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Cembalo v českém klasicismu / Harpsichord in Bohemian Classical PeriodSvobodová, Anna January 2022 (has links)
In my master's thesis I will focus on the harpsichord. This instrument is usually classified as a baroque instrument, but in Bohemia the harpsichord experienced its greatest prosperity in Classicism. I will focus on the characteristics of the instrument and differences between the harpsichord and the piano. I will also try to characterize the classical work for harpsichord, the form of a classical solo concerto and the specifics of the interpretation of compositions on harpsichord and piano. Than I will examine the work for harpsichord by Jan Křtitel Vaňhal, put the composition in the context of the author's concert work and determine the diferences between the concerto for harpsichord and the piano concerto in Classicism in Bohemia. Finally, I will comment on the new complete score of Jan Křtitel Vaňhal's Harpsichord Concerto in C major, which I will compare with his Piano Concerto in A major. I also want to create a theoretical basis for the attached new completation of full score of Concerto in C major by J. K. Vaňhal. KEYWORDS Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Jan Křtitel Vaňhal, solo concert, classical period
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Trio für Altblockflöte, Viola und Cembalo (1992)Drude, Matthias 03 March 2021 (has links)
Das Trio für Altblockflöte, Viola und Cembalo wurde 1992 komponiert. Das knapp siebenminütige Werk besteht aus drei Sätzen in der Folge schnell – schnell – langsam. Diese Folge ist ungewöhnlich, aber aus der Struktur des Werkes heraus geboren. Der erste Satz „Toccata“ ist wesentlich durch die Motorik im Cembalo-Part geprägt. Im zweiten Satz werden das Flöten- und Bratschenmotiv aus dem ersten Satz übernommen, aber großenteils aus dessen motorischen Kontext herausgelöst. Als Konsequenz des auskomponierten Riterdandos der Bratschenfigur kommt es immer wieder zu gehaltenen Tönen oder Akkorden, wodurch der Boden für den abschließenden langsamen Satz bereitet wird.
Jeder Satz enthält ein Motiv von Johann Sebastian Bach, das in den Noten als Zitat gekennzeichnet ist. (Computer-Notensatz: Februar 2021):1. Toccata Seite 1
2. Allegro Seite 7
3. Poco Adagio Seite 12
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De vältempererade klaveren : Att spela Bachs Det vältempererade klaveret på synthesizer, piano och cembalo utifrån en romantisk pianists perspektivKopparmark, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
Som en romantisk pianist med nyfunnet intresse för både Bachs musik och synthesizer ville jag nu undersöka och sammanföra dessa skilda världar. Att spela Bachs musik på synthesizer är i sig inget nytt, men ofta är då musiken förprogrammerad eller att de olika stämmorna är inspelade separat. Jag ville utforska synthesizern som ett klaverinstrument bland alla andra där musiken av Bach istället framförs, och valde som musikaliskt material Det vältempererade klaveret. Syftet med det här arbetet är att få en fördjupad förståelse för olika klaverinstruments uttrycksmöjligheter genom att studera och framföra Johann Sebastian Bachs Det vältempererade klaveret på synthesizer, cembalo och piano. I arbetet har jag spelat igenom verket på dessa tre klaverinstrument och studerat det genom litteratur. De två för mig främmande klaverinstrumenten cembalo och synthesizer har jag inom arbetet också lärt mig grunderna i att spela. Jag valde ut tre stycken och en samling övriga passager från verket att instudera mer noggrant på samtliga tre instrument, som jag sedan också spelade in på dessa. Med hjälp av inspelningarna gjorde jag en jämförande analys av möjligheter och motstånd hos instrumenten i att framföra musiken. Slutsatsen från arbetet är att synthesizern är ett mycket kvalificerat klaverinstrument för att framföra hela Det vältempererade klaveret, med motsvarigheter till de flesta av de andra två klaverinstrumentens specifika speltekniker och ytterligare effekter att erbjuda därtill.
