Spelling suggestions: "subject:"communication anda interaction"" "subject:"communication ando interaction""
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Une exploration de l'interaction sociale en ligne lors de la réalisation d'activités d'apprentissage collaboratif dans deux espaces interactifs un site internet et des wikis /Horman, Judith. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (M.A.)--Université Laval, 2005. / Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 28 septembre 2005). Bibliogr.
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Amid otherworld stagesZhang, Qingqing January 2018 (has links)
Where does the soul go after death? This question is based on my ‘fear of ghosts’ and became the starting point of my degree project, which most obviously stems from our fear of the unknown. In the age of technology, many people claim that they are atheists and think that everything has or will have a physical explanation. But the fact is that definitions of reality are always provisional. We can only have an imaginary concept of this mysterious land and open up to all possibilities of the afterlife. This project include ideas from mesmerism and use substitutes to represent paranormal ectoplasm in order to materialise immaterial ghosts. The installation represents scientific experiments by including laboratory features. I intend to discuss contemporary attitudes to the afterlife.
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Effects of a frontal brake light on pedestrians’ willingness to cross the streetEisele, Daniel, Petzoldt, Tibor 07 November 2024 (has links)
Effects of a frontal brake light (FBL, a potential external human–machine interface for automated vehicles) on participants’ self-reported willingness to cross a vehicle’s path were investigated. In a mixed design online study (vehicles in the experimental group were equipped with FBLs, there were no FBLs in the control group), participants observed videos of a vehicle approaching at different speeds from the perspective of a pedestrian standing at the curb. The vehicles exhibited either yielding behavior (braking onset 55 m or 32 m before standstill in front of the pedestrian’s position) or non-yielding behavior (approach speed was maintained). Participants specified their willingness to cross the vehicle’s path at different distances. When the vehicle yielded (i.e., FBL was activated), willingness to cross was significantly higher in the experimental group than the control group. Notably, we further observed a significantly lower willingness to cross in the experimental group than the control group when the vehicle did not yield (i.e., FBL was deactivated). Novel external human–machine interfaces might therefore influence the interaction with vehicles not only when they are activated but also when they are deactivated.
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Intera??o no r?dio: a participa??o do ouvinte no programa debates do povoAndrade, M?nica Ara?jo 29 April 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The radio is just not seen as conveying information, but a media able to establish ways that generate certain direction. We see an inclusion of the listener in the construction of programs, is exposing their life stories, commenting on facts, answering questions, choosing subjects and participating in some form of radio programming. This insertion of the listener in radio programs is generally thought of as a constituent element of the message. This study aims to analyze the participation of the listener and the forms of interaction in the " Debates of the People" that thirty- past two years is the schedule for CBN Fortaleza. The investigation was conducted through observation in studio, interview, transcription, content analysis and association analysis. This is a qualitative and quantitative research while. We found that the listeners of the program had no acceptance of interactive tools such as the Internet and social networks to make their holdings. In clipping analyzed, we noted that the participation of the listener was selected according to their relationship and proximity to the topic discussed. Also detected that the opinion is superior to the listener questions on the topic. The presenter has the function to put the questions in the listener program. Among the public comments are questions and opinions on the subject and speaks of the debaters. Among the authors, use Barbosa (2009 ), Ferraretto (2007 ), Lopez (2010 ), Ortriwano (2001 ), Peruzzo (2004 ), Prata (2009 ), Primo (2006 ), Thompson (2009 ), among others / O R?dio n?o ? considerado apenas como transmissor de informa??o, mas uma m?dia capaz de estabelecer formas que geram determinado sentido. Percebemos uma inclus?o do ouvinte na constru??o dos programas, seja expondo suas hist?rias de vida, comentando fatos, tirando d?vidas, escolhendo temas e participando de alguma forma da programa??o radiof?nica. Essa inser??o do ouvinte nos programas de r?dio geralmente ? pensada como um elemento constituinte da mensagem. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, analisar a participa??o do ouvinte e as formas de intera??o no programa Debates do Povo que h? trinta e dois anos est? na programa??o da CBN Fortaleza. A investiga??o foi realizada atrav?s da observa??o no est?dio, entrevista, transcri??o, an?lise de conte?do e an?lise associativa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa ao mesmo tempo. Identificamos que os ouvintes do programa n?o tiveram aceita??o de ferramentas interativas como a Internet e as redes sociais para realizar suas participa??es. No recorte analisado, notamos que a participa??o do ouvinte foi selecionada de acordo com sua rela??o e proximidade com o tema debatido. Detectamos ainda que a opini?o ? superior ?s perguntas do ouvinte sobre o tema. O apresentador tem a fun??o de inserir as quest?es do ouvinte no programa. Entre os coment?rios do p?blico est?o perguntas e opini?es a respeito do tema e da fala dos debatedores. Entre os autores, utilizamos Barbosa (2009), Ferraretto (2007), Lopez (2010), Ortriwano (2001), Peruzzo (2004), Prata (2009), Primo (2006), Thompson (2009), entre outros
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The Program Institutional Scholarships Initiation to Teaching (Brazil / 2009) is intended for academic degrees of conducting inserts in basic education, and aims to improve teacher training. The PIBID the Federal University of Santa Maria includes nineteen (19) sub-projects related to undergraduate education, while Institutional initiative connected to the Dean of Graduate, which provides a virtual learning environment - Moodle / Prograd for this and other programs use to store courseware. This work aims to study the issue, with regard to communication and interaction of the participants of this project. As a general goal want to search the collaborative learning among the participants of PIBID / UFSM using the Virtual Learning Environment Moodle / Prograd. In this academic study initiation scholarship to teaching, supervising teachers and area coordinators teachers of four (4) sub-projects. We used case study with a qualitative approach to analyze the responses and as a tool for data collection, non-participant observation and questionnaires were used. Research shows that the use of this environment enhances the communication and interaction of those involved as well as practical encourages collaborative learning and may eventually envision a collaborative network using Moodle and thus give more visibility to the work carried out and facilitate exchanges of information and knowledge between participants PIBID UFSM and other education institutions. / O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (Brasil/2009) é destinado a acadêmicos das licenciaturas, realizando inserções na Educação Básica e visando a melhorar a formação docente. O PIBID da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria contempla 19 (dezenove) subprojetos ligados às licenciaturas. Enquanto projeto Institucional está vinculado à Pró-Reitoria de Graduação, que disponibiliza um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle/Prograd, para esse e outros programas utilizarem como repositório de material didático. Este trabalho objetiva estudar a problemática, no que diz respeito à comunicação e à interação dos participantes deste projeto. Como objetivo geral, busca pesquisar a aprendizagem colaborativa entre os participantes do PIBID/UFSM, utilizando o Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem Moodle/Prograd. Participaram deste estudo, acadêmicos de iniciação a docência, professores, supervisores e professores coordenadores de 4 (quatro) subprojetos. Utilizou-se o método estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa para análise das respostas e, como instrumento de coletas de dados, foram utilizados questionários e observação não participante. A investigação aponta que a utilização deste ambiente potencializa a comunicação e interação dos envolvidos, bem como estimula práticas de aprendizagem colaborativa, podendo, futuramente, vislumbrar uma rede colaborativa, utilizando o Moodle e, com isto, dar mais visibilidades aos trabalhos realizados e possibilitar trocas de informações e conhecimentos entre os participantes PIBID da UFSM e outras Instituições de Ensino.
