions cognitives (FCog), les variables d’effort maximal et les facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires ont été peu étudiées chez des sujets obèses. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient: 1) de comparer les FCog chez des sujets obèses ayant une aptitude aérobie plus ou moins grande (HF-OB et LF-OB) aux FCog de sujets sains appariés par l’âge (SSAA) et 2) de trouver des prédicteurs indépendants des FCog parmi les variables d’effort et les facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires mesurés. Quarante-neuf sujets obèses et 14 SSAA ont été recrutés. Les participants ont effectué un test d’effort cardiopulmonaire incrémental maximal (avec mesure d’échanges gazeux et bioimpédance cardiographique) sur ergogycle. Les FCog ont été mesurées à l’aide d’une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques. Les sujets obèses étaient divisés en deux groupes selon que leur V ̇O2pic/masse maigre était au-dessus ou en-dessous de la médiane du V ̇O2pic /masse maigre du groupe (HF-OB ou LF-OB, respectivement). La flexibilité, la vitesse de traitement et la mémoire à court-terme n’étaient pas statistiquement différentes entre les HF-OB et les SSAA et ces deux groupes démontraient de meilleures performances dans ces domaines que les LF-OB. Les SSAA avaient de meilleures performances aux tests d’inhibition que les LF-OB et les HF-OB. En résumé, une plus grande aptitude aérobie chez des sujets obèses était associée à des FCog préservées dans tous les domaines évalués, sauf l’inhibition. / The relationship between cognitive function (CF), peak exercise parameters and cardiovascular risk factors has been poorly studied in obese subjects (OB). The goals of this study were: 1) to compare CF in higher-fitness and lower-fitness OB (HF-OB and LF-OB) vs. age-matched healthy controls (AMHC) according to their aerobic fitness level (V ̇O2peak) and 2) to find independent predictors of CF within the measured cardiovascular risk factors and peak exercise parameters. Forty nine OB and 14 AMHC were recruited. Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (with gas exchange analysis and impedance cardiography) was performed during an incremental ergocycle test. As well, CF was measured with a neuropsychological test battery. Obese subjects were divided into 2 groups according to the median V ̇O2peak divided by lean body mass (V ̇O2peak/LBM): the obese lower-fitness (LF-OB, n=22) and the obese higher-fitness (HF-OB, n=27). Cognitive flexibility, processing speed and short-term memory were not statistically different in HF-OB vs. AMHC and those two groups showed better performances in these domains when compared to the LF-OB group. The AMHC group performed better in tests measuring inhibition compared to the LF-OB and HF-OB groups. In summary, higher aerobic fitness in obese subjects was associated with preserved CF in every evaluated domains except for inhibition.

Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Body Composition, Fitness Levels and Quality of Life in Overweight and Obese 8-17 Year Olds

Martino, Sharon Ann 01 January 2010 (has links)
Purpose. To evaluate the effect of Fit Kids for Life (FKFL), a multi-disciplinary exercise and nutrition intervention, on body composition, fitness levels, cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life among overweight and obese children. Subjects. Forty-eight overweight or obese children (BMI ≥ 85th percentile), ages 8-17, were matched by age and BMI and then randomized into an exercise or wait list control group. The groups were similar at baseline for age, gender and ethnicity (p>.05). Method. The exercise group trained for 60 minutes, two times per week for 10 weeks, then performed a 10 week home program. After 10 weeks of waiting to start, the control group began the 10 week exercise program followed by a 10 week home program. Body composition (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry), fitness measures, quality of life, and cardiovascular risk factors were assessed at baseline, at completion of the 10 week intervention and following the 10 week home program. Results. Body composition improved over time in both groups with significant changes in % body fat and % lean tissue noted between baseline and twenty weeks (p<.05). Fitness measures improved and changes were maintained or increased during the home program phase. Cardiovascular risk factors remained unchanged between groups and across time, with the exception of systolic blood pressure which increased at 10 weeks. The physical domain of the Impact of Quality of Life scale significantly improved following completion of the program (p<.05). Conclusions.Overweight and obese children who completed the 10 week FKFL program improved their body composition and fitness levels. The beneficial changes were sustained or improved following an additional 10 week home program. Recommendations. Overweight and obese children can benefit from a 10 week multidisciplinary exercise and nutrition program. The use of body composition methods and fitness measures may be better indicators of program effectiveness.

