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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A persistência do fim da História

Savoldi Junior, Antenor January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe o estudo da ideia de “fim da História”, conforme apresentada pelo cientista político norte-americano Francis Fukuyama. Em um primeiro momento, delimitamos seu conceito de “fim da História” a partir do artigo original The End of History?, de 1989, e de suas publicações seguintes, até o livro The End of History and the Last Man, de 1992. Na segunda parte, após contrastar a ideia ao paradigma de “choque de civilizações”, de Samuel Huntington, aproximamos a estrutura conceitual proposta por Fukuyama de tópicos da teoria da história e história da historiografia relacionados ao conceito moderno de História e sua eventual exaustão identificada por diversos autores. No terceiro momento, o trabalho aborda o percurso da obra de Fukuyama após a repercussão inicial de sua proposta de “fim da História”, até os dias de hoje, buscando eventuais novidades à estrutura conceitual delimitada anteriormente. A título de conclusão, abordamos o cenário atual dos debates da historiografia para especular acerca do futuro do campo do conhecimento e do ofício do historiador. / This work proposes the study of the idea of the “end of History“, as it is presented by the North American political scientist Francis Fukuyama. At first, we delimit the concept from his original article The End of History?, published in 1989, and from his following publications, up to his 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man. In the second part, after contrasting Fukuyama’s idea to Samuel Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” paradigm, we put the conceptual structure proposed by Fukuyama alongside topics regarding theory of history and history of historiography related to the modern concept of History and its eventual exhaustion, already signaled by several authors. The third part approaches the long course of Fukuyama’s work regarding “the end of History”, after the repercussion of his initial article up until the present days, looking for eventual innovations in the conceptual structure previously designed. For the sake of conclusion, we approach the current debates around the topic, to speculate about the future of the field of knowledge and the role attributed to the professional historian.

A noção de "Monarquia Universal" segundo o historiador Serge Gruzinski : aspectos metodológicos, simbólicos e institucionais no período hispano-colonial

