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Strukturní a funkční analýza katepsinu B1 z krevničky Schistosoma mansoni / Structural and functional analysis of cathepsin B1 from the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoniJílková, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
Schistosomiasis is a serious infectious disease that afflicts over 200 million people in tropical and subtropical regions. It is caused by Schistosoma blood flukes that live in human blood vessels and obtain nutrients from host hemoglobin, which is degraded by digestive proteases. Current therapy relies on a single drug and concern over resistance necessitates new drug development. In Schistosoma mansoni, cathepsin B1 (SmCB1) is a critical digestive protease that is a target molecule for therapeutic interventions. This thesis provides a comprehensive characterization of SmCB1 focused on structure-activity relationships and inhibitory regulation based on six crystal structures solved for SmCB1 molecular forms and complexes. SmCB1 is biosynthesized as an inactive zymogen in which the N-terminal propeptide operates as a natural intra-molecular inhibitor by blocking the active site. Detailed biochemical and structural analyses have identified a new and, so far, unique mechanism of SmCB1 zymogen activation through which the propeptide is proteolytically removed and the regulatory role of glycosaminoglycans in this process has been described. A study of SmCB1 proteolytic activity has revealed that the enzyme acts in two modes, as endopeptidase and exopeptidase, which makes it an efficient tool for host...
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Cathepsin K Inhibition In Bone And Bone Marrow In HorsesHussein, Hayam January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Nanobubbles for Gene Delivery for Osteoporosis TreatmentCórdova Flores, Abel 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, the field of nanomedicine has provided promising alternatives to traditional ways of gene and drug delivery, such as nanobubbles instead of viral vectors. Manufacturing these nanomaterials is cost-effective and tends to be safer than previous forms of treatment for clinical use. In the realm of osteoporosis, a disease based around a higher rate of bone resorption to bone formation, leads to weak and brittle bones, leaving sufferers at risk for fractures, which are sudden and unexpected. These fractures are estimated to cost USD 22 Billion annually in the US alone. Reports show a significant effect on the quality of life after these fractures. Osteoclast-inhibiting oral medicines have been used to slow down bone resorption, but they have had severe side effects. This project aimed to study the impact of nanobubbles synthesized to target bone and filled with CTSK-siRNA to silence the Cathepsin K gene in an ovariectomized mice model. Cathepsin K is pivotal in osteoporosis as it is responsible for collagen degradation in bone resorption. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) for nanobubble destruction to facilitate targeted CTSK-siRNA release. LIPUS can also promote bone formation. We studied the effects of the treatment through histological analysis. Microarchitecture in the mice femur was highlighted through different types of staining such as Masson’s Trichrome, Hematoxylin & Eosin, and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase staining. ImageJ was used for all measurements taken to interpret bone resorption in experimental groups. The major organs were studied to ensure the biocompatibility of nanobubble treatment. Our results show an increase in the average cortical thickness and trabecular spacing, but there was no significant increase in trabecular thickness in the group treated with CTSK-siRNA nanobubbles.
