Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cold"" "subject:"coli""
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Generic refinements for behavioral specificationsPetria, Marius January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the properties of generic refinements of behavioral specifications. At the base of this investigation stands the view from algebraic specification that abstract data types can be modeled as algebras. A specification of a data type is formed from a syntactic part, i.e. a signature detailing the interface of the data type, and a semantic part, i.e. a class of algebras (called its models) that contains the valid implementations of that data type. Typically, the class of algebras that constitutes the semantics of a specification is defined as the class of algebras that satisfy some given set of axioms. The behavioral aspect of a specification comes from relaxing the requirements imposed by axioms, i.e. by allowing in the semantics of a specification not only the algebras that literally satisfy the given axioms, but also those algebras that appear to behave according to those axioms. Several frameworks have been developed to express the adequate notions of what it means to be a behavioral model of a set of axioms, and our choice as the setting for this thesis will be Bidoit and Hennicker’s Constructor-based Observational Logic, abbreviated COL. Using specifications that rely on the behavioral aspects defined by COL we study the properties of generic refinements between specifications. Refinement is a relation between specifications. The refinement of a target specification by a source specification is given by a function that constructs models of the target specification from the models of the source specification. These functions are called constructions and the source and target specifications that they relate are called the context of the refinement. The theory of refinements between algebraic specifications, with or without the behavioral aspect, has been well studied in the literature. Our analysis starts from those studies and adapts them to COL, which is a relatively new framework, and for which refinement has been studied only briefly. The main part of this thesis is formed by the analysis of generic refinements. Generic refinements are represented by constructions that can be used in various contexts, not just in the context of their definition. These constructions provide the basis for modular refinements, i.e. one can use a locally defined construction in a global context in order to refine just a part of a source specification. The ability to use a refinement outside its original context imposes additional requirements on the construction that represents it. An implementer writing such a construction must not use details of the source models that can be contradicted by potential global context requirements. This means, roughly speaking, that he must use only the information available in the source signature and also any a priori assumption that was made about the contexts of use. We look at the basic case of generic refinements that are reusable in every global context, and then we treat a couple of variations, i.e. generic refinements for which an a priori assumption it is made about the nature of their usage contexts. In each of these cases we follow the same pattern of investigation. First we characterize the constructions that ensure reusability by means of preservation of relations, and then, in most cases, we show that such constructions must be definable in terms of their source signature. Throughout the thesis we use an informal analogy between generic (i.e. polymorphic) functions that appear in second order lambda calculus and the generic refinements that we are studying. This connection will enable us to describe some properties of generic refinements that correspond to the properties of polymorphic functions inferred from their types and named “theorems for free” by Wadler. The definability results, the connection between the assumptions made about the usage contexts and the characterizing relations, and the “theorems for free” for behavioral specifications constitute the main contributions of this thesis.
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Cancers du col de l’utérus et infection à VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : Epidémiologie descriptive, déterminants et dépistage / Cervical cancer and HIV infection in West Africa : Epidemiology, determinants and screeningJaquet, Antoine 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le cancer du col de l’utérus est la première cause de cancer chez la femme en Afrique de l’Ouest, une région du monde où le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) sévit de manière endémique. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’étude du lien entre ces deux pathologies ainsi que des spécificités du dépistage du cancer du col dans le contexte de l’infection à VIH.Notre travail de recherche a été conduit en plusieurs étapes. Une enquête hospitalière a tout d’abord comparée la fréquence du VIH chez des femmes atteintes de cancer du col et chez des femmes atteintes d’autres cancers. Nous avons ensuite mis en place un programme de dépistage des cancers du col par inspection visuelle au sein de trois cliniques VIH à Abidjan offrant cette intervention pendant une période de plusieurs mois. Un échantillon de ces femmes dépistées a enfin été prélevé pour la recherche de papillomavirus humains (PVH). Sur les 152 cas de cancer du col inclus dans la première enquête, 25% étaient VIH-positifs contre 4,7% chez les 257 patientes du groupe de comparaison, donnant un Rapport de Côte (RC) ajusté de 7,6 (3,6 – 16,2) pour l’association entre ces deux morbidités sévères. Un total de 4 046 femmes a été dépisté par inspection visuelle. La fréquence d’un test positif était de 9,0% (8,0 – 10,0) chez les 2 998 femmes VIH-positives et 3,9% (2,7 – 5,1) chez les 1 048 femmes VIH-négatives. La prévalence de l’infection à PVH oncogène était de 33,0% chez les 191 femmes VIH-négatives et de 52,8% chez les 254 femmes VIH-positives ayant pu être testé par PCR. Un taux de CD4<200 cellules/mm3 était associé à la présence d’un PVH oncogène (RC= 2,8 [1,1 – 8,3] Ref. CD4 ≥500). L’infection à VIH est fortement associée au risque de cancer du col ainsi qu’à la présence de ses précurseurs que sont les PVH. La mise en place de programmes de dépistage associé à une bonne reconstitution immunitaire semble être des mesures essentielles pour réduire le fardeau de ce cancer chez les femmes VIH-positives en Afrique de l’Ouest à l’ère de l’accès élargi aux antirétroviraux. / Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer among women in West Africa, where infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is endemic. This work study the link between these two pathologies as well as the specificities linked to cervical cancer screening in the context of HIV infection. Our research project was conducted in several stages. A first hospital-based study compared the prevalence of HIV in women with cervical cancer and in women with other cancers. We then implement a cervical cancer screening program with visual inspection methods in three HIV clinics in Abidjan during several months. A sample of women screened was finally selected and collected for human papillomavirus (HPV) identification. Of the 152 cases of cervical cancer included during the first study, 25% were HIV-positive compared to 4.7% among the 257 patients of the comparison group, giving an adjusted odd ratio (OR) of 7.6 (3.6 - 16.2). A total of 4,046 women were screened by visual inspection. The frequency of a positive test was 9.0% (8.0 - 10.0) in the 2,998 HIV-positive women and 3.9% (2.7 - 5.1) in the 1,048 HIV-negative women. The prevalence of oncogenic HPV was 33.0% in the 191 HIV-negative women and 52.8% in the 254 HIV-positive women that underwent PCR testing. A CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 was associated with the presence of oncogenic HPV (OR = 2.8 [1.1 - 8.3] Ref. CD4≥500). HIV infection is strongly associated with cervical cancer and the presence of its precursors, oncogenic HPV. The implementation of adapted screening programs combined with good immune reconstitution seems to be key measures to reduce the burden of cervical cancer in HIV-positive women in West Africa in the era of expanded access to antiretroviral drugs.
