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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle de la peptide déformylase du phage Vp16T / Structural and functional characterization of the phage Vp16T peptide deformylase

Nusbaum, Julien 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les protéines en cours de synthèse subissent des modifications très précoces de leur extrémité N-terminale, dès lors que celle-ci émerge du tunnel de sortie du ribosome. La première modification est l’excision de la méthionine initiatrice, assurée par une méthionine aminopeptidase (MetAP), précédée de sa déformylation par une enzyme peptide déformylase (PDF) chez les bactéries et dans les mitochondries et chloroplastes. Ce processus est ubiquitaire et essentiel, et a été décrit dans tout le règne du vivant. Chez les bactéries, les PDFs de type 1B se fixeraient au ribosome à proximité de l’extrémité du tunnel de sortie du peptide naissant, via son hélice α C-terminale. Or des analyses métagénomiques récentes ont révélé la présence insoupçonnée de gènes codant des PDFs putatives chez des virus marins. De manière inattendue, toutes les PDF virales présentent des séquences C-terminales très courtes et dépourvues de l’hélice α3. L’identification de ces PDFs atypiques soulève alors de nouvelles questions quant à leur possible interaction au ribosome et à leur fonction biologique. L’objectif de ma thèse a donc été de réaliser la caractérisation complète et intégrée de la peptide déformylase du bactériophage Vp16T, dont la séquence est l’une des plus courtes connues à ce jour. J’ai montré que le phage Vp16T code une protéine active, in vivo et in vitro, et qu’elle peut se lier au ribosome malgré l’absence d’hélice α C-terminale. La caractérisation structure-fonction de Vp16PDF a révélé des caractéristiques uniques qui pourraient alors expliquer sa fonction au cours de la réplication du phage. Ainsi j’ai montré que l’expression de Vp16PDF chez E. coli modifie la structure de l’enveloppe, induit l’accumulation d’agrégats et finalement inhibe la croissance bactérienne. De plus, l’étude de souches bactériennes mutantes a montré que Vp16PDF interfère spécifiquement avec le repliement et l’adressage de protéines membranaires. Cette dernière fonction pourrait permettre de déstabiliser la membrane de l’hôte et ainsi favoriser la libération des particules virales. / Being synthesized proteins undergo very early changes in their N-terminal end, since it emerges from the outlet channel of the ribosome. The first modification is the excision of the initiator methionine, provided by a methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP), preceded by its deformylating enzyme peptide deformylase (PDF) in bacteria and in mitochondria and chloroplasts. This process is ubiquitous and essential, and has been described in the kingdom of life. In bacteria, Type 1B PDFs would bind to the ribosome near the end of the outlet tunnel of the nascent peptide via its C-terminal helix α. But recent metagenomic analyzes revealed the unexpected presence of genes encoding putative PDFs in marine viruses. Unexpectedly, all viral PDF have very short C-terminal sequences and lacking the α3 helix. The identification of these atypical PDFs then raises new questions about their possible interaction with ribosome and their biological function. The aim of my thesis was therefore to achieve the complete and integrated characterization of peptide deformylase bacteriophage Vp16T, the sequence is one of the shortest known to date. I showed that the phage Vp16T code an active protein in vivo and in vitro, and can bind to the ribosome despite the absence of the C-terminal helix α. The structure-function characterization Vp16PDF revealed unique features that could then explain its function in the replication of the phage. Thus I have shown that expression in E. coli Vp16PDF modifies the envelope structure, induces accumulation of aggregates and ultimately inhibits bacterial growth. In addition, the study of mutant bacterial strains showed that Vp16PDF specifically interfere with the folding and addressing of membrane proteins. This latter function could help destabilize the membrane of the host and thereby promote release of viral particles.

