Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asubjective age"" "subject:"4subjective age""
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The Effects of Subjective Age and Aging Attitudes on Mid to Late Life SexualityGray, Amy January 2012 (has links)
Sexuality is being recognized by the medical community as an increasingly important factor for well-being in older adults. Age and well-being are important factors that contribute to older adults’ sexuality. Subjective age and attitudes towards aging are known to impact physical and mental wellness for adults over 40. However, there is no research that looks at the impact of subject age and aging attitudes on older adult sexuality. This secondary analysis of longitudinal Mid-Life in the United States (MIDUS) study data will explore the relationship between subjective age and attitudes toward aging from MIDUS Wave I on sexual activity, frequency of sex, quality of sex, and interest in sex, among adults 40 and older from MIDUS Wave II. Data were analyzed to determine the relationship between the independent variables subjective age and aging expectations on the four dependent sexuality variables.The interaction terms subjective age by aging expectations, subjective age by gender, aging expectations by gender. A three way interaction between subjective age, aging expectations, and gender was also included in the analyses.Subjective age was significantly associated with quality of sex and interest in sex such that the older people felt, the less likely they were to rate their sex life positively or put much thought and/or effort into sex. Aging expectations were significantly associated with quality of sex such that the worse people felt about getting old, the less likely they were to have good quality sex later in life. Neither subjective age nor aging expectations had an impact on the behavioural variables number of sex partners and frequency of sex. None of the interaction terms tested were statistically significant. As such, people who feel better about aging and who feel younger than their actual age are more likely to rate the quality of the sexual aspects of their lives positively and are also more likely to put thought and effort into their sex lives.
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The Effects of Subjective Age and Aging Attitudes on Mid to Late Life SexualityGray, Amy January 2012 (has links)
Sexuality is being recognized by the medical community as an increasingly important factor for well-being in older adults. Age and well-being are important factors that contribute to older adults’ sexuality. Subjective age and attitudes towards aging are known to impact physical and mental wellness for adults over 40. However, there is no research that looks at the impact of subject age and aging attitudes on older adult sexuality. This secondary analysis of longitudinal Mid-Life in the United States (MIDUS) study data will explore the relationship between subjective age and attitudes toward aging from MIDUS Wave I on sexual activity, frequency of sex, quality of sex, and interest in sex, among adults 40 and older from MIDUS Wave II. Data were analyzed to determine the relationship between the independent variables subjective age and aging expectations on the four dependent sexuality variables.The interaction terms subjective age by aging expectations, subjective age by gender, aging expectations by gender. A three way interaction between subjective age, aging expectations, and gender was also included in the analyses.Subjective age was significantly associated with quality of sex and interest in sex such that the older people felt, the less likely they were to rate their sex life positively or put much thought and/or effort into sex. Aging expectations were significantly associated with quality of sex such that the worse people felt about getting old, the less likely they were to have good quality sex later in life. Neither subjective age nor aging expectations had an impact on the behavioural variables number of sex partners and frequency of sex. None of the interaction terms tested were statistically significant. As such, people who feel better about aging and who feel younger than their actual age are more likely to rate the quality of the sexual aspects of their lives positively and are also more likely to put thought and effort into their sex lives.