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Etude des marqueurs de progression tumorale dans les cancers HPV-induits / Study of tumor progression biomarkers in HPV-induced cancersBrochot-Dorigny, Alexandra 25 March 2013 (has links)
Les infections à papillomavirus humains à haut-risque (HPV-HR) sont responsables de 100% des cancers cervico-utérins et de 50% des carcinomes de l'oropharynx. Les infections du col utérin sont généralement transitoires et bénignes. Cependant, en cas d'infection persistante, elles peuvent s'accompagner d'une progression vers des lésions (pré)cancéreuses du col utérin. Les facteurs viraux qui favorisent la persistance ou la clairance virale sont encore mal connus. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié la méthylation des régions 3'L1 et LCR dans des frottis cervico-utérins HPV16+ / cytologie normale, prélevés chez 37 femmes qui présenteront soit une infection transitoire soit une infection persistante avec progression vers une lésion précancéreuse. Nous avons montré que certains îlots CpG présentaient des taux de méthylation différents en fonction de l'évolution ultérieure de l'infection HPV et pourraient être utilisés comme marqueurs prédictifs.Les cancers de l'oropharynx associés à une infection à HPV-HR présentent un pronostic plus favorable que ceux associés à une intoxication alcoolo-tabagique. Les mécanismes responsables de ce meilleur pronostic sont encore mal compris. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons caractérisé le statut HPV dans 202 cas de cancers de l'oropharynx. Au sein des 32 cancers présentant une infection HPV16 active (avec expression des ARNm E6/E7), nous avons étudié la méthylation des régions 3'L1 et LCR et l'intégration du génome viral. Nous avons montré que les niveaux de méthylation de certains sites CpG, notamment des sites de liaison à la protéine virale E2 (E2BS3 et E2BS4) sont fortement méthylés dans les formes épisomales et mixtes mais sont non méthylés dans les formes intégrées pures.Enfin dans une troisième partie, nous avons étudié des marqueurs de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (TEM) dans des modèles cellulaires et des cancers oropharyngés, en fonction du statut HPV. Une moindre TEM, connue pour être impliquée de façon importante dans les phénomènes d'invasion tumorale, pourrait expliquer le meilleur pronostic associé aux cancers HPV-induits. Nous avons montré que la vimentine, marqueur le plus représentatif de l'acquisition de capacités migratoires et invasives, est plus exprimée dans les cellules tumorales HPV positives que dans les cellules HPV négatives. Le pronostic différentiel observé entre les 2 étiologies des cancers oropharyngés ne serait donc pas corrélé à la TEM.Mots-clés : Cancer, HPV, col utérin, oropharynx, biomarqueurs, méthylation, intégration, TEM. / High-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) infections are responsible for 100% of cervical cancers and 50% of oropharyngeal cancers. Cervical infections are usually transient and benign. Persistent infections may however progress and lead to cervical (pre)cancerous lesions. Viral factors contributing to persistence or clearance are poorly understood. In a fist part, we studied methylation of 3'L1 and LCR regions in HPV16+ / normal cytology cervical smears, taken in 37 women who will present either a transient infection, or a persistent infection with progression to a precancerous lesion. We demonstrated that some CpG sites harbored differential methylation rates in relation with later outcome of HPV infection and may be used as predictive biomarkers.HR-HPV related oropharyngeal cancers present a better prognostic that their alcohol-and-tobacco-induced counterparts. Mechanisms responsible for this better prognostic are mainly unknown. In a second part, we characterized the HPV status in 202 oropharyngeal cancers. In the 32 cases presenting with HPV16 active infections (expressing E6/E7 mRNA), we studied 3'L1 and LCR methylation and integration of viral genome. We showed that methylation rates of some CpG sites, especially in E2 binding sites (E2BS3 & 4), were strongly methylated in episomal and mixed forms but were unmethylated in purely integrated forms.In a third part, we studied epithelial-to-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) markers in cellular models and oropharyngeal cancers, according to HPV status. A lesser EMT, known as an important phenomenon implicated in tumor invasion, could explain the better prognostic associated with HPV-induced cancers. We showed that vimentin, the more representative marker for migration and invasion ability acquisition is more expressed in HPV+ tumor cells than in HPV-negative cells. So the differential prognosis observed between the 2 oropharyngeal cancer etiologies may not be linked to EMT.Key-words: Cancer, HPV, cervical cancer, oropharynx, biomarkers, methylation, integration, EMT.
