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Hochwasserbewußtsein 10 Jahre nach dem "Jahrhundertereignis" im Osterzgebirge und an der ElbeBornschein, Antje, Pohl, Reinhard 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In den 10 Jahren, die seit dem Extremhochwasser in Sachsen vergangen sind, wurde viel für den Hochwasserschutz getan: die Vorhersage, die Kommunikation sowie die Hochwasserschutzanlagen
wurden verbessert und es wurden neue Deiche sowie Hochwasserrückhaltebecken errichtet oder angepasst. Eine wichtige Frage ist aber, wie sich das Hochwasserbewusstsein der potenziell betroffenen Bevölkerung entwickelt hat. Im Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Lehren von 2002 in Erinnerung sind und weitergegeben wurden oder ob das Hochwasserbewusstsein nachgelassen hat und man sich angesichts besseren Schutzes in Sicherheit wiegt.
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Collective Memory, Commemoration and Ways of Remembering Little Rock: 50 Years After the Integration Crisis at Central High SchoolDaly, Caroline 01 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis uses the 50th Anniversary of the 1957 Integration Crisis at Central High School as a case study to explore issues of memory and remembrance. After looking at various forms of commemoration, Little Rock proves to provide key insights into the dangers of memory, as well as more effective ways of remembering.
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Prämediation - Remediation : Repräsentationen des indischen Aufstands in imperialen und post-kolonialen Medienkulturen (von 1857 bis zur Gegenwart)Erll, Astrid January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Univ., Gießen, Habil.-Schr., 2006
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Trümmer (in) der Erinnerung Strategien des Erzählens über die unmittelbare Nachkriegszeit /Hermanns, Silke, January 2006 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [271]-286).
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War and the sentimental past : memory and emotion in the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War /Cussen, Chad R., January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Illinois University, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 207-221).
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Trümmer (in) der Erinnerung : Strategien des Erzählens über die unmittelbare Nachkriegszeit /Hermanns, Silke, January 2006 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [271]-286).
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Approches esthétiques et théorétiques des archétypes dans le photojournalisme : à partir du World Press Photo (1956-2013) / Aesthetics and theoretical approaches of archetypes of photojournalism : based on World Press Photo 1956 until 2013Gaillard, Frédérique 10 December 2014 (has links)
Grâce à une analyse fondée sur l'esthétique et la théorétique, cette recherche sur le photojournalisme et ses archétypes soulève de nombreuses questions. La théorétique est l'approche d’une pratique considérée d’abord sous l’angle du « sans-Art » qui se distingue de l’esthétique en tant qu'approche théorique d’une réflexion assimilée principalement à l’art. La notion d'archétype est réfléchie à travers ses diverses facettes et donc avec différents champs d’études (psychologie, philosophie, mythologie...). Avant de s'intéresser aux photographies, il est important de déterminer comment l'image du photojournaliste s'est forgée à travers le temps. En revisitant la vie de Robert Capa et ce que l’on en dit, les travaux du mythologue Joseph Campbell apportent un éclairage nouveau et rend complexe mais possible l'analogie entre le héros de mythe et celui qui est considéré dès 1938 comme le plus grand photographe de guerre du monde. L'analyse approfondie et singulière des photographies primées au World Press Photo (WPP) dans la catégorie World Press Photo of the Year, de la création du concours à 2013 ouvre d’autres perspectives sur l'évolution du photojournalisme. Ce corpus iconographique traite principalement des catastrophes naturelles, de la famine, de la guerre et du terrorisme. L’être humain, ses actes et ses conséquences sont continuellement au cœur des reportages. Il faut parfois remonter très loin dans l'histoire de l'humanité pour comprendre les préoccupations du monde contemporain et les images que l'on en perçoit. Certaines photographies primées se sont imposées comme des marqueurs temporels historiques et forgent la mémoire collective. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent à développer cette mémoire collective. Se questionner sur l'archétype dans ces photographies, c'est aussi reconsidérer l'image mentale et l'image en tant qu'objet pour mieux discerner ses contours et appréhender ses enjeux. Le cheminement de cette recherche emprunte des voies inattendues pour livrer une interprétation novatrice de ces photographies de presse. / Through an analysis based on the aesthetics and theoretical approaches, this research of photojournalism and archetypes raises many questions. The theoretical approach is to look at a practice first in terms of non-Art, as distinct from aesthetics as a theoretical approach to something that is primarily equated with art. The concept of archetype is studied through its various facets and thus with different approaches (psychology, philosophy, mythology, etc.). Before looking at photographs, it is important to determine how the image of photojournalist was forged through time. Revisiting the life of Robert Capa and what is said about it, the work of a mythologist, Joseph Campbell, sheds new light and makes it possible, although complex, to draw an analogy between the hero in myths and the man that is considered since 1938 as the greatest war photographer in the world. The detailed and unique analysis of the photographs awarded a prize by the World Press Photo (WPP), in the category World Press Photo of the Year, since the award was created until 2013, opens new perspectives on the evolution of photojournalism. This iconographic imagery deals primarily with natural disasters, famine, war and terrorism. The focus of the reports is continuously on people, their actions and their consequences. It is sometimes necessary go far back in history to understand the concerns of the contemporary world and the images that we perceive of it. Some winning photographs have emerged as historical time markers and shape our collective memory. A number of factors contribute to developing this collective memory. The question of archetype in these photographs also leads us to rethink the mental image and the image as an object, in order to better discern its contours and understand its challenges. This research uses unexpected ways to deliver an innovative interpretation of these press photographs.