The Factors Influencing Customer Co-Creation / The Factors Influencing Customer Co-Creation

Ramakrishna Reddy, Nikhil, Baskaran, Jawahar January 2019 (has links)
In today's business, organizations are working with external stakeholders to develop a better product. Customers are one such stakeholder with whom organizations collaborate to develop a product fulfilling their needs. This process of Co-Creation facilitates organizations to get closer to their customers. Also in the study made in the year 2016 for the 19th annual global CEO survey, 90% of the CEOs have claimed Customers to be their main priorities. Further in the literature has also debated the process of customer co-creation being complex and studies have been made to understand the Ups and Downs of the process. Problem Background: Based on the opportunity in the field of Co-Creation growing rapidly and literature arguing on both Success and failure of the process, we in our thesis aim to address the gap of identifying the factors that influence the Customer Co-Creation Process. The Purpose of our thesis was to Identify the Factors for Organizations that Influence the process and suggest to imply those factors during the process of Co-Creation for a better result.  To answer our research question we chose a qualitative approach by interviewing a total of 5 members from different organizations and different businesses in a semi-structured interview format. We chose to do research from both Customer and Organizational perspective, we formed 2 cases out of the 4 interviews and one as an expert in the field of New Product Development. The main findings of our research shows 6 Main Influencing Factors and 12 Sub Factors within 6 main factors that enrich the process of co-creation. The factors are Communication (Feedback & Highlighting the need to Customer), Management (Environment, Relationship Management, Flexibility /Exploratory, Leadership, Rewards/Incentives, Selection of Customer), Transparency, Commitment & Trust (Secrecy Concern, Sharing of IP), Consistency, Training (Employee and Customer). Our research shows the factors on the application during the co-creation process can influence the process to a better output. We have suggested the organizations in our Organizational Implications on how these factors can influence the process to a better output. Thus, answering our research question.

Risk Factors for Tuberculosis and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Complications among Foreign-Born Persons in Houston, Texas

Isaboke, James N. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading public health problem across the world. For various reasons, TB and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) have increased. Clarification on TB/HIV co-infection and homelessness as risk factors for TB and MDR-TB is required to inform policy interventions to reduce TB-related morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. In this quantitative study, data from the Houston Health Department (N = 341) were analyzed to explore the relationship between TB and MDR-TB outcomes and TB/HIV co-infection and type of housing/homelessness. Foreign-born persons are disproportionately affected in the United States. The socio-ecological model provided a theoretical framework for the investigation. Multiple and logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationships between variables, controlling for age and gender. Results indicate that HIV infected persons were more likely than non-infected persons to contract TB, and homeless persons were more likely than non-homeless persons to contract TB/MDR-TB, suggesting that high TB/HIV co-infection rates increase prevalence of TB and MDR-TB while improvements in housing reduce prevalence of TB and MDR-TB. However, no significant associations between variables were found. The odds ratio, Exp(B) = 0.000, p -?¥ 0.90, 95% Cl [0.000, with no upper bound values] was observed for both independent variables. Regular screening for TB/HIV co-infection among persons with high TB and MDR-TB risk profiles is recommended. Further investigation is required. Inclusion of more covariates could further elucidate more evidence of an association between variables. Study findings may support interventions to reduce TB-related morbidity, leading to positive social change.

Co-conception des systemes optiques avec masques de phase pour l'augmentation de la profondeur du champ : evaluation du performance et contribution de la super-résolution / Co-design of optical systems with phase masks for depth of field extension : performance evaluation and contribution of superresolution

