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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unga i riskzonen? : Social insatsgrupp i Södertälje / Youth at Risk? : Community Intervention Team in Södertälje

Lingvall, Per January 2012 (has links)
Social insatsgrupp är en strukturerad samverkan mellan i första hand polis, socialtjänst och skola med målen att förhindra nyrekrytering av ungdomar till kriminella grupperingar samt att underlätta avhopp från kriminella grupperingar. I examensarbetet har jag undersökt vad begreppet unga i riskzonen innebär för professionella från polis och socialtjänst i social insatsgrupp i Södertälje kommun. Södertälje kommun är en av de tolv kommuner där Rikspolisstyrelsen inrättat pilotverksamheten social insatsgrupp på uppdrag av regeringen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur representanter från myndigheterna polisen och socialtjänsten i samverkansprojektet social insatsgrupp i Södertälje kommun definierar unga i riskzonen. Detta med målet att försöka förstå vilka ungdomar som blir selekterade att ingå i projektet. / Community Intervention Team [social insatsgrupp] is a Swedish structured cooperation between authorities of the departments of Police and Social Work in order to, and with the common goal to, prevent new recruitment of Youth into Criminal groups and facilitate getting off from the Criminal groups. This study is about how the term Youth at Risk [unga i riskzonen] (to develop a Criminal behavior) is used and how it is explained by professionals from the Police and the Social Work authorities in Södertälje, Sweden. Södertälje is one of the twelve areas within Sweden that are chosen for the pilot project on Community Intervention Team [social insatsgrupp] on behalf of the Swedish National Police. The purpose of this study is to analyze how representatives of authorities, the policemen and the social workers, in the joint Community Intervention Team in Södertälje [social insatsgrupp i Södertälje kommun], define and make use of the term Youth at Risk [unga i riskzonen]. The goal of this study is to understand how the young people are selected to be part of the project.

Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių bendradarbiavimas sienos apsaugos sektoriuje / The protection of European Union countries- members in the sector of border guard

Dainiuvienė, Toma 05 July 2011 (has links)
Sienų apsauga yra aktuali tema bet kurioje pasaulio valstybėje. Tenka pastebėti, kad kuomet valstybė turi išorines sienas su kitomis valstybėmis, ji turi sukūrusi politiką, teisinę bei institucinę bazę sienos apsaugai, užtikrinančiai tos valstybės gyventojų socialinius, politinius, teisinius, ekonominius, kultūrinius, mokslinius interesus. Europos Sąjungos sienos apsaugos srityje, išskiriamos dvi sienų sąvokos – vidaus bei išorės sienos. Valstybių narių bendradarbiavimas, pagrįstas integruotos išorinės sienos apsaugos koncepcija, orientuotas į valstybių narių bendras pastangas, siekiant užtikrinti ES vidaus saugumą, vykdant sienos kontrolę, ją saugant bei bendradarbiaujant vykdant įvairias operatyvines operacijas bei bendrus projektus. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ES valstybių narių bendradarbiavimo sienos apsaugos srityje gaires bei įvertinti bendradarbiavimo efektyvumą. Darbą sudaro įvadas, kuriame pateikiamas temos aktualumas, analizuojama problema, keliamas tikslas bei uždaviniai, pateikiami tyrimo metodai, trys dėstomosios dalys bei išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbe remiantis jau atliktai tyrimais, taip pat Šengeno teisynu, Amsterdamo sutartimi, Europos Ekonominės Bendrijos steigimo sutartimi, Lisabonos sutartimi analizuojamos ES valstybių narių bendradarbiavimo sienos apsaugos srityje gairės, išskiriamos problemos, vertinamas bendradarbiavimo efektyvumą. / Border guard, control and surveillance are a relevant topic in every country. It should be mentioned, that when the country has borders with other countries, it has created the policy, legal and institutional basis for the control and surveillance of its border that secures social, political, legal, economical, cultural and scientific interests of the citizens of that country. There are two border concepts in the European Union – internal and external borders. The co-operation of the member states, based on the integrated border management concept, is oriented to the common attempt to control and secure the external border carrying out various joint operations and projects. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the guidelines of the cooperation of the EU member states in the field of external border guard and to evaluate the effectiveness of this cooperation. This paper consists of preface, where the relevance, problem, purpose, objectives are presented, three main parts, conclusions and appendixes. The analysis of the guidelines of cooperation of the EU member states in the field of external border surveillance and evaluation of the effectiveness of this cooperation is being carried out using the researches, Shengen acquis, the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Treaty of Rome, the Treaty of Lisbon, etc.

