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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to create social entrepreneurship in the rural highlands of Guatemala : The importance of context and cross sector collaboration

Stahl, Camilla, Larsson, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Background:   The importance of creating social and economic value through social entrepreneurship has gained recognition in recent decades. However, the concept has mostly been studied within the Western world, contributing to a skewed perspective of social entrepreneurship, as it also occurs within other contexts. Moreover, the lone actor has been emphasized as the drive for social change. Still, it is argued that it is through several actors within cross sector collaborations that great social impact can be reached.  Purpose of the study: The purpose of this Master Thesis is to explore and broaden the understanding of the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship within a developing country. Moreover, the aim of this Master Thesis is to contribute with insights in how cross sector actors are collaborating in order to enable social entrepreneurship.  Methodological framework: In order to carry out this Master Thesis a qualitative research approach was chosen. A single case study in the western highlands of Guatemala was carried out. The empirical data was gathered through observations and 18 semi structured interviews. Conclusion: The conducted study acknowledges six contexts: the business, the social, the spatial, the formal institutional, informal institutional and the international influence, which are both enabling and constraining social entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the study reveals four factors of how organizations across sectors and nations are collaborating in order to enable social entrepreneurship: forging initial agreement, building leadership, continuous communication and generation and utilization of resources.  The study also reveals the connection of context, cross sector collaboration and social entrepreneurship.

Young children's collaborative strategies when drawing on the computer with friends and acquaintances

Chen, Yi-Jeng, 1974- 15 June 2011 (has links)
The processes and patterns of collaborative strategies used by children when drawing on the computer with friends and acquaintances were investigated in a case study. The participants were five-and-six-year-old children and the study took place in their home settings. The data collection methods consisted of interviews, observations, audio recordings, video recordings, drawing artifacts, and screen capture. The analysis began with the selection of collaborative episodes, followed by the application of two theoretical frameworks, those of two play theorists Garvey (1990) and Vygotsky (1978) as analytical lenses through which to interpret those episodes. The young children in this study used four levels of collaborative strategies, listed from the simplest to the most complex: 1) division of labor, 2) pretend language use, 3) coherence and elaboration of pretend frames, 4) action games. The findings revealed a striking contrast between the collaboration of friendship pairs and acquaintance pairs. The friendship pairs exhibited a total number of 32 episodes while the acquaintance pairs engaged in only three episodes. The acquaintance pairs applied only the strategy of pretend language use while the friendship pairs used three other more collaborative strategies and their use of collaborative strategies showed unique paths of progression. Furthermore, the acquaintance pairs exhibited mostly uncooperative and uncollaborative behaviors, which were manifested in three major forms: 1) unengaged behavior, 2) over-reliance on the researcher’s technical support, and 3) disagreement and critique. Informed by these findings, five major points are discussed: 1) Friendship matters; 2) Young children have the ability to collaborate; 3) Pretend play serves as a starting point for collaboration; 4) Collaborative strategies progress as the collaboration proceeds; and 5) Computers can play a supportive role in collaboration for young children. / text

Samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor : -en litteraturstudie / Collaboration between nurses : A literature review