Falcon Maimone, Rafael 19 October 2017 (has links)
Les masques de phase sont des dispositifs réfractifs situés généralement au niveau de la pupille d’un système optique pour en modifier la réponse impulsionnelle (PSF en anglais), par une technique habituellement connue sous le nom de codage de front d’onde. Ces masques peuvent être utilisés pour augmenter la profondeur du champ (DoF en anglais) des systèmes d’imagerie sans diminuer la quantité de lumière qui entre dans le système, en produisant une PSF ayant une plus grande invariance à la défocalisation. Cependant, plus le DoF est grand plus l’image acquise est floue et une opération de déconvolution doit alors lui être appliquée. Par conséquent, la conception des masques de phase doit prendre en compte ce traitement pour atteindre le compromis optimal entre invariance de la PSF à la défocalisation et qualité de la déconvolution.. Cette approche de conception conjointe a été introduite par Cathey et Dowski en 1995 et affinée en 2002 pour des masques de phase continus puis généralisée par Robinson et Stork en 2007 pour la correction d’autres aberrations optiques.Dans cette thèse sont abordés les différents aspects de l’optimisation des masques de phase pour l’augmentation du DoF, tels que les critères de performance et la relation entre ces critères et les paramètres des masques. On utilise la « qualité d’image » (IQ en anglais), une méthode basée sur l’écart quadratique moyen définie par Diaz et al., pour la co-conception des divers masques de phase et pour évaluer leur performance. Nous évaluons ensuite la pertinence de ce critère IQ en comparaison d’autres métriques de conception optique, comme par exemple le rapport de Strehl ou la fonction de transfert de modulation (MTF en anglais). Nous nous concentrons en particulier sur les masques de phase annulaires binaires, l’étude de leur performance pour différents cas comme l’augmentation du DoF, la présence d’aberrations ou l’impact du nombre de paramètres d’optimisation.Nous appliquons ensuite les outils d’analyse exploités pour les masques binaires aux masques de phase continus qui apparaissent communément dans la littérature, comme les masques de phase polynomiaux. Nous avons comparé de manière approfondie ces masques entre eux et aux masques binaires, non seulement pour évaluer leurs avantages, mais aussi parce qu’en analysant leurs différences il est possible de comprendre leurs propriétésLes masques de phase fonctionnent comme des filtres passe-bas sur des systèmes limités par la diffraction, réduisant en pratique les phénomènes de repliement spectral. D’un autre côté, la technique de reconstruction connue sous l’appellation de « superresolution » utilise des images d’une même scène perturbées par du repliement de spectre pour augmenter la résolution du système optique original. Les travaux réalisés durant une période de détachement chez le partenaire industriel de la thèse, KLA-Tencor à Louvain, Belgique, illustrent le propos. A la fin du manuscrit nous étudions la pertinence de la combinaison de cette technique avec l’utilisation de masques de phase pour l’augmentation du DoF. / Phase masks are wavefront encoding devices typically situated at the aperture stop of an optical system to engineer its point spread function (PSF) in a technique commonly known as wavefront coding. These masks can be used to extend the depth of field (DoF) of imaging systems without reducing the light throughput by producing a PSF that becomes more invariant to defocus; however, the larger the DoF the more blurred the acquired raw image so that deconvolution has to be applied on the captured images. Thus, the design of the phase masks has to take into account image processing in order to reach the optimal compromise between invariance of PSF to defocus and capacity to deconvolve the image. This joint design approach has been introduced by Cathey and Dowski in 1995 and refined in 2002 for continuous-phase DoF enhancing masks and generalized by Robinson and Stork in 2007 to correct other optical aberrations.In this thesis we study the different aspects of phase mask optimization for DoF extension, such as the different performance criteria and the relation of these criteria with the different mask parameters. We use the so-called image quality (IQ), a mean-square error based criterion defined by Diaz et al., to co-design different phase masks and evaluate their performance. We then compare the relevance of the IQ criterion against other optical design metrics, such as the Strehl ratio, the modulation transfer function (MTF) and others. We focus in particular on the binary annular phase masks, their performance for various conditions, such as the desired DoF range, the number of optimization parameters, presence of aberrations and others.We use then the analysis tools used for the binary phase masks for continuous-phase masks that appear commonly in the literature, such as the polynomial-phase masks. We extensively compare these masks to each other and the binary masks, not only to assess their benefits, but also because by analyzing their differences we can understand their properties.Phase masks function as a low-pass filter on diffraction limited systems, effectively reducing aliasing. On the other hand, the signal processing technique known as superresolution uses several aliased frames of the same scene to enhance the resolution of the final image beyond the sampling resolution of the original optical system. Practical examples come from the works made during a secondment with the industrial partner KLA-Tencor in Leuven, Belgium. At the end of the manuscript we study the relevance of using such a technique alongside phase masks for DoF extension.