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Identification des déterminants dispositionnels, cognitifs et environnementaux de l’âge subjectif lors de l’avancée en âge. / Identification of the dispositional, cognitive and environmental determinants of subjective age with advancing age.Jaconelli, Alban 27 November 2015 (has links)
Compte tenu de l’augmentation exponentielle du nombre de personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus, l’identification des facteurs associés aux risques de développer des maladies chroniques et à la qualité de vie lors de l’avancée en âge constituent un enjeu de santé publique majeur. Une ligne de recherche croissante témoigne des implications de l’âge subjectif, i.e., l’âge que se donnent les individus, pour l’évolution du fonctionnement global des individus lors du processus de vieillissement ainsi que les risques de mortalité. Par conséquent, il apparaît primordial d’identifier les facteurs contribuant à la tendance des individus à se sentir plus jeune ou plus âgé que leur âge réel, i.e., un biais de rajeunissement ou de vieillissement. Bien que cette question ait suscité de nombreuses recherches, ce travail doctoral avait pour objectif d’enrichir les connaissances actuelles en approfondissant la contribution des facteurs dispositionnels, cognitifs et environnementaux sur l’âge subjectif. À l’aide d’un programme de recherche comprenant cinq études, ce travail a mis en évidence le rôle plus marqué de la personnalité dans l’âge subjectif lors de l’avancée en âge (étude 1), alors que le fonctionnement cognitif n’est pas reflété dans cette dimension (étude 2), ce résultat étant complété par l’observation selon laquelle les personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer se rajeunissent autant que les personnes âgées exemptes de pathologies sévères (étude 3). De plus, notre travail révèle que les processus de comparaison sociale favorable, générant un contraste avec les pairs du même âge, induisent une augmentation du biais de rajeunissement lorsqu’ils concernent le domaine physique mais qu’ils sont inopérants dans le domaine cognitif (étude 4), tandis que l’assimilation aux pairs du même âge, illustrée par l’augmentation de l’identification au groupe d’âge, ne génère pas de réduction du biais de rajeunissement dans le domaine physique (étude 5). Ainsi, ce travail doctoral contribue à la littérature existante en soulignant que l’âge subjectif est en partie le reflet de facteurs psychologiques et environnementaux. / Given the exponential increase in the number of people aged 60 and more, the identification of the factors associated with the reduction of chronic disease risk and the maintenance of quality of life with advancing age is a major public health concern. Evidence accumulates about the implications of subjective age, i.e., how old a person perceives him-/herself, for older individual’s global functioning and mortality risk. Therefore, it appears crucial to identify the factors contributing to individuals’ tendency to feel younger or older than their chronological age, i.e., a younger or older subjective age. Although this question has stimulated a great deal of research, the present doctoral dissertation aimed to expand existing knowledge on the contribution of dispositional, cognitive and environmental factors on subjective age. Building upon a five studies research program, this work revealed a stronger role of personality on subjective age with advancing age (study 1), whereas cognitive functioning is not reflected in this dimension (study 2), this result being completed by the finding of a younger subjective age among Alzheimer disease patients comparable to healthy older adults (study 3). In addition, this research reveals that downward social comparison, leading to a contrast with same-aged peers, induces an increased younger subjective age when it occurs in the physical domain but is ineffective in the cognitive domain (study 4), whereas the assimilation to same-aged peers, illustrated by increase of age-group identification, do not translate into a reduced younger subjective age in the physical domain (study 5). Thus, this doctoral dissertation contributes to existing literature and revealed that subjective age reflects in part psychological and environmental factors.
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Adult Identity and Risk Behavior: Establishing Psychosocial Maturity as a Protective Factor for Sexual MinoritiesGrix, Timothy Jared 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Indentification des facteurs sous-tendant la relation entre personnalité et la santé physique lors de l'avancée en âge : le rôle des facteurs démographiques, médicaux, et environnementaux / Identification of the underlying factors of the relationship between personality and physical health with advancing age : the role of demographic, medical, and environmental factorsCanada, Brice 28 November 2014 (has links)
Au regard des problématiques sanitaires, économiques et environnementales liées à l'augmentation de la population âgée au cours des prochaines décennies, l'identification des déterminants du maintien ou de la dégradation de l'état de santé physique lors de l'avancée en âge représente un enjeu de santé publique majeur. Un consensus existe sur la relation entre les traits de personnalité définis par le Modèle en Cinq Facteurs (MCF, Digman, 1990), et la santé physique des seniors. Toutefois, peu de travaux ont identifié les processus sous-tendant cette relation. Sur la base d'un programme de recherche composé de cinq études, ce travail doctoral avait pour objectif de contribuer aux connaissances existantes, par l'identification d'un certain nombre de facteurs susceptibles de moduler et d'expliquer la contribution des traits de personnalité sur des indicateurs de santé physique lors de l'avancée en âge. Ce travail a permis la mise en évidence du