Chumakonde, Claudia January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att studera sjuksköterskors interprofessionella relation och se vad vetenskapen funnit om hur samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor definieras och vilka faktorer som påverkar. Begränsning gjordes till engelskspråkig litteratur där databaserna Pub med, Samsök, Cinahl och ScienceDirect valdes och ur denna uppkom 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Sökorden som användes var collaboration, nurses, relationships. Resultatet visar att samarbete definieras som delad makt, tillit och interaktion. Även att finna en lösning som tillfredsställer båda parterna är samarbete. Vidare innebär det att vara medberoende med utbyte av tillgångar och även gemensam prestation. Faktorer som bidrar positivt till samarbete är att uppskatta och beundra skillnader i tro, normer, principer och värdegrunder. Att justera kommunikation beroende på mottagare samt erkännande av andras kompetens och skicklighet bidrog till ett bra samarbete. Tid, plats och vilja att lösa konflikter är nödvändigt för positivt samarbete. Kritik, aggression och att vara reaktiv är å andra sidan negativa faktorer som påverkar samarbete ogynnsamt. Även att inte hålla sig objektiv i konflikter och bli defensiv är misskrediterande för samarbete. Likaså att inte veta vad människor som du arbetar med förväntar sig av dig och otillräckliga regler för konfliktlösning i arbetsplatsen bidrar negativt till samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor. Slutsatsen av detta arbete blir att mer forskning inom interprofessionell samarbete behövs, framförallt är det nödvändigt med ytterligare studier som systematiskt utvärderar samarbetsförbättringar som redan har tillämpats inom sjukvården. / The aim of this literature review was to study nurses inter professional relationship and see what science has found about how collaboration between nurses is defined and what factors influence. Limitations were made to English-speaking literature where the databases, Pub med, Samsök, Cinahl and Science Direct where chosen for the search and out of this came 15 scientific articles. The search words that were used were collaboration, nurses, and relationships. The results showed that collaboration is defined as shared power, trust and interaction. Similar to find a solution that satisfies both parties is collaboration. Further on it is to be co-dependent with exchange of assets and joint achievement. Factors that contribute positively to collaboration are to appreciate and admire differences in beliefs, norms, principles and bases of valuation. To adjust communication depending on the receiver and acknowledgement of others competence and abilities contributed to good collaboration. Time, space and desire to solve conflicts are also a necessity to positive collaboration. Criticism, aggression and to be reactive are on the contrary negative factors that affect collaboration unfavourable. Moreover, not to stay objectively in conflicts and become defensive is discrediting for collaboration too. At the same time, not knowing what people you work with expect from you, incompetent rules for conflict resolution at your work place contributes negatively to collaboration between nurses. The conclusion of this work is that more research about inter professional collaboration is needed, above all is it necessary with studies that systematically evaluates collaboration improvements that have already been applied within hospital treatment.

Exploring increased HIV program delivery in Northern Alberta

Yamkowy, Brenda 14 March 2014 (has links)
As a community-based AIDS service organization, HIV North Society plays a key role in providing programming and supports for persons at risk or living with HIV in a vast, primarily rural region of Northern Alberta. This thesis examines the question: How can HIV North Society use collaborative strategies to increase and sustain the delivery of programming within Northern Alberta? The action research was performed utilizing a mixed-methods approach, which included an online survey and conversation café. Participants included a select sampling of funders, board members, community members, and persons living with HIV. In accordance with Royal Roads University ethics requirements, this research was conducted with the greatest degree of care and ethical consideration of participants. The research results suggest that there is potentially much value in new collaborative actions to increase program delivery. The new collaborative actions focus on shared vision, community capacity building, and education, for a collective impact.

The Role of the UBC Library in Scholarly Research

Adcock, Lorna, Hornby, Kathy, Wallace, Jan, Yu, Tricia, Yuen, Eleanor 30 April 2009 (has links)
A discussion paper prepared by the UBC Library’s Working Group on the Role of the Library in Scholarly Research about three distinct yet intertwining roles – a consulting/supportive role; a collaborative role; and, a scholarly professional role.

Report of the Working Group on Teaching and Learning

Adam, Sheryl, Beck, Charlotte, Greenwood, Aleteia, Lannon, Amber, Naslund, Jo-Anne 30 April 2009 (has links)
A discussion paper prepared by the UBC Library’s Working Group on Teaching and Learning amidst changing scholarly communication and electronic resources faced by libraries, faculty, and students.

Įmonių ir mokymo institucijų bendradarbiavimo modelis ir jo realizacija / Enterprises and educational institutions collaboration model and its realization

Petraitytė, Sandra 16 January 2007 (has links)
The collaboration of educational institutions and enterprises has already been a live topic for several years. One of best ways to ensure this mutual partnership is to encourage students to have their internships and bachelor (master) works at industrial enterprises. The main purpose of this project was to design a collaboration system model between enterprises and educational institutions and implement it. This model and system will facilitate collaboration between enterprises and educational institutions while students will find where to have their internships and bachelor (master) works at industrial enterprises.

