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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamento físico-químico de lixiviado de aterro sanitário pré-tratado por processo biológico aeróbio. / Physico-chemical treatment of landfill leachate from pre-treated by aerobic biological process.

Mailer Sene Amaral 22 May 2009 (has links)
Lixiviados de aterros sanitários apresentam altas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal e matéria orgânica, além de outros poluentes, que não permitem seu descarte no meio ambiente, sem um prévio tratamento. Lixiviados de aterros sanitários mais antigos, com matéria orgânica mais estabilizada, apresentam grande potencial poluidor, principalmente devido à presença de substâncias recalcitrantes que, usualmente, não são removidas através de tratamento biológico, necessitando, portanto, da aplicação de um pós-tratamento. A presente pesquisa objetivou aplicar o tratamento físico-químico a dois efluentes de sistemas biológicos de tratamento. O primeiro sistema era constituído de um reator de lodo ativado operado em bateladas seqüenciais (70 Litros) cujo efluente era submetido à processo de coagulaçãofloculação usando sais de ferro e alumínio, para remoção da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Operou-se, em paralelo, uma lagoa aerada, em escala de bancada, dimensionada para remoção da matéria orgânica biodegradável cujo efluente era submetido a processo de precipitação química para remoção de amônia, através da formação do mineral estruvita (MgNH4PO4.6H2O). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o cloreto férrico (FeCl3) foi o coagulante mais apropriado sob o ponto de vista econômico, embora, dosagens elevadas (1.160 mg FeCl3/L), frente a 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L tenham sido requeridas para o alcance de remoções da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Com a aplicação de FeCl3 o pH ótimo de coagulação foi próximo de 4,0 e para o Al2(SO4)3; por volta de 5,0. Ao longo dos testes, avaliouse a influência das condições de mistura sobre os fenômenos físico-químicos. Os resultados demonstram que, para o despejo estudado, o gradiente de velocidades e o tempo de mistura não exercem influência sobre os fenômenos de coagulaçãofloculação. Quanto à precipitação química da amônia na forma do mineral estruvita, as melhores remoções (~ 90%) foram alcançadas quando o limite de solubilidade do mineral estruvita foi excedido, para tanto se faz necessária aplicar uma razão molar igual a 1,5:1:1,4 entre os íons envolvidos (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Entretanto, o efluente final desse sistema apresentou uma concentração residual de fósforo solúvel superior a 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, o que o torna pouco recomendável para fins práticos. / Landfill leachates present high ammonia and organic matter concentrations, besides other pollutants, which do not allow its discharge to the environment without a previous treatment. Older landfill leachates, with more stabilized organic matter, present great pollutant potential, mainly due to the presence of recalcitrant substances that not often are removed by biological treatment and need the application of a post-treatment. The present research aimed to apply the physicochemical treatment for two biological wastewater treatment plant effluents. The first one was constituted by an activated sludge (sequence batch reactor - 70 liters), which effluent was submitted to a coagulation-flocculation process, using iron and aluminum salts, for recalcitrant organic matter removal. A lab scale aerated lagoon was operated in parallel. The lagoon was dimensioned for biodegradable organic matter removal, which effluent was submitted to a chemical precipitation process for ammonia removal (formation of the mineral struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O).The results showed that the ferric chloride (FeCl3) was the more appropriated coagulant considering the economic point of view, however high dosages (1,160 mg FeCl3/L) comparing with 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L had been required to achieve recalcitrant organic matter removal. Applying FeCl3, the optimum pH was of the order of 4.0 and for Al2(SO4)3, approximately 5.0. During the tests, the influence of the mixture conditions on the physicochemical phenomena was evaluated. The results demonstrated that the velocities gradient and the mixture time do not influenced the coagulation-flocculation phenomena. Regarding to the chemical precipitation of ammonia in struvite form, the better removals (~ 90%) were achieved when the solubility limit of the mineral was exceeded. Due to this fact, it was necessary to apply a molar rate of 1.5:1:1.4 between the ions (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Nevertheless, the final effluent of this system presented a residual soluble phosphorus concentration higher than 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, hence it is not recommended for practical purposes.

Enskilda avloppsanläggningar med fosforbindning i Stockholms län : en miljösystemanalys med metodik från livscykelanalys / Phosphorus sorbing small-scale wastewater treatment plants in the county of Stockholm : an environmental systems analysis using life cycle assessment methodology