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Museum communication : learning, interaction and experienceNielsen, Jane K. January 2014 (has links)
'Museum Communication: Learning, Interaction and Experience' is a study of how museums have evolved and handled their communication approaches at both theoretical and practical levels. It discusses questions like; how has museum communication developed? What influences do these developments have on museology and its related disciplines? How will museum communication develop in the future? These are questions closely connected with essential concepts of learning, interaction, participation and experience, which will be discussed throughout the thesis. Learning and exhibition theories will be considered alongside discussions of epistemological and philosophical approaches, interpretation, and social development of museological research. The research forms a discourse analysis of museums' own views and opinions of these issues through replies of a questionnaire. It also focuses on specific case studies and examples in order to combine theoretical definitions and empirical approaches with museological developments. To form a deeper understanding of how museological communication is developing, the research includes interviews with professionals of philosophy and storytelling as well. Finally, the approaches are summarised in a new museum model developed from future studies. This model, called 'The Transformative Museum', identifies essential points in which museums have developed their communication practices and theories, and discusses how these may develop in the future. As the responsibilities of museum curators develop, museums have to embrace the concepts of transformation and flexibility too. Inquiries, research, learning and participation have to be transformed into all kinds of experiences in order to respond to changing needs and flexible structures of communities and societies. The transformative museum will have to acknowledge past traditions, current trends and future opportunities simultaneously in order to become a museum of both present and future relevance for all kinds of visitors and users.
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Development and Evaluation of an Assistive In-Vehicle System for Responding to Anxiety in Smart VehiclesNadri, Chihab 18 October 2023 (has links)
The integration of automated vehicle technology into our transportation infrastructure is ongoing, yet the precise timeline for the introduction of fully automated vehicles remains ambiguous. This technological transition necessitates the creation of in-vehicle displays tailored to emergent user needs and concerns. Notably, driving-induced anxiety, already a concern, is projected to assume greater significance in this context, although it remains inadequately researched. This dissertation sought to delve into the phenomenon of anxiety in driving, assess its implications in future transportation modalities, elucidate design considerations for distinct demographics like the youth and elderly, and design and evaluate an affective in-vehicle system to alleviate anxiety in automated driving through four studies. The first study involved two workshops with automotive experts, who underscored anxiety as pivotal to sustaining trust and system acceptance. The second study was a qualitative focus group analysis incorporating both young and older drivers, aiming to distill anxiety-inducing scenarios in automated driving and pinpoint potential intervention strategies and feedback modalities. This was followed by two driving simulator evaluations. The third study was observational, seeking to discern correlations among personality attributes, anxiety, and trust in automated driving systems. The fourth study employed cognitive reappraisal for anxiety reduction in automated driving. Analysis indicated the efficacy of the empathic interface leveraging cognitive reappraisal as an effective anxiety amelioration tool. Particularly in the self-efficacy reappraisal context, this influence influenced trust, user experience, and anxiety markers. Cumulatively, this dissertation provides key design guidelines for anxiety mitigation in automated driving, and highlights design elements pivotal to augmenting user experiences in scenarios where drivers relinquish vehicular control. / Doctor of Philosophy / An extent amount of research has uncovered how negative affect, most prominently driving anger and road rage, impairs driving performance and experience. However, as driving automation will gradually relegate drivers to the position of vehicle occupants, a need exists to identify the impact of other negative emotions on driving experience. Some research suggests that anxiety could negatively influence trust and acceptance of automation, though it is still unclear how exactly this influence changes based on user profiles nor how to adequately respond to it in a vehicle. This dissertation aims at understanding the impact of anxiety on automated driving experience and trust, and how researchers can apply empathic interface design to mitigate its effects. A series of studies evaluated the impact of anxiety in automated driving, user concerns and needs in anxious driving situations, and the influence of an empathic interface seeking anxiety mitigation in automated driving. The voice-agent enabled interface that used cognitive reappraisal had a significant impact on user experience and trust in automated vehicles.
