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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New strategies for Botrytis bunch rot control for a sustainable viticulture

Lagreze Pérez, Jorge Javier 12 June 2024 (has links)
Vitis vinifera L.(Vv), the European cultivated grapevine is one of the most worldwide important crops but is highly susceptible to the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea (Bc), the causal agent of bunch rot (BR) disease. In grapevine, as well as in other fruit species, it has been described a primary infection by Bc at full bloom, followed by a quiescence period during the berry development, and the fungal egression after veraison reaching the maximum at harvest. Today, this important disease is mainly controlled by massive use of fungicides, which are applied at different developmental stages that happen to be critical during the grapevine-Bc interaction. During the contact, the fungus must overcome several barriers from the host, which protect it from the pathogen attack and might be also modulated or activated due to the presence of the pathogen itself. The cuticle and the cell wall (CW) represent the first barriers from the plant encountered by the pathogen. To successfully colonize the plant tissue, Bc possesses several virulence factors, and CW modifying enzymes (CWMEs) are part of them. On the other hand, the regulated activity of the CWMEs, expressed both by the host and the pathogen, could alter the plant CW composition and porosity, therefore facilitating, or limiting the penetration of the fungus. Among the CWMEs, Pectin methylesterases (PMEs) regulate the degree of methyl esterification of the pectin homogalacturonan, also modifying the epitopes for the activity of other CWMEs such as polygalacturonases (PGs) and pectate lyases (PLs) by whose action, pectin becomes more susceptible to degradation and the CW more accessible by the pathogen. Previous works both in Arabidopsis thaliana and in crop species identified several PME genes with an altered expression in response to pathogens. A previous report characterizing Atpme17 mutant lines has highlighted a role of AtPME17 in the resistance response to Bc in contrast with the opposite role of AtPME3, suggesting that PME genes could have a completely different action during Bc response depending on the isoform involved. In this context, the main objective of the project was to identify new strategies for Bc BR-control, and specifically i) to identify candidate genes involved in the response to Bc, whose inactivation/overexpression would lead to Bc resistant plants and ii) to set up a molecular method to monitor the Bc load in the field and therefore implement a more sustainable control of the pathogen. To further understand the effects of the Bc primary infection in grapevine flowers at CW level, two contrasting genotypes (Souvignier gris (SG) and Teroldego (TE)) in their resistance to the fungus were considered. An artificial inoculation of different biological replicates, in vase maintained, was performed at full bloom, in controlled conditions, and samples were collected at 24 hours post-inoculation (hpi) with the fungus and post-treatment with the respective control, for the following RNA-seq analysis and biochemical characterization of PME activity and CW composition in the two genotypes before and upon infection. The Bc load was estimated in the flowers using qPCR and as expected, a higher biomass of Bc was found in TE, the susceptible cultivar, than in SG, the resistant one. The analysis of CW composition, PME activity and degree of pectin methyl-esterification, both in treated and control flowers, showed significant differences between the two genotypes, in particular SG showed a significant induction of PME activity with respect to the control, evidence not present in the susceptible genotype. The RNAseq analysis on the same samples showed a total of 4800 genes modulated, out of which 3064 are only modulated in TE, 739 only in SG and a common group of 997 genes. Regardless of the cultivar, upon infection there was a total 2919 genes upregulated vs 1909 genes downregulated. A gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) indicated several over-represented categories upon infection, including response to pathogens and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, with a general down-regulation of those genes related to CW organization and pectin modification (CWMEs), mostly in the resistant genotype. Within the down-regulated CWMEs, Pectin methylesterase (PME) genes were found