Weiss, Philipp January 2007 (has links)
Modern, small-scale wastewater treatment faces a twofold challenge: On the one hand requirements from legal authorities regarding removal of eutrophying substances have become more demanding. On the other hand high-quality phosphorus reserves are dwindling, which has raised calls for increased recycling. The problem is acute in the county of Stockholm where about 34 000 households are identified to not possess adequate wastewater treatment facilities. In this master’s thesis, four treatment systems, of which three had some phosphorus recycling potential, were compared using life cycle assessment methodology. The small-scale treatment systems analyzed were infiltration, filter beds with Filtralite® P and Filtra P respectively as filter material and a chemical precipitation system. The system boundaries included the extraction of raw materials, production of materials and components, the construction and operation of the systems as well as deconstruction and recycling of the treatment plants. Apart from impacts on human health and acidification potential, which both proved to be of less relevance to the final results, energy usage, consumption of abiotic resources, global warming potential and eutrophication potential were taken into account in this study. The infiltration system attained the most favourable results in all impact categories save eutrophication potential, which was due to both the low usage of energy and resources as well as the system’s high life expectancy. The filter bed system using Filtralite® P demonstrated the best performance in reduction of eutrophying substances. However, the system’s energy demand and emissions of greenhouse gases by far exceeded the other systems’ results in these categories. Both the filter bed system using Filtra P and the chemical precipitation system fared relatively equal in the overall analysis, with moderate impacts in all categories. The nutrient recycling potential was shown to be limited by the waste products’ relatively high heavy metal content. Sludge from chemical precipitation had higher potential for replacement of fertilizer than filter bed material. The chemical precipitation system fared best in the overall assessment. Its technical immaturity and limited data foundation put the alternative using Filtra P into second place. The infiltration system’s limited treatment performance and inexistent recycling potential put this alternative into third place. The alternative using Filtralite® P was ruled out entirely because of its high impact on fossil fuel consumption and global warming. Based on this ranking recommendations were made. Even though the filter bed materials in this study showed excellent phosphorus removal capacity, further research into alternative filter bed materials will have to be made due to the materials’ environmental impacts in other areas. Focus should be on waste material and natural products (such as shell sand) with low environmental impacts from production. Ways of separating heavy metals from plant nutrients need to be explored if nutrient recycling is to be an aim. This study showed that good phosphorus removal characteristics can lead to an increase in other environmental impacts, which in some cases even may outweigh the positive effects of decreased eutrophication. / Modern, småskalig avloppsreningsteknik står inför två utmaningar. Å ena sidan har kraven från lagstiftaren på rening av eutrofierande ämnen ökat. Problemet är akut i Stockholms län där det finns ca. 34 000 hushåll som inte anses uppfylla reningskraven. Å andra sidan minskar fosforförekomsterna av hög kvalitet i allt större takt, vilket har väckt krav på ökad återföring av växtnäring. I detta examensarbete undersöktes fyra olika reningstekniker, varav tre har en viss återföringspotential, med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys. Systemen som undersöktes var infiltration, filterbäddar dels med Filtralite® P och dels med Filtra P som filtermaterial, samt ett kemikaliefällningssystem. Systemgränserna omfattade extraktion av råmaterial, produktion av anläggningsmaterial och –komponenter, uppförande och drift av systemen samt avveckling av anläggningarna och återföring av restmaterial. Förutom påverkan på mänsklig hälsa och försurningspotential, som visade sig vara mindre relevanta för slutresultaten, omfattade analysen även en undersökning av energianvändning, förbrukning av abiotiska resurser, potential för global uppvärmning och eutrofieringspotential. Infiltrationslösningen fick de mest fördelaktiga resultatvärden i alla kategorierna förutom eutrofieringspotential, vilket kan förklaras med systemets låga energi- och resursbehov samt dess höga livslängd. Filterbädden med Filtralite® P som filtermaterial uppvisade den största förmågan att reducera eutrofierande substanser. Systemets energibehov och utsläpp av växthusgaser översteg dock de andra systemens resultat i dessa kategorier kraftigt. Både anläggningen med Filtra P och kemikaliefällningslösningen fick liknande resultat, med måttlig påverkan i alla kategorier. Systemens återföringspotential visade sig vara begränsad av restprodukternas höga tungmetallhalt. Kemikaliefällt slam hade högre återföringspotential än filterbäddsmaterial. Kemikaliefällning klarade sig totalt sett bäst i studien. Den relativt obeprövade tekniska utformning och det osäkra dataunderlaget ledde till att Filtra P hamnade i rangordningen efter kemikaliefällning. Infiltrationssystemets begränsade reningsförmåga och den obefintliga återföringspotentialen ledde till att alternativet hamnade näst sist. Filtralite® P-alternativet blev placerat sist i rangordningen på grund av dess stora påverkan på förbrukning av fossila bränslen och global uppvärmning. Baserat på rangordningen utfärdades rekommendationer. Trots att filtermaterialen som undersöktes i denna studie har en utmärkt fosforreningsförmåga, kommer det att krävas fler studier med avseende på alternativa filtermaterial, eftersom materialens användning av icke-förnybara energikällor är mycket stor vid tillverkningen. Fokus borde ligga på återvunna eller naturliga material (som t.ex. snäcksand) med låg miljöpåverkan vid tillverkning. Om återföring av växtnäring ska bli ett mål inom småskalig avloppsvattenrening, måste effektiva sätt att separera tungmetaller från växtnäringsämnen utforskas. Denna studie visade att goda fosforavskiljningsegenskaper kan medföra att andra typer av miljöpåverkan ökar, vilket i vissa fall kan leda till att de negativa konsekvenserna överväger nyttan av minskad eutrofiering. / Moderne, dezentrale Abwassertechnik steht zwei großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Zum einen sind die Ansprüche von Seiten des Gesetzgebers gestiegen, die effektivere Abwasserreinigungstechniken erfordern. Zum andern werden Phosphorvorkommen von hoher Qualität zunehmend knapper, was Rufe nach verstärkter Rückführung von Phosphor hat laut werden lassen. Im Verwaltungsbezirk Stockholm, in dem es ungefähr 34 000 Haushalte mit unzureichender Abwasserreinigung gibt, ist das Problem von besonderer Bedeutung. In dieser Diplomarbeit wurden vier Abwasserreinigungssysteme, wovon drei ein gewisses Potential für Phosphorrückführung haben, mit Hilfe einer Ökobilanzierung untersucht. Folgende Systeme wurden untersucht: Eine Infiltrationsanlage, zwei Filterbettsanlagen, eine mit Filtralite® P und eine mit Filtra P als Filtermaterial sowie ein System mit Chemikaliefällung. Die Systemgrenzen umfassten die Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen, das Errichten der jeweiligen Anlage, deren Betrieb sowie Rückgewinnung und Entsorgung von Restmaterialien. Neben Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und Versauerungspotential, die sich im Nachhinein als weniger relevant erwiesen, wurden Energiebedarf, Verbrauch abiotischer Resourcen, Potential für globale Erwärmung und Eutrophierungspotential untersucht. Die niedrigsten Resultate in allen Kategorien außer Eutrophierungspotential wurden vom Infiltrationssystem erreicht. Filtralite® P erwies sich als am leistungsstärksten, was die Reduktion von eutrophierenden Substanzen angeht. Der Energiebedarf und die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen dieser Alternative überstieg die Ergebnisse der anderen Alternativen in diesen Kategorien doch bei weitem. Filtra P und Chemikaliefällung erzielten moderate Auswirkungen in allen Kategorien. Das Potential für die Rückführung von Pflanzennährstoffen wird, wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, vom relativ hohen Schwermetallhalt in den Restprodukten begrenzt. Chemikaliefällung ist in dieser Studie die beste Alternative. Filtra P zeigte sich als technisch noch zu wenig ausgereift und die Datenunterlage als zu unvollständig, weswegen diese Alternative an zweiter Stelle steht. Die begrenzte Reinigungsfähigkeit des Infiltrationssystemes und das nicht vorhandene Potential für Rückführung von Phosphor führten dazu, dass diese Lösung an dritter Stelle steht. Das System mit Filtralite® P als Filtermaterial wurde wegen seines großen Verbrauchs von fossilen Brennstoffen für wenig brauchbar befunden und steht damit an letzter Stelle. Trotz ihrer hervorragenden phosphorreduzierenden Eigenschaften, wird weitere Forschung im Bereich alternativer Filtermaterialien notwendig werden. Hierbei sollten natürliche Materialien (wie Muschelsand) oder Restprodukte im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen, um die Umweltauswirkungen gering zu halten. Wenn die Rückführung von Phosphor ein Ziel der Abwasserreinigung sein soll, müssen Lösungen, Schwermetalle von Pflanzennährstoffen zu trennen, gefunden werden. Diese Studie hat gezeigt, dass gute phosphorreduzierende Eigenschaften zu verstärkten Umweltauswirkungen in anderen Bereichen führen können, welche in manchen Fällen sogar die Vorteile einer verringerten Eutrophierung übersteigen können.