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Déterminants de la santé osseuse chez des jeunes femmes en surpoids et obèses : exploration et influences de deux programmes d'entraînement physique (force vs. endurance)Berro, Abdel Jalil 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les buts de cette thèse étaient de définir les déterminants de la santé osseuse chez les jeunes femmes en surpoids et obèses et d'explorer les effets de deux programmes longitudinaux d'entraînement physique (force vs. endurance) sur les paramètres osseux chez les jeunes femmes en surpoids et obèses. Deux études préliminaires et six études principales ont été menées. La première étude préliminaire a montré que la VO2 max (L/mn) est un déterminant positif de la masse osseuse chez les enfants en surpoids. La deuxième étude préliminaire a démontré que l'IMC est un déterminant négatif du CSI, du BSI et de l'ISI chez les jeunes femmes. La première étude principale a montré que l'obésité est associée à de faibles valeurs de CSI, de BSI et d'ISI chez les jeunes femmes. La deuxième étude principale a montré que la VO2 max (ml/mn/kg) est positivement corrélée au CSI et à l'ISI chez les jeunes femmes. La troisième et la quatrième étude ont montré que la surcharge pondérale est associée à une augmentation du CMO et de la DMO mais pas du TBS et que le TBS est corrélé positivement à la VO2 max (L/mn). La cinquième étude principale chez 68 jeunes femmes en surpoids et obèses a montré que la détente verticale, la VO2 max (L/mn), la puissance maximale (watts) et la force maximale en demi-squat sont positivement corrélées aux paramètres osseux chez les jeunes femmes en surpoids et obèses. La sixième étude principale a montré que les deux types d'entrainement physique (force et endurance) sont efficaces pour augmenter le CMO CE et la DMO lombaire et diminuer le poids et la masse grasse. L'entrainement de force était aussi efficace pour l'augmentation du TBS et les indices de résistance osseuse du col fémoral (CSI, BSI et ISI). / The aims of this thesis were to define the determinants of bone health in young overweight and obese men and to explore the effects of two physical training programs (strength vs. endurance) on bone parameters in young overweight and obese women. Two preliminary studies and six main studies have been conducted. The first preliminary study has shown that VO2 max (L/mn) is a positive determinant of bone mass in overweight children. The second preliminary study has shown that BMI is a negative determinant of CSI, BSI and ISI in young women. The first main study has shown that obesity is associated with lower CSI, BSI and ISI values in young women. The second main study has shown that VO2 max (L/mn) is positively correlated to CSI and ISI in young women. The third and the fourth study have shown that being overweight is associated with higher BMC and BMD values but not with TBS values and that TBS is positively associated with VO2 max (L/mn). The fifth main study conducted on 68 young overweight and obese women has shown that vertical jump, VO2 max (L/min), maximal power (watts) and 1-RM half-squat are positively correlated with bone parameters in overweight and obese adult women. The sixth main study has shown that the two training programs (strength and endurance) are effective to increase whole body BMC and lumbar spine BMD, and to decrease body weight and fat mass. Strength training was also effective to increase TBS and composite indices of femoral neck strength (CSI, BSI and ISI)
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O ingresso de jovens nos Col?gios Tiradentes da Brigada Militar/RS : um sonho dos jovens ou s? um meio para se atingir a um fim?Martins, Isabel Cristina dos Santos 02 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T17:20:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-02 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aim to meet the students of the CTBM ? Col?gios Tiradentes da Brigada
Militar (Tiradentes Colleges of the Military Brigade), in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the
context that they are inserted, identifying socioeconomic and cultural features, tracing their
school trajectory and pointing out the factors that influenced the choice of young people for
the CTBM of their region, with the main theme: ?The entrance of young students at Col?gios
Tiradentes da Brigada Militar: a dream of young people or just a way to get an ending??. This
was developed in two phases. In the first phase, quantitative, after completing the stages of
evaluation and approval of the Project by the Scientific Commission of the School of
Humanities and the Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa - CEP ? (Research Ethics Committee) of the
Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, in order to obtain an
overview of the schools, an online questionnaire was applied, which was answered,
voluntarily, by five hundred and ninety-six (596) students of the seven colleges. In the
second qualitative phase, the data were obtained through semi-structure interviews conducted
individually with twenty-one (21) students, randomly selected, with three (03) per school,
representing each school year (1st., 2nd. and 3rd.). Seven (7) interviews were selected, one
per school, for data?s analysis. The qualitative data were analyzed using the An?lise Textual
Discursiva - ATD (Discursive Textual Analysis) method, proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi
(2013), and complemented with the quantitative data, which were tabulated with Google
Docs?help. Based on the data that emerged from the field, in the studies formulated by several
authors, among them: Estrela (1992), Maffesoli (1996, 1998), Falc?o (2000), Krawczuyk
(2011), Dayrell (2013), Dayrell, Carrano and Maia (2014), Abramovay (2012, 2015), Souza
(2016), in the analysis of documents and field records, it was possible to verify that the young
students of the CTBM reflect a youthful diversity, it is separated by the diversity that
constitutes it (ABRAMOVAY, CASTRO, 2006). They are young people that accompany
their parents?concern about the future and their formation in the present, but they desire selfrealization
and respect for their decisions. Therefore, they are young, like so many other
young people, who experience cultures and contexts, to constitute, as citizens, an integral
human formation. Being in the CTBM and living with their rites is a dream of only a few
students who expressed their affinity with the military career and wish they could continue
their training in the Military Police Higher Course, if it were still possible. However, I also
noticed that it became the dream of most of the young people who, when they first came to
the schools, looking for means of accessing higher education, for the most varied courses, eventually realized how much learning could lead to their lives, considering the studies and
the affective relationships that created and maintained in this space of formation. These young
people give life to school, standing their history, rites and representations, while claiming
