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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visões da modernidade nas histórias em quadrinhos: Gotham e Metrópolis em finais de 1930 / Visions of modernity in comic books: Gotham and Metropolis in the late 1930s

Marina Cavalcante Vieira 11 May 2012 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Metrópolis e Gotham são as cidades imaginárias das histórias em quadrinhos que, respectivamente, ambientam as aventuras do Super-Homem e Batman. Estes dois super-heróis foram criados nos Estados Unidos em finais da década de 1930 e continuam a povoar a vida de crianças e adultos oito décadas depois de sua concepção. O objetivo desta dissertação é fazer uma análise das cidades do Super-Homem e Batman em seu contexto de criação por meio de uma análise etnográfica da literatura em quadrinhos. Objetiva-se analisar as representações dessas cidades ficcionais em relação com as questões vividas pelas grandes cidades norte-americanas de sua época, como crime, migração e delinquência. Para tanto, analisa-se as primeiras histórias dos referidos super-heróis publicadas desde a sua criação em 1938 e 1939 até a entrada dos Estados Unidos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, em dezembro de 1941. Discute-se a questão da dupla identidade, da liberdade e do anonimato nas grandes cidades a partir do gênero de super-heróis, bem como contextualiza-se a criação dos quadrinhos como um meio de comunicação de massa nascido no ambiente moderno e urbano. A tese central desta dissertação gira em torno da discussão sobre cidades e Modernidade. Considera-se Gotham e Metrópolis como representações que refletem pontos de vista distintos sobre as grandes cidades modernas. A primeira é uma cidade noturna e violenta de crimes relacionados com a loucura, o crime organizado e a migração. Subjaz aqui a noção de que a modernidade, tendo como locus as grandes cidades, seria um fator que desagrega a vida social levando os habitantes de Gotham City a enfrentar um cotidiano de conflitos, seja com criminosos, loucos ou imigrantes. Metrópolis, por sua vez, enfrenta em seu cotidiano problemas técnicos e crimes de cunho moral, sendo uma cidade diurna de linhas retas e prédios de estilos arquitetônicos modernistas retratados a partir de imagens panorâmicas que destacam seus prédios e arranha-céus iluminados, enquanto Gotham é representada como uma cidade escura de prédios monolíticos que se repetem indistintamente em seu horizonte. Por mais ficcionais, utópicas ou distópicas que possam ser as cidades das histórias em quadrinhos elas são representações que se relacionam com o imaginário da época e sociedade em que foram criadas. Esta dissertação compreende Gotham City e Metrópolis como sínteses de concepções urbanas modernas, relacionando-as com correntes urbanísticas presentes nas primeiras décadas do século XX e com questões colocadas pelo pensamento social da Escola de Chicago de Sociologia. / Metropolis and Gotham are the imaginary cities of comics that respectively set the adventures of Superman and Batman. These two superheroes were created in the United States in the late 1930s and continue to populate the lives of children and adults eight decades after its conception. The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the cities of Superman and Batman in their context of creation through an ethnographic analysis of comic book literature. The aim is to analyze the fictional representations of these cities in relation to the issues faced by large North American cities of its time, such as crime, migration and delinquency. In this intent the first stories of these superheroes are analyzed since its creation in 1938 and 1939 until the U.S. entry into World War II in December 1941. It is discussed the question of dual identities, freedom and anonymity in large cities through the comic book superheroes genre, as well it is contextualized the creation of comics as a medium of mass communication born in modern and urban context. The central thesis of this dissertation is developed around the discussion between cities and Modernity. Gotham and Metropolis are seem as representations that reflects distinct point of view about great modern cities. The former is a nocturnal and violent city which crimes are related to madness, organized crime and migration. Here underlies the notion that modernity, having as its prime locus the large cities, it is a factor that disrupts the social life leading the inhabitants of Gotham City to face a daily conflict with either criminals, madmen or immigrants. The city of Metropolis, in turn, faces technical problems and moral crimes, a daytime city of straight lines and buildings of modernist architectural styles always portrayed from panoramic images that highlight their buildings and gleaming skyscrapers, while Gotham is represented as a city with a dark outline of monolithic buildings repeated without distinction on the horizon. Cities of comics are representations that either fictional, utopian or dystopian they may be, are related to the imagery time and society in which they were created. This dissertation comprises Gotham City and Metropolis as synthesis of modern urban concepts, relating them to urban conceptions present in the first decades of the twentieth century and with issues exposed by the social thought of the Chicago School of Sociology.