Effect of cocrystallization techniques on compressional properties of caffeine/oxalic acid 2:1 cocrystal

Aher, Suyog, Dhumal, Ravindra S., Mahadik, K.R., Ketolainen, J., Paradkar, Anant R January 2013 (has links)
No / Caffeine/oxalic acid 2:1 cocrystal exhibited superior stability to humidity over caffeine, but compressional behavior is not studied yet. To compare compressional properties of caffeine/oxalic acid 2:1 cocrystal obtained by different cocrystallization techniques. Cocrystal was obtained by solvent precipitation and ultrasound assisted solution cocrystallization (USSC) and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Compaction study was carried out at different compaction forces. Compact crushing strength, thickness and elastic recovery were determined. Compaction was in order, caffeine > solvent precipitation cocrystal > USSC cocrystal. Caffeine exhibited sticking and lamination, where solvent precipitation compacts showed advantage. Caffeine and solvent precipitation compacts showed sudden drop in compactability, higher elastic recovery with severe lamination at 20,000 N. This was due to overcompaction. Crystal habit of two cocrystal products was same, but USSC cocrystals were difficult to compact. Uniform needle shaped USSC cocrystals must be difficult to orient in different direction and fracture during compression. Elastic recovery of USSC cocrystals was also more compared to other powders indicating less fracture and poor bonding between particles resulting in poor compaction. Cocrystal formation did not improve compressional property of caffeine. Cocrystals exposed to different crystallization environments in two techniques may have resulted in generation of different surface properties presenting different compressional properties.

Optimering av den kemiska reningen vid Fläskebo deponi / Optimization of the Chemical Treatment at Fläskebo Landfill

Nilsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Landfill leachate contains a variety of contaminants and is created when rainwater percolates the landfill. For landfill management the leachate is the main issue that can cause problems to the environment. At the landfill of Fläskebo, Renova AB treats the leachate in a local treatment plant. The treatment consists of a chemical treatment step with chemical precipitation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration, and a final step with a carbon and peat filter. Renova has to ensure that the condition of the leachate reaches the regulation set for the landfill before it is released to the recipient. This regulation has not yet been established and a final suggestion will be given to the county administrative board in spring 2006.</p><p>In this master thesis the chemical treatment of Fläskebo is optimized. A comparison between the control program and the regulation was made to estimate the contamination of the leachate. Also the effectiveness of the two steps is evaluated. For optimization, the leachate was first tested in a laboratory with different coagulants and flocculants.</p><p>The purpose was to increase the precipitation of particles and metals; arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, copper, nickel and zinc through sweep floc coagulation and hydroxide precipitation. After the laboratory tests the precipitation was tested in the treatment plant with higher pH and coagulant. Also the process control for sodium hydroxide was examined.</p><p>The leachate had a small content of organic matter and nutrients, but had a large content of halogenated substances (AOX) and the heavy metals nickel and copper. High concentrations of contaminants were reduced better than low concentrations in the two treatment steps. The carbon and peat filter material also caused an increase of the arsenic content in the leachate after filtration. From the laboratory work the results showed a better reduction of metals with iron-chloride, PlusJÄRN and the anjonic polyacrylamid, Fennopol A. Because of the high content of chloride the iron- sulphate, PurFect was chosen for further tests. The optimal pH for the heavy metals arsenic, zinc, copper and nickel was between pH 9 and 9, 5. The precipitation in the treatment plant showed better results with sodium hydroxide and a higher pH, pH 9 in the flocculation basin. An increase of the coagulant PurFect from 202 mg/l to 225 mg/l meant only a higher chemical cost. The process control of sodium hydroxide showed an oscillating and unstable control performance, which may lead to a higher consumption of chemicals.</p> / <p>Lakvatten har varierande föroreningsgrad och karaktär och bildas då regnvatten perkolerar igenom en deponi. För en deponiverksamhet är lakvattnet den huvudsakliga påverkan på den omgivande miljön. Vid en av Renova ABs deponier, Fläskebo, utanför Göteborg sker reningen av vattnet i den lokala reningsanläggningen. Reningen består av kemisk fällning, flockning, sedimentering och filtrering samt ett kol- och torvfilter. För att få släppa ut lakvattnet har Renova just nu ett prövotidsvillkor på lakvattnets kvalité och till våren 2006 skall förslag på slutgiltiga utsläppsvillkor lämnas till Länsstyrelsen.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har den kemiska reningen av lakvattnet från Fläskebo optimerats utifrån lakvattnets karaktär. Lakvattnets föroreningsgrad bedömdes efter en jämförelse av analysresultatet inom kontrollprogrammet och riktvärdena i prövotidsvillkoret. Dessutom utvärderades effektiviteten i varje enskilt reningssteg, den kemiska reningen och kol- och torvfiltret. För optimering av den kemiska reningen testades lakvattnet först på lab med olika fällnings- och flockningsmedel. Uppgiften var att öka partikelfällningen och reducera metallerna arsenik, kadmium, krom, kvicksilver, bly, koppar, nickel och zink i lakvattnet genom svepkoagulering och hydroxidfällning.</p><p>Utifrån resultaten på lab testades sedan fällningen i full skala, pH höjdes i flockningsbassängen och så även dosen fällningsmedel till vattnet. En inledande undersökning av regleringen av lutdosering gjordes med några stegsvarsexperiment.</p><p>Lakvatten innehöll låga halter av organiskt material och närsalterna kväve och fosfor, medan de halogena ämnena (AOX) och tungmetallerna nickel och koppar var höga. De båda reningsstegen, kemisk rening och kol- och torvfiltret var generellt bra på att rena föroreningar i höga koncentrationer men var sämre vid låga. Kol- och torvfiltret ökade koncentrationen i vattnet av arsenik genom materialets interna läckage. I fällningsförsöken gav järnkloriden, PlusJÄRN och den anjoniska polyakrylamiden, Fennopol A bäst resultat i att avskilja metaller. Järnsulfaten PurFect gav näst bäst resultat och valdes istället för järnkloriden för vidare försök då kloridhalten i lakvattnet redan var högt. Optimalt pH för arsenik, zink, koppar och nickel var inom pHintervallet 9 och 9,5. Fällningen i full skala ute i verket visade ett bättre resultat vid tillsatt lut och ett högre pH (pH 9) i flockningsbassängen. Däremot betydde en höjning av fällningskemikalien från 202 mg/l PurFect till 225 mg/l enbart en ökad kemikaliekostnad och en överdosering. Det visade sig dessutom att lutregleringen var svängig och på gränsen till instabil. Regulatorn bör därför ses över så att risken för ökad kemikaliekonsumption och kostnader minskar.</p>

Vatten- och kemikaliebesparande åtgärder samt reningstekniker inom ytbehandlingsindustrin : En studie av sköljvattenflödet på Calamo AB / Water- and chemical saving measures and cleaning techniques in the surface treatment industry : A study of the rinse water flow at Calamo AB

Eriksson, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie har utförts på Calamo AB som arbetar med elektropolering och betning av rostfritt stål. Efter ytbehandlingssteget krävs sköljning av godset för att avlägsna kemikalierester vilket medför att stora mängder surt sköljvatten uppstår. Idag används våtkemisk fällningsanläggning för att rena sköljvattnet. Det befintliga reningsverket kräver flertalet tillsatser samtidigt som mängden slam som går till deponi är stor. Företaget vill utreda miljönyttan med att installera en vakuumindunstare för att ersätta det befintliga reningsverket som reningsmetod samt se över möjligheten att minska sin vattenförbrukning i samband med sköljning av gods för att bland annat kunna reducera storleken på indunstaren, minska belastningen på reningsstegen samt reducera mängden avfall. Studiens mål var att kartlägga uppkomsten av förorenat sköljvatten, identifiera potentiella vattenbesparande åtgärder och hur dessa åtgärder påverkar effektiviteten hos reningsanläggningarna. Samt visa hur installation av en vakuumindunstare förändrar företagets miljöpåverkan och utreda om det finns möjligheter att återanvända eller återvinna kemikalier och metaller från processen. Kartläggning och flödesmätningar av sköljvattenbehovet utfördes med hjälp av information av personal på Calamo samt en ultraljudsmätare. Vattenbesparande åtgärder, påverkan på reningsanläggning samt möjligheter till återvinning av kemikalier undersöktes genom litteraturstudie samt modellering i Excel. Utredningen av miljönyttan genom att ersätta befintligt reningsverk med vakuumindunstare utfördes med hjälp av LCA-värden hämtade från databasen SimaPro 8.0.4. Flera olika förslag på vattenbesparande åtgärder studerades och dessa gav en total vattenreduktion till reningsverket på mellan 5 - 81 % beroende på hur många samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs. Enligt miljöberäkningarna genererar vakuumindunstaren 3 gånger högre utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter och 7 gånger större behov av icke förnyelsebar energi jämfört med det befintliga reningsverket. Genom att installera sprutskölj med motströmsteknik i stycke, sammankoppla befintliga sköljkar i avdelningarna betning, AVFKA samt automaten och installera sparsköljstank i alla avdelningar uppnås en reduktion av förorenat vatten till reningsstegen på 81%, vilket ytterligare kan optimeras genom installation av jonbytare, återanvändning av varmt vatten från renrum. Dessutom ökar föroreningshalten med 61% då dessa åtgärder vidtas vilket gynnar reningseffektiviteten i reningsanläggningarna och därav rekommenderas detta alternativ. Även kemikalieanvändningen och förluster av metalljoner reduceras avsevärt i processen genom användningen av sparskölj. Att installera vakuumindunstare rekommenderas inte på grund av dess stora energianvändning, dock kan andra resultat uppstå då andra LCA-värden används samt genom andra antaganden och hänsyn till kemikalie- och metallåtervinning istället för deponi. / This study has been carried out at Calamo AB, which works with electropolishing and pickling of stainless steel. After the surface treatment step, rinsing of the material is required to remove chemical residues, which results in large amounts of acid rinse water. Today, wet chemical precipitation plant is used to clean the rinse water. The existing treatment plant requires most additives, while the amount of sludge that goes to landfill is large. The company wants to investigate the environmental benefits of installing a vacuum evaporator to replace the existing sewage treatment plant as a purification method and to review the possibility of reducing its water consumption in connection with rinsing of goods in order to reduce the size of the evaporator, reduce the load on the purification steps and reduce the amount of waste. The aim of the study was to map the emergence of polluted rinse water, identify potential water-saving measures and how these measures affect the efficiency of the treatment plants. And show how the installation of a vacuum evaporator changes the company's environmental impact and investigate whether there are opportunities to reuse or recycle chemicals and metals from the process. Mapping and flow measurements of the rinse water requirement were performed using information from staff at Calamo and an ultrasonic meter. Water-saving measures, impact on treatment plant and opportunities for recycling of chemicals were investigated through literature study and modeling in Excel. The study of the environmental benefits by replacing existing treatment plants with vacuum evaporators was carried out using LCA values obtained from the database SimaPro 8.0.4. Several different proposals for water-saving measures were studied and these gave a total water reduction to the treatment plant of between 5 - 81% depending on how many and what measures were taken. According to the environmental calculations, the vacuum evaporator generates 3 times higher emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents and 7 times the need for non-renewable energy compared to the existing treatment plant. By installing spray rinse with countercurrent technology in one piece, interconnecting existing rinses in the cuttings departments, AVFKA as well as the dispenser and installing sparse rinse tank in all departments, a reduction of contaminated water to the purification steps of 81% is achieved, which can be further optimized by installation of ion exchangers, reuse of hot water from clean room. In addition, the pollutant content increases by 61% as these measures are taken, which favors the purification efficiency of the treatment plants and hence this option is recommended. The use of chemicals and losses of metal ions are also considerably reduced in the process through the use of savings rinses. Installing vacuum evaporators is not recommended due to its large energy use, however, other results may arise when other LCA values are used, as well as through other assumptions and considerations for chemical and metal recycling instead of landfill.

