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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fizinio aktyvumo bei sveikos mitybos ugdymas Kauno miesto vaikų dienos centruose / Physical activity and healthy diet education at child day care centers of Kaunas city

Ambraškaitė, Rūta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiais laikais vis daugiau kuriasi vaikų dienos centrų, kurie siekia ugdyti vaiką visapusiškai. Skatinti ir padidinti fizinį aktyvumą bei ugdyti sveikos mitybos įpročius galima ir juose. Judėjimo bei mitybos įpročiai formuojasi jau vaikystėje tačiau kiekvienais metais jie turi būti tinkamai pastiprinami. Jaunuoliai, kurie užsiima sportine veikla turi mažiau laiko įsitraukti į nusikalstamas grupuotes taip pat jie ugdo ir savo socialinius įgūdžius. Suderinus sveiką mitybą bei fizinį aktyvumą saugoma sveikata. Tyrimo objektas: Fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikos mitybos ugdymas vaikų dienos centre. Tyrimo tikslas – Nustatyti bei įvertinti ar Kauno miesto vaikų dienos centruose ugdomas fizinis aktyvumas bei sveikos mitybos įpročiai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti vaikų dienos centrų infrastruktūros ir žmogiškųjų išteklių galimybes fizinės veiklos plėtrai. 2. Ištirti bei įvertinti vaikų dienos centruose vykdomos fizinė veiklos ypatumus. 3. Ištirti bei įvertinti sveikos mitybos įpročių ugdymo ypatumus vaikų dienos centruose. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad vaikų dienos centrų patalpos nėra pritaikytos fizinės veiklos vystymui. Dažniausiai tai būna klasės dydžio patalpa, kuri apstatyta stalais, kėdėm ir kt. Taip pat pastebėta, kad centruose trūksta inventoriaus, kuris padėtų ar skatintų vaikus užsiimti fiziškai aktyvia veikla. Paaiškėjo, kad fizinė veikla vykdoma, tačiau retai. Savanorių pagrindinė veikla – pagalba vaikams ruošiant pamokas. Vaikai noriai dalyvauja sporto renginiuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Presently, more child day care centers are being established, which aims to develop a child. Encourage and increase physical activity as well as develop a healthy diet habits. Movement and eating habits are being formed in childhood but every year they must be fortified correctly. Children must understand the benefits of physical activity and healthy diet. Young people who engage in sports activities have less time to engage in criminal groups, they also develop their social skills. Health is preserved by matching healthy diet and physical activity. The object of the research : Physical activity and healthy eating habits education in child day care centers. The purpose of the research : To identify and evaluate whether Kaunas city child day care centers fostered physical activity and healthy eating habits. Tasks to study : 1. Describe the day care center’s infrastructure and human resource capabilities for development of physical activity. 2. Investigate and asses the characteristics of physical activity at child day care centers. 3. Investigate and asses the peculiarities of educating children the habits of healthy eating iat child day care centers. The investigation revealed that the child day care centers are not suitable for physical activity development. Often it is the class room, which built a table, chairs and so on. It was also noted that a lack of inventory centers, which assist or encourage children to engage in physically active. It turns out that physical... [to full text]

Olhar de Trabalhadoras de Creches Sobre o Cuidado da Criança / The day-nurseries workers’ viewpoint on child care