Contribution à l'étude expérimentale d'un outil de mélange de type co-malaxeur : application aux polymères / Contribution to the experimental study of a co-kneader extruder : application to polymers

Monchatre, Benjamin 25 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est la compréhension du mode de fonctionnement des co-malaxeurs, outils de mélange dont la connaissance est lacunaire par rapport à d’autres types de mélangeur comme l’extrudeuse mono-vis ou bi-vis. Ce manuscrit porte sur plusieurs études expérimentales relatives au co-malaxeur. L'influence de la vitesse de vis et du débit a été explorée par des mesures de distribution des temps de séjours (DTS), de température matière, de pression, de taux de remplissage, ainsi que de dispersion de fibres de verre. L'influence de la viscosité du polymère à l'état fondu sur la distribution des temps de séjour, la pression filière et la température à l'intérieur du co-malaxeur, a également été traitée, par variation de la température de régulation ou de la masse molaire du polymère. La distribution des temps de séjour ne dépend pas de la viscosité, malgré des différences de pression filière et de température matière. L'influence du profil local sur la DTS a été étudiée par des expériences interchangeant localement les types d'éléments (transport et mélange). Une méthode de mesure de la pression par extrusion micro-capillaire aux emplacements de doigts le long du fourreau a été développée, les gradients de pression sont similaires à ceux obtenus en extrudeuses bi-vis. Enfin une série d'expériences a porté sur la gélification du PVC, déterminée de façon qualitative et quantitative, et a montré l'influence primordiale de la température matière sur l’état de gélification / The aim of this PhD work is to gain a better understanding of the co-kneading process, whose knowledge is still lacking compared to other types of mixer such as the single screw extruder or the twin-screw extruder. This manuscript features several experimental studies about the co-kneader. The influence of screw speed and throughput was explored by measurements of the residence time distribution, material temperature, die pressure, filling rate, as well as dispersion of glass fibers. The influence of the viscosity of the polymer melt on the residence time distribution, die pressure and temperature within the co-kneader, was also investigated by varying the barrel temperature or the molecular weight of the polymer. The RTD is similar regardless of the viscosity, despite differences in pressure and material temperature. The influence of the screw profile on the RTD was obtained by experiments interchanging locally the types of elements (conveying and mixing). A method of measurement of the pressure along the barrel by micro-capillary extrusion through the location of pins in the barrel was developped, pressure gradients are similar to those obtained in twin-screw extruders. Finally, a series of experiments was dedicated to the gelation of PVC evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively, and showed that the temperature governs the gelation rate

Alberga kooperativhus / Alberga community house

Wilke, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The project handles a lack of access to services and meeting places in Alberga, Eskilstuna. The community house will be the town´s new social and cultural center and the administrative base of a proposed agricultural cooperative whose purpose is to ensure good and sustainable access to high-quality food and create jobs and a sense of social cohesion. It will be a gathering place for all the residents of the town, an opportunity for the citizens to use the common areas according to their own needs. The building's functions should represent the cooperative's logic, which is why part of the production is located in the community house, which in this way becomes a significant workplace. As an important part of the cooperative activity is to conduct education and research, part of the site houses a representative experimental garden and lab, as well as an open preschool and study and office places. / Projektet syftar till att hantera brister i Alberga, Eskilstuna, såsom liten tillgång till service och tjänster, brist på sociala mötesplatser och aktiviteter. Kooperativhuset blir ortens centrum och administrativ bas för ett föreslaget jordbrukskooperativ vars syfte är att säkra en god och hållbar tillgång till högkvalitativa livsmedel, skapa arbetstillfällen och öka sammanhållningen på orten. Det blir en samlingsplats för alla ortens invånare, en möjlighet för medborgarna att själva utnyttja de gemensamma ytorna efter egna behov. Husets funktioner ska representera kooperativets logik, det är därför en del av produktionen förläggs till medborgarhuset som på så sätt blir en betydande arbetsplats. Då en viktig del av den kooperativa verksamheten är att bedriva utbildning och forskning föreslås också plats för en representativ experimentell trädgård och labb, samt en öppen förskola och studie- och kontorsplatser.