”Rätt avlopp på rätt plats” : – Livscykelanalys av tre enskildaavloppsanläggningar / "Right sewage system in the right place" : - Life cycle assessment of three on-site wastewater treatment options

Sörelius Kiessling, Helene January 2013 (has links)
”Rätt avlopp på rätt plats” – Livscykelanalys av tre enskilda avloppsanläggningar Problemen med övergödning i Östersjön och i Sveriges insjöar är stort och enskildaavlopp pekas ut som en central aktör, framförallt beträffande fosforutsläppen. I Sverigefinns det ungefär en miljon enskilda avloppssystem och nästan hälften av dessa har enså pass bristande vattenrening att de inte uppfyller gällande lagstiftning. Utvecklingenav nya tekniker för rening av avloppsvatten har länge strävat efter att minska utsläppenav övergödande ämnen, detta ibland på bekostnad av andra utsläpp, så somväxthusgaser och försurande ämnen.Det här examensarbetet har därför med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys (LCA)utvärderat tre enskilda avloppssystem med tanke på deras utsläpp av växthusgaser,försurande gaser samt övergödande ämnen. Då misstanke också fanns att de lokalaplatsegenskaperna påverkar de enskilda avloppssystemens totala miljöpåverkan,utfördes även en intervjustudie med ett antal av landets kommuner. I intervjustudiengjordes ett försök att identifiera de platsegenskaper som påverkar valet ochutformningen av de enskilda avloppssystemen. De tre avloppssystemen som ingick istudien är markbädd samt kompaktfilter i kombination med antingen ett reaktivt filtermed Polonite®, eller i kombination med kemfällning.Resultatet av studien visade att markbädden hade lägst utsläpp av både växthusgaseroch försurande gaser, men högst utsläpp av övergödande ämnen. De tvåfosforreducerande systemen uppvisade betydlig bättre potential för att reduceraövergödande ämnen, men detta på bekostnad av större utsläpp av växthusgaser ochförsurande gaser, speciellt i fallet med det reaktiva filtersystemet. Lokalaplatsegenskaper, så som näringsretention, visade sig spela en central roll för deundersökta avloppssystemens totala miljöpåverkan. I områden med hög fosforretentionunder vattnets väg till havet skulle avloppssystem med höga utsläpp av fosfor (så somdet markbaserade systemet) kunna vara försvarbara. På de platser i landet därövergödningen är problematisk finns det dock motiv för att använda fosforreducerandesystem. / "Right sewage system in the right place" - Life cycle assessment of three on-sitewastewater treatment options The problem with eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and in Swedish lakes is serious andon-site wastewater treatment systems are considered important, especially forphosphorus emissions. There exist about one million on-site wastewater treatmentsystems in Sweden and almost half of them do not meet current legislation.Development of new technologies for on-site wastewater treatment systems has for along time been focused on reducing emissions of eutrophying substances. However,there is a risk that this reduction could be achieved at the expense of other emissions,such as greenhouse gases and acidifying substances.This master thesis has therefore by use of life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated threeon-site wastewater treatment systems considering their total emission of greenhousegases, acidifying gases and eutrophying substances. Because local site characteristicswere thought to affect the sewage systems overall environmental impact, an interviewstudy were also carried out with a number of municipal officials. The interview studywas designed to identify the local site characteristics that influence the selection anddesign of the on-site wastewater treatment systems. The three sewage systems includedin the study were a soil treatment system with surface water discharge and a compactbiological filter in combination with either a reactive filter module with Polonite®, or incombination with chemical precipitation.The results of the study reveal that the soil treatment system had the lowest emissions ofboth greenhouse gases and acidifying gases, but the largest emissions of eutrophyingsubstances. The two phosphorus reducing systems showed significantly greaterpotential to reduce the emissions of eutrophying substances, but at the expense of largeremissions of greenhouse gases and acidifying gases, especially in the case of thereactive filter system. Local site characteristics such as the retention of nutrients, provedto play a vital role in the investigated sewage systems overall environmental impact. Inareas with high retention of phosphorus sewage systems with high emissions ofphosphorus (such as the soil treatment system) where favored. However, in areas whereeutrophication is problematic, it is justified to use phosphorus reducing systems.