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Det vältempererade klaveret? : Hur kan olika tempereringar påverka musiken?Sjögren, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Unspielbare Musik: Zum Cembalowerk von Iannis XenakisScheurer, Jaronas 01 October 2024 (has links)
Das überschaubare Cembalowerk von Iannis Xenakis ist aus musikanalytischer Perspektive ergiebig. Gerade sein erstes (Khoaï, 1976) und letztes (Oophaa, 1989) Werk für Cembalo zeigen auf, wie unterschiedlich er mit dem performativen Aspekt seiner Musik kompositorisch umgegangen ist. Während in Khoaï zahlreiche Überlegungen zur Spielbarkeit mit einflossen, was gerade anhand der Stellen, die Xenakis aus seinen beiden Klavierwerken Erikhthon (1974) und Evryali (1973) übertrug, deutlich wird, konzentrierte er sich bei Oophaa eher auf das dem Werk zugrundeliegende Konstruktionsprinzip und die architektonische Struktur des Werks, was in unspielbaren Stellen resultierte. Der Beitrag zeigt diese dem Werk Xenakis’ inhärente Dichotomie analytisch auf und untersucht aufgrund dessen zwei interpretatorische Lösungsvorschläge für Oophaa. Der Aspekt der Spielbarkeit bzw. Performance-Überlegungen auf Seiten des Komponisten werden somit als einen die Analyse mitbestimmenden Parameter ernst genommen. / The small harpsichord oeuvre of Iannis Xenakis yields a great deal of insight from a musicanalytical perspective. Especially his first (Khoaï, 1976) and last (Oophaa, 1989) works for harpsichord show how differently he dealt with the performative aspects. Whereas in Khoaï, numerous considerations regarding playability were incorporated, which becomes particularly evident in the passages that Xenakis transferred from his two piano works Erikhthon (1974) and Evryali (1973), in Oophaa, he concentrated more on the underlying construction principle and the architectural structure of the work, which resulted in unplayable passages. This contribution analytically demonstrates this dichotomy inherent in Xenakis’ work and, based on this, examines two proposed performative solutions for Oophaa. Thus, the aspect of playability, or performance considerations on the part of the composer, are taken seriously as a parameter contributing to the analysis.
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Význam českých skladatelů 2. poloviny 18. století / The Importance of Czech Composers of the Second Half of the 18th CenturyŽáková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The topic of my Master's graduation thesis is the music of the 18th century and the importance of Czech composers in the context of the whole Europe.At the beginning of the work we are led into the historic consequences where there is a brief introduction of the political and social situation and where the status of a musician in the world of those times and his role are discussed. Then Czech musicality and its importance for European Classicism are referred to.In the following chapters the musical environment in the Czech lands are dealt with, together with the importance of Czech schoolmasters' families and castle orchestras in our countries. The consecutive chapter deals with the Czech emigration, music centres and institutions in Europe and other crucial events of the 18th century. The 8th chapter focuses on the types of compositions in the period of Classicism and their use in practice. The final chapter gives a detailed overview of the compositions for four hands for keyboard instruments in the 18th century, specifically the composers, music examples for compositions for four hands and at the very end the author's own experience of four-hands keyboard playing is shared.
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J. S. Bach a využití jeho skladeb na ZUŠ / J. S. Bach and His Piano Pieces for Music Art SchoolsMarečková, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "J. S. Bach and His Piano Pieces for Music Art Schools" is focused on interpretation of the piano music of Johann Sebastian Bach. For the right understanding of the composer's musical narratives, it is necessary to acquire the basic knowledge and principles of the music theory in the Baroque era and to become familiar with the environment in which this extraordinary composer had been professionally developing and composing. This musician is presented here as the founder of a modern fingering whose musical language brought a change into musical thinking and he became inspiration and a role model for composers of the next centuries. This thesis highlights the importance of appropriately selected musical materials in piano teaching and it prefers the performance to be as authentic as possible. The main purpose of this paper is to update the knowledge of methodology and to find a comprehensive guide to a correct understanding of musical language of this genius that would help the music teachers introduce to pupils the beauty and timelessness of Bach's musical work and that would motivate them to other musical discoveries and make them desire to be further educated in music.
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