highly represented. Unlike, a larger gene set, in many cases with a higher fold-change of induction, was identified in TE respect to SG. This is the case of genes involved in the defense response and its regulation, and in the modification/reinforcement of the cell wall, therefore attesting for an initial tentative by the susceptible genotype to counteract the pathogen, although at the end without success. This was also the case of the seven VviPME genes previously highlighted by the in-silico co-expression analysis and therefore of VviPME10, the gene with the highest homology to AtPME17. Among the regulators, one WRKY factor (VviWRKY3), known to be related to defense response in grapevine mediated by stilbene synthesis, was also further characterized as putative regulator of VviPME10, whose promoter hosts more than one several predicted binding sites for VviWRKY3. Indeed, luciferase assay results indicate a significant activation of VviPME10 promoter by VviWRKY3 factor. Parallelly, the genome-wide analysis of the last structural annotation of the grapevine genome assembly allowed us to identify 62 VviPME gene members, 15 more than a previous report, and manually curate the gene structure for 39 of them. Then, to corroborate the idea of the role of the CW, and in particular of PME activity, in the grapevine response to the fungus, an in silico co-expression analysis of the 62 VviPME members, considering the publicly available RNA-seq experiments related to grapevine-Bc interactions and the RNAseq experiment conducted in this project, was performed. The analysis highlighted a group of seven genes (VviPME1, VvPME9, VviPME10, VviPME11, VviPME12, VviPME13 and VviPME54) with significant induction upon Bc infection, five of them (VviPME8, VviPME9, VviPME10, VviPME11, and VviPME54) located in the same chromosome (chr06). VviPME10 showed the highest homology and was found to be phylogenetically close to the Arabidopsis thaliana PME17 gene, suggesting being considered as its putative orthologue. Afterward, Therefore, considering the increased VviPME10 expression upon infection, and the reported effect of AtPME17 in A. thaliana, VviPME10 was selected as a potential candidate to study its role in grapevine. In this regard, two strategies were adopted, i. VviPME10 knock-out (KO) with CRISPR/Cas9 and ii. VviPME10 overexpression (OE, under CaMV35S promoter) through embryogenic callus transformation of the grapevine cultivar ‘Sugraone’ mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. More than 100 embryos developed, and around 20 plantlets per transformation were analyzed to check the presence of the transgenic construct. Then, the mutation profile, in the case of KO lines, and the expression analysis of the transgene, in the case of OE lines, were carried out to select the appropriate lines to acclimatize. OE lines were also tested for VviPME10 activity. A total protein extract was obtained from the leaves of the lines, showing a higher protein activity compared to the control, and indicating the functionality of the enzyme. Unfortunately, grapevine OE lines couldn’t be analyzed for their response to Bc, while KO lines showed a significantly larger lesion area when compared to the control at 5 days post fungal inoculation (dpi). However, the effect of VviPME10 overexpression upon Bc infection was evaluated also in Nicotiana benthamiana VviPME10-OE lines, generated in parallel. At 3 dpi a significant reduction was observed in the lesion area compared to the control. These results suggest that pectin modification, mediated by VviPME10, plays an important role in the grapevine response to Bc, in particular it seems to behave more like a resistance gene than a susceptibility one. For this reason, it could be considered as a valuable target to improve resistance to Bc in susceptible grapevine varieties. Finally, a molecular method for Bc detection, based on quantitative RT-PCR assays, was set up and applied to estimate the Bc load in field conditions. Although the method allowed the successful detection of the presence of the fungus in samples at different developmental stages, from two V. vinifera cultivars, in different vineyards, the lack of environmental conditions for the development of the disease might have impaired the correlation between detection and the development of the disease. Nonetheless, the method represents a good alternative for monitoring the Bc load in the field at the early season, to predict the BcBR severity at harvest and eventually apply the disease management protocols based on the real need.

Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137 : biocontrol properties, colonization and induced systemic resistance towards Botrytis cinerea on grapevine and Arabidopsis thaliana / Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137 : proprietés de biocontrole, colonisation et résistance systemique induite contre Botrytis cinerea sur la vigne et Arabidopsis thaliana

Muzammil, Saima 13 July 2012 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, un isolat de sol de désert, Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, a été évalué pour ses propriétés bioactives contre le champignon phytopathogène Botrytis cinerea, pour sa colonization sur Vitis vinifera L., et Arabidopsis thaliana ainsi qu’en vue d’étudier les méchanismes de résistance systémique induite (ISR) contre B. cinerea. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis premièrement de montrer que Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 peut présenter des activités antifongiques contre B. cinerea et que des métabolites peuvent être responsables de cette activité antifongique. Bien que ces métabolites soient encore en cours d’étude et que cette étude mérite d’être approfondie, nous avons démontré ensuite les propriétés de colonisation de l’isolat du sol du désert chez la vigne. Les résultats ont permis de montrer que la souche peut former des populations rhizosphèriques ainsi que des sous-populations endophytiques chez des plants de vigne (Cabernet Sauvignon sur porte-greffe 44-53 M) à des étapes précoces de colonisation. Puis nous avons démontré que la souche bénéfique peut induire une résistance systémique contre B. cinerea. Bien que les mécanismes impliqués ne soient pas encore compris, des parties préliminaires de ces travaux démontrent que les expressions de gènes responsables de la production de glucanase, chitinase ainsi qu’un inhibiteur de polygalacturonase ne semblent pas potentialisés pendant le phénomène de résistance systémique. Enfin nous avons démontré l’interaction entre Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 et Arabidopsis thaliana qui résulte dans une association intime dûe également à colonisation rhizosphèrique et endophytique de la plante modèle. La souche bénéfique peut églement induire un phénomène de résistance systémique sur A. thaliana contre B. cinerea et les analyses de plantes mutées ont permis de determiner des parties des mécanismes impliqués dans l’ISR aini que des nouveaux mécanismes impliqués qui peuvent être induits par des microbes bénéfiques / In this thesis, the desert soil isolate, Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, has been evaluated for its bioactive properties towards the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea, for its colonization of Vitis vinifera L., and Arabidopsis thaliana as well as to study the mechanisms of induced systemic resistance (ISR) towards B. cinerea. The results obtained allowed us firstly to show that Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 can exhibit strong antifungal properties towards B. cinerea and that some metabolites can be responsible of this antifungal activity. Although these metabolites are still under consideration and that this study needs further works, we have demonstrated then the colonization properties of the desert soil isolate with grapevine plants. The results showed that the strain can form rhizospheric as well as endophytic subpopulations with grapevine plants (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar graffed on 44-53 M rootstock) at early step of colonization. Then we have demonstrated that the beneficial strain could induce a systemic resistance towards B. cinerea. Although the mechanisms are not yet well understood, preliminary parts of this work demonstrated that the genes responsible of glucanase production, chitinase as well as inhibitor of polygalacturonase activity do not seems to be primed during the systemic resistance phenomenon. Finally we demonstrated that the interaction between Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 and Arabidopsis thaliana plants results in a close association due also to a rhizo- and endophytic colonization of the model plant. The beneficial strain can also induce a systemic resistance in A. thaliana towards B. cinerea and analyzes of plant mutants have allowed to determine parts of the mechanisms involved in ISR as well as new mechanisms that could be trigerred by beneficial microbes

Characterization and role of nitric oxide production in Arabidopsis thaliana defense responses induced by oligogalacturonides / Caractérisation et rôle de la production du monoxyde d'azote en réponse aux oligogalacturonidase chez Arabidopsis thaliana