A iminência da subordinação aos Estados Unidos: a afirmação do Brasil como periferia do capitalismo na exposição universal de Chicago / The imminence of subordination to the United States: the Brazilian affirmation as a periphery of Capitalism during the Universal exhibition of Chicago

Raimundo Jucier Sousa de Assis 27 January 2017 (has links)
Considerando as exposições universais como espetáculos produtores de vitrines da geopolítica do capitalismo, elaboradas com o intuito de comparar os centros e as periferias do mercado mundial, a presente investigação compõe uma análise sobre as informações gratuitas oferecidas pelo Brasil no contexto da aproximação geopolítica com os Estados Unidos na transição do século XIX para o século XX. Organizamos nossa pesquisa a partir de fontes documentais que se referem a produção de livros, de catálogos e de relatórios escritos, bem como, das amostras dos produtos da natureza e da agricultura que foram selecionadas, inventariadas e dispostas para serem juntamente apresentadas na exposição universal de Chicago. Os textos e amostras sobre o território do Brasil ocultavam um encontro de processos históricos entre centro e periferia: por um lado, os Estados Unidos buscavam operacionalizar o pan-americanismo da Doutrina Monroe, definindo a América Latina como sua área de influência, seu espaço novo no presente e para o futuro de seus domínios, naquela era de neocolonialismo das grandes potências; por outro lado, as frações de classes dominantes e os representantes de oligarquias no Brasil no início da República emitiam, por meio de textos e propagandas em tom científico, as seguranças para a reprodução do capitalismo no Brasil, a partir da demonstração de que se tinha o controle da propriedade, os extensos espaços virgens ainda existentes para serem explorados, produtos primários para exportação e capacidade para importar os excedentes de capital e de trabalho. Além do mais, esses documentos permitiam que partes do território do Brasil pudessem ser estudadas e arquivadas por aqueles que tivessem acesso a essa produção intelectual, documentos que demarcavam com precisão as riquezas naturais e as potências da exploração da natureza para mineração, monocultura ou mesmo para investimentos no desenvolvimento de infraestrutura de transporte, como as ferrovias. Afinal, mesmo que a apresentação de qualquer Estado moderno na exposição universal de Chicago não permitisse ser reduzida a intenções bilaterais, o escoamento de grande parte da produção do café e do açúcar para os Estados Unidos, a criação de uma Constituição brasileira com aportes políticos e jurídicos americanos, a disposição e intervenção dos Estados Unidos na Revolta da Armada e um início de acordo comercial travado entre os dois Estados, salvando a balança comercial brasileira no início da década de 1890, permitem que entendamos o envio da elaboração intelectual sobre os produtos primários como parcela dos estoques de ideias e de fontes atrativas que ocultavam prenúncios da subordinação do território do Brasil aos possuidores de capital e aos representantes políticos do imperialismo americano. / Considering Universal Fairs as geopolitical showcase spectacles of capitalism, created in the aim to compare the centers and periphery of global market, the present investigation dispose an analysis over the Brazilian territory in the transition from XIXth to XXth century, right after the abolition of slavery and the beginning of the First Republic. It was discussed the free information which was offered do the American imperialism, in one hand, shaped by an array of intellectual products about the Brazilian territory, produced by State representatives, from fractions of dominant class or their intellectual partners, such as books, catalogues and reports, and, in another hand, by the reports of combined samples of manufactures from foreign and internal markets, both elected to be exposed in the Brazils exposition in the Universal Fair of Chicago, in 1893. Despite the intense subordination to the free-commerce imperialism of Great Britain and other European centers, the transition from eighteenth to nineteenth century presented a major part of fractions from the dominant classes and the Brazilians State deputies, seeking for closeness to the capital holders and political chiefs from the United States of America, relations that became reciprocal by supporting the very military coup in the foundations of the Brazilians first Republic, in 1889, recognized by the United States. In this way, the United States of America managed to proceed with their pan-americanism by the Monroes Doctrine, which was already prepared. On the other side, Brazilian oligarchies emitted texts and propaganda in scientific language over the reproduction of capitalism in Brazil, the control of property, the extensive virgin spaces that already existed to be explored. Adding to this, these documents allowed that parts of the Brazilian territory could be studied and archived by those who had access to this intellectual products, documents which stated with precision the natural richness and the potentialities of the exploration of nature to mining, monoculture, or even to investments for developing transportation infrastructure, such as railways. After all, the trade of great part of the coffee to the United States of America, the creation of a Brazilian constitution with political and juridical affairs to Americans, the United States interventions in Revolta da Armada, and the beginning of a trade agreement signed by both States, saving the Brazilian trade balance in the beginning of the 1890 decade, enable us to understand how sending the intellectual production over its natural resources and their products to all who demonstrate interest hide, especially, part of the stock of ideas and attractive sources that accumulated as part of the subordination of the Brazilian territory to the capital holders and political representatives of the American imperialism.