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Evaluation et validation de marqueurs pronostiques et prédictifs dans la prise en charge des patientes présentant un cancer du sein / Evaluation and validation of prognostic and predictive markers of breast cancerMazouni, Chafika 02 December 2010 (has links)
L’identification de marqueurs pronostiques et prédictifs du cancer du sein est un facteur important pour une meilleure compréhension du processus évolutif et le développement de thérapies ciblées. Les récepteurs des oestrogènes (RE) représentent ainsi à la fois un marqueur pronostique mais aussi prédictif du traitement par le tamoxifène ou les anti-aromatases. Cependant, un certain nombre de patientes vont évoluer en dépit de traitements anti-hormonaux adaptés. L’objectif de notre travail, a été d’évaluer la méthode de mesure des RE, l’apport des protéases dans la distinction de profils tumoraux pronostiques et prédictifs. Nous avons démontré l’influence du mode de mesure des RE et en particulier de l’expression quantitative sur l’interprétation pronostique et sur une meilleure détermination du bénéfice du traitement en fonction du niveau d’expression des RE. Nous avons montré l’intérêt de l’évaluation des protéases tissulaires uPA, PAI-I et cathépsine-D, pour caractériser l’hétérogénéité des tumeurs en complément des RE. Particulièrement, chez les patientes RE+, des taux élevés de cathépsine-D et de PAI-1 étaient un indicateur de mauvais pronostic. Nous avons développé un nomogramme combinant RE et le statut ganglionnaire à 3 types de protéases : PAI-1, cathépsine-D et la thymidine kinase, pour déterminer la probabilité de survie à 2 et 5 ans. De plus, ces protéases évaluées dans les tumeurs infectées par l’Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), témoignaient de tumeurs biologiquement agressives avec des taux plus élevés de thymidine kinase. Notre travail a contribué à améliorer l’identification de profils des tumeurs en fonction des RE et des protéases et de caractériser les tumeurs viro-induites. / The identification of prognostic and predictive markers is important for a better understanding of the evolutionary process and the development of targeted therapies. Thus estrogen receptors (ER) represent both an important prognostic marker but also predictive of therapies using tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors. However, a number of patients will evolve despite hormonotherapy. The objective of our work was to evaluate the method for measuring ER, the contribution of proteases in the distinction of prognostic and predictive tumor profiles. In our work, we demonstrated the influence of the mode of measure of ER and in particular its quantitative expression on the prognostic interpretation and a better determination of benefit of treatment depending on the level of expression of ER. We show the interest of the evaluation of tissue proteases uPA, PAI-I and cathepsin-D, to characterize the heterogeneity of tumors in addition to ER. Specifically, in ER + patients, high levels of cathepsin-D and PAI-1 are an indicator of poor prognosis. We developed a nomogram combining ER and nodal status, to 3 types of proteases: PAI-1, cathepsin-D and thymidine kinase, to determine the probability of survival at 2 and 5 years. In addition, these proteases are evaluated in tumors infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and shows high rates of thymidine kinase in EBV + BC, reflecting biologically aggressive tumors. Our work has helped to improve the identification of profiles of tumors according to ER and proteases and characterize virus-associated tumors.
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Dégradation du collagène dans le cartilage équin par la cathepsine KNoé, Beatriz 08 1900 (has links)
Type II collagen, which gives the cartilage its tensile strength, is destroyed in osteoarthritis (OA). Cathepsin K is recognized as capable of cleaving type II collagen, however, the regulation of its activity in the cartilage is little known. Our hypothesis is that the activity of cathepsin K in cartilage is measured by an ELISA specific to cathepsin K cleavage site. A new specific ELISA (C2K77) was developed and tested by measuring the activity of the exogenous cathepsin K. The ELISA C2K77 was then used to measure the activity of the endogenous cathepsin K in equine articular cartilage explants cultured with or without stimulation (IL-1β, TNF-α, Oncostatin M (OSM) and LPS). Then the activity of cathepsin K was compared to