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Collective memory and identity narratives at the 20th and 25th anniversary events of the fall of the Berlin WallViol, Maren January 2016 (has links)
Acts of commemoration construct narratives of collective memory and identity, shaped by organisers' agendas. Existing literature presumes that organisers primarily use commemoration for national political, social and cultural outcomes. Contemporary commemoration, however, takes place in times of a contested role of the nation for collective memory and identity, while events are commonly used for economic outcomes in addition to political, social and cultural ones. There is hence not enough research that explores the roles and uses of contemporary commemorative events. Drawing primarily on literature from the nascent fields of memory studies and event studies, this qualitative constructionist research explores how narratives of collective memory and identity emerge at commemorative events of the fall of the Berlin Wall in the major anniversary years of 2009 and 2014. These events are an interesting and suitable context for the research as they were the first events of this kind and commemoration of the Wall poses various challenges due to the Wall's shifting meanings. Findings from a semiotic analysis of the events suggest that these events construct narratives beyond the national dimension. By interpreting the historical events to be rooted in Berlin and of international significance, strong local and international identity narratives are constructed. Findings from a thematic analysis of documents and interviews with organisers illustrate that organisers use the events for branding and event tourism development. This research argues that such emerging uses of commemoration play a significant role for the commemorative narrative. The findings further illustrate the permeable nature of the state-sponsored narrative in Berlin and the now consolidated role of Wall-related memory for local identity construction. The research contributes to the theoretical understanding of commemorative events in general and Berlin Wall commemoration in particular, as well as of contemporary German national identity. It further makes a methodological contribution on the use of semiotics in this context. An applied contribution on implications for the management of commemorative events is also made.
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Indignez-vous ! de Stéphane Hessel, récit médiatique et débats publics autour d’une figure héroïque / « Time for Outrage ! by Stéphane Hessel, media narrative and public debates around a heroic figureHerrera, Gauthier Alexandre 26 September 2018 (has links)
En interrogeant l’efficacité performative des « mots » comme composante essentielle des actes de langage, la thèse s’intéresse aux récits médiatiques qui concourent à la construction de figures héroïques qui participent au fondement discursif du lien social. À partir du parcours de S. Hessel comme figure tutélaire et du succès du livret Indignez-vous !, nous étudions la trajectoire publique du héros-résistant, les débats et les scènes médiatiques construits autour de sa figure. L’approche théorique et les méthodologies pluridisciplinaires empruntent à la sociologie et à la sémiotique qui s’interrogent sur la reproduction du lien social par la préfiguration, la configuration et la reconfiguration opérées par un récit. La considération philosophique et le regard en science politique convoquent l’analyse des concepts de dignité et ses représentations dans la mobilisation collective. Selon une approche en INFOCOM, nous questionnons la manière dont les médias traitent de la figure particulière de S. Hessel en lien avec le mouvement Les Indignés. La thèse démontre que le langage joue un rôle fondamental dans la construction de la représentation du social. Que le langage, du fait des « mémoires » qu’il véhicule, construit du lien social et donne du sens à la société. Nous établissons que le discours des médias est une passerelle entre le monde politique institutionnel et les mouvements sociaux qui incorporent les mots des médias dans une reprise incessante de figures et de légendes collectives qui circulent dans l'espace public. La thèse pose les bases d’une problématisation du rapport entre les discours des médias et les répertoires des discours de mobilisation collective. / By questioning the performative effectiveness of "words" as an essential component of speech acts, this thesis focuses on the media narratives that contribute to the construction of heroic figures, which participate in the discursive foundation of the social bond. From S. Hessel's journey as a tutelary figure and the success of the Indignez-vous! booklet, we study the public trajectory of the former resistance hero, in connection with stories, debates and media scenes that have been built and deployed around himself. The theoretical approach and multidisciplinary methodologies borrowed from sociology and semiotics, which question the reproduction of the social bond by prefiguring, configuring and reconfiguring a story. The philosophical consideration and the viewpoint in political science allow us to convene the analysis of the concepts of dignity and its representations in struggles of collective mobilization. Finally, according to an approach in information and communication sciences, we question how the media deal with the particular figure of S. Hessel in connection with the movement “Les Indignés”. This thesis demonstrates that language plays role in the construction of the representation of society. That language, because of the "memories" it conveys, builds social bonds and gives meaning to the members of a society. We establish that the media discourse is a bridge between the institutional political world and social movements that incorporate the words of the media in a relentless revival of collective figures and legends circulating in the public space.
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No mercado tem tudo que a boca come : estudo antropológico da duração das práticas cotidianas de mercado de rua no mundo urbano contemporâneoVedana, Viviane January 2008 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o cotidiano urbano e as formas da vida social que configuram a cidade moderno-contemporânea através das feições do tempo presentes nas práticas de compra e venda de alimentos nos mercados de rua e feiras-livres. A pesquisa etnográfica foi desenvolvida em mercados de rua e feiras-livres das cidades de Porto Alegre e São Paulo no Brasil, e Paris, na França. Trata-se de refletir sobre os simbolismos da circulação do alimento figurados na circulação da palavra, nas forma de sociabilidades e na memória da duração das práticas cotidianas que se desenrolam nas ruas e bairros da cidade, relacionadas ao alimento. Através da pesquisa com imagens – de acervo ou produzidas em campo – este trabalho procurou acessar as forma sensíveis da vida cotidiana, bem como a dimensão poética do viver urbano. / This thesis approaches the urban everyday life and the forms of social life that configure the city modern-contemporary through the images of time represented in the daily practices to purchase and sell foods in street markets and fairs. The ethnographic research was developed in street markets and food fairs of Porto Alegre and São Paulo, Brazil, and Paris, rance. It’s a reflection about the symbolisms of the circulation of food represented in the circulation of the conversation practices, in the forms of sociabilities and in the collective memory of daily practices related to the food. This works presents, through images and sounds, the sensiti ve forms of everyday life and the urban poetics.
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