Integrating national oil companies in the corporate governance discourse: a comparative analysis of the Norwegian state oil company (statoil) and the proposed national oil company of Uganda

Kyepa, Timothy January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Mødet mellem eksplicitte og ”tavse” kundskaber i praksisfællesskaber. : Fokusgruppeinterview med tværfaglige teami social- og sundhedssektoren med forebyg-gende og sundhedsfremmende opgaver. / The meeting between explicit and tacit knowledge in communities of practice. : Focus group interview with interprofessional teams in social- and health service working with prevention and health promotion

Bak, Pia January 2005 (has links)
Livssituationer præget af mange komplekse psykosociale og helbredsmæssige problemstillinger fordrer en anden grad af tværfagligt samarbejde i social- og sundhedssektoren. En samtidig øgetfokusering på forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme har øget behovet for udvikling af kundskaber og kompetencer, som kan matche disse udfordringer. Målet med studiet er, at identificere mulige mønstre vedrørende erfaringer med udvikling af fælles kundskaber og kompetencer i tværfaglige team som arbejder forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende. Der er tale om et kvalitativt studie, som bygger på fokusgruppeinterview med deltagelse af 25professionelle fra ni team inden for social-og sundhedssektoren. Otte faggrupper var repræsenteret.Der blev anvendt en memoreret temaguide til interviewene. Grounded theory blev anvendt til dataanalyse. Studiets overordnede kernekategori blev defineret som: ”sociokulturel organisation sætter dagsordenen for udvikling af kundskaber og kompetencer”. Der fremkom yderligere tre hovedkategorier som relaterede sig til kernekategorien: ”det nødvendige professionelle fundament,”den forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende diskurs”, og ”de tavse kundskaber og kompetencer”. Konklusion: Hovedfundet i studiet viste at sociokulturel organisation har væsentlig indflydelse påtværfaglige teams muligheder for at udvikle kundskaber og kompetencer i det forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende arbejde. Skabes der ikke lærings- og refleksionsrumi praksisfællesskabernereduceres mulighederne for, at den ”tavse” kundskab sættes i spil med den eksplicitte kundskab / Situations of life characterised by numerous complex psychosocial and health problems demand another extent in interprofessional co-operation in social and health service. At the same timeincreased focus on prevention and health promotion have raised the necessity of knowledge andcompetence creation that is able to deal with these complex challenges. The aim of this study is to identify possible patterns of experience with creation of shared knowledgeand competence in interprofessional co-operation with focus on prevention and health promotion.The studyis based on qualitative interviews in focus groups and memorized theme guide was used.The analyzing process was based on grounded theory. 25 professionals represented eight occupationgroups from nine social and health service teams. The overall core categories emerge as: ”social cultural organization sets the agenda for creation of knowledge and competence”. Three additional overall categories related to the core category definedas: ”the needful professional foundation”, “the discourse of prevention and health promotion” and“the tacit knowledge and competence”. Conclusions: The overall findings pointed out the essential influence of the social culturalorganization on the possibility of the interprofessional co-operation to create shared knowledge in the prevention and health promotion. If space for learning and reflection in community of practice is not created the feasibility of meetings between tacit and explicit knowledge will be reduced / <p>ISBN 91-7997-099-0</p>

Une concurrence fiscale loyale (un compte de fée?) /

Delechat, Aude Simonne Emilie January 2005 (has links)
Tax competition between tax sovereignties is a fact. We focus here on the international tax competition. Taxation is one of the tools of governance that States use to direct their policies. Tax authorities try to diminish the burden of their taxpayers to improve the national economic and social welfare. To aim this objective, Governments intensify the competitiveness of the domestic trade and/or attract foreign investments. Because every States share the same goal, Governments compete with each other on the tax field. This tax competition is qualified as beneficial on the one hand, and one the other hand---ever more often---the adjective used to qualify this competition would be "harmful". At first, this thesis exposes the situation of tax competition, presenting the opposing views and the concurring ones. Then, we look at the position of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development and the position of the European Union on this issue of tax competition. Historic summaries explain the point of view of these two organizations that are the leaders in the fight against the "harmful" tax competition. Finally, we give subjective ideas to re-think tax competition in a fair way.