that of MMPs (C1,2C ELISA) in the cartilage explants and in the freshly harvested cartilage. A significant difference was observed between normal cartilage and cartilage digested with cathepsin K (p˂0.01). There was no significant difference in the content of C2K77 between the control group and the groups stimulated while the content of C1,2C was increased by the combination of IL-1β and OSM (p = 0.002) and TNF-α and OSM (p˂0.0001). The new ELISA C2K77 demonstrates the ability to measure the activity of cathepsin K and revealed that there is a difference between the regulation of cathepsin K and MMP in articular cartilage. / Le collagène de type II, qui confère au cartilage articulaire sa résistance à la tension, est détruit dans l’arthrose. La cathepsine K est reconnue comme pouvant cliver le collagène de type II. Cependant, la régulation de son activité dans le cartilage est peu connue. Notre hypothèse est que l’activité de la cathepsine K dans le cartilage est mesurable par une ELISA spécifique au site de clivage de la cathepsine K. Une nouvelle ELISA spécifique (C2K77) a été développée et testée en mesurant l’activité de la cathepsine K exogène. L’ELISA C2K77 a ensuite été utilisée pour mesurer l’activité de la cathepsine K endogène dans des explants de cartilage articulaire équin mis en culture avec ou sans stimulations (IL-1β, TNF-α, oncostatine M (OSM) et le LPS). Puis l’activité de la cathepsine K a été comparée à celle des MMPs (avec l’ELISA C1,2C) dans les explants de cartilage et dans le cartilage fraichement récolté. Une différence significative a été observée entre le cartilage normal et le cartilage digéré avec la cathepsine K exogène (p˂0.01). Il n’y avait aucune différence significative dans la quantité de C2K77 entre le groupe control et les groupes stimulés tandis que la quantité de C1,2C a été augmenté par la combinaison de l’IL-1β et de l’OSM (p=0.002) et du TNF-α et de l’OSM (p˂0.0001). La nouvelle ELISA C2K77 démontre la capacité de mesurer l’activité de la cathepsine K et a permis de voir qu’il y a une différence entre la régulation de la cathepsine K et des MMPs.
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Identification et caractérisation des principaux fragments du collagène de type II du cartilage équin, produit in vitro par l'enzyme cathepsine KThéroux, Kathleen 12 1900 (has links)
La dégradation protéolytique du collagène de type II est considérée comme étant un facteur majeur dans le processus irréversible de dégradation de la matrice cartilagineuse lors d’ostéoarthrose. Outre les collagénases de la famille des métaloprotéinases de la matrice (MMP-1, -8, -13), la cathepsine K est parmi les seules enzymes susceptibles de dégrader la triple hélice intacte du collagène de type II, devenant ainsi un élément pertinent pour les recherches sur l’ostéoarthrose.
L’objectif à court terme de notre étude consiste en l’identification et la caractérisation de sites de clivage spécifiques de la cathepsine K sur le collagène de type II équin. La technique d’électrophorèse SDS-PAGE 1D permet la visualisation des produits de digestion et la validation des résultats de la caractérisation moléculaire des fragments protéolytiques. La caractérisation est réalisée en combinant la digestion trypsique précédant l’analyse HPLC-ESI/MS. Les résultats ont permis d’établir les sites, présents sur la carte peptidique de la molécule de collagène de type II équin, des 48 résidus prolines (P) et 5 résidus lysines (K) supportant une modification post-traductionnelle. De plus, 6 fragments majeurs, différents de ceux produits par les MMPs, sont observés par SDS-PAGE 1D puis confirmés par HPLC-ESI/MS, correspondant aux sites suivants : F1 [G189-K190], F2 [G252-P253], F3 [P326-G327], F4 [P428-G429], F5 [P563-G564] et F6 [P824-G825].
Le fragment F1 nouvellement identifié suggère un site de clivage différent de l’étude antérieure sur le collagène de type II bovin et humain. L’objectif à long terme serait le développement d’anticorps spécifiques au site identifié, permettant de suivre l’activité protéolytique de la cathepsine K par immunohistochimie et ÉLISA, dans le cadre du diagnostic de l’ostéoarthrose. / The proteolytic degradation of type II collagen is believed to be mainly an irreversible event in the process of cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis. Cathepsin K is the most active enzyme protease outside the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family (MMP 13, -8, -1) capable of degrading the intact triple helical type II collagen.