rôle modérateur de l'âge chronologique dans la contribution de certains traits de personnalité, et principalement l'ouverture aux expériences, sur la santé perçue (étude 1), qui s'avère dépendant de l'état de santé objectif des individus (étude 2). De plus, la contribution de la personnalité sur des indicateurs de santé physique chez les seniors n'est pas activée par l'exposition aux stéréotypes liés à l'âge (étude 3). Par ailleurs, ce travail confirme la relation entre l'ouverture aux expériences et la tendance au rajeunissement, qui est reconnue comme étant un facteur de protection de l'état de santé lors de l'avancée en âge, et met en évidence le rôle médiateur d'une faible identification au groupe d'âge dans cette association (étude 4). Cette dissociation du groupe d'âge et le biais de rajeunissement associés à l'ouverture aux expériences semblent se manifester indépendamment du contexte et de l'environnement dans lequel la personne âgée évolue (étude 5). Ce travail doctoral permet donc un approfondissement des mécanismes qui sous-tendent la contribution des traits de personnalité sur la santé physique lors de l'avancée en âge, et contribue à une littérature relativement récente et en expansion insistant sur les implications de l'ouverture aux expériences pour la santé et le fonctionnement global des seniors. / Given the economic, environmental, and health issues related to the increasing number of people over 65 years in the coming decades, the identification of the factors associated with the maintenance or the degradation of physical health with advancing age is a major public health concern. Personality, as defined by the Five-Factors Model (FFM, Digman, 1990), is consistently associated with physical health in old age. However, few studies have focused on the underlying mechanisms of this relation. Based upon a five studies research program, the present doctoral dissertation aimed to contribute to current knowledge by identifying a number of factors which may modulate and explain the contribution of personality traits on markers of physical health with advancing age. This research revealed a moderating role of chronological age in the relation between personality, and openness to experiences in particular, and perceived health (study 1), which appeared to be dependent upon disease burden (study 2). Moreover, the contribution of personality on markers of physical health does not seem to be activated by the exposure to age-related stereotype (study 3). Finally, the present doctoral project confirmed the relation between openness to experience and a youthful subjective age, which is a recognized protective factor for physical health in old age, and identified the mediating role of age-group dissociation in this relationship (study 4). The tendencies to dissociate oneself from one's age group and to feel younger among open older people seem to be independent of the context and the environment (study 5). This doctoral dissertation contributes to an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms underlying the contribution of personality traits on physical health with advancing age, and adds to a growing body of research emphasizing the implications of openness to experience for global health and functioning of older people.
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Att åldras med funktionshinder : Betydelser av socialt och kronologiskt åldrande för människor som under lång tid levt med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar / Ageing with disability : On the meaning of social and chronological ageing for people who hav lived with physical impairments over a long period of timeTaghizadeh Larsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
Ålderns och åldrandets betydelser för människor som under lång tid har levt med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar har hittills fått begränsad uppmärksamhet såväl i forskning som i andra sammanhang. Samtidigt pekar såväl åldersgränser i det offentliga stödsystemet som tidigare forskning mot att ålder och åldrande kan få speciella innebörder för människor som lever med funktionshinder. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att tolka innebörder av åldersnormer och upplevd ålder för människor som i dagens Sverige befinner sig i de kronologiska åldrarna kring 65 med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar som funnits med under minst 30 år. Med åldersnormer avses ”enhetliga uppfattningar om de ’typiska’ åldrar då man innehar vissa roller under livsloppet”. Subjektiv ålder syftar på ”hur gammal man känner sig”. Åldrarna kring 65 har valt därför att det är en del av livsloppet då ålder, åldrande och åldersnormer kan förväntas få särskilt stor betydelse. En intervjustudie med 20 personer i åldrarna 56-72 har genomförts. Planeringen, genomförandet och analysen av intervjuerna har utgått från ett livsloppsperspektiv. Tolkningen av de intervjuades utsagor visar bland annat hur människor kan anamma ”äldrenormer” som ofta beskrivs som negativa i andra sammanhang på ett sätt som resulterar i något för individen positivt. Till skillnad från befintliga teorier om hälso- och funktionstillståndets betydelse för människors subjektiva ålder pekar studien också mot att det kan finnas en rad olika möjligheter att känna sig ung eller ”inte gammal” med funktionsnedsättningar och sjukdomar. Mot bakgrund av intervjupersonernas beskrivningar av sina dagliga liv framstår det därtill inte som orimligt att en ålderspensionär med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar med hjälp av ett individuellt anpassat stöd och hjälpmedel kan tillägna sig ett modernt och fritidsaktivt pensionärsideal på ett sätt som får som konsekvens att hon utformar sitt liv på ett ”tredje-ålder-likt” sätt. Ålder och åldrande framträder emellertid inte som betydelsefullt för alla aspekter av de intervjuades liv med funktionshinder. Särskilt