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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novos aspectos e aplicações da química de teluranas e de teluretos orgânicos / New aspects and applications of the chemistry of organotelluranes and organic tellurides

Cunha, Rodrigo Luiz Oliveira Rodrigues 06 May 2005 (has links)
A primeira parte desta tese aborda estudos sobre a reatividade de compostos de telúrio eletrofílicos, principalmente tetracloreto de telúrio e tricloretos aromáticos de telúrio. Novos aspectos da reatividade de TeCl4 frente a alcinos e algumas acetofenonas foram observados e, a partir da elucidação estrutural dos compostos obtidos, por cristalografia, uma racionalização mecanística foi proposta para cada caso. As proposições apresentadas encontraram respaldo com a detecção de intermediários transientes por estudos de espectrometria de massas com ionização por electron-spray (ESI-MS/MS). Além de novos aspectos da química do Telúrio, os compostos preparados encontraram aplicação como potentes e seletivos inibidores de cisteíno proteases. Com esta aplicação estabelecida, foram sintetizadas ambos os enantiômeros de uma telurana e a atividade inibitória destas frente a Catepsina B mostrou dependência da estereoquímica devido a dependência estereoquímica da interação entre a enzima e o inibidor. A segunda parte deste trabalho trata do desenvolvimento da reação de abertura de anel de aziridinas por reagentes organometálicos de cobre derivados de teluretos vinílicos e arílicos que resultaram em derivados de aminas homoalílicas ou homobenzílicas. Em seguida, a reatividade de aziridinas alílicas foi estudada frente a uma série de reagentes organometálicos de lítio, magnésio, cobre e zinco que mostraram influenciar a regio- e estereosseletividades das reações de abertura. / The first part of this thesis deals with the study of the reactivity of electrophilic tellurium compounds, mainly tellurium tetrachloride and aromatic tellurium trichlorides. New aspects of the reactivity of TeCl4 towards alkynes and some acetophenones were disclosed. A mechanistic rationale for each of the processes studied was possible by the determination of the stereochemistry for each product by monocrystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The proposition of the formation of cationic intermediates in the addition reaction of TeCl4 to alkynes was corroborated by the detection and characterization of transient intermediates by ESI-MS/MS experiments. Besides the new aspects of the Tellurium chemistry found, the prepared compounds showed a high and selective activity as inhibitors of cysteine proteases. A pair of enantiomers of a tellurane showed different activities against Human Catepsin B due to a stereochemical dependence in the enzyme/inhibitor interaction. The second part of the present work deals with the development of the ring opening reaction of aziridines by organometallic reagents of copper prepared from vinylic and arylic tellurides. These reactions led to homoallylic and homobenzylic amine derivatives. Finally, the reactivity of 2-alkenyl aziridines was studied towards a series of organometallic reagents of lithium, magnesium, copper and zinc which biased the regio- and stereoselectivities of the ring opening reactions.

Avaliação da atividade e resistência à clivagem proteolítica de L-asparaginases recombinantes obtidas por reação em cadeia da polimerase propensa a erro / Evaluation of the activity and resistance to proteolytic cleavage of recombinant L-asparaginases obtained by error-Prone polymerase chain reaction

