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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sombra de Pachacamac: Huari en la costa central

Kaulicke, Peter 10 April 2018 (has links)
Pachacamac's Shadow: Huari on the Central CoastThis paper presents the material evidence from the Middle Horizon on Peru's Central Coast, as well as the situation immediately preceeding its beginnings. Concepts of style as well as spatial contextualization in settlements and burial areas are defined and discussed in order to define social identities and sociopolitical situations that help understand regional changes against a greater background. Principal topics are the specific character of Lima urbanism, social and spatial reconstructions of Nievería and Pachacamac, and contacts with the north central and north coast, as well as the adjoining highlands to the east. These highlands form a vital corridor into the interandean valleys and they were the stage for dynamic conflicts between coastal and highland polities. On the basis of current knowledge it appears that Huari did not adopt highly aggressive means of control such as direct colonization. Quite the contrary, independence and the persistence of local and regional identities co-existed within an atmosphere of "international" relations that imply social complexity that is not yet understood. More investigations must be directed at specific social conditions before alternative hypotheses about general social context can be formulated. / En este trabajo se presentan las evidencias materiales del Horizonte Medio en la costa central, así como la situación previa a su inicio. Se definen y se discuten conceptos de estilo, su contextualidad espacial en asentamientos y áreas funerarias, para poder llegar a definir identidades sociales y situaciones sociopolíticas que ayuden a entender cambios regionales en un marco mayor. Temas principales son el carácter del urbanismo lima, la reconstitución posterior ejemplificada por Nievería y Pachacamac y las relaciones con la costa norcentral y norte, así como, sobre todo, con la sierra de Lima, como corredor hacia el interior y escenario de una historia dinámica. En el estado actual de conocimientos se tiene la impresión que el impacto huari no necesariamente adopta mecanismos de control directo mediante una colonización agresiva. Por el contrario, se percibe una cierta independencia y la persistencia en el énfasis de identidades locales y regionales en medio de interrelaciones "internacionales" de una complejidad aún poco definida. Se requiere investigaciones más acordes con la problemática específica antes de poder proponer hipótesis alternativas dentro de un contexto mayor.

Leadership et diversité démographique dans les organisations : l'influence de l'âge sur les relations LMX, le leadership transformationnel, la satisfaction au travail et l'engagement affectif. / Leadership and Demographic Diversity in Organizations : The Influence of Age on LMX Relationships, Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Affective Commitment