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Exploring the use of a spoken Xhosa corpus for developing Xhosa additional language teaching matetrialsNomdebevana, Nozibele 2013 November 1900 (has links)
South African indigenous language teaching and learning materials do not provide sufficient information to help additional language learners learn the target languages effectively. While there are institutions that are tasked with developing and sharpening the skills of students in speaking South African indigenous languages, such students hardly, if at all master the art of speaking them eloquently. Students who study these languages in order to converse proficiently with their mother-tongue speakers experience insurmountable difficulties, in spite of various efforts made by the teachers who train them to read books on their own. Passing their examinations does not mean that the students’ ability to communicate with mother-tongue speakers will improve to the extent of eliminating the prevailing misunderstanding between the two groups. The persistence of this problem reveals a discrepancy between the studies of indigenous languages in South Africa and the way of speaking them, whereby important linguistic elements that make communication more authentic are excluded in language materials. This study analyses the use and significance of CIFWs in daily interactions by investigating the two Xhosa CIFWs words wethu and bethu. The overall aim of this study is to explore the use of a corpus in the examination of CIFWs in general, and wethu and bethu in particular. Both a quantitative approach based on the Gothenburg-Unisa spoken corpus and a qualitative approach based on Allwoods’ ACA theoretical framework were used in the analysis and description of the functions and significances of wethu and bethu as communicative and interactive function words. / Linguistics / MA ((Applied Linguistics)
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[pt] A tese investiga os princípios da pesquisa experimental para a criação de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. A base para este estudo é a pesquisa realizada no Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD) da PUC-Rio. Defendemos a tese de que a metodologia experimental para a pesquisa dessas técnicas se beneficia tanto de elementos da cultural material pré-industrial, quanto de técnicas informatizadas e do conhecimento universitário moderno. A partir do encontro desses diferentes saberes, a pesquisa experimental pode enriquecer seus parâmetros e ter maior potencial para a geração de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. A tese conta com o resultado da pesquisa em dois campos - uma aldeia indígena na Amazônia e o laboratório CPI (Construction Process Investigation), da Universidade do Havaí. Também é feita a descrição de oficinas realizadas para o compartilhamento de técnicas desenvolvidas no laboratório. A partir dos elementos, apresentamos um debate acerca da pesquisa e do desenvolvimento de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social e concluímos que o encontro entre os conhecimentos da cultura material de sociedades pré-industriais e da pesquisa acadêmica ligada à indústria potencializa a metodologia da pesquisa de técnicas em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. / [en] This thesis investigates the principles of the experimental research for the creation of objects that are in harmony with the physical and social environments. The base for this study is the research done in the Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD). We defend the idea that the experimental methodology in this kind of research is enrichened both by elements of pre-industrial material culture and by modern academic knowledge. With these different knowledges, experimental research can enrich its parameters and have greater potential to create objects in harmony with the physical and social environments. Thus, the thesis has the result of two fiel researches - and indigenous village in the Amazon and the CPI (Construction Process Innovation) lab of the University of Hawaii. There is also a description of workshops that have been done to share the techniques developed in the laboratory. Based on these elements, we present a discussion about the experimental research and about the development of objects in harmony with the physical and social environments, and we come to the conclusion that the integration of elements of pre-industrial societies and of academic research related to the industry favors to the development of the methodology for research of techniques in harmony with the physical and social environments.
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Connectedness : Designing interactive systems that foster togetherness as a form of resilience for people in social distancing during Covid-19 pandemic. Exploring novel user experiences in the intersection between light perception, tangible interactions and social interaction design (SxD).Iezzi, Valeria January 2020 (has links)
This thesis project explores how interactive technologies can facilitate a sense of social connectedness with others whilst remotely located. While studying the way humans use rituals for emotional management, I focused my interest on the act of commensality because it is one of the oldest and most important rituals used to foster togetherness among families and groups of friends. Dining with people who do not belong to the same household is of course hard during a global pandemic, just like many of the other forms of social interactions that were forcibly replaced by the use of technological means such as video-chat apps, instant messaging and perhaps an excessive use of social networking websites. These ways of staying connected, however, lack the subtleties of real physical interaction, which I tried to replicate with my prototype system, which consists of two sets of a lamp and a coaster which enable to communicate through light and tactile cues. The use of such devices creates a new kind of ritual based on the simultaneous use of the devices by two people, thus enabling a new and original form of commensality that happens through a shared synchronized experience.
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