"Man är ju inte mer än människa" : Långtidssjukskrivning ur ett emotionellt, relationellt och strukturellt perspektiv

Eriksson, Ulla-Britt January 2009 (has links)
The background to this thesis is the dramatic increase of the long-term sickness absence that took place in Sweden from the late 1990s. There was also a shift in the diagnostic pattern with rising mental diagnoses. The overall purpose was to describe and try to understand the process leading to long-term sickness absence from the perspective of the sickness absentees, in order to get a better knowledge base for preventive and rehabilitative actions. The thesis comprises four studies (I-IV). Research methods have been both qualitative and quantitative. In study I data from individual interviews with 32 persons on long-term sick leave due to burnout was analyzed using a grounded theory approach. In study II the study population comprised of 2064 employed sick-listed persons, a sub sample derived from the 2002 national Swedish survey on health, working conditions, life situation and sick-listing. It was analyzed if persons with burnout had higher probability of having experienced the steps in the burnout staircase compared to other diagnostic groups in accordance with the previously suggested hypothesis of "the burnout staircase". Study III comprised of 2521 employed persons, a sub sample derived from the same national survey as in study II. It was analyzed if psychosocial work environment and conflicts and losses in private life independently or in combination were more strongly associated to sickness absence with mental diagnoses as compared to a healthy population. In study IV individual interviews with 25 professional rehabilitation actors and 14 unemployed sick-listed persons were conducted. Data were analyzed according to grounded theory method. The process that led to sicknes absence can be described as an emotional deprivation process, illustrated as a flight of stairs (the burnout staircase) describing a sequence of steps toward sickness absence (I). In accordance with the tested hypothesis persons with burnout to a noticeable higher extent reported expereince of being in the different steps in the burnout staircase compared to sickness absentees with other diagnoses. The model seemed to be valid also for persons with other mental diagnoses (II). Reorganization and conflicts at work as well as adding adverse private life events were associated with increased risk for sickness absence with mental diagnosis (III). Three significant factors behind the weak co-operation between local social insurance and employment agencies were identified: indistinct regulation of co-operation, shifting political goals over time and conflicting goals between agencies (IV). In this thesis it has been suggested that the course of events preceding sickness absence might be understood as a process of emotional deprivation, where the individual is gradually emptied of the life-giving emotional energy revealed in joy, commitment, and empathy. This life-giving force finds its nourishment in safe and secure social relations with others and in a social structure that promotes this type of social relations. The profound changes in the Swedish labour market during the 1990s influenced not just the psychosocial work climate but also the rehabilitation efforts for unemployed sick-listed persons. When the political goal of reducing the unemployment level came to the forefront the indistinct regulation and the conflicting goals in addition were factors that impaired co-ordinated rehabilitation. In this process also the physicians were involved. A labour market problem was turned into a medical problem.

Les résistances territorialisées aux réformes de modernisation des services d'eau : le cas de l’agglomération grenobloise / Territorial resistance to change in drinking water politics. Case study on Grenoble's urban area. : the case of the urban area of Grenoble