Rasul, Sumaira 21 December 2011 (has links)
Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) régule un grand nombre de processus physiologiques tel quele développement ou les réponses aux modifications des conditions environnementales. Dans cetravail, la production de NO et ses effets ont été étudiés dans le contexte des interactions plante –pathogène. La production de NO générée chez Arabidopsis thaliana par les oligogalacturonides(OGs), eliciteur endogène des réactions de défense, a été mesurée par la sonde fluorescente 4, 5-diamino fluoresceine diacetate. L’utilisation d’approches pharmacologiques et génétiques ontpermis d’étudier les sources enzymatiques de la production de NO et son rôle dans l’interactionA. thaliana/Botrytis cinerea. Nous avons montré que le NO est produit par une voie dépendantede la L-arginine ainsi que d’une voie impliquant la Nitrate Réductase. La production de NOinduite par les OGs est dépendante du Ca2+ et modulée par les formes activées de l’oxygène(produites par AtRBOHD). La production de NO est également régulée par les CDPKs mais estindépendante des activités MAPKs. A l’aide d’une approche transcriptomique nous avons ensuitedémontré que le NO participe à la régulation de l’expression de gènes induits par les OGs tels quedes gènes codant pour des protéines PR ou des facteurs de transcription. La sur-représentation decertains éléments régulateurs (par exemple de type W-box) dans les régions promotrices desgènes cibles du NO suggère également l’implication de facteurs de transcription spécifiques dansla réponse au NO. Enfin, des plantes mutantes, affectées dans l’expression de gènes cibles de NO,ainsi que des plantes de type sauvage (Col-0) traitées par le piégeur de NO, cPTIO, sont plussensibles à B. cinerea. L’ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de mieux comprendre lesmécanismes liant la production de NO, ses effets et la résistance d’A. thaliana à B. cinerea,confirmant que le NO est un élément-clé des réactions de défense des plantes / Nitric oxide (NO) regulates a wide range of plant processes from development toenvironmental adaptation. In this study, NO production and its effects were investigated in aplant-pathogen context. The production of NO following Arabidopsis treatment witholigogalacturonides (OGs), an endogenous elicitor of plant defense, was assessed using the NOsensitive probe 4, 5-diamino fluorescein diacetate. Pharmacological and genetic approaches wereused to analyze NO enzymatic sources and its role in the Arabidopsis thaliana /Botrytis cinereainteraction. We showed that NO production involves both a L-arginine- and a nitrate reductase(NR)-pathways. OGs-induced NO production was Ca2+-dependent and modulated RBOHDmediatedROS production. NO production was also regulated by CDPKs activities, but workedindependently of the MAPKs pathway. Using a transcriptomic approach, we further demonstratedthat NO participates to the regulation of genes induced by OGs such as genes encoding diseaserelatedproteins and transcription factors. The over-representation of certain regulatory elements(e.g. W-BOX) in promoter sequences of target genes also suggests the involvement of specifictranscription factors in the NO response. Mutant plants impaired in several selected NOresponsivegenes, as well as Col-0 plants treated with the NO scavenger cPTIO, were moresusceptible to B. cinerea. Taken together, our investigation deciphers part of the mechanismslinking NO production, NO-induced effects and basal resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Moregenerally, our data reinforce the concept that NO is a key mediator of plant defense responses

Caractérisation, criblage et mise en oeuvre de souches bactériennes issues du vignoble bordelais pour la lutte biologique contre les champignons impliqués dans la Pourriture grise et l'Esca de la vigne / Characterization, screening and implementation of bacterial strains from Bordeaux vineyards for biological control of fungal pathogens involved in Gray mold and Esca of grapevine