Need to review sanitary interventions promoted by the government for women in Peru / Necesidad de revisar las intervenciones sanitarias promovidas por el estado para mujeres en Perú

Romero-Albino, Zoila Olga, Domínguez-Samamés, Rafael Omar, Ortiz-Arica, Maritza, Cuba-Fuentes, María Sofía 01 January 2020 (has links)
The main health interventions for health promotion and disease prevention that should be performed in women in the Peruvian health system are described. A review of normative technical documents and the recommendations of the main organizations for worldwide prevention was carried out. The prevention activities included physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco counseling, immunizations; In addition, the main screening for women, such as depression, violence, cardiovascular risk, cervical cytology, mammography, colon cancer, are detailed; and within the spectrum of quaternary prevention, interventions that have not shown evidence of benefit to women are detailed. The health interventions that are offered from the Peruvian health system for women, being merely focused on reproductive aspects, lose the conception of integrality that should prevail for the maintenance of health. In that sense, it is proposed to develop strategies that not only have evidence, but also know how to respond to the needs of women in the Peruvian context. / Revisión por pares

Assessing renal function and its association with cardiovascular factors among human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients

Choshi, Joel Mabakane January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Physiology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cART on renal function and assess the association between renal function and cardiovascular risk factors in a black rural HIV-positive population in Limpopo Province, Mankweng district. We have conducted a cross-sectional study which included both male and female cART-treated patients (n=84), cART-naïve patients (n=27) and HIV-negative controls (n=44). We have measured biomarkers of renal function (plasma cystatin C, clusterin, retinol binding protein 4 [RBP4]) and determined the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using the chronic kidney disease-epidemiology collaboration formula (CKD-EPI). We have also measured blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI) and fasting blood glucose (FBG). The prevalence of renal dysfunction was similar among the study groups. A significant difference in RBP4 was found among the groups after controlling for covariates (age, gender, alcohol consumption, BMI, systolic blood pressure and FBG) (F (2, 146) = [4.479], p=0.010). The significant difference in RBP4 was specifically observed between the cART-treated and cART-naïve groups (p=0.008). Cystatin C, clusterin and eGFR were not significantly different among the study groups after controlling for the covariates. The cardiovascular risk factors age (β=0.207; p=0.039), CD4+ T-cell count (β=-0.236; p=0.040), and duration of cART (β=0.232; p=0.043) were independently associated with cystatin C. The use of cART independently associated with RBP4 (β=0.282; p=0.004). Age (β=-0.363; p=0.001), CD4+ T-cell count (β=0.222; p=0.034) and duration of cART (β=-0.230; p=0.034) independently associated eGFR. Renal dysfunction is common in this HIV-positive population, with similar rates as the HIV-negative population. Plasma cystatin C as a promising alternative renal biomarker need to be re-evaluated in this HIV-positive population. RBP4 may be a more promising renal function biomarker in the HIV-positive population. Cardiovascular risk factors are associated with renal dysfunction in this rural HIV-positive population and CD4+ T-cell count may be an independent predictor for renal function.