Brochet, Antoine 10 November 2017 (has links)
La question des résistances à la mise en œuvre des programmes d’action publique de l’État fait partie des questions de recherche peu étudiées. L’idée défendue tout au long de la thèse est que la notion de résistance territorialisée permet d’expliciter les logiques qui guident la mise en œuvre des programmes d’action publique. Notre analyse prend pour étude l’appropriation locale des réformes de modernisation des services d’eau potable. Ces réformes d’inspiration néolibérale apparues dans les années 1980 font l’objet de bilans intermédiaires mitigés et de critiques concernant leur efficacité. Le cas d’étude retenu est celui de l’agglomération grenobloise. Notre travail repose sur une enquête de terrain menée pendant cinq ans dans le cadre de notre activité salariée auprès d’une cinquantaine de services d’eau potable. Notre thèse s’articule en deux parties et quatre chapitres. La première partie s’intéresse au contenu des réformes de modernisation et aux résistances territorialisées qu’elles engendrent. La seconde partie propose d’approfondir la compréhension des résistances territorialisées en appréhendant le service d’eau comme un système territorial complexe qui s’oppose à la logique des réformes. Le premier chapitre de la thèse analyse les réformes de modernisation. D’une part, nous expliquons l’origine et le contenu des réformes et, d’autre part, nous proposons une méthode prospective d’aide à la décision permettant d’évaluer leurs effets économiques et sociaux sur les services d’eau. Le deuxième chapitre rend compte de l’application de deux réformes, mesure l’ampleur des résistances et les qualifie. La première réforme étudiée concerne la création d’indicateurs de performance des services d’eau potable. La seconde consiste en la transformation de l’usager du service d’eau en consommateur. Notre étude montre que les résistances sont nombreuses et variées et produisent des défaillances dans la gouvernance du secteur. Le troisième chapitre présente une analyse historique qui restitue le processus de construction territorialisée des services d’eau potable dans l’agglomération grenobloise. Nous mettons en lumière le rôle déterminant des facteurs territoriaux et nous montrons qu’historiquement, pour ce qui est de la régulation, l’Etat n’a été qu’un acteur parmi d’autres peu capable de contraindre formellement l’action des services d’eau. Enfin, la solution proposée par l’État pour répondre aux problèmes de modernisation est analysée et critiquée dans le quatrième chapitre. Cette solution consiste à transférer la compétence eau potable aux Établissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre. La thèse met en évidence que cette solution peut aboutir à des résistances territoriales fortes au sein des services d’eau pouvant faire échec à la mise en place d’une gestion unifiée de l’eau à l’échelon intercommunal. Cependant, nous montrons que paradoxalement les résistances territoriales peuvent être génératrices de processus d’innovation sociale sans être nécessairement incompatibles avec certains objectifs des réformes de modernisation. Dans ces cas, des modèles de gestion de l’eau ad hoc peuvent émerger et se révéler particulièrement adaptés aux enjeux contemporains. Ces résultats de recherche nous conduisent à défendre l’intérêt d’une évolution de l’action publique hydrique vers des politiques territoriales pluralistes. / The subject of resistances to the implementation of State public action programs is a topic that has been seldom studied. The idea defended throughout this thesis is that the notion of territorialized resistance makes it possible to clarify the logic guiding the implementation of programs of public action. Our analysis examines the local appropriation of reforms of modernization in drinking water services. These reforms, influenced by neo-liberalism, appeared in the 1980s and have been met with mixed reviews and criticisms as to their effectiveness. The case study we have chosen here is the Grenoble agglomeration. Our work is based on field surveys carried out during five years of salaried activity around roughly fifty drinking water services. Our thesis is divided into two parts and four chapters. The first part focuses on the content of modernization reforms and the territorialized resistances that they create. The second part aims to deepen the understanding of territorialized resistances by perceiving the service of water as a complex territorial system that resists the logic of reforms.Our first chapter analyzes the modernization reforms. We explain the origin and the content of the reforms and also propose a method of informing decisions that would enable assessment of their economic and social effects on water services. The second chapter focuses on the application of two reforms, measuring the scope of resistances to them and examining their character. The first reform studied concerns the creation of performance indicators for drinking water services. The second reform consists of the transformation of water users into consumers. Our study demonstrates that the resistances are multiple and varied, and that they produce lapses in the governance of the sector. The third chapter presents a historical analysis that retraces the process of territorialized construction of drinking water services in the Greater Grenoble area. We highlight the determinative role of territorial factors. We also show that, historically, in terms of regulation, the state has only been one actor among others and that it has little capacity to formally constrain the action of water services. Finally, the fourth chapter analyzes and criticizes the solution that the State has proposed to respond to problems of modernization. That solution involves transferring the obligation to provide potable water to the Public Institutions of Inter-municipal Cooperation (EPCI). The thesis demonstrates that this solution may lead to strong territorial resistances within water services, with the potential to cause a failure to establish unified management of water at the supra-municipal level. However, we show that paradoxically, territorial resistances can also generate processes of social innovation that are not necessarily incompatible with the objectives of modernization reforms. In these cases, ad hoc models for the management of water can emerge that are particularly suited to contemporary challenges.The results of this research lead us to advocate the evolution of public water action towards pluralist territorial policies.

The role of the Organisation of African Unity as an international governmental organisation in regional co-operation and stability: 1963-2000

Schalk, Baba 30 November 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse the role of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) as an international governmental organisation in regional co-operation and stability from 1963 until 2000. It is also aims to evaluate the OAU's success or failure as the initiator of African unity and the driver of regional co-operation and stability in Africa within political, economic and social spheres. As background, the motivation for the study is discussed and the problem is stated. From this, research questions are formulated, and objectives identified. Three hypotheses are formed, which the study aimed to prove. The range of core theoretical foundations, concepts, characteristics, theories, approaches and classifications are examined in detail as foundations for an understanding and evaluation of the role of the OAU. Regional organisations as a phenomenon are also studied in-depth with reference to their nature, meaning and historical origins. Inter-state relations in the international community are theoretically explored, as well as the position and potential of regionalism within international public administration. Concepts, characteristics, types and functions of regional organisations and the role of co-operation, sovereignty and supra-nationalism in regional co-operation are covered. Following this, a study is made of the historical origins, nature and character of Pan-Africanism and the evolution of the OAU. Based on the structural-functional approach, the nature and essential characteristics of the organisation are analysed, with reference to its structures, and the tasks of the Secretary-General and its various commissions. In addition, the former relationship between the OAU and the UN is also highlighted. The role of the OAU is evaluated as a regional organisation involved in the establishment of regional co-operation in Africa in the political, economic, cultural and social spheres. The study concludes with an evaluative synthesis of its findings, proposals and conclusions. The OAU is found to have been successful in certain regards, but in others, it failed to attain its primary purpose: to forge unity on the continent and to create co-operation among states. Its successor, the African Union could learn some valuable lessons from the OAU's history. / Public Administration and Management / (D.P.A.)