Verissimo, Maria de La O Ramallo 29 August 2001 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender e analisar as representações de profissionais que atuam em creche, acerca do cuidado da criança. O referencial teórico adotado foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici. Os dados foram coletados junto a 7 coordenadoras e 9 educadoras, de três creches vinculadas a uma universidade pública, no Município de São Paulo. Com as coordenadoras, a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Com as educadoras, foi realizada uma oficina pedagógica, estruturada em 4 encontros. Os tópicos estabelecidos para cada encontro visaram compreender o que os sujeitos do estudo pensam, sentem e fazem, em relação ao cuidado da criança. Os encontros e as entrevistas foram gravados, transcritos na íntegra e os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo, segundo a técnica de análise temática. Foram obtidos os seguintes temas: A creche, O trabalho na creche, O cuidado da criança na creche e A creche e a família. Com base na análise, identificou-se que, para as coordenadoras, o cuidado é definido como as ações realizadas para atender às necessidades físicas e emocionais da criança, além de estabelecimento de vínculo afetivo. Cuidado e educação têm igual valor e se integram porque as crianças aprendem algo durante as ações de cuidado. Para as educadoras, cuidar é prover o bem-estar da criança (alimentar, higienizar, permitir o descanso, manter a segurança física). Consideram o cuidado como uma etapa preliminar das atividades pedagógicas, que permite à criança sentir-se disposta a aprender. Para ambos os grupos, o cuidado profissional é diferente do cuidado oferecido em casa porque se fundamenta em princípios científicos e rotinas institucionais. Conclui-se que as trabalhadoras, apesar de cuidarem extensivamente das crianças, não reconhecem essas ações como cuidado, o que se deve à falta de reflexão sobre um referencial teórico-conceitual para fundamentar o cuidado na creche. / This study aimed to ponder and analyze the representations of the professionals actuating in day nurseries concerning the care of the child. The theoretical referential adopted was the Theory of the Social Representations by Moscovici, bearing in mind that care of the child is a phenomenon ever-present in humanity’s history that has been re-interpreted as much in the light of science as in that of the knowledge of common sense. The data was gathered from 7 coordinators and 9 educators (all 16 were women) from three day nurseries connected to a public university in the São Paulo municipality. The data obtained from the coordinators was collected through semi-structured individual interviews. That from the educators was effected through a pedagogical workshop structured into 4 group encounters. The topics set out for each meeting aimed at understanding what the subjects of the study think of, feel and do with reference to the care of the child. The meetings and interviews were registered on tape, integrally transcribed and the data submitted to the analysis of the contents, according to the technique of thematic analysis. The following themes were obtained: The day nursery, The work in the nursery, The care of the child in the nursery and The Nursery and the family. Based on the analysis it was shown that, for the coordinators, the care is defined as the actions taken to attend to the child’s physical and emotional necessities and for the establishing of an emotional attachment. Care and education have the same value and integrate because the children learn something during the care actions. As concerns the educators, to care is to provide the child’s well being (nourishment, hygiene, rest, maintain physical security). They consider the care as a preliminary step to pedagogical activities that allow the child to feel apt for learning. For both groups, the professional care differs from that given at home because it is based on scientific principles and institutional routines. It is concluded that the workers, in spite of taking extensive care of the children, do not recognize these actions as care, this being due to the fact that no theoretical-conceptional referential is being used to establish the care in the nursery.

Olhar de Trabalhadoras de Creches Sobre o Cuidado da Criança / The day-nurseries workers’ viewpoint on child care