Treatment Effect of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Dialysis Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Kawsara, Akram, Sulaiman, Samian, Mohamed, Mohamed, Paul, Timir K., Kashani, Kianoush B., Boobes, Khaled, Rihal, Charanjit S., Gulati, Rajiv, Mamas, Mamas A., Alkhouli, Mohamad 15 October 2021 (has links)
RATIONALE & OBJECTIVE: Patients receiving maintenance dialysis have higher mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) than patients not receiving dialysis. Whether pPCI confers a benefit to patients receiving dialysis that is similar to that which occurs in lower-risk groups remains unknown. We compared the effect of pPCI on in-hospital outcomes among patients hospitalized for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and receiving maintenance dialysis with the effect among patients hospitalized for STEMI but not receiving dialysis. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: We used the National Inpatient Sample (2016-2018) and included all adult hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of STEMI. PREDICTORS: Primary exposure was PCI. Confounders included dialysis status, demographics, insurance, household income, comorbidities, and the elective nature of the admission. OUTCOME: In-hospital mortality, stroke, acute kidney injury, new dialysis requirement, vascular complications, gastrointestinal bleeding, blood transfusion, mechanical ventilation, palliative care, and discharge destination. ANALYTICAL APPROACH: The average treatment effect (ATE) of pPCI was estimated using propensity score matching independently within the group receiving dialysis and the group not receiving dialysis to explore whether the effect is modified by dialysis status. Additionally, the average marginal effect (AME) was calculated accounting for the clustering within hospitals. RESULTS: Among hospitalizations, 4,220 (1.07%) out of 413,500 were for patients receiving dialysis. The dialysis cohort was older (65.2 ± 12.2 vs 63.4 ± 13.1, P < 0.001), had a higher proportion of women (42.4% vs 30.6%, P < 0.001) and more comorbidities, and had a lower proportion of White patients (41.1% vs 71.7%, P < 0.001). Patients receiving dialysis were less likely to undergo angiography (73.1% vs 85.4%, P < 0.001) or pPCI (57.5% vs 79.8%, P < 0.001). Primary PCI was associated with lower mortality in patients receiving dialysis (15.7% vs 27.1%, P < 0.001) as well as in those who were not (5.0% vs 17.4%, P < 0.001). The ATE on mortality did not differ significantly (P interaction = 0.9) between patients receiving dialysis (-8.6% [95% CI, -15.6% to -1.6%], P = 0.02) and those who were not (-8.2% [95% CI, -8.8% to -7.5%], P < 0.001). The AME method showed similar results among patients receiving dialysis (-9.4% [95% CI, -14.8% to -4.0%], P < 0.001) and those who were not (-7.9% [95% CI, -8.5% to -7.4%], P < 0.001) (P interaction = 0.6). Both the ATE and AME were comparable for other in-hospital outcomes in both groups. LIMITATIONS: Administrative data, lack of pharmacotherapy and long-term outcome data, and residual confounding. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with conservative management, pPCI for STEMI was associated with comparable reductions in short-term mortality among patients irrespective of their receipt of maintenance dialysis.

Transition nutritionnelle et facteurs de risque de maladies cardiovasculaires au Bénin : étude dans la ville secondaire de Ouidah et sa périphérie rurale