Haidar, Rana 11 October 2016 (has links)
Contre la pourriture grise et les maladies du bois (MdBs), qui sont des maladies cryptogamiques majeures de la vigne, la lutte biologique a un potentiel de développement considérable dans le contexte actuel de réduction des intrants chimiques en viticulture.L’objectif de cette thèse est de sélectionner et d'étudier des souches bactériennes antagonistes de Botrytis cinerea (Pourriture grise) et de deux champignons pathogènes clefs liés aux MdBs: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora et Neofusicoccum parvum. Les expériences de screening principales sont réalisées in vivo et in planta sur 46 souches bactériennes isolées dans le vignoble bordelais. Le niveau de protection par les souches antagonistes dépend significativement de la souche bactérienne, de l’espèce de champignon pathogène ciblée, du tissu ou organe végétal hôte, mais aussi pour N. parvum, du mode d’application de la souche bactérienne et, pour B. cinerea, du génotype lié aux transposons : transposa ou vacuma.Une réduction significative de 40 à 64% de la taille des nécroses dues à P. chlamydospora et/ou N. parvum est induite par trois souches bactériennes Pantoea agglomerans (S1), Paenibacillus sp. (S19) et Bacillus pumilus (S32) sur des boutures de vigne non greffées. Ces souches ont fait l'objet d'investigations approfondies pour déterminer leurs principaux modes d’action : Antibiose, production de composés volatils qui ont été identifiés et/ou induction de différents gènes de défense de la vigne.Concernant B. cinerea, les souches Enterobacter cowanii (S22), Enterobacter sp. (S23), Bacillus ginsengihumi (S38) et Bacillus sp. (S43, S46) présentent un pouvoir antagoniste important par production de composés volatils et diffusibles anti-Botrytis, ainsi que par compétition pour les nutriments par E. cowanii (S22). / Biological control of gray mold and grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), which are major fungal diseases of grapevine, has a considerable potential development in the current context of reduction of chemical input in viticulture.The aim of this study was to select and study bacterial strains for antagonism against Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold, and two key pathogens involved in GTDs: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Neofusicoccum parvum. The main screening experiments for antagonistic activity of 46 bacterial strains, isolated from Bordeaux vineyards, have been carried out under different in vivo and in planta conditions. The efficacy of protection by the antagonistic strains significantly depended on the bacterial strain, the targeted pathogen species, the host plant tissue or organ and, for N. parvum, also on the application mode of the bacterial strain and, for B. cinerea, on the transposon genotype: transposa or vacuma.A significant reduction in length of necrosis due to P. chlamydospora and/or N. parvum, ranging between 40 and 64% in non-grafted vine cuttings, resulted from three bacterial strains: Pantoea agglomerans (S1), Paenibacillus sp. (S19) and Bacillus pumilus (S32). These strains were thoroughly further investigated to determine their major modes of action by i) Antibiosis ii) production of antifungal volatile organic compounds, which have been identified, and/or iii) induction of different grapevine defense genes. Concerning B. cinerea, Enterobacter cowanii (S22), Enterobacter sp. (S23) Bacillus ginsengihumi (S38), Bacillus sp. (S43, S46) were of prime importance in the biocontrol by producing anti-Botrytis volatile and diffusible compounds or by competing for nutrients (case of E. cowanii S22).

Secretome Analysis in Higher Basidiomycetes - Freely Secreted and Cell Wall Proteins from Coprinopsis cinerea / Sekretomanalyse in höheren Basidiomyceten - Frei sekretierte und Zellwand gebundene Proteine in Coprinopsis cinerea

Güttel, Dorothea 29 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Extracellular matrix proteins in growth and fruiting body development of straw and wood degrading basidiomycetes / Extrazelluläre Matrix Proteine bei Wachstum und Fruchtkörperbildung in stroh- und holzabbauenden Basidiomyzeten

Velagapudi, Rajesh 24 February 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular analysis of genes acting in fruiting body development in basidiomycetes

Srivilai, Prayook 27 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Light effects on fruiting body development of wildtype in comparison to light-insensitive mutant strains of the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea, grazing of mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) on the strains and production of volatile organic compounds during fruiting body development

Chaisaena, Wassana 17 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchungen zum Helminthenbefall beim Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) und Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) aus sächsischen Teichwirtschaften - ein Beitrag zu Parasitenbefall, Epidemiologie und Schadwirkung

