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SMR neurofeedback training for cognitive enhancement : the mediating effect of SMR baseline levelsPacheco, Berta January 2011 (has links)
In this study, 24 adults without any psychological or neurological disorders participated either in 10 neurofeedback training sessions to increase the amplitude of a frequency band between 12 and 15 Hz (sensorimotor rhythm - SMR) or in ten mock neurofeedback sessions. Pre and post training measures of memory and executive functions were completed, along with quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) measurements in order to detect changes after the training course. Furthermore, measures of SMR amplitude were taken within and across sessions to determine whether self-regulation of SMR had been achieved. The data analysis performed shows no significant differences in cognitive performance between the group who underwent neurofeedback training and the group who underwent mock neurofeedback training. The groups did not show electrophysiological changes after the training. Additionally, no significant changes in SMR amplitude or percent time above threshold across or within the 10 sessions were found in the experimental group. Moreover, the data showed a tendency, which indicates that the higher the baseline amplitude and absolute power of SMR the less time was spent above threshold during the training and the less increase in SMR amplitude between baseline and training periods. The findings obtained indicate that neurofeedback training did not affect memory, executive functions or the QEEG. The absence of significant changes in SMR amplitude across sessions might reflect failure in learning the neurofeedback task and may account for the lack of cognitive improvement and QEEG changes. The fact that the ability to self-regulate SMR might be dependent on baseline amplitude has important implications in setting thresholds. Setting thresholds according to baseline levels might increase the difficulty in maintaining SMR above threshold when the baseline is higher. Future research should also address whether baseline amplitude has a predictive value in determining successful self-regulation of brain activity.
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Brief group music therapy for acquired brain injury : cognition and emotional needsPool, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
Injuries to the brain are the leading cause of permanent disability and death. Survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) experience cognitive impairments and emotional problems. These often persist into community rehabilitation and are among the most significant needs for those in chronic stages of rehabilitation. There is a dearth of research providing evidence of music therapy addressing cognitive deficits and emotional needs in a holistic approach. This research answers the question how can brief group music therapy address cognitive functional gains and emotional needs of people with acquired brain injury. A mixed methods design was used to investigate the effect of 16 sessions of weekly group music therapy on attention and memory impairments, and emotional needs of ten ABI survivors in community rehabilitation. Quantitative data were collected to determine the effect of treatment on attention and memory functioning, mood state, and the satisfaction of emotional needs. Qualitative data were collected to reveal survivors’ experiences of brain injury and brief group music therapy. Analysis of the data showed that the intervention improved sustained attention (p<.05, r=.80) and immediate memory recall (p>.05, r=.46), and that the effect of treatment increased with dosage. Overall, the intervention was more effective than standard care, and cognitive functional gains continued after treatment for some ABI survivors. The intervention addressed emotional needs of feeling confident (p<.05, d=.88), feeling part of a group (p<.05, d=.74), feeling productive/useful (p<.05, d=.90), feeling supportive (p<.05, d=.75), feeling valued (p<.05, d=.74), and enjoyment (p<.05, d=.34). Improvements in these domains were observed in the immediate term and over the course of therapy. Music therapy enabled emotional adjustment through the development of selfawareness and insight. This study offers a music therapy method to deliver a holistic approach in rehabilitation. It demonstrates that music therapy can provide a cost effective, holistic treatment for ABI survivors.
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Effects of Expectations on Cognitive Enhancement Interventions in Young and Older AdultsRabipour, Sheida 20 September 2018 (has links)
With increasing life expectancy and global population of older adults, preserving cog- nitive function throughout life represents a growing priority. Numerous approaches to cognitive enhancement exist, but few have scientific merit. Among the most preva- lent – and commercialized – approaches are cognitive training (“brain training”) and non-invasive brain stimulation through electric currents applied at the surface of the scalp. The present dissertation describes a collection of work contextualizing the appeal of these cognitive enhancement methods and addressing some of the most pervasive limitations of research in this field thus far.
One largely ignored issue in cognitive intervention research pertains to people’s expectations of programs and their relationship with intervention outcomes. In a series of initial studies, we developed and validated the Expectation Assessment Scale (EAS), a tool created to measure as well as prime expectations of outcomes in the context of cognitive enhancement interventions. In our first two studies, we probed expectations of cognitive training or non-invasive brain stimulation in over 1,000 young, middle-aged, and older adults. Ratings on the EAS suggested that older adults may have particularly high expectations of cognitive training, but that expectations can be primed to increase or decrease – at least in hypothetical scenarios. We used these data to assess the psychometric properties of the EAS with item-response theory, and confirmed its internal consistency.