Casoinic, Danut 17 November 2011 (has links)
En s'appuyant sur les modèles théoriques de la démographie relationnelle, du leader-member exchange et du leadership transformationnel, cette thèse examine l'impact de la diversité des âges sur la qualité des interactions, les comportements de leadership transformationnel, et sur la satisfaction au travail et l'engagement organisationnel affectif des managers et de leurs collaborateurs, au sein de deux entreprises high-tech françaises, situées dans la région grenobloise. La diversité des âges est ici considérée sous l'angle des différences, des similitudes et des termes d'interaction entre les dimensions chronologique et subjective de l'âge. Cette recherche gravite autour de la notion que la diversité des âges entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs joue un rôle important dans la qualité de leurs échanges quotidiens et pour les comportements de leadership transformationnel, en influant ainsi sur leur satisfaction au travail et leur engagement organisationnel affectif. Nos résultats montrent que l'âge chronologique, l'âge subjectif et leurs termes d'interaction exercent un rôle important dans les perceptions à l'égard de la qualité d'échanges intervenant au travail entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs directs, selon que les managers sont plus âgés ou plus jeunes que les salariés. De plus, cette thèse montre que la diversité des âges est bénéfique pour l'expression du comportement de leadership transformationnel affiché par les managers. D'une part, nos résultats suggèrent que plus il y a de différences importantes d'âge (chronologique et subjectif) entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs plus jeunes qu'eux, plus les managers sont enclins à afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel. D'autre part, lorsque les managers sont plus jeunes que leurs collaborateurs, les premiers sont moins enclins à afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel dans leurs échanges au travail avec les salariés. En outre, plus l'écart d'âge entre managers plus jeunes et salariés plus âgés est prononcé, moins les salariés estiment que leur supérieur serait capable d'afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel. Nos résultats démontrent aussi la présence d'un effet de médiation par la qualité des relations LMX intervenant dans le lien entre la diversité des âges et la satisfaction au travail, dans le cas où les managers sont plus âgés que leurs collaborateurs. Des effets directs positifs émanant des âges des managers et de leurs collaborateurs sur la satisfaction au travail et sur l'engagement organisationnel affectif – selon que les managers sont plus jeunes ou plus âgés que les salariés – ont également été constatés. Cette recherche souligne l'importance de continuer la réflexion sur le rôle et le sens que les individus attribuent à l'âge, d'une part ; et elle souligne aussi le besoin d'approfondir les effets de cet attribut sur les attitudes et les comportements au travail, d'autre part. Sous un angle pratique et managérial, les résultats de cette recherche pourraient servir aux pratiques managériales dans les entreprises dont les équipes de travail se composent de managers plus jeunes que leurs collaborateurs, ou bien de managers plus âgés que leurs collaborateurs – à la fois chronologiquement et subjectivement. Sous un angle de recherche, ce travail met en exergue l'utilité particulière d'examiner les âges des managers et ceux de leurs collaborateurs de manière simultanée, afin de mieux comprendre leurs effets sur les conséquences organisationnelles examinées dans la présente étude. / Drawing on relational demography, leader-member exchange, and transformational leadership, this dissertation examines the impact of age diversity on the quality of manager-employee work interactions, transformational leadership behaviors, job satisfaction, and affective commitment in two high-tech French organizations. Age diversity is herein considered in terms of differences, similarities, and interaction terms between chronological and subjective dimensions of age. This research posits that age diversity between managers and their dyadic collaborators is paramount for the quality of their daily work interactions, for transformational leadership behaviors, impacting as well on their job satisfaction and organizational affective commitment. Our findings show that chronological age, subjective age as well as their interaction terms play an important role in the perceptions about the quality of work exchanges between managers and their direct reports, depending on whether the managers are younger or older than the employees. In addition, this research shows that age diversity may facilitate managers to display transformational leadership behaviors. On the one hand, our findings suggest that the greater the (chronological or subjective) age differences between older managers and their younger reports, the more likely are the managers to display transformational leadership behaviors. On the other hand, when the managers are younger than the employees, they are less likely to display transformational leadership behaviors at the workplace. Moreover, the greater the age distance between younger managers and older reports, the less likely is for the employees to perceive their younger superiors as able to display transformational leadership. Our results highlight also that the LMX interactions mediate the relationship between age diversity and job satisfaction especially when managers are older than their dyadic partners. Furthermore, this study underscores a number of positive direct effects of managers' and employees' ages on the job satisfaction and organizational affective commitment, depending on whether managers are younger or older than their collaborators. This work highlights the importance of further research on the role and meaning individuals assign to age, on the one hand, and the need for a closer examination of its complex effects on work attitudes and behaviors, on the other hand. In terms of practical and managerial implications, these findings may help managerial practice in the organizations comprising work teams whereby chronologically / subjectively younger managers and older employees or vice versa collaborate daily. As for research implications, this dissertation emphasizes the particular usefulness to simultaneously examine managers' and employees' ages for a more thorough understanding of their effects on organizational outcomes such as those presently studied.