changes in what they consider important for personal and group growthness. And, therefore,
they demonstrate that they have a great potential for social contribution and political
idealization for society and for the country they are in, aiming to help other young people to
change their reality, so that they have access to the same opportunities that they had before. / Esta Disserta??o pretende conhecer os estudantes dos Col?gios Tiradentes da Brigada Militar
(CTBM), do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no contexto em que est?o inseridos, identificando
caracter?sticas socioecon?mico-culturais, tra?ando sua trajet?ria escolar e apontando os
fatores que influenciaram a escolha dos jovens pelo CTBM de sua regi?o, tendo como tema
principal: ?O ingresso de jovens estudantes nos Col?gios Tiradentes da Brigada Militar/RS:
um sonho dos jovens ou s? um meio para se atingir a um fim?? Trata-se de uma investiga??o
quali-quantitativa que foi desenvolvida em duas fases. Na primeira fase, quantitativa, depois
de cumprida as etapas de avalia??o e aprova??o do Projeto pela Comiss?o Cient?fica da
Escola de Humanidades e pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa (CEP), da Pontif?cia
Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), a fim de obter um panorama geral das
escolas, ocorreu a aplica??o de um question?rio online, que foi respondido, voluntariamente,
por 596 (quinhentos e noventa e seis) estudantes dos sete col?gios. Na segunda fase,
qualitativa, os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas
individualmente com 21 (vinte e um) estudantes, sorteados aleatoriamente, sendo 03 (tr?s) por
escola, representando cada ano escolar (1?, 2? e 3?). Foram escolhidas 07 (sete) entrevistas,
uma por escola, para realiza??o da an?lise dos dados. Os dados qualitativos foram analisados
pelo m?todo de An?lise Textual Discursiva (ATD), proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2013), e
complementados com os dados quantitativos, que foram tabulados com aux?lio do Google
Docs. Embasada nos dados que emergiram do campo, nos estudos formulados por v?rios
autores, dentre eles: Estrela (1992), Maffesoli (1996, 1998), Falc?o (2000), Krawczuyk
(2011), Dayrell (2013), Dayrell, Carrano e Maia (2014), Abramovay (2012, 2015), Souza
(2016), na an?lise de documentos e registros de campo, foi poss?vel constatar que os jovens
estudantes dos CTBMs refletem uma diversidade juvenil, que ora se aproxima pelas
caracter?sticas que apresenta, ora se separa pela diversidade que lhe constitui
(ABRAMOVAY;CASTRO, 2006). Que s?o jovens que acompanham a preocupa??o de seus
pais com o futuro e sua forma??o no presente, mas desejam a autorrealiza??o e o respeito de
suas decis?es. Por isso, s?o jovens, como tantos outros jovens, que experimentam culturas e
contextos, para constitu?rem, enquanto cidad?os, uma forma??o humana integral. Estar nos
CTBMs e conviver com seus ritos, est? sendo um sonho apenas de poucos alunos, que
manifestaram afinidade com a carreira militar e desejariam poder dar continuidade ? sua
forma??o no Curso Superior de Pol?cia Militar, se ainda fosse poss?vel. Por?m, tamb?m
constatei que se tornou o sonho da maioria dos jovens que, ao ingressar nas escolas vislumbrando, inicialmente, um meio de acesso ao ensino superior, para os mais variados
cursos, acabaram por perceber quanto aprendizado poder?o levar para suas vidas,
considerando os estudos e as rela??es afetivas que criaram e deram manuten??o nesse espa?o
de forma??o. Esses jovens d?o vida ?s escolas, na manuten??o de sua hist?ria, ritos e
representa??es, ao mesmo tempo em que reivindicam mudan?as naquilo que consideram
importante para o crescimento pessoal e do grupo. E, portanto, demonstraram possuir um
grande potencial de contribui??o social e de idealiza??o pol?tica para a sociedade e para o
pa?s, do qual fazem parte, almejando a seu turno ajudar outros jovens a mudar a realidade que
possuem, para que tenham acesso ?s mesmas oportunidades que eles tiveram.
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Aplica??o de polifenois na dentina humana : estudo in vitro da morfologia interfacial e da resist?ncia de uni?oPaludo, Tamara 10 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Odontologia (odontologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-19T17:50:17Z
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TAMARA_PALUDO_DIS.pdf: 786437 bytes, checksum: 24d142989a1f4e1aac8bb4a9d2a1548c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lopes (tatiana.lopes@pucrs.br) on 2018-04-04T11:42:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TAMARA_PALUDO_DIS.pdf: 786437 bytes, checksum: 24d142989a1f4e1aac8bb4a9d2a1548c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-04T11:50:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / (Artigo 1 Effect of a collagen stabilizing acid conditioner on adhesion to enamel and
The aim was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of phosphoric acid with
grape seed extract (GSE) on the enamel acid etching, on the immediate bond strength
to enamel, and on the bond strength to dentin after 12 months storage. Three different
phosphoric acid formulations with GSE were obtained: GSE5 - 5% phosphoric acid +
20% ethanol + 2% GSE; GSE10 -10% phosphoric acid + 20% ethanol + 2% GSE;
GSE20 - 20% phosphoric acid + 20% ethanol + 2% GSE; GC (control) - 37%
phosphoric acid. The enamel and dentin surfaces of third molars, extracted for
therapeutic reasons, were etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s, and with the
modified acids for 30 s. The acid was rinsed, followed by application of Adper
Scotchbond Multipurpose adhesive system, and a block of composite resin was built.
In enamel, the etching pattern was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and the bond strength was evaluated by conventional tensile test. In dentin, the
microtensile bond strength (?TBS) was evaluated after 24 h and 1 year of storage.
SEM images showed that GSE5 caused a more superficial enamel etching. According
to ANOVA and Tukey?s test, enamel bond strength did not differ significantly between
GC (49.00 MPa), GSE5 (42.78 MPa), GSE10 (51.55 MPa) and GSE 20 (36.18 MPa)
(p> 0.05).According to two-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test, the interaction of factors
(treatment x storage time) was significant (p=0.0001). At the 24 h of storage, GC (28.43
MPa) obtained the highest ?TBS, and did not differ significantly from GSE20 (24.11
MPa). GC and GSE20 were significantly higher to the others (p<0.05).The GSE10
(17.53 MPa) and GSE5 (16.75 MPa) did not differ significantly from each other. At the
12 months of storage, there was no significant difference in ?TBS between GC (17.71
MPa), GSE5 (20.97 MPa), GSE10 (17.59 MPa) and GSE20 (18.52 MPa). Only GSE5
and GSE10 did not significantly decrease ?TBS after 12 months of storage. It was
concluded that GSE5 caused a more superficial enamel etching pattern in relation to
the acid concentrations at 37%, 20% and 10%. However, there was no significant
difference in the bond strength to enamel among the four concentrations. GSE5 and
GSE10 promoted stability of the bond strength to dentin after 12 months of storage.