Next, we incorporated the EAS into two cognitive enhancement trials, one in- vestigating a computerized cognitive training intervention in nearly 100 older adults and another examining non-invasive brain stimulation in nearly 100 young adults. Both trials had a double-blind balanced-placebo design in which participants were assigned to the intervention or control condition, and then subdivided to receive ei- ther high or low expectation priming (i.e., primed to have high or low expectations of the program’s effectiveness). Although expectation ratings replicated our previous findings, results from these trials suggest little, if any, effect of either expectations or the intervention on performance outcomes. We nevertheless found that participants enjoyed their assigned program and that those who received high expectation prim- ing tended to report a more positive experience. Our findings put into question the effectiveness of such interventions and support the need for more rigorous trials of cognitive enhancement.
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Ought We to Enhance Our Cognitive Capacities?Tännsjö, Torbjörn January 2009 (has links)
Ought we to enhance our cognitive capacities beyond the normal human range? There is no denying that it might be a good idea to level out differences between people with respect to cognitive capacities, and there is no denying that some persons' reaching beyond normal capacities may have some good side-effects on society at large (but also bad side-effects, of course). But is there any direct gain to be made by having ones cognitive capacities enhanced? Will this as such make our lives go better? No, I argue, or, at least, there doesn't seem to exist any evidence suggesting that it would. And it doesn't matter whether we consider the question from a narrow hedonistic perspective, from a more refined hedonistic perspective, from a desire-satisfaction view, or if we adopt some reasonable objective list view of what makes a life go well. Only on an extremely perfectionist — and implausible —view of what makes our lives go well could any direct value in cognitive enhancement find support. Finally, there are no good reasons to do with our sense of identity to enhance even our capacity to remember. So, cognitive enhancement as such would not make our lives go any better. / <p>Author count: 1</p>
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The ethics of enhancement of intellectual abilities in children : a risk of creating 'superhuman' disabled?Krutzinna, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Human enhancement continues to be hotly debated by both 'professionals' and academics, and increasingly also by the general public. This is no surprise, given that the idea of making human beings better - individually and collectively - has existed for centuries. Parents appear to be especially receptive to new ways of improving the qualities of their offspring - first and foremost their cognitive abilities - in the hope of giving them the best life possible. At the same time, children as not-yet autonomous persons are vulnerable to the decisions made on their behalf. This dynamic has led to a long-running philosophical debate about the moral permissibility of paediatric enhancement. Unfortunately, this debate has somewhat stalled at the point of disagreement on general permissibility, with both sides strongly relying on the notion of well-being to support their respective positions. Rapid progress in the sciences, including the development of the new CRISPR-Cas9 technique, holds much promise for effective cognitive enhancement in children, and this makes proper ethical assessment an urgent matter. Arguing that enhancement is here to stay and that prohibition is not a feasible option in a globalised world, I suggest that the debate should instead focus on what cognitive enhancement in children is likely to mean for the welfare of children. Addressing the question of whether enhancement of intellectual abilities in children is likely to lead to the creation of 'superhuman' disabled children - that is, children with superior or even yet-unseen cognitive capacities but a disability in some other sense (medical, social or both) - I draw on evidence from various fields, including education, law, disability studies and sociology, to demonstrate that the positive effect of cognitive ability on individual well-being is frequently overestimated and can thus not serve as a moral justification for cognitive enhancement. Furthermore, the current legal environment with regard to children with higher intellectual abilities gives cause for concern about the well-being of future cognitively enhanced children and urges us to address prevailing shortcomings in educational provision before deliberately engaging in the creation of more cognitive potential. Suggesting that any moral judgment about cognitive enhancement should focus strongly on the ends pursued, I argue that the welfare of children is endangered not so much by the new possibilities and methods of enhancement as by the failure to fully appreciate children's need for the provision of appropriate opportunities to match their individual abilities.