The short term objective of our study was to characterize the specific cleavage sites of CK on type II collagen. Our long term goal is to develop antibodies specific to these sites to develop biomarkers to detect it’s cleavage, for the early diagnosis of OA. Thus, in order to achieve our first goal, Cathepsin K cleavage of equine type II collagen was first examined by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Molecular characterization of proteolytic fragments, and therefore cleavage sites, was performed using tryptic digestion followed by LC-ESI/MS analysis to establish a comprehensive peptide map which was used as a template to identify specific proteolytic cleavage by cathepsin K. Comprehensive peptide mapping provided information on post-translational modifications and permitted the identification of 48 proline (P) and 5 lysine (K) residues that were subject to post translational modification. Six major fragments were observed on 1D SDS-PAGE and confirmed by HPLC-ESI/MS including F1 [189-190], F2 [252-253], F3 [326-327], F4 [428-429], F5 [563-564] and F6 [824-825]. The observed F1 fragment showed that cleavage was three residues N-terminal to the site reported previously for bovine type II collagen.
These new findings will be used to develop new analytical methods to quantify biomarkers associate to equine type II collagen degradation in osteoarthritis patient and/or to support the development of new treatments.
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Identification of the RNA Cis-Elements that Interact with SRp30a to Regulate the Alternative Splicing of Caspase 9 Pre-mRNAMukerjee, Prabhat 01 January 2005 (has links)
Studies have shown that the alternative splicing of caspase 9 and the phospho-status of SR proteins, a conserved family of splicing factors, are regulated by chemotherapy and de novo ceramide via the action of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1). Two RNA splice variants are derived from the caspase 9 gene, pro-apoptotic caspase 9a and anti-apoptotic caspase 9b, via alternative splicing by either the inclusion or exclusion of an exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 cassette. In this study, the link between SR proteins and the alternative splicing of caspase 9 was established. Sequence analysis of the exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 cassette of the caspase 9 gene identified five possible high affinity sequences for interaction with the SR protein, SRp30a, a well-established regulator of exon inclusion/exclusion. Replacement mutagenesis identified purine-rich sequences between exons 4 and 5 and wthin exon 6 as important for binding SRp30a and required for expression of the caspase 9a splice variant. In vitro binding assays coupled with competitor studies demonstrated specific binding of RNA trans-acting proteins and SRp30a with these sequences. Furthermore, SDS-PAGE analysis of cross-linked RNA trans-acting factors with these possible RNA cis-elements revealed the specific binding of an approximate 66, 56, 45, and 38 kDa protein/protein complex to these sequences. A previous application of RNAi technology to downregulate SRp30a in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells induced an approximately 75% decrease in SRp30a expression and induced a dramatic change in the ratio of caspase 9a/caspase 9b. Therefore, these studies have identified SRp30a as a major regulator of the alternative splicing of caspase 9 directly linking de novo ceramide generation, PP1, and SRp30a as the signal transduction pathway regulating the expression of caspase 9.
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Role gliových buněk v imunitní odpovědi myší infikovaných neurotropní motolicí Trichobilharzia regenti / Role of glial cells in the immune response of mice infected by neurotropic fluke Trichobilharzia regentiMacháček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
A central nervous system (CNS) can be invaded by plenty of parasites, including parasitic helminths. Host's immune response during such infections includes not only participation of peripheral lymphocytes, but also astrocytes and microglia, resident glial cells present in the CNS. Activation of astrocytes and microglia has been recently demonstrated also in mice infected by neurotropic avian trematode Trichobilharzia regenti (Digenea: Schistosomatidae) for which mammals represent accidental hosts. The parasite does not mature in them and elicits development of inflammatory reaction in the CNS which may take part in parasite's destruction. Employing in vitro experiments, this thesis aimed at evaluation of the possible role of astrocytes and microglia in murine immune response to T. regenti. For this purpose, primary astrocyte and microglia culture preparations were established and the cells were then stimulated by antigens of T. regenti (homogenate of transformed cercariae, recombinant cathepsins B1.1 and B2). After that, production of nitric oxide and proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha) was measured. The results revealed that in vitro stimulated astrocytes and microglia increase production of nitric oxide, IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Such response to parasite's antigens could influence...