Mariane Augusta Domingues Rodrigues 30 March 2016 (has links)
A L-Asparaginase II de Escherichia coli (EcA II) é uma enzima amplamente utilizada no tratamento da Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA), atuando na depleção do aminoácido L-asparagina, o qual é fundamental para a multiplicação das células cancerosas. Contudo, o tratamento com a EcA II está associado a altos índices de hipersensibilidade, devido à formação de anticorpos anti-L-asparaginase e à clivagem da enzima pelas proteases sanguíneas asparagina endopeptidase (AEP) e catepsina B (CTSB). Também ocorre neurotoxicidade associada ao efeito L-glutaminase da enzima. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho é a obtenção de mutantes da EcA II (gene ansB) com equivalente eficiência catalítica, maior resistência à clivagem proteolítica e menor atividade glutaminase. Para este propósito, através da reação em cadeia da polimerase propensa a erro (epPCR) do gene ansB, foi construída uma biblioteca de 1128 clones expressos no vetor pET15b em BL21(DE3). Nenhum mutante com atividade asparaginásica equivalente à EcA II selvagem apresentou atividade glutaminásica inferior à esta. Dentre os clones triados obtivemos um mutante (T161I) resistente à clivagem proteolítica pela CTSB e dois mutantes (Q190L e P40S/S206C) resistentes à clivagem proteolítica por ambas AEP e CTSB. Estes três mutantes apresentaram atividade asparaginásica e glutaminásica equivalentes a EcA II selvagem. Nossos resultados mostram promissoras possibilidades de EcA II mutantes com maior estabilidade frente às proteases sanguíneas humanas e possivelmente menos imunogênicas. / Escherichia coli L-asparaginase (EcA II) is an enzyme widely used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acting in the depletion of the amino acid L-asparagine, which is essential for cancer cells proliferation. However, treatment with L-asparaginase is associated with a high rate of hypersensitivity, due to formation of anti-L-asparaginase antibody and the enzyme cleavage by the serum proteases asparagine endopeptidase (AEP) and cathepsin B (CTSB). Furthermore, the neurotoxicity is associated with the effect of the enzyme L-glutaminase activity. The main aim of the current work is to obtain variants of EcA II (gene ansB) with an equivalent catalytic efficiency, greater resistance to proteolytic cleavage and a reduced glutaminase activity. For such purpose, through error-prone polymerase chain reaction (epPCR) of gene ansB, a library of 1128 clones was constructed in pET15b vector and expressed in BL21(DE3). None mutant with an asparaginase activity equivalent to EcA II wild type showed a reduced glutaminase activity. Among the screened clones, one mutant (T161I) was resistant to CTSB proteolytic cleavage and two mutants (Q190L e P40S/S206C) were resistant to both CTSB and AEP proteolytic cleavages. These three mutants were EcA II wild type equivalents in asparaginase and glutaminase activities. Our data show promising new possibilities of mutant EcA II presenting higher stability against human serum proteolytic cleavage and maybe lower immunogenicity.

Novos aspectos e aplicações da química de teluranas e de teluretos orgânicos / New aspects and applications of the chemistry of organotelluranes and organic tellurides

Rodrigo Luiz Oliveira Rodrigues Cunha 06 May 2005 (has links)
A primeira parte desta tese aborda estudos sobre a reatividade de compostos de telúrio eletrofílicos, principalmente tetracloreto de telúrio e tricloretos aromáticos de telúrio. Novos aspectos da reatividade de TeCl4 frente a alcinos e algumas acetofenonas foram observados e, a partir da elucidação estrutural dos compostos obtidos, por cristalografia, uma racionalização mecanística foi proposta para cada caso. As proposições apresentadas encontraram respaldo com a detecção de intermediários transientes por estudos de espectrometria de massas com ionização por electron-spray (ESI-MS/MS). Além de novos aspectos da química do Telúrio, os compostos preparados encontraram aplicação como potentes e seletivos inibidores de cisteíno proteases. Com esta aplicação estabelecida, foram sintetizadas ambos os enantiômeros de uma telurana e a atividade inibitória destas frente a Catepsina B mostrou dependência da estereoquímica devido a dependência estereoquímica da interação entre a enzima e o inibidor. A segunda parte deste trabalho trata do desenvolvimento da reação de abertura de anel de aziridinas por reagentes organometálicos de cobre derivados de teluretos vinílicos e arílicos que resultaram em derivados de aminas homoalílicas ou homobenzílicas. Em seguida, a reatividade de aziridinas alílicas foi estudada frente a uma série de reagentes organometálicos de lítio, magnésio, cobre e zinco que mostraram influenciar a regio- e estereosseletividades das reações de abertura. / The first part of this thesis deals with the study of the reactivity of electrophilic tellurium compounds, mainly tellurium tetrachloride and aromatic tellurium trichlorides. New aspects of the reactivity of TeCl4 towards alkynes and some acetophenones were disclosed. A mechanistic rationale for each of the processes studied was possible by the determination of the stereochemistry for each product by monocrystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The proposition of the formation of cationic intermediates in the addition reaction of TeCl4 to alkynes was corroborated by the detection and characterization of transient intermediates by ESI-MS/MS experiments. Besides the new aspects of the Tellurium chemistry found, the prepared compounds showed a high and selective activity as inhibitors of cysteine proteases. A pair of enantiomers of a tellurane showed different activities against Human Catepsin B due to a stereochemical dependence in the enzyme/inhibitor interaction. The second part of the present work deals with the development of the ring opening reaction of aziridines by organometallic reagents of copper prepared from vinylic and arylic tellurides. These reactions led to homoallylic and homobenzylic amine derivatives. Finally, the reactivity of 2-alkenyl aziridines was studied towards a series of organometallic reagents of lithium, magnesium, copper and zinc which biased the regio- and stereoselectivities of the ring opening reactions.