Giorgi, Grasiela de Souza Thomsen January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga os métodos utilizados pelo etno-historiador Serge Gruzinski – as Connected Histories e a História das Sensibilidades – com a finalidade de compreender como foram construídas as instituições jurídico-políticas pela monarquia católica na América Espanhola até o final da dinastia dos Habsburgos, a partir de uma realidade hegemônica preexistente nos povos pré-colombianos. Não foi possível a simples implantação do sistema institucional hispânico e também não se perpetuaram as instituições pré-colombianas, criandose instituições mescladas. Trata-se de uma realidade complexa, na qual não podem ser considerados apenas indígenas e espanhóis, pois através deste contato surgiram os mestiços e na América nasceram os criollos. Aportaram no Novo Mundo negros, povos de outras raças que se misturaram. Esta mistura não ocorreu apenas no aspecto biológico, mas antes na religião, na escrita e nas instituições. O método das connected histories foi criado por Sanjay Subrahmanyam e adotado por Gruzinski. Os principais desencadeadores deste método, quando aplicado à América Espanhola, são: a função mediadora dos passeurs culturels a descentralização da história e as mestiçagens. Os passeurs são quem realiza os processos de ocidentalização e de globalização. A descentralização da história substitui o polo único europeu ou ibérico por uma pluralidade de centros localizados na periferia, buscando a elaboração da história de forma global e não reducionista. A Monarquia Católica é o campo de observação e aplicação deste método porque está para além dos limites do Estado-nacional. Os elementos mestiços tem sido ignorados ou desvalorizados ao longo da história, mas são importantes porque aprofundam a história e apresentam as realidades complexas, para além de espanhóis e indígenas. Destaca-se também a importância das imagens e do imaginário, que podem expressar uma ideia diretamente, cujas reações são difíceis de traduzir em palavras. É importante captar a história para além das expressões intelectuais ou técnicas, sob pena de haver um reducionismo na apreensão do passado. Trata-se do método da história das sensibilidades. Por fim, é importante destacar a visão de Matthew Restall em relação aos mitos da conquista espanhola, com sua crítica ao mito da superioridade dos espanhóis, pois não podemos partir da premissa de que os espanhóis eram em algum sentido melhores do que os nativos americanos, sob pena de não compreendermos a complexidade da história gerada a partir do contato entre estes dois mundos. / The present work searches the methods used by the etno historian Serge Gruziski – The Connected Histories and the Sensibilities’ History – to understand how the Catholic Monarchy built the political and juridical institutions of the Spanish America until the end of the Habsburg Dynasty, upon a hegemonic reality pre-existent in the pre-Columbian peoples. The simple implantation of the Spanish institutional system was impossible, as was the perpetuation of the pre-Columbian institutions, originating mixed institutions. It was a complex reality, in which we cannot just consider Indians and Spaniards, because from this very contact emerged mestizos and in America, creoles were born. Negroes and other races docked in America and mixed. This mix don´t happen only in the biologic sense, but also and above all in the religion, in the writings and in the institutions. The connected histories method was created by Sanjay Subrahmanyam and adopted by Gruzinski. The main elements of this method, when applied to the Spanish America, are the mediator paper of the passeurs culturels, the history´s decentralization and the miscegenation. The passeurs are the actors who made the processes of the westernization and globalization. The history´s decentralization replaces the only European pole by a plurality of centers situated in the periphery, seeking to elaborate a global history and not a reductionist version of it. The Catholic Monarchy is the field of observation and application of this method, because it is beyond the limits of the State Nation. The mestizos has been ignored or devaluated through the history, but they are important because they deepen the history and show complex realities, beyond Spaniards and Indians. Noteworthy is also the importance of the images and the imaginary, that can express an idea directly, whose reactions are difficult to translate in words. It´s important to understand the history beyond the intellectual and technical expressions, otherwise we generate a reductionist view and comprehension of the past. This is the method of the Sensibilities’ History. Finally, it’s important to highlight Matthew Restall’s view towards the myths of the Spanish Conquer, with his critic to the myth of the Spanish superiority, because we cannot start by the premise that the Spaniards were in either way better than the native Americans, otherwise we will be unable to understand the complexity of the history generated by the contact between this two worlds.

A noção de "Monarquia Universal" segundo o historiador Serge Gruzinski : aspectos metodológicos, simbólicos e institucionais no período hispano-colonial