Oßmann, Susann 23 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In Karpfen sächsischer Karpfenteichwirtschaften spielen u.a. die Zestoden Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus und Paradilepis scolecina und der Trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum eine Rolle (KAPPE 2004, PIETROCK et al. 2006, KAPPE & SEIFERT unveröff.). Weitere Fischarten (Schleie, Plötze, Regenbogenforelle) sind mit den Trematoden Diplostomum sp., Hysteromorpha triloba, Posthodiplostomum cuticola infiziert (PIETROCK et al. 2006). Mit dieser Arbeit sollte der Versuch unternommen werden, die Bedeutung Fisch fressender Vögel als Vektor Fisch pathogener Helminthen in Sachsen aufzuklären. Dafür wurden im Zeitraum von Juni 2003 bis Dezember 2004 97 Kormorane (Phalacrocorax carbo) und 46 Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) aus dem Einzugsgebiet sächsischer Teichwirtschaften auf ihren Befall mit Endohelminthen untersucht. Im Winter 2004 konnte zusätzlich ein Silberreiher (Casmerodius albus) und eine Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus) in die Untersuchungen einbezogen werden. Während des Untersuchungszeitraumes konnten so insgesamt 29 Parasitengattungen bzw. -arten nachgewiesen werden, denen z.T. kommerziell genutzte Süßwasserfische als Zwischenwirte oder paratenische Wirte dienen. Die Parasiten des Kormorans umfassten 15 verschiedene Parasitenarten. Dabei handelte es sich um die beiden Zestoden Ligula intestinalis und Paradilepis scolecina, die sechs Nematoden Baruscapillaria spp., Contracaecum rudolphii, Cyathostoma microspiculum, Desmidocercella incognita, Eucoleus contortus und Syncuaria squamata und die sieben Trematoden Clinostomum complanatum, Holostephanus dubinini, Hysteromorpha triloba, Metorchis xanthosomus, Paryphostomum radiatum, Petasiger exaeretus und P. phalacrocoracis. Außerdem wurden die zwei Kratzer Corynosoma strumosum und Polymorphus sp. nachgewiesen. Im Graureiher konnten dagegen nur neun Helminthenarten nachgewiesen werden. So der Zestode Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus, die sechs Trematoden Apharyngostrigea cornu, Bilharziella polonica, Diplostomum sp., Echinoasmus belocephalus, Posthodiplostomum cuticola und Tylodelphis excavata und die drei Nematoden Avioserpens galliardi, Desmidocercella incognita und Desmidocercella numidica. In der Silbermöwe konnten der Zestode Echinocotyle verschureni, die vier Trematoden Apophallus mühlingi, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, Renicola lari und Metorchis xanthosomus sowie die drei Nematoden Desmidocercella incognita, Cosmocephalus obvelatus und Paracuaria tridentata nachgewiesen werden. Die parasitologischen Befunde des Silberreihers beschränkten sich auf Apharyngostrigea sp., Desmidocercella incognita und Desmidocercella numidica. Eine Beeinflussung der Helminthenfauna von Karpfen durch Kormoran und Reiher als auch umgekehrt konnte anhand der eigenen Untersuchungen in sächsischen Teichwirtschaften nicht sicher nachgewiesen werden. / In Saxonian carp ponds the cestodes Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus and Paradilepis scolecina and the trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum occur amongst others in carps (KAPPE 2004, PIETROCK et al. 2006, KAPPE & SEIFERT unpublished). Further fish species (tench, roach, rainbow trout) are infected with the trematodes Diplostomum sp., Hysteromorpha triloba and Posthodiplostomum cuticola (PIETROCK et al. 2006). This work was performed to analyse the importance of fish eating birds as vectors of fish pathogenic helminths. For this purpose 97 common cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and 46 grey herons (Ardea cinerea) were examined on their infestation with endohelminths during the term of June 2003 to December 2004. All these birds came from the vicinity of Saxonian fish ponds. In winter 2004 additionally an egret (Casmerodius albus) and an hering gull (Larus argentatus) were included into the investigations. Altogether 29 parasite species and genus respectively could be detected. Some of these endohelminths use fresh water fishes as intermediate or paratenic hosts. The cormorants harboured 15 different parasite species and genus respectively: the two cestodes Ligula intestinalis and Paradilepis scolecina, the six nematodes Baruscapillaria carbonis, Contracaecum rudolphii, Cyathostoma microspiculum, Desmidocercella incognita, Eucoleus contortus and Syncuaria squamata and seven trematodes the Clinostomum complanatum, Holostephanus dubinini, Hysteromorpha triloba, Metorchis xanthosomus, Paryphostomum radiatum, Petasiger exaeretus and P. phalacrocoracis. In addition the two acanthocephales Corynosoma strumosum and Polymorphus sp. were detected. In the grey heron nine helminth species/genus could be detected: the cestode Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus, the six trematodes Apharyngostrigea cornu, Bilharziella polonica, Diplostomum sp., Echinoasmus belocephalus, Posthodiplostomum cuticola and Tylodelphis excavata and the three nematodes Avioserpens galliardi, Desmidocercella incognita and Desmidocercella numidica. In the hering gull the cestode Echinocotyle verschureni, the four trematodes Apophallus muehlingi, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, Renicola lari and Metorchis xanthosomus as well as the three nematodes Desmidocercella incognita, Cosmocephalus obvelatus and Paracuaria tridentata were detected. Merely three endohelminths could be demonstrated in the investigated egret: Apharyngostrigea sp., Desmidocercella incognita and D. numidica. Six of the 29 endohelminth species and genus respectively were found in this examination to infest both fish and birds in Saxonian fish ponds. Nevertheless the helminth fauna of the inestigated birds, in particular of cormorants and herons did not make a definite impact on the carps´ infestation with endohelminths. As well as the fish helminth fauna were not unequivocally linked to those of the birds.