Uma an?lise dos questionamentos dos alunos nas aulas de n?meros complexos

Ferreira, Maria Sueli Fons?ca 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaSueliFF.pdf: 1053990 bytes, checksum: e1b0f752b300ce7232435cab9e0841a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / This work presents a contribution for the studies reffering to the use of the History of Mathematics focusing on the improvement of the Teaching and Learning Process. It considers that the History of Matematics, as a way of giving meaning to the discipline and improve the quality of the Teaching and Learning Process. This research focuses on the questions of the students, classified in three categories of whys: the chronological, the logical and the pedagogical ones. Therefore, it is investigated the teaching of the Complex Numbers, from the questions of the students of the Centro Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica do Rio Grande do Norte (Educational Institution of Professional and Technology Education from Rio Grande do Norte). The work has the following goals: To classify and to analyse the questions of the students about the Complex Numbers in the classes of second grade of the High School, and to collate with the pointed categories used by Jones; To disccus what are the possible guidings that teachers of Mathematics can give to these questions; To present the resources needed to give support to the teacher in all things involving the History of Mathematics. Finally, to present a bibliographic research, trying to reveal supporting material to the teacher, with contents that articulate the Teaching of Mathematics with the History of Mathematics. It was found that the questionings of the pupils reffers more to the pedagogical whys, and the didatic books little contemplate other aspects of the history and little say about the sprouting and the evolution of methods of calculations used by us as well / Este trabalho busca apresentar uma contribui??o para os estudos referentes ao uso da Hist?ria da Matem?tica visando ? melhoria do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Prop?e que a Hist?ria da Matem?tica seja articulada ao Ensino da Matem?tica, como forma de dar significado ? disciplina e melhorar a qualidade do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesta investiga??o, o foco est? nas indaga??es dos alunos, classificadas em tr?s categorias de porqu?s: o cronol?gico, o l?gico e o pedag?gico. Para tanto, investiga-se o ensino dos n?meros complexos, a partir das quest?es levantadas pelos alunos do Centro Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica do Rio Grande do Norte, em Natal. O trabalho tem como objetivos: classificar e analisar os questionamentos dos alunos nas aulas de n?meros complexos, da segunda s?rie do Ensino M?dio, e confront?-los com as categorias apontadas por Jones; discutir quais os poss?veis encaminhamentos que o professor de Matem?tica pode dar a estas quest?es; apresentar os recursos de apoio ao professor no que se refere ? Hist?ria da Matem?tica. Em seguida, apresenta uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica, buscando revelar material de apoio ao professor, com conte?dos que articulassem o Ensino da Matem?tica com a Hist?ria da Matem?tica. Descobrimos que os questionamentos dos alunos referem-se mais aos porqu?s pedag?gicos e que os livros did?ticos pouco contemplam outros aspectos da hist?ria e pouco dizem sobre o surgimento e a evolu??o dos m?todos de c?lculos utilizados por n?s

Identification de facteurs génétiques et environnementaux impliqués dans le vieillissement à travers l’étude des variations naturelles de la levure / Natural variations in yeast aging reveal genetic and environmental factors

