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Citizenship, support, and fit: exploring the generalizability of these concepts to the occupational domainIngham, Kim Marie January 2008 (has links)
This study explored the generalizability of citizenship behavior, support, and fit to the occupational domain. In doing so, arguments to include occupation constructs in organizational analyses were offered, reliability and validity testing of the occupation constructs was performed, and relationships among the occupation constructs, their respective organizational counterparts, occupation-related outcomes, and organization-related outcomes were explored. Results of the assessments demonstrated that occupational citizenship behavior, perceived occupational support, and person-occupation fit are distinguishable from their organizational counterparts and that occupation constructs and organization constructs contributed independently to occupational activity and work place behavior. Overall findings from the study suggest inclusion of occupation constructs in organizational analyses can enrich, complement and/or supplement our understanding of organizational behavior. / Business Administration
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An Exploratory Study of Reception of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Work Related Outcomes: It is Good for Your Co-workersChe, Xinxuan 01 January 2012 (has links)
The predictors of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) - performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes place - have been studied extensively in previous research. Surprisingly, only a few studies have looked into OCB's effects on individuals who might benefit from it. The purpose of the current study was to explore effects of individual-level OCB on its recipients. Reception of OCB (ROCB) is described and proposed to be related to targets' performance, job stress and job strains. In addition, narcissism and proactive personality were explored as predictors of reception of OCB also as moderators of the relationships between reception of OCB and job-related outcomes. I sampled 372 employed students through online surveys. Results showed that ROCB is positively related to the recipients' proactive personality, narcissism, overall job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, organizational affective commitment, and negatively associated with recipients' work interfere with family and turnover intension. Moreover, the study found no moderating effects of proactive personality or narcissism on these relationships. It was showed that ROCB is an important construct that needs to be taken into account in future organizational studies since it has significant relationships with other commonly studied organizational variables. Future studies should try to replicate the current results using different samples. Moreover, longitudinal design should be used to study the casual relationships between ROCB and organizational variables.
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“Skolan har ju ett fostrande uppdrag och ett främjande uppdrag” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolans arbete med psykisk hälsa i mellanstadiet ur ett lärarperspektiv / "The school has a nurturing and a promoting mission" : A qualitative interview study about school's work with mental health in middle school from a teacher's perspectiveFasth, Moa-Lee, Spahija, Hidajete January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga är ett stort folkhälsoproblem i dagens samhälle, studiervisar att ungdomars psykiska ohälsa debuterar redan innan 14-årsåldern och forskning harvisat att hälsoundervisning i skolan har en positiv påverkan på elevernas välbefinnande. Barn och unga spenderar stor del av sin vardag i skolan vilket gör skolan till en bra arena för attfrämja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa. Med utgångspunkt i det folkhälsovetenskapliga arbetetsyftar studien till att undersöka hur skolor arbetar med psykisk hälsa i mellanstadiet ur ettlärarperspektiv. Studien hade till avsikt att besvara frågeställningen: Hur vill lärare arbeta medpsykisk hälsa i skolan? Vilka hinder uppfattar lärare att det finns för att tillämpa psykisk hälsai skolan? En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats och deskriptiv design tillämpades för att få insikt ilärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser inom ämnesområdet. Vi samlade in empirin genom 10semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes via Zoom med mellanstadielärare runt om ilandet. Informanterna valdes ut genom ett avsiktligt urval där mellanstadielärare medvetetvaldes ut för att de besitter förmågan att belysa ett specifikt fenomen. Inklusionskriterierna fördeltagandet var att arbeta som mellanstadielärare inom friskolor och kommunala skolor. Degenomförda intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Studien utgår från de teoretiska utgångspunkterna Salutogenes och Organizational citizenship behavior. Resultatet av studien visar att lärare saknar stöd, kompetens och resurser för att kunna arbetahälsofrämjande med elevers psykiska hälsa. Skolornas arbete med psykiskt arbete skiljer sigåt skolor emellan, likaså skiljer lärarnas arbetssätt åt i ämnet. Detta tycks bero på att skolornasaknar en gemensam kunskapssyn i arbetet samt att de aktuella riktlinjerna i läroplanen intebetonar hur man ska arbeta med elevers psykisk hälsa utan lämnas för fri tolkning. / Mental illness among children and youth is a major public health problem in today's society,studies show that young people's mental illness begins before the age of 14 and research hasshown that health education in school has a positive impact on students' well-being. Childrenand young people spend a large part of their daily life at school, which makes school a goodarena for promoting health and preventing ill-health. Based on public health science work, thestudy aims to investigate how schools work with mental health in middle school from ateacher's perspective. The study intended to answer the question: How do teachers want towork with mental health in school? What barriers do teachers perceive there to be inimplementing mental health in schools? A qualitative method with an inductive approach and descriptive design was applied to gaininsight into the teachers' experiences in the subject area. We collected the empirical evidencethrough 10 semi-structured interviews that were conducted via Zoom with middle schoolteachers around the country. The informants were selected through purposive sampling wheremiddle school teachers were deliberately selected because they possess the ability to shedlight on a specific phenomenon. The inclusion criteria for participation were to work as amiddle school teacher in independent and municipal schools. The conducted interviews weretranscribed and analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. The study is based on thetheoretical starting points Salutogenesis and Organizational citizenship behavior. The results of the study show that teachers lack support, competence, and resources to be ableto work health promotion with students' mental health. The schools' work with psychologicalwork differs between schools, as do the teachers' working methods in the subject. This seemsto be due to the fact that the schools lack a common view of knowledge in the work and thatthe current guidelines in the curriculum do not emphasize how to work with students' mentalhealth but are left to free interpretation.