(Artigo 2 Effect of phosphoric acid with polyphenols on dentin collagen : Atomic force
microscopy study)
Objective: The aim was of this study to evaluate the effect of different concentrations
of phosphoric acid with grape seed extract (GSE) on the structure of the collagen fibrils
of dentin. Materials and methods: Samples (0.3 mm thickness and 8 mm diameter)
of the middle third of the coronal dentin of sound human molars were obtained. Half of
the dentin of each tooth was etched with phosphoric acid (5%, 10%, or 20%) for 30 s,
and the other half was etched with its corresponding phosphoric acid with 2% GSE for
30 s. The dentin of each sample was observed using an Atomic Force Microscope
(AFM). Results: AFM images showed that phosphoric acid at concentrations of 5%,
10% and 20% demineralized the dentin and exposed the collagen fibrils and their
pattern of periodicity. Phosphoric acid at each concentration with 2% GSE changed
the collagen fibril periodicity, and the collagen fibrils formed globular structures. This
change was more significant in dentin treated with 5% phosphoric acid and less
significant with 20% phosphoric acid. Conclusions: The use of 5% phosphoric acid
with 2% GSE produced denser collagenous globular structures. This conformational
change in the collagen can make it more mechanically and enzymatically resistant. / (Artigo 1 Efeito de um condicionador ?cido estabilizador de col?geno na ades?o ao
esmalte e ? dentina)
O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentra??es de ?cido fosf?rico com
extrato de semente de uva (GSE) no padr?o de condicionamento ?cido em esmalte,
na resist?ncia de uni?o imediata ao esmalte e ap?s 12 meses de armazenamento em
dentina. Tr?s diferentes formula??es de ?cido fosf?rico com GSE foram obtidas: GSE5
- 5% de ?cido fosf?rico + 20% de etanol + 2% de GSE; GSE10 -10% de ?cido fosf?rico
+ 20% de etanol + 2% de GSE; GSE20 - 20% de ?cido fosf?rico + 20% de etanol +
2% de GSE; GC (controle) - ?cido fosf?rico 37%. As superf?cies do esmalte e da
dentina de dentes terceiros molares, extra?dos por raz?es terap?uticas, foram
condicionadas com ?cido fosf?rico 37% por 15 s e com os ?cidos modificados por 30
s, seguido de lavagem e aplica??o do sistema adesivo Adper Scotchbond Multiuso
(convencional de tr?s passos) e da constru??o de um bloco em resina composta. Em
esmalte, o padr?o de condicionamento foi avaliado em microscopia eletr?nica de
varredura (MEV) e a resist?ncia de uni?o foi avaliada pelo ensaio de tra??o
convencional. Em dentina, a resist?ncia de uni?o ? microtra??o (R?T) foi avaliada
ap?s 24 h e 12 meses de armazenamento. As imagens em MEV evidenciaram que o
GSE5 causou um condicionamento mais superficial do esmalte. De acordo com
ANOVA de 2 fatores e Tukey, a resist?ncia de uni?o ao esmalte n?o diferiu
estatisticamente entre GC (49,00 MPa), GSE5 (42,78 MPa), GSE10 (51,55 MPa) e
GSE20 (36,18 MPa) (p>0,05). De acordo com ANOVA de duas vias e Tukey, a
intera??o tratamento x tempo de armazenamento foi significativa (p=0,0001). No
tempo de armazenamento de 24 h, GC (28,43 MPa) obteve a maior R?T, n?o diferindo
estatisticamente do grupo GSE20 (24,11 MPa), sendo ambos estatisticamente
superiores aos demais (p<0,05). O grupo GSE10 (17,53 MPa) e o GSE5 (16,75 MPa)
n?o diferiram estatisticamente entre si. No tempo de armazenamento de 12 meses,
n?o houve diferen?a estat?stica na R?T entre o GC (17,71 MPa), GSE5 (20,97 MPa),
GSE10 (17,59 MPa) e GSE20 (18,52 MPa). Apenas GSE5 e GSE10 n?o tiveram
redu??o significativa da R?T ap?s 12 meses de armazenamento. Concluiu-se que o
GSE5 causou um condicionamento mais superficial do esmalte em rela??o ?s
concentra??es de 37%, 20% e 10%. No entanto, n?o houve diferen?a estat?stica nos
valores de resist?ncia ? tra??o imediata ao esmalte entre as quatro concentra??es.
GSE5 e GSE10 promoveram a estabilidade da resist?ncia de uni?o ? dentina ap?s 12
meses de armazenamento.
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Avaliação do bloqueio duplo do sistema renina-angiotensina e remodelações cardÃaca e renal, em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos, obesos e não obesos.Freitas, Olavo de Carvalho 16 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-16 / The renin-angiotensin system activation has been regarded as more and more important, namely interaction with obesity, by
accumulation of visceral adipose tissue, a major risk for hypertension development. Obesity is associated with several abnormalities, such as sodium retention, renal hyperfiltration, left ventricular hypertrophy and microalbuminuria.
Objective: To evaluate kidney and heart remodeling, following
pharmacological double blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, in spontaneously hypertensive rats, and in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive obese-induced adult rats. Material and Method: Forty spontaneously hypertensive Wistar rats were subdivided into 4 groups of 10, as follows: 10 animals were treated with pharmacological double blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, and received enalapril and losartan for 4 weeks; 10 non-blocked; 10 rats rendered obese in adult life by means of a hypercaloric diet without block, and 10 hypertensive obese-induced, blocked animals. Forty normotensive rats (controls) were subdivided into 4 groups of 10 animals, as follows: 10
normal rats; 10 normal and blocked; 10 obese-induced without block and 10 obese-induced, blocked. Blood pressure, heart and kidney weights (relatively to body weight), heart and kidney collagen levels, and proteinuria, were evaluated in all animals. Results: Increased heart and kidney weight/body weight and tissue collagen and proteinuria levels were found in hypertensive and obese hypertensive rats. Pharmacological double blockade of the reninangiotensin system brought significant reduction (CI 95 %) in heart weight/body weight in obese-hypertensive rats, and reduction of renal collagen levels and proteinuria in hypertensive and obese-hypertensive
rats. The normotensive obese rats increased renal collagen levels and proteinuria. Such changes were significantly reduced (CI 95 %) by means of renin-angiotensin system blocked. Conclusions: Pharmacological double blockade of the reninangiotensin system brings benefits, particularly, to kidney remodeling, with reduction of the proteinuria in hypertensive, hypertensive-obese and normotensive-obese rats. / A ativação do sistema renina-angiotensina tem sido
relacionada, cada vez mais, como importante interação com a obesidade, porque o acúmulo do tecido adiposo visceral é um risco maior para o desenvolvimento da hipertensão. A obesidade está associada com várias anormalidades, tais como, a retenção de sódio, a hiperfiltração renal, a
hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e a microalbuminúria.