Giorgi, Grasiela de Souza Thomsen January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga os métodos utilizados pelo etno-historiador Serge Gruzinski – as Connected Histories e a História das Sensibilidades – com a finalidade de compreender como foram construídas as instituições jurídico-políticas pela monarquia católica na América Espanhola até o final da dinastia dos Habsburgos, a partir de uma realidade hegemônica preexistente nos povos pré-colombianos. Não foi possível a simples implantação do sistema institucional hispânico e também não se perpetuaram as instituições pré-colombianas, criandose instituições mescladas. Trata-se de uma realidade complexa, na qual não podem ser considerados apenas indígenas e espanhóis, pois através deste contato surgiram os mestiços e na América nasceram os criollos. Aportaram no Novo Mundo negros, povos de outras raças que se misturaram. Esta mistura não ocorreu apenas no aspecto biológico, mas antes na religião, na escrita e nas instituições. O método das connected histories foi criado por Sanjay Subrahmanyam e adotado por Gruzinski. Os principais desencadeadores deste método, quando aplicado à América Espanhola, são: a função mediadora dos passeurs culturels a descentralização da história e as mestiçagens. Os passeurs são quem realiza os processos de ocidentalização e de globalização. A descentralização da história substitui o polo único europeu ou ibérico por uma pluralidade de centros localizados na periferia, buscando a elaboração da história de forma global e não reducionista. A Monarquia Católica é o campo de observação e aplicação deste método porque está para além dos limites do Estado-nacional. Os elementos mestiços tem sido ignorados ou desvalorizados ao longo da história, mas são importantes porque aprofundam a história e apresentam as realidades complexas, para além de espanhóis e indígenas. Destaca-se também a importância das imagens e do imaginário, que podem expressar uma ideia diretamente, cujas reações são difíceis de traduzir em palavras. É importante captar a história para além das expressões intelectuais ou técnicas, sob pena de haver um reducionismo na apreensão do passado. Trata-se do método da história das sensibilidades. Por fim, é importante destacar a visão de Matthew Restall em relação aos mitos da conquista espanhola, com sua crítica ao mito da superioridade dos espanhóis, pois não podemos partir da premissa de que os espanhóis eram em algum sentido melhores do que os nativos americanos, sob pena de não compreendermos a complexidade da história gerada a partir do contato entre estes dois mundos. / The present work searches the methods used by the etno historian Serge Gruziski – The Connected Histories and the Sensibilities’ History – to understand how the Catholic Monarchy built the political and juridical institutions of the Spanish America until the end of the Habsburg Dynasty, upon a hegemonic reality pre-existent in the pre-Columbian peoples. The simple implantation of the Spanish institutional system was impossible, as was the perpetuation of the pre-Columbian institutions, originating mixed institutions. It was a complex reality, in which we cannot just consider Indians and Spaniards, because from this very contact emerged mestizos and in America, creoles were born. Negroes and other races docked in America and mixed. This mix don´t happen only in the biologic sense, but also and above all in the religion, in the writings and in the institutions. The connected histories method was created by Sanjay Subrahmanyam and adopted by Gruzinski. The main elements of this method, when applied to the Spanish America, are the mediator paper of the passeurs culturels, the history´s decentralization and the miscegenation. The passeurs are the actors who made the processes of the westernization and globalization. The history´s decentralization replaces the only European pole by a plurality of centers situated in the periphery, seeking to elaborate a global history and not a reductionist version of it. The Catholic Monarchy is the field of observation and application of this method, because it is beyond the limits of the State Nation. The mestizos has been ignored or devaluated through the history, but they are important because they deepen the history and show complex realities, beyond Spaniards and Indians. Noteworthy is also the importance of the images and the imaginary, that can express an idea directly, whose reactions are difficult to translate in words. It´s important to understand the history beyond the intellectual and technical expressions, otherwise we generate a reductionist view and comprehension of the past. This is the method of the Sensibilities’ History. Finally, it’s important to highlight Matthew Restall’s view towards the myths of the Spanish Conquer, with his critic to the myth of the Spanish superiority, because we cannot start by the premise that the Spaniards were in either way better than the native Americans, otherwise we will be unable to understand the complexity of the history generated by the contact between this two worlds.

Comprendre l'Al Qaedisme : stratégies et réponses / Understanding Al Qaedism : strategies and responses