Ntandou, Gervais D. 09 1900 (has links)
Ce travail a été réalisé avec l'appui du Centre Collaborateur de l'OMS sur la Transition Nutritionnelle et le Développement (TRANSNUT) de l'Université de Montréal, en collaboration avec deux parténaires du Bénin: l'Institut de Sciences Biomédicales Appliquées (ISBA) de Cotonou et l'Institut Régional de Santé Publique de Ouidah. / L’étude visait à décrire la transition nutritionnelle et ses liens avec des facteurs de risque de maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) dans une ville secondaire du Bénin et dans ses environs ruraux, puis de comparer à cet égard, les habitants de la petite ville avec ceux du milieu rural et de la métropole. Les sujets de 25 à 60 ans (n = 541), apparemment en bonne santé, ont été aléatoirement sélectionnés dans la petite ville de Ouidah (n = 171), sa périphérie rurale (n = 170) et dans la métropole Cotonou (n = 200). Les apports alimentaires et l’activité physique ont été cernés par trois rappels de 24 heures. Les données socioéconomiques ont été recueillies par questionnaire. La qualité de l’alimentation a été évaluée par un score de diversité alimentaire, un score d’adéquation en micronutriments et un score de prévention contre les maladies chroniques. Des mesures anthropométriques et de composition corporelle ont été prises. La tension artérielle a été mesurée. Des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés pour déterminer le profil lipidique à l’aide du sérum et la glycémie à jeun plasmatique. La transition alimentaire était plus poussée dans la métropole que dans la petite ville et le milieu rural, et elle était marquée par des apports plus importants en viande, produits laitiers, œufs, légumes et huiles, mais plus faibles en céréales, poisson, légumineuses, fruits et fibres. La diversité alimentaire y était plus élevée, mais l’adéquation en micronutriments et la prévention étaient plus faibles que dans les autres sites. Il n’y avait pas de différences majeures entre le milieu rural et la petite ville pour la consommation et la qualité alimentaire. L’influence du niveau socioéconomique sur l’alimentation et sa qualité était surtout marquée dans la métropole. Un gradient positif du milieu rural vers la petite ville et la métropole a été observé pour l’obésité générale (8,8%; 12,3%; 18%, p = 0,031) et abdominale (28,2%, 41,5%, 52,5%; P<0,001) et pour le syndrome métabolique (4,1% ; 6,4% ; 11%; P = 0,035) d’après les critères de la Fédération Internationale de Diabète. La fréquence de tension artérielle élevée [TAE] (24,1% ; 21,6% et 26,5%, respectivement pour le milieu rural, la petite ville et la métropole), bien qu’importante, n’était pas significativement différente selon les sites. Le HDL-cholestérol bas était moins fréquent dans la petite ville (18,1%) par rapport au milieu rural (25,3%) et à la métropole (37,5%). L’activité physique, plus importante en milieu rural et en petite ville que dans la métropole, était protectrice contre des valeurs élevées d’IMC (ß = -0,145 ; p<0,01), de tour de taille (ß = -0,156 ; p<0,001), de tension systolique (ß = -0,134 ; p<0,01) et diastolique (ß = -0,112, p<0,01), et de triglycérides (ß = -0,098 ; p<0,05). La consommation de légumes était négativement et indépendamment associée à la tension artérielle diastolique (ß = -0,129, p<0,01), alors que celle de poisson était positivement associée au HDL-cholestérol (ß = 0,168 ; p<0,01). L’adéquation en micronutriments était positivement associée au HDL-cholestérol (ß = 0,144; p<0,01) et à un moindre risque de tension artérielle élevée (OR = 0,46 ; IC 95% : 0,26-0,84). L’étude a confirmé l’existence d’un plus grand risque de MCV avec l’urbanisation, un stade plus avancé de transition alimentaire et un mode de vie sédentaire. Ce risque pourrait être réduit par la promotion d’un mode de vie plus actif associé à des apports plus adéquats en micronutriments et une consommation élevée de poisson et de légumes. //// / The purpose of this study was to describe the nutrition transition and its links with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in a small-size city of Benin and its rural outskirts, and to compare in this regard, the small-size city and the rural area with the major city. A sample of 541 apparently healthy subjects aged 25-60 years was randomly selected from Ouidah, a small-size city of Benin (n = 171), the rural outskirts of Ouidah (n = 170), and Cotonou, the major city (n= 200). Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed with three non consecutives 24-hour recalls. Socioeconomic data were collected by questionnaire. Dietary quality was assessed using a dietary diversity score, a micronutrient adequacy score and a healthfulness score. Blood pressure was measured. Anthropometric measurements were taken. Blood samples were collected to determine serum lipid profile and plasma glucose. A more advanced stage of dietary transition was observed in the major city, which was characterised by higher intakes of meat, milk products, eggs, vegetables and oils, but lower intakes of cereal, fish, legumes, fruit and fibre than the small-size city and the rural area. Dietary diversity was higher in the major city, while micronutrient adequacy and healthfulness scores were lower compared to the small city and the rural area. There was no significant difference in diet and diet quality scores between the small-size city and the rural area. Socioeconomic factors had a strong influence on diet and its quality in the major city. A positive gradient from the rural area to the small-size city to the major city was observed in the prevalence of overall obesity (18%, 12.3%, 8.8%, p = 0.031), abdominal obesity (28.2%, 41.5%, 52.5%; P<0,001) and the metabolic syndrome (4.1%; 6.4%; 11%; p = 0.035) according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria. The prevalence of elevated blood pressure was high, but did not differ across sites (24.1%, 21.6%, 26.5% for rural, small-size city and major city, respectively). The prevalence of low HDL-cholesterol was lower in the small-city (18.1%) compared to the rural area (25.3%) and the major city (37.5%), while fasting plasma glucose was more highly prevalent in the small city (14.6%) and the rural area (10%) compared to the major city (4%). Elevated triglycerides were uncommon. Physical activity was higher in the rural area and small-size city than in the major city, and it was protective against elevated body mass index (ß = -0.145; p<0.01), waist circumference (ß = -0.156; p<0.001), systolic (ß = -0.134; p<0.01) and diastolic (ß = -0.112, p<0.01) blood pressure, and triglycerides (ß = -0,098; p<0,05). Vegetable intakes were negatively and independently associated with diastolic blood pressure, while fish intake was positively associated with HDL-cholesterol. Micronutrient adequacy score was positively associated with HDL-cholesterol (ß = 0,144; p<0,01) and with a lower likelihood of high blood pressure (OR = 0.46; CI 95%: 0.26-0.84). The study confirmed a higher CVD risk with urbanization, advanced stage of dietary transition and a sedentary lifestyle. This risk could be curtailed by improving micronutrient adequacy and increasing vegetables and fish consumption, and by promoting an active lifestyle.