La proposition 100% monnaie des années 1930 : clarification conceptuelle et analyse théorique / The 100% money proposal of the 1930s : conceptual clarification and theoretical analysis

Demeulemeester, Samuel 06 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la proposition 100% monnaie, telle qu’elle fut formulée aux États-Unis dans les années 1930 par Henry Simons (l’auteur principal du « Plan de Chicago »), Lauchlin Currie et Irving Fisher notamment. L’essence de cette proposition est de divorcer la création de monnaie des prêts de monnaie : les dépôts servant de moyens de paiement seraient soumis à 100% de réserve en monnaie légale, conférant à l’État un monopole de la création monétaire. Cette idée de réforme étant régulièrement sujette à confusion, nous entreprenons de clarifier son concept et d’étudier ses principaux arguments. Au chapitre 1, nous montrons que le 100% monnaie ne saurait être considéré comme un simple avatar des idées de la « Currency School » : contrairement à l’Acte de Peel de 1844, il ne contient en soi aucune règle d’émission, laissant ouvert le débat « règle ou discrétion ». Au chapitre 2, distinguant entre deux grandes approches du 100% monnaie, nous montrons que celui-ci n’implique nullement d’abolir l’intermédiation bancaire basée sur les dépôts d’épargne. Au chapitre 3, nous analysons, à travers les travaux de Fisher, l’objectif principal du 100% monnaie : celui de mettre fin au comportement procyclique du volume de monnaie, causé par le lien de dépendance entre création monétaire et prêts bancaires. Au chapitre 4, nous étudions un autre argument du 100% monnaie : celui de permettre une réduction de la dette publique, en rendant à l’État l’intégralité du seigneuriage – argument souvent critiqué, dont nous montrons qu’il n’est pourtant pas infondé. Alors que le 100% monnaie suscite un regain d’intérêt depuis la crise de 2008, il nous a paru fondamental de clarifier ces questions. / This thesis studies the 100% money proposal, such as it was formulated in the United States in the 1930s by Henry Simons (the main author of the “Chicago Plan”), Lauchlin Currie and Irving Fisher in particular. The essence of this proposal is to divorce the creation of money from the lending of money: deposits serving as means of payment would be subjected to 100% reserves in lawful money, awarding the state a monopoly over money creation. Because this reform idea is regularly subject to confusion, we endeavour to clarify its concept and study its main arguments. In chapter 1, we show that the 100% money proposal ought not to be viewed as a mere avatar of the “Currency School” ideas: contrary to Peel’s Act of 1844, it contains no issuing rule by itself, leaving open the debate “rule or discretion”. In chapter 2, distinguishing between two broad approaches to the 100% money proposal, we show that it does not imply abolishing bank intermediation based on savings deposits at all. In chapter 3, we analyse, through Fisher’s works, the main objective of the 100% money proposal: that of putting an end to the pro-cyclical behaviour of the volume of money, caused by the dependency relationship between money creation and bank loans. In chapter 4, we study another argument of the 100% money proposal: that of allowing a reduction of public debt, by returning the totality of seigniorage back to the state—an oft-criticised argument, which, as we show, is not unfounded however. While the 100% money proposal has been arousing renewed interest since the 2008 crisis, we thought it was fundamental to clarify these issues.

Documenting Divas: Adelina Patti and Clara Louise Kellogg in the Chicago Tribune, 1860-1876

Jancaus, Kathryn Beatrice 22 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"České CHicago" - etnohistorický pohled na vývoj českého etnika v americkém městě v letech 1852-1945 / Čzech Chicago" - Ethnohistorical View of the Development of the Czech Minority in the American City in the years 1852-1945

Kříž, Jaroslav January 2022 (has links)
During the migration waves in the 19th century many Czechs immigrated to America. One of their final destinations was the city of Chicago. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries this became the largest Czech occupied base abroad. Over a hundred thousand Czechs lived in Chicago at that time so it was therefore considered to be the third largest Czech city. The topic of the dissertation thesis is the analysis the course of Czech migration to Chicago and the related development of the Czech minority. Key attention is devoted to the socio-cultural, economic and political development of the Czech minority in terms of ethno-historical methods. Furthermore, the author will focus on important historical milestones and events of this city, which in some way influenced the Czech minority. Time definition of work is 1852-1945 and follows from a historical perspective, because the first Czech immigrants arrive in greater numbers to this American territory only in the fifties of the 19th century. On the other hand, the Second World War concludes a period that was important for the Czech ethnic group in Chicago. After 1945 there is a significant assimilation process (the Czech minority is massively Americanized) and the Czech expatriate center is declining in importance.