Barré, Benjamin 18 December 2018 (has links)
Le vieillissement est un processus complexe déterminé par des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux qui varie d’un individu à l’autre. Bien que le vieillissement soit la cause principale de nombreuses maladies, nos connaissances sur le sujet sont relativement limitées. Tout au long de ce travail, j’ai utilisé la levure bourgeonnante Saccharomyces cerevisiae pour identifier les facteurs génétiques et environnementaux influant sur le vieillissement et pour comprendre les interactions qu’ils entretiennent entre eux. Jusqu’à présent, les approches classiques de génétique ont permis de découvrir un certain nombre de gènes impliqués dans la régulation du vieillissement chronologique de la levure (CLS), basé sur la longévité de celle-ci en conditions non-prolifératives. Or, ces approches se sont essentiellement centrées sur des souches de laboratoire et n’ont que très peu exploité les richesses de la biodiversité. Dans une première partie, j’ai utilisé une large cohorte de levures composée de plus de 1000 souches naturelles de S. cerevisiae afin d’estimer la variabilité de longévité existant au sein de l’espèce. Leur longévité a été étudiée dans différentes conditions connues pour freiner le vieillissement : sous restriction calorique ou en présence d’un agoniste de la restriction calorique, la molécule rapamycine, qui inhibe directement la voie de signalisation TOR. Les microorganismes passent la majeure partie de leur vie dans des environnements défavorables, pauvres en ressources nutritives. Leur capacité à survivre à ces périodes de restriction (CLS) est donc primordiale. J’ai observé que les souches sauvages ont tendance à spontanément initier le programme de méiose aboutissant à la formation de spores lorsque les conditions environnementales deviennent restreintes. En revanche, les souches domestiques préfèrent entrer en quiescence, ce qui leur confère une viabilité et une résistance accrues. De plus, en ayant recours à une approche basée sur des gènes présélectionnés et à une étude d’association pangénomique, j’ai observé que la variabilité de longévité entre les différentes souches est déterminée par un large spectre de polymorphismes génétiques, tels que des mutations non-synonymes ou non-sens, et par l’absence ou la présence de certains gènes. Toutes ces composantes génétiques interagissent pleinement avec l’environnement. Dans une deuxième partie, j’ai réalisé une analyse de liaison génétique grâce à 1056 souches descendantes de deux souches parentales. La longévité (CLS) de ces 1056 souches a été mesurée dans le but d’identifier des locus de caractères quantitatifs (QTLs). Le vieillissement chronologique a été déterminé à la fois à partir d’un milieu riche, d’un milieu restreint en calories, ou en présence de rapamycine. J’ai identifié 30 QTLs distincts, certains d’entre eux sont communs et récurrents dans plusieurs environnements, tandis que d’autres sont plus spécifiques et occasionnels. Les deux QTLs principaux, associés aux gènes HPF1 et FLO11, codent tous deux des protéines du mur cellulaire, et sont jusqu’à présent non reconnus comme régulateurs du vieillissement. Etonnement, ces deux gènes contiennent des répétitions d’ADN en tandem qui s’avèrent être massivement amplifiées dans une des deux souches parentales d’origine. Alors que les allèles courts de HPF1 et FLO11 n’ont pas d’effet sur le vieillissement, les allèles longs sont relativement délétères, hormis en présence de rapamycine. Après investigation, il semble que la forme allongée de HPF1 provoque la flottaison des cellules de levure au cours de la phase de croissance, les exposants à des taux plus élevés d’oxygène. / Aging is a classical complex trait varying quantitatively among individuals and affected by both the genetic background and the environment. While aging is the highest risk factor for a large number of diseases, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. Identifying the causal genetic variants underlying natural variation in longevity and understanding their interaction with the genetic background and the environment remains a major challenge. In this work, I used the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to identify environmental and genetic factors contributing to aging. While extensive classical genetic studies discovered several genes involved in the regulation of chronological lifespan (CLS), which measures cell viability dynamic in non-dividing condition, using laboratory strains in standard conditions, there are only few studies exploiting variations in natural populations. In the first part, I used a large cohort of more than 1000 sequenced natural S. cerevisiae strains to provide a species-wide overview of CLS variability. Longevity was measured in different environments, including calorie restriction (CR), a natural intervention known to increase lifespan, and in the presence of rapamycin (RM), a drug that mimics CR by downregulating the TOR pathway. Unicellular microorganisms spend most of their lifetime in harsh restricted environments interrupted by short windows of growth, making CLS an important and likely adaptive trait. I found that wild strains subjected to CLS tend to trigger the meiotic developmental process leading to the formation of gametes wrapped into a very resistant cell wall. In contrast, domesticated strains tend to enter quiescence state when starved and display a tremendous variability in their survival capacity. Moreover, using both candidate gene approach and genome-wide association studies (GWAS), I demonstrated that variability in CLS is determined by a full spectrum of genetic variant that include gene presence/absence, copy number variation, non-synonymous SNPs and loss of function. All these genetic features were strongly regulated by the environment. In the second part, I performed linkage analysis using 1056 diploid segregants derived from a two parent advanced intercross. These 1056 diploid segregants were phenotyped for CLS to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The CLS was measured in complete media, CR and RM environments across multiple time points. I mapped 30 distinct QTLs, with some shared across different environments and time points, while others were unique to a specific condition. The two major effect size QTLs were linked with natural variation in the cell wall glycoproteins FLO11 and HPF1, previously unknown to regulate CLS. Interestingly, both genes presented massive intragenic tandem repeat expansions in one of the founder strain used in the crossing scheme. While the short versions of FLO11 and HPF1 alleles did not impact CLS, tandem repeat expansions within those genes were sufficient to confer a dominant detrimental effect that was partially buffered by rapamycin treatment. Further investigation revealed that the extended form of HPF1 makes cells floating during exponential phase, exposing them to higher oxygen rates, and leading to perturbation of redox homeostasis, activation of misfolded protein response, and alteration of multiple genes involved in methionine, ribosome and lipid biosynthesis, eventually contributing to CLS shortening. Taken together, my work provided an unprecedented overview of natural variation in CLS in a genetic model system and revealed multiple genetic and environmental factors that shape the species phenotypic variation.