Šeimos ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo institucijos bendradarbiavimas – socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo ikimokykliniame amžiuje prielaida / The communication among the family and the preschool institution is the assumption of social competence education in the preschool

Luckuvienė, Dalytė 02 September 2008 (has links)
Visose Europos šalyse didėja dėmesys vaikų ankstyvajam socialiniam patyrimui. Vaiko ugdymo kokybę ikimokykliniame ugdyme gali užtikrinti tik nuolatinė šeimos ir darželio sąveika, nes tuomet geriausiai lavėja socialiniai ir pažintiniai vaiko gebėjimai. Tėvai ir kiti šeimos nariai, dalyvaudami vaiko ugdyme, sudaro palankias sąlygas vaikui savarankiškai ir aktyviai pažinti pasaulį. Problema. Nemažai vaikų pradeda lankyti mokyklą neįgiję reikiamos socialinės kompetencijos. Šeima ir ikimokyklinės įstaigos neskiria pakankamai dėmesio socialinės kompetencijos ugdymui ir kartu neieško naujų socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo galimybių. Darbo tikslas – teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti šeimos ir darželio bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo reikšmę, ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinę kompetenciją. Tyrimo objektas - šeimos ir darželio bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo reikšmė, ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinę kompetenciją. Empirinio tyrimo įgyvendinimui buvo pasirinkta kiekybinių tyrimų metodologija. Darbo uždaviniai:  Apibrėžti vaiko socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo sampratą, sėkmingos socializacijos prielaidas;  Išryškinti socialinės kompetencijos reikšmę dabartinėje visuomenėje, bei švietimo sistemos vaidmenį ugdant vaikų socialinę kompetenciją.  Atskleisti darželio ir šeimos – kaip ugdymo partnerių – bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo tikslus, uždavinius ir principus, bei sėkmingo bendradarbiavimo prielaidas.  Išanalizuoti tėvų ir pedagogų galimus bendravimo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / European countries pay great attention to a child’s early social experience. The quality of a child’s education in the preschool can be assured only by the constant interaction of a family and a kindergarten because it is the best way to develop a child’s social and cognitive abilities. Parents and other members of the family actively taking part in a child’s education capacitate to know the world independently and actively. The problem – a great number of children start going to school without having a necessary social competence. A family and preschool institutions do not pay enough attention to the development of social education and they do not search for new possibilities of education of competence. The purpose of the thesis – theoretically and empirically justify the importance of a family and kindergarten’s communication and cooperation while educating a child’s social competence. The object of the thesis – the importance of a family and kindergarten’s communication while educating a child’s social competence. In realizing the empirical investigation the author has chosen the methodology of quantitative investigation. The goals of the investigation: 1. To define the concept of a child’s social competence development, the assumptions of successful socialization. 2. To define the essence of social competence in nowadays community and the role of education system while developing a child’s social competence. 3. To reveal the aims of a family and a kindergarten’s... [to full text]

Muitinės ir verslo partnerystės politika ir praktika / The policy and practice of customs and business partnership