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Genes codificadores de proteínas implicadas na relação de espécies do gênero Trypanosoma com seus hospedeiros: diversidade, transferência horizontal e relações filogenéticas. / Genes encoding proteins implicated in the relationship of Trypanosoma species with their hosts: diversity, horizontal transfer and phylogenetic relationships.Martins, André Guilherme da Costa 27 September 2016 (has links)
A diversidade de tripanossomas é atribuída a um arsenal gene vasto. HSP compreendem várias famílias que atuam como uma chaperona moleculares em condições de estresse e fisiológicas. A HSP70 em tripanossomas consiste em 9 genes: Canonical, HSP70.4, HSP70.c, GRP78, Lc2.2, HSP70.b, Grp170, HSP110 e HSP70.a. Análises filogenéticas indicam que a evolução de HSP70 segue um padrão de ramificação que coincide com a compartimentação celular. As inferências filogenéticas de Trypanosoma obtidas a partir de genes que codificam HSP70s foram compatíveis com os obtidos por gGAPDH indicando que as HSP70s são uteis como marcadores moleculares. Os genes que codificam proteínas possuindo domínio P3/alfa-cristalino (ACD) na sua estrutura atuam como chaperonas envolvidas na proliferação e migração celular, citoesqueleto, na resposta a agentes patogénicos e desenvolvimento. Nove chaperonas putativas com o ACD foram recuperadas em Trypanosoma: TryDYX1C1, TrySGT1, Tryp23A, Tryp23B, TryNudC1, TryNudC2, HSP20, TryACDP, TryACD-TPR. / The diversity of trypanosomes is attributed to a vast gene arsenal. HSP comprehends several families which acts as a molecular chaperone in stress and physiological conditions. The HSP70 in trypanosomes consists of nine genes: Canonical, HSP70.4, HSP70.c, Grp78, Lc2.2, HSP70.b, Grp170, HSP110 and HSP70.a. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the evolution of HSP70 from Trypanosoma follows branching pattern that coincides with the cellular compartmentation. Phylogenetic Inferences of Trypanosoma obtained from genes encoding HSP70s were compatible with those obtained by gGAPDH indicating that HSP70 gene is a useful molecular maker. Genes encoding proteins having p3/alpha-crystalline domain (ACD) in its structure act as chaperones and co-chaperones involved in cell proliferation and migration, cytoskeleton and in response to pathogens and development. Nine putative chaperones containing the ACD were recovered in Trypanosoma: TryDYX1C1, TrySGT1, Tryp23A, Tryp23B, TryNudC1, TryNudC2, HSP20, TryACDP, TryACD-TPR.
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Função de subsítios de uma catepsina digestiva de Tenebrio molitor / Subsites role of a Tenebrio molitor digestive cathepsinDamasceno, Ticiane Fraga 27 May 2014 (has links)
A catepsina L, uma cisteína proteinase da família da papaína, é a principal proteinase digestiva do besouro Tenebrio molitor. Estudos anteriores do nosso grupo mostraram que existem três catepsinas L no intestino médio do T. molitor, uma delas é lisossômica (CAL 1) e as outras duas são digestivas (CAL 2 e CAL 3). As estruturas 3D das enzimas digestivas foram recentemente elucidadas. Com o objetivo de estudar em detalhes as propriedades das enzimas digestivas, CAL 3 foi expressa como um zimógeno em E. coli, purificada por cromatografia de afinidade e autoativada em meio ácido. Foram realizados ensaios de atividade com 63 peptídeos FRET derivados da sequência Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp em um espectrofluorímetro termostatizado a 30 ºC, monitorando-se continuamente a variação de fluorescência em 320 nm (λex) e 420 nm (λem). Os parâmetros kcat e KM obtidos foram utilizados na determinação da hidrofobicidade dos subsítios (H) e da função de cada subsítio através da razão das energias livres de ativação do complexo enzima-substrato (ΔG‡T) e de ligação da enzima com o substrato (ΔGs). Os resultados mostram que o subsítio S2 está envolvido prioritariamente em catálise e é bastante seletivo para substratos com resíduos hidrofóbicos em P2. Esse subsítio é o mais hidrofóbico dentre os analisados, encontrando-se num bolsão localizado no interior da enzima. O subsítio S\'2, por outro lado, é o que apresentou a menor especificidade