inte för hur vissa förändringar av det egna funktionstillståndet upplevs. / The significance of age and ageing for people who have experienced a physical impairment under a long period of time is an area that has received little attention in both policies related to disability and the elderly as well as in social scientific research on disability and social gerontology. At the same time, age limits related to public support for disabled people, as well as related theories and empirical studies indicate that age and ageing can have specific meanings for people living with impairments. The aim of this thesis is to interpret the significance of age norms and subjective age for people in today’s Sweden who are approximately 65 years old with physical impairments that have existed for at least 30 years. Age norms refer to commonly accepted interpretations of what is associated with a certain age or phase of life, while subjective age refers to ”how old one feels”. The years around 65 have been chosen because they stand out as a time in life when age, ageing and age norms are expected to take on a particularly palpable meaning. An interview-study of 20 persons between 56-72 years of age was conducted. A life course perspective was used, both as a theoretical departure and as a methodological tool. Among other things, the interpretation of the interviews reveals how people can acquire and apply age norms that are often described as negative in other contexts in a way that results in something positive for the individual. In contrast to existing theories that emphasize the centrality of good health to be able to ”feel young”, the study at hand also indicates that those with a medically-defined chronic illness or physical impairment may experience age in a number of ways, without this necessarily involving their diagnosis or impairment. Furthermore, the interview subjects’ descriptions of their daily lives suggest that it is not unreasonable to surmise that a pensioner with impairments in today’s Swedish society can achieve a modern and leisurely ”third age” pensioner ideal. But age and ageing do not emerge as important to all aspects of life. This is particularly the case with respect to experiences of various changes in one’s own physical condition.
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Leadership et diversité démographique dans les organisations : l'influence de l'âge sur les relations LMX, le leadership transformationnel, la satisfaction au travail et l'engagement affectif. / Leadership and Demographic Diversity in Organizations : The Influence of Age on LMX Relationships, Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Affective CommitmentCasoinic, Danut 17 November 2011 (has links)
En s'appuyant sur les modèles théoriques de la démographie relationnelle, du leader-member exchange et du leadership transformationnel, cette thèse examine l'impact de la diversité des âges sur la qualité des interactions, les comportements de leadership transformationnel, et sur la satisfaction au travail et l'engagement organisationnel affectif des managers et de leurs collaborateurs, au sein de deux entreprises high-tech françaises, situées dans la région grenobloise. La diversité des âges est ici considérée sous l'angle des différences, des similitudes et des termes d'interaction entre les dimensions chronologique et subjective de l'âge. Cette recherche gravite autour de la notion que la diversité des âges entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs joue un rôle important dans la qualité de leurs échanges quotidiens et pour les comportements de leadership transformationnel, en influant ainsi sur leur satisfaction au travail et leur engagement organisationnel affectif. Nos résultats montrent que l'âge chronologique, l'âge subjectif et leurs termes d'interaction exercent un rôle important dans les perceptions à l'égard de la qualité d'échanges intervenant au travail entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs directs, selon que les managers sont plus âgés ou plus jeunes que les salariés. De plus, cette thèse montre que la diversité des âges est bénéfique pour l'expression du comportement de leadership transformationnel affiché par les managers. D'une part, nos résultats suggèrent que plus il y a de différences importantes d'âge (chronologique et subjectif) entre les managers et leurs collaborateurs plus jeunes qu'eux, plus les managers sont enclins à afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel. D'autre part, lorsque les managers sont plus jeunes que leurs collaborateurs, les premiers sont moins enclins à afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel dans leurs échanges au travail avec les salariés. En outre, plus l'écart d'âge entre managers plus jeunes et salariés plus âgés est prononcé, moins les salariés estiment que leur supérieur serait capable d'afficher un comportement de leadership transformationnel. Nos résultats démontrent aussi la présence d'un effet de médiation par la qualité des relations LMX intervenant dans le lien entre la diversité des âges et la satisfaction au travail, dans le cas où les managers sont plus âgés que leurs collaborateurs. Des effets directs positifs émanant des âges des managers et de leurs collaborateurs sur la satisfaction au travail et sur l'engagement organisationnel affectif – selon que les managers sont plus jeunes ou plus âgés que les salariés – ont également été constatés. Cette recherche souligne l'importance de continuer la réflexion sur le rôle et le sens que les individus attribuent à l'âge, d'une part ; et elle souligne aussi le besoin d'approfondir les effets de cet attribut sur les attitudes et les comportements au travail, d'autre part. Sous un angle pratique et managérial, les résultats de cette recherche pourraient servir aux pratiques managériales dans les entreprises dont les équipes de travail se composent de managers plus