Objetivo: Avaliar o remodelamento do coração e rins, após duplo bloqueio farmacológico do sistema renina-angiotensina, em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos e em normotensos e espontaneamente hipertensos, induzidos à obesidade na vida adulta. Material e Método: Ratos Wistar espontaneamente hipertensos em número de 40 foram subdivididos em 4 grupos de 10 animais, a saber: 10 ratos foram tratados com bloqueio farmacológico duplo do sistema renina-angiotensina e receberam enalapril e losartan por 4 semanas; 10 ratos não foram bloqueados; 10 ratos foram tornados obesos na vida
adulta por meio de dieta hipercalórica e não foram bloqueados e 10 ratos hipertensos e obesos-induzidos, foram bloqueados. Os ratos normais (controles), normotensos, em número de 40, foram subdivididos em 4 grupos de 10 animais, a saber: 10 ratos normais; 10 normais e bloqueados; 10 induzidos à obesidade, sem bloqueio e 10 obesosinduzidos e bloqueados. A pressão arterial, os pesos de coração e rins (em relação ao peso corporal), os nÃveis de colágeno desses órgãos e a proteinúria foram avaliados em todos os animais. Aumento do peso do coração e dos rins em relação ao peso corporal, aumento dos nÃveis de colágeno nesses órgãos e da
proteinúria, foram encontrados nos ratos hipertensos e nos hipertensos e obesos. O bloqueio farmacológico duplo do sistema renina-angiotensina trouxe reduções significativas (IC 95 %) do peso do coração (em relação ao peso corporal) nos ratos hipertensos e obesos, do colágeno renal e da
proteinúria nos animais hipertensos e hipertensos e obesos. Os ratos normotensos e obesos apresentaram aumento do colágeno renal e da proteinúria. Tais alterações foram significativamente reduzidas (IC 95 %) com o bloqueio do sistema renina-angiotensina. Conclusões: O duplo bloqueio farmacológico do sistema reninaangiotensina traz benefÃcios à remodelação, particularmente dos rins, com redução da proteinúria nos ratos hipertensos, nos hipertensos
obesos-induzidos e nos normotensos e obesos.
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O ensino prim?rio no Col?gio Farroupilha : do processo de nacionaliza??o do ensino ? LDB n? 4.024/61 (Porto Alegre/RS: 1937/1961)Jacques, Alice Rigoni 30 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-01-06T17:19:41Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-11-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present research, which is inserted in the field History of Education discusses the primary school of Col?gio Farroupilha, which is located in Porto Alegre/RS, in the period that goes from the nationalization of education until the implementation of the law, emitted in 1961, called: ?Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o Nacional?. This study covers the years of 1937-1961, a coping period that the school organizations had to face due to the strong campaign of nationalization in German schools and societies. In these scenarios, the structure and the administrative-pedagogical organization of the school had to adjust to transformations in the political context of the country. From the norms determined by the state and by the federal government, there were several curricular changes such as: prohibiting the use of the German language in class, not allowing the conversation in German between students in the schoolyard and between teachers and students, prohibiting the circulation of foreign books inside the institution, the government regulation of holidays and vacation, teaching methods and the way teachers led the pedagogical relationship and disciplinary practices. This research sought to discuss how the school, being private and having German origins, has adjusted to the new government proposals and changes in the administration. This research aims to investigate the changes in the school from the current legislation, for example in the faculty and students of schools, in the festivals and celebrations and in educational practices developed in this period. It also aims to understand how the school, teachers, directors and other agents used these norms and guidelines of this code of National Education, - which the state took over, by establishing their fundamental principles and monitoring its application, - to constitute their teaching practice and match the political and educational expectations established in the analyzed period. Through the theoretical support and the analyzed documents (the annual reports from the direction of primary education which were presented in the school Maintainer Meetings, the school notebooks, the school newspapers, the Teaching Magazines of Rio Grande do Sul, the photographs of events, the inspection records, the official correspondences and the interviews), the research was established. The final considerations focus on the issue that the campaign of nationalization in education sought to socially regulate the national feeling, causing the school to assume the characteristics of the systematic and repressive action of local authorities. Moreover, Col?gio Farroupilha became a target and used to be monitored during this process, because this action involved a rigid policy of nationalization in private schools. In part, the school sought to fulfill the governmental inspections and norms. We can say that the changes that have reached Col?gio Farroupilha were not exclusive of that institution, but it is a story, to a certain extent, of resistance and adjustments to government measures which aimed one goal: the ideal nationalist institution. / A presente pesquisa, inserida no campo da Hist?ria da Educa??o problematiza o ensino prim?rio do Col?gio Farroupilha de Porto Alegre /RS no processo per?odo da nacionaliza??o do ensino at? a implanta??o da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o Nacional/1961. Este estudo abarca os anos de 1937 a 1961, per?odo de enfrentamento das organiza??es escolares devido ? forte campanha de nacionaliza??o nas escolas e sociedades alem?es, em que a estrutura e a organiza??o administrativo-pedag?gica do ensino prim?rio e ginasial do Col?gio ajustava-se ?s transforma??es ocorridas pelo contexto pol?tico do pa?s. A partir das normatiza??es determinadas pelo Estado e pelo governo federal, ocorrem diversas modifica??es curriculares como: a proibi??o do uso da l?ngua alem? nas aulas, a proibi??o estendida ? conversa??o usual no p?tio do col?gio, nas rela??es entre os corpos docente e discente, a circula??o de livros estrangeiros dentro da institui??o, a determina??o pelo governo quanto ? regulamenta??o dos feriados e das f?rias, os m?todos de ensino e o modo como os professores conduziam a rela??o pedag?gica e as pr?ticas disciplinares. A investiga??o dessa tem?tica buscou problematizar como a escola, sendo particular e de origem alem?, se ajustou ?s novas propostas governamentais e reformas na administra??o. O estudo tem como objetivo investigar as mudan?as ocorridas na escola a partir da legisla??o vigente, do corpo docente e discente, das festas e comemora??es e das pr?ticas educativas desenvolvidas nesse per?odo de mudan?as administrativo-pedag?gicas, entender como a escola, os professores, diretores e os outros agentes se utilizaram dessas normatiza??es e desse c?digo de