Optimering av den kemiska reningen vid Fläskebo deponi / Optimization of the Chemical Treatment at Fläskebo Landfill

Nilsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Landfill leachate contains a variety of contaminants and is created when rainwater percolates the landfill. For landfill management the leachate is the main issue that can cause problems to the environment. At the landfill of Fläskebo, Renova AB treats the leachate in a local treatment plant. The treatment consists of a chemical treatment step with chemical precipitation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration, and a final step with a carbon and peat filter. Renova has to ensure that the condition of the leachate reaches the regulation set for the landfill before it is released to the recipient. This regulation has not yet been established and a final suggestion will be given to the county administrative board in spring 2006. In this master thesis the chemical treatment of Fläskebo is optimized. A comparison between the control program and the regulation was made to estimate the contamination of the leachate. Also the effectiveness of the two steps is evaluated. For optimization, the leachate was first tested in a laboratory with different coagulants and flocculants. The purpose was to increase the precipitation of particles and metals; arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, copper, nickel and zinc through sweep floc coagulation and hydroxide precipitation. After the laboratory tests the precipitation was tested in the treatment plant with higher pH and coagulant. Also the process control for sodium hydroxide was examined. The leachate had a small content of organic matter and nutrients, but had a large content of halogenated substances (AOX) and the heavy metals nickel and copper. High concentrations of contaminants were reduced better than low concentrations in the two treatment steps. The carbon and peat filter material also caused an increase of the arsenic content in the leachate after filtration. From the laboratory work the results showed a better reduction of metals with iron-chloride, PlusJÄRN and the anjonic polyacrylamid, Fennopol A. Because of the high content of chloride the iron- sulphate, PurFect was chosen for further tests. The optimal pH for the heavy metals arsenic, zinc, copper and nickel was between pH 9 and 9, 5. The precipitation in the treatment plant showed better results with sodium hydroxide and a higher pH, pH 9 in the flocculation basin. An increase of the coagulant PurFect from 202 mg/l to 225 mg/l meant only a higher chemical cost. The process control of sodium hydroxide showed an oscillating and unstable control performance, which may lead to a higher consumption of chemicals. / Lakvatten har varierande föroreningsgrad och karaktär och bildas då regnvatten perkolerar igenom en deponi. För en deponiverksamhet är lakvattnet den huvudsakliga påverkan på den omgivande miljön. Vid en av Renova ABs deponier, Fläskebo, utanför Göteborg sker reningen av vattnet i den lokala reningsanläggningen. Reningen består av kemisk fällning, flockning, sedimentering och filtrering samt ett kol- och torvfilter. För att få släppa ut lakvattnet har Renova just nu ett prövotidsvillkor på lakvattnets kvalité och till våren 2006 skall förslag på slutgiltiga utsläppsvillkor lämnas till Länsstyrelsen. I detta examensarbete har den kemiska reningen av lakvattnet från Fläskebo optimerats utifrån lakvattnets karaktär. Lakvattnets föroreningsgrad bedömdes efter en jämförelse av analysresultatet inom kontrollprogrammet och riktvärdena i prövotidsvillkoret. Dessutom utvärderades effektiviteten i varje enskilt reningssteg, den kemiska reningen och kol- och torvfiltret. För optimering av den kemiska reningen testades lakvattnet först på lab med olika fällnings- och flockningsmedel. Uppgiften var att öka partikelfällningen och reducera metallerna arsenik, kadmium, krom, kvicksilver, bly, koppar, nickel och zink i lakvattnet genom svepkoagulering och hydroxidfällning. Utifrån resultaten på lab testades sedan fällningen i full skala, pH höjdes i flockningsbassängen och så även dosen fällningsmedel till vattnet. En inledande undersökning av regleringen av lutdosering gjordes med några stegsvarsexperiment. Lakvatten innehöll låga halter av organiskt material och närsalterna kväve och fosfor, medan de halogena ämnena (AOX) och tungmetallerna nickel och koppar var höga. De båda reningsstegen, kemisk rening och kol- och torvfiltret var generellt bra på att rena föroreningar i höga koncentrationer men var sämre vid låga. Kol- och torvfiltret ökade koncentrationen i vattnet av arsenik genom materialets interna läckage. I fällningsförsöken gav järnkloriden, PlusJÄRN och den anjoniska polyakrylamiden, Fennopol A bäst resultat i att avskilja metaller. Järnsulfaten PurFect gav näst bäst resultat och valdes istället för järnkloriden för vidare försök då kloridhalten i lakvattnet redan var högt. Optimalt pH för arsenik, zink, koppar och nickel var inom pHintervallet 9 och 9,5. Fällningen i full skala ute i verket visade ett bättre resultat vid tillsatt lut och ett högre pH (pH 9) i flockningsbassängen. Däremot betydde en höjning av fällningskemikalien från 202 mg/l PurFect till 225 mg/l enbart en ökad kemikaliekostnad och en överdosering. Det visade sig dessutom att lutregleringen var svängig och på gränsen till instabil. Regulatorn bör därför ses över så att risken för ökad kemikaliekonsumption och kostnader minskar.