dentre os analisados. Este subsítio está envolvido prioritariamente na ligação com o substrato e se localiza na superfície da enzima, o que pode facilitar a acomodação de diferentes cadeias laterais em P\'2 do substrato, não oferecendo muitas restrições espaciais. O subsítio S1, hidrofílico, não é muito seletivo, o que pode ser consequência de sua localização na superfície da enzima. Esse subsítio está prioritariamente envolvido na ligação com o substrato. O subsítio S\'1, assim como S1, está localizado na superfície da enzima, é hidrofílico e não muito seletivo. No entanto, esse subsítio tem papel na catálise além de atuar na ligação do substrato. Numa análise inicial da estrutura 3D deste subsítio, sua função catalítica foi atribuída à presença de parte da cavidade oxiânica. Uma enzima com mutação no resíduo W187, pertencente à cavidade oxiânica e a S\'1, foi produzida e purificada, no entanto essa enzima não apresentou atividade. Uma análise mais aprofundada mostrou que a falta de atividade pode ser atribuída ao fato do resíduo de aminoácido mutado fazer parte de um cluster aromático essencial à estabilização da tríade catalítica. Os dados obtidos na caracterização de S\'1 e S\'2 permitem inferir que a acilação é o passo limitante da reação da CAL 3. Além disso, os resultados deste trabalho mostram que o conceito de hidrofobicidade de subsítios proposto anteriormente pelo grupo parece ser aplicável a subsítios que apresentem especificidades mais restritas. / Cathepsin L, a cysteine proteinase of the papain family, is the major digestive proteinase in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Previous studies of our group showed that there are three cathepsins L in T. molitor midgut, one is lysosomal (CAL1) and two are digestive (CAL2 and CAL3). The 3D structures of the digestive enzymes were recently elucidated. With the aim to study in details the digestive enzymes specificities, CAL3 was expressed in E. coli as a zymogen, purified by affinity chromatography and autoactivated in acid conditions. Activity assays were performed in a thermostated spectrofluorometer at 30 ºC with 63 FRET peptides derived from the lead sequence Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp, continuously monitoring the fluorescence changes at 320 nm (λex) and 420 nm (λem). The parameters kcat and KM were used in the determination of subsite hydrophobicity (H) and subsite role based on the ratio of complex enzyme-substrate activation energy (ΔG‡T) and free energy of substrate binding (ΔGs). The data obtained suggest that the S2 is mainly involved in catalysis and is very selective to substrates with hydrophobic residues in P2. This subsite is the most hydrophobic among the analyzed and is located in a pocket in the enzyme interior. S\'2, on the other hand, is the less selective subsite and is mainly involved in substrate binding and is located on the enzyme surface, what can ease the accommodation of different side chains located in P\'2 by not imposing many spatial restrictions. S1, is hydrophilic and not very selective, what may be a consequence of its location on the enzyme surface. This subsite is mainly involved in substrate binding. S\'1, just like S1, is located on the enzyme surface, is hydrophilic and not very selective. However this subsite has a role in catalysis besides the role in substrate binding. In an initial 3D structure analysis its catalytic function was attributed to the presence of a part of the oxyanion hole. An enzyme with mutation in the residue W187, which apparently belonged both to the oxyanion hole and S\'1, was produced and purified, but this enzyme was inactive. A better analysis showed that the lack of activity can be attributed to the fact that the mutated residue belongs to an aromatic cluster that is essential to the catalytic triad stabilization. The data obtained in S\'1 and S\'2 characterization suggest that acylation is the limiting step in CAL 3 reaction. The results presented in this work support the concept of subsite hydrophobicity previously proposed by our group, which seems to be true to subsites with more restrict specificities
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