Aysu, Murat Okan 27 April 2009 (has links)
Al Qaeda s’est fait connaître grâce à quelques attentats pionniers symboliques dont le plus spectaculaire a eu lieu le 11 septembre 2001. L’étude du profil complexe d’Al Qaeda, avec ses racines profondes ancrées dans l’histoire, la politique et la société du monde islamique, puis de son évolution, permet de comprendre que la véritable menace ne vient pas d’un seul homme ni même d’un groupe, mais d’une idéologie plus large dédiée au djihad défensif, l’Al Qaedisme. Cette idéologie construite sur des piliers solides et cohérents, prône une guerre sainte planétaire contre l’Occident. Des réseaux fondamentalistes ad hoc et des groupes terroristes locaux se sont greffés autour des objectifs et stratégies d’un Al Qaedisme codifié commun diffusé dans le cyberespace et ont amplifié la menace en touchant toutes les sphères de la communauté internationale. L’approche politique conservatrice dominante a tenté de mettre un frein aux attentats en instituant toute une série de mesures exceptionnelles plus répressives les unes que les autres. Pourtant, le phénomène croissant de radicalisation et la multiplication des attentats terroristes depuis 2001, démontrent que les modèles occidentaux appliqués par des Occidentaux à des sociétés établies sur d’autres fondamentaux n’ont pas permis de trouver de solution durable contre l’Al Qaedisme et même aggravé la menace. Des réponses adaptées à la véritable menace renforcées par le respect des droits de l’homme, sont à mettre en œuvre au travers de nouvelles stratégies multidisciplinaires et synchronisées de déradicalisation qui passent par la guerre des idées pour dépolariser les relations entre les musulmans et non-musulmans. L’adoption de mesures préventives, proactives et réactives qui trouvent un équilibre entre les besoins de la lutte contre le terrorisme et les valeurs démocratiques fondamentales devra en tout premier lieu viser à gagner les cœurs et les esprits de toutes les parties et à former une alliance des civilisations. / Al Qaeda has become renowned thanks to a few symbolic pioneering terrorist attacks among which the most spectacular ones took place on 11 September 2001. The study of Al Qaeda’s complex profile with deep roots in history, politics and the society of the Islamic world, and of its evolution, helps to understand that the real menace comes not from one man, nor from a group, but from an overarching ideology dedicated to a defensive jihad, Al Qaedism. This radical ideology, built upon strong and coherent pillars, preaches a holy global war against the West. Radical fundamentalist ad hoc networks and local terrorist groups have amalgamated around the objectives and strategies of a common, codified Al Qaedism disseminated in cyberspace and have magnified the menace by reaching all the spheres of the international community. The dominating conservative political approach attempted in vain to prevent further terrorist attacks by putting in place a series of exceptional measures more repressive one than another. However, the growing radicalization and the unprecedented multiplication of terrorist attacks since 2001 demonstrate that the western models applied as such by Westerners to societies established on other fundamentals have not allowed to find a longstanding solution against Al Qaedism and rather increased the menace. Responses adjusted to the real menace, reinforced by the respect to human rights, have to be introduced by new multidisciplinary and synchronized strategies of deradicalization that take into account the war on ideas in order to depolarize the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in the world. The adoption of preventive, proactive and reactive measures that find a balance between the needs of the fight against terrorism and the fundamental democratic values will have to aim first at gaining the hearts and minds of all the parties involved and to foster an alliance of civilizations.

Disability and Ability in the Accounts of the Emperor Claudius

Whitacre, Amanda Joree 25 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Selectivity on Alaskan Fuel Management Strategies

Crawford, Laura J., Dr January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Eternal Journey of the Human Mind : A study of ancient creation myths and comparison between different creation myths from different time periods

Ajjo, Lilaf January 2018 (has links)
This study discusses the rise of mythological thinking, focusing on ancient Near Eastern creation myths and creation accounts in mythological works in particular, with additional material drawn from lists of gods and other sources. The similarities and differences between several creation myths are analyzed by means of a diachronic and comparative method, tracing the development of mythological thinking about creation over thousands of years. The study departs in the main from six ancient creation myths and accounts of creation from ancient Mesopotamia: three Sumerian compositions to form the vestiges of a Sumerian creation myth, and three Babylonian myths which contain accounts of creation. A comparison of similarities and differences between these compositions is performed. In a final section, a comparison is made with the Old Testament and the Quran’s creation account, where phrases from the latter two texts are compared to the earlier myths and accounts of creation to produce an understanding of which elements of creation in religions with modern day followers rest upon ancient Mesopotamian foundations.

Pastoral Mobility and the Formation of Complex Settlement in the Middle Bronze Age Serur Valley, Azerbaijan

Nugent, Selin Elizabeth 12 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Ave Imperii, mortui salutamus te: Redefining Roman Imperialism on the Limes through a Bioarchaeological Study of Human Remains from the Village of Oymaagac, Turkey

Marklein, Kathryn Elaine, Marklein 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

State Formation in the Cretan Bronze Age

TenWolde, Christopher Andrew January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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