Synthesis and characterisation of CeO?, Sm?O? and Sm-doped CeO? nanoparticles with unique morphologies

Bugayeva, Natalia January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This work was concerned with investigations into the synthesis of Ce(OH)4, Sm(OH)3 and hydrated Ce-Sm mixed oxide nanoparticles with anisotropic morphologies via a chemical precipitation technique. The effect of various experimental parameters including temperature, aging time, ionic environment and thermal treatment on the morphology, structure of nanoparticles as well as elemental homogeneity of the mixed oxide nanoparticles was emphasised. It was shown that different experimental conditions resulted in different particle morphologies. This suggested that by tuning experimental parameters an ultimate goal of nanotechnology, the formation of nanoparticles with desired morphologies and sizes, may be achieved. It was found that by modifying experimental parameters it was possible to influence the development of various morphological and structural characteristics of Ce(OH)4 nanoparticles. The resulting morphologies were fibrous needle-like, rod-like and nanowire particles of various sizes. Characterisation of the nanoparticles was conducted through analysis by X-ray diffraction, surface area analysis and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Investigations into the structure of the hydrated CeO2 nanoparticles were undertaken since it is considered to be a key to the relevant properties of the material. The structure was found to exhibit multiple twinning phenomenon with 5-fold symmetry, with a consequence that atomic planes formed the particle surface. However, upon thermal treatment of needle-like particles, structural transformation was observed that possibly led to the development of more reactive and particle circumferential facets. A structural model and formation mechanism of such structures was proposed. ... A preliminary study into suitability of particle anisotropic morphology for compaction and densification processes was undertaken. Investigations into the sintering behaviour of the particles with anisotropic morphology were conducted on ceria nanoneedles. It was found that these particles displayed favourable sintering characteristics. The final densities of the hydrated ceria needle-like particle samples were achieved as high as 94.1% of the theoretical density after sintering at 1100°C for 5 hours.


GANDHI GIORDANO 06 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] Mediante avaliação experimental comparativa, foi estabelecido que os processos de tratamento eletrolítico e de precipitação química são adequados para o tratamento primário de chorume gerado em aterro de resíduo sólido urbano. Foi também comprovado experimentalmente ser o stripping uma operação indicada para a remoção da amônia presente no chorume. O trabalho teve início com a caracterização do chorume através de parâmetros sanitários convencionais e também de análise instrumental visando a determinação das substâncias orgânicas presentes. Nesta caracterização foi dada ênfase ao chorume do aterro metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro (Gramacho). A caracterização do chorume indicou altas concentrações de sais dissolvidos, amônia e matéria orgânica, características de chorume velho. Os resultados são compatíveis com os obtidos com amostras de chorume oriundas de aterros de mesmo porte de outros países. No chorume bruto a concentração de amônia ficou normalmente cerca de 500 vezes acima do limite de lançamento. A amônia apresenta alta toxidade aos peixes, o que torna a sua remoção justificada e necessária. Por outro lado, as análises instrumentais utilizando a técnica de cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa (GC/MS), permitiram a identificação, ainda inédita, de substâncias orgânicas oriundas da biodegradação e/ou decomposição dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, bem como de produtos químicos dispostos no aterro ou contidos em embalagens. Foi também conduzido um programa experimental, em escala de bancada, para avaliar a aplicação dos processos eletrolíticos e de precipitação química ao tratamento do chorume. Foram investigados diversos parâmetros, tais como:adição de produtos químicos, consumo de energia, quantidade e características do lodo gerado e qualidade do chorume tratado em relação a diversos parâmetros sanitários. O chorume tratado também foi submetido a análise cromatográfica, de modo a determinar alterações qualitativas na sua composição química durante o tratamento. O processo eletrolítico mostrou-se bastante indicado para a remoção de compostos orgânicos do chorume, porém não adequado para a remoção de amônia. A precipitação química mostrou-se boa para a remoção de orgânicos e propiciadora da remoção de amônia, sem ser, no entanto, a melhor opção do ponto de vista de otimização de custos. A melhor solução encontrada, sob todos os aspectos, consiste na combinação desses dois processos. Foi então conduzida uma série de experimentos voltados para a remoção da amônia por stripping, após a etapa de precipitação química com hidróxido de cálcio (cal). Investigou -se a influência de parâmetros tais como pH e temperatura na eficiência de remoção de amônia, tendo sido obtidas eficiências de remoção da ordem de 90 % nas condições de pH na faixa de 10 a 12,5 na temperatura ambiente. Estes resultados experimentais indicaram que os processos físicoquímicos estudados são a alternativa mais vantajosa para a remoção das altas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal encontradas no chorume. A remoção dessas grandes quantidades de N-NH3 também foi vantajosa, tanto operacional como economicamente, considerando-se a etapa subseqüente de tratamento biológico. Verificou-se também que a quantidade de amônia removida do chorume de Gramacho através do stripping aponta para a possibilidade de sua recuperação para fins econômicos, sob a forma de sulfato de amônio. / [en] Following an experimental examination of available techniques, it was established that electrolytic treatment and chemical precipitation are most adequate for the primary treatment of leachates generated in municipal solid waste landfills. It was also determined experimentally that an air stripping operation is indicated for removal of ammonia present in the leachate. The initial stages of this present work concerned the characterization of leachate in accordance with conventional sanitary parameters, together with analytically determined organics contents. In making such characterizations, use was made of the leachate emanating from the metropolitan landfill of Rio de Janeiro (Gramacho). This leachate exhibited high concentrations of dissolved salts, ammonia and organic material - typical of old established landfills. Such results are comparable with those obtained from similar landfills in other countries. The concentration of ammonia in the raw leachate was frequently at least 500 times the permissible limit. Ammonia is highly toxic towards fish and its removal is accordingly justified on these grounds alone. Furthermore, the analyses were carried out using the techniques of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MC), which permitted the identification, previously unreported, of organic substances, originated from the biodegradation and/or decomposition of municipal solid wastes, and of the chemical products found in the landfill itself or in deposited containers. An experimental programme was, at the same time, conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the application of the electrolytic and chemical precipitation processes for the treatment of leachate. A number of diverse parameters were investigated, such as: usage of chemicals, energy consumptions, quantity and characteristics of sludge generated, and the quality of treated leachate, in terms of diverse sanitary parameters. The treated leachate was also submitted to chromatographic analysis in order to determine changes in its chemical composition during treatment. The electrolytic process was shown to be well suited to the removal of organic materials from the leachate but was not effective in the removal of ammonia. Chemical precipitation was found to be a suitable means of removal of both organics and ammonia, although it does not feature highly in terms of its cost effectiveness. A better solution, in the overall sense, is considered to be that which comprises a combination of these two processes. A series of experiments was also undertaken designed to investigate the removal of ammonia by air stripping, after the chemical precipitation stage with calcium hydroxide. During these experiments, the influence on the efficiency of removal of ammonia of parameters such as pH and temperature was determined. Removal efficiencies of the order of 90% were obtained at pH levels between 10 and 12.5, at ambient temperature. These experimental results indicate that the physico-chemical processes studied represent the optimum alternative for removal of high concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen encountered in leachate. The removal of large quantities of N - NH3 is furthermore considered to be economically attractive when followed by biological treatment. It was also established that the quantity of ammonia, which could be removed from the Gramacho leachate, utilizing the stripping process, is such as to present economic possibilities for its recovery as ammonium sulphate.