Novostavba administrativní budovy a školícího střediska v Humpolci - příprava realizace a řízení stavby / Administrative and training center building in Humpolec - Project planning implementation of construction

Dvořák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the constructive-technological project of the administrative building in Humpolec.This project mainly addressed construction by the building structures, site equipment, implementation of cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor, budget and chronological plan of buildings. The work was based on the project for implementation.

Spectroscopies vibrationnelles (MCR et ATR-FTIR) et Chromatographie Liquide couplée à la Spectrométrie de Masse Haute Résolution (LC-HR-MS) : Outils d’investigation in vivo de l’impact du vieillissement cutané sur le Stratum Corneum aux niveaux tissulaire, supra-moléculaire et moléculaire / Vibrational spectroscopies (MCR and ATR-FTI) and Liquid Chromatography coupled Mass Spectrometry High Resolution : In vivo investigation tools for the effect of skin aging on the Stratum Corneum at tissular, supra-molecular and molecular levels

Boireau-Adamezyk, Elise 22 May 2015 (has links)
La peau est l’organe le plus étendu du corps humain. Doté d’une membrane biologique fine appelée la couche cornée, celle-ci le protège du desséchement et des agressions extérieures chimiques ou mécaniques auxquelles le corps humain doit faire face. Ce travail de thèse a consisté, dans un premier temps, à décrire via la littérature existante les effets de l’âge,dûs au vieillissement intrinsèque et extrinsèque,sur la physiologie cutanée du Stratum Corneum (SC).La partie expérimentale basée sur la microscopie vibrationnelle traitera des variations de la fonction barrière et de l’hydratation du SC lors du vieillissement chronologique et photo-vieillissement. D’autres méthodes ont également été utilisées comme la chromatographie liquide en phase normale couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution dotée d’une source APCI et d’un détecteur Orbitrap pour l’étude de la composition détaillée des lipides du SC ainsi que des méthodes plus globales comme la PIE ou la cornéométrie. Le caractère non invasif de toutes ces méthodes a permis de réaliser ces études in vivo. L’évolution de la fonction barrière a été étudiée aux niveaux tissulaire, moléculaire et supramoléculaire par micro-spectroscopie confocale Raman et spectroscopie Infrarouge. Puis le lien moléculaire a été fait entre le vieillissement intrinsèque et les céramides de la matrice lipidique intercornéocytaires par chromatographie en phase liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse. Les molécules discriminantes entre population jeune et âgée ont été déterminées par analyse chimiométrique. L’évolution de l’hydratation cutanée aux niveaux tissulaire, moléculaire et supramoléculaire a également été l’objet d’une investigation approfondie. Les variations de la composition des NMF et la teneur en eau dans le SC lors du vieillissement cutané ont été mises en lumière en utilisant des descripteurs spectraux Raman. Les variations structurelles des molécules d’eau impactant l’organisation supramoléculaire des édifices lipidiques ont également été évaluées. Au cours du vieillissement, la fonction barrière cutanée et hydratation sont conservées. / Skin is the external surface defining the human body in space. Its outer-most layer is a thin biological membrane, called Stratum Corneum(SC), that protects the internal organs from desiccation as well as chemical or mechanical external aggressions. The present thesis aimsin a first step, to summarize the current knowledge regarding the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic aging on SCphysiology,based on available literature. The experimental part addresses the gaps in our understanding of the effects of chronological aging and photoaging on the SC barrier function and hydration, using traditional methods (such as trans epidermal water loss and skin conductance) as well as more advanced ones (vibrational spectroscopies, liquid chromatography in normal phase tandem mass spectrometry high resolution with an APCI source and an Orbitrap detector. As these methods are non-invasive, all studies have been carried out in vivo. The evolution of the barrier function has been studied at the tissular, molecular and supramolecular levels using confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Then the link between the intrinsic aging and the ceramides of the intercorneocytary lipid matrix has been studied by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The discriminant molecules between young and old population have been identified by a chemometric analysis. The evolution of cutaneous hydration at the tissular, molecular and supramolecular level has also been investigated. The variations in the NMF composition and the SC water content have been studied by Raman spectral descriptors. Moreover, the structural variations of water molecules impacting the supramolecular organization of the lipid structures have been evaluated. Chronological aging and chronic exposure to environmental factors mildly affect SC barrier function and hydration levels. However, the processes controlling these properties are affected by aging in a site-dependent fashion.