jeunes que leurs collaborateurs, ou bien de managers plus âgés que leurs collaborateurs – à la fois chronologiquement et subjectivement. Sous un angle de recherche, ce travail met en exergue l'utilité particulière d'examiner les âges des managers et ceux de leurs collaborateurs de manière simultanée, afin de mieux comprendre leurs effets sur les conséquences organisationnelles examinées dans la présente étude. / Drawing on relational demography, leader-member exchange, and transformational leadership, this dissertation examines the impact of age diversity on the quality of manager-employee work interactions, transformational leadership behaviors, job satisfaction, and affective commitment in two high-tech French organizations. Age diversity is herein considered in terms of differences, similarities, and interaction terms between chronological and subjective dimensions of age. This research posits that age diversity between managers and their dyadic collaborators is paramount for the quality of their daily work interactions, for transformational leadership behaviors, impacting as well on their job satisfaction and organizational affective commitment. Our findings show that chronological age, subjective age as well as their interaction terms play an important role in the perceptions about the quality of work exchanges between managers and their direct reports, depending on whether the managers are younger or older than the employees. In addition, this research shows that age diversity may facilitate managers to display transformational leadership behaviors. On the one hand, our findings suggest that the greater the (chronological or subjective) age differences between older managers and their younger reports, the more likely are the managers to display transformational leadership behaviors. On the other hand, when the managers are younger than the employees, they are less likely to display transformational leadership behaviors at the workplace. Moreover, the greater the age distance between younger managers and older reports, the less likely is for the employees to perceive their younger superiors as able to display transformational leadership. Our results highlight also that the LMX interactions mediate the relationship between age diversity and job satisfaction especially when managers are older than their dyadic partners. Furthermore, this study underscores a number of positive direct effects of managers' and employees' ages on the job satisfaction and organizational affective commitment, depending on whether managers are younger or older than their collaborators. This work highlights the importance of further research on the role and meaning individuals assign to age, on the one hand, and the need for a closer examination of its complex effects on work attitudes and behaviors, on the other hand. In terms of practical and managerial implications, these findings may help managerial practice in the organizations comprising work teams whereby chronologically / subjectively younger managers and older employees or vice versa collaborate daily. As for research implications, this dissertation emphasizes the particular usefulness to simultaneously examine managers' and employees' ages for a more thorough understanding of their effects on organizational outcomes such as those presently studied.
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Är vi redo för ett längre arbetsliv? : En kvalitativ studie om den internaliserade ålderismens inverkan på självbild och pensionsplaner. / Are we ready for a prolonged working life? : A qualitative study on the impact of internalized ageism on self-image and retirement plans.Tyssling, Malena, Lindberg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to explore the importance of internalized age stereotypes and age norms for older workers' self-image. By examining the use of norms and stereotypes when they talk about their working life and plan for life after retirement, the study aims to expand the understanding of self-image formation and the influence of internalized age stereotypes on retirement planning. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework guiding this research incorporates social identity theory and self-categorization theory to understand how self-image takes shape throughsocial interactions and societal structures. Concepts from social psychology underscore the importance of self-reflection in identity formation. Stereotype embodiment theory specifically focuses on the impact of ageist stereotypes. The results of our study show that internalized ageist beliefs influence the participants’ thoughts, feelings and behaviors. These beliefs affect their self-image and interpretation of the world around them. Self-image is continuously formed throughout life, not only at work or during leisure time. Our theoretical standpoint is confirmed by the empirical data, showing that how individuals perceive themselves is significantly influenced by how they are perceived by others. However, this varies with their basic self-esteem. The less significance age has for personal identity, the lower the susceptibility to societal ageist attitudes. Our study shows that age identification is stronger among women. The influence on an age-related self-image on retirement plans is relatively low. The plans are based on what the participants want and dream about – choices dictated by their personality, interests, feelings and values. Age is a part of the whole, without being decisive for post-retirement plans. However, the age-related aspect can be seen in the fact that several participants experience stress about not being able to accomplish everything they desire in life. This stress does not motivate continued work but rather encourages them to retire as soon as they have the opportunity from both a work and economic perspective.
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