diretrizes da Educa??o Nacional, no qual o Estado assumiu a sua suprema dire??o, fixando-lhes os princ?pios fundamentais e controlando a sua execu??o, para constituir suas pr?ticas de ensino e corresponder ?s expectativas pol?tico-educacionais implantadas na ?poca analisada. Por meio do suporte te?rico, dos documentos analisados (relat?rios anuais da dire??o do ensino prim?rio apresentados em Assembleias da Mantenedora da escola, os cadernos escolares, os peri?dicos escolares, as Revistas do Ensino/RS, as fotografias dos eventos, registros de inspe??o, correspond?ncias oficiais e entrevistas realizadas) a pesquisa foi constitu?da. As considera??es finais se centram na quest?o que a campanha de nacionaliza??o do ensino procurou disciplinar e regular socialmente o sentimento nacional, fazendo com que o ensino assumisse caracter?sticas de uma a??o sistem?tica e repressiva das autoridades locais, e o Col?gio Farroupilha se tornou uma escola visada e fiscalizada durante este processo, pois essa a??o envolveu uma pol?tica de nacionaliza??o r?gida nos estabelecimentos de ensino particular. Em parte, o col?gio procurou atender as demandas das fiscaliza??es e normatiza??es governamentais. Podemos dizer que as modifica??es que atingiram o Col?gio Farroupilha n?o foram uma prerrogativa exclusiva dessa institui??o, mas ? uma hist?ria, at? certo ponto, de resist?ncias e de ajustamentos ?s medidas governamentais que visavam um objetivo: a institui??o do ideal do nacionalismo.
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Prévention du col de l'utérus : étude dans un département français, la Côte-d'Or / Cervical cancer prevention in the french department of Côte-d'OrBertaut, Aurélie 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le cancer du col de l'utérus est le seul cancer pour lequel nous disposons de 2 outils complémentaires de prévention : la vaccination anti HPV (Human Papillomavirus) et le dépistage par frottis cervico-utérin. Malgré ces outils, ce cancer est responsable de 1000 décès chaque année en France, la plupart survenant chez des femmes avec un suivi non conforme aux recommandations concernant le dépistage. Notre premier article, utilisant les données du registre des cancers gynécologiques de Côte-d'Or, s'est intéressé aux facteurs associés à la mortalité par cancer du col de l'utérus. Il confirme une association significative entre non compliance au dépistage et décès. On retrouve par ailleurs des marqueurs de vulnérabilité socio-économique marqués dans notre population.Notre deuxième article avait pour objectif de déterminer la couverture vaccinale anti-HPV dans notre département ainsi que les facteurs associés à la vaccination. Une étude transversale a été menée entre octobre 2010 et mai 2011 auprès de 948 jeunes filles de 14 ans et plus scolarisées en Côte-d’Or. Pour rappel, les recommandations nationales avant 2012 ciblaient les jeunes filles de 14 ans et celles de 15 à 23 ans pour la vaccination de rattrapage. Les taux d’initiation de la vaccination étaient de 42,1% chez les filles de 14 ans et de 57,3% chez les plus âgées, insuffisants pour obtenir une efficacité optimale de la vaccination. Les freins parentaux rapportés par les jeunes filles étaient complexes. Les jeunes filles avaient une connaissance confuse et parcellaire des infections sexuellement transmissibles en général et des infections à HPV en particulier.Notre troisième article porte sur le dépistage des cancers cervical et colorectal au sein d'une population de femmes résidant en Côte-d'Or et sensibilisées à la question de la prévention des cancers, car compliantes au dépistage du cancer du sein. En France, le dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus relève d'une initiative individuelle à l'inverse des dépistages du cancer du sein et colorectal qui fonctionnent sur un mode organisé. Au total, 1 856 femmes âgées de 50 à 65 ans ont répondu à un questionnaire envoyé par voie postale. L'objectif était de déterminer le taux de participation aux dépistages du cancer du col de l'utérus et du cancer colorectal ainsi que les facteurs associés. Les taux retrouvés étaient respectivement de 78,3% et 56,6% et cachaient des disparités notamment socio-économiques et de recours au système de soin.A l’issue de ce travail, des questions restent à explorer eu égard à ces deux modes de prévention complémentaires. Le suivi des cohortes de jeunes filles vaccinées permettra à long terme d’évaluer l’impact de la vaccination sur l’incidence des cancers du col de l’utérus, l’épidémiologie des HPV et la protection conférée vis à vis des autres cancers HPV positifs. Il conviendra également de définir les modalités du dépistage de ces jeunes filles en incluant peut être les tests HPV dans leur suivi. / Two complementary prevention tools exist for cervical cancer : HPV vaccination (Human Papillomavirus) and screening using Pap smear. Despite these effective tools, this cancer is responsible for 1,000 deaths each year in France, mostly in women who are not in accordance with the national recommendations regarding screening. Our first article, using data from the registry of gynecological cancers of Côte-d'Or, aimed to identify factors associated with mortality from cervical cancer. A significant association between non adequate follow up by screening and death was found. Association with socio-economic vulnerability and cancers was also noticed.The purpose of our second article was 1) to assess HPV vaccine coverage in a representative population of girls, aged 14 and above, attending school in Côte-d'Or and 2) to identify correlates of vaccines initiation and completion. A cross-sectional study was carried out between October 2010 and May 2011 in 948 girls. Vaccine initiation rates were 42.1% among 14-year-old girls and 57.3% among the oldest, insufficient to achieve optimal vaccination efficacy. Parental concerns about the acceptability of HPV vaccination were found and barriers to vaccination initiation and completion were complex. Girls had poor and confuse knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases in general and HPV in particular. Our third article deals with cervical and colorectal cancers screening in a population of women living in Côte-d'Or and up to date for breast cancer screening. In France, cervical cancer screening is an individual initiative, unlike screenings for breast and colorectal cancers, which are organized at a national level. Overall, 1856 women aged 50 to 65 returned a self-reported questionnaire delivered by post. The objective was to determine participation rates and factors associated with participation in both colorectal and cervical cancer screenings. Respectively 78.3% and 56.6% women were up to date for the two screenings with disparities regarding socioeconomic status and health care facilities access.Additional questions have to be explored on these two complementary modes of prevention. Follow up of cohorts of vaccinated girls will allow assessing the impact of vaccination on the incidence of cervical cancers, HPV epidemiology and the protection afforded against other HPV positive cancers. It is also important to define how vaccinated girls should be screened. HPV tests in this context are promising.