Maria de La O Ramallo Verissimo 29 August 2001 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender e analisar as representações de profissionais que atuam em creche, acerca do cuidado da criança. O referencial teórico adotado foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici. Os dados foram coletados junto a 7 coordenadoras e 9 educadoras, de três creches vinculadas a uma universidade pública, no Município de São Paulo. Com as coordenadoras, a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Com as educadoras, foi realizada uma oficina pedagógica, estruturada em 4 encontros. Os tópicos estabelecidos para cada encontro visaram compreender o que os sujeitos do estudo pensam, sentem e fazem, em relação ao cuidado da criança. Os encontros e as entrevistas foram gravados, transcritos na íntegra e os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo, segundo a técnica de análise temática. Foram obtidos os seguintes temas: A creche, O trabalho na creche, O cuidado da criança na creche e A creche e a família. Com base na análise, identificou-se que, para as coordenadoras, o cuidado é definido como as ações realizadas para atender às necessidades físicas e emocionais da criança, além de estabelecimento de vínculo afetivo. Cuidado e educação têm igual valor e se integram porque as crianças aprendem algo durante as ações de cuidado. Para as educadoras, cuidar é prover o bem-estar da criança (alimentar, higienizar, permitir o descanso, manter a segurança física). Consideram o cuidado como uma etapa preliminar das atividades pedagógicas, que permite à criança sentir-se disposta a aprender. Para ambos os grupos, o cuidado profissional é diferente do cuidado oferecido em casa porque se fundamenta em princípios científicos e rotinas institucionais. Conclui-se que as trabalhadoras, apesar de cuidarem extensivamente das crianças, não reconhecem essas ações como cuidado, o que se deve à falta de reflexão sobre um referencial teórico-conceitual para fundamentar o cuidado na creche. / This study aimed to ponder and analyze the representations of the professionals actuating in day nurseries concerning the care of the child. The theoretical referential adopted was the Theory of the Social Representations by Moscovici, bearing in mind that care of the child is a phenomenon ever-present in humanity’s history that has been re-interpreted as much in the light of science as in that of the knowledge of common sense. The data was gathered from 7 coordinators and 9 educators (all 16 were women) from three day nurseries connected to a public university in the São Paulo municipality. The data obtained from the coordinators was collected through semi-structured individual interviews. That from the educators was effected through a pedagogical workshop structured into 4 group encounters. The topics set out for each meeting aimed at understanding what the subjects of the study think of, feel and do with reference to the care of the child. The meetings and interviews were registered on tape, integrally transcribed and the data submitted to the analysis of the contents, according to the technique of thematic analysis. The following themes were obtained: The day nursery, The work in the nursery, The care of the child in the nursery and The Nursery and the family. Based on the analysis it was shown that, for the coordinators, the care is defined as the actions taken to attend to the child’s physical and emotional necessities and for the establishing of an emotional attachment. Care and education have the same value and integrate because the children learn something during the care actions. As concerns the educators, to care is to provide the child’s well being (nourishment, hygiene, rest, maintain physical security). They consider the care as a preliminary step to pedagogical activities that allow the child to feel apt for learning. For both groups, the professional care differs from that given at home because it is based on scientific principles and institutional routines. It is concluded that the workers, in spite of taking extensive care of the children, do not recognize these actions as care, this being due to the fact that no theoretical-conceptional referential is being used to establish the care in the nursery.

Komandinis darbas teikiant psichosocialines paslaugas vaikų dienos centre / Team work on provision of psychosocial services in the child day care center

Kupčiūnienė, Sigita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama ištirti komandinio darbo realijas ir galimybes teikiant psichosocialines paslaugas Vaikų dienos centre. Atlikus literatūros analizę, išaiškėjo, kad vienas iš socialinės pagalbos projektų yra vaikų dienos centrai, tačiau didėjant tėvų užimtumui, atsirandant emocinio šeimos šaltumo problemoms, vaiko psichosocialinė padėtis blogėja. Taigi įprastų vaikų dienos centrų ir jų teikiamos pagalbos neužtenka. Todėl atsiranda poreikis psichosocialinės pagalbos specialistų komandai atsirasti. Išanalizavus komandos funkcijas, tenkinant psichosocialinius klientų poreikius paaiškėjo, kad kiekviena komanda yra sistema kuri remiasi tam tikru kontekstu, aplinka, kliento problemos specifiškumu. Pateiktos alternatyvos įprastiems pagalbos būdams vaikų dienos centruose - tai meno terapijos metodai taikomi kaip kompleksinės pagalbos priemonė vaikų psichosocialinėje reabilitacijoje. Atskleidus šių metodų taikymo galimybes komandos darbo kontekste, tyrimo metu, nustatyta, kad realiai taikant šiuos metodus jie padeda išreikšti neigiamus jausmus priimtinu būdu, padeda neverbaliai užmegzti kontaktų su kitais grupės nariais, leidžia suvokti bei išreikšti vidinius konfliktus. Ištyrus komandos darbo rezultatą nustatyta, kad visi darbo metodai yra tinkami ir papildo vienas kitą, tačiau meno terapijos metodai yra nauja perspektyva vaiko pagalbos procese! Todėl tikimės, kad greitai Lietuvoje turėsime naują, Meno terapeuto, profesiją. / This research paper strives to investigate the realia and perspectives of a team work in provision of psychosocial services in the Child day care center. Carried out literature analysis showed that one of the projects of public assistance are Child day care centers, however, enormous pressure of work of parents, problems of emotional family coldness result in worsening of psychosocial state of a child. Thereby, regular Child day care centers and assistance provided in there fail to solve the problem. And here, psychosocial assistance of a team of specialists is required. The analysis of team functions, employed in satisfaction of psychosocial needs of the clients, brought to the light the fact that each team is a system which grounds itself on a certain context, environment, and specificity of a problem of a client. Alternatives provided for regular assistance methods in Child day care centers are Art therapy methods, applied as complex assistance measure in psychosocial rehabilitation of children. Having revealed the perspectives of application of these methods in a context of team work, the research established that when applied in practice these methods help to express negative emotions so that we accept those, help to make non-verbal contact with other members of the group, allow to perceive and express the inner conflicts. The analysis of team work results demonstrates that all methods of the research paper are appropriate and supplement each other, nevertheless, Art... [to full text]