Prospects for political integration in Southern Africa

Spies, Yolanda Kemp 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines regional integration in Southern Africa and the evolution of SADC. Regional developments are evaluated with the yardsticks of integration theory, against the background of international regionalisation, and in terms of the region's practical record, its rhetoric and future agenda. The extent to which economic integration is progressing, is determined, after which the thesis focuses on political integration within SADC - both de Jure and de facto. Finally, developments within the region are evaluated in light of normative prerequisites for increased political integration. The thesis finds that the integration process in SADC does not fit into traditional integration theory, and concludes that successful economic integration in the region is not necessarily a prerequisite to political integration, but would facilitate it. The research finally concludes that there is evidence of embryonic political integration within SADC, which will wane or grow depending primarily on the political will of its constituents / Political Science / M.A. (Politics)

A construção do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária: uma análise das relações intergovernamentais na perspectiva do federalismo / The construction of the National Health Surveillance System: an analysis of intergovernmental relations in the perspective of federalism

Marismary Horsth De Seta 05 June 2007 (has links)
Este estudo focaliza a construção do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (SNVS) e a analisa do ponto de vista das relações intergovernamentais. Nessa construção, ressalta-se que o modelo de descentralização, adotado pela esfera federal até 2003, seguiu um caminho diferente das ações assistenciais, centrado no reforço à esfera estadual. E um caminho diferenciado em relação à partilha federativa que beneficiou a esfera municipal, e nesta, os pequenos municípios. Dos quatro princípios básicos do federalismo, enfatizam-se a cooperação e a coordenação. A cooperação se relaciona com a autonomia dos entes federados e com o grau de descentralização vigente. A coordenação é vista como necessária para se obter a cooperação. O pano de fundo é a heterogeneidade estrutural dos municípios brasileiros. Examinam-se: a evolução do regime federativo nas constituições republicanas e as relações intergovernamentais que se estabelecem; a trajetória históricas da vigilância sanitária e epidemiológica; o processo de descentralização da vigilância sanitária no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Aponta-se que a estratégia adotada no âmbito do SUS, de municipalização das ações de saúde, tendo proporcionado ganhos na cobertura assistencial e fragmentação da rede de serviços, merece maior reflexão na sua transposição para a vigilância sanitária. A natureza de sua função de Estado, o grau potencialmente alto de externalidade negativa e a heterogeneidade estrutural municipal colocam: a imprescindibilidade da coordenação efetiva pela União; a necessidade de reforço ao papel da esfera estadual no contexto da necessidade de cooperação regional e local; a urgência na reformulação dos critérios para descentralização e financiamento das ações de vigilância sanitária. Sem pretender esgotar a questão federativa da vigilância sanitária, apresentam-se algumas propostas para discussão visando superar alguns dos problemas detectados. / This study focuses on the construction of the National Sanitary Surveillance System, analyzing it from the viewpoint of inter-government relations, This construction points out that the way taken by the decentralization model, adopted by the federal sphere till 2003, was different from assistance actions, centered on improvement of the state sphere. Also, a different way in relation to the federative sharing which benefited the municipal sphere, and the small municipalities. Of the four basic principles of federalism, co-operation and co-ordination are highlighted. Co-operation is concerned with the autonomy of federative matter and with the decentralization degree in force. Co-ordination is regarded as necessary to obtain co-operation. The background is the heterogeneous structure of Brazilian municipalities. The study examines: the evolution of federative regimen in republican constitutions and intergovernment relations thus established; the historical trajectory of sanitary surveillance in Brazil; the building strategies of epidemiological and sanitary surveillance national systems; the sanitary surveillance decentralization process in municipalization of health actions, after having provided profits in healthcare coverage and fragmentation of services, deserves more attention when shifting to sanitary surveillance. The State responsibility, the potentially high degree of negative externality, and the heterogeneous municipal structure require: the need for effective federal co-ordination; the need to reinforce the states role in the context of a necessary regional and local co-operation; the urgency to reformulate decentralization and financing criteria for sanitary surveillance actions. This study does not intend to exhaust the federative issue of sanitary surveillance, but it brings some proposals to overcome some of the detected problems.

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