[pt] Os efluentes industriais dos processos de mineração e metalurgia extrativa, podem conter variáveis teores de As, Se, Sb e Bi tornando-se uma fonte potencial de poluição. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a remoção de As, Se, Sb e Bi presentes na mesma solução aquosa, por precipitação química empregando íons de agentes precipitantes, em condições oxidantes e reduzidas. Para isso, foram empregadas soluções sintéticas mistas dos analitos. As variáveis avaliadas foram: tipo de agente precipitante (Fe(III), Fe(II), Al(III) e Ca(II)), pH, relação molar agente precipitante/analito, concentração inicial de As, Se, Sb e Bi e a pré-oxidação destes elementos com H2O2. Para soluções contendo concentração inicial de 200 mg/L dos analitos sem pré-oxidação, foi possível atingir 99,95 por cento de eficiência de remoção e concentrações residuais de 0,11 mg/L, 0,10 mg/L, 0,08 mg/L, 0,01 mg/L para As, Se, Sb e Bi, respectivamente, por precipitação com Fe(III), a pH 5 em 30 minutos de reação e relação molar Fe(III)/As, Se, Sb e Bi = 7. Esses valores obtidos enquadram-se dentro do permitido pela resolução CONAMA 430/2011 para descarte de efluentes de As e Se. Sendo que o pH ótimo para precipitar As, Se, Sb e Bi depende do estado de oxidação de seus oxiânions, enquanto o agente precipitante Fe(III) foi bem superior ao Fe(II), Al(III) e Ca(II) para remover As, Se, Sb e Bi sem ou com pré-oxidação. A pré-oxidação desses elementos com H2O2 influenciou na remoção de As e Se, uma vez que o As foi bem melhor removido com pré-oxidação e Se sem pré-oxidação. Já o Sb e Bi não foram influenciados pela pré-oxidação. A relação molar ótima de Fe(III)/As, Se, Sb e Bi foi de 5 e 7 Finalmente as micrografias obtidas por MEV mostram uma estrutura compacta aglomerada de tamanho irregular, variando de protuberância de várias dezenas de mícrons e, a análise semiquantitativa mostrou que estão constituídos principalmente pelos elementos As, Se, Sb, Bi, Fe, O, Cl e Na, estando Fe e O em maior quantidade. / [en] The industrial effluents from mining and extractive metallurgy processes may contain varying amounts of As, Se, Sb and Bi becoming a potential source of pollution. The object of the present work was to investigate the removal of As, Se, Sb and Bi present in the same aqueous solution, by chemical precipitation using cations of precipitating agents, under oxidizing and reduced conditions. For this, mixed synthetic solutions. The variables evaluated were: precipitating agent type (Fe (III), Fe (II), Al (III) and Ca (II)), pH, precipitating /analytes molar ratio, initial concentration of As, Se, Sb and Bi And the preoxidation of these elements with H2O2. For solutions containing the initial concentration of 200 mg / L of the analytes without pre-oxidation, it was possible to achieve 99.95 percent removal efficiency and residual concentrations of 0.11 mg / L, 0.10 mg / L, 0.08 mg / L, 0.01 mg / L for As, Se, Sb and Bi, respectively, by Fe (III) precipitation, at pH 5 in 30 minutes of reaction and Fe (III) / As, Se, Sb and Bi = 7. These values are within the limits allowed by CONAMA Resolution 430/2011 for the disposal of As and Se effluents. The optimum pH to precipitate As, Se, Sb and Bi depends on the oxidation state of its oxyanions, while the Fe (III) precipitating agent was well above Fe (II), Al (III) and Ca (II) to remove As, Se, Sb and Bi. Pre-oxidation of these elements with H2O2 influenced the removal of As and Se, however Sb and Bi were not influenced by pre-oxidation. The optimal molar ratio of Fe (III) / As, Se, Sb and Bi was 5 and 7 to precipitate these elements. Finally, the micrographs obtained by MEV show a compact agglomerated structure, and the semiquantitative analysis showed that they are constituted mainly by elements As, Se, Sb, Bi, Fe, O, Cl and Na , With Fe and O being in greater quantity.

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