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Påverkar arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility de anställda? : En kvantitativ studie av ett kooperativt företag i fastighetsbranschenCavka, Irma, Karlsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida ”Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) påverkar de anställdas organisatoriska engagemang och ”Organizational Citizenship Behavior” (OCB) positivt samt huruvida CSR-aktiviteterna minskar de anställdas vilja att säga upp sig. Forskningsstrategin har utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats och grundades i en kvantitativ design där en webbaserad enkätstudie skickades ut till de anställda på ett medelstort kooperativt företag inom fastighetsbranschen under april 2016. Ett klusterurval genomfördes vilket genererade 62 enkätsvar med en svarsfrekvens på 36%. För att säkerställa mätinstrumentets reliabilitet användes Cronbachs alfa reliabilitetskoefficient där samtliga värden låg mellan α=0,81 och α=0,89. Pearsons korrelationsanalys och flera stegvisa regressionsanalyser utfördes för att analysera data. En signifikansnivå på p=0,05 tillämpades och studiens resultat visade att CSR predicerar de anställdas organisatoriska engagemang (p <0,001) och OCB (p <0,001). Slutsatsen av resultatet indikerade på att företagets CSR-arbete är relevant och har en positiv påverkan på de anställdas attityder och beteenden.
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Using Critical Incidents: The Development of a Behaviorally Based Training Program for Supervisor Citizenship Behavior and Feedback SkillsLecheler, Jody J. 01 May 2015 (has links)
It has been argued (Greer, 2013) that supervisors are a critical component in organizational effectiveness. Supervisors are required to hold many roles within the organization (Evans, 1965). Specifically, employees often see supervisors as representatives of the organization, while the organization depends on supervisors to maintain production (Greer, 2013). Many supervisors also fill a variety of other organizational roles such as mentor, trainer, motivator, disciplinarian, evaluator, and leader (Evans, 1965). For these reasons, effective supervisors are crucial to organizational success. The present study developed a behaviorally based training program for supervisors for a poultry processing organization. The training program content included displaying supervisor citizenship behavior and providing effective feedback. Examples of actual situations in the form of critical incidents were collected from incumbents serving as subject matter experts (SMEs). The critical incidents were then edited, retranslated, calibrated, and used to provide specific behavioral examples in the training program.
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Job seekers and employers frequently make application and selection decisions based on how well they believe there is a ‘fit’ with the organization and job. The personenvironment fit literature has strongly supported this practice demonstrating that fit is an antecedent to attraction, selection, and attrition. What has been lacking, however, is evidence that once individuals enter the organization their fit relates to performance. Using a social network analytical lens, I develop a framework that integrates PE fit and social networks to explore antecedents to employee performance. Using this framework, I explore how informal workplace relationships may act as catalysts through which fit either enhances or detracts from individual performance, how fit might directly influence performance once the social context is taken into account, and how fit might make an individual an attractive exchange partner benefiting performance. Results suggest that PE fit is related to individual performance (both in- and extra-role) but that this relationship differs depending on how well embedded the employee is in the informal social networks of the organization. It is only when accounting for the ‘who you know’ element of organizational life that we can see how ‘who you are’ relates to performance.
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校長魅力領導與教師組織公民行為之關係研究 / The study of the relationship between principals' Charismatic leadership and teachers' organizational citizenship behavior高俊卿, Kao, Chun Chin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:魅力領導、組織公民行為 / This research object is focused on exploring the relationship between principals’ charismatic leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schools, by way of related theory investigation and empirical study conclusions will be referred to the education department for principals leadership and teachers organizational behavior improvement and reference.
This research was conducted under the questionnaire survey aiming at qualified teachers of Taipei public and private junior high schools with sampling size of 945 volunteer and withdrew 752 copies thereof effective. Regarding the research tool includes C-K education scale questionnaire and was collected ,compiled by the researcher, then followed by descriptive statistics through SPSS package, t-test , one-way variance analysis, typical correlation analysis and multiple -regression analysis model .
According to the research analysis and discussion, it comes to the conclusions as following:
1.Scale score statistics results revealed that teachers of Taipei public and private junior high schools recognized principals leadership of charisma and to be positive, among the charismatic leadership 5 dimensions, “strategic vision and articulation” perception ranks the top.
2.It also showed teachers well perceived organizational citizenship behavior, among the organizational citizenship behavior 3 dimensions, “OCBO “perception are of the most.