"Varicela -Zóster em crianças de creches municipais de Taubaté" / Varicella-Zoster in children attended in day cares of Taubaté

Marcitelli, Ricardo 21 July 2005 (has links)
Objetivos: Descrever a morbidade associada à varicela em crianças usuárias de creches Municipais de Taubaté e o conhecimento de seus familiares sobre a doença. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, realizado através de inquérito com responsáveis por 664 crianças que contraíram varicela após admissão às creches. Os responsáveis pelas crianças foram entrevistados por um único examinador, que utilizou um formulário previamente testado. Os dados foram compilados em banco de dados e analisados utilizando o programa Epi-info versão 6.01. Resultados: A varicela acometeu crianças de seis meses a sete anos de idade (mediana = 36 meses) e 8,4% tiveram a doença antes de um ano. Os principais sintomas foram: exantema (100,0%), febre (85,4%), anorexia (39,6%) e cefaléia (15,3%) / Objective: To evaluate the morbidity associated to varicella in day cares centers of Taubaté and the parent's knowledge about the disease. Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study, including 664 children that had varicella after admission to the day care centers. Parents of children were interviewed by one of the participant of the study that filled in previously tested form. Data were compiled in database and analyzed in program Epi-info version 6.01. Results: Children had varicella at six months to seven years of age, (median = 36 months) and 8.4% of cases occurred in children under 12 months of age. The most frequent symptoms were: exantema (100.0%), fever (85.4%), anorexia (39.6%) and headache (15.3%). Five hundred and seventeen children (77.9%) were taken for medical visits, 80.6% were medicated, and 73 children (11.0%) were medicated with anti-inflammatory drugs and 52 children (7.8%) with antibiotics

"Varicela -Zóster em crianças de creches municipais de Taubaté" / Varicella-Zoster in children attended in day cares of Taubaté

Ricardo Marcitelli 21 July 2005 (has links)
Objetivos: Descrever a morbidade associada à varicela em crianças usuárias de creches Municipais de Taubaté e o conhecimento de seus familiares sobre a doença. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, realizado através de inquérito com responsáveis por 664 crianças que contraíram varicela após admissão às creches. Os responsáveis pelas crianças foram entrevistados por um único examinador, que utilizou um formulário previamente testado. Os dados foram compilados em banco de dados e analisados utilizando o programa Epi-info versão 6.01. Resultados: A varicela acometeu crianças de seis meses a sete anos de idade (mediana = 36 meses) e 8,4% tiveram a doença antes de um ano. Os principais sintomas foram: exantema (100,0%), febre (85,4%), anorexia (39,6%) e cefaléia (15,3%) / Objective: To evaluate the morbidity associated to varicella in day cares centers of Taubaté and the parent's knowledge about the disease. Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study, including 664 children that had varicella after admission to the day care centers. Parents of children were interviewed by one of the participant of the study that filled in previously tested form. Data were compiled in database and analyzed in program Epi-info version 6.01. Results: Children had varicella at six months to seven years of age, (median = 36 months) and 8.4% of cases occurred in children under 12 months of age. The most frequent symptoms were: exantema (100.0%), fever (85.4%), anorexia (39.6%) and headache (15.3%). Five hundred and seventeen children (77.9%) were taken for medical visits, 80.6% were medicated, and 73 children (11.0%) were medicated with anti-inflammatory drugs and 52 children (7.8%) with antibiotics

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