Regressão logística politômica ordinal: Avaliação do potencial de Clonostachys rosea no biocontrole de Botrytis cinerea / Polytomous ordinal logistic regression: Assessing the potential of Clonostachys rosea in biocontrol of Botrytis cinerea

Lara, Evandro de Avila e 23 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:32:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 764829 bytes, checksum: 8dbd03463c4800428f75900ca1340eb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-23 / The use of logistic regression modeling as a tool for modeling statistical probability of an event as a function of one or more independents variables, has grown among researchers in several areas, including Phytopathology. At about the dichotomous logistic regression in which the dependent variable is the type binary or dummy, is the extensive number of studies in the literature that discuss the modeling assumptions and the interpretation of the analyzes, as well as alternatives for implementation in statistical packages. However, when the variable response requires the use three or more categories, the number of publications is scarce. This is not only due to the scarcity of relevant publications on the subject, but also the inherent difficulty of coverage on the subject. In this paper we address the applicability of the model polytomous ordinal logistic regression, as well as differences between the proportional odds models, nonproportional and partial proportional odds. For this, we analyzed data from an experiment in which we evaluated the potential antagonistic fungus Clonostachys rosea in biocontrol of the disease called "gray mold", caused by Botrytis cinerea in strawberry and tomato. The partial proportional odds models and nonproportional were adjusted and compared, since the proportionality test score accused rejection of the proportional odds assumption. The estimates of the model coefficients as well as the odds ratios were interpreted in practical terms for Phytopathology. The polytomous ordinal logistic regression is introduced as an important statistical tool for predicting values, showing the potential of C. rosea in becoming a commercial product to be developed and used in the biological control of the disease, because the application of C. rosea was as or more effective than the use of fungicides in the control of gray mold. / O uso da regressão logística como uma ferramenta estatística para modelar a probabilidade de um evento em função de uma ou mais variáveis explicativas, tem crescido entre pesquisadores em várias áreas, inclusive na Fitopatologia. À respeito da regressão logística dicotômica, na qual a variável resposta é do tipo binária ou dummy, é extenso o número de trabalhos na literatura que abordam a modelagem, as pressuposições e a interpretação das análises, bem como alternativas de implementação em pacotes estatísticos. No entanto, quando a variável resposta requer que se utilize três ou mais categorias, o número de publicações é escasso. Isso devido não somente à escassez de publicações relevantes sobre o assunto, mas também à inerente dificuldade de abrangência sobre o tema. No presente trabalho aborda-se a aplicabilidade do modelo de regressão logística politômica ordinal, bem como as diferenças entre os modelos de chances proporcionais, chances proporcionais parciais e chances não proporcionais. Para isso, foram analisados dados de um experimento em que se avaliou o potencial do fungo antagonista Clonostachys rosea no biocontrole da doença denominada mofo cinzento , causada por Botrytis cinerea em morangueiro e tomateiro. Os modelos de chances proporcionais parciais e não proporcionais foram ajustados e comparados, uma vez que o teste score de proporcionalidade acusou rejeição da pressuposição de chances proporcionais. As estimativas dos coeficientes dos modelos bem como das razões de chances foram interpretadas em termos práticos para a Fitopatologia. A regressão logística politômica ordinal se apresentou como uma importante ferramenta estatística para predição de valores, mostrando o potencial do C. rosea em se tornar um produto comercial a ser desenvolvido e usado no controle biológico da doença, pois a aplicação de C. rosea foi tão ou mais eficiente do que a utilização de fungicidas no controle do mofo cinzento.

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