Évaluation de la plateforme de formation en ligne MOTIV@CŒUR sur les interventions motivationnelles brèves auprès d’infirmières en soins aigus cardiovasculaires

Fontaine, Guillaume 06 1900 (has links)
Dans un contexte de prévention secondaire, les interventions motivationnelles brèves (IMB) effectuées par les infirmières ont le potentiel de réduire les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires. De par sa flexibilité, la formation en ligne s’impose aujourd’hui comme une méthode pédagogique essentielle au développement des habiletés cliniques des professionnels de la santé. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’effet préliminaire d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB (MOTIV@CŒUR) sur les habiletés perçues et l’utilisation clinique des IMB chez des infirmières en soins cardiovasculaires. Pour ce faire, une étude pilote pré-post à groupe unique a été menée. MOTIV@CŒUR est composée de deux sessions d’une durée totale de 50 minutes incluant des vidéos d’interactions infirmière-patient. Dans chaque session, une introduction théorique aux IMB est suivie de situations cliniques dans lesquelles une infirmière évalue la motivation à changer et intervient selon les principes des IMB. Les situations ciblent le tabagisme, la non-adhérence au traitement médicamenteux, la sédentarité et une alimentation riche en gras et en sel. Il était suggéré aux infirmières de compléter les deux sessions de formation en ligne en moins de 20 jours. Les données sur la faisabilité, l'acceptabilité et les effets préliminaires (habiletés perçues et utilisation clinique auto-rapportée des IMB) ont été recueillies à 30 jours (± 5 jours) après la première session. Nous avons recruté 27 femmes et 4 hommes (âge moyen 37 ans ± 9) en mars 2016. Vingt-quatre des 31 participants (77%) ont terminé les deux sessions de formation en moins de 20 jours. À un mois suite à l’entrée dans l’étude, 28 des 31 participants avaient complété au moins une session. Un haut niveau d’acceptabilité a été observé vu les scores élevés quant à la qualité de l'information, la facilité d'utilisation perçue et la qualité de la plateforme MOTIV@CŒUR. Le score d'utilisation clinique auto-rapporté des interventions visant la confiance était plus élevé après les deux sessions qu’avant les sessions (P = .032). Bien que tous les scores fussent plus élevés après les deux sessions qu’au début, les autres résultats n’étaient pas statistiquement significatifs. En conclusion, l’implantation d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB est à la fois faisable et acceptable auprès d’infirmières en soins aigus cardiovasculaires. De plus, une telle formation peut avoir un effet positif sur l'utilisation clinique d’interventions motivationnelles visant la confiance face au changement de comportement de santé. / Nursing interventions that target motivation to adopt healthy behaviors, such as brief motivational interviewing (MI), can help reduce cardiovascular risk factors. While face-to-face MI training lacks accessibility, e-learning use for MI training is promising because of the flexibility it offers. The objective was to assess the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effect of a web-based e-learning platform for brief MI (MOTIV@CŒUR) on cardiovascular nurses’ clinical use and perceived skill in brief MI. A single group pre-post pilot study was conducted to evaluate MOTIV@CŒUR with nurses working in a coronary care unit. The web-based e-learning platform consists of two sessions with a total duration of 50 minutes based on videos of nurse-patient interactions. In each session, a theoretical introduction of brief MI is followed by role playing based on real life clinical situations in which a nurse practitioner evaluates patients’ motivation to change, and intervenes according to the principles of brief MI. The clinical situations target smoking, medication adherence, physical activity and diet. Nurses were asked to complete both training sessions online within 20 days. Data on feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effects (perceived skills in brief MI and self-reported clinical use of conviction and confidence interventions) were collected at 30 days (± 5 days) following the first session. We enrolled 27 women and 4 men (mean age 37 ± 9) in March 2016. Twenty-four out of 31 participants (77%) completed both sessions in less than 20 days, and at one month, 28 had completed at least one session. The training was found highly acceptable, with information quality, perceived ease of use, and system quality scoring the highest. The score of self-reported clinical use of confidence interventions was higher after the two sessions than before the sessions (P = .032). While all scores increased from baseline, other results were not statistically significant. In conclusion, the implementation of a web-based e-learning platform for brief MI is both feasible and acceptable among cardiovascular care nurses. Moreover, it can have a positive effect on self-reported clinical use of confidence interventions towards health behaviour change.

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