3.School teachers perceived principals leadership of charisma depends on teachers’ sex, seniority , position ,age, academic system and size of school.
4.School teachers who are male, in private junior high schools with classes under 24, perceived principals leadership of charisma the most.
5.School teachers toward “organizational citizenship behavior” perception depends on teachers’ sex, seniority , position ,age, academic system and size of school.
6.School teachers who are male, university graduate , seniority over 16 years ,in private junior high schools with classes under 24, perceived “school -benefit orientation” the most.
7.School principals charismatic leadership appeal to “strategic vision and articulation” ,which is the most significant determinant of teachers organizational citizenship behavior.
8.Each dimension of teachers organizational behavior is significantly, positively correlated with school principals charismatic leadership, among the most is “ OCBI.”
9.The principals charismatic leadership performance is higher, teachers more behave with school -benefit orientation , especially principals performed well in “strategic vision and articulation”and“sensitivity to the environment”, which enhances teachers “OCBI”
Finally, according to the research findings and conclusions , bring up some suggestions regarding practice applications and subsequent studies respectively to schools and education authorities.
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Varför beter sig chefer kontrollerande? Betydelsen av medarbetares prestation och psykologiska behov samt chefers stressEliasson, Linda, Hedvall, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Destruktiva former av ledarskap har visat sig ha stor negativ påverkan på både individnivå och organisatorisk nivå. För att minska förekomsten av destruktiva ledarbeteenden är det viktigt att förstå vad som bidrar till att chefer agerar destruktivt. Studien syftade därför till att undersöka antecedenter (orsaker) till kontrollerande ledarskap. Data insamlades i en medelstor kommun genom webbaserade enkäter till chefer (n = 37) och deras medarbetare (n = 329) vid två tillfällen. Flernivåanalys användes för att analysera data. I linje med Self-determination theory (SDT) visade resultaten att lägre känsla av kompetens hos medarbetare predicerar ökad grad av kontrollerande ledarbeteenden hos chefer. Vidare återfanns resultat som visar att medarbetares arbetsprestation samt chefers stress inte predicerar kontrollerande ledarskap. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar resultaten att följare har betydelse för ledares användande av kontrollerande ledarbeteenden. Denna kunskap kan bidra till utformningen av interventioner i syfte att minska kontrollerande ledarskap och i förlängningen de kostsamma effekter som följer. / Destructive forms of leadership have been proved to have major negative impact at both individual and organizational levels. To reduce the occurrence of destructive management behaviors it is important to understand what contributes to the manager acting destructive. The study therefore aimed to investigate antecedents (causes) to controlling leadership. Data were collected in a medium-sized municipality through web-based surveys, to managers (n = 37) and their employees (n = 329) on two occasions. Multilevel analysis was used to analyze data. In line with Self-determination theory (SDT), the results showed lower sense of competence among employees predicts higher levels of controlling leadership behaviors among managers. Furthermore, the results showed that employees’ work performance and managers’ stress do not predict controlling leadership. In summary, the results indicate that followers play a role in manager’s use of controlling leadership behaviors. This knowledge can contribute to the design of interventions in order to reduce controlling leadership and, in the long run, the costly effects that follows.
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Self-Determination Theory and Locus of Control as Antecedents of Voluntary Workplace BehaviorsO'Brien, Kimberly E 17 June 2004 (has links)
Antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors and counterproductive work behaviors have been studied in depth, focusing on both individual differences and environmental variables. However, motivation has been largely overlooked as a contributor to these voluntary behaviors. Self-Determination Theory, a motivational framework, posits that environmental support in the form of fulfilled basic psychological needs leads to activities geared towards growth and development, whereas a lack of environmental supports thwarts these attempts towards self-growth. It is hypothesized that environmental support will account for unique variance above and beyond previously studied antecedents of voluntary workplace behaviors. This was supported using hierarchical regression. It was also hypothesized that locus of control will moderate the effect of environmental support on voluntary behaviors, such that environmental support will play a larger role in people with an external locus of control, compared to those with an internal locus of control. This was not supported using moderated regression, but the trends suggest that future research in this area may be more successful. The implications for research and practice are discussed.
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OCB Through Cultural Lenses: Exploring the Relations Among Personality, OCB and Cultural ValuesXu, Xian 07 November 2004 (has links)
The present study attempted to explore the role cultural values play on the relations between personality variables and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Specifically, Schwartz' cultural values of hierarchy and egalitarianism and the personality predictors of conscientiousness and agreeableness were examined. It was hypothesized that hierarchy and egalitarianism would moderate the relationship between conscientiousness, agreeableness and OCB. Specific hypotheses concerning the direction of the influence on particular dimensions of OCB were tested. Data were collected from multiple organizations resulting in a sample of 62 pairs of employee-supervisor dyads from the U.S. and 64 pairs from China. Results indicated that agreeableness correlated significantly with OCB toward individuals and that hierarchy moderated the relationship between conscientiousness and OCB toward the organization. The other hypotheses were not supported. Limitations of the study and implications for future research were also discussed.
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