Plačas, Andrius 03 January 2007 (has links)
Muitinė yra viešojo administravimo subjektas praktiškai įgyvendinantis įstatymų numatytas funkcijas. Tai patvirtina Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausiojo administracinio teismo išaiškinimas bei muitinės vidinė organizacinė struktūra, teisės aktuose įtvirtintos muitinės atliekamos administracinės funkcijos (viešųjų paslaugų teikimas verslo bendruomenei, teises aktų muitų teises srityje leidyba, individualaus pobūdžio sprendimų priėmimas ir t. t.). Nūdienoje besikeičiant tarptautinės prekybos sąlygoms ir didėjant jos mastams, stiprėjant ūkio subjektų poreikiui sudaryti vienodas konkurencingumo sąlygas ir apginti juos nuo apgaulingos prekybos, kovojant su muitinės ir komerciniais pažeidimais, siekiant užtikrinti gyventojų saugumą reikia, kad muitinė prisitaikytų prie naujų sąlygų, poreikių reikalavimų. Todėl vienu svarbiausiu šiuolaikinės muitinės uždavinių tampa muitinės procesų ir procedūrų tobulinimas bei siekis tapti patikima teisėto verslo subjektų partnere. Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama muitinės ir verslo bendradarbiavimo ir palengvinimo formos. Prie bendradarbiavimo formų priskiriama – Muitinės konsultacinis komitetas, įkurtas siekiant gerinti verslo aplinkos sąlygas, stiprinti muitinės ir verslo visuomenės bendradarbiavimą; bendradarbiavimo sutarčių (memorandumų) pasirašymas; informavimas visuomenės ir verslo atstovų žiniasklaidos priemonėmis ir internetu tai padeda verslininkui susipažinti su priimtais naujais teisės aktais, reglamentuojančiais tam tikrus klausimus bei... [to full text] / Customs is one of public administration subjects implementing various functions within the framework of legal acts. It is established by the Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania and legal acts of the customs organisational structure and customs administrative performance (i.e. serving the public, legislation of customs legal basis, individual decision making and etc.) Taking into consideration that trade conditions are constantly changing and its amount is increasing, also having in mind the rise of the need for establishing equal competitive conditions for external subjects and preventing fraudulent trade, moreover, seeking to combat customs and commercial violations, guarantee the community security it is very important for customs to adapt to new conditions and also be able to meet new needs and fulfil new requirements. Thus, the main task of customs is to improve its processes and procedures as well as to become a reliable partner of legal commercial subjects. In this work various cooperation and its facilitation forms between customs and commercial subjects are analysed. As for cooperation forms it is important to mention Customs Consulting Committee which was established to improve commercial conditions and increase cooperation between customs and business people. Furthermore, such forms include cooperation agreements (memorandums) and providing information to the public and business representatives by using media and Internet seeking to introduce... [to full text]

Nurse Practitioner Perceptions and Experiences of Interprofessional Collaboration with Physicians in Primary Health Care Settings

Faria, CATHERINE 23 September 2009 (has links)
Primary health care reform is currently underway in Ontario with the goals of improving health care access, quality and continuity of care while increasing patient and provider satisfaction and cost effectiveness. Interprofessional collaboration in the provision of primary health care has been widely espoused in the health care literature as a means of achieving the goals of primary health care reform. Primary health care nurse practitioners in collaboration with physicians and other allied health professionals have a fundamental role in enhancing primary health care in Ontario. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe nurse practitioners’ experiences and perceptions of interprofessional collaboration with physicians in the provision of primary health care in Ontario. A qualitative descriptive study design was used and six nurse practitioners working in a variety of primary health care settings in Ontario were purposively sampled and interviewed regarding their experiences and perceptions of interprofessional collaboration with partnering physicians. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis techniques and themes were identified. Seven themes were identified as key factors influencing collaboration within the nurse practitioner – physician dyad from the nurse practitioner’s perspective. These themes included: quality of communication, complementary vision, physician remuneration methods, establishing and maintaining relationships, investing time and energy, nurse practitioner competency and expertise and mutual trust and respect. A model of nurse practitioner – physician interprofessional collaboration is used to organize the themes identified. The findings of this study support current recommendations for joint education initiatives for health care professionals and practice initiatives aimed at improving collaboration between partnering nurse practitioners and physicians. Areas for future research include incorporating the client’s experiences and perceptions within collaborative practice as well as developing and evaluating interventions that strengthen collaboration within the health care team / Thesis (Master, Nursing) -- Queen's University, 2009-09-22 12:06:31.203

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