Seares, Rei Mark January 2021 (has links)
Fågelbärsträdet 12 is a property on John Ericssonsgatan on the area of Kungsholmen in Stockholm. It has been emptied since 2018 and undergoing the application process for demolition due to erroneous use of aluminate cement during its construction in the 1930’s, making the structure weak and at risk of falling down.  In this project, the site is reused and reinforced to accommodate a collective housing for single mothers with their children, and elderly. By reusing an existing building, the question regarding the life cycle of building was touched. Most often, proprietors decide upon demolition for economic gain which mean throwing away energy and resources used to build the building, and only to build a new one.  Furthermore, the proximity of the site to the iconic Markelius Kollektivhus (which is just next door), gave an opportunity to revitalize the concept of collective living to modern day society. Using collective living as a tool, social and economic sustainability was also taken into consideration. Through a collective, a community within the building can easily flourish and become a support system both for all the residents.  The result of the project is the reinforcement of the existing load-bearing walls, a new entrance from the courtyard, and new co-living spaces on the upper floors. There are social spaces accessible to the public on the ground floor (restaurant and youth recreation space), and collective activity rooms on the upper floors for the residents to use.

SDL, qualitative research on service chatbots’ co-destruction impact on consumer ecosystem.

Galizzi, Daniele, Peshev, Dilyan Valentinov January 2023 (has links)
This study is rooted in the Service Dominant Logic (SDL) theory and explores the phenomenon of value co-destruction, the context being chatbot-mediated customer service, with a focusing on chatbots affiliation with value-co-destruction and on the impacts outsideof the dyadic relationship between the service provider and receiver, described as the broader consumer ecosystem. It is evident that the relationship between businesses and consumers is being revolutionized through the implementation of chatbots, claiming benefits such as improved operational efficiency, and non-time specific service. However, Plé (2017) argues that SDL research is overly focused on value co-creation and not enough on value codestruction, as well as being too narrowly focused on specific factors, therefore more studies are needed in exploring the effects on the broader ecosystem involved. Therefore, this study aims to explore the value co-destruction and its effects on the broader consumer ecosystem. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, through an interpretivist research philosophy to collect data in the form of the subjective and personal experiences of customers. It also utilized an abductive approach to allow for the generation of new insights through combining established knowledge, empirical evidence, and theory to formulate a proposition and interpretation beyond what is initially apparent. Through semi-structured interviews, 9 participants with prior experiences of customer service orientated interactions with chatbots across various industries were conducted. To analyze the data, a thematic analysis was employed where the findings indicate that in chatbot interactions which result in value co-destruction the effects affect a broader number of stakeholders in the consumer ecosystem such as family and friends.

Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Study of Weak Interactions of Metal Carbonyls and Organic Solvents

Sheffield, Carolyn Evans 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Pulsed laser flash photolysis of M(CO)6 (M = Cr, W) in cyclohexane with a small amount of benzene results in three sequential reactions. The first is the photodissociation of the parent to yield a M(CO)5:C6H12 complex, which takes place faster than the time resolution of our experiments. The second reaction is the replacement of the cyclohexane ligand with benzene to form a M(CO)5:C6H6 complex, in which benzene is coordinated to the metal via one side of the ring. This complex then falls apart in solution as M(CO)5 coordinates with a trace impurity in the solution that is likely water. Kinetic studies over a range of temperatures result in the following activation energies: 39 kJ/mol for the dissociation of W(CO)5:C6H6; 30 kJ/mol for conversion of Cr(CO)5:C6H12 to Cr(CO)5:C6H6; 33 kJ/mol for the dissociation of Cr(CO)5:C6H6. DFT calculations of binding energies for each complex suggest that all reactions proceed through a combination of an associative and dissociative mechanism. Further calculations of carbonyl vibrational frequencies for 13 weak metal–solvent complexes using three different density functionals: B3LYP, M06, and M06-L allowed us to calculate scale factors for predicting experimental vibrational frequencies. The scale factors are: 0.952 for B3LYP, 0.943 for M06, and 0.957 for M06-L. Using these scale factors leads to average errors in predicted experimental vibrational frequencies of less than 1% for each functional.