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Estudo de uma popula??o de Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766) (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Molossidae) na Praia do Gato, Ilha de Itacuru??, Rio de Janeiro / Study of a population of Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766) (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Molossidae) on Praia do Gato, Ilha de Itacuru??, Rio de JaneiroFREITAS, Gustavo Pena 29 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-10T18:55:49Z
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2012 - Gustavo Pena Freitas.pdf: 3480263 bytes, checksum: e0c63bdd4112e143bb273fe93d21ce6e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-10T18:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2012 - Gustavo Pena Freitas.pdf: 3480263 bytes, checksum: e0c63bdd4112e143bb273fe93d21ce6e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / CAPES / This work aimed to study a population of Molossus molossus (Pallas , 1766) on Praia do Gato, llha de Itacuru??, Rio de Janeiro, analyzing aspects such as variation of colony size, use of roost, reproduction and activity. For this work 18 sampling nights were performed at intervals of 40 days between each month, between August 2009 and August 2011. Mist nets were opened near the access of two roosts, one in a house roof and another in a hollow of a tree. During the 25 sampling months, 689 captures and recaptures were done, and 309 individuals were marked. The number of captured and recaptured animals varied during the sample period, being inversely proportional to the duration of the night, with the months of November/2009 (88 individuals) and December/2009 (78 individuals) recording the highest number of catches. A decreasing number of individuals were observed in the second year of sampling as a possible consequence of the capture stress and/or the learning of the mist nets position by the bats. It was observed a greater number of transient individuals and a higher number of females throughout the study. In the roof was observed a greater number of young bats, possibly due to the higher temperature recorded. The bats performed exchanges between these two roosts throughout the year, being recorded 36 individuals performing exchanges, and the occurrence of 51 of such events. In relation to the reproduction, females had a monoestrous reproductive pattern, comprised between the months of November and January, with the males not showing a definite pattern. In relation to the activity period, the species showed a predominantly crepuscular pattern, with the females leaving the shelters earlier than the males, possibly due to increased energy demand. The animals spent an average of 36 minutes outside the roost, ingesting an average of 0.8 g of food, showing no difference throughout the year. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral realizar um estudo sobre uma popula??o de Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766) na Praia do Gato na Ilha de Itacuru??, Rio de Janeiro, analisando aspectos como varia??o do tamanho da popula??o, uso dos abrigos, reprodu??o e atividade. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram realizadas 18 noites de amostragens com intervalos de aproximadamente 40 dias entre cada uma delas entre os meses de agosto de 2009 e agosto de 2011. Redes de neblina foram armadas pr?ximas as sa?das de dois ref?gios encontrados na praia, um em forro de uma resid?ncia e outro no oco de uma ?rvore. Durante os 25 meses de acompanhamento da col?nia, foram realizadas 689 capturas e recapturas, sendo marcados 309 indiv?duos. O n?mero de animais capturados e recapturados variou durante o per?odo de amostragem, sendo inversamente proporcional ? dura??o da noite, com os meses de novembro/2009 (88 indiv?duos) e dezembro/2009 (78 indiv?duos) registrando os maiores n?meros de capturas. Foi observado um decr?scimo no n?mero de indiv?duos no segundo ano de amostragem, como poss?vel consequ?ncia do estresse de captura e/ou do aprendizado pelos morcegos da posi??o das redes. Foram observados tamb?m um maior n?mero de indiv?duos transientes e um maior n?mero de f?meas, durante todo o trabalho. No forro da resid?ncia foi observado um maior n?mero de jovens, possivelmente em virtude da maior temperatura registrada. Os indiv?duos realizaram trocas entre esses dois abrigos durante todo o ano, sendo registrados 36 indiv?duos realizando trocas e a ocorr?ncia de 51 eventos desse tipo. Com rela??o ? reprodu??o, as f?meas apresentaram um padr?o reprodutivo mono?strico compreendido entre os meses de novembro e janeiro, com os machos n?o apresentando um padr?o sazonal definido. Com rela??o ao per?odo de atividade, a esp?cie apresentou um padr?o predominantemente crepuscular, com as f?meas saindo primeiro que os machos dos abrigos, possivelmente pela maior demanda energ?tica. Os animais gastaram em m?dia 36 minutos fora do abrigo, ingerindo em m?dia 0,8 gramas de alimento, n?o ocorrendo diferen?a ao longo do ano.
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