Oral lichen planus – etiopathogenesis and management

Siponen, M. (Maria) 18 January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic immune-mediated mucosal disease with unknown etiology. According to the current view, the pathogenesis of OLP involves activation of T-cell mediated immunity against the epithelial keratinocytes. A proportion of OLP patients are affected by painful symptoms, and the risk of oral cancer is increased in OLP. There is no curative treatment for OLP. Topical corticosteroids are used most commonly in the management of OLP. However, the evidence base for the effectiveness of any therapy is weak. The objective of this thesis was to study novel aspects of OLP etiopathogenesis and management. An epidemiologic, retrospective case-control study was conducted to determine whether systemic diseases, in particular thyroid diseases, are associated with OLP. In addition, a randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of topical tacrolimus, triamcinolone acetonide and placebo in symptomatic OLP was carried out. Furthermore, immunohistochemical expression of toll-like receptors 4 and 9, hyaluronan and its principal receptor CD44 antigen, hyaluronan synthases 1-3, hyaluronidases 1-2 and cathepsin K was studied in OLP tissue samples and in healthy oral mucosa. The effect of topical tacrolimus on the expression of these molecules in OLP was also studied. The results of the present study showed that a history of hypothyroidism was associated with an approximately twofold risk of having OLP. Furthermore, both tacrolimus and triamcinolone acetonide were more efficient than placebo in reducing the signs and symptoms of OLP. No statistically significant differences were noted in the efficacy between tacrolimus and triamcinolone acetonide. In addition, the expression of the studied molecules was altered in the epithelium or stroma in OLP compared to healthy oral mucosa. Tacrolimus treatment decreased the expression of CD44 antigen in the stroma and the expression of cathepsin K in the epithelium in OLP. In conclusion, the present study extends our knowledge about systemic associated factors and management of OLP. In addition, the results improve our understanding of molecular level changes that occur in OLP. / Tiivistelmä Suun punajäkälä on krooninen immuunivälitteinen limakalvotauti, jonka etiologia on tuntematon. Taudin syntymekanismiin liittyy tämän hetkisen näkemyksen mukaan T-soluvälitteisen immuniteetin aktivoituminen epiteelin keratinosyyttejä vastaan. Suun punajäkälä aiheuttaa osalle potilaista kivuliaita oireita ja lisää suusyövän riskiä. Parantavaa hoitoa tautiin ei ole. Yleisimmin suun punajäkälän oireiden hoidossa käytetään paikallisia kortikosteroidivalmisteita. Kuitenkin eri hoitomuotojen tehosta on vain heikkoa näyttöä. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia uusia näkökohtia liittyen suun punajäkälän etiopatogeneesiin ja hoitoon. Epidemiologisessa tapaus-verrokkitutkimuksessa selvitettiin, liittyvätkö yleissairaudet, erityisesti kilpirauhassairaudet, suun punajäkälään. Lisäksi satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa verrattiin paikallisen takrolimuusin, triamsinoloniasetonidin ja lumelääkkeen tehoa oireisesta suun punajäkälästä kärsivillä potilailla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös tollin kaltaisten reseptorien 4 ja 9, hyaluronaanin ja sen pääasiallisen reseptorin CD44-antigeenin, hyaluronaanisyntaasien 1–3, hyaluronidaasien 1–2 sekä katepsiini K:n immunohistokemiallista ilmentymistä suun punajäkälänäytteissä ja terveessä suun limakalvossa. Lisäksi tutkittiin takrolimuusihoidon vaikutusta näiden molekyylien ilmentymiseen suun punajäkälässä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että kilpirauhasen vajaatoimintaan liittyi noin kaksinkertainen riski sairastaa suun punajäkälää. Lisäksi havaittiin, että suun punajäkälässä sekä takrolimuusi että triamsinoloniasetonidi ovat tehokkaampia kuin lumelääke oireiden ja kliinisen taudinkuvan lievittämisessä. Takrolimuusin ja triamsinoloniasetonidin tehossa ei todettu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Lisäksi suun punajäkälänäytteissä tutkittujen molekyylien ilmentyminen oli muuttunut joko epiteelissä tai stroomassa verrattuna terveeseen limakalvoon. Takrolimuusihoito vähensi CD44-antigeenin ilmentymistä stroomassa ja katepsiini K:n ilmentymistä epiteelissä suun punajäkälässä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa suun punajäkälään liittyvistä systeemisistä tekijöistä ja suun punajäkälän hoidosta. Lisäksi löydökset lisäävät ymmärtämystä suun punajäkälässä tapahtuvista molekyylitason muutoksista.

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