La pensée des femmes qui agressent sexuellement leurs enfants en compagnie d'un partenaire intime : comment parlent-elles de leur délit?

Bergeron, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
Objectif : L’étude s’intéresse aux pensées des femmes qui agressent sexuellement en compagnie d’un partenaire (en co-délinquance) et dont les actes sexuels sont perpétrés à l’égard d’enfants. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre de quelle manière les femmes de notre échantillon parlent de leurs délits afin de faire ressortir les thématiques abordées par celles-ci et de permettre de mieux comprendre comment ces pensées contribuent aux passages à l’acte, phénomènes qui sont encore trop peu étudiés et méconnus. Méthode : C’est par l’entremise de l’analyse secondaire des données de l’échantillon initial de Desfachelles (2014) que l’objectif a été atteint. Les entrevues de 16 femmes judiciarisées et incarcérées en France pour des délits d’ordre sexuel à l’égard de leurs enfants et en compagnie d’un partenaire (co-délinquant) ont été analysées. Dans l’analyse, les cognitions des participantes ont été extraites en privilégiant l’analyse thématique du discours. Résultats : Les analyses ont permis de trouver trois principaux thèmes. Le premier thème porte sur le blâme externe. Cinq sous-thèmes ont émergé dans cette catégorie, soit le blâme externe sur la victime, le partenaire intime, les états de consommation, les vulnérabilités personnelles présentées par ces femmes et sur la présence d’un climat de peur, d’emprise et de violence. Toutes les participantes de l’étude ont justifié leur participation aux délits par au moins un type de blâme externe. Le deuxième thème est le pouvoir du conjoint dans la relation amoureuse. Les analyses des résultats ont permis d’établir que ces femmes ne sont pas nécessairement contraintes à participer aux délits, mais qu’elles font le choix de remettre le pouvoir à leur partenaire. Le troisième thème retrouvé dans le discours des participantes est « Moi avant la victime » Primauté du bien-être personnel. Ce thème se scinde en deux sous-thèmes. Certaines participantes ont expliqué leur participation aux délits pour plaire au partenaire et pour obtenir des bénéfices personnels. D’autres ont révélé que leur bien-être personnel prime sur celui des victimes pour expliquer leur participation aux délits. Mots-clés : co-délinquance; délinquance sexuelle; cognitions; femmes. / Objective: This study examines the thought processes of women who have sexually assaulted their young children in company of a men. The aim of this thesis is to explore the way in which the women in our sample talk about their offenses in order to highlight core themes in their discourse. This will contribute to a better understanding of these women’s thoughts and cognitive processing of their offenses, along with how those thoughts may have contributed to their sexual offenses against children. Method: It was through the secondary analysis of data from the initial sample of Desfachelles (2014) that the objective was achieved. Interviews of 16 women convicted and incarcerated in France for sexual offenses against their children committed in company of a romantic partner were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Results: The analyses revealed three main themes. The first theme, External Blame, was comprised of five sub-themes, namely external blame on the victim, the intimate partner, a state of intoxication, their personal vulnerabilities, and fear, control, and violence. All of the participants in the present study justified their involvement in crime with at least one type of blame. The second theme to emerge was the power of the spouse in the romantic relationship. The analyses showed that these women were not necessarily forced to participate in the crimes, but that they made the choice to hand over power to their partner. The third theme revealed was "Me before the victim: The primacy of personal well-being.” This theme divides into two sub-themes. Some participants explained their involvement in crime to please the partner and to obtain personal benefits. Others revealed that their personal well-being took precedence over that of the victims in explaining their participation in the crimes. Keywords: female sexual offending; co-offending; cognitions; women.

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