Stanforth, Austin Curran 23 August 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Extreme Heat Events are the leading cause of weather-related mortalities in the continental United States. Recent publications have suggested that vulnerability to extreme heat is impacted by variations in environmental and socioeconomic conditions, even across small spatial units. This study evaluated the usefulness of socioeconomic variables and satellite-derived environmental measurements as predictors of heat-related vulnerability during the July 14-17, 1995 heat wave in Chicago, IL. Geospatial analysis and statistical processes were implemented to identify and rank characteristics of vulnerable populations. Results suggest population density, educational attainment, age, and financial indicators are among the best predictors of heat vulnerability. Proximity to and intensity of Urban Heat Islands also appears to influence neighborhood vulnerability levels. Identification and mapping of vulnerability variables can distinguish locations of increased vulnerability during extreme weather conditions. These vulnerability maps could be utilized by city officials to plan and implement aid programs to specific high risk neighborhoods before an extreme heat event, and resulting health implications, occur. Continued study and implementation of these variables could also assist in identifying vulnerable populations in other urban environments, improve utilization of location-specific heat warning systems and impact new building policies to decrease vulnerability variables across the country.

Redlining Impacts on Public School Closures and School Quality in Chicago

Mei, Claire January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


UNGER, MARVIN. January 1982 (has links)
Two municipal sludges, one from a highly industrialized city, Chicago, and another from a lesser industrialized, highly agricultural area, Tucson, are compared for barley production on Pima c 1 (Typic torrifluvent). Both sludges were responsible for highly significant additions of Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and P to the soil each year at the rates of 100mt/ha single and 20mt/ha for 2 years. Nitrogen responses for barley straw and grain were observed from both sludges. Tucson sludge appears to be attractive as a potential fertilizer, not only as an NPK source, but also for its minimal amounts of heavy metals. The Chicago sludge with high levels of heavy metals, particularly Cd, appears unsuited as a fertilizer because of the plant's tendency to take up toxic levels of heavy metals.

Funciones normativas estatales en los tratados internacionales de Derecho Aeronáutico Privado entre 1990 y 2010

Dorna Moscoso, Alejandro January 2015 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Las investigaciones en Derecho Aeronáutico Internacional Privado carecen de una aproximación general, favoreciendo trabajos individuales de cada instrumento. El trabajo aborda en conjunto los convenios de Montreal-1999, Ciudad del Cabo-2001 (incluyendo su protocolo aeronáutico del mismo año) y Montreal-2009. Desde las funciones normativas estatales (producción, aplicación y ejecución de la norma jurídica) se traza la configuración del sistema jurídico aeronáutico internacional privado. Se encuentran correlaciones en todos los instrumentos privados con el fin de concretar un tráfico internacional jurídica- y materialmente expedito, así como uno económico fluido. En adición, hacen énfasis en el aseguramiento en la protección de derechos involucrados, sin perder el balance del sistema. Los tratados privados comparten principios de Orden Público Aeronáutico más allá de una jerarquía con el Convenio de Chicago de 1944 a la cabeza. Ello reporta la obligación de interpretar el ordenamiento aeronáutico internacional privado no tan solo entre sí, sino en conjunto con el público. Esto permite comprender la realidad del ordenamiento aeronáutico contemporáneo.

Regaining Independence: A Critical Look at the Chicago Housing Authority from 2000 to 2016

Hidalgo-Wohlleben, Francesca 01 January 2017 (has links)
In 1995, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took over the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) on grounds of mismanagement and failure to revitalize a failing housing stock. When the CHA regained independence five years later, in 2000, the agency launched the most extensive redevelopment effort of public housing in the nation’s history. This paper assesses the extent to which the CHA has succeeded in meeting the directive outlined by the Plan for Transformation. It concludes that, despite setbacks in meeting specific goals, the CHA has demonstrated itself to be an effective and accountable housing agency. Nonetheless, the CHA needs to addresses shortcomings in the transparency of management, efficiency of operations, and accessibility of services.

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