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A Critical Discourse Analysis of Cognitive Enhancement Advertising: The Contemporary Mind as a CommodityHamilton, Mindy January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Interactions between hippocampal and cerebellar theta oscillations during cerebellar theta-contingent trace eyeblink conditioning acquisition and extinction in the rabbit.Hoffmann, Loren C. 21 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Perfil dos universitários da área da saúde quanto ao uso de substâncias psicoativas na cidade de Ariquemes - RO / Profile of undergraduate health major students regarding the use of psychoactive substances in the city of Ariquemes -ROTerra Junior, André Tomaz 18 January 2019 (has links)
Introdução: Adolescência é um período de maior vulnerabilidade com relação ao uso de álcool, drogas e outras substâncias psicoativas entre os universitários, e seu uso abusivo constitui um grave problema de saúde pública mundial. O consumo abusivo de álcool é um fator de agravamento de várias doenças, principal fator de risco para mortes prematuras e comportamento de risco. Estudos epidemiológicos indicam uma alta prevalência de consumo de substâncias psicoativa na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos entre os jovens brasileiros. O \"Aprimoramento Cognitivo Farmacológico\" (ACF) referese ao uso de medicamentos por pessoas saudáveis para melhorar o funcionamento do cérebro e aprimorar o desempenho cognitivo, tendo o Metilfenidato (MTF) um dos medicamentos mais utilizados para esta finalidade. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de álcool e outras substâncias psicoativas e medicamentos não prescritos e comportamentos de risco entre os estudantes universitários da Faculdade de Educação e Meio Ambiente - FAEMA. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo transversal de abordagem quantitativa, que utilizou uma amostra de conveniência, não probabilística, de estudantes universitários. Instrumento: Para coleta de dados será utilizado um questionário on line composto por informações sociodemográficas, o Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) e o Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involving Screening Test (ASSIST). Resultados: O ACF entre os jovens é cada vez mais preocupante, tendo o MTF (23,2%) o medicamento mais utilizado. O uso não medico e a automedicação aumenta o risco de dependência e 67% são adeptos dessa prática e, 79,3% desconhecem sua indicação clínica e os riscos para saúde, sendo 70,9% do sexo feminino e 34,4% dos casos apresentou algum efeito colateral. A curiosidade (24,49%; p<0,05; b=2,396), apresentou maior significância entre as variáveis. O álcool (74,3%) é a principal droga de abuso entre os universitários, sendo que 54,4% tiveram um primeiro contato com idade inferior a 17 anos, 21,4% já teve de problemas familiares em decorrência do seu uso. Em relação ao consumo BD, 46,1% fazem uso dessa maciço de álcool e 73,2% tem idade de 18 a 23 anos, sendo mais comum no sexo feminino (69%). Essa prática está relacionada ao comportamento de risco, onde 58,3% declararam que a prática de relações sexuais desprotegidas, 13,7% haviam ingerido bebida alcoólica antes da relação sexual e em 53,1% dos casos (R2=56,4), o risco desse comportamento está diretamente relacionado com a frequência de consumo. Conclusão: O ACF entre os jovens é uma realidade preocupante e, independente da droga, nenhuma é segura quando não há indicação clínica, podendo ser passíveis de desenvolver dependência, havendo necessidade de intensificar os estudos de consumo a longo prazo. O índice de uso de drogas dentre as quais o álcool tem grande relevância é elevado no meio universitário e tem relação direta com o risco de contrair doenças sexualmente transmissíveis / Introduction: Youth is a period of vulnerability regarding the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, especially considering college students, and alcohol abuse is a serious global public health problem. Alcohol abuse is a worsening factor for several diseases, as well as the main risk factor for premature death and risk behaviors. Epidemiological studies indicate a high prevalence of psychoactive substance use in the age group of 18 to 25 years-old among Brazilians. \"Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement\" (PCE) refers to medication use by healthy individuals to improve brain function and cognitive performance, the Methylphenidate (MTF) is one of the most commonly used drugs for this purpose. Objective: To evaluate alcohol and other psychoactive substances including non-prescription drugs\' consumption and risk behaviors in undergraduate students of the College of Education and Environment (FAEMA), in Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, using a non-probabilistic convenience sample of undergraduate students. Survey: An online questionnaire with sociodemographic information, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) and the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involving Screening Test (ASSIST) were used for data collection. Results: PCE among young people is a worrying behavior, being MTF (23.2%) the most used drug. Non-medical use and self-medication increase the risk of dependence and 67% of participants referred this practice, being 79.3% unaware of MTF clinical indication and health risks. From the MTF users, 70.9% were female and 34.4% presented side effects. Curiosity (24.49%, p <0.05, b = 2.396) has greater statistical significance among the studied variables. Alcohol (74.3%) is the main drug used among undergraduate students, with 54.4% stating their first contact with alcohol before 17 years-old; 21.4% had family problems due to alcohol use. Regarding binge drinking, 46.1% are adept to this practice and 73.2% are 18 to 23 years-old, being more common in females (69%). This practice is related to risk behaviors, as the majority of participants (58.3%) stated to have unprotected sexual intercourse, 13.7% had ingested alcohol before this practice and in 53.1% (R2 = 56.4) the risk of this behavior is directly related to the frequency of alcohol consumption. Conclusion: PCE among young individuals is a worrying reality and, independent of the drug, none is safe without clinical indication, making individuals susceptible to dependence. Therefore, it is crucial to intensify studies on long term drug consumption. The frequency of drug use, among which alcohol has great relevance, is high in the college environment and it is directly related to the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases
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Aprimoramento cognitivo farmacológico: grupos focais com universitários / Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement: focus groups with academicsDenise Borges Barros 31 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou como os estudantes universitários avaliam o uso de psicofármacos por pessoas que pretendem melhorar o rendimento cognitivo sem apresentar prejuízo nessa habilidade mental. Esse tipo de remédio só pode ser comercializado através de receita médica especial. Dessa forma, o uso não-médico desse tipo de droga, chamado também de aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico, é ilegal. Com o crescimento no número de estudantes universitários americanos e canadenses que utilizam estimulantes para melhorar a performance acadêmica, o tema tornou-se uma preocupação para a Saúde Pública nos respectivos países. O aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico vem sendo muito discutido no campo da Neuroética. Nos debates dessa a prática são avaliados os riscos e benefícios que essa prática pode trazer para o indivíduo e à sociedade. No Brasil, esse assunto é pouco discutido. Assim, a investigação sobre a compreensão e avaliação que estudantes universitários fazem sobre esse tema trouxe informações que podem ampliar o conhecimento
sobre tema no Brasil. A investigação foi realizada através de três grupos focais com estudantes universitários. Os resultados indicaram que questões como pressão social (exigência de bons resultados), segurança do medicamento, risco de coerção social,
possibilidade de essa prática aumentar a injustiça social foram as principais preocupações da população entrevistada. Alguns aspectos foram compreendidos de maneira bastantes polarizada. Não está claro para os participantes dos grupos focais, por exemplo, se esta é ou não uma prática desonesta e se a melhora no rendimento cognitivo pode ser entendida como
sendo legítima da pessoa. Esses e outros dados mostram que a compreensão do tema aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico é muito influenciada por dois aspectos. O
primeiro aspecto se refere ao entendimento prévio que a pessoa tem sobre a relação entre cérebro e comportamento e sobre a relação entre indivíduo e grupo social. O segundo aspecto
é a influência que os textos que informam sobre ciência exercem sobre os leitores. Nesse sentido, a aplicação dos grupos focais mostrou-se um importante meio para conhecer o entendimento dos estudantes universitários sobre o aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico e, dessa forma, contribuir para a discussão desse tema no Brasil.
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Aprimoramento cognitivo farmacológico: grupos focais com universitários / Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement: focus groups with academicsDenise Borges Barros 31 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou como os estudantes universitários avaliam o uso de psicofármacos por pessoas que pretendem melhorar o rendimento cognitivo sem apresentar prejuízo nessa habilidade mental. Esse tipo de remédio só pode ser comercializado através de receita médica especial. Dessa forma, o uso não-médico desse tipo de droga, chamado também de aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico, é ilegal. Com o crescimento no número de estudantes universitários americanos e canadenses que utilizam estimulantes para melhorar a performance acadêmica, o tema tornou-se uma preocupação para a Saúde Pública nos respectivos países. O aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico vem sendo muito discutido no campo da Neuroética. Nos debates dessa a prática são avaliados os riscos e benefícios que essa prática pode trazer para o indivíduo e à sociedade. No Brasil, esse assunto é pouco discutido. Assim, a investigação sobre a compreensão e avaliação que estudantes universitários fazem sobre esse tema trouxe informações que podem ampliar o conhecimento
sobre tema no Brasil. A investigação foi realizada através de três grupos focais com estudantes universitários. Os resultados indicaram que questões como pressão social (exigência de bons resultados), segurança do medicamento, risco de coerção social,
possibilidade de essa prática aumentar a injustiça social foram as principais preocupações da população entrevistada. Alguns aspectos foram compreendidos de maneira bastantes polarizada. Não está claro para os participantes dos grupos focais, por exemplo, se esta é ou não uma prática desonesta e se a melhora no rendimento cognitivo pode ser entendida como
sendo legítima da pessoa. Esses e outros dados mostram que a compreensão do tema aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico é muito influenciada por dois aspectos. O
primeiro aspecto se refere ao entendimento prévio que a pessoa tem sobre a relação entre cérebro e comportamento e sobre a relação entre indivíduo e grupo social. O segundo aspecto
é a influência que os textos que informam sobre ciência exercem sobre os leitores. Nesse sentido, a aplicação dos grupos focais mostrou-se um importante meio para conhecer o entendimento dos estudantes universitários sobre o aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico e, dessa forma, contribuir para a discussão desse tema no Brasil.
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