Stavebně technologický projekt polyfunkčního domu s pečovatelskou službou / Constructive technological project of polyfunctional house with nursing service

Křístková, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the constructional project of the polyfunctional house with care service in the Havířov. The object consists of three blocks that are interconnected by the central corridor. Each block has four aboveground floors and one underground floor. The project solved the time and financial plan, the broader transport relations, the construction site equipment, the main construction machines and mechanisms, the study of the implementation of the main construction stages, the technological regulation for the horizontal supporting structures and the truss roof including the control and test plan, monolithic and brick structures.

Polyfunkční objekt VEKTOR v Pardubicích, příprava realizace stavby / Polyfunctional Building VEKTOR in Pardubice, Preparation for Building Realization

Vančura, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is construction technology project of polyfunctional building VEKTOR in Pardubice. Building object has seven overground floors and has not basement. The construction system of the building is a monolithic skeleton consisting of columns and a ceiling slab. Part of the thesis includes technical reports, construction technology study, situation with wider transport route relationships, the project of the construcion zone equipment, suggestion of machines and mechanisms, plan for securing material resources, technological regulation for monolithic constructions, control and test plan for monolithic constructions, item budget, time schedule, chronological and financial plan of the building – object.

Základní škola speciální a Praktická škola při dětském domově Zlín - stavebně technologický projekt / Special basic school and Practical school with orphanage in Zlin - structural technological project

Hrdlička, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals selected parts of a structural technological project for new building Basic school and Practical school with orphanage in Zlín. It contains studies of main technological steps, chronological plan, calculation, project of site equipment, technological prescription for concrete roof, suggestion construction machinery and another selected parts. This new brick building includes 3 floors with basement and is located in a separate educational area. Basic monolithic concrete constructions with steels are realizated as a surface structures.

Stavebně technologický projekt Therme Park Velké Losiny / Construction Technology Project of Therme Park Losiny

Habarta, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main content of this thesis is a building technological project of the Therme Park construction in Velke Losiny. It concerns a Thermal resort that may be exploited both during the summer and winter season. In relation to the building technological project there is dealt with the chronological and financial plan, a suggestion of chief construction machinery and mechanisms, the route planning for supply transportation, the project of the construction zone equipment, a plan for the ensuring of the material resources, the technological regulation and the inspection and inspection plan for monolithic ceiling construction and a document for the construction usage.

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